
163 lines
5.2 KiB

from typing import Union
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from flatcamGUI.GUIElements import RadioSet, FCCheckBox, FCButton, FCComboBox, FCEntry, FCSpinner, FCColorEntry
import gettext
import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate
import builtins
if '_' not in builtins.__dict__:
_ = gettext.gettext
class OptionUI:
def __init__(self, option: str):
self.option = option
def add_to_grid(self, grid: QtWidgets.QGridLayout, row: int) -> int:
Adds the necessary widget to the grid, starting at the supplied row.
Returns the number of rows used (normally 1)
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_field(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class BasicOptionUI(OptionUI):
"""Abstract OptionUI that has a label on the left then some other widget on the right"""
def __init__(self, option: str, label_text: str, label_tooltip: str):
self.label_text = label_text
self.label_tooltip = label_tooltip
self.label_widget = self.build_label_widget()
self.entry_widget = self.build_entry_widget()
def build_label_widget(self) -> QtWidgets.QLabel:
label_widget = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _(self.label_text))
if self.label_tooltip is not None:
return label_widget
def build_entry_widget(self) -> QtWidgets.QWidget:
raise NotImplementedError()
def add_to_grid(self, grid: QtWidgets.QGridLayout, row: int) -> int:
grid.addWidget(self.label_widget, row, 0)
grid.addWidget(self.entry_widget, row, 1)
return 1
def get_field(self):
return self.entry_widget
class RadioSetOptionUI(BasicOptionUI):
def __init__(self, option: str, label_text: str, label_tooltip: str, choices: list, orientation='horizontal'):
self.choices = choices
self.orientation = orientation
super().__init__(option=option, label_text=label_text, label_tooltip=label_tooltip)
def build_entry_widget(self) -> QtWidgets.QWidget:
return RadioSet(choices=self.choices, orientation=self.orientation)
class CheckboxOptionUI(OptionUI):
def __init__(self, option: str, label_text: str, label_tooltip: str):
self.label_text = label_text
self.label_tooltip = label_tooltip
self.checkbox_widget = self.build_checkbox_widget()
def build_checkbox_widget(self):
checkbox = FCCheckBox('%s' % _(self.label_text))
return checkbox
def add_to_grid(self, grid: QtWidgets.QGridLayout, row: int) -> int:
grid.addWidget(self.checkbox_widget, row, 0, 1, 3)
return 1
def get_field(self):
return self.checkbox_widget
class ComboboxOptionUI(BasicOptionUI):
def __init__(self, option: str, label_text: str, label_tooltip: str, choices: list):
self.choices = choices
super().__init__(option=option, label_text=label_text, label_tooltip=label_tooltip)
def build_entry_widget(self):
combo = FCComboBox()
for choice in self.choices:
# don't translate the QCombo items as they are used in QSettings and identified by name
return combo
class ColorOptionUI(BasicOptionUI):
def build_entry_widget(self) -> QtWidgets.QWidget:
return FCColorEntry()
class HeadingOptionUI(OptionUI):
def __init__(self, label_text: str, label_tooltip: Union[str, None]):
self.label_text = label_text
self.label_tooltip = label_tooltip
def build_heading_widget(self):
heading = QtWidgets.QLabel('<b>%s</b>' % _(self.label_text))
return heading
def add_to_grid(self, grid: QtWidgets.QGridLayout, row: int) -> int:
grid.addWidget(self.build_heading_widget(), row, 0, 1, 2)
return 1
def get_field(self):
return None
class SeparatorOptionUI(OptionUI):
def __init__(self):
def build_separator_widget(self):
separator = QtWidgets.QFrame()
return separator
def add_to_grid(self, grid: QtWidgets.QGridLayout, row: int) -> int:
grid.addWidget(self.build_separator_widget(), row, 0, 1, 2)
return 1
def get_field(self):
return None
class FullWidthButtonOptionUI(OptionUI):
def __init__(self, option: str, label_text: str, label_tooltip: str):
self.label_text = label_text
self.label_tooltip = label_tooltip
self.button_widget = self.build_button_widget()
def build_button_widget(self):
button = FCButton(_(self.label_text))
return button
def add_to_grid(self, grid: QtWidgets.QGridLayout, row: int) -> int:
grid.addWidget(self.button_widget, row, 0, 1, 3)
return 1
def get_field(self):
return self.button_widget