2014-06-13 15:21:11 -04:00

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# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# http://caram.cl/software/flatcam #
# Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) #
# Date: 4/20/2014 #
# MIT Licence #
import inspect # TODO: Remove
from gi.repository import Gtk, GdkPixbuf, GLib
from FlatCAMObj import *
from FlatCAM_GTK import FlatCAMApp
class ObjectCollection:
classdict = {
"gerber": FlatCAMGerber,
"excellon": FlatCAMExcellon,
"cncjob": FlatCAMCNCjob,
"geometry": FlatCAMGeometry
icon_files = {
"gerber": "share/flatcam_icon16.png",
"excellon": "share/drill16.png",
"cncjob": "share/cnc16.png",
"geometry": "share/geometry16.png"
def __init__(self):
### Icons for the list view
self.icons = {}
for kind in ObjectCollection.icon_files:
self.icons[kind] = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(ObjectCollection.icon_files[kind])
### GUI List components
## Model
self.store = Gtk.ListStore(FlatCAMObj)
## View
self.view = Gtk.TreeView(model=self.store)
#self.view.connect("row_activated", self.on_row_activated)
self.tree_selection = self.view.get_selection()
self.change_subscription = self.tree_selection.connect("changed", self.on_list_selection_change)
## Renderers
# Icon
renderer_pixbuf = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
column_pixbuf = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Type", renderer_pixbuf)
def _set_cell_icon(column, cell, model, it, data):
obj = model.get_value(it, 0)
cell.set_property('pixbuf', self.icons[obj.kind])
column_pixbuf.set_cell_data_func(renderer_pixbuf, _set_cell_icon)
# Name
renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()
column_text = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Name", renderer_text)
def _set_cell_text(column, cell, model, it, data):
obj = model.get_value(it, 0)
cell.set_property('text', obj.options["name"])
column_text.set_cell_data_func(renderer_text, _set_cell_text)
def print_list(self):
iterat = self.store.get_iter_first()
while iterat is not None:
obj = self.store[iterat][0]
print obj
iterat = self.store.iter_next(iterat)
def delete_all(self):
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.delete_all()")
def delete_active(self):
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.delete_active()")
model, treeiter = self.tree_selection.get_selected()
def on_list_selection_change(self, selection):
Callback for change in selection on the objects' list.
Instructs the new selection to build the UI for its options.
:param selection: Ignored.
:return: None
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.on_list_selection_change()")
active = self.get_active()
def set_active(self, name):
Sets an object as the active object in the program. Same
as `set_list_selection()`.
:param name: Name of the object.
:type name: str
:return: None
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.set_active()")
def get_active(self):
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.get_active()")
model, treeiter = self.tree_selection.get_selected()
return model[treeiter][0]
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
def set_list_selection(self, name):
Sets which object should be selected in the list.
:param name: Name of the object.
:rtype name: str
:return: None
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.set_list_selection()")
iterat = self.store.get_iter_first()
while iterat is not None and self.store[iterat][0].options["name"] != name:
iterat = self.store.iter_next(iterat)
def append(self, obj, active=False):
Add a FlatCAMObj the the collection. This method is thread-safe.
:param obj: FlatCAMObj to append
:type obj: FlatCAMObj
:param active: If it is to become the active object after appending
:type active: bool
:return: None
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.append()")
def guitask():
if active:
def get_names(self):
Gets a list of the names of all objects in the collection.
:return: List of names.
:rtype: list
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.get_names()")
names = []
iterat = self.store.get_iter_first()
while iterat is not None:
obj = self.store[iterat][0]
iterat = self.store.iter_next(iterat)
return names
def get_bounds(self):
Finds coordinates bounding all objects in the collection.
:return: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
:rtype: list
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.get_bounds()")
# TODO: Move the operation out of here.
xmin = Inf
ymin = Inf
xmax = -Inf
ymax = -Inf
iterat = self.store.get_iter_first()
while iterat is not None:
obj = self.store[iterat][0]
gxmin, gymin, gxmax, gymax = obj.bounds()
xmin = min([xmin, gxmin])
ymin = min([ymin, gymin])
xmax = max([xmax, gxmax])
ymax = max([ymax, gymax])
FlatCAMApp.App.log.warning("DEV WARNING: Tried to get bounds of empty geometry.")
iterat = self.store.iter_next(iterat)
return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
def get_list(self):
Returns a list with all FlatCAMObj.
:return: List with all FlatCAMObj.
:rtype: list
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.get_list()")
collection_list = []
iterat = self.store.get_iter_first()
while iterat is not None:
obj = self.store[iterat][0]
iterat = self.store.iter_next(iterat)
return collection_list
def get_by_name(self, name):
Fetches the FlatCAMObj with the given `name`.
:param name: The name of the object.
:type name: str
:return: The requested object or None if no such object.
:rtype: FlatCAMObj or None
FlatCAMApp.App.log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.get_by_name()")
iterat = self.store.get_iter_first()
while iterat is not None:
obj = self.store[iterat][0]
if obj.options["name"] == name:
return obj
iterat = self.store.iter_next(iterat)
return None
# def change_name(self, old_name, new_name):
# """
# Changes the name of `FlatCAMObj` named `old_name` to `new_name`.
# :param old_name: Name of the object to change.
# :type old_name: str
# :param new_name: New name.
# :type new_name: str
# :return: True if name change succeeded, False otherwise. Will fail
# if no object with `old_name` is found.
# :rtype: bool
# """
# print inspect.stack()[1][3], "--> OC.change_name()"
# iterat = self.store.get_iter_first()
# while iterat is not None:
# obj = self.store[iterat][0]
# if obj.options["name"] == old_name:
# obj.options["name"] = new_name
# self.store.row_changed(0, iterat)
# return True
# iterat = self.store.iter_next(iterat)
# return False