# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # File Author: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) # # Date: 3/10/2019 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool from flatcamGUI.GUIElements import RadioSet, FCComboBox, FCSpinner import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class ToolImage(FlatCAMTool): toolName = _("Image as Object") def __init__(self, app): FlatCAMTool.__init__(self, app) # Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('Image to PCB')) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(title_label) # Form Layout ti_form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.layout.addLayout(ti_form_layout) # Type of object to create for the image self.tf_type_obj_combo = FCComboBox() self.tf_type_obj_combo.addItem("Gerber") self.tf_type_obj_combo.addItem("Geometry") self.tf_type_obj_combo.setItemIcon(0, QtGui.QIcon("share/flatcam_icon16.png")) self.tf_type_obj_combo.setItemIcon(1, QtGui.QIcon("share/geometry16.png")) self.tf_type_obj_combo_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Object Type")) self.tf_type_obj_combo_label.setToolTip( _("Specify the type of object to create from the image.\n" "It can be of type: Gerber or Geometry.") ) ti_form_layout.addRow(self.tf_type_obj_combo_label, self.tf_type_obj_combo) # DPI value of the imported image self.dpi_entry = FCSpinner() self.dpi_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("DPI value")) self.dpi_label.setToolTip(_("Specify a DPI value for the image.") ) ti_form_layout.addRow(self.dpi_label, self.dpi_entry) self.emty_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.layout.addWidget(self.emty_lbl) self.detail_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _('Level of detail')) self.layout.addWidget(self.detail_label) ti2_form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.layout.addLayout(ti2_form_layout) # Type of image interpretation self.image_type = RadioSet([{'label': 'B/W', 'value': 'black'}, {'label': 'Color', 'value': 'color'}]) self.image_type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _('Image type')) self.image_type_label.setToolTip( _("Choose a method for the image interpretation.\n" "B/W means a black & white image. Color means a colored image.") ) ti2_form_layout.addRow(self.image_type_label, self.image_type) # Mask value of the imported image when image monochrome self.mask_bw_entry = FCSpinner() self.mask_bw_entry.set_range(0, 255) self.mask_bw_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s B/W:" % _('Mask value')) self.mask_bw_label.setToolTip( _("Mask for monochrome image.\n" "Takes values between [0 ... 255].\n" "Decides the level of details to include\n" "in the resulting geometry.\n" "0 means no detail and 255 means everything \n" "(which is totally black).") ) ti2_form_layout.addRow(self.mask_bw_label, self.mask_bw_entry) # Mask value of the imported image for RED color when image color self.mask_r_entry = FCSpinner() self.mask_r_entry.set_range(0, 255) self.mask_r_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s R:" % _('Mask value')) self.mask_r_label.setToolTip( _("Mask for RED color.\n" "Takes values between [0 ... 255].\n" "Decides the level of details to include\n" "in the resulting geometry.") ) ti2_form_layout.addRow(self.mask_r_label, self.mask_r_entry) # Mask value of the imported image for GREEN color when image color self.mask_g_entry = FCSpinner() self.mask_g_entry.set_range(0, 255) self.mask_g_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s G:" % _('Mask value')) self.mask_g_label.setToolTip( _("Mask for GREEN color.\n" "Takes values between [0 ... 255].\n" "Decides the level of details to include\n" "in the resulting geometry.") ) ti2_form_layout.addRow(self.mask_g_label, self.mask_g_entry) # Mask value of the imported image for BLUE color when image color self.mask_b_entry = FCSpinner() self.mask_b_entry.set_range(0, 255) self.mask_b_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s B:" % _('Mask value')) self.mask_b_label.setToolTip( _("Mask for BLUE color.\n" "Takes values between [0 ... 255].\n" "Decides the level of details to include\n" "in the resulting geometry.") ) ti2_form_layout.addRow(self.mask_b_label, self.mask_b_entry) # Buttons self.import_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Import image")) self.import_button.setToolTip( _("Open a image of raster type and then import it in FlatCAM.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.import_button) self.layout.addStretch() # ## Signals self.import_button.clicked.connect(self.on_file_importimage) def run(self, toggle=True): self.app.report_usage("ToolImage()") if toggle: # if the splitter is hidden, display it, else hide it but only if the current widget is the same if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) else: try: if self.app.ui.tool_scroll_area.widget().objectName() == self.toolName: # if tab is populated with the tool but it does not have the focus, focus on it if not self.app.ui.notebook.currentWidget() is self.app.ui.tool_tab: # focus on Tool Tab self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.tool_tab) else: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) except AttributeError: pass else: if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) FlatCAMTool.run(self) self.set_tool_ui() self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Image Tool")) def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): FlatCAMTool.install(self, icon, separator, **kwargs) def set_tool_ui(self): # ## Initialize form self.dpi_entry.set_value(96) self.image_type.set_value('black') self.mask_bw_entry.set_value(250) self.mask_r_entry.set_value(250) self.mask_g_entry.set_value(250) self.mask_b_entry.set_value(250) def on_file_importimage(self): """ Callback for menu item File->Import IMAGE. :param type_of_obj: to import the IMAGE as Geometry or as Gerber :type type_of_obj: str :return: None """ mask = [] self.app.log.debug("on_file_importimage()") _filter = "Image Files(*.BMP *.PNG *.JPG *.JPEG);;" \ "Bitmap File (*.BMP);;" \ "PNG File (*.PNG);;" \ "Jpeg File (*.JPG);;" \ "All Files (*.*)" try: filename, _f = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption=_("Import IMAGE"), directory=self.app.get_last_folder(), filter=_filter) except TypeError: filename, _f = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption=_("Import IMAGE"), filter=filter) filename = str(filename) type_obj = self.tf_type_obj_combo.get_value().lower() dpi = self.dpi_entry.get_value() mode = self.image_type.get_value() mask = [self.mask_bw_entry.get_value(), self.mask_r_entry.get_value(), self.mask_g_entry.get_value(), self.mask_b_entry.get_value()] if filename == "": self.app.inform.emit(_("Open cancelled.")) else: self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.app.import_image, 'params': [filename, type_obj, dpi, mode, mask]}) # self.import_svg(filename, "geometry")