from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool from FlatCAMObj import * from shapely.geometry import Point from shapely import affinity from PyQt5 import QtCore import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class DblSidedTool(FlatCAMTool): toolName = _("2-Sided PCB") def __init__(self, app): FlatCAMTool.__init__(self, app) # ## Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.toolName) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(title_label) self.empty_lb = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.layout.addWidget(self.empty_lb) # ## Grid Layout grid_lay = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid_lay) # ## Gerber Object to mirror self.gerber_object_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.gerber_object_combo.setModel( self.gerber_object_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.gerber_object_combo.setCurrentIndex(1) self.botlay_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("GERBER:") self.botlay_label.setToolTip( "Gerber to be mirrored." ) self.mirror_gerber_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Mirror")) self.mirror_gerber_button.setToolTip( _("Mirrors (flips) the specified object around \n" "the specified axis. Does not create a new \n" "object, but modifies it.") ) self.mirror_gerber_button.setFixedWidth(60) # grid_lay.addRow("Bottom Layer:", self.object_combo) grid_lay.addWidget(self.botlay_label, 0, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.gerber_object_combo, 1, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.mirror_gerber_button, 1, 1) # ## Excellon Object to mirror self.exc_object_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.exc_object_combo.setModel( self.exc_object_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.exc_object_combo.setCurrentIndex(1) self.excobj_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("EXCELLON:") self.excobj_label.setToolTip( _("Excellon Object to be mirrored.") ) self.mirror_exc_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Mirror")) self.mirror_exc_button.setToolTip( _("Mirrors (flips) the specified object around \n" "the specified axis. Does not create a new \n" "object, but modifies it.") ) self.mirror_exc_button.setFixedWidth(60) # grid_lay.addRow("Bottom Layer:", self.object_combo) grid_lay.addWidget(self.excobj_label, 2, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.exc_object_combo, 3, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.mirror_exc_button, 3, 1) # ## Geometry Object to mirror self.geo_object_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.geo_object_combo.setModel( self.geo_object_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.geo_object_combo.setCurrentIndex(1) self.geoobj_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("GEOMETRY:") self.geoobj_label.setToolTip( _("Geometry Obj to be mirrored.") ) self.mirror_geo_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Mirror")) self.mirror_geo_button.setToolTip( _("Mirrors (flips) the specified object around \n" "the specified axis. Does not create a new \n" "object, but modifies it.") ) self.mirror_geo_button.setFixedWidth(60) # grid_lay.addRow("Bottom Layer:", self.object_combo) grid_lay.addWidget(self.geoobj_label, 4, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.geo_object_combo, 5, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.mirror_geo_button, 5, 1) # ## Grid Layout grid_lay1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid_lay1) # ## Axis self.mirror_axis = RadioSet([{'label': 'X', 'value': 'X'}, {'label': 'Y', 'value': 'Y'}]) self.mirax_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Mirror Axis:")) self.mirax_label.setToolTip( _("Mirror vertically (X) or horizontally (Y).") ) # grid_lay.addRow("Mirror Axis:", self.mirror_axis) self.empty_lb1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") grid_lay1.addWidget(self.empty_lb1, 6, 0) grid_lay1.addWidget(self.mirax_label, 7, 0) grid_lay1.addWidget(self.mirror_axis, 7, 1) # ## Axis Location self.axis_location = RadioSet([{'label': 'Point', 'value': 'point'}, {'label': 'Box', 'value': 'box'}]) self.axloc_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Axis Ref:")) self.axloc_label.setToolTip( _("The axis should pass through a point or cut\n " "a specified box (in a FlatCAM object) through \n" "the center.") ) # grid_lay.addRow("Axis Location:", self.axis_location) grid_lay1.addWidget(self.axloc_label, 8, 0) grid_lay1.addWidget(self.axis_location, 8, 1) self.empty_lb2 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") grid_lay1.addWidget(self.empty_lb2, 9, 0) # ## Grid Layout grid_lay2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid_lay2) # ## Point/Box self.point_box_container = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.pb_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('Point/Box Reference:')) self.pb_label.setToolTip( _("If 'Point' is selected above it store the coordinates (x, y) through which\n" "the mirroring axis passes.\n" "If 'Box' is selected above, select here a FlatCAM object (Gerber, Exc or Geo).\n" "Through the center of this object pass the mirroring axis selected above.") ) self.add_point_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Add")) self.add_point_button.setToolTip( _("Add the coordinates in format (x, y) through which the mirroring axis \n " "selected in 'MIRROR AXIS' pass.\n" "The (x, y) coordinates are captured by pressing SHIFT key\n" "and left mouse button click on canvas or you can enter the coords manually.") ) self.add_point_button.setFixedWidth(60) grid_lay2.addWidget(self.pb_label, 10, 0) grid_lay2.addLayout(self.point_box_container, 11, 0) grid_lay2.addWidget(self.add_point_button, 11, 1) self.point_entry = EvalEntry() self.point_box_container.addWidget(self.point_entry) self.box_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.box_combo.setModel( self.box_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.box_combo.setCurrentIndex(1) self.box_combo_type = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.box_combo_type.addItem(_("Gerber Reference Box Object")) self.box_combo_type.addItem(_("Excellon Reference Box Object")) self.box_combo_type.addItem(_("Geometry Reference Box Object")) self.point_box_container.addWidget(self.box_combo_type) self.point_box_container.addWidget(self.box_combo) self.box_combo.hide() self.box_combo_type.hide() # ## Alignment holes self.ah_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('Alignment Drill Coordinates:')) self.ah_label.setToolTip( _("Alignment holes (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ... " "on one side of the mirror axis. For each set of (x, y) coordinates\n" "entered here, a pair of drills will be created:\n\n" "- one drill at the coordinates from the field\n" "- one drill in mirror position over the axis selected above in the 'Mirror Axis'.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.ah_label) grid_lay3 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid_lay3) self.alignment_holes = EvalEntry() self.add_drill_point_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Add")) self.add_drill_point_button.setToolTip( _("Add alignment drill holes coords in the format: (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ... \n" "on one side of the mirror axis.\n\n" "The coordinates set can be obtained:\n" "- press SHIFT key and left mouse clicking on canvas. Then click Add.\n" "- press SHIFT key and left mouse clicking on canvas. Then CTRL+V in the field.\n" "- press SHIFT key and left mouse clicking on canvas. Then RMB click in the field and click Paste.\n" "- by entering the coords manually in the format: (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...") ) self.add_drill_point_button.setFixedWidth(60) grid_lay3.addWidget(self.alignment_holes, 0, 0) grid_lay3.addWidget(self.add_drill_point_button, 0, 1) # ## Drill diameter for alignment holes self.dt_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _('Alignment Drill Diameter')) self.dt_label.setToolTip( _("Diameter of the drill for the " "alignment holes.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.dt_label) hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay) self.drill_dia = FCEntry() self.dd_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Drill diam.:")) self.dd_label.setToolTip( _("Diameter of the drill for the " "alignment holes.") ) hlay.addWidget(self.dd_label) hlay.addWidget(self.drill_dia) hlay2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay2) # ## Buttons self.create_alignment_hole_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Create Excellon Object")) self.create_alignment_hole_button.setToolTip( _("Creates an Excellon Object containing the\n" "specified alignment holes and their mirror\n" "images.") ) hlay2.addWidget(self.create_alignment_hole_button) self.reset_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Reset")) self.reset_button.setToolTip( _("Resets all the fields.") ) self.reset_button.setFixedWidth(60) hlay2.addWidget(self.reset_button) self.layout.addStretch() # ## Signals self.create_alignment_hole_button.clicked.connect(self.on_create_alignment_holes) self.mirror_gerber_button.clicked.connect(self.on_mirror_gerber) self.mirror_exc_button.clicked.connect(self.on_mirror_exc) self.mirror_geo_button.clicked.connect(self.on_mirror_geo) self.add_point_button.clicked.connect(self.on_point_add) self.add_drill_point_button.clicked.connect(self.on_drill_add) self.reset_button.clicked.connect(self.reset_fields) self.box_combo_type.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_combo_box_type) self.axis_location.group_toggle_fn = self.on_toggle_pointbox self.drill_values = "" def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): FlatCAMTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='ALT+D', **kwargs) def run(self, toggle=True):"Tool2Sided()") if toggle: # if the splitter is hidden, display it, else hide it but only if the current widget is the same if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) else: try: if == self.toolName:[0, 1]) except AttributeError: pass else: if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) self.set_tool_ui(), _("2-Sided Tool")) def set_tool_ui(self): self.reset_fields() self.point_entry.set_value("") self.alignment_holes.set_value("") self.mirror_axis.set_value(["tools_2sided_mirror_axis"]) self.axis_location.set_value(["tools_2sided_axis_loc"]) self.drill_dia.set_value(["tools_2sided_drilldia"]) def on_combo_box_type(self): obj_type = self.box_combo_type.currentIndex() self.box_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.box_combo.setCurrentIndex(0) def on_create_alignment_holes(self): axis = self.mirror_axis.get_value() mode = self.axis_location.get_value() if mode == "point": try: px, py = self.point_entry.get_value() except TypeError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] 'Point' reference is selected and 'Point' coordinates " "are missing. Add them and retry.")) return else: selection_index = self.box_combo.currentIndex() model_index =, 0, self.gerber_object_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: bb_obj = model_index.internalPointer().obj except AttributeError: model_index =, 0, self.exc_object_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: bb_obj = model_index.internalPointer().obj except AttributeError: model_index =, 0, self.geo_object_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: bb_obj = model_index.internalPointer().obj except AttributeError: _("[WARNING_NOTCL] There is no Box reference object loaded. Load one and retry.")) return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bb_obj.bounds() px = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) py = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis] try: dia = float(self.drill_dia.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: dia = float(self.drill_dia.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.drill_dia.set_value(dia) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Tool diameter value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if dia is '':"[WARNING_NOTCL] No value or wrong format in Drill Dia entry. Add it and retry.")) return tools = {"1": {"C": dia}} # holes = self.alignment_holes.get_value() holes = eval('[{}]'.format(self.alignment_holes.text())) if not holes:"[WARNING_NOTCL] There are no Alignment Drill Coordinates to use. " "Add them and retry.")) return drills = [] for hole in holes: point = Point(hole) point_mirror = affinity.scale(point, xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py)) drills.append({"point": point, "tool": "1"}) drills.append({"point": point_mirror, "tool": "1"}) if 'solid_geometry' not in tools: tools["1"]['solid_geometry'] = [] else: tools["1"]['solid_geometry'].append(point_mirror) def obj_init(obj_inst, app_inst): = tools obj_inst.drills = drills obj_inst.create_geometry()"excellon", "Alignment Drills", obj_init) self.drill_values = ''"[success] Excellon object with alignment drills created...")) def on_mirror_gerber(self): selection_index = self.gerber_object_combo.currentIndex() # fcobj =[selection_index] model_index =, 0, self.gerber_object_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: fcobj = model_index.internalPointer().obj except Exception as e:"[WARNING_NOTCL] There is no Gerber object loaded ...")) return if not isinstance(fcobj, FlatCAMGerber):"[ERROR_NOTCL] Only Gerber, Excellon and Geometry objects can be mirrored.")) return axis = self.mirror_axis.get_value() mode = self.axis_location.get_value() if mode == "point": try: px, py = self.point_entry.get_value() except TypeError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] 'Point' coordinates missing. " "Using Origin (0, 0) as mirroring reference.")) px, py = (0, 0) else: selection_index_box = self.box_combo.currentIndex() model_index_box =, 0, self.box_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: bb_obj = model_index_box.internalPointer().obj except Exception as e:"[WARNING_NOTCL] There is no Box object loaded ...")) return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bb_obj.bounds() px = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) py = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) fcobj.mirror(axis, [px, py]) fcobj.plot()"[success] Gerber %s was mirrored...") % str(fcobj.options['name'])) def on_mirror_exc(self): selection_index = self.exc_object_combo.currentIndex() # fcobj =[selection_index] model_index =, 0, self.exc_object_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: fcobj = model_index.internalPointer().obj except Exception as e:"[WARNING_NOTCL] There is no Excellon object loaded ...")) return if not isinstance(fcobj, FlatCAMExcellon):"[ERROR_NOTCL] Only Gerber, Excellon and Geometry objects can be mirrored.")) return axis = self.mirror_axis.get_value() mode = self.axis_location.get_value() if mode == "point": try: px, py = self.point_entry.get_value() except Exception as e: log.debug("DblSidedTool.on_mirror_geo() --> %s" % str(e))"[WARNING_NOTCL] There are no Point coordinates in the Point field. " "Add coords and try again ...")) return else: selection_index_box = self.box_combo.currentIndex() model_index_box =, 0, self.box_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: bb_obj = model_index_box.internalPointer().obj except Exception as e: log.debug("DblSidedTool.on_mirror_geo() --> %s" % str(e))"[WARNING_NOTCL] There is no Box object loaded ...")) return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bb_obj.bounds() px = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) py = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) fcobj.mirror(axis, [px, py]) fcobj.plot()"[success] Excellon %s was mirrored...") % str(fcobj.options['name'])) def on_mirror_geo(self): selection_index = self.geo_object_combo.currentIndex() # fcobj =[selection_index] model_index =, 0, self.geo_object_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: fcobj = model_index.internalPointer().obj except Exception as e:"[WARNING_NOTCL] There is no Geometry object loaded ...")) return if not isinstance(fcobj, FlatCAMGeometry):"[ERROR_NOTCL] Only Gerber, Excellon and Geometry objects can be mirrored.")) return axis = self.mirror_axis.get_value() mode = self.axis_location.get_value() if mode == "point": px, py = self.point_entry.get_value() else: selection_index_box = self.box_combo.currentIndex() model_index_box =, 0, self.box_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: bb_obj = model_index_box.internalPointer().obj except Exception as e:"[WARNING_NOTCL] There is no Box object loaded ...")) return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bb_obj.bounds() px = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) py = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) fcobj.mirror(axis, [px, py]) fcobj.plot()"[success] Geometry %s was mirrored...") % str(fcobj.options['name'])) def on_point_add(self): val =["global_point_clipboard_format"] % ([0],[1]) self.point_entry.set_value(val) def on_drill_add(self): self.drill_values += (["global_point_clipboard_format"] % ([0],[1])) + ',' self.alignment_holes.set_value(self.drill_values) def on_toggle_pointbox(self): if self.axis_location.get_value() == "point": self.box_combo.hide() self.box_combo_type.hide() self.add_point_button.setDisabled(False) else: self.point_entry.hide() self.add_point_button.setDisabled(True) def reset_fields(self): self.gerber_object_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.exc_object_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.geo_object_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.box_combo.setRootModelIndex(, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.gerber_object_combo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.exc_object_combo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.geo_object_combo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.box_combo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.box_combo_type.setCurrentIndex(0) self.drill_values = ""