Marius Stanciu 8a299e8fc8 - multiple fixes in the Tcl commands (especially regarding the interchange between True/false and 1/0 values)
- updated the help for all Tcl Commands
- in Tcl Shell, the 'help' command will add also a brief description for each command in the list
2020-04-13 19:15:20 +03:00

64 lines
1.9 KiB

from tclCommands.TclCommand import TclCommand
import collections
class TclCommandOffset(TclCommand):
Tcl shell command to change the position of the object.
offset my_geometry 1.2 -0.3
# List of all command aliases, to be able use old names for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon)
aliases = ['offset']
description = '%s %s' % ("--", "Will offset the geometry of a named object. Does not create a new object.")
# Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered
arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([
('name', str),
('x', float),
('y', float)
# Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered , this is for options like -optionname value
option_types = collections.OrderedDict([
('x', float),
('y', float)
# array of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'}
required = ['name']
# structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered
help = {
'main': "Changes the position of the object on X and/or Y axis.",
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('name', 'Name of the object to offset. Required.'),
('x', 'Offset distance in the X axis. If it is not used it will be assumed to be 0.0'),
('y', 'Offset distance in the Y axis. If it is not used it will be assumed to be 0.0')
'examples': ['offset my_geometry -x 1.2 -y -0.3', 'offset my_geometry -x 1.0']
def execute(self, args, unnamed_args):
:param args:
:param unnamed_args:
name = args['name']
off_x = args['x'] if 'x' in args else 0.0
off_y = args['y'] if 'y' in args else 0.0
x, y = float(off_x), float(off_y)
if (x, y) == (0.0, 0.0):
self.app.collection.get_by_name(name).offset((x, y))