from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings from appGUI.GUIElements import RadioSet, FCDoubleSpinner, FCComboBox2, FCCheckBox, FCSpinner, NumericalEvalTupleEntry from appGUI.preferences.OptionsGroupUI import OptionsGroupUI import gettext import appTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("machinist"): machinist_setting = settings.value('machinist', type=int) else: machinist_setting = 0 class ToolsISOPrefGroupUI(OptionsGroupUI): def __init__(self, decimals=4, parent=None): super(ToolsISOPrefGroupUI, self).__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setTitle(str(_("Isolation Tool Options"))) self.decimals = decimals # ## Clear non-copper regions self.iso_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _("Parameters")) self.iso_label.setToolTip( _("Create a Geometry object with\n" "toolpaths to cut around polygons.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.iso_label) grid0 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid0) # Tool Dias isotdlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tools Dia')) isotdlabel.setToolTip( _("Diameters of the tools, separated by comma.\n" "The value of the diameter has to use the dot decimals separator.\n" "Valid values: 0.3, 1.0") ) self.tool_dia_entry = NumericalEvalTupleEntry(border_color='#0069A9') self.tool_dia_entry.setPlaceholderText(_("Comma separated values")) grid0.addWidget(isotdlabel, 0, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.tool_dia_entry, 0, 1, 1, 2) # Tool order Radio Button self.order_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tool order')) self.order_label.setToolTip(_("This set the way that the tools in the tools table are used.\n" "'No' --> means that the used order is the one in the tool table\n" "'Forward' --> means that the tools will be ordered from small to big\n" "'Reverse' --> means that the tools will ordered from big to small\n\n" "WARNING: using rest machining will automatically set the order\n" "in reverse and disable this control.")) self.order_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('No'), 'value': 'no'}, {'label': _('Forward'), 'value': 'fwd'}, {'label': _('Reverse'), 'value': 'rev'}]) grid0.addWidget(self.order_label, 1, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.order_radio, 1, 1, 1, 2) # Tool Type Radio Button self.tool_type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tool Type')) self.tool_type_label.setToolTip( _("Default tool type:\n" "- 'V-shape'\n" "- Circular") ) self.tool_type_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('V-shape'), 'value': 'V'}, {'label': _('Circular'), 'value': 'C1'}]) self.tool_type_radio.setToolTip( _("Default tool type:\n" "- 'V-shape'\n" "- Circular") ) grid0.addWidget(self.tool_type_label, 2, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.tool_type_radio, 2, 1, 1, 2) # Tip Dia self.tipdialabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('V-Tip Dia')) self.tipdialabel.setToolTip( _("The tip diameter for V-Shape Tool")) self.tipdia_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.tipdia_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.tipdia_entry.set_range(0, 1000) self.tipdia_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(self.tipdialabel, 3, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.tipdia_entry, 3, 1, 1, 2) # Tip Angle self.tipanglelabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('V-Tip Angle')) self.tipanglelabel.setToolTip( _("The tip angle for V-Shape Tool.\n" "In degrees.")) self.tipangle_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.tipangle_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.tipangle_entry.set_range(1, 180) self.tipangle_entry.setSingleStep(5) self.tipangle_entry.setWrapping(True) grid0.addWidget(self.tipanglelabel, 4, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.tipangle_entry, 4, 1, 1, 2) # Cut Z entry cutzlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Cut Z')) cutzlabel.setToolTip( _("Depth of cut into material. Negative value.\n" "In application units.") ) self.cutz_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.cutz_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.cutz_entry.set_range(-10000.0000, 0.0000) self.cutz_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.cutz_entry.setToolTip( _("Depth of cut into material. Negative value.\n" "In application units.") ) grid0.addWidget(cutzlabel, 5, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.cutz_entry, 5, 1, 1, 2) # New Diameter self.newdialabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('New Dia')) self.newdialabel.setToolTip( _("Diameter for the new tool to add in the Tool Table.\n" "If the tool is V-shape type then this value is automatically\n" "calculated from the other parameters.") ) self.newdia_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.newdia_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.newdia_entry.set_range(0.0001, 10000.0000) self.newdia_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(self.newdialabel, 6, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.newdia_entry, 6, 1, 1, 2) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 7, 0, 1, 3) # Passes passlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Passes')) passlabel.setToolTip( _("Width of the isolation gap in\n" "number (integer) of tool widths.") ) self.passes_entry = FCSpinner() self.passes_entry.set_range(1, 999) self.passes_entry.setObjectName("i_passes") grid0.addWidget(passlabel, 8, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.passes_entry, 8, 1, 1, 2) # Overlap Entry overlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Overlap')) overlabel.setToolTip( _("How much (percentage) of the tool width to overlap each tool pass.") ) self.overlap_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(suffix='%') self.overlap_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.overlap_entry.setWrapping(True) self.overlap_entry.set_range(0.0000, 99.9999) self.overlap_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.overlap_entry.setObjectName("i_overlap") grid0.addWidget(overlabel, 9, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.overlap_entry, 9, 1, 1, 2) # Milling Type Radio Button self.milling_type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Milling Type')) self.milling_type_label.setToolTip( _("Milling type when the selected tool is of type: 'iso_op':\n" "- climb / best for precision milling and to reduce tool usage\n" "- conventional / useful when there is no backlash compensation") ) self.milling_type_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('Climb'), 'value': 'cl'}, {'label': _('Conventional'), 'value': 'cv'}]) self.milling_type_radio.setToolTip( _("Milling type when the selected tool is of type: 'iso_op':\n" "- climb / best for precision milling and to reduce tool usage\n" "- conventional / useful when there is no backlash compensation") ) grid0.addWidget(self.milling_type_label, 10, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.milling_type_radio, 10, 1, 1, 2) # Follow self.follow_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Follow')) self.follow_label.setToolTip( _("Generate a 'Follow' geometry.\n" "This means that it will cut through\n" "the middle of the trace.") ) self.follow_cb = FCCheckBox() self.follow_cb.setToolTip(_("Generate a 'Follow' geometry.\n" "This means that it will cut through\n" "the middle of the trace.")) self.follow_cb.setObjectName("i_follow") grid0.addWidget(self.follow_label, 11, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.follow_cb, 11, 1, 1, 2) # Isolation Type self.iso_type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Isolation Type')) self.iso_type_label.setToolTip( _("Choose how the isolation will be executed:\n" "- 'Full' -> complete isolation of polygons\n" "- 'Ext' -> will isolate only on the outside\n" "- 'Int' -> will isolate only on the inside\n" "'Exterior' isolation is almost always possible\n" "(with the right tool) but 'Interior'\n" "isolation can be done only when there is an opening\n" "inside of the polygon (e.g polygon is a 'doughnut' shape).") ) self.iso_type_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('Full'), 'value': 'full'}, {'label': _('Ext'), 'value': 'ext'}, {'label': _('Int'), 'value': 'int'}]) self.iso_type_radio.setObjectName("i_type") grid0.addWidget(self.iso_type_label, 12, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.iso_type_radio, 12, 1, 1, 2) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 13, 0, 1, 3) # Rest machining CheckBox self.rest_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Rest")) self.rest_cb.setObjectName("i_rest_machining") self.rest_cb.setToolTip( _("If checked, use 'rest machining'.\n" "Basically it will isolate outside PCB features,\n" "using the biggest tool and continue with the next tools,\n" "from bigger to smaller, to isolate the copper features that\n" "could not be cleared by previous tool, until there is\n" "no more copper features to isolate or there are no more tools.\n" "If not checked, use the standard algorithm.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.rest_cb, 17, 0) # Combine All Passes self.combine_passes_cb = FCCheckBox(label=_('Combine')) self.combine_passes_cb.setToolTip( _("Combine all passes into one object") ) self.combine_passes_cb.setObjectName("i_combine") grid0.addWidget(self.combine_passes_cb, 17, 1) # Exception Areas self.except_cb = FCCheckBox(label=_('Except')) self.except_cb.setToolTip(_("When the isolation geometry is generated,\n" "by checking this, the area of the object below\n" "will be subtracted from the isolation geometry.")) self.except_cb.setObjectName("i_except") grid0.addWidget(self.except_cb, 17, 2) # Check Tool validity self.valid_cb = FCCheckBox(label=_('Check validity')) self.valid_cb.setToolTip( _("If checked then the tools diameters are verified\n" "if they will provide a complete isolation.") ) self.valid_cb.setObjectName("i_check") grid0.addWidget(self.valid_cb, 18, 0, 1, 3) # Isolation Scope self.select_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Selection")) self.select_label.setToolTip( _("Isolation scope. Choose what to isolate:\n" "- 'All' -> Isolate all the polygons in the object\n" "- 'Area Selection' -> Isolate polygons within a selection area.\n" "- 'Polygon Selection' -> Isolate a selection of polygons.\n" "- 'Reference Object' - will process the area specified by another object.") ) self.select_combo = FCComboBox2() self.select_combo.addItems( [_("All"), _("Area Selection"), _("Polygon Selection"), _("Reference Object")] ) self.select_combo.setObjectName("i_selection") grid0.addWidget(self.select_label, 20, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.select_combo, 20, 1, 1, 2) # Area Shape self.area_shape_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Shape")) self.area_shape_label.setToolTip( _("The kind of selection shape used for area selection.") ) self.area_shape_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _("Square"), 'value': 'square'}, {'label': _("Polygon"), 'value': 'polygon'}]) grid0.addWidget(self.area_shape_label, 21, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.area_shape_radio, 21, 1, 1, 2) # Polygon interiors selection self.poly_int_cb = FCCheckBox(_("Interiors")) self.poly_int_cb.setToolTip( _("When checked the user can select interiors of a polygon.\n" "(holes in the polygon).") ) # Force isolation even if the interiors are not isolated self.force_iso_cb = FCCheckBox(_("Forced Rest")) self.force_iso_cb.setToolTip( _("When checked the isolation will be done with the current tool even if\n" "interiors of a polygon (holes in the polygon) could not be isolated.\n" "Works when 'rest machining' is used.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.poly_int_cb, 22, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.force_iso_cb, 22, 1) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 24, 0, 1, 3) # ## Plotting type self.plotting_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('Normal'), 'value': 'normal'}, {"label": _("Progressive"), "value": "progressive"}]) plotting_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Plotting")) plotting_label.setToolTip( _("- 'Normal' - normal plotting, done at the end of the job\n" "- 'Progressive' - each shape is plotted after it is generated") ) grid0.addWidget(plotting_label, 25, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.plotting_radio, 25, 1, 1, 2) self.layout.addStretch()