# ########################################################## ## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # File Author: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) # # Date: 09/27/2019 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## ## from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool from copy import copy, deepcopy from ObjectCollection import * import time from FlatCAMPool import * from os import getpid from shapely.ops import nearest_points from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class RulesCheck(FlatCAMTool): toolName = _("Check Rules") tool_finished = pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, app): super(RulesCheck, self).__init__(self) self.app = app # ## Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.toolName) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(title_label) # Form Layout self.grid_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.grid_layout) self.gerber_title_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Gerber Files")) self.gerber_title_lbl.setToolTip( _("Gerber objects for which to check rules.") ) self.all_obj_cb = FCCheckBox() # Copper Top object self.copper_t_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.copper_t_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.copper_t_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.copper_t_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.copper_t_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Top")) self.copper_t_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("The Top Gerber Copper object for which rules are checked.") ) self.copper_t_cb = FCCheckBox() # Copper Bottom object self.copper_b_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.copper_b_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.copper_b_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.copper_b_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.copper_b_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Bottom")) self.copper_b_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("The Bottom Gerber Copper object for which rules are checked.") ) self.copper_b_cb = FCCheckBox() # SolderMask Top object self.sm_t_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.sm_t_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.sm_t_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.sm_t_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.sm_t_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("SM Top")) self.sm_t_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("The Top Gerber Solder Mask object for which rules are checked.") ) self.sm_t_cb = FCCheckBox() # SolderMask Bottom object self.sm_b_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.sm_b_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.sm_b_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.sm_b_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.sm_b_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("SM Bottom")) self.sm_b_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("The Bottom Gerber Solder Mask object for which rules are checked.") ) self.sm_b_cb = FCCheckBox() # SilkScreen Top object self.ss_t_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.ss_t_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.ss_t_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.ss_t_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.ss_t_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Silk Top")) self.ss_t_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("The Top Gerber Silkscreen object for which rules are checked.") ) self.ss_t_cb = FCCheckBox() # SilkScreen Bottom object self.ss_b_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.ss_b_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.ss_b_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.ss_b_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.ss_b_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Silk Bottom")) self.ss_b_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("The Bottom Gerber Silkscreen object for which rules are checked.") ) self.ss_b_cb = FCCheckBox() # Outline object self.outline_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.outline_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.outline_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.outline_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.outline_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Outline")) self.outline_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("The Gerber Outline (Cutout) object for which rules are checked.") ) self.out_cb = FCCheckBox() self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.gerber_title_lbl, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.all_obj_cb, 0, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.copper_t_object_lbl, 1, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.copper_t_object, 1, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.copper_t_cb, 1, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.copper_b_object_lbl, 2, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.copper_b_object, 2, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.copper_b_cb, 2, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.sm_t_object_lbl, 3, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.sm_t_object, 3, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.sm_t_cb, 3, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.sm_b_object_lbl, 4, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.sm_b_object, 4, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.sm_b_cb, 4, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.ss_t_object_lbl, 5, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.ss_t_object, 5, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.ss_t_cb, 5, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.ss_b_object_lbl, 6, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.ss_b_object, 6, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.ss_b_cb, 6, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.outline_object_lbl, 7, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.outline_object, 7, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.out_cb, 7, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(""), 8, 0, 1, 3) self.excellon_title_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Excellon Objects")) self.excellon_title_lbl.setToolTip( _("Excellon objects for which to check rules.") ) # Excellon 1 object self.e1_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.e1_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.e1_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(1, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.e1_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.e1_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Excellon 1")) self.e1_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("Excellon object for which to check rules.\n" "Holds the plated holes or a general Excellon file content.") ) self.e1_cb = FCCheckBox() # Excellon 2 object self.e2_object = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.e2_object.setModel(self.app.collection) self.e2_object.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(1, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.e2_object.setCurrentIndex(1) self.e2_object_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Excellon 2")) self.e2_object_lbl.setToolTip( _("Excellon object for which to check rules.\n" "Holds the non-plated holes.") ) self.e2_cb = FCCheckBox() self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.excellon_title_lbl, 9, 0, 1, 3) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.e1_object_lbl, 10, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.e1_object, 10, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.e1_cb, 10, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.e2_object_lbl, 11, 0) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.e2_object, 11, 1) self.grid_layout.addWidget(self.e2_cb, 11, 2) self.grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(""), 12, 0, 1, 3) self.grid_layout.setColumnStretch(0, 0) self.grid_layout.setColumnStretch(1, 3) self.grid_layout.setColumnStretch(2, 0) # Control All self.all_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("All Rules")) self.all_cb.setToolTip( _("This check/uncheck all the rules below.") ) self.all_cb.setStyleSheet( """ QCheckBox {font-weight: bold; color: green} """ ) self.layout.addWidget(self.all_cb) # Form Layout self.form_layout_1 = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.form_layout_1) self.form_layout_1.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel("")) # Trace size self.trace_size_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Trace Size")) self.trace_size_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum size for traces is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.trace_size_cb) # Copper2copper clearance value self.trace_size_entry = FCEntry() self.trace_size_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.trace_size_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.trace_size_lbl, self.trace_size_entry) self.ts = OptionalInputSection(self.trace_size_cb, [self.trace_size_lbl, self.trace_size_entry]) # Copper2copper clearance self.clearance_copper2copper_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Copper to Copper clearance")) self.clearance_copper2copper_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum clearance between copper\n" "features is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_copper2copper_cb) # Copper2copper clearance value self.clearance_copper2copper_entry = FCEntry() self.clearance_copper2copper_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.clearance_copper2copper_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_copper2copper_lbl, self.clearance_copper2copper_entry) self.c2c = OptionalInputSection( self.clearance_copper2copper_cb, [self.clearance_copper2copper_lbl, self.clearance_copper2copper_entry]) # Copper2outline clearance self.clearance_copper2ol_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Copper to Outline clearance")) self.clearance_copper2ol_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum clearance between copper\n" "features and the outline is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_copper2ol_cb) # Copper2outline clearance value self.clearance_copper2ol_entry = FCEntry() self.clearance_copper2ol_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.clearance_copper2ol_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_copper2ol_lbl, self.clearance_copper2ol_entry) self.c2ol = OptionalInputSection( self.clearance_copper2ol_cb, [self.clearance_copper2ol_lbl, self.clearance_copper2ol_entry]) # Silkscreen2silkscreen clearance self.clearance_silk2silk_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Silk to Silk Clearance")) self.clearance_silk2silk_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum clearance between silkscreen\n" "features and silkscreen features is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_silk2silk_cb) # Copper2silkscreen clearance value self.clearance_silk2silk_entry = FCEntry() self.clearance_silk2silk_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.clearance_silk2silk_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_silk2silk_lbl, self.clearance_silk2silk_entry) self.s2s = OptionalInputSection( self.clearance_silk2silk_cb, [self.clearance_silk2silk_lbl, self.clearance_silk2silk_entry]) # Silkscreen2soldermask clearance self.clearance_silk2sm_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Silk to Solder Mask Clearance")) self.clearance_silk2sm_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum clearance between silkscreen\n" "features and soldermask features is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_silk2sm_cb) # Silkscreen2soldermask clearance value self.clearance_silk2sm_entry = FCEntry() self.clearance_silk2sm_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.clearance_silk2sm_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_silk2sm_lbl, self.clearance_silk2sm_entry) self.s2sm = OptionalInputSection( self.clearance_silk2sm_cb, [self.clearance_silk2sm_lbl, self.clearance_silk2sm_entry]) # Silk2outline clearance self.clearance_silk2ol_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Silk to Outline Clearance")) self.clearance_silk2ol_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum clearance between silk\n" "features and the outline is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_silk2ol_cb) # Silk2outline clearance value self.clearance_silk2ol_entry = FCEntry() self.clearance_silk2ol_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.clearance_silk2ol_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_silk2ol_lbl, self.clearance_silk2ol_entry) self.s2ol = OptionalInputSection( self.clearance_silk2ol_cb, [self.clearance_silk2ol_lbl, self.clearance_silk2ol_entry]) # Soldermask2soldermask clearance self.clearance_sm2sm_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Minimum Solder Mask Sliver")) self.clearance_sm2sm_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum clearance between soldermask\n" "features and soldermask features is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_sm2sm_cb) # Soldermask2soldermask clearance value self.clearance_sm2sm_entry = FCEntry() self.clearance_sm2sm_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.clearance_sm2sm_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_sm2sm_lbl, self.clearance_sm2sm_entry) self.sm2sm = OptionalInputSection( self.clearance_sm2sm_cb, [self.clearance_sm2sm_lbl, self.clearance_sm2sm_entry]) # Ring integrity check self.ring_integrity_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Minimum Annular Ring")) self.ring_integrity_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum copper ring left by drilling\n" "a hole into a pad is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.ring_integrity_cb) # Ring integrity value self.ring_integrity_entry = FCEntry() self.ring_integrity_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.ring_integrity_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable ring value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.ring_integrity_lbl, self.ring_integrity_entry) self.anr = OptionalInputSection( self.ring_integrity_cb, [self.ring_integrity_lbl, self.ring_integrity_entry]) self.form_layout_1.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel("")) # Hole2Hole clearance self.clearance_d2d_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Hole to Hole Clearance")) self.clearance_d2d_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the minimum clearance between a drill hole\n" "and another drill hole is met.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_d2d_cb) # Hole2Hole clearance value self.clearance_d2d_entry = FCEntry() self.clearance_d2d_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.clearance_d2d_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.clearance_d2d_lbl, self.clearance_d2d_entry) self.d2d = OptionalInputSection( self.clearance_d2d_cb, [self.clearance_d2d_lbl, self.clearance_d2d_entry]) # Drill holes size check self.drill_size_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Hole Size")) self.drill_size_cb.setToolTip( _("This checks if the drill holes\n" "sizes are above the threshold.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.drill_size_cb) # Drile holes value self.drill_size_entry = FCEntry() self.drill_size_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Min value")) self.drill_size_lbl.setToolTip( _("Minimum acceptable clearance value.") ) self.form_layout_1.addRow(self.drill_size_lbl, self.drill_size_entry) self.ds = OptionalInputSection( self.drill_size_cb, [self.drill_size_lbl, self.drill_size_entry]) # Buttons hlay_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay_2) # hlay_2.addStretch() self.run_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Run Rules Check")) self.run_button.setToolTip( _("Panelize the specified object around the specified box.\n" "In other words it creates multiple copies of the source object,\n" "arranged in a 2D array of rows and columns.") ) hlay_2.addWidget(self.run_button) self.layout.addStretch() # ####################################################### # ################ SIGNALS ############################## # ####################################################### self.copper_t_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.copper_t_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.copper_b_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.copper_b_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.sm_t_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.sm_t_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.sm_b_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.sm_b_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.ss_t_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.ss_t_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.ss_b_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.ss_b_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.out_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.outline_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.e1_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.e1_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.e2_cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda st: self.e2_object.setDisabled(not st)) self.all_obj_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_all_objects_cb_changed) self.all_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_all_cb_changed) self.run_button.clicked.connect(self.execute) # self.app.collection.rowsInserted.connect(self.on_object_loaded) self.tool_finished.connect(self.on_tool_finished) # list to hold the temporary objects self.objs = [] # final name for the panel object self.outname = "" # flag to signal the constrain was activated self.constrain_flag = False # Multiprocessing Process Pool self.pool = self.app.pool self.results = None self.decimals = 4 # def on_object_loaded(self, index, row): # print(index.internalPointer().child_items[row].obj.options['name'], index.data()) def on_all_cb_changed(self, state): cb_items = [self.form_layout_1.itemAt(i).widget() for i in range(self.form_layout_1.count()) if isinstance(self.form_layout_1.itemAt(i).widget(), FCCheckBox)] for cb in cb_items: if state: cb.setChecked(True) else: cb.setChecked(False) def on_all_objects_cb_changed(self, state): cb_items = [self.grid_layout.itemAt(i).widget() for i in range(self.grid_layout.count()) if isinstance(self.grid_layout.itemAt(i).widget(), FCCheckBox)] for cb in cb_items: if state: cb.setChecked(True) else: cb.setChecked(False) def run(self, toggle=True): self.app.report_usage("ToolRulesCheck()") if toggle: # if the splitter is hidden, display it, else hide it but only if the current widget is the same if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) else: try: if self.app.ui.tool_scroll_area.widget().objectName() == self.toolName: # if tab is populated with the tool but it does not have the focus, focus on it if not self.app.ui.notebook.currentWidget() is self.app.ui.tool_tab: # focus on Tool Tab self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.tool_tab) else: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) except AttributeError: pass else: if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) FlatCAMTool.run(self) self.set_tool_ui() self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Rules Tool")) def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): FlatCAMTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='ALT+R', **kwargs) def set_tool_ui(self): # all object combobox default as disabled self.copper_t_object.setDisabled(True) self.copper_b_object.setDisabled(True) self.sm_t_object.setDisabled(True) self.sm_b_object.setDisabled(True) self.ss_t_object.setDisabled(True) self.ss_b_object.setDisabled(True) self.outline_object.setDisabled(True) self.e1_object.setDisabled(True) self.e2_object.setDisabled(True) self.reset_fields() @staticmethod def check_inside_gerber_clearance(gerber_obj, size, rule): rule_title = rule violations = list() obj_violations = dict() obj_violations.update({ 'name': '', 'points': list() }) if not gerber_obj: return 'Fail. Not enough Gerber objects to check Gerber 2 Gerber clearance' obj_violations['name'] = gerber_obj['name'] solid_geo = list() clear_geo = list() for apid in gerber_obj['apertures']: if 'geometry' in gerber_obj['apertures'][apid]: geometry = gerber_obj['apertures'][apid]['geometry'] for geo_el in geometry: if 'solid' in geo_el and geo_el['solid'] is not None: solid_geo.append(geo_el['solid']) if 'clear' in geo_el and geo_el['clear'] is not None: clear_geo.append(geo_el['clear']) if clear_geo: total_geo = list() for geo_c in clear_geo: for geo_s in solid_geo: if geo_c.within(geo_s): total_geo.append(geo_s.difference(geo_c)) else: total_geo = MultiPolygon(solid_geo) total_geo = total_geo.buffer(0.000001) if isinstance(total_geo, Polygon): iterations = 1 obj_violations['points'] =['Failed. Only one polygon.'] return rule_title, [obj_violations] else: iterations = len(total_geo) iterations = (iterations * (iterations - 1)) / 2 log.debug("RulesCheck.check_gerber_clearance(). Iterations: %s" % str(iterations)) min_dict = dict() idx = 1 for geo in total_geo: for s_geo in total_geo[idx:]: # minimize the number of distances by not taking into considerations those that are too small dist = geo.distance(s_geo) if float(dist) < float(size): loc_1, loc_2 = nearest_points(geo, s_geo) dx = loc_1.x - loc_2.x dy = loc_1.y - loc_2.y loc = min(loc_1.x, loc_2.x) + (abs(dx) / 2), min(loc_1.y, loc_2.y) + (abs(dy) / 2) if dist in min_dict: min_dict[dist].append(loc) else: min_dict[dist] = [loc] idx += 1 points_list = set() for dist in min_dict.keys(): for location in min_dict[dist]: points_list.add(location) obj_violations['points'] = list(points_list) violations.append(deepcopy(obj_violations)) return rule_title, violations @staticmethod def check_gerber_clearance(gerber_list, size, rule): rule_title = rule violations = list() obj_violations = dict() obj_violations.update({ 'name': '', 'points': list() }) if len(gerber_list) == 2: gerber_1 = gerber_list[0] # added it so I won't have errors of using before declaring gerber_2 = dict() gerber_3 = gerber_list[1] elif len(gerber_list) == 3: gerber_1 = gerber_list[0] gerber_2 = gerber_list[1] gerber_3 = gerber_list[2] else: return 'Fail. Not enough Gerber objects to check Gerber 2 Gerber clearance' total_geo_grb_1 = list() for apid in gerber_1['apertures']: if 'geometry' in gerber_1['apertures'][apid]: geometry = gerber_1['apertures'][apid]['geometry'] for geo_el in geometry: if 'solid' in geo_el and geo_el['solid'] is not None: total_geo_grb_1.append(geo_el['solid']) if len(gerber_list) == 3: # add the second Gerber geometry to the first one if it exists for apid in gerber_2['apertures']: if 'geometry' in gerber_2['apertures'][apid]: geometry = gerber_2['apertures'][apid]['geometry'] for geo_el in geometry: if 'solid' in geo_el and geo_el['solid'] is not None: total_geo_grb_1.append(geo_el['solid']) total_geo_grb_3 = list() for apid in gerber_3['apertures']: if 'geometry' in gerber_3['apertures'][apid]: geometry = gerber_3['apertures'][apid]['geometry'] for geo_el in geometry: if 'solid' in geo_el and geo_el['solid'] is not None: total_geo_grb_3.append(geo_el['solid']) total_geo_grb_1 = MultiPolygon(total_geo_grb_1) total_geo_grb_1 = total_geo_grb_1.buffer(0) total_geo_grb_3 = MultiPolygon(total_geo_grb_3) total_geo_grb_3 = total_geo_grb_3.buffer(0) if isinstance(total_geo_grb_1, Polygon): len_1 = 1 else: len_1 = len(total_geo_grb_1) if isinstance(total_geo_grb_3, Polygon): len_3 = 1 else: len_3 = len(total_geo_grb_3) iterations = len_1 * len_3 log.debug("RulesCheck.check_gerber_clearance(). Iterations: %s" % str(iterations)) min_dict = dict() for geo in total_geo_grb_1: for s_geo in total_geo_grb_3: # minimize the number of distances by not taking into considerations those that are too small dist = geo.distance(s_geo) if float(dist) < float(size): loc_1, loc_2 = nearest_points(geo, s_geo) dx = loc_1.x - loc_2.x dy = loc_1.y - loc_2.y loc = min(loc_1.x, loc_2.x) + (abs(dx) / 2), min(loc_1.y, loc_2.y) + (abs(dy) / 2) if dist in min_dict: min_dict[dist].append(loc) else: min_dict[dist] = [loc] points_list = set() for dist in min_dict.keys(): for location in min_dict[dist]: points_list.add(location) name_list = list() if gerber_1: name_list.append(gerber_1['name']) if gerber_2: name_list.append(gerber_2['name']) if gerber_3: name_list.append(gerber_3['name']) obj_violations['name'] = name_list obj_violations['points'] = list(points_list) violations.append(deepcopy(obj_violations)) return rule_title, violations @staticmethod def check_holes_size(elements, size): rule = _("Hole Size") violations = list() obj_violations = dict() obj_violations.update({ 'name': '', 'dia': list() }) for elem in elements: dia_list = [] name = elem['name'] for tool in elem['tools']: tool_dia = float(elem['tools'][tool]['C']) if tool_dia < float(size): dia_list.append(tool_dia) obj_violations['name'] = name obj_violations['dia'] = dia_list violations.append(deepcopy(obj_violations)) return rule, violations @staticmethod def check_holes_clearance(elements, size): rule = _("Hole to Hole Clearance") violations = list() obj_violations = dict() obj_violations.update({ 'name': '', 'points': list() }) total_geo = list() for elem in elements: for tool in elem['tools']: if 'solid_geometry' in elem['tools'][tool]: geometry = elem['tools'][tool]['solid_geometry'] for geo in geometry: total_geo.append(geo) min_dict = dict() idx = 1 for geo in total_geo: for s_geo in total_geo[idx:]: # minimize the number of distances by not taking into considerations those that are too small dist = geo.distance(s_geo) loc_1, loc_2 = nearest_points(geo, s_geo) dx = loc_1.x - loc_2.x dy = loc_1.y - loc_2.y loc = min(loc_1.x, loc_2.x) + (abs(dx) / 2), min(loc_1.y, loc_2.y) + (abs(dy) / 2) if dist in min_dict: min_dict[dist].append(loc) else: min_dict[dist] = [loc] idx += 1 points_list = set() for dist in min_dict.keys(): if float(dist) < size: for location in min_dict[dist]: points_list.add(location) name_list = list() for elem in elements: name_list.append(elem['name']) obj_violations['name'] = name_list obj_violations['points'] = list(points_list) violations.append(deepcopy(obj_violations)) return rule, violations @staticmethod def check_traces_size(elements, size): rule = _("Trace Size") violations = list() obj_violations = dict() obj_violations.update({ 'name': '', 'size': list(), 'points': list() }) for elem in elements: dia_list = [] points_list = [] name = elem['name'] for apid in elem['apertures']: tool_dia = float(elem['apertures'][apid]['size']) if tool_dia < float(size) and tool_dia != 0.0: dia_list.append(tool_dia) for geo_el in elem['apertures'][apid]['geometry']: if 'solid' in geo_el.keys(): geo = geo_el['solid'] pt = geo.representative_point() points_list.append((pt.x, pt.y)) obj_violations['name'] = name obj_violations['size'] = dia_list obj_violations['points'] = points_list violations.append(deepcopy(obj_violations)) return rule, violations @staticmethod def check_gerber_annular_ring(obj_list, size, rule): rule_title = rule violations = list() obj_violations = dict() obj_violations.update({ 'name': '', 'points': list() }) # added it so I won't have errors of using before declaring gerber_obj = dict() gerber_extra_obj = dict() exc_obj = dict() exc_extra_obj = dict() if len(obj_list) == 2: gerber_obj = obj_list[0] exc_obj = obj_list[1] if 'apertures' in gerber_obj and 'tools' in exc_obj: pass else: return 'Fail. At least one Gerber and one Excellon object is required to check Minimum Annular Ring' elif len(obj_list) == 3: o1 = obj_list[0] o2 = obj_list[1] o3 = obj_list[2] if 'apertures' in o1 and 'apertures' in o2: gerber_obj = o1 gerber_extra_obj = o2 exc_obj = o3 elif 'tools' in o2 and 'tools' in o3: gerber_obj = o1 exc_obj = o2 exc_extra_obj = o3 elif len(obj_list) == 4: gerber_obj = obj_list[0] gerber_extra_obj = obj_list[1] exc_obj = obj_list[2] exc_extra_obj = obj_list[3] else: return 'Fail. Not enough objects to check Minimum Annular Ring' total_geo_grb = list() for apid in gerber_obj['apertures']: if 'geometry' in gerber_obj['apertures'][apid]: geometry = gerber_obj['apertures'][apid]['geometry'] for geo_el in geometry: if 'solid' in geo_el and geo_el['solid'] is not None: total_geo_grb.append(geo_el['solid']) if len(obj_list) == 3 and gerber_extra_obj: # add the second Gerber geometry to the first one if it exists for apid in gerber_extra_obj['apertures']: if 'geometry' in gerber_extra_obj['apertures'][apid]: geometry = gerber_extra_obj['apertures'][apid]['geometry'] for geo_el in geometry: if 'solid' in geo_el and geo_el['solid'] is not None: total_geo_grb.append(geo_el['solid']) total_geo_grb = MultiPolygon(total_geo_grb) total_geo_grb = total_geo_grb.buffer(0) total_geo_exc = list() for tool in exc_obj['tools']: if 'solid_geometry' in exc_obj['tools'][tool]: geometry = exc_obj['tools'][tool]['solid_geometry'] for geo in geometry: total_geo_exc.append(geo) if len(obj_list) == 3 and exc_extra_obj: # add the second Excellon geometry to the first one if it exists for tool in exc_extra_obj['tools']: if 'solid_geometry' in exc_extra_obj['tools'][tool]: geometry = exc_extra_obj['tools'][tool]['solid_geometry'] for geo in geometry: total_geo_exc.append(geo) if isinstance(total_geo_grb, Polygon): len_1 = 1 else: len_1 = len(total_geo_grb) if isinstance(total_geo_exc, Polygon): len_2 = 1 else: len_2 = len(total_geo_exc) iterations = len_1 * len_2 log.debug("RulesCheck.check_gerber_annular_ring(). Iterations: %s" % str(iterations)) min_dict = dict() for geo in total_geo_grb: for s_geo in total_geo_exc: # minimize the number of distances by not taking into considerations those that are too small dist = geo.exterior.distance(s_geo) if float(dist) < float(size): loc_1, loc_2 = nearest_points(geo.exterior, s_geo) dx = loc_1.x - loc_2.x dy = loc_1.y - loc_2.y loc = min(loc_1.x, loc_2.x) + (abs(dx) / 2), min(loc_1.y, loc_2.y) + (abs(dy) / 2) if dist in min_dict: min_dict[dist].append(loc) else: min_dict[dist] = [loc] points_list = list() for dist in min_dict.keys(): for location in min_dict[dist]: points_list.append(location) name_list = list() if gerber_obj: name_list.append(gerber_obj['name']) if gerber_extra_obj: name_list.append(gerber_extra_obj['name']) if exc_obj: name_list.append(exc_obj['name']) if exc_extra_obj: name_list.append(exc_extra_obj['name']) obj_violations['name'] = name_list obj_violations['points'] = points_list violations.append(deepcopy(obj_violations)) return rule_title, violations def execute(self): self.results = list() log.debug("RuleCheck() executing") def worker_job(app_obj): proc = self.app.proc_container.new(_("Working...")) # RULE: Check Trace Size if self.trace_size_cb.get_value(): copper_list = list() copper_name_1 = self.copper_t_object.currentText() if copper_name_1 is not '' and self.copper_t_cb.get_value(): elem_dict = dict() elem_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_name_1) elem_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_name_1).apertures) copper_list.append(elem_dict) copper_name_2 = self.copper_b_object.currentText() if copper_name_2 is not '' and self.copper_b_cb.get_value(): elem_dict = dict() elem_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_name_2) elem_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_name_2).apertures) copper_list.append(elem_dict) trace_size = float(self.trace_size_entry.get_value()) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_traces_size, args=(copper_list, trace_size))) # RULE: Check Copper to Copper Clearance if self.clearance_copper2copper_cb.get_value(): try: copper_copper_clearance = float(self.clearance_copper2copper_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: log.debug("RulesCheck.execute.worker_job() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Copper to Copper clearance"), _("Value is not valid."))) return if self.copper_t_cb.get_value(): copper_t_obj = self.copper_t_object.currentText() copper_t_dict = dict() if copper_t_obj is not '': copper_t_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_t_obj) copper_t_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_t_obj).apertures) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_inside_gerber_clearance, args=(copper_t_dict, copper_copper_clearance, _("TOP -> Copper to Copper clearance")))) if self.copper_b_cb.get_value(): copper_b_obj = self.copper_b_object.currentText() copper_b_dict = dict() if copper_b_obj is not '': copper_b_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_b_obj) copper_b_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_b_obj).apertures) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_inside_gerber_clearance, args=(copper_b_dict, copper_copper_clearance, _("BOTTOM -> Copper to Copper clearance")))) if self.copper_t_cb.get_value() is False and self.copper_b_cb.get_value() is False: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Copper to Copper clearance"), _("At least one Gerber object has to be selected for this rule but none is selected."))) return # RULE: Check Copper to Outline Clearance if self.clearance_copper2ol_cb.get_value(): top_dict = dict() bottom_dict = dict() outline_dict = dict() copper_top = self.copper_t_object.currentText() if copper_top is not '' and self.copper_t_cb.get_value(): top_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_top) top_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_top).apertures) copper_bottom = self.copper_b_object.currentText() if copper_bottom is not '' and self.copper_b_cb.get_value(): bottom_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_bottom) bottom_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_bottom).apertures) copper_outline = self.outline_object.currentText() if copper_outline is not '' and self.out_cb.get_value(): outline_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_outline) outline_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_outline).apertures) try: copper_outline_clearance = float(self.clearance_copper2ol_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: log.debug("RulesCheck.execute.worker_job() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Copper to Outline clearance"), _("Value is not valid."))) return if not top_dict and not bottom_dict or not outline_dict: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Copper to Outline clearance"), _("One of the copper Gerber objects or the Outline Gerber object is not valid."))) return objs = [] if top_dict: objs.append(top_dict) if bottom_dict: objs.append(bottom_dict) if outline_dict: objs.append(outline_dict) else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Copper to Outline clearance"), _("Outline Gerber object presence is mandatory for this rule but it is not selected."))) return self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_gerber_clearance, args=(objs, copper_outline_clearance, _("Copper to Outline clearance")))) # RULE: Check Silk to Silk Clearance if self.clearance_silk2silk_cb.get_value(): silk_dict = dict() try: silk_silk_clearance = float(self.clearance_silk2silk_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: log.debug("RulesCheck.execute.worker_job() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Silk clearance"), _("Value is not valid."))) return if self.ss_t_cb.get_value(): silk_obj = self.ss_t_object.currentText() if silk_obj is not '': silk_dict['name'] = deepcopy(silk_obj) silk_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(silk_obj).apertures) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_inside_gerber_clearance, args=(silk_dict, silk_silk_clearance, _("TOP -> Silk to Silk clearance")))) if self.ss_b_cb.get_value(): silk_obj = self.ss_b_object.currentText() if silk_obj is not '': silk_dict['name'] = deepcopy(silk_obj) silk_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(silk_obj).apertures) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_inside_gerber_clearance, args=(silk_dict, silk_silk_clearance, _("BOTTOM -> Silk to Silk clearance")))) if self.ss_t_cb.get_value() is False and self.ss_b_cb.get_value() is False: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Silk clearance"), _("At least one Gerber object has to be selected for this rule but none is selected."))) return # RULE: Check Silk to Solder Mask Clearance if self.clearance_silk2sm_cb.get_value(): silk_t_dict = dict() sm_t_dict = dict() silk_b_dict = dict() sm_b_dict = dict() top_ss = False bottom_ss = False top_sm = False bottom_sm = False silk_top = self.ss_t_object.currentText() if silk_top is not '' and self.ss_t_cb.get_value(): silk_t_dict['name'] = deepcopy(silk_top) silk_t_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(silk_top).apertures) top_ss = True silk_bottom = self.ss_b_object.currentText() if silk_bottom is not '' and self.ss_b_cb.get_value(): silk_b_dict['name'] = deepcopy(silk_bottom) silk_b_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(silk_bottom).apertures) bottom_ss = True sm_top = self.sm_t_object.currentText() if sm_top is not '' and self.sm_t_cb.get_value(): sm_t_dict['name'] = deepcopy(sm_top) sm_t_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(sm_top).apertures) top_sm = True sm_bottom = self.sm_b_object.currentText() if sm_bottom is not '' and self.sm_b_cb.get_value(): sm_b_dict['name'] = deepcopy(sm_bottom) sm_b_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(sm_bottom).apertures) bottom_sm = True try: silk_sm_clearance = float(self.clearance_silk2sm_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: log.debug("RulesCheck.execute.worker_job() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Solder Mask Clearance"), _("Value is not valid."))) return if (not silk_t_dict and not silk_b_dict) or (not sm_t_dict and not sm_b_dict): self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Solder Mask Clearance"), _("One or more of the Gerber objects is not valid."))) return if top_ss is True and top_sm is True: objs = [silk_t_dict, sm_t_dict] self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_gerber_clearance, args=(objs, silk_sm_clearance, _("TOP -> Silk to Solder Mask Clearance")))) elif bottom_ss is True and bottom_sm is True: objs = [silk_b_dict, sm_b_dict] self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_gerber_clearance, args=(objs, silk_sm_clearance, _("BOTTOM -> Silk to Solder Mask Clearance")))) else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Solder Mask Clearance"), _("Both Silk and Solder Mask Gerber objects has to be either both Top or both Bottom."))) return # RULE: Check Silk to Outline Clearance if self.clearance_silk2ol_cb.get_value(): top_dict = dict() bottom_dict = dict() outline_dict = dict() silk_top = self.ss_t_object.currentText() if silk_top is not '' and self.ss_t_cb.get_value(): top_dict['name'] = deepcopy(silk_top) top_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(silk_top).apertures) silk_bottom = self.ss_b_object.currentText() if silk_bottom is not '' and self.ss_b_cb.get_value(): bottom_dict['name'] = deepcopy(silk_bottom) bottom_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(silk_bottom).apertures) copper_outline = self.outline_object.currentText() if copper_outline is not '' and self.out_cb.get_value(): outline_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_outline) outline_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_outline).apertures) try: copper_outline_clearance = float(self.clearance_copper2ol_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: log.debug("RulesCheck.execute.worker_job() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Outline Clearance"), _("Value is not valid."))) return if not top_dict and not bottom_dict or not outline_dict: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Outline Clearance"), _("One of the Silk Gerber objects or the Outline Gerber object is not valid."))) return objs = [] if top_dict: objs.append(top_dict) if bottom_dict: objs.append(bottom_dict) if outline_dict: objs.append(outline_dict) else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Silk to Outline Clearance"), _("Outline Gerber object presence is mandatory for this rule but it is not selected."))) return self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_gerber_clearance, args=(objs, copper_outline_clearance, _("Silk to Outline Clearance")))) # RULE: Check Minimum Solder Mask Sliver if self.clearance_silk2silk_cb.get_value(): sm_dict = dict() try: sm_sm_clearance = float(self.clearance_sm2sm_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: log.debug("RulesCheck.execute.worker_job() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Minimum Solder Mask Sliver"), _("Value is not valid."))) return if self.sm_t_cb.get_value(): solder_obj = self.sm_t_object.currentText() if solder_obj is not '': sm_dict['name'] = deepcopy(solder_obj) sm_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(solder_obj).apertures) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_inside_gerber_clearance, args=(sm_dict, sm_sm_clearance, _("TOP -> Minimum Solder Mask Sliver")))) if self.sm_b_cb.get_value(): solder_obj = self.sm_b_object.currentText() if solder_obj is not '': sm_dict['name'] = deepcopy(solder_obj) sm_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(solder_obj).apertures) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_inside_gerber_clearance, args=(sm_dict, sm_sm_clearance, _("BOTTOM -> Minimum Solder Mask Sliver")))) if self.sm_t_cb.get_value() is False and self.sm_b_cb.get_value() is False: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Minimum Solder Mask Sliver"), _("At least one Gerber object has to be selected for this rule but none is selected."))) return # RULE: Check Minimum Annular Ring if self.ring_integrity_cb.get_value(): top_dict = dict() bottom_dict = dict() exc_1_dict = dict() exc_2_dict = dict() copper_top = self.copper_t_object.currentText() if copper_top is not '' and self.copper_t_cb.get_value(): top_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_top) top_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_top).apertures) copper_bottom = self.copper_b_object.currentText() if copper_bottom is not '' and self.copper_b_cb.get_value(): bottom_dict['name'] = deepcopy(copper_bottom) bottom_dict['apertures'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(copper_bottom).apertures) excellon_1 = self.e1_object.currentText() if excellon_1 is not '' and self.e1_cb.get_value(): exc_1_dict['name'] = deepcopy(excellon_1) exc_1_dict['tools'] = deepcopy( self.app.collection.get_by_name(excellon_1).tools) excellon_2 = self.e2_object.currentText() if excellon_2 is not '' and self.e2_cb.get_value(): exc_2_dict['name'] = deepcopy(excellon_2) exc_2_dict['tools'] = deepcopy( self.app.collection.get_by_name(excellon_2).tools) try: ring_val = float(self.ring_integrity_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: log.debug("RulesCheck.execute.worker_job() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Minimum Annular Ring"), _("Value is not valid."))) return if (not top_dict and not bottom_dict) or (not exc_1_dict and not exc_2_dict): self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Minimum Annular Ring"), _("One of the Copper Gerber objects or the Excellon objects is not valid."))) return objs = [] if top_dict: objs.append(top_dict) elif bottom_dict: objs.append(bottom_dict) if exc_1_dict: objs.append(exc_1_dict) elif exc_2_dict: objs.append(exc_2_dict) else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s. %s' % ( _("Minimum Annular Ring"), _("Excellon object presence is mandatory for this rule but none is selected."))) return self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_gerber_annular_ring, args=(objs, ring_val, _("Minimum Annular Ring")))) # RULE: Check Hole to Hole Clearance if self.clearance_d2d_cb.get_value(): exc_list = list() exc_name_1 = self.e1_object.currentText() if exc_name_1 is not '' and self.e1_cb.get_value(): elem_dict = dict() elem_dict['name'] = deepcopy(exc_name_1) elem_dict['tools'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(exc_name_1).tools) exc_list.append(elem_dict) exc_name_2 = self.e2_object.currentText() if exc_name_2 is not '' and self.e2_cb.get_value(): elem_dict = dict() elem_dict['name'] = deepcopy(exc_name_2) elem_dict['tools'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(exc_name_2).tools) exc_list.append(elem_dict) hole_clearance = float(self.clearance_d2d_entry.get_value()) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_holes_clearance, args=(exc_list, hole_clearance))) # RULE: Check Holes Size if self.drill_size_cb.get_value(): exc_list = list() exc_name_1 = self.e1_object.currentText() if exc_name_1 is not '' and self.e1_cb.get_value(): elem_dict = dict() elem_dict['name'] = deepcopy(exc_name_1) elem_dict['tools'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(exc_name_1).tools) exc_list.append(elem_dict) exc_name_2 = self.e2_object.currentText() if exc_name_2 is not '' and self.e2_cb.get_value(): elem_dict = dict() elem_dict['name'] = deepcopy(exc_name_2) elem_dict['tools'] = deepcopy(self.app.collection.get_by_name(exc_name_2).tools) exc_list.append(elem_dict) drill_size = float(self.drill_size_entry.get_value()) self.results.append(self.pool.apply_async(self.check_holes_size, args=(exc_list, drill_size))) output = list() for p in self.results: output.append(p.get()) self.tool_finished.emit(output) log.debug("RuleCheck() finished") self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': worker_job, 'params': [self.app]}) def on_tool_finished(self, res): def init(new_obj, app_obj): txt = '' for el in res: txt += 'RULE NAME:    %s
' % str(el[0]).upper() if isinstance(el[1][0]['name'], list): for name in el[1][0]['name']: txt += 'File name: %s
' % str(name) else: txt += 'File name: %s
' % str(el[1][0]['name']) point_txt = '' if el[1][0]['points']: txt += '{title}: {status}.
'.format(title=_("STATUS"), color='red', status=_("FAILED")) if 'Failed' in el[1][0]['points'][0]: point_txt = el[1][0]['points'][0] else: for pt in el[1][0]['points']: point_txt += '(%.*f, %.*f)' % (self.decimals, float(pt[0]), self.decimals, float(pt[1])) point_txt += ', ' txt += 'Violations: %s
' % str(point_txt) else: txt += '{title}: {status}.
'.format(title=_("STATUS"), color='green', status=_("PASSED")) txt += '%s
' % _("Violations: There are no violations for the current rule.") txt += '

' new_obj.source_file = txt new_obj.read_only = True self.app.new_object('document', name='Rules Check results', initialize=init, plot=False ) def reset_fields(self): # self.object_combo.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) # self.box_combo.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) pass