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* Test the LaTeXML output format.
* @group Math
class MathLaTeXMLTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
* Tests the serialiazation of the LaTeXML settings
* @covers MathLaTeXML::serializeSettings
public function testSerializeSettings() {
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder( 'MathLaTeXML' )
->setMethods( NULL )
$sampleSettings = array(
'k1' => 'v1',
'k2&=' => 'v2 + & *üö',
'k3' => array(
'v3A', 'v3b'
) );
$expected = 'k1=v1&k2%26%3D=v2+%2B+%26+%2A%C3%BC%C3%B6&k3=v3A&k3=v3b';
$renderer->serializeSettings( $sampleSettings ),
'test serialization of array settings'
$renderer->serializeSettings( $expected ),
'test serialization of a string setting'
* Checks the basic functionality
* i.e. if the span element is generated right.
public function testIntegration() {
$this->setMwGlobals( 'wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout', 20 );
$this->setMwGlobals( 'wgMathValidModes', array( MW_MATH_LATEXML ) );
$renderer = MathRenderer::getRenderer( "a+b", array(), MW_MATH_LATEXML );
$real = $renderer->render( true );
$expected = '<span class="tex" dir="ltr" id="a_b"><math xmlns="" id="p1.1.m1" class="ltx_Math" alttext="{\displaystyle a+b}" display="inline" xml:id="p1.1.m1.1" xref="p1.1.m1.1.cmml"> <semantics xml:id="p1.1.m1.1a" xref="p1.1.m1.1.cmml"> <mrow xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.4" xref="p1.1.m1.1.4.cmml"> <mi xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.1" xref="p1.1.m1.1.1.cmml">a</mi> <mo xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.2" xref="p1.1.m1.1.2.cmml">+</mo> <mi xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.3" xref="p1.1.m1.1.3.cmml">b</mi> </mrow> <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Content" xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1"> <apply xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.4.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.4"> <plus xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.2.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.2"/> <ci xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.1.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.1">a</ci> <ci xml:id="p1.1.m1.1.3.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.3">b</ci> </apply> </annotation-xml> <annotation encoding="application/x-tex" xml:id="p1.1.m1.1b" xref="p1.1.m1.1.cmml">{\displaystyle a+b}</annotation> </semantics> </math></span>';
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $real
, "Rendering of a+b in plain Text mode." .
$renderer->getLastError() );