2020-04-04 18:02:40 +03:00

1517 lines
65 KiB

# ########################################################## ##
# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# http://flatcam.org #
# Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) #
# Date: 2/5/2014 #
# MIT Licence #
# ########################################################## ##
from camlib import Geometry
import FlatCAMApp
import shapely.affinity as affinity
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
import numpy as np
import re
import logging
import traceback
from copy import deepcopy
import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate
import gettext
import builtins
if '_' not in builtins.__dict__:
_ = gettext.gettext
log = logging.getLogger('base')
class Excellon(Geometry):
Here it is done all the Excellon parsing.
* ``tools`` (dict): The key is the tool name and the value is
a dictionary specifying the tool:
================ ====================================
Key Value
================ ====================================
C Diameter of the tool
solid_geometry Geometry list for each tool
data dictionary which holds the options for each tool
Others Not supported (Ignored).
================ ====================================
* ``drills`` (list): Each is a dictionary:
================ ====================================
Key Value
================ ====================================
point (Shapely.Point) Where to drill
tool (str) A key in ``tools``
================ ====================================
* ``slots`` (list): Each is a dictionary
================ ====================================
Key Value
================ ====================================
start (Shapely.Point) Start point of the slot
stop (Shapely.Point) Stop point of the slot
tool (str) A key in ``tools``
================ ====================================
defaults = {
"zeros": "L",
"excellon_format_upper_mm": '3',
"excellon_format_lower_mm": '3',
"excellon_format_upper_in": '2',
"excellon_format_lower_in": '4',
"excellon_units": 'INCH',
"geo_steps_per_circle": '64'
def __init__(self, zeros=None, excellon_format_upper_mm=None, excellon_format_lower_mm=None,
excellon_format_upper_in=None, excellon_format_lower_in=None, excellon_units=None,
The constructor takes no parameters.
:return: Excellon object.
:rtype: Excellon
self.decimals = self.app.decimals
if geo_steps_per_circle is None:
geo_steps_per_circle = int(Excellon.defaults['geo_steps_per_circle'])
self.geo_steps_per_circle = int(geo_steps_per_circle)
Geometry.__init__(self, geo_steps_per_circle=int(geo_steps_per_circle))
# dictionary to store tools, see above for description
self.tools = {}
# list to store the drills, see above for description
self.drills = []
# self.slots (list) to store the slots; each is a dictionary
self.slots = []
self.source_file = ''
# it serve to flag if a start routing or a stop routing was encountered
# if a stop is encounter and this flag is still 0 (so there is no stop for a previous start) issue error
self.routing_flag = 1
self.match_routing_start = None
self.match_routing_stop = None
self.num_tools = [] # List for keeping the tools sorted
self.index_per_tool = {} # Dictionary to store the indexed points for each tool
# ## IN|MM -> Units are inherited from Geometry
self.units = self.app.defaults['units']
# Trailing "T" or leading "L" (default)
# self.zeros = "T"
self.zeros = zeros or self.defaults["zeros"]
self.zeros_found = deepcopy(self.zeros)
self.units_found = deepcopy(self.units)
# this will serve as a default if the Excellon file has no info regarding of tool diameters (this info may be
# in another file like for PCB WIzard ECAD software
self.toolless_diam = 1.0
# signal that the Excellon file has no tool diameter informations and the tools have bogus (random) diameter
self.diameterless = False
# Excellon format
self.excellon_format_upper_in = excellon_format_upper_in or self.defaults["excellon_format_upper_in"]
self.excellon_format_lower_in = excellon_format_lower_in or self.defaults["excellon_format_lower_in"]
self.excellon_format_upper_mm = excellon_format_upper_mm or self.defaults["excellon_format_upper_mm"]
self.excellon_format_lower_mm = excellon_format_lower_mm or self.defaults["excellon_format_lower_mm"]
self.excellon_units = excellon_units or self.defaults["excellon_units"]
# detected Excellon format is stored here:
self.excellon_format = None
# Attributes to be included in serialization
# Always append to it because it carries contents
# from Geometry.
self.ser_attrs += ['tools', 'drills', 'zeros', 'excellon_format_upper_mm', 'excellon_format_lower_mm',
'excellon_format_upper_in', 'excellon_format_lower_in', 'excellon_units', 'slots',
# ### Patterns ####
# Regex basics:
# ^ - beginning
# $ - end
# *: 0 or more, +: 1 or more, ?: 0 or 1
# M48 - Beginning of Part Program Header
self.hbegin_re = re.compile(r'^M48$')
# ;HEADER - Beginning of Allegro Program Header
self.allegro_hbegin_re = re.compile(r'\;\s*(HEADER)')
# M95 or % - End of Part Program Header
# NOTE: % has different meaning in the body
self.hend_re = re.compile(r'^(?:M95|%)$')
# FMAT Excellon format
# Ignored in the parser
# self.fmat_re = re.compile(r'^FMAT,([12])$')
# Uunits and possible Excellon zeros and possible Excellon format
# INCH uses 6 digits
# METRIC uses 5/6
self.units_re = re.compile(r'^(INCH|METRIC)(?:,([TL])Z)?,?(\d*\.\d+)?.*$')
# Tool definition/parameters (?= is look-ahead
# NOTE: This might be an overkill!
# self.toolset_re = re.compile(r'^T(0?\d|\d\d)(?=.*C(\d*\.?\d*))?' +
# r'(?=.*F(\d*\.?\d*))?(?=.*S(\d*\.?\d*))?' +
# r'(?=.*B(\d*\.?\d*))?(?=.*H(\d*\.?\d*))?' +
# r'(?=.*Z([-\+]?\d*\.?\d*))?[CFSBHT]')
self.toolset_re = re.compile(r'^T(\d+)(?=.*C,?(\d*\.?\d*))?' +
r'(?=.*F(\d*\.?\d*))?(?=.*S(\d*\.?\d*))?' +
r'(?=.*B(\d*\.?\d*))?(?=.*H(\d*\.?\d*))?' +
self.detect_gcode_re = re.compile(r'^G2([01])$')
# Tool select
# Can have additional data after tool number but
# is ignored if present in the header.
# Warning: This will match toolset_re too.
# self.toolsel_re = re.compile(r'^T((?:\d\d)|(?:\d))')
self.toolsel_re = re.compile(r'^T(\d+)')
# Headerless toolset
# self.toolset_hl_re = re.compile(r'^T(\d+)(?=.*C(\d*\.?\d*))')
self.toolset_hl_re = re.compile(r'^T(\d+)(?:.?C(\d+\.?\d*))?')
# Comment
self.comm_re = re.compile(r'^;(.*)$')
# Absolute/Incremental G90/G91
self.absinc_re = re.compile(r'^G9([01])$')
# Modes of operation
# 1-linear, 2-circCW, 3-cirCCW, 4-vardwell, 5-Drill
self.modes_re = re.compile(r'^G0([012345])')
# Measuring mode
# 1-metric, 2-inch
self.meas_re = re.compile(r'^M7([12])$')
# Coordinates
# self.xcoord_re = re.compile(r'^X(\d*\.?\d*)(?:Y\d*\.?\d*)?$')
# self.ycoord_re = re.compile(r'^(?:X\d*\.?\d*)?Y(\d*\.?\d*)$')
coordsperiod_re_string = r'(?=.*X([-\+]?\d*\.\d*))?(?=.*Y([-\+]?\d*\.\d*))?[XY]'
self.coordsperiod_re = re.compile(coordsperiod_re_string)
coordsnoperiod_re_string = r'(?!.*\.)(?=.*X([-\+]?\d*))?(?=.*Y([-\+]?\d*))?[XY]'
self.coordsnoperiod_re = re.compile(coordsnoperiod_re_string)
# Slots parsing
slots_re_string = r'^([^G]+)G85(.*)$'
self.slots_re = re.compile(slots_re_string)
# R - Repeat hole (# times, X offset, Y offset)
self.rep_re = re.compile(r'^R(\d+)(?=.*[XY])+(?:X([-\+]?\d*\.?\d*))?(?:Y([-\+]?\d*\.?\d*))?$')
# Various stop/pause commands
self.stop_re = re.compile(r'^((G04)|(M09)|(M06)|(M00)|(M30))')
# Allegro Excellon format support
self.tool_units_re = re.compile(r'(\;\s*Holesize \d+.\s*\=\s*(\d+.\d+).*(MILS|MM))')
# Altium Excellon format support
# it's a comment like this: ";FILE_FORMAT=2:5"
self.altium_format = re.compile(r'^;\s*(?:FILE_FORMAT)?(?:Format)?[=|:]\s*(\d+)[:|.](\d+).*$')
# Parse coordinates
self.leadingzeros_re = re.compile(r'^[-\+]?(0*)(\d*)')
# Repeating command
self.repeat_re = re.compile(r'R(\d+)')
def parse_file(self, filename=None, file_obj=None):
Reads the specified file as array of lines as
passes it to ``parse_lines()``.
:param filename: The file to be read and parsed.
:type filename: str
:return: None
if file_obj:
estr = file_obj
if filename is None:
return "fail"
efile = open(filename, 'r')
estr = efile.readlines()
except Exception:
return "fail"
def parse_lines(self, elines):
Main Excellon parser.
:param elines: List of strings, each being a line of Excellon code.
:type elines: list
:return: None
# State variables
current_tool = ""
in_header = False
headerless = False
current_x = None
current_y = None
slot_current_x = None
slot_current_y = None
name_tool = 0
allegro_warning = False
line_units_found = False
repeating_x = 0
repeating_y = 0
repeat = 0
line_units = ''
# ## Parsing starts here ## ##
line_num = 0 # Line number
eline = ""
for eline in elines:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
line_num += 1
# log.debug("%3d %s" % (line_num, str(eline)))
self.source_file += eline
# Cleanup lines
eline = eline.strip(' \r\n')
# Excellon files and Gcode share some extensions therefore if we detect G20 or G21 it's GCODe
# and we need to exit from here
if self.detect_gcode_re.search(eline):
log.warning("This is GCODE mark: %s" % eline)
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_('This is GCODE mark'), eline))
# Header Begin (M48) #
if self.hbegin_re.search(eline):
in_header = True
headerless = False
log.warning("Found start of the header: %s" % eline)
# Allegro Header Begin (;HEADER) #
if self.allegro_hbegin_re.search(eline):
in_header = True
allegro_warning = True
log.warning("Found ALLEGRO start of the header: %s" % eline)
# Search for Header End #
# Since there might be comments in the header that include header end char (% or M95)
# we ignore the lines starting with ';' that contains such header end chars because it is not a
# real header end.
if self.comm_re.search(eline):
match = self.tool_units_re.search(eline)
if match:
if line_units_found is False:
line_units_found = True
line_units = match.group(3)
self.convert_units({"MILS": "IN", "MM": "MM"}[line_units])
log.warning("Type of Allegro UNITS found inline in comments: %s" % line_units)
if match.group(2):
name_tool += 1
if line_units == 'MILS':
spec = {"C": (float(match.group(2)) / 1000)}
self.tools[str(name_tool)] = spec
log.debug("Tool definition: %s %s" % (name_tool, spec))
spec = {"C": float(match.group(2))}
self.tools[str(name_tool)] = spec
log.debug("Tool definition: %s %s" % (name_tool, spec))
spec['solid_geometry'] = []
# search for Altium Excellon Format / Sprint Layout who is included as a comment
match = self.altium_format.search(eline)
if match:
self.excellon_format_upper_mm = match.group(1)
self.excellon_format_lower_mm = match.group(2)
self.excellon_format_upper_in = match.group(1)
self.excellon_format_lower_in = match.group(2)
log.warning("Altium Excellon format preset found in comments: %s:%s" %
(match.group(1), match.group(2)))
log.warning("Line ignored, it's a comment: %s" % eline)
if self.hend_re.search(eline):
if in_header is False or bool(self.tools) is False:
log.warning("Found end of the header but there is no header: %s" % eline)
log.warning("The only useful data in header are tools, units and format.")
log.warning("Therefore we will create units and format based on defaults.")
headerless = True
self.convert_units({"INCH": "IN", "METRIC": "MM"}[self.excellon_units])
except Exception as e:
log.warning("Units could not be converted: %s" % str(e))
in_header = False
# for Allegro type of Excellons we reset name_tool variable so we can reuse it for toolchange
if allegro_warning is True:
name_tool = 0
log.warning("Found end of the header: %s" % eline)
# ## Alternative units format M71/M72
# Supposed to be just in the body (yes, the body)
# but some put it in the header (PADS for example).
# Will detect anywhere. Occurrence will change the
# object's units.
match = self.meas_re.match(eline)
if match:
self.units = {"1": "MM", "2": "IN"}[match.group(1)]
# Modified for issue #80
log.debug("ALternative M71/M72 units found, before conversion: %s" % self.units)
log.debug("ALternative M71/M72 units found, after conversion: %s" % self.units)
if self.units == 'MM':
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_mm), str(self.excellon_format_lower_mm)))
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_in), str(self.excellon_format_lower_in)))
# ### Body ####
if not in_header:
# ## Tool change ###
match = self.toolsel_re.search(eline)
if match:
current_tool = str(int(match.group(1)))
log.debug("Tool change: %s" % current_tool)
if bool(headerless):
match = self.toolset_hl_re.search(eline)
if match:
name = str(int(match.group(1)))
diam = float(match.group(2))
except Exception:
# it's possible that tool definition has only tool number and no diameter info
# (those could be in another file like PCB Wizard do)
# then match.group(2) = None and float(None) will create the exception
# the bellow construction is so each tool will have a slightly different diameter
# starting with a default value, to allow Excellon editing after that
self.diameterless = True
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s%s %s' %
(_("No tool diameter info's. See shell.\n"
"A tool change event: T"),
_("was found but the Excellon file "
"have no informations regarding the tool "
"diameters therefore the application will try to load it "
"by using some 'fake' diameters.\n"
"The user needs to edit the resulting Excellon object and "
"change the diameters to reflect the real diameters.")
if self.excellon_units == 'MM':
diam = self.toolless_diam + (int(current_tool) - 1) / 100
diam = (self.toolless_diam + (int(current_tool) - 1) / 100) / 25.4
spec = {"C": diam, 'solid_geometry': []}
self.tools[name] = spec
log.debug("Tool definition out of header: %s %s" % (name, spec))
# ## Allegro Type Tool change ###
if allegro_warning is True:
match = self.absinc_re.search(eline)
match1 = self.stop_re.search(eline)
if match or match1:
name_tool += 1
current_tool = str(name_tool)
log.debug("Tool change for Allegro type of Excellon: %s" % current_tool)
# ## Slots parsing for drilled slots (contain G85)
# a Excellon drilled slot line may look like this:
# X01125Y0022244G85Y0027756
match = self.slots_re.search(eline)
if match:
# signal that there are milling slots operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = False
# the slot start coordinates group is to the left of G85 command (group(1) )
# the slot stop coordinates group is to the right of G85 command (group(2) )
start_coords_match = match.group(1)
stop_coords_match = match.group(2)
# Slot coordinates without period # ##
# get the coordinates for slot start and for slot stop into variables
start_coords_noperiod = self.coordsnoperiod_re.search(start_coords_match)
stop_coords_noperiod = self.coordsnoperiod_re.search(stop_coords_match)
if start_coords_noperiod:
slot_start_x = self.parse_number(start_coords_noperiod.group(1))
slot_current_x = slot_start_x
except TypeError:
slot_start_x = slot_current_x
except Exception:
slot_start_y = self.parse_number(start_coords_noperiod.group(2))
slot_current_y = slot_start_y
except TypeError:
slot_start_y = slot_current_y
except Exception:
slot_stop_x = self.parse_number(stop_coords_noperiod.group(1))
slot_current_x = slot_stop_x
except TypeError:
slot_stop_x = slot_current_x
except Exception:
slot_stop_y = self.parse_number(stop_coords_noperiod.group(2))
slot_current_y = slot_stop_y
except TypeError:
slot_stop_y = slot_current_y
except Exception:
if (slot_start_x is None or slot_start_y is None or
slot_stop_x is None or slot_stop_y is None):
log.error("Slots are missing some or all coordinates.")
# we have a slot
log.debug('Parsed a slot with coordinates: ' + str([slot_start_x,
slot_start_y, slot_stop_x,
# store current tool diameter as slot diameter
slot_dia = 0.05
slot_dia = float(self.tools[current_tool]['C'])
except Exception as e:
'Milling/Drilling slot with tool %s, diam=%f' % (
'start': Point(slot_start_x, slot_start_y),
'stop': Point(slot_stop_x, slot_stop_y),
'tool': current_tool
# Slot coordinates with period: Use literally. ###
# get the coordinates for slot start and for slot stop into variables
start_coords_period = self.coordsperiod_re.search(start_coords_match)
stop_coords_period = self.coordsperiod_re.search(stop_coords_match)
if start_coords_period:
slot_start_x = float(start_coords_period.group(1))
slot_current_x = slot_start_x
except TypeError:
slot_start_x = slot_current_x
except Exception:
slot_start_y = float(start_coords_period.group(2))
slot_current_y = slot_start_y
except TypeError:
slot_start_y = slot_current_y
except Exception:
slot_stop_x = float(stop_coords_period.group(1))
slot_current_x = slot_stop_x
except TypeError:
slot_stop_x = slot_current_x
except Exception:
slot_stop_y = float(stop_coords_period.group(2))
slot_current_y = slot_stop_y
except TypeError:
slot_stop_y = slot_current_y
except Exception:
if (slot_start_x is None or slot_start_y is None or
slot_stop_x is None or slot_stop_y is None):
log.error("Slots are missing some or all coordinates.")
# we have a slot
log.debug('Parsed a slot with coordinates: ' + str([slot_start_x,
slot_start_y, slot_stop_x,
# store current tool diameter as slot diameter
slot_dia = 0.05
slot_dia = float(self.tools[current_tool]['C'])
except Exception as e:
'Milling/Drilling slot with tool %s, diam=%f' % (
'start': Point(slot_start_x, slot_start_y),
'stop': Point(slot_stop_x, slot_stop_y),
'tool': current_tool
# ## Coordinates without period # ##
match = self.coordsnoperiod_re.search(eline)
if match:
matchr = self.repeat_re.search(eline)
if matchr: # if we have a repeat command
repeat = int(matchr.group(1))
if match.group(1):
repeating_x = self.parse_number(match.group(1))
repeating_x = 0
if match.group(2):
repeating_y = self.parse_number(match.group(2))
repeating_y = 0
coordx = current_x
coordy = current_y
while repeat > 0:
if repeating_x:
coordx += repeating_x
if repeating_y:
coordy += repeating_y
self.drills.append({'point': Point((coordx, coordy)), 'tool': current_tool})
repeat -= 1
current_x = coordx
current_y = coordy
else: # those are normal coordinates
x = self.parse_number(match.group(1))
current_x = x
except TypeError:
x = current_x
except Exception:
y = self.parse_number(match.group(2))
current_y = y
except TypeError:
y = current_y
except Exception:
if x is None or y is None:
log.error("Missing coordinates")
# ## Excellon Routing parse
if len(re.findall("G00", eline)) > 0:
self.match_routing_start = 'G00'
# signal that there are milling slots operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = False
self.routing_flag = 0
slot_start_x = x
slot_start_y = y
if self.routing_flag == 0:
if len(re.findall("G01", eline)) > 0:
self.match_routing_stop = 'G01'
# signal that there are milling slots operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = False
self.routing_flag = 1
slot_stop_x = x
slot_stop_y = y
'start': Point(slot_start_x, slot_start_y),
'stop': Point(slot_stop_x, slot_stop_y),
'tool': current_tool
if self.match_routing_start is None and self.match_routing_stop is None:
# signal that there are drill operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = True
self.drills.append({'point': Point((x, y)), 'tool': current_tool})
# log.debug("{:15} {:8} {:8}".format(eline, x, y))
# ## Coordinates with period: Use literally. # ##
match = self.coordsperiod_re.search(eline)
if match:
matchr = self.repeat_re.search(eline)
if matchr:
repeat = int(matchr.group(1))
if match:
# signal that there are drill operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = True
x = float(match.group(1))
repeating_x = current_x
current_x = x
except TypeError:
x = current_x
repeating_x = 0
y = float(match.group(2))
repeating_y = current_y
current_y = y
except TypeError:
y = current_y
repeating_y = 0
if x is None or y is None:
log.error("Missing coordinates")
# ## Excellon Routing parse
if len(re.findall("G00", eline)) > 0:
self.match_routing_start = 'G00'
# signal that there are milling slots operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = False
self.routing_flag = 0
slot_start_x = x
slot_start_y = y
if self.routing_flag == 0:
if len(re.findall("G01", eline)) > 0:
self.match_routing_stop = 'G01'
# signal that there are milling slots operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = False
self.routing_flag = 1
slot_stop_x = x
slot_stop_y = y
'start': Point(slot_start_x, slot_start_y),
'stop': Point(slot_stop_x, slot_stop_y),
'tool': current_tool
if self.match_routing_start is None and self.match_routing_stop is None:
# signal that there are drill operations
if repeat == 0:
# signal that there are drill operations
self.defaults['excellon_drills'] = True
self.drills.append({'point': Point((x, y)), 'tool': current_tool})
coordx = x
coordy = y
while repeat > 0:
if repeating_x:
coordx = (repeat * x) + repeating_x
if repeating_y:
coordy = (repeat * y) + repeating_y
self.drills.append({'point': Point((coordx, coordy)), 'tool': current_tool})
repeat -= 1
repeating_x = repeating_y = 0
# log.debug("{:15} {:8} {:8}".format(eline, x, y))
# ### Header ####
if in_header:
# ## Tool definitions # ##
match = self.toolset_re.search(eline)
if match:
name = str(int(match.group(1)))
spec = {"C": float(match.group(2)), 'solid_geometry': []}
self.tools[name] = spec
log.debug("Tool definition: %s %s" % (name, spec))
# ## Units and number format # ##
match = self.units_re.match(eline)
if match:
self.units = {"METRIC": "MM", "INCH": "IN"}[match.group(1)]
self.zeros = match.group(2) # "T" or "L". Might be empty
self.excellon_format = match.group(3)
if self.excellon_format:
upper = len(self.excellon_format.partition('.')[0])
lower = len(self.excellon_format.partition('.')[2])
if self.units == 'MM':
self.excellon_format_upper_mm = upper
self.excellon_format_lower_mm = lower
self.excellon_format_upper_in = upper
self.excellon_format_lower_in = lower
# Modified for issue #80
log.warning("UNITS found inline before conversion: %s" % self.units)
log.warning("UNITS found inline after conversion: %s" % self.units)
if self.units == 'MM':
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_mm), str(self.excellon_format_lower_mm)))
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_in), str(self.excellon_format_lower_in)))
log.warning("Type of ZEROS found inline, in header: %s" % self.zeros)
# Search for units type again it might be alone on the line
if "INCH" in eline:
line_units = "IN"
# Modified for issue #80
log.warning("Type of UNITS found inline, in header, before conversion: %s" % line_units)
log.warning("Type of UNITS found inline, in header, after conversion: %s" % self.units)
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_in), str(self.excellon_format_lower_in)))
elif "METRIC" in eline:
line_units = "MM"
# Modified for issue #80
log.warning("Type of UNITS found inline, in header, before conversion: %s" % line_units)
log.warning("Type of UNITS found inline, in header, after conversion: %s" % self.units)
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_mm), str(self.excellon_format_lower_mm)))
# Search for zeros type again because it might be alone on the line
match = re.search(r'[LT]Z', eline)
if match:
self.zeros = match.group()
log.warning("Type of ZEROS found: %s" % self.zeros)
# ## Units and number format outside header# ##
match = self.units_re.match(eline)
if match:
self.units = self.units = {"METRIC": "MM", "INCH": "IN"}[match.group(1)]
self.zeros = match.group(2) # "T" or "L". Might be empty
self.excellon_format = match.group(3)
if self.excellon_format:
upper = len(self.excellon_format.partition('.')[0])
lower = len(self.excellon_format.partition('.')[2])
if self.units == 'MM':
self.excellon_format_upper_mm = upper
self.excellon_format_lower_mm = lower
self.excellon_format_upper_in = upper
self.excellon_format_lower_in = lower
# Modified for issue #80
log.warning("Type of UNITS found outside header, inline before conversion: %s" % self.units)
log.warning("Type of UNITS found outside header, inline after conversion: %s" % self.units)
if self.units == 'MM':
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_mm), str(self.excellon_format_lower_mm)))
log.warning("Excellon format preset is: %s:%s" %
(str(self.excellon_format_upper_in), str(self.excellon_format_lower_in)))
log.warning("Type of ZEROS found outside header, inline: %s" % self.zeros)
log.warning("Line ignored: %s" % eline)
# make sure that since we are in headerless mode, we convert the tools only after the file parsing
# is finished since the tools definitions are spread in the Excellon body. We use as units the value
# from self.defaults['excellon_units']
log.info("Zeros: %s, Units %s." % (self.zeros, self.units))
except Exception:
log.error("Excellon PARSING FAILED. Line %d: %s" % (line_num, eline))
msg = '[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % \
_("An internal error has ocurred. See shell.\n")
msg += ('{e_code} {tx} {l_nr}: {line}\n').format(
tx=_("Excellon Parser error.\nParsing Failed. Line"),
msg += traceback.format_exc()
return "fail"
def parse_number(self, number_str):
Parses coordinate numbers without period.
:param number_str: String representing the numerical value.
:type number_str: str
:return: Floating point representation of the number
:rtype: float
match = self.leadingzeros_re.search(number_str)
nr_length = len(match.group(1)) + len(match.group(2))
if self.zeros == "L" or self.zeros == "LZ": # Leading
# With leading zeros, when you type in a coordinate,
# the leading zeros must always be included. Trailing zeros
# are unneeded and may be left off. The CNC-7 will automatically add them.
# r'^[-\+]?(0*)(\d*)'
# 6 digits are divided by 10^4
# If less than size digits, they are automatically added,
# 5 digits then are divided by 10^3 and so on.
if self.units.lower() == "in":
result = float(number_str) / (10 ** (float(nr_length) - float(self.excellon_format_upper_in)))
result = float(number_str) / (10 ** (float(nr_length) - float(self.excellon_format_upper_mm)))
return result
else: # Trailing
# You must show all zeros to the right of the number and can omit
# all zeros to the left of the number. The CNC-7 will count the number
# of digits you typed and automatically fill in the missing zeros.
# ## flatCAM expects 6digits
# flatCAM expects the number of digits entered into the defaults
if self.units.lower() == "in": # Inches is 00.0000
result = float(number_str) / (10 ** (float(self.excellon_format_lower_in)))
else: # Metric is 000.000
result = float(number_str) / (10 ** (float(self.excellon_format_lower_mm)))
return result
except Exception as e:
log.error("Aborted. Operation could not be completed due of %s" % str(e))
def create_geometry(self):
Creates circles of the tool diameter at every point
specified in ``self.drills``. Also creates geometries (polygons)
for the slots as specified in ``self.slots``
All the resulting geometry is stored into self.solid_geometry list.
The list self.solid_geometry has 2 elements: first is a dict with the drills geometry,
and second element is another similar dict that contain the slots geometry.
Each dict has as keys the tool diameters and as values lists with Shapely objects, the geometries
================ ====================================
Key Value
================ ====================================
tool_diameter list of (Shapely.Point) Where to drill
================ ====================================
:return: None
self.solid_geometry = []
# clear the solid_geometry in self.tools
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = []
self.tools[tool]['data'] = {}
for drill in self.drills:
# poly = drill['point'].buffer(self.tools[drill['tool']]["C"]/2.0)
if drill['tool'] == '':
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' %
_("Excellon.create_geometry() -> a drill location was skipped "
"due of not having a tool associated.\n"
"Check the resulting GCode."))
log.debug("flatcamParsers.ParseExcellon.Excellon.create_geometry() -> a drill location was skipped "
"due of not having a tool associated")
tooldia = self.tools[drill['tool']]['C']
poly = drill['point'].buffer(tooldia / 2.0, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4))
tool_in_drills = drill['tool']
self.tools[tool_in_drills]['data'] = deepcopy(self.default_data)
for slot in self.slots:
slot_tooldia = self.tools[slot['tool']]['C']
start = slot['start']
stop = slot['stop']
lines_string = LineString([start, stop])
poly = lines_string.buffer(slot_tooldia / 2.0, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4))
tool_in_slots = slot['tool']
self.tools[tool_in_slots]['data'] = deepcopy(self.default_data)
except Exception as e:
log.debug("flatcamParsers.ParseExcellon.Excellon.create_geometry() -> "
"Excellon geometry creation failed due of ERROR: %s" % str(e))
return "fail"
def bounds(self):
Returns coordinates of rectangular bounds
of Excellon geometry: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# fixed issue of getting bounds only for one level lists of objects
# now it can get bounds for nested lists of objects
if self.solid_geometry is None or not self.tools:
log.debug("flatcamParsers.ParseExcellon.Excellon -> solid_geometry is None")
return 0, 0, 0, 0
def bounds_rec(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
minx = np.Inf
miny = np.Inf
maxx = -np.Inf
maxy = -np.Inf
for k in obj:
if type(k) is dict:
for key in k:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k[key])
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k)
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
# it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds
return obj.bounds
minx_list = []
miny_list = []
maxx_list = []
maxy_list = []
for tool in self.tools:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds_rec(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
return min(minx_list), min(miny_list), max(maxx_list), max(maxy_list)
def convert_units(self, units):
This function first convert to the the units found in the Excellon file but it converts tools that
are not there yet so it has no effect other than it signal that the units are the ones in the file.
On object creation, in new_object(), true conversion is done because this is done at the end of the
Excellon file parsing, the tools are inside and self.tools is really converted from the units found
inside the file to the FlatCAM units.
Kind of convolute way to make the conversion and it is based on the assumption that the Excellon file
will have detected the units before the tools are parsed and stored in self.tools
:param units:
:type str: IN or MM
# factor = Geometry.convert_units(self, units)
obj_units = units
if obj_units.upper() == self.units.upper():
factor = 1.0
elif obj_units.upper() == "MM":
factor = 25.4
elif obj_units.upper() == "IN":
factor = 1 / 25.4
log.error("Unsupported units: %s" % str(obj_units))
factor = 1.0
log.debug("flatcamParsers.ParseExcellon.Excellon.convert_units() --> Factor: %s" % str(factor))
self.units = obj_units
self.scale(factor, factor)
self.file_units_factor = factor
# Tools
for tname in self.tools:
self.tools[tname]["C"] *= factor
return factor
def scale(self, xfactor, yfactor=None, point=None):
Scales geometry on the XY plane in the object by a given factor.
Tool sizes, feedrates an Z-plane dimensions are untouched.
:param xfactor: Number by which to scale the object.
:type xfactor: float
:param yfactor: Number by which to scale the object.
:type yfactor: float
:return: None
:rtype: NOne
if yfactor is None:
yfactor = xfactor
if point is None:
px = 0
py = 0
px, py = point
if xfactor == 0 and yfactor == 0:
def scale_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
return affinity.scale(obj, xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.drills:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
# Drills
for drill in self.drills:
drill['point'] = affinity.scale(drill['point'], xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py))
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# scale solid_geometry
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = scale_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# Slots
for slot in self.slots:
slot['stop'] = affinity.scale(slot['stop'], xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py))
slot['start'] = affinity.scale(slot['start'], xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def offset(self, vect):
Offsets geometry on the XY plane in the object by a given vector.
:param vect: (x, y) offset vector.
:type vect: tuple
:return: None
dx, dy = vect
if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
def offset_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
return affinity.translate(obj, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
except AttributeError:
return obj
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.drills:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
# Drills
for drill in self.drills:
drill['point'] = affinity.translate(drill['point'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# offset solid_geometry
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = offset_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# Slots
for slot in self.slots:
slot['stop'] = affinity.translate(slot['stop'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
slot['start'] = affinity.translate(slot['start'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
# Recreate geometry
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def mirror(self, axis, point):
:param axis: "X" or "Y" indicates around which axis to mirror.
:type axis: str
:param point: [x, y] point belonging to the mirror axis.
:type point: list
:return: None
px, py = point
xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis]
def mirror_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
return affinity.scale(obj, xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
# Modify data
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.drills:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
# Drills
for drill in self.drills:
drill['point'] = affinity.scale(drill['point'], xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py))
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# mirror solid_geometry
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = mirror_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# Slots
for slot in self.slots:
slot['stop'] = affinity.scale(slot['stop'], xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py))
slot['start'] = affinity.scale(slot['start'], xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py))
# Recreate geometry
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def skew(self, angle_x=None, angle_y=None, point=None):
Shear/Skew the geometries of an object by angles along x and y dimensions.
Tool sizes, feedrates an Z-plane dimensions are untouched.
xs, ys : float, float
The shear angle(s) for the x and y axes respectively. These can be
specified in either degrees (default) or radians by setting
See shapely manual for more information:
if angle_x is None:
angle_x = 0.0
if angle_y is None:
angle_y = 0.0
if angle_x == 0 and angle_y == 0:
def skew_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
return affinity.skew(obj, angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.drills:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
if point is None:
px, py = 0, 0
# Drills
for drill in self.drills:
drill['point'] = affinity.skew(drill['point'], angle_x, angle_y,
origin=(px, py))
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# skew solid_geometry
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = skew_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# Slots
for slot in self.slots:
slot['stop'] = affinity.skew(slot['stop'], angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
slot['start'] = affinity.skew(slot['start'], angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
px, py = point
# Drills
for drill in self.drills:
drill['point'] = affinity.skew(drill['point'], angle_x, angle_y,
origin=(px, py))
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# skew solid_geometry
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = skew_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# Slots
for slot in self.slots:
slot['stop'] = affinity.skew(slot['stop'], angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
slot['start'] = affinity.skew(slot['start'], angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def rotate(self, angle, point=None):
Rotate the geometry of an object by an angle around the 'point' coordinates
:param angle:
:param point: tuple of coordinates (x, y)
if angle == 0:
def rotate_geom(obj, origin=None):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
if origin:
return affinity.rotate(obj, angle, origin=origin)
except AttributeError:
return obj
return affinity.rotate(obj, angle, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.drills:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
if point is None:
# Drills
for drill in self.drills:
drill['point'] = affinity.rotate(drill['point'], angle, origin='center')
# rotate solid_geometry
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = rotate_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'], origin='center')
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# Slots
for slot in self.slots:
slot['stop'] = affinity.rotate(slot['stop'], angle, origin='center')
slot['start'] = affinity.rotate(slot['start'], angle, origin='center')
px, py = point
# Drills
for drill in self.drills:
drill['point'] = affinity.rotate(drill['point'], angle, origin=(px, py))
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# rotate solid_geometry
for tool in self.tools:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = rotate_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# Slots
for slot in self.slots:
slot['stop'] = affinity.rotate(slot['stop'], angle, origin=(px, py))
slot['start'] = affinity.rotate(slot['start'], angle, origin=(px, py))
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
def buffer(self, distance, join, factor):
:param distance: if 'factor' is True then distance is the factor
:param factor: True or False (None)
if distance == 0:
def buffer_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
if factor is None:
return obj.buffer(distance, resolution=self.geo_steps_per_circle)
return affinity.scale(obj, xfact=distance, yfact=distance, origin='center')
except AttributeError:
return obj
# buffer solid_geometry
for tool, tool_dict in list(self.tools.items()):
res = buffer_geom(tool_dict['solid_geometry'])
__ = iter(res)
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = res
except TypeError:
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = [res]
if factor is None:
self.tools[tool]['C'] += distance
self.tools[tool]['C'] *= distance