Marius Stanciu 06fb48eb6a - minor UI changes for Gerber UI
- ~~after an object move, the apertures plotted shapes are deleted from canvas and the 'mark all' button is deselected~~
- after move tool action or any other transform (rotate, skew, scale, mirror, offset), the plotted apertures are kept plotted.
- changing units now will convert all the default values from one unit type to another
- prettified the selection shape and the moving shape
- initial work in object hovering shape
2019-03-04 03:47:19 +02:00

238 lines
8.7 KiB

# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# http://caram.cl/software/flatcam #
# Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) #
# Date: 2/5/2014 #
# MIT Licence #
from PyQt5 import QtCore
import logging
from VisPyCanvas import VisPyCanvas
from VisPyVisuals import ShapeGroup, ShapeCollection, TextCollection, TextGroup, Cursor
from vispy.scene.visuals import InfiniteLine, Line
import numpy as np
from vispy.geometry import Rect
import time
log = logging.getLogger('base')
class PlotCanvas(QtCore.QObject):
Class handling the plotting area in the application.
def __init__(self, container, app):
The constructor configures the VisPy figure that
will contain all plots, creates the base axes and connects
events to the plotting area.
:param container: The parent container in which to draw plots.
:rtype: PlotCanvas
super(PlotCanvas, self).__init__()
self.app = app
# Parent container
self.container = container
# workspace lines; I didn't use the rectangle because I didn't want to add another VisPy Node,
# which might decrease performance
self.b_line, self.r_line, self.t_line, self.l_line = None, None, None, None
# Attach to parent
self.vispy_canvas = VisPyCanvas()
### AXIS ###
self.v_line = InfiniteLine(pos=0, color=(0.70, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0), vertical=True,
self.h_line = InfiniteLine(pos=0, color=(0.70, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0), vertical=False,
# draw a rectangle made out of 4 lines on the canvas to serve as a hint for the work area
# all CNC have a limited workspace
# if self.app.defaults['global_workspace'] is True:
# if self.app.ui.general_defaults_form.general_app_group.units_radio.get_value().upper() == 'MM':
# self.wkspace_t = Line(pos=)
self.shape_collections = []
self.shape_collection = self.new_shape_collection()
self.text_collection = self.new_text_collection()
# TODO: Should be setting to show/hide CNC job annotations (global or per object)
self.text_collection.enabled = False
# draw a rectangle made out of 4 lines on the canvas to serve as a hint for the work area
# all CNC have a limited workspace
def draw_workspace(self):
a = np.empty((0, 0))
a4p_in = np.array([(0, 0), (8.3, 0), (8.3, 11.7), (0, 11.7)])
a4l_in = np.array([(0, 0), (11.7, 0), (11.7, 8.3), (0, 8.3)])
a3p_in = np.array([(0, 0), (11.7, 0), (11.7, 16.5), (0, 16.5)])
a3l_in = np.array([(0, 0), (16.5, 0), (16.5, 11.7), (0, 11.7)])
a4p_mm = np.array([(0, 0), (210, 0), (210, 297), (0, 297)])
a4l_mm = np.array([(0, 0), (297, 0), (297,210), (0, 210)])
a3p_mm = np.array([(0, 0), (297, 0), (297, 420), (0, 420)])
a3l_mm = np.array([(0, 0), (420, 0), (420, 297), (0, 297)])
if self.app.ui.general_defaults_form.general_app_group.units_radio.get_value().upper() == 'MM':
if self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A4P':
a = a4p_mm
elif self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A4L':
a = a4l_mm
elif self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A3P':
a = a3p_mm
elif self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A3L':
a = a3l_mm
if self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A4P':
a = a4p_in
elif self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A4L':
a = a4l_in
elif self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A3P':
a = a3p_in
elif self.app.defaults['global_workspaceT'] == 'A3L':
a = a3l_in
self.b_line = Line(pos=a[0:2], color=(0.70, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
antialias= True, method='agg', parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene)
self.r_line = Line(pos=a[1:3], color=(0.70, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
antialias= True, method='agg', parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene)
self.t_line = Line(pos=a[2:4], color=(0.70, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
antialias= True, method='agg', parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene)
self.l_line = Line(pos=np.array((a[0], a[3])), color=(0.70, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
antialias= True, method='agg', parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene)
if self.app.defaults['global_workspace'] is False:
# delete the workspace lines from the plot by removing the parent
def delete_workspace(self):
self.b_line.parent = None
self.r_line.parent = None
self.t_line.parent = None
self.l_line.parent = None
# redraw the workspace lines on the plot by readding them to the parent view.scene
def restore_workspace(self):
self.b_line.parent = self.vispy_canvas.view.scene
self.r_line.parent = self.vispy_canvas.view.scene
self.t_line.parent = self.vispy_canvas.view.scene
self.l_line.parent = self.vispy_canvas.view.scene
def vis_connect(self, event_name, callback):
return getattr(self.vispy_canvas.events, event_name).connect(callback)
def vis_disconnect(self, event_name, callback):
getattr(self.vispy_canvas.events, event_name).disconnect(callback)
def zoom(self, factor, center=None):
Zooms the plot by factor around a given
center point. Takes care of re-drawing.
:param factor: Number by which to scale the plot.
:type factor: float
:param center: Coordinates [x, y] of the point around which to scale the plot.
:type center: list
:return: None
self.vispy_canvas.view.camera.zoom(factor, center)
def new_shape_group(self, shape_collection=None):
if shape_collection:
return ShapeGroup(shape_collection)
return ShapeGroup(self.shape_collection)
def new_shape_collection(self, **kwargs):
# sc = ShapeCollection(parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene, pool=self.app.pool, **kwargs)
# self.shape_collections.append(sc)
# return sc
return ShapeCollection(parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene, pool=self.app.pool, **kwargs)
def new_cursor(self):
c = Cursor(pos=np.empty((0, 2)), parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene)
c.antialias = 0
return c
def new_text_group(self):
return TextGroup(self.text_collection)
def new_text_collection(self, **kwargs):
return TextCollection(parent=self.vispy_canvas.view.scene, **kwargs)
def fit_view(self, rect=None):
# Lock updates in other threads
if not rect:
rect = Rect(-1, -1, 20, 20)
rect.left, rect.right = self.shape_collection.bounds(axis=0)
rect.bottom, rect.top = self.shape_collection.bounds(axis=1)
except TypeError:
# adjust the view camera to be slightly bigger than the bounds so the shape colleaction can be seen clearly
# otherwise the shape collection boundary will have no border
rect.left *= 0.96
rect.bottom *= 0.96
rect.right *= 1.01
rect.top *= 1.01
self.vispy_canvas.view.camera.rect = rect
def fit_center(self, loc, rect=None):
# Lock updates in other threads
if not rect:
rect = Rect(loc[0]-20, loc[1]-20, 40, 40)
except TypeError:
self.vispy_canvas.view.camera.rect = rect
def clear(self):
def redraw(self):
def on_pool_recreated(self, pool):
self.shape_collection.pool = pool