(* vim: set sw=8 ts=8 et: *) exception LexerException of string (* *) let lexer_token_safe lexbuf = try Lexer.token lexbuf with Failure s -> raise (LexerException s) (* *) let render tree = let outtex = Util.mapjoin Texutil.render_tex tree in begin print_string ("+" ^ outtex); end (* TODO: document * Arguments: * 1st : tex input string * * Output one character: * E : Lexer exception raised * F : TeX function not recognized * S : Parsing error * - : Generic/Default failure code. Might be an invalid argument, * output file already exist, a problem with an external * command ... *) let _ = try render ( Parser.tex_expr lexer_token_safe ( Lexing.from_string Sys.argv.(1)) ) with Parsing.Parse_error -> print_string "S" | LexerException _ -> print_string "E" | Texutil.Illegal_tex_function s -> print_string ("F" ^ s) | Invalid_argument _ -> print_string "-" | Failure _ -> print_string "-" | _ -> print_string "-"