php MathGenerateTests.php MathTest * in the maitenance folder of the Math extension. * 3. Test local e.g. via * sudo php /vagrant/mediawiki/tests/phpunit/phpunit.php * /vagrant/mediawiki/extensions/Math/tests/MathCoverageTest.php * (If you don't use sudo you might have problems with the permissions set at vagrant.) * * @covers MathRenderer * * @group Extensions * @group Math * * @license GNU GPL v2+ */ class MathCoverageTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { protected static $hasTexvc; protected static $texvcPath; public static function setUpBeforeClass() { global $wgTexvc; if ( is_executable( $wgTexvc ) ) { wfDebugLog( __CLASS__, " using build in texvc from " . "\$wgMathTexvcCheckExecutable = $wgTexvc" ); # Using build-in self::$hasTexvc = true; self::$texvcPath = $wgTexvc; } else { # Attempt to compile wfDebugLog( __CLASS__, " compiling texvc..." ); $cmd = 'cd ' . dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/math; make --always-make 2>&1'; wfShellExec( $cmd, $retval ); if ( $retval === 0 ) { self::$hasTexvc = true; self::$texvcPath = dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/math/texvc'; wfDebugLog( __CLASS__, ' compiled texvc at ' . self::$texvcPath ); } else { wfDebugLog( __CLASS__, ' ocaml not available or compilation of texvc failed' ); } } } /** * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); if ( ! self::$hasTexvc ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "No texvc installed on server" ); } else { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgTexvc', self::$texvcPath ); } } /** * Loops over all test cases provided by the provider function. * Compares each the rendering result of each input with the expected output. * @dataProvider provideCoverage */ public function testCoverage( $input, $output ) { // TODO: Make rendering mode configurable // TODO: Provide test-ids // TODO: Link to the wikipage that contains the reference rendering $this->assertEquals( $this->normalize( $output ), $this->normalize( MathRenderer::renderMath( $input, [], 'png' ) ), "Failed to render $input" ); } /** * Gets the test-data from the file ParserTest.json * @return string[] [ $input, $output ] where $input is the test input string * and $output is the rendered html5-output string */ public function provideCoverage() { return json_decode( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/ParserTest.json' ) ); } private function normalize( $input ) { return preg_replace( '#src="(.*?)/(([a-f]|\d)*).png"#', 'src="\2.png"', $input ); } }