############################################################ # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://caram.cl/software/flatcam # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # ############################################################ import threading # TODO: Bundle together. This is just for debugging. from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import GObject import simplejson as json from matplotlib.figure import Figure from numpy import arange, sin, pi from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtk3agg import FigureCanvasGTK3Agg as FigureCanvas #from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtk3cairo import FigureCanvasGTK3Cairo as FigureCanvas #from matplotlib.backends.backend_cairo import FigureCanvasCairo as FigureCanvas from camlib import * import sys ######################################## ## FlatCAMObj ## ######################################## class FlatCAMObj: """ Base type of objects handled in FlatCAM. These become interactive in the GUI, can be plotted, and their options can be modified by the user in their respective forms. """ # Instance of the application to which these are related. # The app should set this value. app = None def __init__(self, name): self.options = {"name": name} self.form_kinds = {"name": "entry_text"} # Kind of form element for each option self.radios = {} # Name value pairs for radio sets self.radios_inv = {} # Inverse of self.radios self.axes = None # Matplotlib axes self.kind = None # Override with proper name def setup_axes(self, figure): """ 1) Creates axes if they don't exist. 2) Clears axes. 3) Attaches them to figure if not part of the figure. 4) Sets transparent background. 5) Sets 1:1 scale aspect ratio. :param figure: A Matplotlib.Figure on which to add/configure axes. :type figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.axes is None: print "New axes" self.axes = figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9], label=self.options["name"]) elif self.axes not in figure.axes: print "Clearing and attaching axes" self.axes.cla() figure.add_axes(self.axes) else: print "Clearing Axes" self.axes.cla() # Remove all decoration. The app's axes will have # the ticks and grid. self.axes.set_frame_on(False) # No frame self.axes.set_xticks([]) # No tick self.axes.set_yticks([]) # No ticks self.axes.patch.set_visible(False) # No background self.axes.set_aspect(1) def to_form(self): """ Copies options to the UI form. :return: None """ for option in self.options: self.set_form_item(option) def read_form(self): """ Reads form into ``self.options``. :return: None :rtype: None """ for option in self.options: self.read_form_item(option) def build_ui(self): """ Sets up the UI/form for this object. :return: None :rtype: None """ # Where the UI for this object is drawn box_selected = self.app.builder.get_object("box_selected") # Remove anything else in the box box_children = box_selected.get_children() for child in box_children: box_selected.remove(child) osw = self.app.builder.get_object("offscrwindow_" + self.kind) # offscreenwindow sw = self.app.builder.get_object("sw_" + self.kind) # scrollwindows osw.remove(sw) # TODO: Is this needed ? vp = self.app.builder.get_object("vp_" + self.kind) # Viewport vp.override_background_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 1)) # Put in the UI box_selected.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) entry_name = self.app.builder.get_object("entry_text_" + self.kind + "_name") entry_name.connect("activate", self.app.on_activate_name) self.to_form() sw.show() def set_form_item(self, option): """ Copies the specified options to the UI form. :param option: Name of the option (Key in ``self.options``). :type option: str :return: None """ fkind = self.form_kinds[option] fname = fkind + "_" + self.kind + "_" + option if fkind == 'entry_eval' or fkind == 'entry_text': self.app.builder.get_object(fname).set_text(str(self.options[option])) return if fkind == 'cb': self.app.builder.get_object(fname).set_active(self.options[option]) return if fkind == 'radio': self.app.builder.get_object(self.radios_inv[option][self.options[option]]).set_active(True) return print "Unknown kind of form item:", fkind def read_form_item(self, option): fkind = self.form_kinds[option] fname = fkind + "_" + self.kind + "_" + option if fkind == 'entry_text': self.options[option] = self.app.builder.get_object(fname).get_text() return if fkind == 'entry_eval': self.options[option] = self.app.get_eval(fname) return if fkind == 'cb': self.options[option] = self.app.builder.get_object(fname).get_active() return if fkind == 'radio': self.options[option] = self.app.get_radio_value(self.radios[option]) return print "Unknown kind of form item:", fkind def plot(self, figure): """ Extend this method! Sets up axes if needed and clears them. Descendants must do the actual plotting. """ # Creates the axes if necessary and sets them up. self.setup_axes(figure) # Clear axes. # self.axes.cla() # return def serialize(self): """ Returns a representation of the object as a dictionary so it can be later exported as JSON. Override this method. @return: Dictionary representing the object @rtype: dict """ return def deserialize(self, obj_dict): """ Re-builds an object from its serialized version. @param obj_dict: Dictionary representing a FlatCAMObj @type obj_dict: dict @return None """ return class FlatCAMGerber(FlatCAMObj, Gerber): """ Represents Gerber code. """ def __init__(self, name): Gerber.__init__(self) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name) self.kind = "gerber" # The 'name' is already in self.options from FlatCAMObj self.options.update({ "plot": True, "mergepolys": True, "multicolored": False, "solid": False, "isotooldia": 0.4 / 25.4, "cutoutmargin": 0.2, "cutoutgapsize": 0.15, "gaps": "tb", "noncoppermargin": 0.0, "bboxmargin": 0.0, "bboxrounded": False }) # The 'name' is already in self.form_kinds from FlatCAMObj self.form_kinds.update({ "plot": "cb", "mergepolys": "cb", "multicolored": "cb", "solid": "cb", "isotooldia": "entry_eval", "cutoutmargin": "entry_eval", "cutoutgapsize": "entry_eval", "gaps": "radio", "noncoppermargin": "entry_eval", "bboxmargin": "entry_eval", "bboxrounded": "cb" }) self.radios = {"gaps": {"rb_2tb": "tb", "rb_2lr": "lr", "rb_4": "4"}} self.radios_inv = {"gaps": {"tb": "rb_2tb", "lr": "rb_2lr", "4": "rb_4"}} # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] def convert_units(self, units): """ Converts the units of the object by scaling dimensions in all geometry and options. :param units: Units to which to convert the object: "IN" or "MM". :type units: str :return: None :rtype: None """ factor = Gerber.convert_units(self, units) self.options['isotooldia'] *= factor self.options['cutoutmargin'] *= factor self.options['cutoutgapsize'] *= factor self.options['noncoppermargin'] *= factor self.options['bboxmargin'] *= factor def plot(self, figure): """ Plots the object on to the specified figure. :param figure: Matplotlib figure on which to plot. """ FlatCAMObj.plot(self, figure) if not self.options["plot"]: return if self.options["mergepolys"]: geometry = self.solid_geometry else: geometry = self.buffered_paths + \ [poly['polygon'] for poly in self.regions] + \ self.flash_geometry if self.options["multicolored"]: linespec = '-' else: linespec = 'k-' if self.options["solid"]: for poly in geometry: # TODO: Too many things hardcoded. patch = PolygonPatch(poly, facecolor="#BBF268", edgecolor="#006E20", alpha=0.75, zorder=2) self.axes.add_patch(patch) else: for poly in geometry: x, y = poly.exterior.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, linespec) for ints in poly.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, linespec) self.app.canvas.queue_draw() def serialize(self): return { "options": self.options, "kind": self.kind } class FlatCAMExcellon(FlatCAMObj, Excellon): """ Represents Excellon code. """ def __init__(self, name): Excellon.__init__(self) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name) self.kind = "excellon" self.options.update({ "plot": True, "solid": False, "multicolored": False, "drillz": -0.1, "travelz": 0.1, "feedrate": 5.0, "toolselection": "" }) self.form_kinds.update({ "plot": "cb", "solid": "cb", "multicolored": "cb", "drillz": "entry_eval", "travelz": "entry_eval", "feedrate": "entry_eval", "toolselection": "entry_text" }) # TODO: Document this. self.tool_cbs = {} # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] def convert_units(self, units): factor = Excellon.convert_units(self, units) self.options['drillz'] *= factor self.options['travelz'] *= factor self.options['feedrate'] *= factor def plot(self, figure): FlatCAMObj.plot(self, figure) if not self.options["plot"]: return # Plot excellon for geo in self.solid_geometry: x, y = geo.exterior.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') for ints in geo.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'g-') self.app.on_zoom_fit(None) self.app.canvas.queue_draw() def show_tool_chooser(self): win = Gtk.Window() box = Gtk.Box(spacing=2) box.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation(1)) win.add(box) for tool in self.tools: self.tool_cbs[tool] = Gtk.CheckButton(label=tool + ": " + str(self.tools[tool])) box.pack_start(self.tool_cbs[tool], False, False, 1) button = Gtk.Button(label="Accept") box.pack_start(button, False, False, 1) win.show_all() def on_accept(widget): win.destroy() tool_list = [] for tool in self.tool_cbs: if self.tool_cbs[tool].get_active(): tool_list.append(tool) self.options["toolselection"] = ", ".join(tool_list) self.to_form() button.connect("activate", on_accept) button.connect("clicked", on_accept) class FlatCAMCNCjob(FlatCAMObj, CNCjob): """ Represents G-Code. """ def __init__(self, name, units="in", kind="generic", z_move=0.1, feedrate=3.0, z_cut=-0.002, tooldia=0.0): CNCjob.__init__(self, units=units, kind=kind, z_move=z_move, feedrate=feedrate, z_cut=z_cut, tooldia=tooldia) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name) self.kind = "cncjob" self.options.update({ "plot": True, "tooldia": 0.4 / 25.4 # 0.4mm in inches }) self.form_kinds.update({ "plot": "cb", "tooldia": "entry_eval" }) # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] def plot(self, figure): FlatCAMObj.plot(self, figure) # Only sets up axes if not self.options["plot"]: return self.plot2(self.axes, tooldia=self.options["tooldia"]) self.app.on_zoom_fit(None) self.app.canvas.queue_draw() def convert_units(self, units): factor = CNCjob.convert_units(self, units) print "FlatCAMCNCjob.convert_units()" self.options["tooldia"] *= factor class FlatCAMGeometry(FlatCAMObj, Geometry): """ Geometric object not associated with a specific format. """ def __init__(self, name): FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name) Geometry.__init__(self) self.kind = "geometry" self.options.update({ "plot": True, "solid": False, "multicolored": False, "cutz": -0.002, "travelz": 0.1, "feedrate": 5.0, "cnctooldia": 0.4 / 25.4, "painttooldia": 0.0625, "paintoverlap": 0.15, "paintmargin": 0.01 }) self.form_kinds.update({ "plot": "cb", "solid": "cb", "multicolored": "cb", "cutz": "entry_eval", "travelz": "entry_eval", "feedrate": "entry_eval", "cnctooldia": "entry_eval", "painttooldia": "entry_eval", "paintoverlap": "entry_eval", "paintmargin": "entry_eval" }) # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] def scale(self, factor): if type(self.solid_geometry) == list: self.solid_geometry = [affinity.scale(g, factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) for g in self.solid_geometry] else: self.solid_geometry = affinity.scale(self.solid_geometry, factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) def convert_units(self, units): factor = Geometry.convert_units(self, units) self.options['cutz'] *= factor self.options['travelz'] *= factor self.options['feedrate'] *= factor self.options['cnctooldia'] *= factor self.options['painttooldia'] *= factor self.options['paintmargin'] *= factor return factor def plot(self, figure): FlatCAMObj.plot(self, figure) if not self.options["plot"]: return try: _ = iter(self.solid_geometry) except TypeError: self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry] for geo in self.solid_geometry: if type(geo) == Polygon: x, y = geo.exterior.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') for ints in geo.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') continue if type(geo) == LineString or type(geo) == LinearRing: x, y = geo.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') continue if type(geo) == MultiPolygon: for poly in geo: x, y = poly.exterior.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') for ints in poly.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') continue print "WARNING: Did not plot:", str(type(geo)) self.app.on_zoom_fit(None) self.app.canvas.queue_draw() ######################################## ## App ## ######################################## class App: """ The main application class. The constructor starts the GUI. """ def __init__(self): """ Starts the application. Takes no parameters. :return: app :rtype: App """ # Needed to interact with the GUI from other threads. GObject.threads_init() ## GUI ## self.gladefile = "FlatCAM.ui" self.builder = Gtk.Builder() self.builder.add_from_file(self.gladefile) self.window = self.builder.get_object("window1") self.window.set_title("FlatCAM - Alpha 1 UNSTABLE - Check for updates!") self.position_label = self.builder.get_object("label3") self.grid = self.builder.get_object("grid1") self.notebook = self.builder.get_object("notebook1") self.info_label = self.builder.get_object("label_status") self.progress_bar = self.builder.get_object("progressbar") self.progress_bar.set_show_text(True) self.units_label = self.builder.get_object("label_units") # White (transparent) background on the "Options" tab. self.builder.get_object("vp_options").override_background_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 1)) # Combo box to choose between project and application options. self.combo_options = self.builder.get_object("combo_options") self.combo_options.set_active(1) ## Event handling ## self.builder.connect_signals(self) ## Make plot area ## self.figure = None self.axes = None self.canvas = None self.setup_plot() self.setup_project_list() # The "Project" tab self.setup_component_editor() # The "Selected" tab #### DATA #### self.clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) self.setup_obj_classes() self.stuff = {} # FlatCAMObj's by name self.mouse = None # Mouse coordinates over plot # What is selected by the user. It is # a key if self.stuff self.selected_item_name = None # Used to inhibit the on_options_update callback when # the options are being changed by the program and not the user. self.options_update_ignore = False self.toggle_units_ignore = False self.defaults = { "units": "in" } # Application defaults ## Current Project ## self.options = {} # Project options self.project_filename = None self.form_kinds = { "units": "radio" } self.radios = {"units": {"rb_inch": "IN", "rb_mm": "MM"}, "gerber_gaps": {"rb_app_2tb": "tb", "rb_app_2lr": "lr", "rb_app_4": "4"}} self.radios_inv = {"units": {"IN": "rb_inch", "MM": "rb_mm"}, "gerber_gaps": {"tb": "rb_app_2tb", "lr": "rb_app_2lr", "4": "rb_app_4"}} # self.combos = [] # Options for each kind of FlatCAMObj. # Example: 'gerber_plot': 'cb'. The widget name would be: 'cb_app_gerber_plot' for FlatCAMClass in [FlatCAMExcellon, FlatCAMGeometry, FlatCAMGerber, FlatCAMCNCjob]: obj = FlatCAMClass("no_name") for option in obj.form_kinds: self.form_kinds[obj.kind + "_" + option] = obj.form_kinds[option] # if obj.form_kinds[option] == "radio": # self.radios.update({obj.kind + "_" + option: obj.radios[option]}) # self.radios_inv.update({obj.kind + "_" + option: obj.radios_inv[option]}) self.plot_click_subscribers = {} # Initialization self.load_defaults() self.options.update(self.defaults) # Copy app defaults to project options self.options2form() # Populate the app defaults form self.units_label.set_text("[" + self.options["units"] + "]") # For debugging only def someThreadFunc(self): print "Hello World!" t = threading.Thread(target=someThreadFunc, args=(self,)) t.start() ######################################## ## START ## ######################################## self.window.set_default_size(900, 600) self.window.show_all() def setup_plot(self): """ Sets up the main plotting area by creating a Matplotlib figure in self.canvas, adding axes and configuring them. These axes should not be ploted on and are just there to display the axes ticks and grid. :return: None :rtype: None """ self.figure = Figure(dpi=50) self.axes = self.figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9], label="base", alpha=0.0) self.axes.set_aspect(1) #t = arange(0.0,5.0,0.01) #s = sin(2*pi*t) #self.axes.plot(t,s) self.axes.grid(True) self.figure.patch.set_visible(False) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) # a Gtk.DrawingArea self.canvas.set_hexpand(1) self.canvas.set_vexpand(1) # Events self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click_over_plot) self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_mouse_move_over_plot) self.canvas.set_can_focus(True) # For key press self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_over_plot) #self.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll_over_plot) self.canvas.connect("configure-event", self.on_canvas_configure) self.grid.attach(self.canvas, 0, 0, 600, 400) def setup_obj_classes(self): """ Sets up application specifics on the FlatCAMObj class. :return: None """ FlatCAMObj.app = self def setup_project_list(self): """ Sets up list or Tree where whatever has been loaded or created is displayed. :return: None """ self.store = Gtk.ListStore(str) self.tree = Gtk.TreeView(self.store) #self.list = Gtk.ListBox() self.tree.connect("row_activated", self.on_row_activated) self.tree_select = self.tree.get_selection() self.signal_id = self.tree_select.connect("changed", self.on_tree_selection_changed) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Title", renderer, text=0) self.tree.append_column(column) self.builder.get_object("box_project").pack_start(self.tree, False, False, 1) def setup_component_editor(self): """ Initial configuration of the component editor. Creates a page titled "Selection" on the notebook on the left side of the main window. :return: None """ box_selected = self.builder.get_object("box_selected") # Remove anything else in the box box_children = box_selected.get_children() for child in box_children: box_selected.remove(child) box1 = Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) label1 = Gtk.Label("Choose an item from Project") box1.pack_start(label1, True, False, 1) box_selected.pack_start(box1, True, True, 0) #box_selected.show() box1.show() label1.show() def info(self, text): """ Show text on the status bar. :param text: Text to display. :type text: str :return: None """ self.info_label.set_text(text) def zoom(self, factor, center=None): """ Zooms the plot by factor around a given center point. Takes care of re-drawing. :param factor: Number by which to scale the plot. :type factor: float :param center: Coordinates [x, y] of the point around which to scale the plot. :type center: list :return: None """ xmin, xmax = self.axes.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = self.axes.get_ylim() width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin if center is None: center = [(xmin + xmax) / 2.0, (ymin + ymax) / 2.0] # For keeping the point at the pointer location relx = (xmax - center[0]) / width rely = (ymax - center[1]) / height new_width = width / factor new_height = height / factor xmin = center[0] - new_width * (1 - relx) xmax = center[0] + new_width * relx ymin = center[1] - new_height * (1 - rely) ymax = center[1] + new_height * rely for name in self.stuff: self.stuff[name].axes.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) self.stuff[name].axes.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) self.axes.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) self.axes.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) self.canvas.queue_draw() def build_list(self): """ Clears and re-populates the list of objects in currently in the project. :return: None """ print "build_list(): clearing" self.tree_select.unselect_all() self.store.clear() print "repopulating...", for key in self.stuff: print key, self.store.append([key]) print def get_radio_value(self, radio_set): """ Returns the radio_set[key] of the radiobutton whose name is key is active. :param radio_set: A dictionary containing widget_name: value pairs. :type radio_set: dict :return: radio_set[key] """ for name in radio_set: if self.builder.get_object(name).get_active(): return radio_set[name] def plot_all(self): """ Re-generates all plots from all objects. :return: None """ self.clear_plots() self.set_progress_bar(0.1, "Re-plotting...") def thread_func(app_obj): percentage = 0.1 try: delta = 0.9 / len(self.stuff) except ZeroDivisionError: GLib.timeout_add(300, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) return for i in self.stuff: self.stuff[i].plot(self.figure) percentage += delta GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(percentage, "Re-plotting...")) self.on_zoom_fit(None) self.axes.grid(True) self.canvas.queue_draw() GLib.timeout_add(300, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) t = threading.Thread(target=thread_func, args=(self,)) t.daemon = True t.start() def clear_plots(self): """ Clears self.axes and self.figure. :return: None """ # TODO: Create a setup_axes method that gets called here and in setup_plot? self.axes.cla() self.figure.clf() self.figure.add_axes(self.axes) self.axes.set_aspect(1) self.axes.grid(True) self.canvas.queue_draw() def get_eval(self, widget_name): """ Runs eval() on the on the text entry of name 'widget_name' and returns the results. :param widget_name: Name of Gtk.Entry :type widget_name: str :return: Depends on contents of the entry text. """ value = self.builder.get_object(widget_name).get_text() if value == "": value = "None" try: evald = eval(value) return evald except: self.info("Could not evaluate: " + value) return None def set_list_selection(self, name): """ Marks a given object as selected in the list ob objects in the GUI. This selection will in turn trigger ``self.on_tree_selection_changed()``. :param name: Name of the object. :type name: str :return: None """ iter = self.store.get_iter_first() while iter is not None and self.store[iter][0] != name: iter = self.store.iter_next(iter) self.tree_select.unselect_all() self.tree_select.select_iter(iter) # Need to return False such that GLib.idle_add # or .timeout_add do not repear. return False def new_object(self, kind, name, initialize): """ Creates a new specalized FlatCAMObj and attaches it to the application, this is, updates the GUI accordingly, any other records and plots it. :param kind: The kind of object to create. One of 'gerber', 'excellon', 'cncjob' and 'geometry'. :type kind: str :param name: Name for the object. :type name: str :param initialize: Function to run after creation of the object but before it is attached to the application. The function is called with 2 parameters: the new object and the App instance. :type initialize: function :return: None :rtype: None """ # Check for existing name if name in self.stuff: self.info("Rename " + name + " in project first.") return None # Create object classdict = { "gerber": FlatCAMGerber, "excellon": FlatCAMExcellon, "cncjob": FlatCAMCNCjob, "geometry": FlatCAMGeometry } obj = classdict[kind](name) obj.units = self.options["units"] # TODO: The constructor should look at defaults. # Initialize as per user request # User must take care to implement initialize # in a thread-safe way as is is likely that we # have been invoked in a separate thread. initialize(obj, self) # Check units and convert if necessary if self.options["units"].upper() != obj.units.upper(): GLib.idle_add(lambda: self.info("Converting units to " + self.options["units"] + ".")) obj.convert_units(self.options["units"]) # Set default options from self.options for option in self.options: if option.find(kind + "_") == 0: oname = option[len(kind)+1:] obj.options[oname] = self.options[option] # Add to our records self.stuff[name] = obj # Update GUI list and select it (Thread-safe?) self.store.append([name]) #self.build_list() GLib.idle_add(lambda: self.set_list_selection(name)) # TODO: Gtk.notebook.set_current_page is not known to # TODO: return False. Fix this?? GLib.timeout_add(100, lambda: self.notebook.set_current_page(1)) # Plot # TODO: (Thread-safe?) obj.plot(self.figure) obj.axes.set_alpha(0.0) self.on_zoom_fit(None) return obj def set_progress_bar(self, percentage, text=""): """ Sets the application's progress bar to a given frac_digits and text. :param percentage: The frac_digits (0.0-1.0) of the progress. :type percentage: float :param text: Text to display on the progress bar. :type text: str :return: """ self.progress_bar.set_text(text) self.progress_bar.set_fraction(percentage) return False def save_project(self): return def get_current(self): """ Returns the currently selected FlatCAMObj in the application. :return: Currently selected FlatCAMObj in the application. :rtype: FlatCAMObj or None """ try: return self.stuff[self.selected_item_name] except: return None def adjust_axes(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): """ Adjusts axes of all plots while maintaining the use of the whole canvas and an aspect ratio to 1:1 between x and y axes. The parameters are an original request that will be modified to fit these restrictions. :param xmin: Requested minimum value for the X axis. :type xmin: float :param ymin: Requested minimum value for the Y axis. :type ymin: float :param xmax: Requested maximum value for the X axis. :type xmax: float :param ymax: Requested maximum value for the Y axis. :type ymax: float :return: None """ m_x = 15 # pixels m_y = 25 # pixels width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin r = width / height Fw, Fh = self.canvas.get_width_height() Fr = float(Fw) / Fh x_ratio = float(m_x) / Fw y_ratio = float(m_y) / Fh if r > Fr: ycenter = (ymin + ymax) / 2.0 newheight = height * r / Fr ymin = ycenter - newheight / 2.0 ymax = ycenter + newheight / 2.0 else: xcenter = (xmax + ymin) / 2.0 newwidth = width * Fr / r xmin = xcenter - newwidth / 2.0 xmax = xcenter + newwidth / 2.0 for name in self.stuff: if self.stuff[name].axes is None: continue self.stuff[name].axes.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) self.stuff[name].axes.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) self.stuff[name].axes.set_position([x_ratio, y_ratio, 1 - 2 * x_ratio, 1 - 2 * y_ratio]) self.axes.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) self.axes.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) self.axes.set_position([x_ratio, y_ratio, 1 - 2 * x_ratio, 1 - 2 * y_ratio]) self.canvas.queue_draw() def load_defaults(self): """ Loads the aplication's default settings from defaults.json into ``self.defaults``. :return: None """ try: f = open("defaults.json") options = f.read() f.close() except: self.info("ERROR: Could not load defaults file.") return try: defaults = json.loads(options) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print e self.info("ERROR: Failed to parse defaults file.") return self.defaults.update(defaults) def read_form(self): """ Reads the options form into self.defaults/self.options. :return: None :rtype: None """ combo_sel = self.combo_options.get_active() options_set = [self.options, self.defaults][combo_sel] for option in options_set: self.read_form_item(option, options_set) def read_form_item(self, name, dest): """ Reads the value of a form item in the defaults/options form and saves it to the corresponding dictionary. :param name: Name of the form item. A key in ``self.defaults`` or ``self.options``. :type name: str :param dest: Dictionary to which to save the value. :type dest: dict :return: None """ fkind = self.form_kinds[name] fname = fkind + "_" + "app" + "_" + name if fkind == 'entry_text': dest[name] = self.builder.get_object(fname).get_text() return if fkind == 'entry_eval': dest[name] = self.get_eval(fname) return if fkind == 'cb': dest[name] = self.builder.get_object(fname).get_active() return if fkind == 'radio': dest[name] = self.get_radio_value(self.radios[name]) return print "Unknown kind of form item:", fkind def options2form(self): """ Sets the 'Project Options' or 'Application Defaults' form with values from ``self.options`` or ``self.defaults``. :return: None :rtype: None """ # Set the on-change callback to do nothing while we do the changes. self.options_update_ignore = True self.toggle_units_ignore = True combo_sel = self.combo_options.get_active() options_set = [self.options, self.defaults][combo_sel] for option in options_set: self.set_form_item(option, options_set[option]) self.options_update_ignore = False self.toggle_units_ignore = False def set_form_item(self, name, value): """ Sets a form item 'name' in the GUI with the given 'value'. The syntax of form names in the GUI is _app_, where kind is one of: rb (radio button), cb (check button), entry_eval or entry_text (entry), combo (combo box). name is whatever name it's been given. For self.defaults, name is a key in the dictionary. :param name: Name of the form field. :type name: str :param value: The value to set the form field to. :type value: Depends on field kind. :return: None """ if name not in self.form_kinds: print "WARNING: Tried to set unknown option/form item:", name return fkind = self.form_kinds[name] fname = fkind + "_" + "app" + "_" + name if fkind == 'entry_eval' or fkind == 'entry_text': try: self.builder.get_object(fname).set_text(str(value)) except: print "ERROR: Failed to set value of %s to %s" % (fname, str(value)) return if fkind == 'cb': try: self.builder.get_object(fname).set_active(value) except: print "ERROR: Failed to set value of %s to %s" % (fname, str(value)) return if fkind == 'radio': try: self.builder.get_object(self.radios_inv[name][value]).set_active(True) except: print "ERROR: Failed to set value of %s to %s" % (fname, str(value)) return print "Unknown kind of form item:", fkind def save_project(self, filename): """ Saves the current project to the specified file. :param filename: Name of the file in which to save. :type filename: str :return: None """ # Captura the latest changes try: self.get_current().read_form() except: pass d = {"objs": [self.stuff[o].to_dict() for o in self.stuff], "options": self.options} try: f = open(filename, 'w') except: print "ERROR: Failed to open file for saving:", filename return try: json.dump(d, f, default=to_dict) except: print "ERROR: File open but failed to write:", filename f.close() return f.close() def open_project(self, filename): """ Loads a project from the specified file. :param filename: Name of the file from which to load. :type filename: str :return: None """ try: f = open(filename, 'r') except: print "WARNING: Failed to open project file:", filename return try: d = json.load(f, object_hook=dict2obj) except: print "WARNING: Failed to parse project file:", filename f.close() # Clear the current project self.on_file_new(None) # Project options self.options.update(d['options']) self.project_filename = filename self.units_label.set_text(self.options["units"]) # Re create objects for obj in d['objs']: def obj_init(obj_inst, app_inst): obj_inst.from_dict(obj) self.new_object(obj['kind'], obj['options']['name'], obj_init) self.info("Project loaded from: " + filename) def populate_objects_combo(self, combo): """ Populates a Gtk.Comboboxtext with the list of the object in the project. :param combo: Name or instance of the comboboxtext. :type combo: str or Gtk.ComboBoxText :return: None """ print "Populating combo!" if type(combo) == str: combo = self.builder.get_object(combo) combo.remove_all() for obj in self.stuff: combo.append_text(obj) ######################################## ## EVENT HANDLERS ## ######################################## def on_cb_plot_toggled(self, widget): self.get_current().read_form() self.get_current().plot(self.figure) self.on_zoom_fit(None) # TODO: Does not update correctly otherwise. def on_about(self, widget): """ Opens the 'About' dialog box. :param widget: Ignored. :return: None """ about = self.builder.get_object("aboutdialog") response = about.run() about.destroy() def on_create_mirror(self, widget): """ Creates a mirror image of a Gerber object to be used as a bottom copper layer. :param widget: Ignored. :return: None """ # Layer to mirror gerb_name = self.builder.get_object("comboboxtext_bottomlayer").get_active_text() gerb = self.stuff[gerb_name] # For now, lets limit to Gerbers. assert isinstance(gerb, FlatCAMGerber) # Mirror axis "X" or "Y axis = self.get_radio_value({"rb_mirror_x": "X", "rb_mirror_y": "Y"}) mode = self.get_radio_value({"rb_mirror_box": "box", "rb_mirror_point": "point"}) if mode == "point": # A single point defines the mirror axis # TODO: Error handling px, py = eval(self.point_entry.get_text()) else: # The axis is the line dividing the box in the middle name = self.box_combo.get_active_text() bb_obj = self.stuff[name] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bb_obj.bounds() px = 0.5*(xmin+xmax) py = 0.5*(ymin+ymax) # Do the mirroring xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis] mirrored = affinity.scale(gerb.solid_geometry, xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py)) def obj_init(obj_inst, app_inst): obj_inst.solid_geometry = mirrored self.new_object("gerber", gerb.options["name"] + "_mirror", obj_init) def on_create_aligndrill(self, widget): """ Creates alignment holes Excellon object. Creates mirror duplicates of the specified holes around the specified axis. :param widget: Ignored. :return: None """ # Mirror axis. Same as in on_create_mirror. axis = self.get_radio_value({"rb_mirror_x": "X", "rb_mirror_y": "Y"}) # TODO: Error handling mode = self.get_radio_value({"rb_mirror_box": "box", "rb_mirror_point": "point"}) if mode == "point": px, py = eval(self.point_entry.get_text()) else: name = self.box_combo.get_active_text() bb_obj = self.stuff[name] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bb_obj.bounds() px = 0.5*(xmin+xmax) py = 0.5*(ymin+ymax) xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis] # Tools tools = {"1": self.get_eval("entry_dblsided_alignholediam")} # Parse hole list # TODO: Better parsing holes = self.builder.get_object("entry_dblsided_alignholes").get_text() holes = eval("[" + holes + "]") drills = [] for hole in holes: point = Point(hole) point_mirror = affinity.scale(point, xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py)) drills.append({"point": point, "tool": "1"}) drills.append({"point": point_mirror, "tool": "1"}) def obj_init(obj_inst, app_inst): obj_inst.tools = tools obj_inst.drills = drills obj_inst.create_geometry() self.new_object("excellon", "Alignment Drills", obj_init) def on_toggle_pointbox(self, widget): """ Callback for radio selection change between point and box in the Double-sided PCB tool. Updates the UI accordingly. :param widget: Ignored. :return: None """ # Where the entry or combo go box = self.builder.get_object("box_pointbox") # Clear contents children = box.get_children() for child in children: box.remove(child) choice = self.get_radio_value({"rb_mirror_point": "point", "rb_mirror_box": "box"}) if choice == "point": self.point_entry = Gtk.Entry() self.builder.get_object("box_pointbox").pack_start(self.point_entry, False, False, 1) self.point_entry.show() else: self.box_combo = Gtk.ComboBoxText() self.builder.get_object("box_pointbox").pack_start(self.box_combo, False, False, 1) self.populate_objects_combo(self.box_combo) self.box_combo.show() def on_tools_doublesided(self, param): """ Callback for menu item Tools->Double Sided PCB Tool. Launches the tool placing its UI in the "Tool" tab in the notebook. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ # Were are we drawing the UI box_tool = self.builder.get_object("box_tool") # Remove anything else in the box box_children = box_tool.get_children() for child in box_children: box_tool.remove(child) # Get the UI osw = self.builder.get_object("offscreenwindow_dblsided") sw = self.builder.get_object("sw_dblsided") osw.remove(sw) vp = self.builder.get_object("vp_dblsided") vp.override_background_color(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 1)) # Put in the UI box_tool.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) # INITIALIZATION # Populate combo box self.populate_objects_combo("comboboxtext_bottomlayer") # Point entry self.point_entry = Gtk.Entry() box = self.builder.get_object("box_pointbox") for child in box.get_children(): box.remove(child) box.pack_start(self.point_entry, False, False, 1) # Show the "Tool" tab self.notebook.set_current_page(3) sw.show_all() def on_toggle_units(self, widget): """ Callback for the Units radio-button change in the Options tab. Changes the application's default units or the current project's units. If changing the project's units, the change propagates to all of the objects in the project. :param widget: Ignored. :return: None """ if self.toggle_units_ignore: return combo_sel = self.combo_options.get_active() options_set = [self.options, self.defaults][combo_sel] # Options to scale dimensions = ['gerber_isotooldia', 'gerber_cutoutmargin', 'gerber_cutoutgapsize', 'gerber_noncoppermargin', 'gerber_bboxmargin', 'excellon_drillz', 'excellon_travelz', 'excellon_feedrate', 'cncjob_tooldia', 'geometry_cutz', 'geometry_travelz', 'geometry_feedrate', 'geometry_cnctooldia', 'geometry_painttooldia', 'geometry_paintoverlap', 'geometry_paintmargin'] def scale_options(factor): for dim in dimensions: options_set[dim] *= factor factor = 1/25.4 if self.builder.get_object('rb_mm').get_active(): factor = 25.4 # App units. Convert without warning. if combo_sel == 1: self.read_form() scale_options(factor) self.options2form() return label = Gtk.Label("Changing the units of the project causes all geometrical \n" + \ "properties of all objects to be scaled accordingly. Continue?") dialog = Gtk.Dialog("Changing Project Units", self.window, 0, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_default_size(150, 100) dialog.set_modal(True) box = dialog.get_content_area() box.set_border_width(10) box.add(label) dialog.show_all() response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: print "Converting units..." print "Converting options..." self.read_form() scale_options(factor) self.options2form() for obj in self.stuff: units = self.get_radio_value({"rb_mm": "MM", "rb_inch": "IN"}) print "Converting ", obj, " to ", units self.stuff[obj].convert_units(units) current = self.get_current() if current is not None: current.to_form() self.plot_all() else: # Undo toggling self.toggle_units_ignore = True if self.builder.get_object('rb_mm').get_active(): self.builder.get_object('rb_inch').set_active(True) else: self.builder.get_object('rb_mm').set_active(True) self.toggle_units_ignore = False self.read_form() self.units_label.set_text("[" + self.options["units"] + "]") def on_file_openproject(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Open Project. Opens a file chooser and calls ``self.open_project()`` after successful selection of a filename. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ def on_success(app_obj, filename): app_obj.open_project(filename) self.file_chooser_action(on_success) def on_file_saveproject(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Save Project. Saves the project to ``self.project_filename`` or calls ``self.on_file_saveprojectas()`` if set to None. The project is saved by calling ``self.save_project()``. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ if self.project_filename is None: self.on_file_saveprojectas(None) else: self.save_project(self.project_filename) self.info("Project saved to: " + self.project_filename) def on_file_saveprojectas(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Save Project As... Opens a file chooser and saves the project to the given file via ``self.save_project()``. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ def on_success(app_obj, filename): assert isinstance(app_obj, App) app_obj.save_project(filename) self.project_filename = filename app_obj.info("Project saved to: " + filename) self.file_chooser_save_action(on_success) def on_file_saveprojectcopy(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Save Project Copy... Opens a file chooser and saves the project to the given file via ``self.save_project``. It does not update ``self.project_filename`` so subsequent save requests are done on the previous known filename. :param param: Ignore. :return: None """ def on_success(app_obj, filename): assert isinstance(app_obj, App) app_obj.save_project(filename) app_obj.info("Project copy saved to: " + filename) self.file_chooser_save_action(on_success) def on_options_app2project(self, param): """ Callback for Options->Transfer Options->App=>Project. Copies options from application defaults to project defaults. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ self.options.update(self.defaults) self.options2form() # Update UI def on_options_project2app(self, param): """ Callback for Options->Transfer Options->Project=>App. Copies options from project defaults to application defaults. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ self.defaults.update(self.options) self.options2form() # Update UI def on_options_project2object(self, param): """ Callback for Options->Transfer Options->Project=>Object. Copies options from project defaults to the currently selected object. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ obj = self.get_current() if obj is None: print "WARNING: No object selected." return for option in self.options: if option.find(obj.kind + "_") == 0: oname = option[len(obj.kind)+1:] obj.options[oname] = self.options[option] obj.to_form() # Update UI def on_options_object2project(self, param): """ Callback for Options->Transfer Options->Object=>Project. Copies options from the currently selected object to project defaults. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ obj = self.get_current() if obj is None: print "WARNING: No object selected." return obj.read_form() for option in obj.options: if option in ['name']: # TODO: Handle this better... continue self.options[obj.kind + "_" + option] = obj.options[option] self.options2form() # Update UI def on_options_object2app(self, param): """ Callback for Options->Transfer Options->Object=>App. Copies options from the currently selected object to application defaults. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ obj = self.get_current() if obj is None: print "WARNING: No object selected." return obj.read_form() for option in obj.options: if option in ['name']: # TODO: Handle this better... continue self.defaults[obj.kind + "_" + option] = obj.options[option] self.options2form() # Update UI def on_options_app2object(self, param): """ Callback for Options->Transfer Options->App=>Object. Copies options from application defaults to the currently selected object. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ obj = self.get_current() if obj is None: print "WARNING: No object selected." return for option in self.defaults: if option.find(obj.kind + "_") == 0: oname = option[len(obj.kind)+1:] obj.options[oname] = self.defaults[option] obj.to_form() # Update UI def on_file_savedefaults(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Save Defaults. Saves application default options ``self.defaults`` to defaults.json. :param param: Ignored. :return: None """ try: f = open("defaults.json") options = f.read() f.close() except: self.info("ERROR: Could not load defaults file.") return try: defaults = json.loads(options) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print e self.info("ERROR: Failed to parse defaults file.") return assert isinstance(defaults, dict) defaults.update(self.defaults) try: f = open("defaults.json", "w") json.dump(defaults, f) f.close() except: self.info("ERROR: Failed to write defaults to file.") return self.info("Defaults saved.") def on_options_combo_change(self, widget): """ Called when the combo box to choose between application defaults and project option changes value. The corresponding variables are copied to the UI. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. Ignore. :return: None """ combo_sel = self.combo_options.get_active() print "Options --> ", combo_sel self.options2form() def on_options_update(self, widget): """ Called whenever a value in the options/defaults form changes. All values are updated. Can be inhibited by setting ``self.options_update_ignore = True``, which may be necessary when updating the UI from code and not by the user. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. Ignore. :return: None """ if self.options_update_ignore: return self.read_form() def on_scale_object(self, widget): """ Callback for request to change an objects geometry scale. The object is re-scaled and replotted. :param widget: Ignored. :return: None """ obj = self.get_current() assert isinstance(obj, FlatCAMObj) factor = self.get_eval("entry_eval_" + obj.kind + "_scalefactor") obj.scale(factor) obj.to_form() self.on_update_plot(None) def on_canvas_configure(self, widget, event): """ Called whenever the canvas changes size. The axes are updated such as to use the whole canvas. :param widget: Ignored. :param event: Ignored. :return: None """ print "on_canvas_configure()" xmin, xmax = self.axes.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = self.axes.get_ylim() self.adjust_axes(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) def on_row_activated(self, widget, path, col): """ Callback for selection activation (Enter or double-click) on the Project list. Switches the notebook page to the object properties form. Calls ``self.notebook.set_current_page(1)``. :param widget: Ignored. :param path: Ignored. :param col: Ignored. :return: None """ self.notebook.set_current_page(1) def on_generate_gerber_bounding_box(self, widget): """ Callback for request from the Gerber form to generate a bounding box for the geometry in the object. Creates a FlatCAMGeometry with the bounding box. :param widget: Ignored. :return: None """ # TODO: Use Gerber.get_bounding_box(...) gerber = self.get_current() gerber.read_form() name = self.selected_item_name + "_bbox" def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(geo_obj, FlatCAMGeometry) bounding_box = gerber.solid_geometry.envelope.buffer(gerber.options["bboxmargin"]) if not gerber.options["bboxrounded"]: bounding_box = bounding_box.envelope geo_obj.solid_geometry = bounding_box self.new_object("geometry", name, geo_init) def on_update_plot(self, widget): """ Callback for button on form for all kinds of objects. Re-plots the current object only. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ print "Re-plotting" self.get_current().read_form() self.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Plotting...") #GLib.idle_add(lambda: self.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Plotting...")) def thread_func(app_obj): assert isinstance(app_obj, App) #GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Plotting...")) #GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.get_current().plot(app_obj.figure)) app_obj.get_current().plot(app_obj.figure) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.on_zoom_fit(None)) GLib.timeout_add(300, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) t = threading.Thread(target=thread_func, args=(self,)) t.daemon = True t.start() def on_generate_excellon_cncjob(self, widget): """ Callback for button active/click on Excellon form to create a CNC Job for the Excellon file. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ job_name = self.selected_item_name + "_cnc" excellon = self.get_current() assert isinstance(excellon, FlatCAMExcellon) excellon.read_form() # Object initialization function for app.new_object() def job_init(job_obj, app_obj): excellon_ = self.get_current() assert isinstance(excellon_, FlatCAMExcellon) assert isinstance(job_obj, FlatCAMCNCjob) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.2, "Creating CNC Job...")) job_obj.z_cut = excellon_.options["drillz"] job_obj.z_move = excellon_.options["travelz"] job_obj.feedrate = excellon_.options["feedrate"] # There could be more than one drill size... # job_obj.tooldia = # TODO: duplicate variable! # job_obj.options["tooldia"] = job_obj.generate_from_excellon_by_tool(excellon_, excellon_.options["toolselection"]) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Parsing G-Code...")) job_obj.gcode_parse() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.6, "Creating New Geometry...")) job_obj.create_geometry() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.8, "Plotting...")) # To be run in separate thread def job_thread(app_obj): app_obj.new_object("cncjob", job_name, job_init) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(1.0, "Done!")) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) # Start the thread t = threading.Thread(target=job_thread, args=(self,)) t.daemon = True t.start() def on_excellon_tool_choose(self, widget): """ Callback for button on Excellon form to open up a window for selecting tools. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ excellon = self.get_current() assert isinstance(excellon, FlatCAMExcellon) excellon.show_tool_chooser() def on_entry_eval_activate(self, widget): """ Called when an entry is activated (eg. by hitting enter) if set to do so. Its text is eval()'d and set to the returned value. The current object is updated. :param widget: :return: """ self.on_eval_update(widget) obj = self.get_current() assert isinstance(obj, FlatCAMObj) obj.read_form() def on_gerber_generate_noncopper(self, widget): """ Callback for button on Gerber form to create a geometry object with polygons covering the area without copper or negative of the Gerber. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ name = self.selected_item_name + "_noncopper" def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(geo_obj, FlatCAMGeometry) gerber = app_obj.stuff[app_obj.selected_item_name] assert isinstance(gerber, FlatCAMGerber) gerber.read_form() bounding_box = gerber.solid_geometry.envelope.buffer(gerber.options["noncoppermargin"]) non_copper = bounding_box.difference(gerber.solid_geometry) geo_obj.solid_geometry = non_copper # TODO: Check for None self.new_object("geometry", name, geo_init) def on_gerber_generate_cutout(self, widget): """ Callback for button on Gerber form to create geometry with lines for cutting off the board. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ name = self.selected_item_name + "_cutout" def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): # TODO: get from object margin = app_obj.get_eval("entry_eval_gerber_cutoutmargin") gap_size = app_obj.get_eval("entry_eval_gerber_cutoutgapsize") gerber = app_obj.stuff[app_obj.selected_item_name] minx, miny, maxx, maxy = gerber.bounds() minx -= margin maxx += margin miny -= margin maxy += margin midx = 0.5 * (minx + maxx) midy = 0.5 * (miny + maxy) hgap = 0.5 * gap_size pts = [[midx - hgap, maxy], [minx, maxy], [minx, midy + hgap], [minx, midy - hgap], [minx, miny], [midx - hgap, miny], [midx + hgap, miny], [maxx, miny], [maxx, midy - hgap], [maxx, midy + hgap], [maxx, maxy], [midx + hgap, maxy]] cases = {"tb": [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[4], pts[5]], [pts[6], pts[7], pts[10], pts[11]]], "lr": [[pts[9], pts[10], pts[1], pts[2]], [pts[3], pts[4], pts[7], pts[8]]], "4": [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]], [pts[3], pts[4], pts[5]], [pts[6], pts[7], pts[8]], [pts[9], pts[10], pts[11]]]} cuts = cases[app.get_radio_value({"rb_2tb": "tb", "rb_2lr": "lr", "rb_4": "4"})] geo_obj.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([LineString(segment) for segment in cuts]) # TODO: Check for None self.new_object("geometry", name, geo_init) def on_eval_update(self, widget): """ Modifies the content of a Gtk.Entry by running eval() on its contents and puting it back as a string. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ # TODO: error handling here widget.set_text(str(eval(widget.get_text()))) def on_generate_isolation(self, widget): """ Callback for button on Gerber form to create isolation routing geometry. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ print "Generating Isolation Geometry:" iso_name = self.selected_item_name + "_iso" def iso_init(geo_obj, app_obj): # TODO: Object must be updated on form change and the options # TODO: read from the object. tooldia = app_obj.get_eval("entry_eval_gerber_isotooldia") geo_obj.solid_geometry = self.get_current().isolation_geometry(tooldia / 2.0) # TODO: Do something if this is None. Offer changing name? self.new_object("geometry", iso_name, iso_init) def on_generate_cncjob(self, widget): """ Callback for button on geometry form to generate CNC job. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ print "Generating CNC job" job_name = self.selected_item_name + "_cnc" # Object initialization function for app.new_object() def job_init(job_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(job_obj, FlatCAMCNCjob) #geometry = app_obj.stuff[app_obj.selected_item_name] geometry = app_obj.get_current() assert isinstance(geometry, FlatCAMGeometry) geometry.read_form() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.2, "Creating CNC Job...")) job_obj.z_cut = geometry.options["cutz"] job_obj.z_move = geometry.options["travelz"] job_obj.feedrate = geometry.options["feedrate"] job_obj.options["tooldia"] = geometry.options["cnctooldia"] GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.4, "Analyzing Geometry...")) # TODO: The tolerance should not be hard coded. Just for testing. job_obj.generate_from_geometry(geometry, tolerance=0.001) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Parsing G-Code...")) job_obj.gcode_parse() # TODO: job_obj.create_geometry creates stuff that is not used. #GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.6, "Creating New Geometry...")) #job_obj.create_geometry() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.8, "Plotting...")) # To be run in separate thread def job_thread(app_obj): app_obj.new_object("cncjob", job_name, job_init) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(1.0, "Done!")) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) # Start the thread t = threading.Thread(target=job_thread, args=(self,)) t.daemon = True t.start() def on_generate_paintarea(self, widget): """ Callback for button on geometry form. Subscribes to the "Click on plot" event and continues after the click. Finds the polygon containing the clicked point and runs clear_poly() on it, resulting in a new FlatCAMGeometry object. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ self.info("Click inside the desired polygon.") geo = self.get_current() geo.read_form() tooldia = geo.options["painttooldia"] overlap = geo.options["paintoverlap"] # To be called after clicking on the plot. def doit(event): self.plot_click_subscribers.pop("generate_paintarea") self.info("") point = [event.xdata, event.ydata] poly = find_polygon(geo.solid_geometry, point) # Initializes the new geometry object def gen_paintarea(geo_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(geo_obj, FlatCAMGeometry) assert isinstance(app_obj, App) cp = clear_poly(poly.buffer(-geo.options["paintmargin"]), tooldia, overlap) geo_obj.solid_geometry = cp name = self.selected_item_name + "_paint" self.new_object("geometry", name, gen_paintarea) self.plot_click_subscribers["generate_paintarea"] = doit def on_cncjob_exportgcode(self, widget): """ Called from button on CNCjob form to save the G-Code from the object. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ def on_success(self, filename): cncjob = self.get_current() f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(cncjob.gcode) f.close() print "Saved to:", filename self.file_chooser_save_action(on_success) def on_delete(self, widget): """ Delete the currently selected FlatCAMObj. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ print "on_delete():", self.selected_item_name # Remove plot self.figure.delaxes(self.get_current().axes) self.canvas.queue_draw() # Remove from dictionary self.stuff.pop(self.selected_item_name) # Update UI self.build_list() # Update the items list def on_toolbar_replot(self, widget): """ Callback for toolbar button. Re-plots all objects. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ self.get_current().read_form() self.plot_all() def on_clear_plots(self, widget): """ Callback for toolbar button. Clears all plots. :param widget: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ self.clear_plots() def on_activate_name(self, entry): """ Hitting 'Enter' after changing the name of an item updates the item dictionary and re-builds the item list. :param entry: The widget from which this was called. :return: None """ # Disconnect event listener self.tree.get_selection().disconnect(self.signal_id) new_name = entry.get_text() # Get from form self.stuff[new_name] = self.stuff.pop(self.selected_item_name) # Update dictionary self.stuff[new_name].options["name"] = new_name # update object self.info('Name change: ' + self.selected_item_name + " to " + new_name) self.selected_item_name = new_name # Update selection name self.build_list() # Update the items list # Reconnect event listener self.signal_id = self.tree.get_selection().connect( "changed", self.on_tree_selection_changed) def on_tree_selection_changed(self, selection): """ Callback for selection change in the project list. This changes the currently selected FlatCAMObj. :param selection: Selection associated to the project tree or list :type selection: Gtk.TreeSelection :return: None """ print "on_tree_selection_change(): ", model, treeiter = selection.get_selected() if treeiter is not None: # Save data for previous selection obj = self.get_current() if obj is not None: obj.read_form() print "You selected", model[treeiter][0] self.selected_item_name = model[treeiter][0] obj_new = self.get_current() if obj_new is not None: GLib.idle_add(lambda: obj_new.build_ui()) else: print "Nothing selected" self.selected_item_name = None self.setup_component_editor() def on_file_new(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->New. Returns the application to its startup state. :param param: Whatever is passed by the event. Ignore. :return: None """ # Remove everythong from memory # Clear plot self.clear_plots() # Clear object editor #self.setup_component_editor() # Clear data self.stuff = {} # Clear list #self.tree_select.unselect_all() self.build_list() # Clear project filename self.project_filename = None # Re-fresh project options self.on_options_app2project(None) def on_filequit(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Quit. Closes the application. :param param: Whatever is passed by the event. Ignore. :return: None """ print "quit from menu" self.window.destroy() Gtk.main_quit() def on_closewindow(self, param): """ Callback for closing the main window. :param param: Whatever is passed by the event. Ignore. :return: None """ print "quit from X" self.window.destroy() Gtk.main_quit() def file_chooser_action(self, on_success): """ Opens the file chooser and runs on_success on a separate thread upon completion of valid file choice. :param on_success: A function to run upon completion of a valid file selection. Takes 2 parameters: The app instance and the filename. Note that it is run on a separate thread, therefore it must take the appropriate precautions when accessing shared resources. :type on_success: func :return: None """ dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Please choose a file", self.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) response = dialog.run() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: filename = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() t = threading.Thread(target=on_success, args=(self, filename)) t.daemon = True t.start() #on_success(self, filename) elif response == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL: print("Cancel clicked") dialog.destroy() def file_chooser_save_action(self, on_success): """ Opens the file chooser and runs on_success upon completion of valid file choice. :param on_success: A function to run upon selection of a filename. Takes 2 parameters: The instance of the application (App) and the chosen filename. This gets run immediately in the same thread. :return: None """ dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Save file", self.window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) dialog.set_current_name("Untitled") response = dialog.run() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: filename = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() on_success(self, filename) elif response == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL: print("Cancel clicked") dialog.destroy() def on_fileopengerber(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Open Gerber. Defines a function that is then passed to ``self.file_chooser_action()``. It requests the creation of a FlatCAMGerber object and updates the progress bar throughout the process. :param param: Ignore :return: None """ # IMPORTANT: on_success will run on a separate thread. Use # GLib.idle_add(function, **kwargs) to launch actions that will # updata the GUI. def on_success(app_obj, filename): assert isinstance(app_obj, App) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.1, "Opening Gerber ...")) def obj_init(gerber_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(gerber_obj, FlatCAMGerber) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.2, "Parsing ...")) gerber_obj.parse_file(filename) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Creating Geometry ...")) gerber_obj.create_geometry() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.6, "Plotting ...")) name = filename.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] app_obj.new_object("gerber", name, obj_init) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(1.0, "Done!")) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) # on_success gets run on a separate thread self.file_chooser_action(on_success) def on_fileopenexcellon(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Open Excellon. Defines a function that is then passed to ``self.file_chooser_action()``. It requests the creation of a FlatCAMExcellon object and updates the progress bar throughout the process. :param param: Ignore :return: None """ # IMPORTANT: on_success will run on a separate thread. Use # GLib.idle_add(function, **kwargs) to launch actions that will # updata the GUI. def on_success(app_obj, filename): assert isinstance(app_obj, App) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.1, "Opening Excellon ...")) def obj_init(excellon_obj, app_obj): GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.2, "Parsing ...")) excellon_obj.parse_file(filename) excellon_obj.create_geometry() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.6, "Plotting ...")) name = filename.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] app_obj.new_object("excellon", name, obj_init) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(1.0, "Done!")) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) # on_success gets run on a separate thread self.file_chooser_action(on_success) def on_fileopengcode(self, param): """ Callback for menu item File->Open G-Code. Defines a function that is then passed to ``self.file_chooser_action()``. It requests the creation of a FlatCAMCNCjob object and updates the progress bar throughout the process. :param param: Ignore :return: None """ # IMPORTANT: on_success will run on a separate thread. Use # GLib.idle_add(function, **kwargs) to launch actions that will # updata the GUI. def on_success(app_obj, filename): assert isinstance(app_obj, App) def obj_init(job_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(app_obj, App) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.1, "Opening G-Code ...")) f = open(filename) gcode = f.read() f.close() job_obj.gcode = gcode GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.2, "Parsing ...")) job_obj.gcode_parse() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.6, "Creating geometry ...")) job_obj.create_geometry() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.6, "Plotting ...")) name = filename.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] app_obj.new_object("cncjob", name, obj_init) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(1.0, "Done!")) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "")) # on_success gets run on a separate thread self.file_chooser_action(on_success) def on_mouse_move_over_plot(self, event): """ Callback for the mouse motion event over the plot. This event is generated by the Matplotlib backend and has been registered in ``self.__init__()``. For details, see: http://matplotlib.org/users/event_handling.html :param event: Contains information about the event. :return: None """ try: # May fail in case mouse not within axes self.position_label.set_label("X: %.4f Y: %.4f" % ( event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.mouse = [event.xdata, event.ydata] except: self.position_label.set_label("") self.mouse = None def on_click_over_plot(self, event): """ Callback for the mouse click event over the plot. This event is generated by the Matplotlib backend and has been registered in ``self.__init__()``. For details, see: http://matplotlib.org/users/event_handling.html Default actions are: * Copy coordinates to clipboard. Ex.: (65.5473, -13.2679) :param event: Contains information about the event, like which button was clicked, the pixel coordinates and the axes coordinates. :return: None """ # For key presses self.canvas.grab_focus() try: print 'button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f' % ( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata) # TODO: This custom subscription mechanism is probably not necessary. for subscriber in self.plot_click_subscribers: self.plot_click_subscribers[subscriber](event) self.clipboard.set_text("(%.4f, %.4f)" % (event.xdata, event.ydata), -1) except Exception, e: print "Outside plot!" def on_zoom_in(self, event): """ Callback for zoom-in request. This can be either from the corresponding toolbar button or the '3' key when the canvas is focused. Calls ``self.zoom()``. :param event: Ignored. :return: None """ self.zoom(1.5) return def on_zoom_out(self, event): """ Callback for zoom-out request. This can be either from the corresponding toolbar button or the '2' key when the canvas is focused. Calls ``self.zoom()``. :param event: Ignored. :return: None """ self.zoom(1 / 1.5) def on_zoom_fit(self, event): """ Callback for zoom-out request. This can be either from the corresponding toolbar button or the '1' key when the canvas is focused. Calls ``self.adjust_axes()`` with axes limits from the geometry bounds of all objects. :param event: Ignored. :return: None """ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = get_bounds(self.stuff) width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin xmin -= 0.05 * width xmax += 0.05 * width ymin -= 0.05 * height ymax += 0.05 * height self.adjust_axes(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # def on_scroll_over_plot(self, event): # print "Scroll" # center = [event.xdata, event.ydata] # if sign(event.step): # self.zoom(1.5, center=center) # else: # self.zoom(1/1.5, center=center) # # def on_window_scroll(self, event): # print "Scroll" def on_key_over_plot(self, event): """ Callback for the key pressed event when the canvas is focused. Keyboard shortcuts are handled here. So far, these are the shortcuts: ========== ============================================ Key Action ========== ============================================ '1' Zoom-fit. Fits the axes limits to the data. '2' Zoom-out. '3' Zoom-in. ========== ============================================ :param event: Ignored. :return: None """ print 'you pressed', event.key, event.xdata, event.ydata if event.key == '1': # 1 self.on_zoom_fit(None) return if event.key == '2': # 2 self.zoom(1 / 1.5, self.mouse) return if event.key == '3': # 3 self.zoom(1.5, self.mouse) return app = App() Gtk.main()