2020-08-21 00:16:35 +03:00

27 lines
901 B

Test cases for Voronoi Diagram creation.
Overall, I'm trying less to test the correctness of the result
and more to cover input cases and behavior, making sure
that we return a sane result without error or raise a useful one.
import pytest
from shapely.geos import geos_version
from shapely.wkt import loads as load_wkt
from shapely.ops import voronoi_diagram
requires_geos_35 = pytest.mark.skipif(geos_version < (3, 5, 0), reason='GEOS >= 3.5.0 is required.')
def test_from_multipoint_without_tolerace_with_floating_point_coordinates():
"""But it's fine without it."""
mp = load_wkt('MULTIPOINT (20.1273 18.7303, 26.5107 18.7303, 20.1273 23.8437, 26.5107 23.8437)')
regions = voronoi_diagram(mp)
print("Len: %d -> Regions: %s" % (len(regions), str(regions)))