MathJax: Support localizations of MathJax

Adding the localizations which I missed when updating to 2.2 in
Forward the userlanguage from MediaWiki to MathJax
Note that MathJax preserves selected language in cookies, so once set,
you need to manually switch it every single time.

Bug: 35038
Change-Id: Ibf43a3e44ea2bfdbd9fddc01c71c72ba097ff1b7
This commit is contained in:
Derk-Jan Hartman 2013-06-04 21:30:13 +02:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
parent bace81d6db
commit df9cfe846b
22 changed files with 337 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/de/FontWarnings.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("de","FontWarnings",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{webFont:"MathJax nutz web-basierte Fonts zur Darstellung der Mathematik auf dieser Seite. Da diese heruntergeladen werden m\u00FCssen, l\u00E4dt die Seite schneller, wenn Mathe-Fonts auf dem System installiert sind.",imageFonts:"MathJax nutzt Bild-Fonts stall lokaler Fonts oder Webfonts. Das Laden dauert l\u00E4nger als erwartet und Drucken wird evtl. nicht in bester Qualit\u00E4t m\u00F6glich sein.",noFonts:"MathJax kann keinen Font zur Darstellung der Mathematik finden und Bild-Fonts sind nicht verf\u00FCgbar. MathJax weicht auf generische Unicode-Zeichen aus in der Hoffnung, der Browser kann diese darstellen. Einige oder alle Zeichen k\u00F6nnten nicht korrekt dargestellt werden.",webFonts:"Die meisten modernen Browser k\u00F6nnen Fonts aus dem Web laden. Um die Qualit\u00E4t der Mathematik auf dieser Seite zu verbessern, sollten Sie ein Update auf eine aktuelle Version des Browsers vornehmen (oder einen aktuellen Browser installieren).",fonts:"MathJax kann [STIX Fonts](%1) oder [MathJax TeX Fonts](%2) verwenden. Herunterladen und installieren dieser Fonts wird Ihre MathJax-Erfahrung verbessern.",STIXPage:"Diese Seite ist optimiert fuer [STIX Fonts](%1). Herunterladen und installieren dieser Fonts wird Ihre MathJax-Erfahrung verbessern.",TeXPage:"Diese Seite ist optimiert fuer [MathJax TeX Fonts](%1). Herunterladen und installieren dieser Fonts wird Ihre MathJax-Erfahrung verbessern."}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/de/FontWarnings.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/de/HTML-CSS.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/de/HTML-CSS.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("de","HTML-CSS",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{LoadWebFont:"Lade Webfont %1",CantLoadWebFont:"Kann Webfont %1 nicht laden",FirefoxCantLoadWebFont:"Firefox kann Webfonts nicht von entferntem Computer laden",CantFindFontUsing:"Kein g\u00FCltiger Font fuer %1 verf\u00FCgbar",WebFontsNotAvailable:"Webfonts nicht verf\u00FCgbar -- benutze Bildfont"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/de/HTML-CSS.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/de/HelpDialog.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/de/HelpDialog.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("de","HelpDialog",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{Help:"MathJax Hilfe",MathJax:"*MathJax* ist eine JavaScript-Bibliothek, die Autoren erlaubt, Ihren Webseiten mathematische Inhalte hinzuzuf\u00FCgen. Als Besucher m\u00FCssen sie nichts zus\u00E4tzliches tun, damit MathJax funktioniert.",Browsers:"*Browser*: MathJax ist kompatibel zu allen modernen Webbrowsern inklusive IE6+, Firefox 3+, Chrome 0.2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9.6+ und g\u00E4ngigen mobilen Browsern.",Menu:"*Mathe Men\u00FC*: MathJax f\u00FCgt ein Kontextmen\u00FC bei allen Formeln hinzu. Es wird mit Rechtsklick oder STRG+Linksklick auf einer Formel aufgerufen.",ShowMath:"*Zeige Mathe als* erlaubt es, eine Formel im Quellformat anzuzeigen, um Kopieren und Einf\u00FCgen (als MathML oder im Originalformat) zu erm00F6glichen.",Settings:"*Einstellungen* erlabut es, das Verhalten von MathJax zu modifizieren, so z.B. die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe der Mathematik sowie den Ausgabemechanismus.",Language:"*Sprache* erlaubt es, die Sprache zu wechseln, die MathJax im Men\u00FC und den Warnmeldungen verwendent.",Zoom:"*Zoom*: Falls das Lesen der Formeln schwer f\u00E4llt, kann MathJax diese vergr\u00F6\u00DFern, um es zu erleichtern.",Accessibilty:"*Barrierfreiheit*: MathJax arbeite automatisch mit g\u00E4ngigen Screenreadern zusammen, um Mathematik barrierefrei darzustellen.",Fonts:"*Fonts*: MathJax benutzt gewisse mathematische Fonts, falls sie auf dem Systeminstalliert sind; ansonsten verwendet es Webfonts. Obwohl nicht notwendig, k\u00F6nnen installierte Fonts den Textsatz beschleunigen. Wir empfehlen, die [STIX fonts](%1) zu installieren."}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/de/HelpDialog.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/de/MathML.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/de/MathML.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("de","MathML",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{BadMglyph:"Schlechter mglpyh: %1",BadMglyphFont:"Schlechter Font: %1",MathPlayer:"MathJax konnnte MathPlayer nicht einrichten.\n\nFalls MathPlayer nicht installiert ist, muss es erst installiert werden.\nEventuell blockieren die Sicherheitsoptionen ActiveX; \u00FCberpr\u00FCfen Sie\nunter 'Internetoptionen' -> 'Sicherheit' -> 'Stufe Anpassen',\nob ActiveX aktiviert ist.\n\nBei der jetzigen Konfiguration wird MathJax nur Fehlermeldungen anzeigen.",CantCreateXMLParser:"MathJax kann keinen XML-Parser f\u00FC r MathML erzeugen. \u00DC berpr\u00FC fen Sie die Einstellungen unter\n'Internetoptionen'-> 'Werkzeuge' -> 'Sicherheit' -> 'Stufe Anpassen'\nund aktivieren sie ActiveX.\n\nMathJax kann sonst kein MathML verarbeiten.",UnknownNodeType:"Unbekannter Knotentyp: %1",UnexpectedTextNode:"Unbekannter Textknoten: %1",ErrorParsingMathML:"Fehler beim Parsen von MathML",ParsingError:"Fehler beim Parsen von MathML: %1",MathMLSingleElement:"MathML muss ein einzelnes <math> Element sein",MathMLRootElement:"MathML muss ein einzelnes <math> Element sein, nicht %1"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/de/MathML.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/de/MathMenu.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/de/MathMenu.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("de","MathMenu",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{Show:"Zeige Mathe als",MathMLcode:"MathML Code",OriginalMathML:"Original MathML",TeXCommands:"Original TeX",AsciiMathInput:"Original AsciiMathML",Original:"Originalform",ErrorMessage:"Fehlermeldung",texHints:"TeX Tipps in MathML",Settings:"Einstellungen",ZoomTrigger:"Zoom ausl\u00F6sen",Hover:"Hover",Click:"Klick",DoubleClick:"Doppelklick",NoZoom:"Kein Zoom",TriggerRequires:"Ausl\u00F6ser ben\u00F6tigt:",Option:"Option",Alt:"Alt",Command:"Command",Control:"Steuerung",Shift:"Shift",ZoomFactor:"Zoomfaktor",Renderer:"Mathe Renderer",MPHandles:"An MathPlayer \u00FCbergeben:",MenuEvents:"Men\u00FC Events",MouseEvents:"Maus Events",MenuAndMouse:"Maus und Men\u00FC Events",FontPrefs:"Font Einstellungen",ForHTMLCSS:"F\u00FCr HTML-CSS",Auto:"Auto",TeXLocal:"TeX (lokal)",TeXWeb:"TeX (Web)",TeXImage:"TeX (Bild)",STIXLocal:"STIX (lokal)",ContextMenu:"Kontextmen\u00FC ",Browser:"Browser",Scale:"Alle Mathe skalieren ...",Discoverable:"Highlight durch Hovern",Locale:"Sprache",LoadLocale:"Von URL laden ...",About:"\u00DCber MathJax",Help:"MathJax Hilfe",localTeXfonts:"Lokale TeX-Fonts verwendet",webTeXfonts:"Web TeX-Fonts verwendet",imagefonts:"Bild-Fonts verwendet",localSTIXfonts:"Lokale STIX-Fonts verwendet",webSVGfonts:"Web SVG-fonts verwendet",genericfonts:"Generische Unicode-Fonts verwendet",wofforotffonts:"WOFF- oder OTF-Fonts",eotffonts:"EOT-Fonts",svgfonts:"SVG-Fonts",WebkitNativeMMLWarning:"Ihr Browser scheint MathML nicht zu unterst\u00FCtzen, so dass ein Wechsel zur MathML-Ausgabe die Mathematik auf der Seite unlesbar machen k\u00F6nnte.",MSIENativeMMLWarning:"Internet Explorer ben\u00F6tigt das MathPlayer Plugin, um MathML-Ausgabe darstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.",OperaNativeMMLWarning:"Opera's MathML unterst\u00FCtzung ist beschr\u00E4nkt, so dass beim Wechsel zur MathML-Ausgabe einige Ausdr\u00FCcke schlecht gerendert werden.",SafariNativeMMLWarning:"Die MathML-Unterst\u00FCtzung Ihres Browsers beherrscht nicht alle MathJax-Features, so dass einige Ausdr\u00FCcke schlecht gerendert werden.",FirefoxNativeMMLWarning:"Die MathML-Unterst\u00FCtzung Ihres Browsers beherrscht nicht alle MathJax-Features, so dass einige Ausdr\u00FCcke schlecht gerendert werden.",MSIESVGWarning:"Internet Explorer unterst\u00FCtzt SVG erst ab IE9 und nicht im IE8-Emulationsmodus. Beim Wechsel zur SVG-Ausgabe wird die Mathematik nicht richtig dargestellt.",LoadURL:"Sprachschema von URL laden:",BadURL:"URL muss eine JavaScript-Datei f\u00FCr MathJax Sprachschema verlinken. JavaScript Dateinamen sollten auf '.js' enden.",BadData:"Fehler beim Laden des Sprachschema von %1",SwitchAnyway:"Renderer trotzdem \u00E4ndern?\n\n(Mit OK wechseln, mit ABBRECHEN den akt\u00FCllen Renderer verwenden)",ScaleMath:"Alle Mathematik skalieren (relativ zum umgebenden Text)",NonZeroScale:"Skalierung darf nicht Null sein",PercentScale:"Skalierung muss in Prozent sein (z.B. 120%%)",IE8warning:"Dies Deaktiviert das MathJax Men\u00FC und den MathJax Zoom. Alt+Klick auf eine Formel zeigt weiter das MathJax-Men\u00FC.\n\nWirklich MathPlayer Einstellungen \u00E4ndern?",IE9warning:"Das MathJax Men\u00FC wird deaktiviert und kann nur durch Alt+Klick auf eine Formel angezeigt werden.",NoOriginalForm:"Keine Originalform verf\u00FCgbar",Close:"Schliessen",EqSource:"Original MathJax Formel"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/de/MathMenu.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/de/TeX.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/de/TeX.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("de","TeX",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{ExtraOpenMissingClose:"Zus\u00E4tzliche offene oder fehlende schliessende Klammer",ExtraCloseMissingOpen:"Zus\u00E4tzliche schliessende oder fehlende offene Klammer",MissingLeftExtraRight:"Fehlendes '\\left' oder zus\u00E4tzliches '\\right'",MissingScript:"Fehlendes Argument im Sub- oder Superskript",ExtraLeftMissingRight:"Zus\u00E4tzliches '\\left' oder fehlendes '\\right'",Misplaced:"%1 falsch plaziert",MissingOpenForSub:"Fehlende offende Klammer im Subskript",MissingOpenForSup:"Fehlende offene Klammer im Superskript",AmbiguousUseOf:"Mehrdeutige Verwendung von %1",EnvBadEnd:"\\begin{%1} endet mit \\end{%2}",EnvMissingEnd:"\\end{%1} fehlt",MissingBoxFor:"Fehlende Box: %1",MissingCloseBrace:"Fehlende geschlossene Klammer",UndefinedControlSequence:"Nicht definierter Befehl: %1",DoubleExponent:"Doppeltes Superskript: verwende Klammern zum Gruppieren",DoubleSubscripts:"Doppeltes Subskript: verwende Klammern zum Gruppieren",DoubleExponentPrime:"Prime f\u00FChrt zu doppeltem Superskript: verwende Klammern zum Gruppieren ",CantUseHash1:"Das Zeichen '#' ist ein Makroparameter und kann nicht im Mathematikmodus verwendet werden.",MisplacedMiddle:"%1 muss zwischen '\\left' und '\\right' stehen",MisplacedLimits:"%1 ist nur bei Operatoren erlaubt",MisplacedMoveRoot:"%1 muss innerhalb einer Wurzel stehen",MultipleCommand:"Zu viele %1",IntegerArg:"Das Argument in %1 muss ganzzahlig sein",NotMathMLToken:"%1 ist kein Token-Element",InvalidMathMLAttr:"Unzul\u00E4ssiges MathML-Attribut: %1",UnknownAttrForElement:"%1 ist kein zul\u00E4ssiges Attribut f\u00FCr %2",MaxMacroSub1:"Maximale Anzahl an Makros ist erreicht; wird ein rekursiver Makroaufruf verwendet?",MaxMacroSub2:"Maximale Anzahl an Substitutionen ist erreicht; wird eine rekursive LaTeX-Umgebung verwendet?",MissingArgFor:"Fehlendes Argument in %1",ExtraAlignTab:"Zus\u00E4tzliches & im '\\cases' Text",BracketMustBeDimension:"Das geklammerte Argument f\u00FCr %1 muss eine Dimension sein",InvalidEnv:"Ung\u00FCltiger Umgebungsname %1",UnknownEnv:"Ung\u00FCltige Umgebung %1",ExtraClose:"Zus\u00E4tzliche geschlossene Klammer",ExtraCloseLooking:"Zus\u00E4tzliche geschlossene Klammer w\u00E4hrend der Suche nach %1",MissingCloseBracket:"Argument zu %1 wurde nicht mit ']' geschlossen",MissingOrUnrecognizedDelim:"Fehlender oder nichterkannter Delimiter bei %1",MissingDimOrUnits:"Fehlende Dimension oder Einheiten bei %1",TokenNotFoundForCommand:"Konnte %1 nicht f\u00FCr %2 finden",MathNotTerminated:"Formel in Textbox nicht abgeschlossen",IllegalMacroParam:"Ung\u00FC ltiger Makroparameter",MaxBufferSize:"Interner Puffergr\u00F6\u00DFe \u00FCberschritten; wird ein rekursiver Makroaufruf verwendet?",CommandNotAllowedInEnv:"%1 ist nicht in Umgebung %2 erlaubt",MultipleLabel:"Label '%1' \u00FCberdefiniert",CommandAtTheBeginingOfLine:"%1 muss am Zeilenanfang stehen",IllegalAlign:"Ung\u00FCltige Ausrichtung in %1",BadMathStyleFor:"Schlechtes 'math style' Argument: %1",PositiveIntegerArg:"Argument bei %1 muss positiv und ganzzahlig sein",ErroneousNestingEq:"Fehlerhafte Verschachtelung von Gleichungen",MultlineRowsOneCol:"Zeilen in multiline Umgebung m\u00FC ssen genau eine Spalte haben",MultipleBBoxProperty:"%1 wurde zweimal in %2 angegeben",InvalidBBoxProperty:"'%1' scheint keine Farbe, Padding-Dimension oder Stil zu sein",ExtraEndMissingBegin:"Zus\u00E4tzliches oder Fehlendes \\begingroup",GlobalNotFollowedBy:"%1 nicht von '\\let', '\\def' oder '\\newcommand' gefolgt",UndefinedColorModel:"Farbmodell '%1' nicht definiert",ModelArg1:"Farbwerte f\u00FCr Farbmodell '%1' ben\u00F6tigen 3 Werte",InvalidDecimalNumber:"Ung\u00FCltige Dezimalzahl",ModelArg2:"Farbwerte f\u00FCr Farbmodell '%1' m\u00FCssen zwischen %2 und %3 liegen",InvalidNumber:"Ung\u00FCltige Zahl",NewextarrowArg1:"Das erste Argument von %1 muss Name einer Befehlsfolge sein",NewextarrowArg2:"Zweites Argument von %1 m\u00FCssen zwei ganze Zahlen, durch Komma getrennt, sein",NewextarrowArg3:"Drittes argument von %1 m\u00FCssen Unicode-Nummern sein",NoClosingChar:"Kann geschlossene %1 nicht finden",IllegalControlSequenceName:"Ung\u00FCltige Befehlsfolge",IllegalParamNumber:"Ung\u00FCltige Anzahl von Parametern in %1",DoubleBackSlash:"\\ muss von Befehlsfolge gefolgt werden",CantUseHash2:"Ung\u00FCltige Verwendung von # im Template von %1",SequentialParam:"Parameter von %1 m\u00FCssen durch nummeriert sein",MissingReplacementString:"Ersetzende Zeichenkette f\u00FCr Definition von %1 fehlt",MismatchUseDef:"Verwendung von %1 passt nicht zur Definition",RunawayArgument:"Nichtgeschlossenes Argument f\u00FCr %1?",NoClosingDelim:"Kein schliessender Delimiter f\u00FCr %1"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/de/TeX.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/de/de.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/de/de.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("de",null,{menuTitle:"Deutsch",version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,domains:{_:{isLoaded:true,version:"2.2",strings:{CookieConfig:"MathJax hat eine Cookie mit ausf\u00FChrbaren Code gefunden. Soll dieser Code ausgef\u00FChrt werden?\n\n(Klicken Sie 'Abbrechen' falls Sie das Cookie nicht selber akzeptiert haben.)",MathProcessingError:"Mathe Verarbeitungsfehler",MathError:"Mathe Fehler",LoadFile:"Lade %1",Loading:"Laden",LoadFailed:"Datei konnte nicht geladen werden: %1",ProcessMath:"Mathe Verarbeitung: %1%%",Processing:"Verarbeiten",TypesetMath:"Mathe wird gesetzt: %1%%",Typesetting:"Setzen",MathJaxNotSupported:"Ihr Webbrowser unterst\u00FCtzt MathJax nicht"}},MathMenu:{},FontWarnings:{},HelpDialog:{},TeX:{},MathML:{},"HTML-CSS":{}},plural:function(a){if(a===1){return 1}return 2},number:function(a){return String(a).replace(".",",")}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/de/de.js");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/en/FontWarnings.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("en","FontWarnings",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{webFont:"MathJax is using web-based fonts to display the mathematics on this page. These take time to download, so the page would render faster if you installed math fonts directly in your system's font folder.",imageFonts:"MathJax is using its image fonts rather than local or web-based fonts. This will render slower than usual, and the mathematics may not print at the full resolution of your printer.",noFonts:"MathJax is unable to locate a font to use to display its mathematics, and image fonts are not available, so it is falling back on generic unicode characters in hopes that your browser will be able to display them. Some characters may not show up properly, or possibly not at all.",webFonts:"Most modern browsers allow for fonts to be downloaded over the web. Updating to a more recent version of your browser (or changing browsers) could improve the quality of the mathematics on this page.",fonts:"MathJax can use either the [STIX fonts](%1) or the [MathJax TeX fonts](%2). Download and install one of those fonts to improve your MathJax experience.",STIXPage:"This page is designed to use the [STIX fonts](%1). Download and install those fonts to improve your MathJax experience.",TeXPage:"This page is designed to use the [MathJax TeX fonts](%1). Download and install those fonts to improve your MathJax experience."}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/en/FontWarnings.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/en/HTML-CSS.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/en/HTML-CSS.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("en","HTML-CSS",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{LoadWebFont:"Loading web-font %1",CantLoadWebFont:"Can't load web font %1",FirefoxCantLoadWebFont:"Firefox can't load web fonts from a remote host",CantFindFontUsing:"Can't find a valid font using %1",WebFontsNotAvailable:"Web-Fonts not available -- using image fonts instead"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/en/HTML-CSS.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/en/HelpDialog.js vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/en/HelpDialog.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("en","HelpDialog",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{Help:"MathJax Help",MathJax:"*MathJax* is a JavaScript library that allows page authors to include mathematics within their web pages. As a reader, you don't need to do anything to make that happen.",Browsers:"*Browsers*: MathJax works with all modern browsers including IE6+, Firefox 3+, Chrome 0.2+, Safari 2+, Opera 9.6+ and most mobile browsers.",Menu:"*Math Menu*: MathJax adds a contextual menu to equations. Right-click or CTRL-click on any mathematics to access the menu.",ShowMath:"*Show Math As* allows you to view the formula's source markup for copy & paste (as MathML or in its original format).",Settings:"*Settings* gives you control over features of MathJax, such as the size of the mathematics, and the mechanism used to display equations.",Language:"*Language* lets you select the language used by MathJax for its menus and warning messages.",Zoom:"*Math Zoom*: If you are having difficulty reading an equation, MathJax can enlarge it to help you see it better.",Accessibilty:"*Accessibility*: MathJax will automatically work with screen readers to make mathematics accessible to the visually impaired.",Fonts:"*Fonts*: MathJax will use certain math fonts if they are installed on your computer; otherwise, it will use web-based fonts. Although not required, locally installed fonts will speed up typesetting. We suggest installing the [STIX fonts](%1)."}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/en/HelpDialog.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/en/MathML.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/en/MathML.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("en","MathML",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{BadMglyph:"Bad mglyph: %1",BadMglyphFont:"Bad font: %1",MathPlayer:"MathJax was not able to set up MathPlayer.\n\nIf MathPlayer is not installed, you need to install it first.\nOtherwise, your security settings may be preventing ActiveX \ncontrols from running. Use the Internet Options item under\nthe Tools menu and select the Security tab, then press the\nCustom Level button. Check that the settings for\n'Run ActiveX Controls', and 'Binary and script behaviors'\nare enabled.\n\nCurrently you will see error messages rather than\ntypeset mathematics.",CantCreateXMLParser:"MathJax can't create an XML parser for MathML. Check that\nthe 'Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting' security\nsetting is enabled (use the Internet Options item in the Tools\nmenu, and select the Security panel, then press the Custom Level\nbutton to check this).\n\nMathML equations will not be able to be processed by MathJax.",UnknownNodeType:"Unknown node type: %1",UnexpectedTextNode:"Unexpected text node: %1",ErrorParsingMathML:"Error parsing MathML",ParsingError:"Error parsing MathML: %1",MathMLSingleElement:"MathML must be formed by a single element",MathMLRootElement:"MathML must be formed by a <math> element, not %1"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/en/MathML.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/en/MathMenu.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/en/MathMenu.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("en","MathMenu",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{Show:"Show Math As",MathMLcode:"MathML Code",OriginalMathML:"Original MathML",TeXCommands:"TeX Commands",AsciiMathInput:"AsciiMathML input",Original:"Original Form",ErrorMessage:"Error Message",texHints:"Show TeX hints in MathML",Settings:"Math Settings",ZoomTrigger:"Zoom Trigger",Hover:"Hover",Click:"Click",DoubleClick:"Double-Click",NoZoom:"No Zoom",TriggerRequires:"Trigger Requires:",Option:"Option",Alt:"Alt",Command:"Command",Control:"Control",Shift:"Shift",ZoomFactor:"Zoom Factor",Renderer:"Math Renderer",MPHandles:"Let MathPlayer Handle:",MenuEvents:"Menu Events",MouseEvents:"Mouse Events",MenuAndMouse:"Mouse and Menu Events",FontPrefs:"Font Preferences",ForHTMLCSS:"For HTML-CSS:",Auto:"Auto",TeXLocal:"TeX (local)",TeXWeb:"TeX (web)",TeXImage:"TeX (image)",STIXLocal:"STIX (local)",ContextMenu:"Contextual Menu",Browser:"Browser",Scale:"Scale All Math ...",Discoverable:"Highlight on Hover",Locale:"Language",LoadLocale:"Load from URL ...",About:"About MathJax",Help:"MathJax Help",localTeXfonts:"using local TeX fonts",webTeXfonts:"using web TeX font",imagefonts:"using Image fonts",localSTIXfonts:"using local STIX fonts",webSVGfonts:"using web SVG fonts",genericfonts:"using generic unicode fonts",wofforotffonts:"woff or otf fonts",eotffonts:"eot fonts",svgfonts:"svg fonts",WebkitNativeMMLWarning:"Your browser doesn't seem to support MathML natively, so switching to MathML output may cause the mathematics on the page to become unreadable.",MSIENativeMMLWarning:"Internet Explorer requires the MathPlayer plugin in order to process MathML output.",OperaNativeMMLWarning:"Opera's support for MathML is limited, so switching to MathML output may cause some expressions to render poorly.",SafariNativeMMLWarning:"Your browser's native MathML does not implement all the features used by MathJax, so some expressions may not render properly.",FirefoxNativeMMLWarning:"Your browser's native MathML does not implement all the features used by MathJax, so some expressions may not render properly.",MSIESVGWarning:"SVG is not implemented in Internet Explorer prior to IE9 or when it is emulating IE8 or below. Switching to SVG output will cause the mathematics to not display properly.",LoadURL:"Load translation data from this URL:",BadURL:"The URL should be for a javascript file that defines MathJax translation data. Javascript file names should end with '.js'",BadData:"Failed to load translation data from %1",SwitchAnyway:"Switch the renderer anyway?\n\n(Press OK to switch, CANCEL to continue with the current renderer)",ScaleMath:"Scale all mathematics (compared to surrounding text) by",NonZeroScale:"The scale should not be zero",PercentScale:"The scale should be a percentage (e.g., 120%%)",IE8warning:"This will disable the MathJax menu and zoom features, but you can Alt-Click on an expression to obtain the MathJax menu instead.\n\nReally change the MathPlayer settings?",IE9warning:"The MathJax contextual menu will be disabled, but you can Alt-Click on an expression to obtain the MathJax menu instead.",NoOriginalForm:"No original form available",Close:"Close",EqSource:"MathJax Equation Source"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/en/MathMenu.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/en/TeX.js vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/en/TeX.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("en","TeX",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{ExtraOpenMissingClose:"Extra open brace or missing close brace",ExtraCloseMissingOpen:"Extra close brace or missing open brace",MissingLeftExtraRight:"Missing \\left or extra \\right",MissingScript:"Missing superscript or subscript argument",ExtraLeftMissingRight:"Extra \\left or missing \\right",Misplaced:"Misplaced %1",MissingOpenForSub:"Missing open brace for subscript",MissingOpenForSup:"Missing open brace for superscript",AmbiguousUseOf:"Ambiguous use of %1",EnvBadEnd:"\\begin{%1} ended with \\end{%2}",EnvMissingEnd:"Missing \\end{%1}",MissingBoxFor:"Missing box for %1",MissingCloseBrace:"Missing close brace",UndefinedControlSequence:"Undefined control sequence %1",DoubleExponent:"Double exponent: use braces to clarify",DoubleSubscripts:"Double subscripts: use braces to clarify",DoubleExponentPrime:"Prime causes double exponent: use braces to clarify",CantUseHash1:"You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode",MisplacedMiddle:"%1 must be within \\left and \\right",MisplacedLimits:"%1 is allowed only on operators",MisplacedMoveRoot:"%1 can appear only within a root",MultipleCommand:"Multiple %1",IntegerArg:"The argument to %1 must be an integer",NotMathMLToken:"%1 is not a token element",InvalidMathMLAttr:"Invalid MathML attribute: %1",UnknownAttrForElement:"%1 is not a recognized attribute for %2",MaxMacroSub1:"MathJax maximum macro substitution count exceeded; is there a recursive macro call?",MaxMacroSub2:"MathJax maximum substitution count exceeded; is there a recursive latex environment?",MissingArgFor:"Missing argument for %1",ExtraAlignTab:"Extra alignment tab in \\cases text",BracketMustBeDimension:"Bracket argument to %1 must be a dimension",InvalidEnv:"Invalid environment name '%1'",UnknownEnv:"Unknown environment '%1'",ExtraClose:"Extra close brace",ExtraCloseLooking:"Extra close brace while looking for %1",MissingCloseBracket:"Couldn't find closing ']' for argument to %1",MissingOrUnrecognizedDelim:"Missing or unrecognized delimiter for %1",MissingDimOrUnits:"Missing dimension or its units for %1",TokenNotFoundForCommand:"Couldn't find %1 for %2",MathNotTerminated:"Math not terminated in text box",IllegalMacroParam:"Illegal macro parameter reference",MaxBufferSize:"MathJax internal buffer size exceeded; is there a recursive macro call?",CommandNotAllowedInEnv:"%1 not allowed in %2 environment",MultipleLabel:"Label '%1' multiply defined",CommandAtTheBeginingOfLine:"%1 must come at the beginning of the line",IllegalAlign:"Illegal alignment specified in %1",BadMathStyleFor:"Bad math style for %1",PositiveIntegerArg:"Argument to %1 must me a positive integer",ErroneousNestingEq:"Erroneous nesting of equation structures",MultlineRowsOneCol:"The rows within the %1 environment must have exactly one column",MultipleBBoxProperty:"%1 specified twice in %2",InvalidBBoxProperty:"'%1' doesn't look like a color, a padding dimension, or a style",ExtraEndMissingBegin:"Extra %1 or missing \\begingroup",GlobalNotFollowedBy:"%1 not followed by \\let, \\def, or \\newcommand",UndefinedColorModel:"Color model '%1' not defined",ModelArg1:"Color values for the %1 model require 3 numbers",InvalidDecimalNumber:"Invalid decimal number",ModelArg2:"Color values for the %1 model must be between %2 and %3",InvalidNumber:"Invalid number",NewextarrowArg1:"First argument to %1 must be a control sequence name",NewextarrowArg2:"Second argument to %1 must be two integers separated by a comma",NewextarrowArg3:"Third argument to %1 must be a unicode character number",NoClosingChar:"Can't find closing %1",IllegalControlSequenceName:"Illegal control sequence name for %1",IllegalParamNumber:"Illegal number of parameters specified in %1",DoubleBackSlash:"\\ must be followed by a control sequence",CantUseHash2:"Illegal use of # in template for %1",SequentialParam:"Parameters for %1 must be numbered sequentially",MissingReplacementString:"Missing replacement string for definition of %1",MismatchUseDef:"Use of %1 doesn't match its definition",RunawayArgument:"Runaway argument for %1?",NoClosingDelim:"Can't find closing delimiter for %1"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/en/TeX.js");

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/en/en.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("en",null,{menuTitle:"English",version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,domains:{_:{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{CookieConfig:"MathJax has found a user-configuration cookie that includes code to be run. Do you want to run it?\n\n(You should press Cancel unless you set up the cookie yourself.)",MathProcessingError:"Math Processing Error",MathError:"Math Error",LoadFile:"Loading %1",Loading:"Loading",LoadFailed:"File failed to load: %1",ProcessMath:"Processing Math: %1%%",Processing:"Processing",TypesetMath:"Typesetting Math: %1%%",Typesetting:"Typesetting",MathJaxNotSupported:"Your browser does not support MathJax"}},MathMenu:{},FontWarnings:{},HelpDialog:{},TeX:{},MathML:{},"HTML-CSS":{}},plural:function(a){if(a===1){return 1}return 2},number:function(a){return a}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/en/en.js");

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/fr/FontWarnings.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("fr","FontWarnings",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{webFont:"MathJax utilise les polices Web pour afficher les expressions math\u00E9matiques sur cette page. Celles-ci mettent du temps \u00E0 \u00EAtre t\u00E9l\u00E9charg\u00E9es et la page serait affich\u00E9e plus rapidement si vous installiez les polices math\u00E9matiques directement dans le dossier des polices de votre syst\u00E8me.",imageFonts:"MathJax utilise des images de caract\u00E8res plut\u00F4t que les polices Web ou locales. Ceci rend le rendu plus lent que la normale et les expressions math\u00E9matiques peuvent ne pas s'imprimer \u00E0 la r\u00E9solution maximale de votre imprimante",noFonts:"MathJax n'est pas parvenu \u00E0 localiser une police pour afficher les expressions math\u00E9matiques et les images de caract\u00E8res ne sont pas disponibles. Comme solution de dernier recours, il utilise des caract\u00E8res Unicode g\u00E9n\u00E9riques en esp\u00E9rant que votre navigateur sera capable de les afficher. Certains pourront \u00EAtre rendus de fa\u00E7on incorrect voire pas du tout.",webFonts:"La plupart des navigateurs modernes permettent de t\u00E9l\u00E9charger des polices \u00E0 partir du Web. En mettant \u00E0 jour votre navigateur vers une version plus r\u00E9cente (ou en changeant de navigateur) la qualit\u00E9 des expressions math\u00E9matiques sur cette page pourrait \u00EAtre am\u00E9lior\u00E9e.",fonts:"MathJax peut utiliser les [Polices STIX](%1) ou bien les [Polices TeX de MathJax](%2). T\u00E9l\u00E9chargez et installez l'une de ces familles de polices pour am\u00E9liorer votre exp\u00E9rience avec MathJax.",TeXPage:"Cette page est con\u00E7ue pour utiliser les [Polices STIX](%1). T\u00E9l\u00E9chargez et installez ces polices pour am\u00E9liorer votre exp\u00E9rience avec MathJax",TeXPage:"Cette page est con\u00E7ue pour utiliser les [Polices TeX de MathJax](%1). T\u00E9l\u00E9chargez et installez ces polices pour am\u00E9liorer votre exp\u00E9rience avec MathJax"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/fr/FontWarnings.js");

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/fr/HTML-CSS.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("fr","HTML-CSS",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{LoadWebFont:"T\u00E9l\u00E9chargement de la police Web %1",CantLoadWebFont:"Impossible de t\u00E9l\u00E9charger la police Web %1",FirefoxCantLoadWebFont:"Firefox ne peut t\u00E9l\u00E9charger les polices Web \u00E0 partir d'un h\u00F4te distant",CantFindFontUsing:"Impossible de trouver une police valide en utilisant %1",WebFontsNotAvailable:"Polices Web non disponibles -- des images de caract\u00E8res vont \u00EAtre utilis\u00E9es \u00E0 la place"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/fr/HTML-CSS.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/fr/HelpDialog.js vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/fr/HelpDialog.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("fr","HelpDialog",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{Help:"Aide MathJax",MathJax:"*MathJax* est une librairie Javascript qui permet aux auteurs d'inclure des formules math\u00E9matiques au sein de leurs pages Web. Aucune action suppl\u00E9mentaire n'est n\u00E9cessaire de la part des visiteurs.",Browsers:"*Navigateurs*: MathJax fonctionne avec tous les navigateurs modernes y compris Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 3, Chrome 0.2, Safari 2, Opera 9.6 et leurs versions sup\u00E9rieures ainsi que la plupart des navigateurs pour mobiles et tablettes.",Menu:"*Menu Math\u00E9matiques*: MathJax ajoute un menu contextuel aux \u00E9quations. Acc\u00E9dez au menu en effectuant un clic droit ou un Ctrl+clic sur n'importe quelle formule math\u00E9matique.",ShowMath:"Le menu *Afficher sous forme* vous permet de voir le code source de la formule pour la copier et coller (sous forme MathML ou sous son format d'origine).",Settings:"Le menu *Param\u00E8tres* vous permet de contr\u00F4ler diverses caract\u00E9ristiques de MathJax, telles que la taille des formules math\u00E9matiques ou le m\u00E9canisme utilis\u00E9 pour afficher ces formules.",Language:"Le menu *Langue* vous permet de s\u00E9lectionnez la langue utilis\u00E9e par MathJax pour ses menus et messages d'avertissement.",Zoom:"*Math Zoom*: si vous rencontrez des difficult\u00E9s pour lire les formules math\u00E9matiques, MathJax peut les agrandir de fa\u00E7on \u00E0 ce qu'elles soient plus lisibles.",Accessibilty:"*Accessibilit\u00E9*: MathJax fonctionnera automatiquement avec les lecteurs d'\u00E9cran pour rendre les expressions math\u00E9matiques accessibles aux personnes malvoyantes.",Fonts:"*Polices*: MathJax utilisera certaines polices math\u00E9matiques si elles sont intall\u00E9es sur votre syst\u00E8me ou bien des polices Web dans le cas contraire. Bien que non recquises, ces polices install\u00E9es sur votre syst\u00E8me acc\u00E9lereront le rendu des expressions math\u00E9matiques. Nous recommandons d'installer les [Polices STIX](%1)."}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/fr/HelpDialog.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/fr/MathML.js vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/fr/MathML.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("fr","MathML",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{BadMglyph:"\u00C9lement mglyph incorrect: %1",BadMglyphFont:"Police de caract\u00E8re incorrecte: %1",MathPlayer:"MathJax n'est pas parvenu \u00E0 configurer MathPlayer.\n\nVous devez d'abord installer MathPlayer. Si c'est d\u00E9j\u00E0 le cas,\nvos param\u00E8tres de s\u00E9curit\u00E9s peuvent emp\u00EAcher l'ex\u00E9cution des\ncontr\u00F4les ActiveX. S\u00E9lectionnez Options Internet dans le menu\nOutils et s\u00E9lectionnez l'onglet S\u00E9curit\u00E9. Appuyez ensuite sur\nle menu Niveau Personalis\u00E9. Assurez vous que les param\u00E8tres\nEx\u00E9cution des contr\u00F4les ActiveX et Comportements des ex\u00E9cutables\net des scripts sont activ\u00E9s.\n\nActuellement, vous verrez des messages d'erreur \u00E0 la place des\nexpressions math\u00E9matiques.",CantCreateXMLParser:"MathJax ne peut cr\u00E9er un analyseur grammatical XML pour le MathML",UnknownNodeType:"Type de noeud inconnu: %1",UnexpectedTextNode:"Noeud de texte inattendu: %1",ErrorParsingMathML:"Erreur lors de l'analyse grammaticale du code MathML",ParsingError:"Erreur lors de l'analyse du code MathML: %1",MathMLSingleElement:"Le code MathML doit \u00EAtre form\u00E9 d'un unique \u00E9l\u00E9ment",MathMLRootElement:"Le code MathML doit \u00EAtre form\u00E9 d'un \u00E9l\u00E9ment <math> et non d'un \u00E9l\u00E9ment %1"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/fr/MathML.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/fr/MathMenu.js vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/fr/MathMenu.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("fr","MathMenu",{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{Show:"Afficher sous forme",MathMLcode:"de code MathML",OriginalMathML:"de code MathML originel",TeXCommands:"de commandes TeX",AsciiMathInput:"de code AsciiMathML",Original:"originelle",ErrorMessage:"de message d'erreur",texHints:"Inclure les donn\u00E9es TeX dans le MathML",Settings:"Param\u00E8tres",ZoomTrigger:"D\u00E9clenchement du zoom",Hover:"Survol de la souris",Click:"Clic de souris",DoubleClick:"Double-clic",NoZoom:"Pas de zoom",TriggerRequires:"Le d\u00E9clenchement n\u00E9cessite la touche",Option:"Option",Alt:"Alt",Command:"Command",Control:"Control",Shift:"Shift",ZoomFactor:"Facteur de zoom",Renderer:"Mode de rendu",MPHandles:"Laissez MathPlayer g\u00E9rer les",MenuEvents:"\u00C9v\u00E8nements du menu",MouseEvents:"\u00C9v\u00E8nements de la souris",MenuAndMouse:"\u00C9v\u00E8nements de menu et de la souris",FontPrefs:"Pr\u00E9f\u00E9rences des polices",ForHTMLCSS:"Pour le HTML-CSS:",Auto:"Auto",TeXLocal:"TeX (locales)",TeXWeb:"TeX (web)",TeXImage:"TeX (image)",STIXLocal:"STIX (locales)",ContextMenu:"Menu contextuel",Browser:"Navigateur",Scale:"Mise \u00E0 l'\u00E9chelle ...",Discoverable:"Mettez en surbrillance lors du survol",Locale:"Langue",LoadLocale:"Charger \u00E0 partir de l'URL...",About:"\u00C0 propos de MathJax",Help:"Aide MathJax",localTeXfonts:"utilisant les polices TeX locales",webTeXfonts:"utilisant les polices TeX Web",imagefonts:"utilisant les images de caract\u00E8res",localSTIXfonts:"utilisant les polices STIX locales",webSVGfonts:"utilisant les polices SVG Web",genericfonts:"utilisant les polices locales g\u00E9n\u00E9riques",wofforotffonts:"les polices woff ou otf",eotffonts:"les polices eot",svgfonts:"les polices svg",WebkitNativeMMLWarning:"Votre navigateur ne semble pas comporter de support MathML, changer le mode de rendu pourrait rendre illisibles les expressions math\u00E9matiques.",MSIENativeMMLWarning:"Internet Explorer a besoin du module compl\u00E9mentaire MathPlayer pour afficher le MathML.",OperaNativeMMLWarning:"Le support MathML d'Opera est limit\u00E9, changer le mode de rendu pourrait entrainer un affichage m\u00E9diocre de certaines expressions.",SafariNativeMMLWarning:"Le support MathML natif de votre navigateur ne comporte pas toutes les fonctionnalit\u00E9s requises par MathJax, certaines expressions pourront donc ne pas s'afficher correctement.",FirefoxNativeMMLWarning:"Le support MathML natif de votre navigateur ne comporte pas toutes les fonctionnalit\u00E9s requises par MathJax, certaines expressions pourront donc ne pas s'afficher correctement.",LoadURL:"Charger les donn\u00E9es de traduction \u00E0 partir de cette addresse URL:",BadURL:"L'adresse URL doit \u00EAtre un fichier Javascript contenant des donn\u00E9es de traduction MathJax.Les noms de fichier Javascript doivent se terminer par '.js'",BadData:"\u00C9chec du chargement des donn\u00E9es de traduction \u00E0 partir de %1",SwitchAnyway:"\u00CAtes vous certain de vouloir changer le mode de rendu ?\n\nAppuyez sur OK pour valider ou Annuler pour continuer avec le mode de rendu actuellement s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9.",ScaleMath:"Mise \u00E0 l'\u00E9chelle des expressions math\u00E9matiques (par rapport au text environnant) de",NonZeroScale:"L'\u00E9chelle ne peut \u00EAtre nulle",PercentScale:"L'\u00E9chelle doit \u00EAtre un pourcentage (e.g. 120%%)",IE8warning:"Ceci d\u00E9sactivera le menu de MathJax et les fonctionalit\u00E9s de zoom mais vous pourrez toujours obtenir le menu de MathJax en utilisant la commande Alt+Clic sur une expression.\n\n\u00CAtes vous certain de vouloir choisir les options de MathPlayer?",IE9warning:"Le menu contextuel de MathJax sera d\u00E9sactiv\u00E9, mais vous pourrez toujours obtenir le menu de MathJax en utilisant la commande Alt-Clic sur une expression.",NoOriginalForm:"Aucune forme originelle disponible.",Close:"Fermer",EqSource:"Source de l'\u00E9quation MathJax"}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/fr/MathMenu.js");

modules/MathJax/localization/fr/TeX.js vendored Executable file

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* /MathJax/localization/fr/fr.js
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Part of the MathJax library.
* See for details.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("fr",null,{menuTitle:"Fran\u00E7ais",version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,domains:{_:{version:"2.2",isLoaded:true,strings:{CookieConfig:"MathJax a trouv\u00E9 un cookie de configuration utilisateur qui inclut du code ex\u00E9cutable. Souhaitez vous l'ex\u00E9cuter?\n\n(Choisissez Annuler sauf si vous avez cr\u00E9\u00E9 ce cookie vous-m\u00EAme)",MathProcessingError:"Erreur de traitement de la formule math\u00E9matique",MathError:"Erreur dans la formule math\u00E9matique",LoadFile:"T\u00E9l\u00E9chargement de %1",Loading:"T\u00E9l\u00E9chargement",LoadFailed:"\u00C9chec du t\u00E9l\u00E9chargement de %1",ProcessMath:"Traitement des formules: %1%%",Processing:"Traitement",TypesetMath:"Composition des formules: %1%%",Typesetting:"Composition",MathJaxNotSupported:"Votre navigateur ne supporte pas MathJax"}},MathMenu:{},FontWarnings:{},HelpDialog:{},TeX:{},MathML:{},"HTML-CSS":{}},plural:function(a){if(0<=a&&a<2){return 1}return 2},number:function(a){return String(a).replace(".",",")}});MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/fr/fr.js");

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
mathJax.Config = function () { mathJax.Config = function () {
MathJax.Hub.Config( mathJax.config ); MathJax.Hub.Config( mathJax.config );
MathJax.OutputJax.fontDir = mw.config.get('wgExtensionAssetsPath') + '/Math/modules/MathJax/fonts'; MathJax.OutputJax.fontDir = mw.config.get('wgExtensionAssetsPath') + '/Math/modules/MathJax/fonts';
MathJax.Localization.locale = MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings.locale = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');
}; };
/** /**