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.. _cmdreference:
Shell Command Reference
.. warning::
The FlatCAM Shell is under development and its behavior might change in the future. This includes available commands and their syntax.
.. _add_circle:
Creates a circle in the given Geometry object.
> add_circle <name> <center_x> <center_y> <radius>
name: Name of the geometry object to which to append the circle.
center_x, center_y: Coordinates of the center of the circle.
radius: Radius of the circle.
.. _add_poly:
Creates a polygon in the given Geometry object.
> create_poly <name> <x0> <y0> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [x3 y3 [...]]
name: Name of the geometry object to which to append the polygon.
xi, yi: Coordinates of points in the polygon.
.. _add_rect:
Creates a rectange in the given Geometry object.
> add_rect <name> <botleft_x> <botleft_y> <topright_x> <topright_y>
name: Name of the geometry object to which to append the rectangle.
botleft_x, botleft_y: Coordinates of the bottom left corner.
topright_x, topright_y Coordinates of the top right corner.
Generates a CNC Job from a Geometry Object.
> cncjob <name> [-z_cut <c>] [-z_move <m>] [-feedrate <f>] [-tooldia <t>] [-outname <n>]
name: Name of the source object
z_cut: Z-axis cutting position
z_move: Z-axis moving position
feedrate: Moving speed when cutting
tooldia: Tool diameter to show on screen
outname: Name of the output object
Deletes the give object.
> delete <name>
name: Name of the object to delete.
Creates a geometry object following gerber paths.
> follow <name> [-outname <oname>]
name: Name of the gerber object.
outname: Name of the output geometry object.
.. _geo_union:
Runs a union operation (addition) on the components of the geometry object. For example, if it contains 2 intersecting polygons, this opperation adds them intoa single larger polygon.
> geo_union <name>
name: Name of the geometry object.
Lists the names of objects in the project.
> get_names
No parameters.
Shows list of commands.
Creates isolation routing geometry for the given Gerber.
> isolate <name> [-dia <d>] [-passes <p>] [-overlap <o>]
name: Name of the object
dia: Tool diameter
passes: # of tool width
overlap: Fraction of tool diameter to overlap passes
Prints command rererence in reStructuredText format.
Starts a new project. Clears objects from memory.
> new
No parameters.
.. _new_geometry:
Creates a new empty geometry object.
> new_geometry <name>
name: New object name
.. _offset:
Changes the position of the object.
> offset <name> <x> <y>
name: Name of the object
x: X-axis distance
y: Y-axis distance
Opens an Excellon file.
> open_excellon <filename> [-outname <o>]
filename: Path to file to open.
outname: Name of the created excellon object.
Opens an G-Code file.
> open_gcode <filename> [-outname <o>]
filename: Path to file to open.
outname: Name of the created CNC Job object.
Opens a Gerber file.
> open_gerber <filename> [-follow <0|1>] [-outname <o>]
filename: Path to file to open.
follow: If 1, does not create polygons, just follows the gerber path.
outname: Name of the created gerber object.
Opens a FlatCAM project.
> open_project <filename>
filename: Path to file to open.
Shows the settings for an object.
> options <name>
name: Object name.
Creates a geometry object with toolpath to cover the inside of a polygon.
> paint_poly <name> <inside_pt_x> <inside_pt_y> <tooldia> <overlap>
name: Name of the sourge geometry object.
inside_pt_x, inside_pt_y: Coordinates of a point inside the polygon.
tooldia: Diameter of the tool to be used.
overlap: Fraction of the tool diameter to overlap cuts.
Updates the plot on the user interface
Saves the FlatCAM project to file.
> save_project <filename>
filename: Path to file to save.
.. _scale:
Resizes the object by a factor.
> scale <name> <factor>
name: Name of the object
factor: Fraction by which to scale
Sets a FlatCAM object as active.
> set_active <name>
name: Name of the object.
Saves G-code of a CNC Job object to file.
> write_gcode <name> <filename>
name: Source CNC Job object
filename: Output filename