
2144 lines
74 KiB

import cairo
#from string import *
#from math import *
#from random import *
#from struct import *
#import os
#import sys
from numpy import arctan2, Inf, array
# See: http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, MultiPolygon
from shapely.geometry import box as shply_box
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
class Gerber():
def __init__(self):
# Units (in or mm)
self.units = 'in'
# Number format
self.digits = 3
self.fraction = 4
## Gerber elements ##
# Apertures {'id':{'type':chr,
# ['size':float], ['width':float],
# ['height':float]}, ...}
self.apertures = {}
# Paths [{'linestring':LineString, 'aperture':dict}]
self.paths = []
# Buffered Paths [Polygon]
# Paths transformed into Polygons by
# offsetting the aperture size/2
self.buffered_paths = []
# Polygon regions [{'polygon':Polygon, 'aperture':dict}]
self.regions = []
# Flashes [{'loc':[float,float], 'aperture':dict}]
self.flashes = []
# Final geometry: MultiPolygon
self.solid_geometry = None
def fix_regions(self):
Overwrites the region polygons with fixed
versions if found to be invalid (according to Shapely).
for region in self.regions:
if region['polygon'].is_valid == False:
#polylist = fix_poly(region['polygon'])
#region['polygon'] = fix_poly3(polylist)
region['polygon'] = region['polygon'].buffer(0)
def buffer_paths(self):
self.buffered_paths = []
for path in self.paths:
width = self.apertures[path["aperture"]]["size"]
def aperture_parse(self, gline):
Parse gerber aperture definition
into dictionary of apertures.
indexstar = gline.find("*")
indexC = gline.find("C,")
if indexC != -1: # Circle, example: %ADD11C,0.1*%
apid = gline[4:indexC]
self.apertures[apid] = {"type":"C",
return apid
indexR = gline.find("R,")
if indexR != -1: # Rectangle, example: %ADD15R,0.05X0.12*%
apid = gline[4:indexR]
indexX = gline.find("X")
self.apertures[apid] = {"type":"R",
return apid
indexO = gline.find("O,")
if indexO != -1: # Obround
apid = gline[4:indexO]
indexX = gline.find("X")
self.apertures[apid] = {"type":"O",
return apid
print "Aperture not implemented:", gline
return None
def parse_file(self, filename):
gfile = open(filename, 'r')
gstr = gfile.readlines()
def parse_lines(self, glines):
Main Gerber parser.
path = [] # Coordinates of the current path
last_path_aperture = None
current_aperture = None
for gline in glines:
if gline.find("D01*") != -1: # pen down
path.append(coord(gline, self.digits, self.fraction))
last_path_aperture = current_aperture
if gline.find("D02*") != -1: # pen up
if len(path) > 1:
# Path completed, create shapely LineString
path = [coord(gline, self.digits, self.fraction)]
indexD3 = gline.find("D03*")
if indexD3 > 0: # Flash
self.flashes.append({"loc":coord(gline, self.digits, self.fraction),
if indexD3 == 0: # Flash?
print "Warning: Uninplemented flash style:", gline
if gline.find("G37*") != -1: # end region
# Only one path defines region?
path = []
if gline.find("%ADD") != -1: # aperture definition
self.aperture_parse(gline) # adds element to apertures
indexstar = gline.find("*")
if gline.find("D") == 0: # Aperture change
current_aperture = gline[1:indexstar]
if gline.find("G54D") == 0: # Aperture change (deprecated)
current_aperture = gline[4:indexstar]
if gline.find("%FS") != -1: # Format statement
indexX = gline.find("X")
self.digits = int(gline[indexX + 1])
self.fraction = int(gline[indexX + 2])
def create_geometry(self):
if len(self.buffered_paths) == 0:
flash_polys = []
for flash in self.flashes:
aperture = self.apertures[flash['aperture']]
if aperture['type'] == 'C': # Circles
circle = Point(flash['loc']).buffer(aperture['size']/2)
if aperture['type'] == 'R': # Rectangles
loc = flash['loc']
width = aperture['width']
height = aperture['height']
minx = loc[0] - width/2
maxx = loc[0] + width/2
miny = loc[1] - height/2
maxy = loc[1] + height/2
rectangle = shply_box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
#TODO: Add support for type='O'
self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union(
self.buffered_paths +
[poly['polygon'] for poly in self.regions] +
def fix_poly(poly):
Fixes polygons with internal cutouts by identifying
loops and touching segments. Loops are extracted
as individual polygons. If a smaller loop is still
not a valid Polygon, fix_poly2() adds vertices such
that fix_poly() can continue to extract smaller loops.
if poly.is_valid: # Nothing to do
return [poly]
coords = poly.exterior.coords[:]
n_points = len(coords)
i = 0
result = []
while i<n_points:
if coords[i] in coords[:i]: # closed a loop
j = coords[:i].index(coords[i]) # index of repeated point
if i-j>1: # points do not repeat in 1 step
sub_poly = Polygon(coords[j:i+1])
if sub_poly.is_valid:
elif sub_poly.area > 0:
sub_poly = fix_poly2(sub_poly)
result += fix_poly(sub_poly) # try again
# Preserve the repeated point such as not to break the
# remaining geometry
remaining = coords[:j+1]+coords[i+1:n_points+1]
rem_poly = Polygon(remaining)
if len(remaining)>2 and rem_poly.area > 0:
result += fix_poly(rem_poly)
i += 1
return result
def fix_poly2(poly):
coords = poly.exterior.coords[:]
n_points = len(coords)
ls = None
i = 1
while i<n_points:
ls = LineString(coords[i-1:i+1])
other_points = coords[:i-1]+coords[i+1:] # i=3 ... [0:2] + [4:]
if ls.intersects(MultiPoint(other_points)):
# Add a copy of that point to the segment
isect = ls.intersection(MultiPoint(other_points))
if type(isect) == Point:
if isect.coords[0] != coords[i-1] and isect.coords[0] != coords[i]:
coords = coords[:i] + [isect.coords[0]] + coords[i:]
if type(isect) == MultiPoint:
for p in isect:
if p.coords[0] != coords[i-1] and p.coords[0] != coords[i]:
coords = coords[:i] + [p.coords[0]] + coords[i:]
return Polygon(coords)
return Polygon(coords)
def fix_poly3(polylist):
mp = MultiPolygon(polylist)
interior = None
exterior = None
for i in range(len(polylist)):
if polylist[i].contains(mp):
exterior = polylist[i]
interior = polylist[:i]+polylist[i+1:]
return Polygon(exterior.exterior.coords[:],
[p.exterior.coords[:] for p in interior])
class motion:
Represents a machine motion, which can be cutting or just travelling.
def __init__(self, start, end, depth, typ='line', offset=None, center=None,
radius=None, tooldia=0.5):
self.typ = typ
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.depth = depth
self.center = center
self.radius = radius
self.tooldia = tooldia
self.offset = offset # (I, J)
def gparse1(filename):
Parses G-code file into list of dictionaries like
Examples: {'G': 1.0, 'X': 0.085, 'Y': -0.125},
{'G': 3.0, 'I': -0.01, 'J': 0.0, 'X': 0.0821, 'Y': -0.1179}
f = open(filename)
gcmds = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
# Remove comments
# NOTE: Limited to 1 bracket pair
op = line.find("(")
cl = line.find(")")
if op > -1 and cl > op:
#comment = line[op+1:cl]
line = line[:op] + line[(cl+1):]
# Parse GCode
# 0 4 12
# G01 X-0.007 Y-0.057
# --> codes_idx = [0, 4, 12]
codes = "NMGXYZIJFP"
codes_idx = []
i = 0
for ch in line:
if ch in codes:
i += 1
n_codes = len(codes_idx)
if n_codes == 0:
# Separate codes in line
parts = []
for p in range(n_codes-1):
parts.append( line[ codes_idx[p]:codes_idx[p+1] ].strip() )
parts.append( line[codes_idx[-1]:].strip() )
# Separate codes from values
cmds = {}
for part in parts:
cmds[part[0]] = float(part[1:])
return gcmds
def gparse1b(gtext):
gcmds = []
lines = gtext.split("\n")
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
# Remove comments
# NOTE: Limited to 1 bracket pair
op = line.find("(")
cl = line.find(")")
if op > -1 and cl > op:
#comment = line[op+1:cl]
line = line[:op] + line[(cl+1):]
# Parse GCode
# 0 4 12
# G01 X-0.007 Y-0.057
# --> codes_idx = [0, 4, 12]
codes = "NMGXYZIJFP"
codes_idx = []
i = 0
for ch in line:
if ch in codes:
i += 1
n_codes = len(codes_idx)
if n_codes == 0:
# Separate codes in line
parts = []
for p in range(n_codes-1):
parts.append( line[ codes_idx[p]:codes_idx[p+1] ].strip() )
parts.append( line[codes_idx[-1]:].strip() )
# Separate codes from values
cmds = {}
for part in parts:
cmds[part[0]] = float(part[1:])
return gcmds
def gparse2(gcmds):
x = []
y = []
z = []
xypoints = []
motions = []
current_g = None
for cmds in gcmds:
# Destination point
x_ = None
y_ = None
z_ = None
if 'X' in cmds:
x_ = cmds['X']
if 'Y' in cmds:
y_ = cmds['Y']
if 'Z' in cmds:
z_ = cmds['Z']
# Ingnore anything but XY movements from here on
if x_ is None and y_ is None:
#print "-> no x,y"
if x_ is None:
x_ = xypoints[-1][0]
if y_ is None:
y_ = xypoints[-1][1]
if z_ is None:
z_ = z[-1]
mot = None
if 'G' in cmds:
current_g = cmds['G']
if current_g == 0: # Fast linear
if len(xypoints) > 0:
#print "motion(", xypoints[-1], ", (", x_, ",", y_, "),", z_, ")"
mot = motion(xypoints[-1], (x_, y_), z_)
if current_g == 1: # Feed-rate linear
if len(xypoints) > 0:
#print "motion(", xypoints[-1], ", (", x_, ",", y_, "),", z_, ")"
mot = motion(xypoints[-1], (x_, y_), z_)
if current_g == 2: # Clockwise arc
if len(xypoints) > 0:
if 'I' in cmds and 'J' in cmds:
mot = motion(xypoints[-1], (x_, y_), z_, offset=(cmds['I'],
cmds['J']), typ='arccw')
if current_g == 3: # Counter-clockwise arc
if len(xypoints) > 0:
if 'I' in cmds and 'J' in cmds:
mot = motion(xypoints[-1], (x_, y_), z_, offset=(cmds['I'],
cmds['J']), typ='arcacw')
if mot is not None:
xypoints.append((x_, y_))
x = array(x)
y = array(y)
z = array(z)
xmin = min(x)
xmax = max(x)
ymin = min(y)
ymax = max(y)
print "x:", min(x), max(x)
print "y:", min(y), max(y)
print "z:", min(z), max(z)
print xypoints[-1]
return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, motions
class canvas:
def __init__(self):
self.surface = None
self.context = None
self.origin = [0, 0] # Pixel coordinate
self.resolution = 200.0 # Pixels per unit.
self.pixel_height = 0
self.pixel_width = 0
def create_surface(self, width, height):
self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
def crosshair(self, x, y, s):
cr = self.context
cr.set_line_width (1.0/self.resolution)
cr.set_source_rgba (1, 0, 0, 1)
cr.move_to(x-s, y-s)
cr.line_to(x+s, y+s)
cr.move_to(x-s, y+s)
cr.line_to(x+s, y-s)
def draw_motions(self, motions, linewidth, margin=10):
# Has many things in common with draw boundaries, merge.
# Analyze motions
X = 0
Y = 1
xmin = Inf
xmax = -Inf
ymin = Inf
ymax = -Inf
for mot in motions:
if mot.start[X] < xmin:
xmin = mot.start[X]
if mot.end[X] < xmin:
xmin = mot.end[X]
if mot.start[X] > xmax:
xmax = mot.end[X]
if mot.end[X] > xmax:
xmax = mot.end[X]
if mot.start[Y] < ymin:
ymin = mot.start[Y]
if mot.end[Y] < ymin:
ymin = mot.end[Y]
if mot.start[Y] > ymax:
ymax = mot.end[Y]
if mot.end[Y] > ymax:
ymax = mot.end[Y]
width = xmax - xmin
height = ymax - ymin
print "x in", xmin, xmax
print "y in", ymin, ymax
print "width", width
print "heigh", height
# Create surface if it doesn't exist
if self.surface == None:
self.pixel_width = int(width*self.resolution + 2*margin)
self.pixel_height = int(height*self.resolution + 2*margin)
self.create_surface(self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height)
self.origin = [int(-xmin*self.resolution + margin),
int(-ymin*self.resolution + margin)]
print "Created surface: %d x %d"%(self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height)
print "Origin: %d, %d"%(self.origin[X], self.origin[Y])
# Context
# Flip and shift
self.context = cairo.Context(self.surface)
cr = self.context
cr.set_source_rgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
cr.rectangle(0,0, self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height)
cr.scale(self.resolution, -self.resolution)
# Draw
cr.set_line_width (linewidth)
n = len(motions)
for i in range(0, n):
#if motions[i].depth<0 and i>0 and motions[i-1].depth>0:
if motions[i].depth <= 0:
# change to cutting
#print "x",
# Draw previous travel
cr.set_source_rgba (0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0) # Solid color
#if motions[i].depth >0 and i>0 and motions[i-1].depth<0:
if motions[i].depth > 0:
# change to cutting
#print "-",
# Draw previous cut
cr.set_source_rgba (0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2)
if motions[i].typ == 'line':
cr.move_to(motions[i].start[0], motions[i].start[1])
cr.line_to(motions[i].end[0], motions[i].end[1])
#print 'cr.line_to(%f, %f)'%(motions[i].end[0], motions[i].end[0]),
if motions[i].typ == 'arcacw':
c = (motions[i].offset[0]+motions[i].start[0],
r = sqrt(motions[i].offset[0]**2 + motions[i].offset[1]**2)
ts = arctan2(-motions[i].offset[1], -motions[i].offset[0])
te = arctan2(-c[1]+motions[i].end[1], -c[0]+motions[i].end[0])
if te <= ts:
te += 2*pi
cr.arc(c[0], c[1], r, ts, te)
if motions[i].typ == 'arccw':
c = (motions[i].offset[0]+motions[i].start[0],
r = sqrt(motions[i].offset[0]**2 + motions[i].offset[1]**2)
ts = arctan2(-motions[i].offset[1], -motions[i].offset[0])
te = arctan2(-c[1]+motions[i].end[1], -c[0]+motions[i].end[0])
if te <= ts:
te += 2*pi
cr.arc(c[0], c[1], r, te, ts)
def draw_boundaries(self, boundaries, linewidth, margin=10):
margin Margin in pixels.
# Analyze boundaries
X = 0
Y = 1
#Z = 2
xmin = Inf
xmax = -Inf
ymin = Inf
ymax = -Inf
for seg in boundaries[0]:
for vertex in seg:
if vertex[X] < xmin:
xmin = vertex[X]
if vertex[X] > xmax:
xmax = vertex[X]
if vertex[Y] < ymin:
ymin = vertex[Y]
if vertex[Y] > ymax:
ymax = vertex[Y]
print "Woops! vertex = [", [x for x in vertex], "]"
width = xmax - xmin
height = ymax - ymin
print "x in", xmin, xmax
print "y in", ymin, ymax
print "width", width
print "heigh", height
# Create surface if it doesn't exist
if self.surface == None:
self.pixel_width = int(width*self.resolution + 2*margin)
self.pixel_height = int(height*self.resolution + 2*margin)
self.create_surface(self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height)
self.origin = [int(-xmin*self.resolution + margin),
int(-ymin*self.resolution + margin)]
print "Created surface: %d x %d"%(self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height)
print "Origin: %d, %d"%(self.origin[X], self.origin[Y])
# Context
# Flip and shift
self.context = cairo.Context(self.surface)
cr = self.context
cr.set_source_rgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
cr.rectangle(0,0, self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height)
cr.scale(self.resolution, -self.resolution)
# Draw
cr.set_line_width (linewidth)
cr.set_source_rgba (0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 1)
for seg in boundaries[0]:
#print "segment"
for i in range(1,len(seg)):
#print seg[i][X],seg[i][Y]
cr.line_to(seg[i][X], seg[i][Y])
def plotby(b, res, linewidth, ims=None):
Creates a Cairo image object for the "boundarys" object
generated by read_gerber().
X = 0
Y = 1
xmin = Inf
xmax = -Inf
ymin = Inf
ymax = -Inf
for seg in b[0]:
for vertex in seg:
if vertex[X] < xmin:
xmin = vertex[X]
if vertex[X] > xmax:
xmax = vertex[X]
if vertex[Y] < ymin:
ymin = vertex[Y]
if vertex[Y] > ymax:
ymax = vertex[Y]
print "Woops! vertex = [", [x for x in vertex], "]"
width = xmax - xmin
height = ymax - ymin
print "x in", xmin, xmax
print "y in", ymin, ymax
print "width", width
print "heigh", height
WIDTH = int((xmax-xmin)*res)
HEIGHT = int((ymax-ymin)*res)
# Create a new image if none given
if ims == None:
ims = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
cr = cairo.Context(ims)
cr.scale(res, -res)
#cr.scale(res, res)
#cr.translate(0, -(ymax-ymin))
#cr.translate(-xmin, -ymin)
cr.translate(-xmin, -(ymax))
cr.set_line_width (linewidth)
cr.set_source_rgba (0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 1)
for seg in b[0]:
#print "segment"
for i in range(1,len(seg)):
#print seg[i][X],seg[i][Y]
cr.line_to(seg[i][X], seg[i][Y])
cr.translate(-xmin, -(ymax))
cr.set_source_rgba (1, 0, 0, 1)
cr.select_font_face("Arial", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
cr.move_to(0, 0)
cr.move_to(1, 1)
return ims
############### cam.py ####################
def coord(gstr,digits,fraction):
Parse Gerber coordinates
global gerbx, gerby
xindex = gstr.find("X")
yindex = gstr.find("Y")
index = gstr.find("D")
if (xindex == -1):
x = gerbx
y = int(gstr[(yindex+1):index])*(10**(-fraction))
elif (yindex == -1):
y = gerby
x = int(gstr[(xindex+1):index])*(10**(-fraction))
x = int(gstr[(xindex+1):yindex])*(10**(-fraction))
y = int(gstr[(yindex+1):index])*(10**(-fraction))
gerbx = x
gerby = y
return [x,y]
def read_Gerber_Shapely(filename, nverts=10):
Gerber parser.
EPS = 1e-20
TYPE = 0
SIZE = 1
gfile = open(filename, 'r')
gstr = gfile.readlines()
segment = -1
xold = []
yold = []
boundary = []
macros = []
N_macros = 0
apertures = [[] for i in range(1000)]
for gline in gstr:
if (find(gline, "%FS") != -1):
### format statement ###
index = find(gline, "X")
digits = int(gline[index + 1])
fraction = int(gline[index + 2])
elif (find(gline, "%AM") != -1):
### aperture macro ###
index = find(gline, "%AM")
index1 = find(gline, "*")
macros[-1] = gline[index + 3:index1]
N_macros += 1
elif (find(gline, "%MOIN*%") != -1):
# inches
elif (find(gline, "G01*") != -1):
### linear interpolation ###
elif (find(gline, "G70*") != -1):
### inches ###
elif (find(gline, "G75*") != -1):
### circular interpolation ###
elif (find(gline, "%ADD") != -1):
### aperture definition ###
index = find(gline, "%ADD")
parse = 0
if (find(gline, "C,") != -1):
## circle ##
index = find(gline, "C,")
index1 = find(gline, "*")
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
size = float(gline[index + 2:index1])
apertures[aperture] = ["C", size]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": circle diameter", size
elif (find(gline, "O,") != -1):
## obround ##
index = find(gline, "O,")
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
index1 = find(gline, ",", index)
index2 = find(gline, "X", index)
index3 = find(gline, "*", index)
width = float(gline[index1 + 1:index2])
height = float(gline[index2 + 1:index3])
apertures[aperture] = ["O", width, height]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": obround", width, "x", height
elif (find(gline, "R,") != -1):
## rectangle ##
index = find(gline, "R,")
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
index1 = find(gline, ",", index)
index2 = find(gline, "X", index)
index3 = find(gline, "*", index)
width = float(gline[index1 + 1:index2])
height = float(gline[index2 + 1:index3])
apertures[aperture] = ["R", width, height]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": rectangle", width, "x", height
for macro in range(N_macros):
## macros ##
index = find(gline, macros[macro] + ',')
if (index != -1):
# hack: assume macros can be approximated by
# a circle, and has a size parameter
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
index1 = find(gline, ",", index)
index2 = find(gline, "*", index)
size = float(gline[index1 + 1:index2])
apertures[aperture] = ["C", size]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": macro (assuming circle) diameter", size
parse = 1
if (parse == 0):
print " aperture not implemented:", gline
# End of if aperture definition
elif (find(gline, "D01*") != -1):
### pen down ###
[xnew, ynew] = coord(gline, digits, fraction)
if (size > EPS):
if ((abs(xnew - xold) > EPS) | (abs(ynew - yold) > EPS)):
newpath = stroke(xold, yold, xnew, ynew, size, nverts=nverts)
segment += 1
boundary[segment].append([xnew, ynew, []])
xold = xnew
yold = ynew
elif (find(gline, "D02*") != -1):
### pen up ###
[xold, yold] = coord(gline, digits, fraction)
if (size < EPS):
segment += 1
boundary[segment].append([xold, yold, []])
newpath = []
elif (find(gline, "D03*") != -1):
### flash ###
if (find(gline, "D03*") == 0):
# coordinates on preceeding line
[xnew, ynew] = [xold, yold]
# coordinates on this line
[xnew, ynew] = coord(gline, digits, fraction)
if (apertures[aperture][TYPE] == "C"):
# circle
segment += 1
size = apertures[aperture][SIZE]
for i in range(nverts):
angle = i * 2.0 * pi / (nverts - 1.0)
x = xnew + (size / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (size / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
elif (apertures[aperture][TYPE] == "R"):
# rectangle
segment += 1
width = apertures[aperture][WIDTH] / 2.0
height = apertures[aperture][HEIGHT] / 2.0
boundary[segment].append([xnew - width, ynew - height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew + width, ynew - height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew + width, ynew + height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew - width, ynew + height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew - width, ynew - height, []])
elif (apertures[aperture][TYPE] == "O"):
# obround
segment += 1
width = apertures[aperture][WIDTH]
height = apertures[aperture][HEIGHT]
if (width > height):
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0) + pi / 2.0
x = xnew - (width - height) / 2.0 + (height / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (height / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0) - pi / 2.0
x = xnew + (width - height) / 2.0 + (height / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (height / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0) + pi
x = xnew + (width / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew - (height - width) / 2.0 + (width / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0)
x = xnew + (width / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (height - width) / 2.0 + (width / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
print " aperture", apertures[aperture][TYPE], "is not implemented"
xold = xnew
yold = ynew
continue # End of flash
elif (find(gline, "D") == 0):
### change aperture ###
index = find(gline, '*')
aperture = int(gline[1:index])
size = apertures[aperture][SIZE]
elif (find(gline, "G54D") == 0):
### change aperture ###
index = find(gline, '*')
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
size = apertures[aperture][SIZE]
print " not parsed:", gline
boundarys[0] = boundary
def read_Gerber(filename, nverts=10):
Gerber parser.
global boundarys
EPS = 1e-20
TYPE = 0
SIZE = 1
gfile = open(filename, 'r')
gstr = gfile.readlines()
segment = -1
xold = []
yold = []
boundary = []
macros = []
N_macros = 0
apertures = [[] for i in range(1000)]
for gline in gstr:
if (find(gline, "%FS") != -1):
### format statement ###
index = find(gline, "X")
digits = int(gline[index + 1])
fraction = int(gline[index + 2])
elif (find(gline, "%AM") != -1):
### aperture macro ###
index = find(gline, "%AM")
index1 = find(gline, "*")
macros[-1] = gline[index + 3:index1]
N_macros += 1
elif (find(gline, "%MOIN*%") != -1):
# inches
elif (find(gline, "G01*") != -1):
### linear interpolation ###
elif (find(gline, "G70*") != -1):
### inches ###
elif (find(gline, "G75*") != -1):
### circular interpolation ###
elif (find(gline, "%ADD") != -1):
### aperture definition ###
index = find(gline, "%ADD")
parse = 0
if (find(gline, "C,") != -1):
## circle ##
index = find(gline, "C,")
index1 = find(gline, "*")
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
size = float(gline[index + 2:index1])
apertures[aperture] = ["C", size]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": circle diameter", size
elif (find(gline, "O,") != -1):
## obround ##
index = find(gline, "O,")
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
index1 = find(gline, ",", index)
index2 = find(gline, "X", index)
index3 = find(gline, "*", index)
width = float(gline[index1 + 1:index2])
height = float(gline[index2 + 1:index3])
apertures[aperture] = ["O", width, height]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": obround", width, "x", height
elif (find(gline, "R,") != -1):
## rectangle ##
index = find(gline, "R,")
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
index1 = find(gline, ",", index)
index2 = find(gline, "X", index)
index3 = find(gline, "*", index)
width = float(gline[index1 + 1:index2])
height = float(gline[index2 + 1:index3])
apertures[aperture] = ["R", width, height]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": rectangle", width, "x", height
for macro in range(N_macros):
## macros ##
index = find(gline, macros[macro] + ',')
if (index != -1):
# hack: assume macros can be approximated by
# a circle, and has a size parameter
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
index1 = find(gline, ",", index)
index2 = find(gline, "*", index)
size = float(gline[index1 + 1:index2])
apertures[aperture] = ["C", size]
print " read aperture", aperture, ": macro (assuming circle) diameter", size
parse = 1
if (parse == 0):
print " aperture not implemented:", gline
# End of if aperture definition
elif (find(gline, "D01*") != -1):
### pen down ###
[xnew, ynew] = coord(gline, digits, fraction)
if (size > EPS):
if ((abs(xnew - xold) > EPS) | (abs(ynew - yold) > EPS)):
newpath = stroke(xold, yold, xnew, ynew, size, nverts=nverts)
segment += 1
boundary[segment].append([xnew, ynew, []])
xold = xnew
yold = ynew
elif (find(gline, "D02*") != -1):
### pen up ###
[xold, yold] = coord(gline, digits, fraction)
if (size < EPS):
segment += 1
boundary[segment].append([xold, yold, []])
newpath = []
elif (find(gline, "D03*") != -1):
### flash ###
if (find(gline, "D03*") == 0):
# coordinates on preceeding line
[xnew, ynew] = [xold, yold]
# coordinates on this line
[xnew, ynew] = coord(gline, digits, fraction)
if (apertures[aperture][TYPE] == "C"):
# circle
segment += 1
size = apertures[aperture][SIZE]
for i in range(nverts):
angle = i * 2.0 * pi / (nverts - 1.0)
x = xnew + (size / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (size / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
elif (apertures[aperture][TYPE] == "R"):
# rectangle
segment += 1
width = apertures[aperture][WIDTH] / 2.0
height = apertures[aperture][HEIGHT] / 2.0
boundary[segment].append([xnew - width, ynew - height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew + width, ynew - height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew + width, ynew + height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew - width, ynew + height, []])
boundary[segment].append([xnew - width, ynew - height, []])
elif (apertures[aperture][TYPE] == "O"):
# obround
segment += 1
width = apertures[aperture][WIDTH]
height = apertures[aperture][HEIGHT]
if (width > height):
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0) + pi / 2.0
x = xnew - (width - height) / 2.0 + (height / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (height / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0) - pi / 2.0
x = xnew + (width - height) / 2.0 + (height / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (height / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0) + pi
x = xnew + (width / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew - (height - width) / 2.0 + (width / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
for i in range(nverts / 2):
angle = i * pi / (nverts / 2 - 1.0)
x = xnew + (width / 2.0) * cos(angle)
y = ynew + (height - width) / 2.0 + (width / 2.0) * sin(angle)
boundary[segment].append([x, y, []])
print " aperture", apertures[aperture][TYPE], "is not implemented"
xold = xnew
yold = ynew
continue # End of flash
elif (find(gline, "D") == 0):
### change aperture ###
index = find(gline, '*')
aperture = int(gline[1:index])
size = apertures[aperture][SIZE]
elif (find(gline, "G54D") == 0):
### change aperture ###
index = find(gline, '*')
aperture = int(gline[4:index])
size = apertures[aperture][SIZE]
print " not parsed:", gline
boundarys[0] = boundary
def read_Excellon(filename):
global boundarys
# Excellon parser
file = open(filename,'r')
str = file.readlines()
segment = -1
line = 0
nlines = len(str)
boundary = []
#header = TRUE
drills = [[] for i in range(1000)]
while line < nlines:
if ((find(str[line],"T") != -1) & (find(str[line],"C") != -1) \
& (find(str[line],"F") != -1)):
# alternate drill definition style
index = find(str[line],"T")
index1 = find(str[line],"C")
index2 = find(str[line],"F")
drill = int(str[line][1:index1])
print str[line][index1+1:index2]
size = float(str[line][index1+1:index2])
drills[drill] = ["C",size]
print " read drill",drill,"size:",size
line += 1
if ((find(str[line],"T") != -1) & (find(str[line]," ") != -1) \
& (find(str[line],"in") != -1)):
# alternate drill definition style
index = find(str[line],"T")
index1 = find(str[line]," ")
index2 = find(str[line],"in")
drill = int(str[line][1:index1])
print str[line][index1+1:index2]
size = float(str[line][index1+1:index2])
drills[drill] = ["C",size]
print " read drill",drill,"size:",size
line += 1
elif ((find(str[line],"T") != -1) & (find(str[line],"C") != -1)):
# alternate drill definition style
index = find(str[line],"T")
index1 = find(str[line],"C")
drill = int(str[line][1:index1])
size = float(str[line][index1+1:-1])
drills[drill] = ["C",size]
print " read drill",drill,"size:",size
line += 1
elif (find(str[line],"T") == 0):
# change drill
index = find(str[line],'T')
drill = int(str[line][index+1:-1])
size = drills[drill][SIZE]
line += 1
elif (find(str[line],"X") != -1):
# drill location
index = find(str[line],"X")
index1 = find(str[line],"Y")
x0 = float(int(str[line][index+1:index1])/10000.0)
y0 = float(int(str[line][index1+1:-1])/10000.0)
line += 1
segment += 1
size = drills[drill][SIZE]
for i in range(nverts):
angle = -i*2.0*pi/(nverts-1.0)
x = x0 + (size/2.0)*cos(angle)
y = y0 + (size/2.0)*sin(angle)
print " not parsed:",str[line]
line += 1
boundarys[0] = boundary
def stroke(x0,y0,x1,y1,width, nverts=10):
# stroke segment with width
#print "stroke:",x0,y0,x1,y1,width
X = 0
Y = 1
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
dxpar = dx / d
dypar = dy / d
dxperp = dypar
dyperp = -dxpar
dx = -dxperp * width/2.0
dy = -dyperp * width/2.0
angle = pi/(nverts/2-1.0)
c = cos(angle)
s = sin(angle)
newpath = []
for i in range(nverts/2):
[dx,dy] = [c*dx-s*dy, s*dx+c*dy]
dx = dxperp * width/2.0
dy = dyperp * width/2.0
for i in range(nverts/2):
[dx,dy] = [c*dx-s*dy, s*dx+c*dy]
x0 = newpath[0][X]
y0 = newpath[0][Y]
return newpath
def contour(event):
Uses displace() and adjust_contours()
global boundarys, toolpaths, contours
# contour boundary to find toolpath
print "contouring boundary ..."
xyscale = float(sxyscale.get())
undercut = float(sundercut.get())
if (undercut != 0.0):
print " undercutting contour by",undercut
N_contour = 1
if (len(boundarys) == 1):
# 2D contour
toolpaths[0] = []
for n in range(N_contour):
toolrad = (n+1)*(float(sdia.get())/2.0-undercut)/xyscale
contours[0] = displace(boundarys[0],toolrad)
altern = ialtern.get();
if (altern == TRUE):
contours[0] = adjust_contour(contours[0],boundarys[0],toolrad)
contours[0] = prune(contours[0],-1,event)
# 3D contour
for layer in range(len(boundarys)):
toolpaths[layer] = []
contours[layer] = []
if (boundarys[layer] != []):
[xindex,yindex,zindex,z] = orient(boundarys[layer])
for n in range(N_contour):
toolrad = (n+1)*(float(sdia.get())/2.0-undercut)/xyscale
path = project(boundarys[layer],xindex,yindex)
contour = displace(path,toolrad)
contour = prune(contour,-1,event)
contours[layer] = lift(contour,xindex,yindex,zindex,z)
print " done"
def adjust_contour(path, boundary, toolrad):
print " adjust_contour ..."
newpath = []
for seg in range(len(path)):
# print "points"
# for vert in range(len(path[seg])):
# Px = boundary[seg][vert][X]
# Py = boundary[seg][vert][Y]
# print "%2i : %5.2f,%5.2f" % (vert, Px, Py)
# print "len(path[seg]): ", len(path[seg])
# print "len(boundary[seg]: ", len(boundary[seg])
for vert in range(len(path[seg])):
Px = path[seg][vert][X]
Py = path[seg][vert][Y]
avgvalue = []
changed = 1
iteration = 0
avg = []
while ((iteration < MAXITER) & (changed != 0)):
changed = 0
for orgvert in range(len(boundary[seg]) - 1):
# if (orgvert == 0):
# x0 = boundary[seg][len(boundary[seg]) - 1][X]
# y0 = boundary[seg][len(boundary[seg]) - 1][Y]
# else:
x0 = boundary[seg][orgvert][X]
y0 = boundary[seg][orgvert][Y]
x1 = boundary[seg][orgvert + 1][X]
y1 = boundary[seg][orgvert + 1][Y]
#print ' A %5.2f,%5.2f B %5.2f,%5.2f' % (x0, y0, x1, y1)
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
nx = dy;
ny = -dx;
d = abs(((nx * Px + ny * Py) - (nx * x0 + ny * y0) ) / \
sqrt( nx * nx + ny * ny ))
pre = orgvert - 1
if (pre < 0):
pre = len(boundary[seg]) - 2
post = orgvert + 2
if (post == len(boundary[seg])):
post = 1
#print " distance %5.2f" % d
#print "toolrad ", toolrad
if (d - toolrad < - NOISE):
# if (x0 < 1000000000):
#print " low distance"
# check if inside
pre = orgvert - 1
if (pre < 0):
pre = len(boundary[seg]) - 2
post = orgvert + 2
if (post == len(boundary[seg])):
post = 1
diff_d_pre_x = x1 - boundary[seg][pre][X]
diff_d_pre_y = y1 - boundary[seg][pre][Y]
diff_d_post_x = boundary[seg][post][X] - x0
diff_d_post_y = boundary[seg][post][Y] - y0
#print "diff_pre %5.2f,%5.2f" % (diff_d_pre_x, diff_d_pre_y)
#print "diff_post %5.2f,%5.2f" % (diff_d_post_x, diff_d_post_y)
#n_pre_x = diff_d_pre_y
#n_pre_y = -diff_d_pre_x
#n_post_x = diff_d_post_y
#n_post_y = -diff_d_post_x
diff_px0 = Px - x0
diff_py0 = Py - y0
diff_px1 = Px - x1
diff_py1 = Py - y1
#print "diff p0 %5.2f,%5.2f" % (diff_px0, diff_py0)
#print "diff p1 %5.2f,%5.2f" % (diff_px1, diff_py1)
pre_x = boundary[seg][pre][X]
pre_y = boundary[seg][pre][Y]
post_x = boundary[seg][post][X]
post_y = boundary[seg][post][Y]
v0_x = x0 - pre_x
v0_y = y0 - pre_y
v1_x = post_x - x0
v1_y = post_y - y0
if ((v0_x * nx + v0_y * ny) > -NOISE): #angle > 180
#print "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pre > 180"
value0 = diff_d_pre_x * diff_px0 + diff_d_pre_y * diff_py0
#value0 = diff_px0 * dx + diff_py0 * dy
value0 = diff_px0 * dx + diff_py0 * dy
if (-(v1_x * nx + v1_y * ny) > -NOISE): #angle > 180
#print "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX post > 180"
value1 = diff_d_post_x * diff_px1 + diff_d_post_y * diff_py1
#value1 = diff_px1 * dx + diff_py1 * dy
value1 = diff_px1 * dx + diff_py1 * dy
#if ((value0 > -NOISE) & (value1 < NOISE)):
#print " P %5.2f,%5.2f a %5.2f,%5.2f b %5.2f,%5.2f - inside (%8.5f & %8.5f)" % (Px, Py, x0, y0, x1, y1, value0, value1)
#print " P %5.2f,%5.2f a %5.2f,%5.2f b %5.2f,%5.2f - outside (%8.5f & %8.5f)" % (Px, Py, x0, y0, x1, y1, value0, value1)
# if (vert == 3) & (orgvert == 2):
# print "-p1 %5.2f,%5.2f p2 %5.2f,%5.2f P %5.2f,%5.2f " % (x0, y0, x1, y1, Px, Py)
# print "d %5.2f,%5.2f" % (dx, dy)
# print "n %5.2f,%5.2f" % (nx, ny)
# print "di0 %5.2f,%5.2f" % (diff_px0, diff_py0)
# print "di1 %5.2f,%5.2f" % (diff_px1, diff_py1)
# print "val %5.2f,%5.2f" % (value0, value1)
# if ((value0 == 0) | (value1 == 0)):
# #print " fix me"
# value = value1
# else:
if ((value0 > -NOISE) & (value1 < NOISE)):
#value = value1 * value0;
#if (value < 0 ):
#print 'P %5.2f,%5.2f' % (Px, Py)
#print ' A %5.2f,%5.2f B %5.2f,%5.2f' % (x0, y0, x1, y1)
#print " distance %5.2f" % d
#print " move"
ln = sqrt((nx * nx) + (ny * ny))
Px = Px + (nx / ln) * (toolrad - d);
Py = Py + (ny / ln) * (toolrad - d);
changed += 1
iteration += 1
# print ' new %5.2f,%5.2f' % (Px, Py)
if (iteration > MAXITER - AVGITER):
# print "ii %2i %7.4f,%7.4f" % (iteration, Px,Py)
avgvalue[X] += Px
avgvalue[Y] += Py
# if (iteration > 1):
# print iteration
if (iteration >= MAXITER):
# print " diff", (iteration - (MAXITER - AVGITER))
avgvalue[X] /= float(iteration - (MAXITER - AVGITER))
avgvalue[Y] /= float(iteration - (MAXITER - AVGITER))
# print "NEW : %7.4f,%7.4f" % (avgvalue[X], avgvalue[Y])
# for vert in range(len(path[seg])):
# Px = newpath[seg][vert][X]
# Py = newpath[seg][vert][Y]
# print "NEW %2i : %5.2f,%5.2f" % (vert, Px, Py)
return newpath
def displace(path,toolrad):
Uses offset()
# displace path inwards by tool radius
print " displacing ..."
newpath = []
for seg in range(len(path)):
if (len(path[seg]) > 2):
for vert1 in range(len(path[seg])-1):
if (vert1 == 0):
vert0 = len(path[seg]) - 2
vert0 = vert1 - 1
vert2 = vert1 + 1
x0 = path[seg][vert0][X]
x1 = path[seg][vert1][X]
x2 = path[seg][vert2][X]
y0 = path[seg][vert0][Y]
y1 = path[seg][vert1][Y]
y2 = path[seg][vert2][Y]
[dx,dy] = offset(x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2,toolrad)
if (dx != []):
x0 = newpath[seg][0][X]
y0 = newpath[seg][0][Y]
elif (len(path[seg]) == 2):
x0 = path[seg][0][X]
y0 = path[seg][0][Y]
x1 = path[seg][1][X]
y1 = path[seg][1][Y]
x2 = 2*x1 - x0
y2 = 2*y1 - y0
[dx,dy] = offset(x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2,toolrad)
if (dx != []):
print " displace: shouldn't happen"
return newpath
def offset(x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2,r):
# calculate offset by r for vertex 1
dx0 = x1 - x0
dx1 = x2 - x1
dy0 = y1 - y0
dy1 = y2 - y1
d0 = sqrt(dx0*dx0 + dy0*dy0)
d1 = sqrt(dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1)
if ((d0 == 0) | (d1 == 0)):
return [[],[]]
dx0par = dx0 / d0
dy0par = dy0 / d0
dx0perp = dy0 / d0
dy0perp = -dx0 / d0
dx1perp = dy1 / d1
dy1perp = -dx1 / d1
#print "offset points:",x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2
#print "offset normals:",dx0perp,dx1perp,dy0perp,dy1perp
if ((abs(dx0perp*dy1perp - dx1perp*dy0perp) < EPS) | \
(abs(dy0perp*dx1perp - dy1perp*dx0perp) < EPS)):
dx = r * dx1perp
dy = r * dy1perp
#print " offset planar:",dx,dy
elif ((abs(dx0perp+dx1perp) < EPS) & (abs(dy0perp+dy1perp) < EPS)):
dx = r * dx1par
dy = r * dy1par
#print " offset hairpin:",dx,dy
dx = r*(dy1perp - dy0perp) / \
(dx0perp*dy1perp - dx1perp*dy0perp)
dy = r*(dx1perp - dx0perp) / \
(dy0perp*dx1perp - dy1perp*dx0perp)
#print " offset OK:",dx,dy
return [dx,dy]
def prune(path,sign,event):
Uses add_intersections() and union()
# prune path intersections
# first find the intersections
print " intersecting ..."
[path, intersections, seg_intersections] = add_intersections(path)
#print 'path:',path
#print 'intersections:',intersections
#print 'seg_intersections:',seg_intersections
# then copy non-intersecting segments to new path
newpath = []
for seg in range(len(seg_intersections)):
#print "non-int"
if (seg_intersections[seg] == []):
# finally follow and remove the intersections
print " pruning ..."
i = 0
newseg = 0
while (i < len(intersections)):
if (intersections[i] == []):
# skip null intersections
i += 1
#print "null"
istart = i
intersection = istart
# skip interior intersections
oldseg = -1
interior = TRUE
while 1:
#print 'testing intersection',intersection,':',intersections[intersection]
if (intersections[intersection] == []):
#seg == oldseg
seg = oldseg
[seg,vert] = union(intersection,path,intersections,sign)
#print ' seg',seg,'vert',vert,'oldseg',oldseg
if (seg == oldseg):
#print " remove interior intersection",istart
seg0 = intersections[istart][0][SEG]
vert0 = intersections[istart][0][VERT]
path[seg0][vert0][INTERSECT] = -1
seg1 = intersections[istart][1][SEG]
vert1 = intersections[istart][1][VERT]
path[seg1][vert1][INTERSECT] = -1
intersections[istart] = []
elif (seg == []):
seg = intersections[intersection][0][SEG]
vert = intersections[intersection][0][SEG]
oldseg = []
oldseg = seg
intersection = []
while (intersection == []):
if (vert < (len(path[seg])-1)):
vert += 1
vert = 0
intersection = path[seg][vert][INTERSECT]
if (intersection == -1):
intersection = istart
elif (intersection == istart):
#print ' back to',istart
interior = FALSE
intersection = istart
# save path if valid boundary intersection
if (interior == FALSE):
newseg = len(newpath)
while 1:
#print 'keeping intersection',intersection,':',intersections[intersection]
[seg,vert] = union(intersection,path,intersections,sign)
if (seg == []):
seg = intersections[intersection][0][SEG]
vert = intersections[intersection][0][VERT]
#print ' seg',seg,'vert',vert
intersections[intersection] = []
intersection = []
while (intersection == []):
if (vert < (len(path[seg])-1)):
x = path[seg][vert][X]
y = path[seg][vert][Y]
vert += 1
vert = 0
intersection = path[seg][vert][INTERSECT]
if (intersection == istart):
#print ' back to',istart
x = path[seg][vert][X]
y = path[seg][vert][Y]
i += 1
return newpath
def add_intersections(path):
Uses intersect() and insert() (FIX THIS, BELONG TO OTHER LIBRARY)
# add vertices at path intersections
events = []
active = []
# lexicographic sort segments
for seg in range(len(path)):
nverts = len(path[seg])
for vert in range(nverts-1):
x0 = path[seg][vert][X]
y0 = path[seg][vert][Y]
x1 = path[seg][vert+1][X]
y1 = path[seg][vert+1][Y]
if (x1 < x0):
[x0, x1] = [x1, x0]
[y0, y1] = [y1, y0]
if ((x1 == x0) & (y1 < y0)):
[y0, y1] = [y1, y0]
# find intersections with a sweep line
intersection = 0
verts = []
for event in range(len(events)):
# status.set(" edge "+str(event)+"/"+str(len(events)-1)+" ")
# outframe.update()
# loop over start/end points
type = events[event][INDEX]
seg0 = events[event][EVENT_SEG]
vert0 = events[event][EVENT_VERT]
n0 = len(path[seg0])
if (events[event][INDEX] == START):
# loop over active points
for point in range(len(active)):
sega = active[point][SEG]
verta = active[point][VERT]
if ((sega == seg0) & \
((abs(vert0-verta) == 1) | (abs(vert0-verta) == (n0-2)))):
#print seg0,vert0,verta,n0
[xloc,yloc] = intersect(path,seg0,vert0,sega,verta)
if (xloc != []):
# found intersection, save it
d0 = (path[seg0][vert0][X]-xloc)**2 + (path[seg0][vert0][Y]-yloc)**2
da = (path[sega][verta][X]-xloc)**2 + (path[sega][verta][Y]-yloc)**2
intersection += 1
print " found",intersection,"intersections"
# add vertices at path intersections
for vertex in range(len(verts)):
seg = verts[vertex][SEG]
vert = verts[vertex][VERT]
intersection = verts[vertex][IINTERSECT]
x = verts[vertex][XINTERSECT]
y = verts[vertex][YINTERSECT]
# make vertex table and segment list of intersections
# status.set(namedate)
# outframe.update()
nintersections = len(verts)/2
intersections = [[] for i in range(nintersections)]
for seg in range(len(path)):
for vert in range(len(path[seg])):
intersection = path[seg][vert][INTERSECT]
if (intersection != []):
seg_intersections = [[] for i in path]
for i in range(len(intersections)):
if (len(intersections[i]) != 2):
print " shouldn't happen: i",i,intersections[i]
return [path, intersections, seg_intersections]
def intersect(path,seg0,vert0,sega,verta):
# test and return edge intersection
if ((seg0 == sega) & (vert0 == 0) & (verta == (len(path[sega])-2))):
#print " return (0-end)"
return [[],[]]
x0 = path[seg0][vert0][X]
y0 = path[seg0][vert0][Y]
x1 = path[seg0][vert0+1][X]
y1 = path[seg0][vert0+1][Y]
dx01 = x1 - x0
dy01 = y1 - y0
d01 = sqrt(dx01*dx01 + dy01*dy01)
if (d01 == 0):
# zero-length segment, return no intersection
#print "zero-length segment"
return [[],[]]
dxpar01 = dx01 / d01
dypar01 = dy01 / d01
dxperp01 = dypar01
dyperp01 = -dxpar01
xa = path[sega][verta][X]
ya = path[sega][verta][Y]
xb = path[sega][verta+1][X]
yb = path[sega][verta+1][Y]
dx0a = xa - x0
dy0a = ya - y0
dpar0a = dx0a*dxpar01 + dy0a*dypar01
dperp0a = dx0a*dxperp01 + dy0a*dyperp01
dx0b = xb - x0
dy0b = yb - y0
dpar0b = dx0b*dxpar01 + dy0b*dypar01
dperp0b = dx0b*dxperp01 + dy0b*dyperp01
#if (dperp0a*dperp0b > EPS):
if (((dperp0a > EPS) & (dperp0b > EPS)) | \
((dperp0a < -EPS) & (dperp0b < -EPS))):
# vertices on same side, return no intersection
#print " same side"
return [[],[]]
elif ((abs(dperp0a) < EPS) & (abs(dperp0b) < EPS)):
# edges colinear, return no intersection
#d0a = (xa-x0)*dxpar01 + (ya-y0)*dypar01
#d0b = (xb-x0)*dxpar01 + (yb-y0)*dypar01
#print " colinear"
return [[],[]]
# calculation distance to intersection
d = (dpar0a*abs(dperp0b)+dpar0b*abs(dperp0a))/(abs(dperp0a)+abs(dperp0b))
if ((d < -EPS) | (d > (d01+EPS))):
# intersection outside segment, return no intersection
#print " found intersection outside segment"
return [[],[]]
# intersection in segment, return intersection
#print " found intersection in segment s0 v0 sa va",seg0,vert0,sega,verta
xloc = x0 + dxpar01*d
yloc = y0 + dypar01*d
return [xloc,yloc]
def insert(path,x,y,seg,vert,intersection):
# insert a vertex at x,y in seg,vert, if needed
d0 = (path[seg][vert][X]-x)**2 + (path[seg][vert][Y]-y)**2
d1 = (path[seg][vert+1][X]-x)**2 + (path[seg][vert+1][Y]-y)**2
#print "check insert seg",seg,"vert",vert,"intersection",intersection
if ((d0 > EPS) & (d1 > EPS)):
#print " added intersection vertex",vert+1
return 1
elif (d0 < EPS):
if (path[seg][vert][INTERSECT] == []):
path[seg][vert][INTERSECT] = intersection
#print " added d0",vert
return 0
elif (d1 < EPS):
if (path[seg][vert+1][INTERSECT] == []):
path[seg][vert+1][INTERSECT] = intersection
#print " added d1",vert+1
return 0
#print " shouldn't happen: d0",d0,"d1",d1
return 0
def union(i,path,intersections,sign):
# return edge to exit intersection i for a union
#print "union: intersection",i,"in",intersections
seg0 = intersections[i][0][SEG]
#print "seg0",seg0
vert0 = intersections[i][0][VERT]
x0 = path[seg0][vert0][X]
y0 = path[seg0][vert0][Y]
if (vert0 < (len(path[seg0])-1)):
vert1 = vert0 + 1
vert1 = 0
x1 = path[seg0][vert1][X]
y1 = path[seg0][vert1][Y]
dx01 = x1-x0
dy01 = y1-y0
sega = intersections[i][A][SEG]
verta = intersections[i][A][VERT]
xa = path[sega][verta][X]
ya = path[sega][verta][Y]
if (verta < (len(path[sega])-1)):
vertb = verta + 1
vertb = 0
xb = path[sega][vertb][X]
yb = path[sega][vertb][Y]
dxab = xb-xa
dyab = yb-ya
dot = dxab*dy01 - dyab*dx01
#print " dot",dot
if (abs(dot) <= EPS):
print " colinear"
seg = []
vert= []
elif (dot > EPS):
seg = intersections[i][(1-sign)/2][SEG]
vert = intersections[i][(1-sign)/2][VERT]
seg = intersections[i][(1+sign)/2][SEG]
vert = intersections[i][(1+sign)/2][VERT]
return [seg,vert]
def read(filename): #MOD
event = None #MOD
print "read(event)"
global vertices, faces, boundarys, toolpaths, contours, slices,\
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, noise_flag
# read file
faces = []
contours = [[]]
boundarys = [[]]
toolpaths = [[]]
slices = [[]]
#filename = infile.get() #MOD
if ((find(filename,".cmp") != -1) | (find(filename,".CMP")!= -1) \
| (find(filename,".sol")!= -1) | (find(filename,".SOL") != -1) \
| (find(filename,".plc")!= -1) | (find(filename,".PLC")!= -1) \
| (find(filename,".sts")!= -1) | (find(filename,".STS")!= -1) \
| (find(filename,".gtl")!= -1) | (find(filename,".GTL")!= -1) \
| (find(filename,".stc")!= -1) | (find(filename,".STC")!= -1)):
print "reading Gerber file",filename
elif ((find(filename,".drl") != -1) | (find(filename,".DRL") != -1) | \
(find(filename,".drd") != -1) | (find(filename,".DRD") != -1)):
print "reading Excellon file",filename
elif ((find(filename,".dxf") != -1) | (find(filename,".DXF") != -1)):
print "reading DXF file",filename
elif (find(filename,".stl") != -1):
print "reading STL file",filename
elif (find(filename,".jpg") != -1):
print "reading image file",filename
elif (find(filename,".svg") != -1):
print "reading SVG file",filename
print "unsupported file type"
xmin = HUGE
xmax = -HUGE
ymin = HUGE
ymax = -HUGE
zmin = HUGE
zmax = -HUGE
if (len(boundarys) == 1):
# 2D file
boundary = boundarys[0]
sum = 0
for segment in range(len(boundary)):
sum += len(boundary[segment])
for vertex in range(len(boundary[segment])):
x = boundary[segment][vertex][X]
y = boundary[segment][vertex][Y]
if (x < xmin): xmin = x
if (x > xmax): xmax = x
if (y < ymin): ymin = y
if (y > ymax): ymax = y
print " found",len(boundary),"polygons,",sum,"vertices"
print " xmin: %0.3g "%xmin,"xmax: %0.3g "%xmax,"dx: %0.3g "%(xmax-xmin)
print " ymin: %0.3g "%ymin,"ymax: %0.3g "%ymax,"dy: %0.3g "%(ymax-ymin)
if (noise_flag == 1):
if ((xmax-xmin) < (ymax-ymin)):
delta = (xmax-xmin)*NOISE
delta = (ymax-ymin)*NOISE
for segment in range(len(boundary)):
for vertex in range(len(boundary[segment])):
boundary[segment][vertex][X] += gauss(0,delta)
boundary[segment][vertex][Y] += gauss(0,delta)
print " added %.3g perturbation"%delta
boundarys[0] = boundary
elif (len(boundarys) > 1):
# 3D layers
for layer in range(len(boundarys)):
boundary = boundarys[layer]
sum = 0
for segment in range(len(boundary)):
sum += len(boundary[segment])
for vertex in range(len(boundary[segment])):
x = boundary[segment][vertex][X3]
y = boundary[segment][vertex][Y3]
z = boundary[segment][vertex][Z3]
if (x < xmin): xmin = x
if (x > xmax): xmax = x
if (y < ymin): ymin = y
if (y > ymax): ymax = y
if (z < zmin): zmin = z
if (z > zmax): zmax = z
print " layer",layer,"found",len(boundary),"polygon(s),",sum,"vertices"
if (noise_flag == 1):
if ((xmax-xmin) < (ymax-ymin)):
delta = (xmax-xmin)*NOISE
delta = (ymax-ymin)*NOISE
for segment in range(len(boundary)):
for vertex in range(len(boundary[segment])):
boundary[segment][vertex][X3] += gauss(0,delta)
boundary[segment][vertex][Y3] += gauss(0,delta)
boundary[segment][vertex][Z3] += gauss(0,delta)
boundarys[layer] = boundary
print " xmin: %0.3g "%xmin,"xmax: %0.3g "%xmax,"dx: %0.3g "%(xmax-xmin)
print " ymin: %0.3g "%ymin,"ymax: %0.3g "%ymax,"dy: %0.3g "%(ymax-ymin)
print " zmin: %0.3g "%zmin,"zmax: %0.3g "%zmax,"dy: %0.3g "%(zmax-zmin)
print " added %.3g perturbation"%delta
elif (faces != []):
# 3D faces
for vertex in range(len(vertices)):
x = vertices[vertex][X]
y = vertices[vertex][Y]
z = vertices[vertex][Z]
if (x < xmin): xmin = x
if (x > xmax): xmax = x
if (y < ymin): ymin = y
if (y > ymax): ymax = y
if (z < zmin): zmin = z
if (z > zmax): zmax = z
print " found",len(vertices),"vertices,",len(faces),"faces"
print " xmin: %0.3g "%xmin,"xmax: %0.3g "%xmax,"dx: %0.3g "%(xmax-xmin)
print " ymin: %0.3g "%ymin,"ymax: %0.3g "%ymax,"dy: %0.3g "%(ymax-ymin)
print " zmin: %0.3g "%zmin,"zmax: %0.3g "%zmax,"dz: %0.3g "%(zmax-zmin)
if (noise_flag == 1):
delta = (zmax-zmin)*NOISE
for vertex in range(len(vertices)):
vertices[vertex][X] += gauss(0,delta)
vertices[vertex][Y] += gauss(0,delta)
vertices[vertex][Z] += gauss(0,delta)
print " added %.3g perturbation"%delta
print "shouldn't happen in read"
#camselect(event) MOD
print "End read(event)"
def write_G(boundarys, toolpaths, scale=1.0, thickness=1.0, feed=1, zclear=0.1, zcut=-0.005):
X = 0
Y = 1
#global boundarys, toolpaths, xmin, ymin, zmin, zmax
# G code output
#xyscale = float(sxyscale.get())
xyscale = scale
#zscale = float(sxyscale.get())
#zscale = scale
#dlayer = float(sthickness.get())/zscale
#dlayer = thickness/zscale
#feed = float(sfeed.get())
#xoff = float(sxmin.get()) - xmin*xyscale
#yoff = float(symin.get()) - ymin*xyscale
#cool = icool.get()
#text = outfile.get()
output = "" #file = open(text, 'w')
output += "%\n" #file.write("%\n")
output += "O1234\n" #file.write("O1234\n")
#file.write("T"+stool.get()+"M06\n") # tool
output += "G90G54\n" #file.write("G90G54\n") # absolute positioning with respect to set origin
output += "F%0.3f\n"%feed #file.write("F%0.3f\n"%feed) # feed rate
#file.write("S"+sspindle.get()+"\n") # spindle speed
#if (cool == TRUE): file.write("M08\n") # coolant on
output += "G00Z%.4f\n"%zclear #file.write("G00Z"+szup.get()+"\n") # move up before starting spindle
output += "M03\n" #file.write("M03\n") # spindle on clockwise
nsegment = 0
for layer in range((len(boundarys)-1),-1,-1):
if (toolpaths[layer] == []):
path = boundarys[layer]
path = toolpaths[layer]
#if (szdown.get() == " "):
# zdown = zoff + zmin + (layer-0.50)*dlayer
# zdown = float(szdown.get())
for segment in range(len(path)):
nsegment += 1
vertex = 0
x = path[segment][vertex][X]*xyscale #+ xoff
y = path[segment][vertex][Y]*xyscale #+ yoff
output += "G00X%0.4f"%x+"Y%0.4f"%y+"Z%.4f"%zclear+"\n" #file.write("G00X%0.4f"%x+"Y%0.4f"%y+"Z"+szup.get()+"\n") # rapid motion
output += "G01Z%0.4f"%zcut+"\n" #file.write("G01Z%0.4f"%zdown+"\n") # linear motion
for vertex in range(1,len(path[segment])):
x = path[segment][vertex][X]*xyscale #+ xoff
y = path[segment][vertex][Y]*xyscale #+ yoff
output += "X%0.4f"%x+"Y%0.4f"%y+"\n" #file.write("X%0.4f"%x+"Y%0.4f"%y+"\n")
output += "Z%.4f\n"%zclear #file.write("Z"+szup.get()+"\n")
output += "G00Z%.4f\n"%zclear #file.write("G00Z"+szup.get()+"\n") # move up before stopping spindle
output += "M05\n" #file.write("M05\n") # spindle stop
#if (cool == TRUE): file.write("M09\n") # coolant off
output += "M30\n" #file.write("M30\n") # program end and reset
output += "%\n" #file.write("%\n")
print "wrote",nsegment,"G code toolpath segments"
return output
################ end of cam.py #############