Marius Stanciu fdd5344581 - fixed bug in Gerber parser that allowed loading as Gerber of a file that is not a Gerber
- fixed a bug in extension detection for Gerber files that allowed in the filtered list files that extension *.gb*
- added a processEvents method in the Gerber parser parse_lines() method
2020-04-05 21:11:48 +03:00

2453 lines
108 KiB

from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from camlib import Geometry, arc, arc_angle, ApertureMacro
import FlatCAMApp
import numpy as np
import re
import logging
import traceback
from copy import deepcopy
import sys
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon, LineString, Point
import shapely.affinity as affinity
from shapely.geometry import box as shply_box
from lxml import etree as ET
from flatcamParsers.ParseSVG import *
import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate
import gettext
import builtins
if '_' not in builtins.__dict__:
_ = gettext.gettext
log = logging.getLogger('base')
class Gerber(Geometry):
Here it is done all the Gerber parsing.
* ``apertures`` (dict): The keys are names/identifiers of each aperture.
The values are dictionaries key/value pairs which describe the aperture. The
type key is always present and the rest depend on the key:
| Key | Value |
| type | (str) "C", "R", "O", "P", or "AP" |
| others | Depend on ``type`` |
| solid_geometry | (list) |
* ``aperture_macros`` (dictionary): Are predefined geometrical structures
that can be instantiated with different parameters in an aperture
definition. See ``apertures`` above. The key is the name of the macro,
and the macro itself, the value, is a ``Aperture_Macro`` object.
* ``flash_geometry`` (list): List of (Shapely) geometric object resulting
from ``flashes``. These are generated from ``flashes`` in ``do_flashes()``.
* ``buffered_paths`` (list): List of (Shapely) polygons resulting from
*buffering* (or thickening) the ``paths`` with the aperture. These are
generated from ``paths`` in ``buffer_paths()``.
g = Gerber()
# defaults = {
# "steps_per_circle": 128,
# "use_buffer_for_union": True
# }
app = None
def __init__(self, steps_per_circle=None):
The constructor takes no parameters. Use ``gerber.parse_files()``
or ``gerber.parse_lines()`` to populate the object from Gerber source.
:return: Gerber object
:rtype: Gerber
# How to approximate a circle with lines.
self.steps_per_circle = int(self.app.defaults["gerber_circle_steps"])
self.decimals = self.app.decimals
# Initialize parent
Geometry.__init__(self, geo_steps_per_circle=self.steps_per_circle)
# Number format
self.int_digits = 3
"""Number of integer digits in Gerber numbers. Used during parsing."""
self.frac_digits = 4
"""Number of fraction digits in Gerber numbers. Used during parsing."""
self.gerber_zeros = self.app.defaults['gerber_def_zeros']
"""Zeros in Gerber numbers. If 'L' then remove leading zeros, if 'T' remove trailing zeros. Used during parsing.
# ## Gerber elements # ##
apertures = {
'geometry': [],
apertures['geometry'] list elements are dicts
dict = {
'solid': [],
'follow': [],
'clear': []
# store the file units here:
self.units = self.app.defaults['gerber_def_units']
# aperture storage
self.apertures = {}
# Aperture Macros
self.aperture_macros = {}
# will store the Gerber geometry's as solids
self.solid_geometry = Polygon()
# will store the Gerber geometry's as paths
self.follow_geometry = []
# made True when the LPC command is encountered in Gerber parsing
# it allows adding data into the clear_geometry key of the self.apertures[aperture] dict
self.is_lpc = False
self.source_file = ''
# Attributes to be included in serialization
# Always append to it because it carries contents
# from Geometry.
self.ser_attrs += ['int_digits', 'frac_digits', 'apertures',
'aperture_macros', 'solid_geometry', 'source_file']
# ### Parser patterns ## ##
# FS - Format Specification
# The format of X and Y must be the same!
# L-omit leading zeros, T-omit trailing zeros, D-no zero supression
# A-absolute notation, I-incremental notation
self.fmt_re = re.compile(r'%?FS([LTD])?([AI])X(\d)(\d)Y\d\d\*%?$')
self.fmt_re_alt = re.compile(r'%FS([LTD])?([AI])X(\d)(\d)Y\d\d\*MO(IN|MM)\*%$')
self.fmt_re_orcad = re.compile(r'(G\d+)*\**%FS([LTD])?([AI]).*X(\d)(\d)Y\d\d\*%$')
# Mode (IN/MM)
self.mode_re = re.compile(r'^%?MO(IN|MM)\*%?$')
# Comment G04|G4
self.comm_re = re.compile(r'^G0?4(.*)$')
# AD - Aperture definition
# Aperture Macro names: Name = [a-zA-Z_.$]{[a-zA-Z_.0-9]+}
# NOTE: Adding "-" to support output from Upverter.
self.ad_re = re.compile(r'^%ADD(\d\d+)([a-zA-Z_$\.][a-zA-Z0-9_$\.\-]*)(?:,(.*))?\*%$')
# AM - Aperture Macro
# Beginning of macro (Ends with *%):
# self.am_re = re.compile(r'^%AM([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\*')
# Tool change
# May begin with G54 but that is deprecated
self.tool_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G54)?D(\d\d+)\*$')
# G01... - Linear interpolation plus flashes with coordinates
# Operation code (D0x) missing is deprecated... oh well I will support it.
self.lin_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G0?(1))?(?=.*X([\+-]?\d+))?(?=.*Y([\+-]?\d+))?[XY][^DIJ]*(?:D0?([123]))?\*$')
# Operation code alone, usually just D03 (Flash)
self.opcode_re = re.compile(r'^D0?([123])\*$')
# G02/3... - Circular interpolation with coordinates
# 2-clockwise, 3-counterclockwise
# Operation code (D0x) missing is deprecated... oh well I will support it.
# Optional start with G02 or G03, optional end with D01 or D02 with
# optional coordinates but at least one in any order.
self.circ_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G0?([23]))?(?=.*X([\+-]?\d+))?(?=.*Y([\+-]?\d+))' +
# G01/2/3 Occurring without coordinates
self.interp_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G0?([123]))\*')
# Single G74 or multi G75 quadrant for circular interpolation
self.quad_re = re.compile(r'^G7([45]).*\*$')
# Region mode on
# In region mode, D01 starts a region
# and D02 ends it. A new region can be started again
# with D01. All contours must be closed before
# D02 or G37.
self.regionon_re = re.compile(r'^G36\*$')
# Region mode off
# Will end a region and come off region mode.
# All contours must be closed before D02 or G37.
self.regionoff_re = re.compile(r'^G37\*$')
# End of file
self.eof_re = re.compile(r'^M02\*')
# IP - Image polarity
self.pol_re = re.compile(r'^%?IP(POS|NEG)\*%?$')
# LP - Level polarity
self.lpol_re = re.compile(r'^%LP([DC])\*%$')
# Units (OBSOLETE)
self.units_re = re.compile(r'^G7([01])\*$')
# Absolute/Relative G90/1 (OBSOLETE)
self.absrel_re = re.compile(r'^G9([01])\*$')
# Aperture macros
self.am1_re = re.compile(r'^%AM([^\*]+)\*([^%]+)?(%)?$')
self.am2_re = re.compile(r'(.*)%$')
# flag to store if a conversion was done. It is needed because multiple units declarations can be found
# in a Gerber file (normal or obsolete ones)
self.conversion_done = False
self.use_buffer_for_union = self.app.defaults["gerber_use_buffer_for_union"]
def aperture_parse(self, apertureId, apertureType, apParameters):
Parse gerber aperture definition into dictionary of apertures.
The following kinds and their attributes are supported:
* *Circular (C)*: size (float)
* *Rectangle (R)*: width (float), height (float)
* *Obround (O)*: width (float), height (float).
* *Polygon (P)*: diameter(float), vertices(int), [rotation(float)]
* *Aperture Macro (AM)*: macro (ApertureMacro), modifiers (list)
:param apertureId: Id of the aperture being defined.
:param apertureType: Type of the aperture.
:param apParameters: Parameters of the aperture.
:type apertureId: str
:type apertureType: str
:type apParameters: str
:return: Identifier of the aperture.
:rtype: str
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
# Found some Gerber with a leading zero in the aperture id and the
# referenced it without the zero, so this is a hack to handle that.
apid = str(int(apertureId))
try: # Could be empty for aperture macros
paramList = apParameters.split('X')
except Exception:
paramList = None
if apertureType == "C": # Circle, example: %ADD11C,0.1*%
self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "C",
"size": float(paramList[0])}
return apid
if apertureType == "R": # Rectangle, example: %ADD15R,0.05X0.12*%
self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "R",
"width": float(paramList[0]),
"height": float(paramList[1]),
"size": np.sqrt(float(paramList[0]) ** 2 + float(paramList[1]) ** 2)} # Hack
return apid
if apertureType == "O": # Obround
self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "O",
"width": float(paramList[0]),
"height": float(paramList[1]),
"size": np.sqrt(float(paramList[0]) ** 2 + float(paramList[1]) ** 2)} # Hack
return apid
if apertureType == "P": # Polygon (regular)
self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "P",
"diam": float(paramList[0]),
"nVertices": int(paramList[1]),
"size": float(paramList[0])} # Hack
if len(paramList) >= 3:
self.apertures[apid]["rotation"] = float(paramList[2])
return apid
if apertureType in self.aperture_macros:
self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "AM",
"macro": self.aperture_macros[apertureType],
"modifiers": paramList}
return apid
log.warning("Aperture not implemented: %s" % str(apertureType))
return None
def parse_file(self, filename, follow=False):
Calls Gerber.parse_lines() with generator of lines
read from the given file. Will split the lines if multiple
statements are found in a single original line.
The following line is split into two::
First is ``G54D11*`` and seconds is ``G36*``.
:param filename: Gerber file to parse.
:type filename: str
:param follow: If true, will not create polygons, just lines
following the gerber path.
:type follow: bool
:return: None
with open(filename, 'r') as gfile:
def line_generator():
for line in gfile:
line = line.strip(' \r\n')
while len(line) > 0:
# If ends with '%' leave as is.
if line[-1] == '%':
yield line
# Split after '*' if any.
starpos = line.find('*')
if starpos > -1:
cleanline = line[:starpos + 1]
yield cleanline
line = line[starpos + 1:]
# Otherwise leave as is.
# yield clean line
yield line
processed_lines = list(line_generator())
# @profile
def parse_lines(self, glines):
Main Gerber parser. Reads Gerber and populates ``self.paths``, ``self.apertures``,
``self.flashes``, ``self.regions`` and ``self.units``.
:param glines: Gerber code as list of strings, each element being
one line of the source file.
:type glines: list
:return: None
:rtype: None
# Coordinates of the current path, each is [x, y]
path = []
# this is for temporary storage of solid geometry until it is added to poly_buffer
geo_s = None
# this is for temporary storage of follow geometry until it is added to follow_buffer
geo_f = None
# Polygons are stored here until there is a change in polarity.
# Only then they are combined via cascaded_union and added or
# subtracted from solid_geometry. This is ~100 times faster than
# applying a union for every new polygon.
poly_buffer = []
# store here the follow geometry
follow_buffer = []
last_path_aperture = None
current_aperture = None
# 1,2 or 3 from "G01", "G02" or "G03"
current_interpolation_mode = None
# 1 or 2 from "D01" or "D02"
# Note this is to support deprecated Gerber not putting
# an operation code at the end of every coordinate line.
current_operation_code = None
# Current coordinates
current_x = 0
current_y = 0
previous_x = 0
previous_y = 0
current_d = None
# Absolute or Relative/Incremental coordinates
# Not implemented
absolute = True
# How to interpret circular interpolation: SINGLE or MULTI
quadrant_mode = None
# Indicates we are parsing an aperture macro
current_macro = None
# Indicates the current polarity: D-Dark, C-Clear
current_polarity = 'D'
# If a region is being defined
making_region = False
# ### Parsing starts here ## ##
line_num = 0
gline = ""
s_tol = float(self.app.defaults["gerber_simp_tolerance"])
self.app.inform.emit('%s %d %s.' % (_("Gerber processing. Parsing"), len(glines), _("lines")))
for gline in glines:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
line_num += 1
self.source_file += gline + '\n'
# Cleanup #
gline = gline.strip(' \r\n')
# log.debug("Line=%3s %s" % (line_num, gline))
# ###############################################################
# ################ Ignored lines ############################
# ################ Comments ############################
# ###############################################################
match = self.comm_re.search(gline)
if match:
# ###############################################################
# ################ Polarity change #############################
# ######## Example: %LPD*% or %LPC*% ###################
# ######## If polarity changes, creates geometry from current #
# ######## buffer, then adds or subtracts accordingly. #
# ###############################################################
match = self.lpol_re.search(gline)
if match:
new_polarity = match.group(1)
# log.info("Polarity CHANGE, LPC = %s, poly_buff = %s" % (self.is_lpc, poly_buffer))
self.is_lpc = True if new_polarity == 'C' else False
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length > 1 and current_polarity != new_polarity:
# finish the current path and add it to the storage
# --- Buffered ----
width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"]
geo_dict = {}
geo_f = LineString(path)
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
geo_s = LineString(path).buffer(width / 1.999, int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
if not geo_s.is_empty and geo_s.is_valid:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if last_path_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[last_path_aperture]:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture]['geometry'] = []
path = [path[-1]]
# --- Apply buffer ---
# If added for testing of bug #83
# TODO: Remove when bug fixed
buff_length = len(poly_buffer)
except TypeError:
buff_length = 1
if buff_length > 0:
if current_polarity == 'D':
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.union(cascaded_union(poly_buffer))
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.difference(cascaded_union(poly_buffer))
# follow_buffer = []
poly_buffer = []
current_polarity = new_polarity
# ################################################################
# ##################### Number format ###########################
# ##################### Example: %FSLAX24Y24*% #################
# ################################################################
match = self.fmt_re.search(gline)
if match:
absolute = {'A': 'Absolute', 'I': 'Relative'}[match.group(2)]
if match.group(1) is not None:
self.gerber_zeros = match.group(1)
self.int_digits = int(match.group(3))
self.frac_digits = int(match.group(4))
log.debug("Gerber format found. (%s) " % str(gline))
"Gerber format found. Gerber zeros = %s (L-omit leading zeros, T-omit trailing zeros, "
"D-no zero supression)" % self.gerber_zeros)
log.debug("Gerber format found. Coordinates type = %s (Absolute or Relative)" % absolute)
# ################################################################
# ######################## Mode (IN/MM) #######################
# ##################### Example: %MOIN*% #####################
# ################################################################
match = self.mode_re.search(gline)
if match:
self.units = match.group(1)
log.debug("Gerber units found = %s" % self.units)
# Changed for issue #80
# self.convert_units(match.group(1))
self.conversion_done = True
# ################################################################
# Combined Number format and Mode --- Allegro does this ##########
# ################################################################
match = self.fmt_re_alt.search(gline)
if match:
absolute = {'A': 'Absolute', 'I': 'Relative'}[match.group(2)]
if match.group(1) is not None:
self.gerber_zeros = match.group(1)
self.int_digits = int(match.group(3))
self.frac_digits = int(match.group(4))
log.debug("Gerber format found. (%s) " % str(gline))
"Gerber format found. Gerber zeros = %s (L-omit leading zeros, T-omit trailing zeros, "
"D-no zero suppression)" % self.gerber_zeros)
log.debug("Gerber format found. Coordinates type = %s (Absolute or Relative)" % absolute)
self.units = match.group(5)
log.debug("Gerber units found = %s" % self.units)
# Changed for issue #80
# self.convert_units(match.group(5))
self.conversion_done = True
# ################################################################
# #### Search for OrCAD way for having Number format ########
# ################################################################
match = self.fmt_re_orcad.search(gline)
if match:
if match.group(1) is not None:
if match.group(1) == 'G74':
quadrant_mode = 'SINGLE'
elif match.group(1) == 'G75':
quadrant_mode = 'MULTI'
absolute = {'A': 'Absolute', 'I': 'Relative'}[match.group(3)]
if match.group(2) is not None:
self.gerber_zeros = match.group(2)
self.int_digits = int(match.group(4))
self.frac_digits = int(match.group(5))
log.debug("Gerber format found. (%s) " % str(gline))
"Gerber format found. Gerber zeros = %s (L-omit leading zeros, T-omit trailing zeros, "
"D-no zerosuppressionn)" % self.gerber_zeros)
log.debug("Gerber format found. Coordinates type = %s (Absolute or Relative)" % absolute)
self.units = match.group(1)
log.debug("Gerber units found = %s" % self.units)
# Changed for issue #80
# self.convert_units(match.group(5))
self.conversion_done = True
# ################################################################
# ############ Units (G70/1) OBSOLETE ######################
# ################################################################
match = self.units_re.search(gline)
if match:
obs_gerber_units = {'0': 'IN', '1': 'MM'}[match.group(1)]
self.units = obs_gerber_units
log.warning("Gerber obsolete units found = %s" % obs_gerber_units)
# Changed for issue #80
# self.convert_units({'0': 'IN', '1': 'MM'}[match.group(1)])
self.conversion_done = True
# ################################################################
# ##### Absolute/relative coordinates G90/1 OBSOLETE ###########
# ################################################################
match = self.absrel_re.search(gline)
if match:
absolute = {'0': "Absolute", '1': "Relative"}[match.group(1)]
log.warning("Gerber obsolete coordinates type found = %s (Absolute or Relative) " % absolute)
# ################################################################
# Aperture Macros ################################################
# Having this at the beginning will slow things down
# but macros can have complicated statements than could
# be caught by other patterns.
# ################################################################
if current_macro is None: # No macro started yet
match = self.am1_re.search(gline)
# Start macro if match, else not an AM, carry on.
if match:
log.debug("Starting macro. Line %d: %s" % (line_num, gline))
current_macro = match.group(1)
self.aperture_macros[current_macro] = ApertureMacro(name=current_macro)
if match.group(2): # Append
if match.group(3): # Finish macro
# self.aperture_macros[current_macro].parse_content()
current_macro = None
log.debug("Macro complete in 1 line.")
else: # Continue macro
log.debug("Continuing macro. Line %d." % line_num)
match = self.am2_re.search(gline)
if match: # Finish macro
log.debug("End of macro. Line %d." % line_num)
# self.aperture_macros[current_macro].parse_content()
current_macro = None
else: # Append
# ################################################################
# ############## Aperture definitions %ADD... #################
# ################################################################
match = self.ad_re.search(gline)
if match:
# log.info("Found aperture definition. Line %d: %s" % (line_num, gline))
self.aperture_parse(match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3))
# ################################################################
# ################ Operation code alone #########################
# ########### Operation code alone, usually just D03 (Flash) ###
# self.opcode_re = re.compile(r'^D0?([123])\*$')
# ################################################################
match = self.opcode_re.search(gline)
if match:
current_operation_code = int(match.group(1))
current_d = current_operation_code
if current_operation_code == 3:
# --- Buffered ---
# log.debug("Bare op-code %d." % current_operation_code)
geo_dict = {}
flash = self.create_flash_geometry(
Point(current_x, current_y), self.apertures[current_aperture],
geo_dict['follow'] = Point([current_x, current_y])
if not flash.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = flash
geo_dict['solid'] = flash
if current_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[current_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[current_aperture]:
self.apertures[current_aperture]['geometry'] = []
except IndexError:
log.warning("Line %d: %s -> Nothing there to flash!" % (line_num, gline))
# ################################################################
# ################ Tool/aperture change ########################
# ################ Example: D12* ########################
# ################################################################
match = self.tool_re.search(gline)
if match:
current_aperture = match.group(1)
# log.debug("Line %d: Aperture change to (%s)" % (line_num, current_aperture))
# If the aperture value is zero then make it something quite small but with a non-zero value
# so it can be processed by FlatCAM.
# But first test to see if the aperture type is "aperture macro". In that case
# we should not test for "size" key as it does not exist in this case.
if self.apertures[current_aperture]["type"] != "AM":
if self.apertures[current_aperture]["size"] == 0:
self.apertures[current_aperture]["size"] = 1e-12
# log.debug(self.apertures[current_aperture])
# Take care of the current path with the previous tool
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length > 1:
if self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["type"] == 'R':
# do nothing because 'R' type moving aperture is none at once
geo_dict = {}
geo_f = LineString(path)
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
# --- Buffered ----
width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"]
geo_s = LineString(path).buffer(width / 1.999, int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
if not geo_s.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if last_path_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[last_path_aperture]:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture]['geometry'] = []
path = [path[-1]]
# ################################################################
# ################ G36* - Begin region ########################
# ################################################################
if self.regionon_re.search(gline):
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length > 1:
# Take care of what is left in the path
geo_dict = {}
geo_f = LineString(path)
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
# --- Buffered ----
width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"]
geo_s = LineString(path).buffer(width / 1.999, int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
if not geo_s.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if last_path_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[last_path_aperture]:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture]['geometry'] = []
path = [path[-1]]
making_region = True
# ################################################################
# ################ G37* - End region ########################
# ################################################################
if self.regionoff_re.search(gline):
making_region = False
if '0' not in self.apertures:
self.apertures['0'] = {}
self.apertures['0']['type'] = 'REG'
self.apertures['0']['size'] = 0.0
self.apertures['0']['geometry'] = []
# if D02 happened before G37 we now have a path with 1 element only; we have to add the current
# geo to the poly_buffer otherwise we loose it
if current_operation_code == 2:
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length == 1:
# this means that the geometry was prepared previously and we just need to add it
geo_dict = {}
if geo_f:
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
if geo_s:
if not geo_s.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if geo_s or geo_f:
path = [[current_x, current_y]] # Start new path
# Only one path defines region?
# This can happen if D02 happened before G37 and
# is not and error.
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length < 3:
# print "ERROR: Path contains less than 3 points:"
# path = [[current_x, current_y]]
# For regions we may ignore an aperture that is None
# --- Buffered ---
geo_dict = {}
if current_aperture in self.apertures:
# the following line breaks loading of Circuit Studio Gerber files
# buff_value = float(self.apertures[current_aperture]['size']) / 2.0
# region_geo = Polygon(path).buffer(buff_value, int(self.steps_per_circle))
region_geo = Polygon(path) # Sprint Layout Gerbers with ground fill are crashed with above
region_geo = Polygon(path)
region_f = region_geo.exterior
if not region_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = region_f
region_s = region_geo
if not region_s.is_valid:
region_s = region_s.buffer(0, int(self.steps_per_circle))
if not region_s.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = region_s
geo_dict['solid'] = region_s
if not region_s.is_empty or not region_f.is_empty:
path = [[current_x, current_y]] # Start new path
# ################################################################
# ################ G01/2/3* - Interpolation mode change #########
# #### Can occur along with coordinates and operation code but ##
# #### sometimes by itself (handled here). #####################
# #### Example: G01* #####################
# ################################################################
match = self.interp_re.search(gline)
if match:
current_interpolation_mode = int(match.group(1))
# ################################################################
# ######### G01 - Linear interpolation plus flashes #############
# ######### Operation code (D0x) missing is deprecated #########
# REGEX: r'^(?:G0?(1))?(?:X(-?\d+))?(?:Y(-?\d+))?(?:D0([123]))?\*$'
# ################################################################
match = self.lin_re.search(gline)
if match:
# Dxx alone?
# if match.group(1) is None and match.group(2) is None and match.group(3) is None:
# try:
# current_operation_code = int(match.group(4))
# except Exception:
# pass # A line with just * will match too.
# continue
# NOTE: Letting it continue allows it to react to the
# operation code.
# Parse coordinates
if match.group(2) is not None:
linear_x = parse_gerber_number(match.group(2),
self.int_digits, self.frac_digits, self.gerber_zeros)
current_x = linear_x
linear_x = current_x
if match.group(3) is not None:
linear_y = parse_gerber_number(match.group(3),
self.int_digits, self.frac_digits, self.gerber_zeros)
current_y = linear_y
linear_y = current_y
# Parse operation code
if match.group(4) is not None:
current_operation_code = int(match.group(4))
# Pen down: add segment
if current_operation_code == 1:
# if linear_x or linear_y are None, ignore those
if current_x is not None and current_y is not None:
# only add the point if it's a new one otherwise skip it (harder to process)
if path[-1] != [current_x, current_y]:
path.append([current_x, current_y])
if making_region is False:
# if the aperture is rectangle then add a rectangular shape having as parameters the
# coordinates of the start and end point and also the width and height
# of the 'R' aperture
if self.apertures[current_aperture]["type"] == 'R':
width = self.apertures[current_aperture]['width']
height = self.apertures[current_aperture]['height']
minx = min(path[0][0], path[1][0]) - width / 2
maxx = max(path[0][0], path[1][0]) + width / 2
miny = min(path[0][1], path[1][1]) - height / 2
maxy = max(path[0][1], path[1][1]) + height / 2
log.debug("Coords: %s - %s - %s - %s" % (minx, miny, maxx, maxy))
geo_dict = {}
geo_f = Point([current_x, current_y])
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
geo_s = shply_box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if current_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[current_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[current_aperture]:
self.apertures[current_aperture]['geometry'] = []
except Exception as e:
last_path_aperture = current_aperture
# we do this for the case that a region is done without having defined any aperture
if last_path_aperture is None:
if '0' not in self.apertures:
self.apertures['0'] = {}
self.apertures['0']['type'] = 'REG'
self.apertures['0']['size'] = 0.0
self.apertures['0']['geometry'] = []
last_path_aperture = '0'
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' %
(_("Coordinates missing, line ignored"), str(gline)))
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' %
_("GERBER file might be CORRUPT. Check the file !!!"))
elif current_operation_code == 2:
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length > 1:
geo_s = None
geo_dict = {}
# --- BUFFERED ---
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as paths only
if making_region:
# we do this for the case that a region is done without having defined any aperture
if last_path_aperture is None:
if '0' not in self.apertures:
self.apertures['0'] = {}
self.apertures['0']['type'] = 'REG'
self.apertures['0']['size'] = 0.0
self.apertures['0']['geometry'] = []
last_path_aperture = '0'
geo_f = Polygon()
geo_f = LineString(path)
if self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["type"] != 'R':
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.Gerber.parse_lines() --> %s" % str(e))
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as solids
if making_region:
# we do this for the case that a region is done without having defined any aperture
if last_path_aperture is None:
if '0' not in self.apertures:
self.apertures['0'] = {}
self.apertures['0']['type'] = 'REG'
self.apertures['0']['size'] = 0.0
self.apertures['0']['geometry'] = []
last_path_aperture = '0'
geo_s = Polygon(path)
except ValueError:
log.warning("Problem %s %s" % (gline, line_num))
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s: %s' %
(_("Region does not have enough points. "
"File will be processed but there are parser errors. "
"Line number"), str(line_num)))
if last_path_aperture is None:
log.warning("No aperture defined for curent path. (%d)" % line_num)
width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"] # TODO: WARNING this should fail!
geo_s = LineString(path).buffer(width / 1.999, int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
if self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["type"] != 'R':
if not geo_s.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.Gerber.parse_lines() --> %s" % str(e))
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if last_path_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[last_path_aperture]:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture]['geometry'] = []
# if linear_x or linear_y are None, ignore those
if linear_x is not None and linear_y is not None:
path = [[linear_x, linear_y]] # Start new path
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' %
(_("Coordinates missing, line ignored"), str(gline)))
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' %
_("GERBER file might be CORRUPT. Check the file !!!"))
# Flash
# Not allowed in region mode.
elif current_operation_code == 3:
# Create path draw so far.
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length > 1:
# --- Buffered ----
geo_dict = {}
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as paths
geo_f = LineString(path)
if not geo_f.is_empty:
if self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["type"] != 'R':
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.Gerber.parse_lines() --> G01 match D03 --> %s" % str(e))
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as solids
width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"]
geo_s = LineString(path).buffer(width / 1.999, int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
if not geo_s.is_empty:
if self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["type"] != 'R':
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
except Exception:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if last_path_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[last_path_aperture]:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture]['geometry'] = []
# Reset path starting point
path = [[linear_x, linear_y]]
# --- BUFFERED ---
# Draw the flash
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as paths
geo_dict = {}
geo_flash = Point([linear_x, linear_y])
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_flash
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as solids
flash = self.create_flash_geometry(
Point([linear_x, linear_y]),
if not flash.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = flash
geo_dict['solid'] = flash
if current_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[current_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[current_aperture]:
self.apertures[current_aperture]['geometry'] = []
# maybe those lines are not exactly needed but it is easier to read the program as those coordinates
# are used in case that circular interpolation is encountered within the Gerber file
current_x = linear_x
current_y = linear_y
# log.debug("Line_number=%3s X=%s Y=%s (%s)" % (line_num, linear_x, linear_y, gline))
# ################################################################
# ######### G74/75* - Single or multiple quadrant arcs ##########
# ################################################################
match = self.quad_re.search(gline)
if match:
if match.group(1) == '4':
quadrant_mode = 'SINGLE'
quadrant_mode = 'MULTI'
# ################################################################
# ######### G02/3 - Circular interpolation #####################
# ######### 2-clockwise, 3-counterclockwise #####################
# ######### Ex. format: G03 X0 Y50 I-50 J0 where the #########
# ######### X, Y coords are the coords of the End Point #########
# ################################################################
match = self.circ_re.search(gline)
if match:
arcdir = [None, None, "cw", "ccw"]
mode, circular_x, circular_y, i, j, d = match.groups()
circular_x = parse_gerber_number(circular_x,
self.int_digits, self.frac_digits, self.gerber_zeros)
except Exception as e:
circular_x = current_x
circular_y = parse_gerber_number(circular_y,
self.int_digits, self.frac_digits, self.gerber_zeros)
except Exception as e:
circular_y = current_y
# According to Gerber specification i and j are not modal, which means that when i or j are missing,
# they are to be interpreted as being zero
i = parse_gerber_number(i, self.int_digits, self.frac_digits, self.gerber_zeros)
except Exception as e:
i = 0
j = parse_gerber_number(j, self.int_digits, self.frac_digits, self.gerber_zeros)
except Exception as e:
j = 0
if quadrant_mode is None:
log.error("Found arc without preceding quadrant specification G74 or G75. (%d)" % line_num)
if mode is None and current_interpolation_mode not in [2, 3]:
log.error("Found arc without circular interpolation mode defined. (%d)" % line_num)
elif mode is not None:
current_interpolation_mode = int(mode)
# Set operation code if provided
if d is not None:
current_operation_code = int(d)
# Nothing created! Pen Up.
if current_operation_code == 2:
log.warning("Arc with D2. (%d)" % line_num)
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length > 1:
geo_dict = {}
if last_path_aperture is None:
log.warning("No aperture defined for curent path. (%d)" % line_num)
# --- BUFFERED ---
width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"]
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as paths
geo_f = LineString(path)
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as solids
buffered = LineString(path).buffer(width / 1.999, int(self.steps_per_circle))
if not buffered.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = buffered
geo_dict['solid'] = buffered
if last_path_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[last_path_aperture]:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture]['geometry'] = []
current_x = circular_x
current_y = circular_y
path = [[current_x, current_y]] # Start new path
# Flash should not happen here
if current_operation_code == 3:
log.error("Trying to flash within arc. (%d)" % line_num)
if quadrant_mode == 'MULTI':
center = [i + current_x, j + current_y]
radius = np.sqrt(i ** 2 + j ** 2)
start = np.arctan2(-j, -i) # Start angle
# Numerical errors might prevent start == stop therefore
# we check ahead of time. This should result in a
# 360 degree arc.
if current_x == circular_x and current_y == circular_y:
stop = start
stop = np.arctan2(-center[1] + circular_y, -center[0] + circular_x) # Stop angle
this_arc = arc(center, radius, start, stop,
# The last point in the computed arc can have
# numerical errors. The exact final point is the
# specified (x, y). Replace.
this_arc[-1] = (circular_x, circular_y)
# Last point in path is current point
# current_x = this_arc[-1][0]
# current_y = this_arc[-1][1]
current_x, current_y = circular_x, circular_y
# Append
path += this_arc
last_path_aperture = current_aperture
if quadrant_mode == 'SINGLE':
center_candidates = [
[i + current_x, j + current_y],
[-i + current_x, j + current_y],
[i + current_x, -j + current_y],
[-i + current_x, -j + current_y]
valid = False
log.debug("I: %f J: %f" % (i, j))
for center in center_candidates:
radius = np.sqrt(i ** 2 + j ** 2)
# Make sure radius to start is the same as radius to end.
radius2 = np.sqrt((center[0] - circular_x) ** 2 + (center[1] - circular_y) ** 2)
if radius2 < radius * 0.95 or radius2 > radius * 1.05:
continue # Not a valid center.
# Correct i and j and continue as with multi-quadrant.
i = center[0] - current_x
j = center[1] - current_y
start = np.arctan2(-j, -i) # Start angle
stop = np.arctan2(-center[1] + circular_y, -center[0] + circular_x) # Stop angle
angle = abs(arc_angle(start, stop, arcdir[current_interpolation_mode]))
log.debug("ARC START: %f, %f CENTER: %f, %f STOP: %f, %f" %
(current_x, current_y, center[0], center[1], circular_x, circular_y))
log.debug("START Ang: %f, STOP Ang: %f, DIR: %s, ABS: %.12f <= %.12f: %s" %
(start * 180 / np.pi, stop * 180 / np.pi, arcdir[current_interpolation_mode],
angle * 180 / np.pi, np.pi / 2 * 180 / np.pi, angle <= (np.pi + 1e-6) / 2))
if angle <= (np.pi + 1e-6) / 2:
log.debug("########## ACCEPTING ARC ############")
this_arc = arc(center, radius, start, stop,
# Replace with exact values
this_arc[-1] = (circular_x, circular_y)
# current_x = this_arc[-1][0]
# current_y = this_arc[-1][1]
current_x, current_y = circular_x, circular_y
path += this_arc
last_path_aperture = current_aperture
valid = True
if valid:
log.warning("Invalid arc in line %d." % line_num)
# ################################################################
# ######### EOF - END OF FILE ####################################
# ################################################################
match = self.eof_re.search(gline)
if match:
# ################################################################
# ######### Line did not match any pattern. Warn user. ##########
# ################################################################
log.warning("Line ignored (%d): %s" % (line_num, gline))
# provide the app with a way to process the GUI events when in a blocking loop
path_length = len(path)
except TypeError:
path_length = 1
if path_length > 1:
# In case that G01 (moving) aperture is rectangular, there is no need to still create
# another geo since we already created a shapely box using the start and end coordinates found in
# path variable. We do it only for other apertures than 'R' type
if self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["type"] == 'R':
# EOF, create shapely LineString if something still in path
# ## --- Buffered ---
geo_dict = {}
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as paths
geo_f = LineString(path)
if not geo_f.is_empty:
geo_dict['follow'] = geo_f
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as solids
width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"]
geo_s = LineString(path).buffer(width / 1.999, int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
if not geo_s.is_empty:
if self.app.defaults['gerber_simplification']:
if self.is_lpc is True:
geo_dict['clear'] = geo_s
geo_dict['solid'] = geo_s
if last_path_aperture not in self.apertures:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture] = {}
if 'geometry' not in self.apertures[last_path_aperture]:
self.apertures[last_path_aperture]['geometry'] = []
# --- Apply buffer ---
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as paths
self.follow_geometry = follow_buffer
# this treats the case when we are storing geometry as solids
buff_length = len(poly_buffer)
except TypeError:
buff_length = 1
sol_geo_length = len(self.solid_geometry)
except TypeError:
sol_geo_length = 1
if buff_length == 0 and sol_geo_length in [0, 1]:
log.error("Object is not Gerber file or empty. Aborting Object creation.")
return 'fail'
except TypeError as e:
log.error("Object is not Gerber file or empty. Aborting Object creation. %s" % str(e))
return 'fail'
log.warning("Joining %d polygons." % buff_length)
self.app.inform.emit('%s: %d.' % (_("Gerber processing. Joining polygons"), buff_length))
if self.use_buffer_for_union:
log.debug("Union by buffer...")
new_poly = MultiPolygon(poly_buffer)
if self.app.defaults["gerber_buffering"] == 'full':
new_poly = new_poly.buffer(0.00000001)
new_poly = new_poly.buffer(-0.00000001)
log.warning("Union(buffer) done.")
log.debug("Union by union()...")
new_poly = cascaded_union(poly_buffer)
new_poly = new_poly.buffer(0, int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
log.warning("Union done.")
if current_polarity == 'D':
self.app.inform.emit('%s' % _("Gerber processing. Applying Gerber polarity."))
if new_poly.is_valid:
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.union(new_poly)
# I do this so whenever the parsed geometry of the file is not valid (intersections) it is still
# loaded. Instead of applying a union I add to a list of polygons.
final_poly = []
for poly in new_poly:
except TypeError:
for poly in self.solid_geometry:
except TypeError:
self.solid_geometry = final_poly
# FIX for issue #347 - Sprint Layout generate Gerber files when the copper pour is enabled
# it use a filled bounding box polygon to which add clear polygons (negative) to isolate the copper
# features
if self.app.defaults['gerber_extra_buffering']:
candidate_geo = []
for p in self.solid_geometry:
except TypeError:
self.solid_geometry = candidate_geo
# try:
# self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.union(new_poly)
# except Exception as e:
# # in case in the new_poly are some self intersections try to avoid making union with them
# for poly in new_poly:
# try:
# self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.union(poly)
# except Exception:
# pass
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.difference(new_poly)
if self.app.defaults['gerber_clean_apertures']:
# clean the Gerber file of apertures with no geometry
for apid, apvalue in list(self.apertures.items()):
if 'geometry' not in apvalue:
# init this for the following operations
self.conversion_done = False
except Exception as err:
ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
# print traceback.format_exc()
log.error("Gerber PARSING FAILED. Line %d: %s" % (line_num, gline))
loc = '%s #%d %s: %s\n' % (_("Gerber Line"), line_num, _("Gerber Line Content"), gline) + repr(err)
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s\n%s:' %
(_("Gerber Parser ERROR"), loc))
def create_flash_geometry(location, aperture, steps_per_circle=None):
# log.debug('Flashing @%s, Aperture: %s' % (location, aperture))
if type(location) == list:
location = Point(location)
if aperture['type'] == 'C': # Circles
return location.buffer(aperture['size'] / 2, int(steps_per_circle / 4))
if aperture['type'] == 'R': # Rectangles
loc = location.coords[0]
width = aperture['width']
height = aperture['height']
minx = loc[0] - width / 2
maxx = loc[0] + width / 2
miny = loc[1] - height / 2
maxy = loc[1] + height / 2
return shply_box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
if aperture['type'] == 'O': # Obround
loc = location.coords[0]
width = aperture['width']
height = aperture['height']
if width > height:
p1 = Point(loc[0] + 0.5 * (width - height), loc[1])
p2 = Point(loc[0] - 0.5 * (width - height), loc[1])
c1 = p1.buffer(height * 0.5, int(steps_per_circle / 4))
c2 = p2.buffer(height * 0.5, int(steps_per_circle / 4))
p1 = Point(loc[0], loc[1] + 0.5 * (height - width))
p2 = Point(loc[0], loc[1] - 0.5 * (height - width))
c1 = p1.buffer(width * 0.5, int(steps_per_circle / 4))
c2 = p2.buffer(width * 0.5, int(steps_per_circle / 4))
return cascaded_union([c1, c2]).convex_hull
if aperture['type'] == 'P': # Regular polygon
loc = location.coords[0]
diam = aperture['diam']
n_vertices = aperture['nVertices']
points = []
for i in range(0, n_vertices):
x = loc[0] + 0.5 * diam * (np.cos(2 * np.pi * i / n_vertices))
y = loc[1] + 0.5 * diam * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * i / n_vertices))
points.append((x, y))
ply = Polygon(points)
if 'rotation' in aperture:
ply = affinity.rotate(ply, aperture['rotation'])
return ply
if aperture['type'] == 'AM': # Aperture Macro
loc = location.coords[0]
flash_geo = aperture['macro'].make_geometry(aperture['modifiers'])
if flash_geo.is_empty:
log.warning("Empty geometry for Aperture Macro: %s" % str(aperture['macro'].name))
return affinity.translate(flash_geo, xoff=loc[0], yoff=loc[1])
log.warning("Unknown aperture type: %s" % aperture['type'])
return None
def create_geometry(self):
Geometry from a Gerber file is made up entirely of polygons.
Every stroke (linear or circular) has an aperture which gives
it thickness. Additionally, aperture strokes have non-zero area,
and regions naturally do as well.
:rtype : None
:return: None
# self.buffer_paths()
# self.fix_regions()
# self.do_flashes()
# self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union(self.buffered_paths +
# [poly['polygon'] for poly in self.regions] +
# self.flash_geometry)
def get_bounding_box(self, margin=0.0, rounded=False):
Creates and returns a rectangular polygon bounding at a distance of
margin from the object's ``solid_geometry``. If margin > 0, the polygon
can optionally have rounded corners of radius equal to margin.
:param margin: Distance to enlarge the rectangular bounding
box in both positive and negative, x and y axes.
:type margin: float
:param rounded: Wether or not to have rounded corners.
:type rounded: bool
:return: The bounding box.
:rtype: Shapely.Polygon
bbox = self.solid_geometry.envelope.buffer(margin)
if not rounded:
bbox = bbox.envelope
return bbox
def bounds(self):
Returns coordinates of rectangular bounds
of Gerber geometry: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# fixed issue of getting bounds only for one level lists of objects
# now it can get bounds for nested lists of objects
if self.solid_geometry is None:
log.debug("solid_geometry is None")
return 0, 0, 0, 0
def bounds_rec(obj):
if type(obj) is list and type(obj) is not MultiPolygon:
minx = np.Inf
miny = np.Inf
maxx = -np.Inf
maxy = -np.Inf
for k in obj:
if type(k) is dict:
for key in k:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k[key])
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
if not k.is_empty:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k)
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.Gerber.bounds() --> %s" % str(e))
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
# it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds
return obj.bounds
bounds_coords = bounds_rec(self.solid_geometry)
return bounds_coords
def convert_units(self, obj_units):
Converts the units of the object to ``units`` by scaling all
the geometry appropriately. This call ``scale()``. Don't call
it again in descendants.
:param obj_units: "IN" or "MM"
:type obj_units: str
:return: Scaling factor resulting from unit change.
:rtype: float
if obj_units.upper() == self.units.upper():
log.debug("parseGerber.Gerber.convert_units() --> Factor: 1")
return 1.0
if obj_units.upper() == "MM":
factor = 25.4
log.debug("parseGerber.Gerber.convert_units() --> Factor: 25.4")
elif obj_units.upper() == "IN":
factor = 1 / 25.4
log.debug("parseGerber.Gerber.convert_units() --> Factor: %s" % str(1 / 25.4))
log.error("Unsupported units: %s" % str(obj_units))
log.debug("parseGerber.Gerber.convert_units() --> Factor: 1")
return 1.0
self.units = obj_units
self.file_units_factor = factor
self.scale(factor, factor)
return factor
def import_svg(self, filename, object_type='gerber', flip=True, units='MM'):
Imports shapes from an SVG file into the object's geometry.
:param filename: Path to the SVG file.
:type filename: str
:param object_type: parameter passed further along
:param flip: Flip the vertically.
:type flip: bool
:param units: FlatCAM units
:return: None
# Parse into list of shapely objects
svg_tree = ET.parse(filename)
svg_root = svg_tree.getroot()
# Change origin to bottom left
# h = float(svg_root.get('height'))
# w = float(svg_root.get('width'))
h = svgparselength(svg_root.get('height'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet
geos = getsvggeo(svg_root, 'gerber')
if flip:
geos = [translate(scale(g, 1.0, -1.0, origin=(0, 0)), yoff=h) for g in geos]
# Add to object
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
# if type(self.solid_geometry) == list:
# if type(geos) == list:
# self.solid_geometry += geos
# else:
# self.solid_geometry.append(geos)
# else: # It's shapely geometry
# self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry, geos]
if type(geos) == list:
# HACK for importing QRCODE exported by FlatCAM
geos_length = len(geos)
except TypeError:
geos_length = 1
if geos_length == 1:
geo_qrcode = []
for i_el in geos[0].interiors:
for poly in geo_qrcode:
if type(self.solid_geometry) == list:
self.solid_geometry += geos
self.solid_geometry = geos
if type(self.solid_geometry) == list:
self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry, geos]
# flatten the self.solid_geometry list for import_svg() to import SVG as Gerber
self.solid_geometry = list(self.flatten_list(self.solid_geometry))
__ = iter(self.solid_geometry)
except TypeError:
self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry]
if '0' not in self.apertures:
self.apertures['0'] = {}
self.apertures['0']['type'] = 'REG'
self.apertures['0']['size'] = 0.0
self.apertures['0']['geometry'] = []
for pol in self.solid_geometry:
new_el = {}
new_el['solid'] = pol
new_el['follow'] = pol.exterior
def scale(self, xfactor, yfactor=None, point=None):
Scales the objects' geometry on the XY plane by a given factor.
These are:
* ``buffered_paths``
* ``flash_geometry``
* ``solid_geometry``
* ``regions``
Does not modify the data used to create these elements. If these
are recreated, the scaling will be lost. This behavior was modified
because of the complexity reached in this class.
:param xfactor: Number by which to scale on X axis.
:type xfactor: float
:param yfactor: Number by which to scale on Y axis.
:type yfactor: float
:param point: reference point for scaling operation
:rtype : None
xfactor = float(xfactor)
except Exception:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Scale factor has to be a number: integer or float."))
if yfactor is None:
yfactor = xfactor
yfactor = float(yfactor)
except Exception:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Scale factor has to be a number: integer or float."))
if xfactor == 0 and yfactor == 0:
if point is None:
px = 0
py = 0
px, py = point
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
self.geo_len = len(self.solid_geometry)
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
def scale_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 99]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.scale(obj, xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
self.solid_geometry = scale_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.follow_geometry = scale_geom(self.follow_geometry)
# we need to scale the geometry stored in the Gerber apertures, too
for apid in self.apertures:
new_geometry = []
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']:
new_geo_el = {}
if 'solid' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['solid'] = scale_geom(geo_el['solid'])
if 'follow' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['follow'] = scale_geom(geo_el['follow'])
if 'clear' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['clear'] = scale_geom(geo_el['clear'])
self.apertures[apid]['geometry'] = deepcopy(new_geometry)
if str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'R' or str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'O':
self.apertures[apid]['width'] *= xfactor
self.apertures[apid]['height'] *= xfactor
elif str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'P':
self.apertures[apid]['diam'] *= xfactor
self.apertures[apid]['nVertices'] *= xfactor
except KeyError:
if self.apertures[apid]['size'] is not None:
self.apertures[apid]['size'] = float(self.apertures[apid]['size'] * xfactor)
except KeyError:
except Exception as e:
log.debug('camlib.Gerber.scale() Exception --> %s' % str(e))
return 'fail'
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Gerber Scale done."))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
# ## solid_geometry ???
# It's a cascaded union of objects.
# self.solid_geometry = affinity.scale(self.solid_geometry, factor,
# factor, origin=(0, 0))
# # Now buffered_paths, flash_geometry and solid_geometry
# self.create_geometry()
def offset(self, vect):
Offsets the objects' geometry on the XY plane by a given vector.
These are:
* ``buffered_paths``
* ``flash_geometry``
* ``solid_geometry``
* ``regions``
Does not modify the data used to create these elements. If these
are recreated, the scaling will be lost. This behavior was modified
because of the complexity reached in this class.
:param vect: (x, y) offset vector.
:type vect: tuple
:return: None
dx, dy = vect
except TypeError:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("An (x,y) pair of values are needed. "
"Probable you entered only one value in the Offset field."))
if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for __ in self.solid_geometry:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
def offset_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 99]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.translate(obj, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
except AttributeError:
return obj
# ## Solid geometry
self.solid_geometry = offset_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.follow_geometry = offset_geom(self.follow_geometry)
# we need to offset the geometry stored in the Gerber apertures, too
for apid in self.apertures:
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']:
if 'solid' in geo_el:
geo_el['solid'] = offset_geom(geo_el['solid'])
if 'follow' in geo_el:
geo_el['follow'] = offset_geom(geo_el['follow'])
if 'clear' in geo_el:
geo_el['clear'] = offset_geom(geo_el['clear'])
except Exception as e:
log.debug('camlib.Gerber.offset() Exception --> %s' % str(e))
return 'fail'
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' %
_("Gerber Offset done."))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def mirror(self, axis, point):
Mirrors the object around a specified axis passing through
the given point. What is affected:
* ``buffered_paths``
* ``flash_geometry``
* ``solid_geometry``
* ``regions``
Does not modify the data used to create these elements. If these
are recreated, the scaling will be lost. This behavior was modified
because of the complexity reached in this class.
:param axis: "X" or "Y" indicates around which axis to mirror.
:type axis: str
:param point: [x, y] point belonging to the mirror axis.
:type point: list
:return: None
px, py = point
xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis]
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for __ in self.solid_geometry:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
def mirror_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 99]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.scale(obj, xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
self.solid_geometry = mirror_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.follow_geometry = mirror_geom(self.follow_geometry)
# we need to mirror the geometry stored in the Gerber apertures, too
for apid in self.apertures:
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']:
if 'solid' in geo_el:
geo_el['solid'] = mirror_geom(geo_el['solid'])
if 'follow' in geo_el:
geo_el['follow'] = mirror_geom(geo_el['follow'])
if 'clear' in geo_el:
geo_el['clear'] = mirror_geom(geo_el['clear'])
except Exception as e:
log.debug('camlib.Gerber.mirror() Exception --> %s' % str(e))
return 'fail'
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' %
_("Gerber Mirror done."))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def skew(self, angle_x, angle_y, point):
Shear/Skew the geometries of an object by angles along x and y dimensions.
angle_x, angle_y : float, float
The shear angle(s) for the x and y axes respectively. These can be
specified in either degrees (default) or radians by setting
See shapely manual for more information:
:param angle_x: the angle on X axis for skewing
:param angle_y: the angle on Y axis for skewing
:param point: reference point for skewing operation
:return None
px, py = point
if angle_x == 0 and angle_y == 0:
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
self.geo_len = len(self.solid_geometry)
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
def skew_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.skew(obj, angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
self.solid_geometry = skew_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.follow_geometry = skew_geom(self.follow_geometry)
# we need to skew the geometry stored in the Gerber apertures, too
for apid in self.apertures:
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']:
if 'solid' in geo_el:
geo_el['solid'] = skew_geom(geo_el['solid'])
if 'follow' in geo_el:
geo_el['follow'] = skew_geom(geo_el['follow'])
if 'clear' in geo_el:
geo_el['clear'] = skew_geom(geo_el['clear'])
except Exception as e:
log.debug('camlib.Gerber.skew() Exception --> %s' % str(e))
return 'fail'
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Gerber Skew done."))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def rotate(self, angle, point):
Rotate an object by a given angle around given coords (point)
:param angle:
:param point:
px, py = point
if angle == 0:
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for __ in self.solid_geometry:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
def rotate_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.rotate(obj, angle, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
self.solid_geometry = rotate_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.follow_geometry = rotate_geom(self.follow_geometry)
# we need to rotate the geometry stored in the Gerber apertures, too
for apid in self.apertures:
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']:
if 'solid' in geo_el:
geo_el['solid'] = rotate_geom(geo_el['solid'])
if 'follow' in geo_el:
geo_el['follow'] = rotate_geom(geo_el['follow'])
if 'clear' in geo_el:
geo_el['clear'] = rotate_geom(geo_el['clear'])
except Exception as e:
log.debug('camlib.Gerber.rotate() Exception --> %s' % str(e))
return 'fail'
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Gerber Rotate done."))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def buffer(self, distance, join, factor=None):
:param distance: if 'factor' is True then distance is the factor
:param factor: True or False (None)
if distance == 0:
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
self.geo_len = len(self.solid_geometry)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
if factor is None:
def buffer_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return obj.buffer(distance, resolution=int(self.steps_per_circle), join_style=join)
except AttributeError:
return obj
res = buffer_geom(self.solid_geometry)
__ = iter(res)
self.solid_geometry = res
except TypeError:
self.solid_geometry = [res]
# we need to buffer the geometry stored in the Gerber apertures, too
for apid in self.apertures:
new_geometry = []
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']:
new_geo_el = {}
if 'solid' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['solid'] = buffer_geom(geo_el['solid'])
if 'follow' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['follow'] = geo_el['follow']
if 'clear' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['clear'] = buffer_geom(geo_el['clear'])
self.apertures[apid]['geometry'] = deepcopy(new_geometry)
if str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'R' or str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'O':
self.apertures[apid]['width'] += (distance * 2)
self.apertures[apid]['height'] += (distance * 2)
elif str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'P':
self.apertures[apid]['diam'] += (distance * 2)
self.apertures[apid]['nVertices'] += (distance * 2)
except KeyError:
if self.apertures[apid]['size'] is not None:
self.apertures[apid]['size'] = float(self.apertures[apid]['size'] + (distance * 2))
except KeyError:
except Exception as e:
log.debug('camlib.Gerber.buffer() Exception --> %s' % str(e))
return 'fail'
for apid in self.apertures:
if str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'R' or str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'O':
self.apertures[apid]['width'] *= distance
self.apertures[apid]['height'] *= distance
elif str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'P':
self.apertures[apid]['diam'] *= distance
self.apertures[apid]['nVertices'] *= distance
except KeyError:
if self.apertures[apid]['size'] is not None:
self.apertures[apid]['size'] = float(self.apertures[apid]['size']) * distance
except KeyError:
new_geometry = []
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']:
new_geo_el = {}
if 'follow' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['follow'] = geo_el['follow']
size = float(self.apertures[apid]['size'])
if isinstance(new_geo_el['follow'], Point):
if str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'C':
new_geo_el['solid'] = geo_el['follow'].buffer(
size / 1.9999,
elif str(self.apertures[apid]['type']) == 'R':
width = self.apertures[apid]['width']
height = self.apertures[apid]['height']
minx = new_geo_el['follow'].x - width / 2
maxx = new_geo_el['follow'].x + width / 2
miny = new_geo_el['follow'].y - height / 2
maxy = new_geo_el['follow'].y + height / 2
geo_p = shply_box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
new_geo_el['solid'] = geo_p
log.debug("flatcamParsers.ParseGerber.Gerber.buffer() --> "
"ap type not supported")
new_geo_el['solid'] = geo_el['follow'].buffer(
if 'clear' in geo_el:
new_geo_el['clear'] = geo_el['clear']
self.apertures[apid]['geometry'] = deepcopy(new_geometry)
except Exception as e:
log.debug('camlib.Gerber.buffer() Exception --> %s' % str(e))
return 'fail'
# make the new solid_geometry
new_solid_geo = []
for apid in self.apertures:
if 'geometry' in self.apertures[apid]:
new_solid_geo += [geo_el['solid'] for geo_el in self.apertures[apid]['geometry']]
self.solid_geometry = MultiPolygon(new_solid_geo)
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.buffer(0.000001)
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.buffer(-0.000001)
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Gerber Buffer done."))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def parse_gerber_number(strnumber, int_digits, frac_digits, zeros):
Parse a single number of Gerber coordinates.
:param strnumber: String containing a number in decimal digits
from a coordinate data block, possibly with a leading sign.
:type strnumber: str
:param int_digits: Number of digits used for the integer
part of the number
:type frac_digits: int
:param frac_digits: Number of digits used for the fractional
part of the number
:type frac_digits: int
:param zeros: If 'L', leading zeros are removed and trailing zeros are kept. Same situation for 'D' when
no zero suppression is done. If 'T', is in reverse.
:type zeros: str
:return: The number in floating point.
:rtype: float
ret_val = None
if zeros == 'L' or zeros == 'D':
ret_val = int(strnumber) * (10 ** (-frac_digits))
if zeros == 'T':
int_val = int(strnumber)
ret_val = (int_val * (10 ** ((int_digits + frac_digits) - len(strnumber)))) * (10 ** (-frac_digits))
return ret_val