from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool from ObjectCollection import * from FlatCAMApp import * from shapely.geometry import box from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class CutOut(FlatCAMTool): toolName = _("Cutout PCB") gapFinished = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, app): FlatCAMTool.__init__(self, app) = app self.canvas = app.plotcanvas # Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.toolName) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(title_label) # Form Layout form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.layout.addLayout(form_layout) # Type of object to be cutout self.type_obj_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.type_obj_combo.addItem("Gerber") self.type_obj_combo.addItem("Excellon") self.type_obj_combo.addItem("Geometry") # we get rid of item1 ("Excellon") as it is not suitable for creating film self.type_obj_combo.view().setRowHidden(1, True) self.type_obj_combo.setItemIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("share/flatcam_icon16.png")) # self.type_obj_combo.setItemIcon(1, QtGui.QIcon("share/drill16.png")) self.type_obj_combo.setItemIcon(2, QtGui.QIcon("share/geometry16.png")) self.type_obj_combo_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Obj Type")) self.type_obj_combo_label.setToolTip( _("Specify the type of object to be cutout.\n" "It can be of type: Gerber or Geometry.\n" "What is selected here will dictate the kind\n" "of objects that will populate the 'Object' combobox.") ) self.type_obj_combo_label.setMinimumWidth(60) form_layout.addRow(self.type_obj_combo_label, self.type_obj_combo) # Object to be cutout self.obj_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.obj_combo.setModel( self.obj_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.obj_combo.setCurrentIndex(1) self.object_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Object")) self.object_label.setToolTip( _("Object to be cutout. ") ) form_layout.addRow(self.object_label, self.obj_combo) # Object kind self.kindlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Obj kind')) self.kindlabel.setToolTip( _("Choice of what kind the object we want to cutout is.
" "- Single: contain a single PCB Gerber outline object.
" "- Panel: a panel PCB Gerber object, which is made\n" "out of many individual PCB outlines.") ) self.obj_kind_combo = RadioSet([ {"label": _("Single"), "value": "single"}, {"label": _("Panel"), "value": "panel"}, ]) form_layout.addRow(self.kindlabel, self.obj_kind_combo) # Tool Diameter self.dia = FCEntry() self.dia_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Tool dia")) self.dia_label.setToolTip( _("Diameter of the tool used to cutout\n" "the PCB shape out of the surrounding material.") ) form_layout.addRow(self.dia_label, self.dia) # Margin self.margin = FCEntry() self.margin_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Margin:")) self.margin_label.setToolTip( _("Margin over bounds. A positive value here\n" "will make the cutout of the PCB further from\n" "the actual PCB border") ) form_layout.addRow(self.margin_label, self.margin) # Gapsize self.gapsize = FCEntry() self.gapsize_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Gap size:")) self.gapsize_label.setToolTip( _("The size of the bridge gaps in the cutout\n" "used to keep the board connected to\n" "the surrounding material (the one \n" "from which the PCB is cutout).") ) form_layout.addRow(self.gapsize_label, self.gapsize) # How gaps wil be rendered: # lr - left + right # tb - top + bottom # 4 - left + right +top + bottom # 2lr - 2*left + 2*right # 2tb - 2*top + 2*bottom # 8 - 2*left + 2*right +2*top + 2*bottom # Surrounding convex box shape self.convex_box = FCCheckBox() self.convex_box_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Convex Sh.")) self.convex_box_label.setToolTip( _("Create a convex shape surrounding the entire PCB.\n" "Used only if the source object type is Gerber.") ) form_layout.addRow(self.convex_box_label, self.convex_box) # Title2 title_param_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('A. Automatic Bridge Gaps')) title_param_label.setToolTip( _("This section handle creation of automatic bridge gaps.") ) self.layout.addWidget(title_param_label) # Form Layout form_layout_2 = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.layout.addLayout(form_layout_2) # Gaps gaps_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Gaps')) gaps_label.setToolTip( _("Number of gaps used for the Automatic cutout.\n" "There can be maximum 8 bridges/gaps.\n" "The choices are:\n" "- None - no gaps\n" "- lr - left + right\n" "- tb - top + bottom\n" "- 4 - left + right +top + bottom\n" "- 2lr - 2*left + 2*right\n" "- 2tb - 2*top + 2*bottom\n" "- 8 - 2*left + 2*right +2*top + 2*bottom") ) gaps_label.setMinimumWidth(60) self.gaps = FCComboBox() gaps_items = ['None', 'LR', 'TB', '4', '2LR', '2TB', '8'] for it in gaps_items: self.gaps.addItem(it) self.gaps.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255,255,255)') form_layout_2.addRow(gaps_label, self.gaps) # Buttons hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay) title_ff_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _('FreeForm')) title_ff_label.setToolTip( _("The cutout shape can be of ny shape.\n" "Useful when the PCB has a non-rectangular shape.") ) hlay.addWidget(title_ff_label) hlay.addStretch() self.ff_cutout_object_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Generate Geo")) self.ff_cutout_object_btn.setToolTip( _("Cutout the selected object.\n" "The cutout shape can be of any shape.\n" "Useful when the PCB has a non-rectangular shape.") ) hlay.addWidget(self.ff_cutout_object_btn) hlay2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay2) title_rct_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _('Rectangular')) title_rct_label.setToolTip( _("The resulting cutout shape is\n" "always a rectangle shape and it will be\n" "the bounding box of the Object.") ) hlay2.addWidget(title_rct_label) hlay2.addStretch() self.rect_cutout_object_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Generate Geo")) self.rect_cutout_object_btn.setToolTip( _("Cutout the selected object.\n" "The resulting cutout shape is\n" "always a rectangle shape and it will be\n" "the bounding box of the Object.") ) hlay2.addWidget(self.rect_cutout_object_btn) # Title5 title_manual_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('B. Manual Bridge Gaps')) title_manual_label.setToolTip( _("This section handle creation of manual bridge gaps.\n" "This is done by mouse clicking on the perimeter of the\n" "Geometry object that is used as a cutout object. ") ) self.layout.addWidget(title_manual_label) # Form Layout form_layout_3 = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.layout.addLayout(form_layout_3) # Manual Geo Object self.man_object_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.man_object_combo.setModel( self.man_object_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.man_object_combo.setCurrentIndex(1) self.man_object_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Geo Obj")) self.man_object_label.setToolTip( _("Geometry object used to create the manual cutout.") ) self.man_object_label.setMinimumWidth(60) # e_lab_0 = QtWidgets.QLabel('') form_layout_3.addRow(self.man_object_label, self.man_object_combo) # form_layout_3.addRow(e_lab_0) hlay3 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay3) self.man_geo_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Manual Geo")) self.man_geo_label.setToolTip( _("If the object to be cutout is a Gerber\n" "first create a Geometry that surrounds it,\n" "to be used as the cutout, if one doesn't exist yet.\n" "Select the source Gerber file in the top object combobox.") ) hlay3.addWidget(self.man_geo_label) hlay3.addStretch() self.man_geo_creation_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Generate Geo")) self.man_geo_creation_btn.setToolTip( _("If the object to be cutout is a Gerber\n" "first create a Geometry that surrounds it,\n" "to be used as the cutout, if one doesn't exist yet.\n" "Select the source Gerber file in the top object combobox.") ) hlay3.addWidget(self.man_geo_creation_btn) hlay4 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay4) self.man_bridge_gaps_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Manual Add Bridge Gaps")) self.man_bridge_gaps_label.setToolTip( _("Use the left mouse button (LMB) click\n" "to create a bridge gap to separate the PCB from\n" "the surrounding material.") ) hlay4.addWidget(self.man_bridge_gaps_label) hlay4.addStretch() self.man_gaps_creation_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Generate Gap")) self.man_gaps_creation_btn.setToolTip( _("Use the left mouse button (LMB) click\n" "to create a bridge gap to separate the PCB from\n" "the surrounding material.\n" "The LMB click has to be done on the perimeter of\n" "the Geometry object used as a cutout geometry.") ) hlay4.addWidget(self.man_gaps_creation_btn) self.layout.addStretch() self.cutting_gapsize = 0.0 self.cutting_dia = 0.0 # true if we want to repeat the gap without clicking again on the button self.repeat_gap = False self.flat_geometry = [] # this is the Geometry object generated in this class to be used for adding manual gaps self.man_cutout_obj = None # Signals self.ff_cutout_object_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_freeform_cutout) self.rect_cutout_object_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_rectangular_cutout) self.type_obj_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_type_obj_index_changed) self.man_geo_creation_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_manual_geo) self.man_gaps_creation_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_manual_gap_click) def on_type_obj_index_changed(self, index): obj_type = self.type_obj_combo.currentIndex() self.obj_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.obj_combo.setCurrentIndex(0) def run(self, toggle=True):"ToolCutOut()") if toggle: # if the splitter is hidden, display it, else hide it but only if the current widget is the same if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) else: try: if == self.toolName: # if tab is populated with the tool but it does not have the focus, focus on it if not is # focus on Tool Tab else:[0, 1]) except AttributeError: pass else: if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) self.set_tool_ui(), _("Cutout Tool")) def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): FlatCAMTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='ALT+U', **kwargs) def set_tool_ui(self): self.reset_fields() self.dia.set_value(float(["tools_cutouttooldia"])) self.obj_kind_combo.set_value(["tools_cutoutkind"]) self.margin.set_value(float(["tools_cutoutmargin"])) self.gapsize.set_value(float(["tools_cutoutgapsize"])) self.gaps.set_value(["tools_gaps_ff"]) self.convex_box.set_value(['tools_cutout_convexshape']) self.gapFinished.connect(self.on_gap_finished) def on_freeform_cutout(self): # def subtract_rectangle(obj_, x0, y0, x1, y1): # pts = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)] # obj_.subtract_polygon(pts) name = self.obj_combo.currentText() # Get source object. try: cutout_obj = except Exception as e: log.debug("CutOut.on_freeform_cutout() --> %s" % str(e))"[ERROR_NOTCL] Could not retrieve object: %s") % name) return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name if cutout_obj is None:"[ERROR_NOTCL] There is no object selected for Cutout.\nSelect one and try again.")) return try: dia = float(self.dia.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: dia = float(self.dia.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Tool diameter value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if 0 in {dia}:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number.")) return "Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number." try: kind = self.obj_kind_combo.get_value() except ValueError: return try: margin = float(self.margin.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: margin = float(self.margin.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Margin value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return try: gapsize = float(self.gapsize.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: gapsize = float(self.gapsize.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Gap size value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return try: gaps = self.gaps.get_value() except TypeError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Number of gaps value is missing. Add it and retry.")) return if gaps not in ['None', 'LR', 'TB', '2LR', '2TB', '4', '8']:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Gaps value can be only one of: " "'None', 'lr', 'tb', '2lr', '2tb', 4 or 8. " "Fill in a correct value and retry. ")) return if cutout_obj.multigeo is True:"[ERROR]Cutout operation cannot be done on a multi-geo Geometry.\n" "Optionally, this Multi-geo Geometry can be converted to Single-geo Geometry,\n" "and after that perform Cutout.")) return convex_box = self.convex_box.get_value() gapsize = gapsize / 2 + (dia / 2) def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): solid_geo = [] if isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGerber): if convex_box: object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry.convex_hull else: object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry else: object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry def cutout_handler(geom): # Get min and max data for each object as we just cut rectangles across X or Y xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = recursive_bounds(geom) px = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) + margin py = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) + margin lenx = (xmax - xmin) + (margin * 2) leny = (ymax - ymin) + (margin * 2) proc_geometry = [] if gaps == 'None': pass else: if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2LR': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, xmin - gapsize, # botleft_x py - gapsize + leny / 4, # botleft_y xmax + gapsize, # topright_x py + gapsize + leny / 4) # topright_y geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, xmin - gapsize, py - gapsize - leny / 4, xmax + gapsize, py + gapsize - leny / 4) if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2TB': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, px - gapsize + lenx / 4, ymin - gapsize, px + gapsize + lenx / 4, ymax + gapsize) geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, px - gapsize - lenx / 4, ymin - gapsize, px + gapsize - lenx / 4, ymax + gapsize) if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'LR': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, xmin - gapsize, py - gapsize, xmax + gapsize, py + gapsize) if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'TB': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, px - gapsize, ymin - gapsize, px + gapsize, ymax + gapsize) try: for g in geom: proc_geometry.append(g) except TypeError: proc_geometry.append(geom) return proc_geometry if kind == 'single': object_geo = unary_union(object_geo) # for geo in object_geo: if isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGerber): if isinstance(object_geo, MultiPolygon): x0, y0, x1, y1 = object_geo.bounds object_geo = box(x0, y0, x1, y1) geo_buf = object_geo.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2)) geo = geo_buf.exterior else: geo = object_geo solid_geo = cutout_handler(geom=geo) else: try: __ = iter(object_geo) except TypeError: object_geo = [object_geo] for geom_struct in object_geo: if isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGerber): geom_struct = (geom_struct.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2))).exterior solid_geo += cutout_handler(geom=geom_struct) geo_obj.solid_geometry = deepcopy(solid_geo) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = recursive_bounds(geo_obj.solid_geometry) geo_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin geo_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin geo_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax geo_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax geo_obj.options['cnctooldia'] = str(dia) outname = cutout_obj.options["name"] + "_cutout"'geometry', outname, geo_init) cutout_obj.plot()"[success] Any form CutOut operation finished.")) = True def on_rectangular_cutout(self): # def subtract_rectangle(obj_, x0, y0, x1, y1): # pts = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)] # obj_.subtract_polygon(pts) name = self.obj_combo.currentText() # Get source object. try: cutout_obj = except Exception as e: log.debug("CutOut.on_rectangular_cutout() --> %s" % str(e))"[ERROR_NOTCL] Could not retrieve object: %s") % name) return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name if cutout_obj is None:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Object not found: %s") % cutout_obj) try: dia = float(self.dia.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: dia = float(self.dia.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Tool diameter value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if 0 in {dia}:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number.")) return "Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number." try: kind = self.obj_kind_combo.get_value() except ValueError: return try: margin = float(self.margin.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: margin = float(self.margin.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Margin value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return try: gapsize = float(self.gapsize.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: gapsize = float(self.gapsize.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Gap size value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return try: gaps = self.gaps.get_value() except TypeError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Number of gaps value is missing. Add it and retry.")) return if gaps not in ['None', 'LR', 'TB', '2LR', '2TB', '4', '8']:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Gaps value can be only one of: " "'None', 'lr', 'tb', '2lr', '2tb', 4 or 8. " "Fill in a correct value and retry. ")) return if cutout_obj.multigeo is True:"[ERROR]Cutout operation cannot be done on a multi-geo Geometry.\n" "Optionally, this Multi-geo Geometry can be converted to Single-geo Geometry,\n" "and after that perform Cutout.")) return # Get min and max data for each object as we just cut rectangles across X or Y gapsize = gapsize / 2 + (dia / 2) def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): solid_geo = [] object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry def cutout_rect_handler(geom): proc_geometry = [] px = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) + margin py = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) + margin lenx = (xmax - xmin) + (margin * 2) leny = (ymax - ymin) + (margin * 2) if gaps == 'None': pass else: if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2LR': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, xmin - gapsize, # botleft_x py - gapsize + leny / 4, # botleft_y xmax + gapsize, # topright_x py + gapsize + leny / 4) # topright_y geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, xmin - gapsize, py - gapsize - leny / 4, xmax + gapsize, py + gapsize - leny / 4) if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2TB': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, px - gapsize + lenx / 4, ymin - gapsize, px + gapsize + lenx / 4, ymax + gapsize) geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, px - gapsize - lenx / 4, ymin - gapsize, px + gapsize - lenx / 4, ymax + gapsize) if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'LR': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, xmin - gapsize, py - gapsize, xmax + gapsize, py + gapsize) if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'TB': geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, px - gapsize, ymin - gapsize, px + gapsize, ymax + gapsize) try: for g in geom: proc_geometry.append(g) except TypeError: proc_geometry.append(geom) return proc_geometry if kind == 'single': object_geo = unary_union(object_geo) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = object_geo.bounds geo = box(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # if Gerber create a buffer at a distance # if Geometry then cut through the geometry if isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGerber): geo = geo.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2)) solid_geo = cutout_rect_handler(geom=geo) else: try: __ = iter(object_geo) except TypeError: object_geo = [object_geo] for geom_struct in object_geo: geom_struct = unary_union(geom_struct) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = geom_struct.bounds geom_struct = box(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) if isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGerber): geom_struct = geom_struct.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2)) solid_geo += cutout_rect_handler(geom=geom_struct) geo_obj.solid_geometry = deepcopy(solid_geo) geo_obj.options['cnctooldia'] = str(dia) outname = cutout_obj.options["name"] + "_cutout"'geometry', outname, geo_init) # cutout_obj.plot()"[success] Any form CutOut operation finished.")) = True def on_manual_gap_click(self):"Click on the selected geometry object perimeter to create a bridge gap ...")) = True try: self.cutting_dia = float(self.dia.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: self.cutting_dia = float(self.dia.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Tool diameter value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if 0 in {self.cutting_dia}:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number.")) return "Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number." try: self.cutting_gapsize = float(self.gapsize.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: self.cutting_gapsize = float(self.gapsize.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Gap size value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return name = self.man_object_combo.currentText() # Get Geometry source object to be used as target for Manual adding Gaps try: self.man_cutout_obj = except Exception as e: log.debug("CutOut.on_manual_cutout() --> %s" % str(e))"[ERROR_NOTCL] Could not retrieve Geometry object: %s") % name) return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name'key_press','mouse_press','mouse_release','mouse_move','key_press', self.on_key_press)'mouse_move', self.on_mouse_move)'mouse_release', self.doit) # To be called after clicking on the plot. def doit(self, event): # do paint single only for left mouse clicks if event.button == 1:"Making manual bridge gap...")) pos = self.on_manual_cutout(click_pos=pos)'key_press', self.on_key_press)'mouse_move', self.on_mouse_move)'mouse_release', self.doit)'key_press','mouse_press','mouse_release','mouse_move', = False self.gapFinished.emit() # if RMB then we exit elif event.button == 2:'key_press', self.on_key_press)'mouse_move', self.on_mouse_move)'mouse_release', self.doit)'key_press','mouse_press','mouse_release','mouse_move', # Remove any previous utility shape = False def on_manual_cutout(self, click_pos): name = self.man_object_combo.currentText() # Get source object. try: self.man_cutout_obj = except Exception as e: log.debug("CutOut.on_manual_cutout() --> %s" % str(e))"[ERROR_NOTCL] Could not retrieve Geometry object: %s") % name) return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name if self.man_cutout_obj is None: _("[ERROR_NOTCL] Geometry object for manual cutout not found: %s") % self.man_cutout_obj) return # use the snapped position as reference snapped_pos =[0], click_pos[1]) cut_poly = self.cutting_geo(pos=(snapped_pos[0], snapped_pos[1])) self.man_cutout_obj.subtract_polygon(cut_poly) self.man_cutout_obj.plot()"[success] Added manual Bridge Gap.")) = True def on_gap_finished(self): # if CTRL key modifier is pressed then repeat the bridge gap cut key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if key_modifier == Qt.ControlModifier: self.on_manual_gap_click() def on_manual_geo(self): name = self.obj_combo.currentText() # Get source object. try: cutout_obj = except Exception as e: log.debug("CutOut.on_manual_geo() --> %s" % str(e))"[ERROR_NOTCL] Could not retrieve Gerber object: %s") % name) return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name if cutout_obj is None:"[ERROR_NOTCL] There is no Gerber object selected for Cutout.\n" "Select one and try again.")) return if not isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGerber):"[ERROR_NOTCL] The selected object has to be of Gerber type.\n" "Select a Gerber file and try again.")) return try: dia = float(self.dia.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: dia = float(self.dia.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Tool diameter value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if 0 in {dia}:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number.")) return "Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive real number." try: kind = self.obj_kind_combo.get_value() except ValueError: return try: margin = float(self.margin.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: margin = float(self.margin.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Margin value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return convex_box = self.convex_box.get_value() def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): geo_union = unary_union(cutout_obj.solid_geometry) if convex_box: geo = geo_union.convex_hull geo_obj.solid_geometry = geo.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2)) elif kind == 'single': if isinstance(geo_union, Polygon) or \ (isinstance(geo_union, list) and len(geo_union) == 1) or \ (isinstance(geo_union, MultiPolygon) and len(geo_union) == 1): geo_obj.solid_geometry = geo_union.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2)).exterior elif isinstance(geo_union, MultiPolygon): x0, y0, x1, y1 = geo_union.bounds geo = box(x0, y0, x1, y1) geo_obj.solid_geometry = geo.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2)) else:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Geometry not supported for cutout: %s") % type(geo_union)) return 'fail' else: geo = geo_union geo = geo.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2)) if isinstance(geo, Polygon): geo_obj.solid_geometry = geo.exterior elif isinstance(geo, MultiPolygon): solid_geo = [] for poly in geo: solid_geo.append(poly.exterior) geo_obj.solid_geometry = deepcopy(solid_geo) geo_obj.options['cnctooldia'] = str(dia) outname = cutout_obj.options["name"] + "_cutout"'geometry', outname, geo_init) def cutting_geo(self, pos): offset = self.cutting_dia / 2 + self.cutting_gapsize / 2 # cutting area definition orig_x = pos[0] orig_y = pos[1] xmin = orig_x - offset ymin = orig_y - offset xmax = orig_x + offset ymax = orig_y + offset cut_poly = box(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) return cut_poly def on_mouse_move(self, event): pos = self.canvas.vispy_canvas.translate_coords(event.pos) event.xdata, event.ydata = pos[0], pos[1] try: x = float(event.xdata) y = float(event.ydata) except TypeError: return snap_x, snap_y =, y) # ################################################# # ### This section makes the cutting geo to ####### # ### rotate if it intersects the target geo ###### # ################################################# cut_geo = self.cutting_geo(pos=(snap_x, snap_y)) man_geo = self.man_cutout_obj.solid_geometry def get_angle(geo): line = cut_geo.intersection(geo) try: pt1_x = line.coords[0][0] pt1_y = line.coords[0][1] pt2_x = line.coords[1][0] pt2_y = line.coords[1][1] dx = pt1_x - pt2_x dy = pt1_y - pt2_y if dx == 0 or dy == 0: angle = 0 else: radian = math.atan(dx / dy) angle = radian * 180 / math.pi except Exception as e: angle = 0 return angle try: rot_angle = 0 for geo_el in man_geo: if isinstance(geo_el, Polygon): work_geo = geo_el.exterior if cut_geo.intersects(work_geo): rot_angle = get_angle(geo=work_geo) else: rot_angle = 0 else: rot_angle = 0 if cut_geo.intersects(geo_el): rot_angle = get_angle(geo=geo_el) if rot_angle != 0: break except TypeError: if isinstance(man_geo, Polygon): work_geo = man_geo.exterior if cut_geo.intersects(work_geo): rot_angle = get_angle(geo=work_geo) else: rot_angle = 0 else: rot_angle = 0 if cut_geo.intersects(man_geo): rot_angle = get_angle(geo=man_geo) # rotate only if there is an angle to rotate to if rot_angle != 0: cut_geo = affinity.rotate(cut_geo, -rot_angle) # Remove any previous utility shape self.draw_utility_geometry(geo=cut_geo) def draw_utility_geometry(self, geo): shape=geo, color=(["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None) def on_key_press(self, event): # events out of the view (it's about Project Tab) are of type int if type(event) is int: key = event # events from the GUI are of type QKeyEvent elif type(event) == QtGui.QKeyEvent: key = event.key() # events from Vispy are of type KeyEvent else: key = event.key # Escape = Deselect All if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape or key == 'Escape':'key_press', self.on_key_press)'mouse_move', self.on_mouse_move)'mouse_release', self.doit)'key_press','mouse_press','mouse_release','mouse_move', # Remove any previous utility shape = False def subtract_poly_from_geo(self, solid_geo, x0, y0, x1, y1): """ Subtract polygon made from points from the given object. This only operates on the paths in the original geometry, i.e. it converts polygons into paths. :param x0: x coord for lower left vertice of the polygon. :param y0: y coord for lower left vertice of the polygon. :param x1: x coord for upper right vertice of the polygon. :param y1: y coord for upper right vertice of the polygon. :param solid_geo: Geometry from which to substract. If none, use the solid_geomety property of the object :return: none """ points = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)] # pathonly should be allways True, otherwise polygons are not subtracted flat_geometry = flatten(geometry=solid_geo) log.debug("%d paths" % len(flat_geometry)) polygon = Polygon(points) toolgeo = cascaded_union(polygon) diffs = [] for target in flat_geometry: if type(target) == LineString or type(target) == LinearRing: diffs.append(target.difference(toolgeo)) else: log.warning("Not implemented.") return unary_union(diffs) def reset_fields(self): self.obj_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) def flatten(geometry): """ Creates a list of non-iterable linear geometry objects. Polygons are expanded into its exterior and interiors. Results are placed in self.flat_geometry :param geometry: Shapely type or list or list of list of such. """ flat_geo = [] try: for geo in geometry: if type(geo) == Polygon: flat_geo.append(geo.exterior) for subgeo in geo.interiors: flat_geo.append(subgeo) else: flat_geo.append(geo) except TypeError: if type(geometry) == Polygon: flat_geo.append(geometry.exterior) for subgeo in geometry.interiors: flat_geo.append(subgeo) else: flat_geo.append(geometry) return flat_geo def recursive_bounds(geometry): """ Returns coordinates of rectangular bounds of geometry: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ # now it can get bounds for nested lists of objects def bounds_rec(obj): try: minx = Inf miny = Inf maxx = -Inf maxy = -Inf for k in obj: minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k) minx = min(minx, minx_) miny = min(miny, miny_) maxx = max(maxx, maxx_) maxy = max(maxy, maxy_) return minx, miny, maxx, maxy except TypeError: # it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds return obj.bounds return bounds_rec(geometry)