2019-01-03 21:25:08 +02:00

597 lines
18 KiB

from vispy.visuals import CompoundVisual, LineVisual, MeshVisual, TextVisual, MarkersVisual
from vispy.scene.visuals import VisualNode, generate_docstring, visuals
from vispy.gloo import set_state
from vispy.color import Color
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, LinearRing
import threading
import numpy as np
from VisPyTesselators import GLUTess
class FlatCAMLineVisual(LineVisual):
def __init__(self, pos=None, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), width=1, connect='strip',
method='gl', antialias=False):
LineVisual.__init__(self, pos=None, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), width=1, connect='strip',
method='gl', antialias=True)
def clear_data(self):
self._bounds = None
self._pos = None
self._changed['pos'] = True
def _update_shape_buffers(data, triangulation='glu'):
Translates Shapely geometry to internal buffers for speedup redraws
:param data: dict
Input shape data
:param triangulation: str
Triangulation engine
mesh_vertices = [] # Vertices for mesh
mesh_tris = [] # Faces for mesh
mesh_colors = [] # Face colors
line_pts = [] # Vertices for line
line_colors = [] # Line color
geo, color, face_color, tolerance = data['geometry'], data['color'], data['face_color'], data['tolerance']
if geo is not None and not geo.is_empty:
simple = geo.simplify(tolerance) if tolerance else geo # Simplified shape
pts = [] # Shape line points
tri_pts = [] # Mesh vertices
tri_tris = [] # Mesh faces
if type(geo) == LineString:
# Prepare lines
pts = _linestring_to_segments(list(simple.coords))
elif type(geo) == LinearRing:
# Prepare lines
pts = _linearring_to_segments(list(simple.coords))
elif type(geo) == Polygon:
# Prepare polygon faces
if face_color is not None:
if triangulation == 'glu':
gt = GLUTess()
tri_tris, tri_pts = gt.triangulate(simple)
print("Triangulation type '%s' isn't implemented. Drawing only edges." % triangulation)
# Prepare polygon edges
if color is not None:
pts = _linearring_to_segments(list(simple.exterior.coords))
for ints in simple.interiors:
pts += _linearring_to_segments(list(ints.coords))
# Appending data for mesh
if len(tri_pts) > 0 and len(tri_tris) > 0:
mesh_tris += tri_tris
mesh_vertices += tri_pts
mesh_colors += [Color(face_color).rgba] * (len(tri_tris) // 3)
# Appending data for line
if len(pts) > 0:
line_pts += pts
line_colors += [Color(color).rgba] * len(pts)
# Store buffers
data['line_pts'] = line_pts
data['line_colors'] = line_colors
data['mesh_vertices'] = mesh_vertices
data['mesh_tris'] = mesh_tris
data['mesh_colors'] = mesh_colors
# Clear shapely geometry
del data['geometry']
return data
def _linearring_to_segments(arr):
# Close linear ring
Translates linear ring to line segments
:param arr: numpy.array
Array of linear ring vertices
:return: numpy.array
Line segments
if arr[0] != arr[-1]:
return _linestring_to_segments(arr)
def _linestring_to_segments(arr):
Translates line strip to segments
:param arr: numpy.array
Array of line strip vertices
:return: numpy.array
Line segments
return [arr[i // 2] for i in range(0, len(arr) * 2)][1:-1]
class ShapeGroup(object):
def __init__(self, collection):
Represents group of shapes in collection
:param collection: ShapeCollection
Collection to work with
self._collection = collection
self._indexes = []
self._visible = True
self._color = None
def add(self, **kwargs):
Adds shape to collection and store index in group
:param kwargs: keyword arguments
Arguments for ShapeCollection.add function
def clear(self, update=False):
Removes group shapes from collection, clear indexes
:param update: bool
Set True to redraw collection
for i in self._indexes:
self._collection.remove(i, False)
del self._indexes[:]
if update:
self._collection.redraw([]) # Skip waiting results
def redraw(self):
Redraws shape collection
def visible(self):
Visibility of group
:return: bool
return self._visible
def visible(self, value):
Visibility of group
:param value: bool
self._visible = value
for i in self._indexes:
self._collection.data[i]['visible'] = value
class ShapeCollectionVisual(CompoundVisual):
def __init__(self, line_width=1, triangulation='gpc', layers=3, pool=None, **kwargs):
Represents collection of shapes to draw on VisPy scene
:param line_width: float
Width of lines/edges
:param triangulation: str
Triangulation method used for polygons translation
'vispy' - VisPy lib triangulation
'gpc' - Polygon2 lib
:param layers: int
Layers count
Each layer adds 2 visuals on VisPy scene. Be careful: more layers cause less fps
:param kwargs:
self.data = {}
self.last_key = -1
# Thread locks
self.key_lock = threading.Lock()
self.results_lock = threading.Lock()
self.update_lock = threading.Lock()
# Process pool
self.pool = pool
self.results = {}
self._meshes = [MeshVisual() for _ in range(0, layers)]
# self._lines = [LineVisual(antialias=True) for _ in range(0, layers)]
self._lines = [FlatCAMLineVisual(antialias=True) for _ in range(0, layers)]
self._line_width = line_width
self._triangulation = triangulation
visuals_ = [self._lines[i // 2] if i % 2 else self._meshes[i // 2] for i in range(0, layers * 2)]
CompoundVisual.__init__(self, visuals_, **kwargs)
for m in self._meshes:
m.set_gl_state(polygon_offset_fill=True, polygon_offset=(1, 1), cull_face=False)
for l in self._lines:
def add(self, shape=None, color=None, face_color=None, alpha=None, visible=True,
update=False, layer=1, tolerance=0.01):
Adds shape to collection
:param shape: shapely.geometry
Shapely geometry object
:param color: str, tuple
Line/edge color
:param face_color: str, tuple
Polygon face color
:param visible: bool
Shape visibility
:param update: bool
Set True to redraw collection
:param layer: int
Layer number. 0 - lowest.
:param tolerance: float
Geometry simplifying tolerance
:return: int
Index of shape
# Get new key
self.last_key += 1
key = self.last_key
# Prepare data for translation
self.data[key] = {'geometry': shape, 'color': color, 'alpha': alpha, 'face_color': face_color,
'visible': visible, 'layer': layer, 'tolerance': tolerance}
# Add data to process pool if pool exists
self.results[key] = self.pool.map_async(_update_shape_buffers, [self.data[key]])
self.data[key] = _update_shape_buffers(self.data[key])
if update:
self.redraw() # redraw() waits for pool process end
return key
def remove(self, key, update=False):
Removes shape from collection
:param key: int
Shape index to remove
:param update:
Set True to redraw collection
# Remove process result
if key in list(self.results.copy().keys()):
del self.results[key]
# Remove data
del self.data[key]
if update:
def clear(self, update=False):
Removes all shapes from collection
:param update: bool
Set True to redraw collection
if update:
def __update(self):
Merges internal buffers, sets data to visuals, redraws collection on scene
mesh_vertices = [[] for _ in range(0, len(self._meshes))] # Vertices for mesh
mesh_tris = [[] for _ in range(0, len(self._meshes))] # Faces for mesh
mesh_colors = [[] for _ in range(0, len(self._meshes))] # Face colors
line_pts = [[] for _ in range(0, len(self._lines))] # Vertices for line
line_colors = [[] for _ in range(0, len(self._lines))] # Line color
# Lock sub-visuals updates
# Merge shapes buffers
for data in list(self.data.values()):
if data['visible'] and 'line_pts' in data:
line_pts[data['layer']] += data['line_pts']
line_colors[data['layer']] += data['line_colors']
mesh_tris[data['layer']] += [x + len(mesh_vertices[data['layer']])
for x in data['mesh_tris']]
mesh_vertices[data['layer']] += data['mesh_vertices']
mesh_colors[data['layer']] += data['mesh_colors']
except Exception as e:
print("Data error", e)
# Updating meshes
for i, mesh in enumerate(self._meshes):
if len(mesh_vertices[i]) > 0:
mesh.set_data(np.asarray(mesh_vertices[i]), np.asarray(mesh_tris[i], dtype=np.uint32)
.reshape((-1, 3)), face_colors=np.asarray(mesh_colors[i]))
# Updating lines
for i, line in enumerate(self._lines):
if len(line_pts[i]) > 0:
line.set_data(np.asarray(line_pts[i]), np.asarray(line_colors[i]), self._line_width, 'segments')
def redraw(self, indexes=None):
Redraws collection
:param indexes: list
Shape indexes to get from process pool
# Only one thread can update data
for i in list(self.data.copy().keys()) if not indexes else indexes:
if i in list(self.results.copy().keys()):
self.results[i].wait() # Wait for process results
if i in self.data:
self.data[i] = self.results[i].get()[0] # Store translated data
del self.results[i]
except Exception as e:
print(e, indexes)
def lock_updates(self):
def unlock_updates(self):
class TextGroup(object):
def __init__(self, collection):
self._collection = collection
self._index = None
self._visible = None
def set(self, **kwargs):
Adds text to collection and store index
:param kwargs: keyword arguments
Arguments for TextCollection.add function
self._index = self._collection.add(**kwargs)
def clear(self, update=False):
Removes text from collection, clear index
:param update: bool
Set True to redraw collection
if self._index is not None:
self._collection.remove(self._index, False)
self._index = None
if update:
def redraw(self):
Redraws text collection
def visible(self):
Visibility of group
:return: bool
return self._visible
def visible(self, value):
Visibility of group
:param value: bool
self._visible = value
self._collection.data[self._index]['visible'] = value
class TextCollectionVisual(TextVisual):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Represents collection of shapes to draw on VisPy scene
:param kwargs: keyword arguments
Arguments to pass for TextVisual
self.data = {}
self.last_key = -1
self.lock = threading.Lock()
super(TextCollectionVisual, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def add(self, text, pos, visible=True, update=True):
Adds array of text to collection
:param text: list
Array of strings ['str1', 'str2', ... ]
:param pos: list
Array of string positions [(0, 0), (10, 10), ... ]
:param update: bool
Set True to redraw collection
:return: int
Index of array
# Get new key
self.last_key += 1
key = self.last_key
# Prepare data for translation
self.data[key] = {'text': text, 'pos': pos, 'visible': visible}
if update:
return key
def remove(self, key, update=False):
Removes shape from collection
:param key: int
Shape index to remove
:param update:
Set True to redraw collection
del self.data[key]
if update:
def clear(self, update=False):
Removes all shapes from colleciton
:param update: bool
Set True to redraw collection
if update:
def __update(self):
Merges internal buffers, sets data to visuals, redraws collection on scene
labels = []
pos = []
# Merge buffers
for data in list(self.data.values()):
if data['visible']:
labels += data['text']
pos += data['pos']
except Exception as e:
print("Data error", e)
# Updating text
if len(labels) > 0:
self.text = labels
self.pos = pos
self.text = None
self.pos = (0, 0)
def redraw(self):
Redraws collection
# Add 'enabled' property to visual nodes
def create_fast_node(subclass):
# Create a new subclass of Node.
# Decide on new class name
clsname = subclass.__name__
if not (clsname.endswith('Visual') and
issubclass(subclass, visuals.BaseVisual)):
raise RuntimeError('Class "%s" must end with Visual, and must '
'subclass BaseVisual' % clsname)
clsname = clsname[:-6]
# Generate new docstring based on visual docstring
doc = generate_docstring(subclass, clsname)
except Exception:
# If parsing fails, just return the original Visual docstring
doc = subclass.__doc__
# New __init__ method
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
parent = kwargs.pop('parent', None)
name = kwargs.pop('name', None)
self.name = name # to allow __str__ before Node.__init__
self._visual_superclass = subclass
# parent: property,
# _parent: attribute of Node class
# __parent: attribute of fast_node class
self.__parent = parent
self._enabled = False
subclass.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
VisualNode.__init__(self, parent=parent, name=name)
# Create new class
cls = type(clsname, (VisualNode, subclass),
{'__init__': __init__, '__doc__': doc})
# 'Enabled' property clears/restores 'parent' property of Node class
# Scene will be painted quicker than when using 'visible' property
def get_enabled(self):
return self._enabled
def set_enabled(self, enabled):
if enabled:
self.parent = self.__parent # Restore parent
if self.parent: # Store parent
self.__parent = self.parent
self.parent = None
cls.enabled = property(get_enabled, set_enabled)
return cls
ShapeCollection = create_fast_node(ShapeCollectionVisual)
TextCollection = create_fast_node(TextCollectionVisual)
Cursor = create_fast_node(MarkersVisual)