Marius Stanciu 3b9767cc6f - I've finally run the tests with OK result (56 tests in 102.937 sec)
- I had to play with module imports as they created a lot of error in
the tests although in reality the program worked OK.
- I've fixed some mistakes in TcL commands (they were testing isinstance
against the like of Geometry instead of FlatCAMGeometry)
- I've had to add some fixes in ObjectCollections.py (error on
create_index() method but Marco already fixed this in the checkbox
in project tab pull request and knew about this.
- Although at some point the tests run fine, I've made some checkings
on my own over the Tcl commands and discovered errors which I fixed as
mentioned above.
- conclusion is that tests are just a must and do not cover everything
(like saving projects which at some point by juggling with imports I
braked and tests were 100% OK)
2018-05-30 02:17:34 +03:00

418 lines
14 KiB

import sys
import re
import FlatCAMApp
import abc
import collections
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from contextlib import contextmanager
from FlatCAMObj import FlatCAMGerber, FlatCAMExcellon, FlatCAMGeometry, FlatCAMCNCjob, FlatCAMObj
class TclCommand(object):
# FlatCAMApp
app = None
# Logger
log = None
# List of all command aliases, to be able use old names
# for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon)
aliases = []
# Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered
# OrderedDict should be like collections.OrderedDict([(key,value),(key2,value2)])
arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([
('name', str)
# dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered.
# This is for options like -optionname value.
# OrderedDict should be like collections.OrderedDict([(key,value),(key2,value2)])
option_types = collections.OrderedDict()
# List of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'}
required = ['name']
# Structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered
# OrderedDict should be like collections.OrderedDict([(key,value),(key2,value2)])
help = {
'main': "undefined help.",
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('argumentname', 'undefined help.'),
('optionname', 'undefined help.')
'examples': []
# Original incoming arguments into command
original_args = None
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
if self.app is None:
raise TypeError('Expected app to be FlatCAMApp instance.')
if not isinstance(self.app, FlatCAMApp.App):
raise TypeError('Expected FlatCAMApp, got %s.' % type(app))
self.log = self.app.log
def raise_tcl_error(self, text):
This method pass exception from python into TCL as error
so we get stacktrace and reason.
This is only redirect to self.app.raise_tcl_error
:param text: text of error
:return: none
def get_current_command(self):
Get current command, we are not able to get it from TCL we have to reconstruct it.
:return: current command
command_string = [self.aliases[0]]
if self.original_args is not None:
for arg in self.original_args:
return " ".join(command_string)
def get_decorated_help(self):
Decorate help for TCL console output.
:return: decorated help from structure
def get_decorated_command(alias_name):
command_string = []
for arg_key, arg_type in list(self.help['args'].items()):
command_string.append(get_decorated_argument(arg_key, arg_type, True))
return "> " + alias_name + " " + " ".join(command_string)
def get_decorated_argument(help_key, help_text, in_command=False):
:param help_key: Name of the argument.
:param help_text:
:param in_command:
option_symbol = ''
if help_key in self.arg_names:
arg_type = self.arg_names[help_key]
type_name = str(arg_type.__name__)
#in_command_name = help_key + "<" + type_name + ">"
in_command_name = help_key
elif help_key in self.option_types:
option_symbol = '-'
arg_type = self.option_types[help_key]
type_name = str(arg_type.__name__)
in_command_name = option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">"
option_symbol = ''
type_name = '?'
in_command_name = option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">"
if in_command:
if help_key in self.required:
return in_command_name
return '[' + in_command_name + "]"
if help_key in self.required:
return "\t" + option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">: " + help_text
return "\t[" + option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">: " + help_text + "]"
def get_decorated_example(example_item):
return "> " + example_item
help_string = [self.help['main']]
for alias in self.aliases:
for key, value in list(self.help['args'].items()):
help_string.append(get_decorated_argument(key, value))
# timeout is unique for signaled commands (this is not best oop practice, but much easier for now)
if isinstance(self, TclCommandSignaled):
help_string.append("\t[-timeout <int>: Max wait for job timeout before error.]")
for example in self.help['examples']:
return "\n".join(help_string)
def parse_arguments(args):
Pre-processes arguments to detect '-keyword value' pairs into dictionary
and standalone parameters into list.
This is copy from FlatCAMApp.setup_shell().h() just for accessibility,
original should be removed after all commands will be converted
:param args: arguments from tcl to parse
:return: arguments, options
options = {}
arguments = []
n = len(args)
name = None
for i in range(n):
match = re.search(r'^-([a-zA-Z].*)', args[i])
if match:
assert name is None
name = match.group(1)
if name is None:
options[name] = args[i]
name = None
return arguments, options
def check_args(self, args):
Check arguments and options for right types
:param args: arguments from tcl to check
:return: named_args, unnamed_args
arguments, options = self.parse_arguments(args)
named_args = {}
unnamed_args = []
# check arguments
idx = 0
arg_names_items = list(self.arg_names.items())
for argument in arguments:
if len(self.arg_names) > idx:
key, arg_type = arg_names_items[idx]
named_args[key] = arg_type(argument)
except Exception as e:
self.raise_tcl_error("Cannot cast named argument '%s' to type %s with exception '%s'."
% (key, arg_type, str(e)))
idx += 1
# check options
for key in options:
if key not in self.option_types and key != 'timeout':
self.raise_tcl_error('Unknown parameter: %s' % key)
if key != 'timeout':
named_args[key] = self.option_types[key](options[key])
named_args[key] = int(options[key])
except Exception as e:
self.raise_tcl_error("Cannot cast argument '-%s' to type '%s' with exception '%s'."
% (key, self.option_types[key], str(e)))
# check required arguments
for key in self.required:
if key not in named_args:
self.raise_tcl_error("Missing required argument '%s'." % key)
return named_args, unnamed_args
def raise_tcl_unknown_error(self, unknown_exception):
raise Exception if is different type than TclErrorException
this is here mainly to show unknown errors inside TCL shell console
:param unknown_exception:
raise unknown_exception
def execute_wrapper(self, *args):
Command which is called by tcl console when current commands aliases are hit.
Main catch(except) is implemented here.
This method should be reimplemented only when initial checking sequence differs
:param args: arguments passed from tcl command console
:return: None, output text or exception
#self.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.exec_command_test, 'params': [text, False]})
self.log.debug("TCL command '%s' executed." % str(self.__class__))
self.original_args = args
args, unnamed_args = self.check_args(args)
return self.execute(args, unnamed_args)
except Exception as unknown:
error_info = sys.exc_info()
self.log.error("TCL command '%s' failed." % str(self))
self.app.display_tcl_error(unknown, error_info)
def execute(self, args, unnamed_args):
Direct execute of command, this method should be implemented in each descendant.
No main catch should be implemented here.
:param args: array of known named arguments and options
:param unnamed_args: array of other values which were passed into command
without -somename and we do not have them in known arg_names
:return: None, output text or exception
raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")
class TclCommandSignaled(TclCommand):
!!! I left it here only for demonstration !!!
Go to TclCommandCncjob and into class definition put
class TclCommandCncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
also change
obj.generatecncjob(use_thread = False, **args)
obj.generatecncjob(use_thread = True, **args)
This class is child of TclCommand and is used for commands which create new objects
it handles all neccessary stuff about blocking and passing exeptions
def execute(self, args, unnamed_args):
raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")
output = None
def execute_call(self, args, unnamed_args):
self.output = None
self.error = None
self.error_info = None
self.output = self.execute(args, unnamed_args)
except Exception as unknown:
self.error_info = sys.exc_info()
self.error = unknown
def execute_wrapper(self, *args):
Command which is called by tcl console when current commands aliases are hit.
Main catch(except) is implemented here.
This method should be reimplemented only when initial checking sequence differs
:param args: arguments passed from tcl command console
:return: None, output text or exception
def wait_signal(signal, timeout=300000):
"""Block loop until signal emitted, or timeout (ms) elapses."""
loop = QtCore.QEventLoop()
# Normal termination
# Termination by exception in thread
status = {'timed_out': False}
def report_quit():
status['timed_out'] = True
# Temporarily change how exceptions are managed.
oeh = sys.excepthook
ex = []
def except_hook(type_, value, traceback_):
oeh(type_, value, traceback_)
sys.excepthook = except_hook
# Terminate on timeout
if timeout is not None:
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(timeout, report_quit)
# Block
# Restore exception management
sys.excepthook = oeh
if ex:
raise ex[0]
if status['timed_out']:
self.app.raise_tcl_unknown_error("Operation timed outed! Consider increasing option "
"'-timeout <miliseconds>' for command or "
"'set_sys background_timeout <miliseconds>'.")
self.log.debug("TCL command '%s' executed." % str(self.__class__))
self.original_args = args
args, unnamed_args = self.check_args(args)
if 'timeout' in args:
passed_timeout = args['timeout']
del args['timeout']
passed_timeout = self.app.defaults['background_timeout']
# set detail for processing, it will be there until next open or close
def handle_finished(obj):
if self.error is not None:
with wait_signal(self.app.shell_command_finished, passed_timeout):
# every TclCommandNewObject ancestor support timeout as parameter,
# but it does not mean anything for child itself
# when operation will be really long is good to set it higher then defqault 30s
self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.execute_call, 'params': [args, unnamed_args]})
return self.output
except Exception as unknown:
# if error happens inside thread execution, then pass correct error_info to display
if self.error_info is not None:
error_info = self.error_info
error_info = sys.exc_info()
self.log.error("TCL command '%s' failed." % str(self))
self.app.display_tcl_error(unknown, error_info)