/* Document : ext.math Created on : 23.09.2013, 13:55:00 Author : Physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) Description: Shows browser-dependent math output. */ /* Default style for MathML. */ .mwe-math-mathml-inline { display: none; } .mwe-math-mathml-display { display: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } @namespace m url('http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'); m|math { /* Try OpenType MATH fonts, the WOFF fallback and the old math fonts */ font-family: Cambria Math, Latin Modern Math, STIX Math, LatinModernMathWOFF, MathJax_Main, STIXGeneral, serif; } @font-face { /* WOFF version of Latin Modern Math. See https://github.com/fred-wang/MathFonts */ font-family: LatinModernMathWOFF; src: url(./LatinModern/latinmodern-math.woff); } /* Default style for SVG. */ img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-inline { display: none; } img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-display { display: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } /* Default style for the PNG fallback. */ img.mwe-math-fallback-png-inline { display: inline; vertical-align: middle; } img.mwe-math-fallback-png-display { display: block; } /* Default style for the source fallback. */ .mwe-math-fallback-source-inline { display: inline; vertical-align: middle; } .mwe-math-fallback-source-display { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Browser-specific hacks are bad but let's use that for now... See http://browserhacks.com/ */ /* For all browsers but IE < 9, hide the PNG fallback and show the SVG instead. We override the default style for PNG and SVG above */ :root * > img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-inline { display: inline; } :root * > img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-display { display: block; } :root * > img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-inline + img.mwe-math-fallback-png-inline, :root * > img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-display + img.mwe-math-fallback-png-display { display: none; } @-moz-document url-prefix() { /* For Gecko browsers, hide the SVG fallback and show the MathML instead. We override the style for SVG and MathML above */ .mwe-math-mathml-inline { display: inline; } .mwe-math-mathml-display { display: block; } :root * > .mwe-math-mathml-inline + img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-inline, :root * > .mwe-math-mathml-display + img.mwe-math-fallback-svg-display { display: none; } }