from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings from flatcamGUI.GUIElements import FCEntry, RadioSet, FCDoubleSpinner, FCComboBox, FCCheckBox from flatcamGUI.preferences.OptionsGroupUI import OptionsGroupUI import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("machinist"): machinist_setting = settings.value('machinist', type=int) else: machinist_setting = 0 class ToolsNCCPrefGroupUI(OptionsGroupUI): def __init__(self, decimals=4, parent=None): # OptionsGroupUI.__init__(self, "NCC Tool Options", parent=parent) super(ToolsNCCPrefGroupUI, self).__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setTitle(str(_("NCC Tool Options"))) self.decimals = decimals # ## Clear non-copper regions self.clearcopper_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _("Parameters")) self.clearcopper_label.setToolTip( _("Create a Geometry object with\n" "toolpaths to cut all non-copper regions.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.clearcopper_label) grid0 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid0) ncctdlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tools Dia')) ncctdlabel.setToolTip( _("Diameters of the tools, separated by comma.\n" "The value of the diameter has to use the dot decimals separator.\n" "Valid values: 0.3, 1.0") ) grid0.addWidget(ncctdlabel, 0, 0) self.ncc_tool_dia_entry = FCEntry(border_color='#0069A9') self.ncc_tool_dia_entry.setPlaceholderText(_("Comma separated values")) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_tool_dia_entry, 0, 1) # Tool Type Radio Button self.tool_type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tool Type')) self.tool_type_label.setToolTip( _("Default tool type:\n" "- 'V-shape'\n" "- Circular") ) self.tool_type_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('V-shape'), 'value': 'V'}, {'label': _('Circular'), 'value': 'C1'}]) self.tool_type_radio.setToolTip( _("Default tool type:\n" "- 'V-shape'\n" "- Circular") ) grid0.addWidget(self.tool_type_label, 1, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.tool_type_radio, 1, 1) # Tip Dia self.tipdialabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('V-Tip Dia')) self.tipdialabel.setToolTip( _("The tip diameter for V-Shape Tool")) self.tipdia_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.tipdia_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.tipdia_entry.set_range(0, 1000) self.tipdia_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(self.tipdialabel, 2, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.tipdia_entry, 2, 1) # Tip Angle self.tipanglelabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('V-Tip Angle')) self.tipanglelabel.setToolTip( _("The tip angle for V-Shape Tool.\n" "In degree.")) self.tipangle_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.tipangle_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.tipangle_entry.set_range(1, 180) self.tipangle_entry.setSingleStep(5) self.tipangle_entry.setWrapping(True) grid0.addWidget(self.tipanglelabel, 3, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.tipangle_entry, 3, 1) # Cut Z entry cutzlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Cut Z')) cutzlabel.setToolTip( _("Depth of cut into material. Negative value.\n" "In FlatCAM units.") ) self.cutz_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.cutz_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.cutz_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 0.0000) self.cutz_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.cutz_entry.setToolTip( _("Depth of cut into material. Negative value.\n" "In FlatCAM units.") ) grid0.addWidget(cutzlabel, 4, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.cutz_entry, 4, 1) # New Diameter self.newdialabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('New Dia')) self.newdialabel.setToolTip( _("Diameter for the new tool to add in the Tool Table.\n" "If the tool is V-shape type then this value is automatically\n" "calculated from the other parameters.") ) self.newdia_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.newdia_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.newdia_entry.set_range(0.0001, 9999.9999) self.newdia_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(self.newdialabel, 5, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.newdia_entry, 5, 1) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 6, 0, 1, 2) # Milling Type Radio Button self.milling_type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Milling Type')) self.milling_type_label.setToolTip( _("Milling type when the selected tool is of type: 'iso_op':\n" "- climb / best for precision milling and to reduce tool usage\n" "- conventional / useful when there is no backlash compensation") ) self.milling_type_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('Climb'), 'value': 'cl'}, {'label': _('Conventional'), 'value': 'cv'}]) self.milling_type_radio.setToolTip( _("Milling type when the selected tool is of type: 'iso_op':\n" "- climb / best for precision milling and to reduce tool usage\n" "- conventional / useful when there is no backlash compensation") ) grid0.addWidget(self.milling_type_label, 7, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.milling_type_radio, 7, 1) # Tool order Radio Button self.ncc_order_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tool order')) self.ncc_order_label.setToolTip(_("This set the way that the tools in the tools table are used.\n" "'No' --> means that the used order is the one in the tool table\n" "'Forward' --> means that the tools will be ordered from small to big\n" "'Reverse' --> means that the tools will ordered from big to small\n\n" "WARNING: using rest machining will automatically set the order\n" "in reverse and disable this control.")) self.ncc_order_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('No'), 'value': 'no'}, {'label': _('Forward'), 'value': 'fwd'}, {'label': _('Reverse'), 'value': 'rev'}]) self.ncc_order_radio.setToolTip(_("This set the way that the tools in the tools table are used.\n" "'No' --> means that the used order is the one in the tool table\n" "'Forward' --> means that the tools will be ordered from small to big\n" "'Reverse' --> means that the tools will ordered from big to small\n\n" "WARNING: using rest machining will automatically set the order\n" "in reverse and disable this control.")) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_order_label, 8, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_order_radio, 8, 1) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 9, 0, 1, 2) # Overlap Entry nccoverlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Overlap')) nccoverlabel.setToolTip( _("How much (percentage) of the tool width to overlap each tool pass.\n" "Adjust the value starting with lower values\n" "and increasing it if areas that should be cleared are still \n" "not cleared.\n" "Lower values = faster processing, faster execution on CNC.\n" "Higher values = slow processing and slow execution on CNC\n" "due of too many paths.") ) self.ncc_overlap_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(suffix='%') self.ncc_overlap_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.ncc_overlap_entry.setWrapping(True) self.ncc_overlap_entry.setRange(0.0000, 99.9999) self.ncc_overlap_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(nccoverlabel, 10, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_overlap_entry, 10, 1) # Margin entry nccmarginlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Margin')) nccmarginlabel.setToolTip( _("Bounding box margin.") ) self.ncc_margin_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.ncc_margin_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.ncc_margin_entry.set_range(-10000, 10000) self.ncc_margin_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(nccmarginlabel, 11, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_margin_entry, 11, 1) # Method methodlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Method')) methodlabel.setToolTip( _("Algorithm for copper clearing:\n" "- Standard: Fixed step inwards.\n" "- Seed-based: Outwards from seed.\n" "- Line-based: Parallel lines.") ) # self.ncc_method_radio = RadioSet([ # {"label": _("Standard"), "value": "standard"}, # {"label": _("Seed-based"), "value": "seed"}, # {"label": _("Straight lines"), "value": "lines"} # ], orientation='vertical', stretch=False) self.ncc_method_combo = FCComboBox() self.ncc_method_combo.addItems( [_("Standard"), _("Seed"), _("Lines"), _("Combo")] ) grid0.addWidget(methodlabel, 12, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_method_combo, 12, 1) # Connect lines self.ncc_connect_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Connect")) self.ncc_connect_cb.setToolTip( _("Draw lines between resulting\n" "segments to minimize tool lifts.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_connect_cb, 13, 0) # Contour Checkbox self.ncc_contour_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Contour")) self.ncc_contour_cb.setToolTip( _("Cut around the perimeter of the polygon\n" "to trim rough edges.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_contour_cb, 13, 1) # ## NCC Offset choice self.ncc_choice_offset_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Offset")) self.ncc_choice_offset_cb.setToolTip( _("If used, it will add an offset to the copper features.\n" "The copper clearing will finish to a distance\n" "from the copper features.\n" "The value can be between 0 and 10 FlatCAM units.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_choice_offset_cb, 14, 0, 1, 2) # ## NCC Offset value self.ncc_offset_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Offset value")) self.ncc_offset_label.setToolTip( _("If used, it will add an offset to the copper features.\n" "The copper clearing will finish to a distance\n" "from the copper features.\n" "The value can be between 0.0 and 9999.9 FlatCAM units.") ) self.ncc_offset_spinner = FCDoubleSpinner() self.ncc_offset_spinner.set_range(0.00, 9999.9999) self.ncc_offset_spinner.set_precision(self.decimals) self.ncc_offset_spinner.setWrapping(True) self.ncc_offset_spinner.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_offset_label, 15, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_offset_spinner, 15, 1) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 16, 0, 1, 2) # Rest machining CheckBox self.ncc_rest_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Rest Machining")) self.ncc_rest_cb.setToolTip( _("If checked, use 'rest machining'.\n" "Basically it will clear copper outside PCB features,\n" "using the biggest tool and continue with the next tools,\n" "from bigger to smaller, to clear areas of copper that\n" "could not be cleared by previous tool, until there is\n" "no more copper to clear or there are no more tools.\n" "If not checked, use the standard algorithm.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_rest_cb, 17, 0, 1, 2) # ## Reference # self.reference_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('Itself'), 'value': 'itself'}, # {"label": _("Area Selection"), "value": "area"}, # {'label': _('Reference Object'), 'value': 'box'}], # orientation='vertical', # stretch=None) self.select_combo = FCComboBox() self.select_combo.addItems( [_("Itself"), _("Area Selection"), _("Reference Object")] ) select_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Selection")) select_label.setToolTip( _("Selection of area to be processed.\n" "- 'Itself' - the processing extent is based on the object that is processed.\n " "- 'Area Selection' - left mouse click to start selection of the area to be processed.\n" "- 'Reference Object' - will process the area specified by another object.") ) grid0.addWidget(select_label, 18, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.select_combo, 18, 1) self.area_shape_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Shape")) self.area_shape_label.setToolTip( _("The kind of selection shape used for area selection.") ) self.area_shape_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _("Square"), 'value': 'square'}, {'label': _("Polygon"), 'value': 'polygon'}]) grid0.addWidget(self.area_shape_label, 19, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.area_shape_radio, 19, 1) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 20, 0, 1, 2) # ## Plotting type self.ncc_plotting_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('Normal'), 'value': 'normal'}, {"label": _("Progressive"), "value": "progressive"}]) plotting_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("NCC Plotting")) plotting_label.setToolTip( _("- 'Normal' - normal plotting, done at the end of the NCC job\n" "- 'Progressive' - after each shape is generated it will be plotted.") ) grid0.addWidget(plotting_label, 21, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.ncc_plotting_radio, 21, 1) self.layout.addStretch()