from rtree import index as rtindex def pt2rect(pt): return pt[0], pt[1], pt[0], pt[1] pts = [(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0)] #p = rtindex.Property() #p.buffering_capacity = 1 #rt = rtindex.Index(properties=p) rt = rtindex.Index() # If interleaved is True, the coordinates must be in # the form [xmin, ymin, ..., kmin, xmax, ymax, ..., kmax]. print rt.interleaved [rt.add(0, pt2rect(pt)) for pt in pts] print [r.bbox for r in list(rt.nearest((0, 0), 10, True))] for pt in pts: rt.delete(0, pt2rect(pt)) print pt2rect(pt), [r.bbox for r in list(rt.nearest((0, 0), 10, True))]