Marius Stanciu 8ee516ec14 - editing a multi geometry will no longer pop-up a Tcl window
- solved issue #292 where a new geometry renamed with many underscores failed to store the name in a saved project
- the name for the saved projects are updated to the current time and not to the time of the app startup
- some PEP8 changes related to comments starting with only one '#' symbol
2019-05-30 21:05:12 +03:00

135 lines
5.0 KiB

# ########################################################## ##
# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# http://flatcam.org #
# File Author: Dennis Hayrullin #
# Date: 2/5/2016 #
# MIT Licence #
# ########################################################## ##
from vispy.visuals import markers, LineVisual, InfiniteLineVisual
from vispy.visuals.axis import Ticker, _get_ticks_talbot
from vispy.scene.widgets import Grid
import numpy as np
def apply_patches():
# Patch MarkersVisual to have crossed lines marker
cross_lines = """
float cross(vec2 pointcoord, float size)
float r1 = abs(pointcoord.x - 0.5)*size;
float r2 = abs(pointcoord.y - 0.5)*size - $v_size/2;
float vbar = max(r1,r2);
float r3 = abs(pointcoord.y - 0.5)*size;
float r4 = abs(pointcoord.x - 0.5)*size - $v_size/2;
float hbar = max(r3,r4);
return min(vbar, hbar);
markers._marker_dict['++'] = cross_lines
markers.marker_types = tuple(sorted(list(markers._marker_dict.copy().keys())))
# # Add clear_data method to LineVisual to have possibility of clearing data
# def clear_data(self):
# self._bounds = None
# self._pos = None
# self._changed['pos'] = True
# self.update()
# LineVisual.clear_data = clear_data
# Patch VisPy Grid to prevent updating layout on PaintGL, which cause low fps
def _prepare_draw(self, view):
def _update_clipper(self):
super(Grid, self)._update_clipper()
except Exception as e:
Grid._prepare_draw = _prepare_draw
Grid._update_clipper = _update_clipper
# Patch InfiniteLine visual to 1px width
def _prepare_draw(self, view=None):
"""This method is called immediately before each draw.
The *view* argument indicates which view is about to be drawn.
GL = None
from vispy.app._default_app import default_app
if default_app is not None and \
default_app.backend_name != 'ipynb_webgl':
import OpenGL.GL as GL
except Exception: # can be other than ImportError sometimes
if GL:
if self._changed['pos']:
self._changed['pos'] = False
if self._changed['color']:
self._program.vert['color'] = self._color
self._changed['color'] = False
InfiniteLineVisual._prepare_draw = _prepare_draw
# Patch AxisVisual to have less axis labels
def _get_tick_frac_labels(self):
"""Get the major ticks, minor ticks, and major labels"""
minor_num = 4 # number of minor ticks per major division
if (self.axis.scale_type == 'linear'):
domain = self.axis.domain
if domain[1] < domain[0]:
flip = True
domain = domain[::-1]
flip = False
offset = domain[0]
scale = domain[1] - domain[0]
transforms = self.axis.transforms
length = self.axis.pos[1] - self.axis.pos[0] # in logical coords
n_inches = np.sqrt(np.sum(length ** 2)) / transforms.dpi
# major = np.linspace(domain[0], domain[1], num=11)
# major = MaxNLocator(10).tick_values(*domain)
major = _get_ticks_talbot(domain[0], domain[1], n_inches, 1)
labels = ['%g' % x for x in major]
majstep = major[1] - major[0]
minor = []
minstep = majstep / (minor_num + 1)
minstart = 0 if self.axis._stop_at_major[0] else -1
minstop = -1 if self.axis._stop_at_major[1] else 0
for i in range(minstart, len(major) + minstop):
maj = major[0] + i * majstep
minor.extend(np.linspace(maj + minstep,
maj + majstep - minstep,
major_frac = (major - offset) / scale
minor_frac = (np.array(minor) - offset) / scale
major_frac = major_frac[::-1] if flip else major_frac
use_mask = (major_frac > -0.0001) & (major_frac < 1.0001)
major_frac = major_frac[use_mask]
labels = [l for li, l in enumerate(labels) if use_mask[li]]
minor_frac = minor_frac[(minor_frac > -0.0001) &
(minor_frac < 1.0001)]
elif self.axis.scale_type == 'logarithmic':
return NotImplementedError
elif self.axis.scale_type == 'power':
return NotImplementedError
return major_frac, minor_frac, labels
Ticker._get_tick_frac_labels = _get_tick_frac_labels