2019-10-16 02:28:18 +03:00

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# Author: vvlachoudis@gmail.com
# Vasilis Vlachoudis
# Date: 20-Oct-2015
# ##########################################################
# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# File modified: Marius Adrian Stanciu #
# Date: 3/10/2019 #
# ##########################################################
import math
def norm(v):
return math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2])
def normalize_2(v):
m = norm(v)
return [v[0]/m, v[1]/m, v[2]/m]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert a B-spline to polyline with a fixed number of segments
# FIXME to become adaptive
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def spline2Polyline(xyz, degree, closed, segments, knots):
:param xyz: DXF spline control points
:param degree: degree of the Spline curve
:param closed: closed Spline
:type closed: bool
:param segments: how many lines to use for Spline approximation
:param knots: DXF spline knots
:return: x,y,z coordinates (each is a list)
# Check if last point coincide with the first one
if (Vector(xyz[0]) - Vector(xyz[-1])).length2() < 1e-10:
# it is already closed, treat it as open
closed = False
# FIXME we should verify if it is periodic,.... but...
# I am not sure :)
if closed:
knots = None
# make base-1
knots.insert(0, 0)
npts = len(xyz)
if degree < 1 or degree > 3:
# print "invalid degree"
return None, None, None
# order:
k = degree+1
if npts < k:
# print "not enough control points"
return None, None, None
# resolution:
nseg = segments * npts
# WARNING: base 1
b = [0.0]*(npts*3+1) # polygon points
h = [1.0]*(npts+1) # set all homogeneous weighting factors to 1.0
p = [0.0]*(nseg*3+1) # returned curved points
i = 1
for pt in xyz:
b[i] = pt[0]
b[i+1] = pt[1]
b[i+2] = pt[2]
i += 3
# if periodic:
if closed:
_rbsplinu(npts, k, nseg, b, h, p, knots)
_rbspline(npts, k, nseg, b, h, p, knots)
x = []
y = []
z = []
for i in range(1, 3*nseg+1, 3):
# for i,xyz in enumerate(zip(x,y,z)):
# print i,xyz
return x, y, z
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutine to generate a B-spline open knot vector with multiplicity
# equal to the order at the ends.
# c = order of the basis function
# n = the number of defining polygon vertices
# n+2 = index of x[] for the first occurence of the maximum knot vector value
# n+order = maximum value of the knot vector -- $n + c$
# x[] = array containing the knot vector
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _knot(n, order):
x = [0.0]*(n+order+1)
for i in range(2, n+order+1):
if order < i < n+2:
x[i] = x[i-1] + 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
return x
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutine to generate a B-spline uniform (periodic) knot vector.
# order = order of the basis function
# n = the number of defining polygon vertices
# n+order = maximum value of the knot vector -- $n + order$
# x[] = array containing the knot vector
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _knotu(n, order):
x = [0]*(n+order+1)
for i in range(2, n+order+1):
x[i] = float(i-1)
return x
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutine to generate rational B-spline basis functions--open knot vector
# C code for An Introduction to NURBS
# by David F. Rogers. Copyright (C) 2000 David F. Rogers,
# All rights reserved.
# Name: rbasis
# Subroutines called: none
# Book reference: Chapter 4, Sec. 4. , p 296
# c = order of the B-spline basis function
# d = first term of the basis function recursion relation
# e = second term of the basis function recursion relation
# h[] = array containing the homogeneous weights
# npts = number of defining polygon vertices
# nplusc = constant -- npts + c -- maximum number of knot values
# r[] = array containing the rational basis functions
# r[1] contains the basis function associated with B1 etc.
# t = parameter value
# temp[] = temporary array
# x[] = knot vector
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _rbasis(c, t, npts, x, h, r):
nplusc = npts + c
temp = [0.0]*(nplusc+1)
# calculate the first order non-rational basis functions n[i]
for i in range(1, nplusc):
if x[i] <= t < x[i+1]:
temp[i] = 1.0
temp[i] = 0.0
# calculate the higher order non-rational basis functions
for k in range(2, c+1):
for i in range(1, nplusc-k+1):
# if the lower order basis function is zero skip the calculation
if temp[i] != 0.0:
d = ((t-x[i])*temp[i])/(x[i+k-1]-x[i])
d = 0.0
# if the lower order basis function is zero skip the calculation
if temp[i+1] != 0.0:
e = ((x[i+k]-t)*temp[i+1])/(x[i+k]-x[i+1])
e = 0.0
temp[i] = d + e
# pick up last point
if t >= x[nplusc]:
temp[npts] = 1.0
# calculate sum for denominator of rational basis functions
s = 0.0
for i in range(1, npts+1):
s += temp[i]*h[i]
# form rational basis functions and put in r vector
for i in range(1, npts+1):
if s != 0.0:
r[i] = (temp[i]*h[i])/s
r[i] = 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generates a rational B-spline curve using a uniform open knot vector.
# C code for An Introduction to NURBS
# by David F. Rogers. Copyright (C) 2000 David F. Rogers,
# All rights reserved.
# Name: rbspline.c
# Subroutines called: _knot, rbasis
# Book reference: Chapter 4, Alg. p. 297
# b = array containing the defining polygon vertices
# b[1] contains the x-component of the vertex
# b[2] contains the y-component of the vertex
# b[3] contains the z-component of the vertex
# h = array containing the homogeneous weighting factors
# k = order of the B-spline basis function
# nbasis = array containing the basis functions for a single value of t
# nplusc = number of knot values
# npts = number of defining polygon vertices
# p[,] = array containing the curve points
# p[1] contains the x-component of the point
# p[2] contains the y-component of the point
# p[3] contains the z-component of the point
# p1 = number of points to be calculated on the curve
# t = parameter value 0 <= t <= npts - k + 1
# x[] = array containing the knot vector
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _rbspline(npts, k, p1, b, h, p, x):
nplusc = npts + k
nbasis = [0.0]*(npts+1) # zero and re-dimension the basis array
# generate the uniform open knot vector
if x is None or len(x) != nplusc+1:
x = _knot(npts, k)
icount = 0
# calculate the points on the rational B-spline curve
t = 0
step = float(x[nplusc])/float(p1-1)
for i1 in range(1, p1+1):
if x[nplusc] - t < 5e-6:
t = x[nplusc]
# generate the basis function for this value of t
nbasis = [0.0]*(npts+1) # zero and re-dimension the knot vector and the basis array
_rbasis(k, t, npts, x, h, nbasis)
# generate a point on the curve
for j in range(1, 4):
jcount = j
p[icount+j] = 0.0
# Do local matrix multiplication
for i in range(1, npts+1):
p[icount+j] += nbasis[i]*b[jcount]
jcount += 3
icount += 3
t += step
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutine to generate a rational B-spline curve using an uniform periodic knot vector
# C code for An Introduction to NURBS
# by David F. Rogers. Copyright (C) 2000 David F. Rogers,
# All rights reserved.
# Name: rbsplinu.c
# Subroutines called: _knotu, _rbasis
# Book reference: Chapter 4, Alg. p. 298
# b[] = array containing the defining polygon vertices
# b[1] contains the x-component of the vertex
# b[2] contains the y-component of the vertex
# b[3] contains the z-component of the vertex
# h[] = array containing the homogeneous weighting factors
# k = order of the B-spline basis function
# nbasis = array containing the basis functions for a single value of t
# nplusc = number of knot values
# npts = number of defining polygon vertices
# p[,] = array containing the curve points
# p[1] contains the x-component of the point
# p[2] contains the y-component of the point
# p[3] contains the z-component of the point
# p1 = number of points to be calculated on the curve
# t = parameter value 0 <= t <= npts - k + 1
# x[] = array containing the knot vector
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _rbsplinu(npts, k, p1, b, h, p, x=None):
nplusc = npts + k
nbasis = [0.0]*(npts+1) # zero and re-dimension the basis array
# generate the uniform periodic knot vector
if x is None or len(x) != nplusc+1:
# zero and re dimension the knot vector and the basis array
x = _knotu(npts, k)
icount = 0
# calculate the points on the rational B-spline curve
t = k-1
step = (float(npts)-(k-1))/float(p1-1)
for i1 in range(1, p1+1):
if x[nplusc] - t < 5e-6:
t = x[nplusc]
# generate the basis function for this value of t
nbasis = [0.0]*(npts+1)
_rbasis(k, t, npts, x, h, nbasis)
# generate a point on the curve
for j in range(1, 4):
jcount = j
p[icount+j] = 0.0
# Do local matrix multiplication
for i in range(1, npts+1):
p[icount+j] += nbasis[i]*b[jcount]
jcount += 3
icount += 3
t += step
# Accuracy for comparison operators
_accuracy = 1E-15
def Cmp0(x):
"""Compare against zero within _accuracy"""
return abs(x) < _accuracy
def gauss(A, B):
"""Solve A*X = B using the Gauss elimination method"""
n = len(A)
s = [0.0] * n
X = [0.0] * n
p = [i for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
s[i] = max([abs(x) for x in A[i]])
for k in range(n - 1):
# select j>=k so that
# |A[p[j]][k]| / s[p[i]] >= |A[p[i]][k]| / s[p[i]] for i = k,k+1,...,n
j = k
ap = abs(A[p[j]][k]) / s[p[j]]
for i in range(k + 1, n):
api = abs(A[p[i]][k]) / s[p[i]]
if api > ap:
j = i
ap = api
if j != k:
p[k], p[j] = p[j], p[k] # Swap values
for i in range(k + 1, n):
z = A[p[i]][k] / A[p[k]][k]
A[p[i]][k] = z
for j in range(k + 1, n):
A[p[i]][j] -= z * A[p[k]][j]
for k in range(n - 1):
for i in range(k + 1, n):
B[p[i]] -= A[p[i]][k] * B[p[k]]
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
X[i] = B[p[i]]
for j in range(i + 1, n):
X[i] -= A[p[i]][j] * X[j]
X[i] /= A[p[i]][i]
return X
# Vector class
# Inherits from List
class Vector(list):
"""Vector class"""
def __init__(self, x=3, *args):
"""Create a new vector,
Vector(size), Vector(list), Vector(x,y,z,...)"""
if isinstance(x, int) and not args:
for i in range(x):
elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
for i in x:
for i in args:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def set(self, x, y, z=None):
"""Set vector"""
self[0] = x
self[1] = y
if z:
self[2] = z
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__(self):
return "[%s]" % ", ".join([repr(x) for x in self])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __str__(self):
return "[%s]" % ", ".join([("%15g" % (x)).strip() for x in self])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def eq(self, v, acc=_accuracy):
"""Test for equality with vector v within accuracy"""
if len(self) != len(v):
return False
s2 = 0.0
for a, b in zip(self, v):
s2 += (a - b) ** 2
return s2 <= acc ** 2
def __eq__(self, v):
return self.eq(v)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __neg__(self):
"""Negate vector"""
new = Vector(len(self))
for i, s in enumerate(self):
new[i] = -s
return new
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __add__(self, v):
"""Add 2 vectors"""
size = min(len(self), len(v))
new = Vector(size)
for i in range(size):
new[i] = self[i] + v[i]
return new
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __iadd__(self, v):
"""Add vector v to self"""
for i in range(min(len(self), len(v))):
self[i] += v[i]
return self
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __sub__(self, v):
"""Subtract 2 vectors"""
size = min(len(self), len(v))
new = Vector(size)
for i in range(size):
new[i] = self[i] - v[i]
return new
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __isub__(self, v):
"""Subtract vector v from self"""
for i in range(min(len(self), len(v))):
self[i] -= v[i]
return self
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scale or Dot product
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __mul__(self, v):
"""scale*Vector() or Vector()*Vector() - Scale vector or dot product"""
if isinstance(v, list):
return self.dot(v)
return Vector([x * v for x in self])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scale or Dot product
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __rmul__(self, v):
"""scale*Vector() or Vector()*Vector() - Scale vector or dot product"""
if isinstance(v, Vector):
return self.dot(v)
return Vector([x * v for x in self])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Divide by floating point
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __div__(self, b):
return Vector([x / b for x in self])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __xor__(self, v):
"""Cross product"""
return self.cross(v)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def dot(self, v):
"""Dot product of 2 vectors"""
s = 0.0
for a, b in zip(self, v):
s += a * b
return s
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def cross(self, v):
"""Cross product of 2 vectors"""
if len(self) == 3:
return Vector(self[1] * v[2] - self[2] * v[1],
self[2] * v[0] - self[0] * v[2],
self[0] * v[1] - self[1] * v[0])
elif len(self) == 2:
return self[0] * v[1] - self[1] * v[0]
raise Exception("Cross product needs 2d or 3d vectors")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def length2(self):
"""Return length squared of vector"""
s2 = 0.0
for s in self:
s2 += s ** 2
return s2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def length(self):
"""Return length of vector"""
s2 = 0.0
for s in self:
s2 += s ** 2
return math.sqrt(s2)
__abs__ = length
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def arg(self):
"""return vector angle"""
return math.atan2(self[1], self[0])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def norm(self):
"""Normalize vector and return length"""
length = self.length()
if length > 0.0:
invlen = 1.0 / length
for i in range(len(self)):
self[i] *= invlen
return length
normalize = norm
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def unit(self):
"""return a unit vector"""
v = self.clone()
return v
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def clone(self):
"""Clone vector"""
return Vector(self)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def x(self):
return self[0]
def y(self):
return self[1]
def z(self):
return self[2]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def orthogonal(self):
"""return a vector orthogonal to self"""
xx = abs(self.x())
yy = abs(self.y())
if len(self) >= 3:
zz = abs(self.z())
if xx < yy:
if xx < zz:
return Vector(0.0, self.z(), -self.y())
return Vector(self.y(), -self.x(), 0.0)
if yy < zz:
return Vector(-self.z(), 0.0, self.x())
return Vector(self.y(), -self.x(), 0.0)
return Vector(-self.y(), self.x())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def direction(self, zero=_accuracy):
"""return containing the direction if normalized with any of the axis"""
v = self.clone()
length = v.norm()
if abs(length) <= zero:
return "O"
if abs(v[0] - 1.0) < zero:
return "X"
elif abs(v[0] + 1.0) < zero:
return "-X"
elif abs(v[1] - 1.0) < zero:
return "Y"
elif abs(v[1] + 1.0) < zero:
return "-Y"
elif abs(v[2] - 1.0) < zero:
return "Z"
elif abs(v[2] + 1.0) < zero:
return "-Z"
# nothing special about the direction, return N
return "N"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the vector directly in polar coordinates
# @param ma magnitude of vector
# @param ph azimuthal angle in radians
# @param th polar angle in radians
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def setPolar(self, ma, ph, th):
"""Set the vector directly in polar coordinates"""
sf = math.sin(ph)
cf = math.cos(ph)
st = math.sin(th)
ct = math.cos(th)
self[0] = ma * st * cf
self[1] = ma * st * sf
self[2] = ma * ct
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def phi(self):
"""return the azimuth angle."""
if Cmp0(self.x()) and Cmp0(self.y()):
return 0.0
return math.atan2(self.y(), self.x())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def theta(self):
"""return the polar angle."""
if Cmp0(self.x()) and Cmp0(self.y()) and Cmp0(self.z()):
return 0.0
return math.atan2(self.perp(), self.z())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def cosTheta(self):
"""return cosine of the polar angle."""
ptot = self.length()
if Cmp0(ptot):
return 1.0
return self.z() / ptot
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def perp2(self):
"""return the transverse component squared
(R^2 in cylindrical coordinate system)."""
return self.x() * self.x() + self.y() * self.y()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def perp(self):
"""@return the transverse component
(R in cylindrical coordinate system)."""
return math.sqrt(self.perp2())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return a random 3D vector
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# @staticmethod
# def random():
# cosTheta = 2.0 * random.random() - 1.0
# sinTheta = math.sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta ** 2)
# phi = 2.0 * math.pi * random.random()
# return Vector(math.cos(phi) * sinTheta, math.sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta)
# #===============================================================================
# # Cardinal cubic spline class
# #===============================================================================
# class CardinalSpline:
# def __init__(self, A=0.5):
# # The default matrix is the Catmull-Rom spline
# # which is equal to Cardinal matrix
# # for A = 0.5
# #
# # Note: Vasilis
# # The A parameter should be the fraction in t where
# # the second derivative is zero
# self.setMatrix(A)
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Set the matrix according to Cardinal
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def setMatrix(self, A=0.5):
# self.M = []
# self.M.append([ -A, 2.-A, A-2., A ])
# self.M.append([2.*A, A-3., 3.-2.*A, -A ])
# self.M.append([ -A, 0., A, 0.])
# self.M.append([ 0., 1., 0, 0.])
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Evaluate Cardinal spline at position t
# # @param P list or tuple with 4 points y positions
# # @param t [0..1] fraction of interval from points 1..2
# # @param k index of starting 4 elements in P
# # @return spline evaluation
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def __call__(self, P, t, k=1):
# T = [t*t*t, t*t, t, 1.0]
# R = [0.0]*4
# for i in range(4):
# for j in range(4):
# R[i] += T[j] * self.M[j][i]
# y = 0.0
# for i in range(4):
# y += R[i]*P[k+i-1]
# return y
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Return the coefficients of a 3rd degree polynomial
# # f(x) = a t^3 + b t^2 + c t + d
# # @return [a, b, c, d]
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def coefficients(self, P, k=1):
# C = [0.0]*4
# for i in range(4):
# for j in range(4):
# C[i] += self.M[i][j] * P[k+j-1]
# return C
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Evaluate the value of the spline using the coefficients
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def evaluate(self, C, t):
# return ((C[0]*t + C[1])*t + C[2])*t + C[3]
# #===============================================================================
# # Cubic spline ensuring that the first and second derivative are continuous
# # adapted from Penelope Manual Appending B.1
# # It requires all the points (xi,yi) and the assumption on how to deal
# # with the second derivative on the extremities
# # Option 1: assume zero as second derivative on both ends
# # Option 2: assume the same as the next or previous one
# #===============================================================================
# class CubicSpline:
# def __init__(self, X, Y):
# self.X = X
# self.Y = Y
# self.n = len(X)
# # Option #1
# s1 = 0.0 # zero based = s0
# sN = 0.0 # zero based = sN-1
# # Construct the tri-diagonal matrix
# A = []
# B = [0.0] * (self.n-2)
# for i in range(self.n-2):
# A.append([0.0] * (self.n-2))
# for i in range(1,self.n-1):
# hi = self.h(i)
# Hi = 2.0*(self.h(i-1) + hi)
# j = i-1
# A[j][j] = Hi
# if i+1<self.n-1:
# A[j][j+1] = A[j+1][j] = hi
# if i==1:
# B[j] = 6.*(self.d(i) - self.d(j)) - hi*s1
# elif i<self.n-2:
# B[j] = 6.*(self.d(i) - self.d(j))
# else:
# B[j] = 6.*(self.d(i) - self.d(j)) - hi*sN
# self.s = gauss(A,B)
# self.s.insert(0,s1)
# self.s.append(sN)
# # print ">> s <<"
# # pprint(self.s)
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def h(self, i):
# return self.X[i+1] - self.X[i]
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def d(self, i):
# return (self.Y[i+1] - self.Y[i]) / (self.X[i+1] - self.X[i])
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def coefficients(self, i):
# """return coefficients of cubic spline for interval i a*x**3+b*x**2+c*x+d"""
# hi = self.h(i)
# si = self.s[i]
# si1 = self.s[i+1]
# xi = self.X[i]
# xi1 = self.X[i+1]
# fi = self.Y[i]
# fi1 = self.Y[i+1]
# a = 1./(6.*hi)*(si*xi1**3 - si1*xi**3 + 6.*(fi*xi1 - fi1*xi)) + hi/6.*(si1*xi - si*xi1)
# b = 1./(2.*hi)*(si1*xi**2 - si*xi1**2 + 2*(fi1 - fi)) + hi/6.*(si - si1)
# c = 1./(2.*hi)*(si*xi1 - si1*xi)
# d = 1./(6.*hi)*(si1-si)
# return [d,c,b,a]
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def __call__(self, i, x):
# # FIXME should interpolate to find the interval
# C = self.coefficients(i)
# return ((C[0]*x + C[1])*x + C[2])*x + C[3]
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# # @return evaluation of cubic spline at x using coefficients C
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def evaluate(self, C, x):
# return ((C[0]*x + C[1])*x + C[2])*x + C[3]
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Return evaluated derivative at x using coefficients C
# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# def derivative(self, C, x):
# a = 3.0*C[0] # derivative coefficients
# b = 2.0*C[1] # ... for sampling with rejection
# c = C[2]
# return (3.0*C[0]*x + 2.0*C[1])*x + C[2]