
191 lines
8.8 KiB

from ObjectCollection import *
from tclCommands.TclCommand import TclCommandSignaled
class TclCommandCncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
Tcl shell command to Generates a CNC Job from a Geometry Object.
set_sys units MM
open_gerber tests/gerber_files/simple1.gbr -outname margin
isolate margin -dia 3
cncjob margin_iso
# array of all command aliases, to be able use old names for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon)
aliases = ['cncjob']
# dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered
arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([
('name', str)
# dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered , this is for options like -optionname value
option_types = collections.OrderedDict([
('tooldia', float),
('z_cut', float),
('z_move', float),
('feedrate', float),
('feedrate_z', float),
('feedrate_rapid', float),
('multidepth', bool),
('extracut', bool),
('depthperpass', float),
('toolchange', int),
('toolchangez', float),
('toolchangexy', tuple),
('startz', float),
('endz', float),
('spindlespeed', int),
('dwell', bool),
('dwelltime', float),
('pp', str),
('muted', int),
('outname', str)
# array of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'}
required = ['name']
# structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered
help = {
'main': "Generates a CNC Job from a Geometry Object.",
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('name', 'Name of the source object.'),
('tooldia', 'Tool diameter to show on screen.'),
('z_cut', 'Z-axis cutting position.'),
('z_move', 'Z-axis moving position.'),
('feedrate', 'Moving speed on X-Y plane when cutting.'),
('feedrate_z', 'Moving speed on Z plane when cutting.'),
('feedrate_rapid', 'Rapid moving at speed when cutting.'),
('multidepth', 'Use or not multidepth cnccut. (True or False)'),
('extracut', 'Use or not an extra cnccut over the first point in path,in the job end (example: True)'),
('depthperpass', 'Height of one layer for multidepth.'),
('toolchange', 'Enable tool changes (example: True).'),
('toolchangez', 'Z distance for toolchange (example: 30.0).'),
('toolchangexy', 'X, Y coordonates for toolchange in format (x, y) (example: (2.0, 3.1) ).'),
('startz', 'Height before the first move.'),
('endz', 'Height where the last move will park.'),
('spindlespeed', 'Speed of the spindle in rpm (example: 4000).'),
('dwell', 'True or False; use (or not) the dwell'),
('dwelltime', 'Time to pause to allow the spindle to reach the full speed'),
('outname', 'Name of the resulting Geometry object.'),
('pp', 'Name of the Geometry postprocessor. No quotes, case sensitive'),
('muted', 'It will not put errors in the Shell.')
'examples': ['cncjob geo_name -tooldia 0.5 -z_cut -1.7 -z_move 2 -feedrate 120 -ppname_g default']
def execute(self, args, unnamed_args):
execute current TCL shell command
:param args: array of known named arguments and options
:param unnamed_args: array of other values which were passed into command
without -somename and we do not have them in known arg_names
:return: None or exception
name = args['name']
if 'outname' not in args:
args['outname'] = str(name) + "_cnc"
if 'muted' in args:
muted = args['muted']
obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(str(name), isCaseSensitive=False)
if obj is None:
if not muted:
self.raise_tcl_error("Object not found: %s" % str(name))
if not isinstance(obj, FlatCAMGeometry):
if not muted:
self.raise_tcl_error('Expected FlatCAMGeometry, got %s %s.' % (str(name), type(obj)))
args["tooldia"] = args["tooldia"] if "tooldia" in args else obj.options["cnctooldia"]
args["z_cut"] = args["z_cut"] if "z_cut" in args else obj.options["cutz"]
args["z_move"] = args["z_move"] if "z_move" in args else obj.options["travelz"]
args["feedrate"] = args["feedrate"] if "feedrate" in args else obj.options["feedrate"]
args["feedrate_z"] = args["feedrate_z"] if "feedrate_z" in args else obj.options["feedrate_z"]
args["feedrate_rapid"] = args["feedrate_rapid"] if "feedrate_rapid" in args else obj.options["feedrate_rapid"]
args["multidepth"] = args["multidepth"] if "multidepth" in args else obj.options["multidepth"]
args["extracut"] = args["extracut"] if "extracut" in args else obj.options["extracut"]
args["depthperpass"] = args["depthperpass"] if "depthperpass" in args else obj.options["depthperpass"]
args["startz"] = args["startz"] if "startz" in args else \
args["endz"] = args["endz"] if "endz" in args else obj.options["endz"]
args["spindlespeed"] = args["spindlespeed"] if "spindlespeed" in args else None
args["dwell"] = args["dwell"] if "dwell" in args else obj.options["dwell"]
args["dwelltime"] = args["dwelltime"] if "dwelltime" in args else obj.options["dwelltime"]
args["pp"] = args["pp"] if "pp" in args else obj.options["ppname_g"]
args["toolchange"] = True if "toolchange" in args and args["toolchange"] == 1 else False
args["toolchangez"] = args["toolchangez"] if "toolchangez" in args else obj.options["toolchangez"]
args["toolchangexy"] = args["toolchangexy"] if "toolchangexy" in args else \
del args['name']
for arg in args:
if arg == "toolchange_xy" or arg == "spindlespeed":
if args[arg] is None:
if not muted:
self.raise_tcl_error('One of the command parameters that have to be not None, is None.\n'
'The parameter that is None is in the default values found in the list \n'
'generated by the TclCommand "list_sys geom". or in the arguments.')
# HACK !!! Should be solved elsewhere!!!
# default option for multidepth is False
obj.options['multidepth'] = False
if not obj.multigeo:
obj.generatecncjob(use_thread=False, plot=False, **args)
# Update the local_tools_dict values with the args value
local_tools_dict = deepcopy(obj.tools)
for tool_uid in list(local_tools_dict.keys()):
if 'data' in local_tools_dict[tool_uid]:
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['cutz'] = args["z_cut"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['travelz'] = args["z_move"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['feedrate'] = args["feedrate"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['feedrate_z'] = args["feedrate_z"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['feedrate_rapid'] = args["feedrate_rapid"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['multidepth'] = args["multidepth"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['extracut'] = args["extracut"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['depthperpass'] = args["depthperpass"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['toolchange'] = args["toolchange"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['toolchangez'] = args["toolchangez"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['toolchangexy'] = args["toolchangexy"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['startz'] = args["startz"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['endz'] = args["endz"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['spindlespeed'] = args["spindlespeed"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['dwell'] = args["dwell"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['dwelltime'] = args["dwelltime"]
local_tools_dict[tool_uid]['data']['ppname_g'] = args["pp"]
# self.raise_tcl_error('The object is a multi-geo geometry which is not supported in cncjob Tcl Command')