
231 lines
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from tclCommands.TclCommand import TclCommandSignaled
from FlatCAMObj import FlatCAMExcellon
import collections
import math
class TclCommandDrillcncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
Tcl shell command to Generates a Drill CNC Job from a Excellon Object.
# array of all command aliases, to be able use old names for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon)
aliases = ['drillcncjob']
# dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered
arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([
('name', str)
# dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered , this is for options like -optionname value
option_types = collections.OrderedDict([
('drilled_dias', str),
('drillz', float),
('travelz', float),
('feedrate', float),
('feedrate_rapid', float),
('spindlespeed', int),
('toolchange', bool),
('toolchangez', float),
('toolchangexy', tuple),
('endz', float),
('dwell', bool),
('dwelltime', float),
('pp', str),
('outname', str),
('opt_type', str),
('diatol', float),
('muted', int)
# array of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'}
required = ['name']
# structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered
help = {
'main': "Generates a Drill CNC Job from a Excellon Object.",
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('name', 'Name of the source object.'),
'Comma separated tool diameters of the drills to be drilled (example: 0.6,1.0 or 3.125). No space allowed'),
('drillz', 'Drill depth into material (example: -2.0).'),
('travelz', 'Travel distance above material (example: 2.0).'),
('feedrate', 'Drilling feed rate.'),
('feedrate_rapid', 'Rapid drilling feed rate.'),
('spindlespeed', 'Speed of the spindle in rpm (example: 4000).'),
('toolchange', 'Enable tool changes (example: True).'),
('toolchangez', 'Z distance for toolchange (example: 30.0).'),
('toolchangexy', 'X, Y coordonates for toolchange in format (x, y) (example: (2.0, 3.1) ).'),
('endz', 'Z distance at job end (example: 30.0).'),
('dwell', 'True or False; use (or not) the dwell'),
('dwelltime', 'Time to pause to allow the spindle to reach the full speed'),
('pp', 'This is the Excellon preprocessor name: case_sensitive, no_quotes'),
('outname', 'Name of the resulting Geometry object.'),
('opt_type', 'Name of move optimization type. B by default for Basic OR-Tools, M for Metaheuristic OR-Tools'
'T from Travelling Salesman Algorithm. B and M works only for 64bit version of FlatCAM and '
'T works only for 32bit version of FlatCAM'),
('diatol', 'Tolerance. Percentange (0.0 ... 100.0) within which dias in drilled_dias will be judged to be '
'the same as the ones in the tools from the Excellon object. E.g: if in drill_dias we have a '
'diameter with value 1.0, in the Excellon we have a tool with dia = 1.05 and we set a tolerance '
'diatol = 5.0 then the drills with the dia = (0.95 ... 1.05) '
'in Excellon will be processed. Float number.'),
('muted', 'It will not put errors in the Shell or status bar.')
'examples': ['drillcncjob test.TXT -drillz -1.5 -travelz 14 -feedrate 222 -feedrate_rapid 456 -spindlespeed 777'
' -toolchange True -toolchangez 33 -endz 22 -pp default\n'
'Usage of -feedrate_rapid matter only when the preprocessor is using it, like -marlin-.']
def execute(self, args, unnamed_args):
execute current TCL shell command
:param args: array of known named arguments and options
:param unnamed_args: array of other values which were passed into command
without -somename and we do not have them in known arg_names
:return: None or exception
name = args['name']
obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(name)
if 'outname' not in args:
args['outname'] = name + "_cnc"
if 'muted' in args:
muted = bool(args['muted'])
muted = False
if obj is None:
if muted is False:
self.raise_tcl_error("Object not found: %s" % name)
return "fail"
if not isinstance(obj, FlatCAMExcellon):
if muted == 0:
self.raise_tcl_error('Expected FlatCAMExcellon, got %s %s.' % (name, type(obj)))
return "fail"
xmin = obj.options['xmin']
ymin = obj.options['ymin']
xmax = obj.options['xmax']
ymax = obj.options['ymax']
def job_init(job_obj, app_obj):
# tools = args["tools"] if "tools" in args else 'all'
units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper()
if 'drilled_dias' in args and args['drilled_dias'] != 'all':
diameters = [x.strip() for x in args['drilled_dias'].split(",") if x != '']
nr_diameters = len(diameters)
req_tools = set()
for tool in obj.tools:
for req_dia in diameters:
obj_dia_form = float('%.*f' % (obj.decimals, float(obj.tools[tool]["C"])))
req_dia_form = float('%.*f' % (obj.decimals, float(req_dia)))
if 'diatol' in args:
tolerance = args['diatol'] / 100
tolerance = 0.0 if tolerance < 0.0 else tolerance
tolerance = 1.0 if tolerance > 1.0 else tolerance
if math.isclose(obj_dia_form, req_dia_form, rel_tol=tolerance):
nr_diameters -= 1
if obj_dia_form == req_dia_form:
nr_diameters -= 1
if nr_diameters > 0:
if muted == 0:
self.raise_tcl_error("One or more tool diameters of the drills to be drilled passed to the "
"TclCommand are not actual tool diameters in the Excellon object.")
return "fail"
# make a string of diameters separated by comma; this is what generate_from_excellon_by_tool() is
# expecting as tools parameter
tools = ','.join(req_tools)
# no longer needed
del args['drilled_dias']
del args['diatol']
# Split and put back. We are passing the whole dictionary later.
# args['milled_dias'] = [x.strip() for x in args['tools'].split(",")]
tools = 'all'
except Exception as e:
tools = 'all'
if muted == 0:
self.raise_tcl_error("Bad tools: %s" % str(e))
return "fail"
drillz = args["drillz"] if "drillz" in args and args["drillz"] else obj.options["drillz"]
toolchangez = args["toolchangez"] if "toolchangez" in args and args["toolchangez"] else \
endz = args["endz"] if "endz" in args and args["endz"] else obj.options["endz"]
toolchange = True if "toolchange" in args and bool(args["toolchange"]) is True else False
opt_type = args["opt_type"] if "opt_type" in args and args["opt_type"] else 'B'
job_obj.z_move = args["travelz"] if "travelz" in args and args["travelz"] else obj.options["travelz"]
job_obj.feedrate = args["feedrate"] if "feedrate" in args and args["feedrate"] else obj.options["feedrate"]
job_obj.feedrate_rapid = args["feedrate_rapid"] \
if "feedrate_rapid" in args and args["feedrate_rapid"] else obj.options["feedrate_rapid"]
if bool(args['dwell']) and args['dwelltime']:
job_obj.dwell = True
job_obj.dwelltime = float(args['dwelltime'])
job_obj.dwell = obj.options["dwell"]
job_obj.dwelltime = float(obj.options["dwelltime"])
job_obj.spindlespeed = args["spindlespeed"] if "spindlespeed" in args else None
job_obj.pp_excellon_name = args["pp"] if "pp" in args and args["pp"] \
else obj.options["ppname_e"]
job_obj.coords_decimals = int(self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"])
job_obj.fr_decimals = int(self.app.defaults["cncjob_fr_decimals"])
job_obj.options['type'] = 'Excellon'
job_obj.toolchangexy = args["toolchangexy"] if "toolchangexy" in args and args["toolchangexy"] else \
job_obj.toolchange_xy_type = "excellon"
job_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin
job_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin
job_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax
job_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax
job_obj.generate_from_excellon_by_tool(obj, tools, drillz=drillz, toolchangez=toolchangez,
toolchange=toolchange, excellon_optimization_type=opt_type)
for t_item in job_obj.exc_cnc_tools:
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[t_item]['data']['offset'] = \
float(job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[t_item]['offset_z']) + float(drillz)
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[t_item]['data']['ppname_e'] = obj.options['ppname_e']
# for now there is no tool offset support in this Tcl Command so we write the 0.0 value here
job_obj.tool_offset[t_item] = 0.0
job_obj.origin_kind = 'excellon'
self.app.new_object("cncjob", args['outname'], job_init, plot=False)