# ######################################################### ## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # # ######################################################### ## # ########################################################### # # File Modified: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) # # Date: 3/10/2019 # # ######################################################### ## from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSettings from camlib import distance, arc, three_point_circle, Geometry, FlatCAMRTreeStorage from AppTool import AppTool from AppGUI.GUIElements import OptionalInputSection, FCCheckBox, FCEntry, FCComboBox, FCTextAreaRich, \ FCDoubleSpinner, FCButton, FCInputDialog, FCTree from AppParsers.ParseFont import * from shapely.geometry import LineString, LinearRing, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union, linemerge import shapely.affinity as affinity from shapely.geometry.polygon import orient import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm as numpy_norm from rtree import index as rtindex from copy import deepcopy # from vispy.io import read_png import gettext import AppTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class BufferSelectionTool(AppTool): """ Simple input for buffer distance. """ toolName = "Buffer Selection" def __init__(self, app, draw_app): AppTool.__init__(self, app) self.draw_app = draw_app self.decimals = app.decimals # Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % ('Editor ' + self.toolName)) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(title_label) # this way I can hide/show the frame self.buffer_tool_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.buffer_tool_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout.addWidget(self.buffer_tool_frame) self.buffer_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.buffer_tool_frame.setLayout(self.buffer_tools_box) # Form Layout form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.addLayout(form_layout) # Buffer distance self.buffer_distance_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.buffer_distance_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.buffer_distance_entry.set_range(0.0000, 999999.9999) form_layout.addRow(_("Buffer distance:"), self.buffer_distance_entry) self.buffer_corner_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Buffer corner:")) self.buffer_corner_lbl.setToolTip( _("There are 3 types of corners:\n" " - 'Round': the corner is rounded for exterior buffer.\n" " - 'Square': the corner is met in a sharp angle for exterior buffer.\n" " - 'Beveled': the corner is a line that directly connects the features meeting in the corner") ) self.buffer_corner_cb = FCComboBox() self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Round")) self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Square")) self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Beveled")) form_layout.addRow(self.buffer_corner_lbl, self.buffer_corner_cb) # Buttons hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.addLayout(hlay) self.buffer_int_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Buffer Interior")) hlay.addWidget(self.buffer_int_button) self.buffer_ext_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Buffer Exterior")) hlay.addWidget(self.buffer_ext_button) hlay1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.addLayout(hlay1) self.buffer_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Full Buffer")) hlay1.addWidget(self.buffer_button) self.layout.addStretch() # Signals self.buffer_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer) self.buffer_int_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer_int) self.buffer_ext_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer_ext) # Init AppGUI self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(0.01) def run(self): self.app.defaults.report_usage("Geo Editor ToolBuffer()") AppTool.run(self) # if the splitter us hidden, display it if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Buffer Tool")) def on_buffer(self): try: buffer_distance = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buffer_distance) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (which is really an INT) join_style = self.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 self.draw_app.buffer(buffer_distance, join_style) def on_buffer_int(self): try: buffer_distance = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buffer_distance) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (which is really an INT) join_style = self.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 self.draw_app.buffer_int(buffer_distance, join_style) def on_buffer_ext(self): try: buffer_distance = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buffer_distance) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (which is really an INT) join_style = self.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 self.draw_app.buffer_ext(buffer_distance, join_style) def hide_tool(self): self.buffer_tool_frame.hide() self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.project_tab) class TextInputTool(AppTool): """ Simple input for buffer distance. """ toolName = "Text Input Tool" def __init__(self, app): AppTool.__init__(self, app) self.app = app self.text_path = [] self.decimals = self.app.decimals self.f_parse = ParseFont(self.app) self.f_parse.get_fonts_by_types() # this way I can hide/show the frame self.text_tool_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.text_tool_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout.addWidget(self.text_tool_frame) self.text_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.text_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.text_tool_frame.setLayout(self.text_tools_box) # Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % ('Editor ' + self.toolName)) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.text_tools_box.addWidget(title_label) # Form Layout self.form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.text_tools_box.addLayout(self.form_layout) # Font type if sys.platform == "win32": f_current = QtGui.QFont("Arial") elif sys.platform == "linux": f_current = QtGui.QFont("FreeMono") else: f_current = QtGui.QFont("Helvetica Neue") self.font_name = f_current.family() self.font_type_cb = QtWidgets.QFontComboBox(self) self.font_type_cb.setCurrentFont(f_current) self.form_layout.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Font")), self.font_type_cb) # Flag variables to show if font is bold, italic, both or none (regular) self.font_bold = False self.font_italic = False # # Create dictionaries with the filenames of the fonts # # Key: Fontname # # Value: Font File Name.ttf # # # regular fonts # self.ff_names_regular ={} # # bold fonts # self.ff_names_bold = {} # # italic fonts # self.ff_names_italic = {} # # bold and italic fonts # self.ff_names_bi = {} # # if sys.platform == 'win32': # from winreg import ConnectRegistry, OpenKey, EnumValue, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE # registry = ConnectRegistry(None, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) # font_key = OpenKey(registry, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts") # try: # i = 0 # while 1: # name_font, value, type = EnumValue(font_key, i) # k = name_font.replace(" (TrueType)", '') # if 'Bold' in k and 'Italic' in k: # k = k.replace(" Bold Italic", '') # self.ff_names_bi.update({k: value}) # elif 'Bold' in k: # k = k.replace(" Bold", '') # self.ff_names_bold.update({k: value}) # elif 'Italic' in k: # k = k.replace(" Italic", '') # self.ff_names_italic.update({k: value}) # else: # self.ff_names_regular.update({k: value}) # i += 1 # except WindowsError: # pass # Font size self.font_size_cb = FCComboBox() self.font_size_cb.setEditable(True) self.font_size_cb.setMinimumContentsLength(3) self.font_size_cb.setMaximumWidth(70) font_sizes = ['6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24', '26', '28', '32', '36', '40', '44', '48', '54', '60', '66', '72', '80', '88', '96'] for i in font_sizes: self.font_size_cb.addItem(i) self.font_size_cb.setCurrentIndex(4) hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hlay.addWidget(self.font_size_cb) hlay.addStretch() self.font_bold_tb = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.font_bold_tb.setCheckable(True) self.font_bold_tb.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/bold32.png')) hlay.addWidget(self.font_bold_tb) self.font_italic_tb = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.font_italic_tb.setCheckable(True) self.font_italic_tb.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/italic32.png')) hlay.addWidget(self.font_italic_tb) self.form_layout.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % "Size"), hlay) # Text input self.text_input_entry = FCTextAreaRich() self.text_input_entry.setTabStopWidth(12) self.text_input_entry.setMinimumHeight(200) # self.text_input_entry.setMaximumHeight(150) self.text_input_entry.setCurrentFont(f_current) self.text_input_entry.setFontPointSize(10) self.form_layout.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Text")), self.text_input_entry) # Buttons hlay1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.form_layout.addRow("", hlay1) hlay1.addStretch() self.apply_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Apply") hlay1.addWidget(self.apply_button) # self.layout.addStretch() # Signals self.apply_button.clicked.connect(self.on_apply_button) self.font_type_cb.currentFontChanged.connect(self.font_family) self.font_size_cb.activated.connect(self.font_size) self.font_bold_tb.clicked.connect(self.on_bold_button) self.font_italic_tb.clicked.connect(self.on_italic_button) def run(self): self.app.defaults.report_usage("Geo Editor TextInputTool()") AppTool.run(self) # if the splitter us hidden, display it if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Text Tool")) def on_apply_button(self): font_to_geo_type = "" if self.font_bold is True: font_to_geo_type = 'bold' elif self.font_italic is True: font_to_geo_type = 'italic' elif self.font_bold is True and self.font_italic is True: font_to_geo_type = 'bi' elif self.font_bold is False and self.font_italic is False: font_to_geo_type = 'regular' string_to_geo = self.text_input_entry.get_value() font_to_geo_size = self.font_size_cb.get_value() self.text_path = self.f_parse.font_to_geometry(char_string=string_to_geo, font_name=self.font_name, font_size=font_to_geo_size, font_type=font_to_geo_type, units=self.app.defaults['units'].upper()) def font_family(self, font): self.text_input_entry.selectAll() font.setPointSize(float(self.font_size_cb.get_value())) self.text_input_entry.setCurrentFont(font) self.font_name = self.font_type_cb.currentFont().family() def font_size(self): self.text_input_entry.selectAll() self.text_input_entry.setFontPointSize(float(self.font_size_cb.get_value())) def on_bold_button(self): if self.font_bold_tb.isChecked(): self.text_input_entry.selectAll() self.text_input_entry.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) self.font_bold = True else: self.text_input_entry.selectAll() self.text_input_entry.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Normal) self.font_bold = False def on_italic_button(self): if self.font_italic_tb.isChecked(): self.text_input_entry.selectAll() self.text_input_entry.setFontItalic(True) self.font_italic = True else: self.text_input_entry.selectAll() self.text_input_entry.setFontItalic(False) self.font_italic = False def hide_tool(self): self.text_tool_frame.hide() self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.selected_tab) # self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Tool")) class PaintOptionsTool(AppTool): """ Inputs to specify how to paint the selected polygons. """ toolName = "Paint Tool" def __init__(self, app, fcdraw): AppTool.__init__(self, app) self.app = app self.fcdraw = fcdraw self.decimals = self.app.decimals # Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % ('Editor ' + self.toolName)) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(title_label) grid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid) grid.setColumnStretch(0, 0) grid.setColumnStretch(1, 1) # Tool dia ptdlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tool dia')) ptdlabel.setToolTip( _("Diameter of the tool to be used in the operation.") ) grid.addWidget(ptdlabel, 0, 0) self.painttooldia_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.painttooldia_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.painttooldia_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) grid.addWidget(self.painttooldia_entry, 0, 1) # Overlap ovlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Overlap')) ovlabel.setToolTip( _("How much (percentage) of the tool width to overlap each tool pass.\n" "Adjust the value starting with lower values\n" "and increasing it if areas that should be painted are still \n" "not painted.\n" "Lower values = faster processing, faster execution on CNC.\n" "Higher values = slow processing and slow execution on CNC\n" "due of too many paths.") ) self.paintoverlap_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(suffix='%') self.paintoverlap_entry.set_range(0.0000, 99.9999) self.paintoverlap_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.paintoverlap_entry.setWrapping(True) self.paintoverlap_entry.setSingleStep(1) grid.addWidget(ovlabel, 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.paintoverlap_entry, 1, 1) # Margin marginlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Margin')) marginlabel.setToolTip( _("Distance by which to avoid\n" "the edges of the polygon to\n" "be painted.") ) self.paintmargin_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.paintmargin_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.paintmargin_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) grid.addWidget(marginlabel, 2, 0) grid.addWidget(self.paintmargin_entry, 2, 1) # Method methodlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Method')) methodlabel.setToolTip( _("Algorithm to paint the polygons:\n" "- Standard: Fixed step inwards.\n" "- Seed-based: Outwards from seed.\n" "- Line-based: Parallel lines.") ) # self.paintmethod_combo = RadioSet([ # {"label": _("Standard"), "value": "standard"}, # {"label": _("Seed-based"), "value": "seed"}, # {"label": _("Straight lines"), "value": "lines"} # ], orientation='vertical', stretch=False) self.paintmethod_combo = FCComboBox() self.paintmethod_combo.addItems( [_("Standard"), _("Seed"), _("Lines")] ) grid.addWidget(methodlabel, 3, 0) grid.addWidget(self.paintmethod_combo, 3, 1) # Connect lines pathconnectlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Connect:")) pathconnectlabel.setToolTip( _("Draw lines between resulting\n" "segments to minimize tool lifts.") ) self.pathconnect_cb = FCCheckBox() grid.addWidget(pathconnectlabel, 4, 0) grid.addWidget(self.pathconnect_cb, 4, 1) contourlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Contour:")) contourlabel.setToolTip( _("Cut around the perimeter of the polygon\n" "to trim rough edges.") ) self.paintcontour_cb = FCCheckBox() grid.addWidget(contourlabel, 5, 0) grid.addWidget(self.paintcontour_cb, 5, 1) # Buttons hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(hlay) self.paint_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Paint")) hlay.addWidget(self.paint_button) self.layout.addStretch() # Signals self.paint_button.clicked.connect(self.on_paint) self.set_tool_ui() def run(self): self.app.defaults.report_usage("Geo Editor ToolPaint()") AppTool.run(self) # if the splitter us hidden, display it if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Paint Tool")) def set_tool_ui(self): # Init AppGUI if self.app.defaults["tools_painttooldia"]: self.painttooldia_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_painttooldia"]) else: self.painttooldia_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_paintoverlap"]: self.paintoverlap_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_paintoverlap"]) else: self.paintoverlap_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_paintmargin"]: self.paintmargin_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_paintmargin"]) else: self.paintmargin_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_paintmethod"]: self.paintmethod_combo.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_paintmethod"]) else: self.paintmethod_combo.set_value(_("Seed")) if self.app.defaults["tools_pathconnect"]: self.pathconnect_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_pathconnect"]) else: self.pathconnect_cb.set_value(False) if self.app.defaults["tools_paintcontour"]: self.paintcontour_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_paintcontour"]) else: self.paintcontour_cb.set_value(False) def on_paint(self): if not self.fcdraw.selected: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Cancelled. No shape selected.")) return tooldia = self.painttooldia_entry.get_value() overlap = self.paintoverlap_entry.get_value() / 100.0 margin = self.paintmargin_entry.get_value() method = self.paintmethod_combo.get_value() contour = self.paintcontour_cb.get_value() connect = self.pathconnect_cb.get_value() self.fcdraw.paint(tooldia, overlap, margin, connect=connect, contour=contour, method=method) self.fcdraw.select_tool("select") self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Tools")) self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.project_tab) self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) class TransformEditorTool(AppTool): """ Inputs to specify how to paint the selected polygons. """ toolName = _("Transform Tool") rotateName = _("Rotate") skewName = _("Skew/Shear") scaleName = _("Scale") flipName = _("Mirror (Flip)") offsetName = _("Offset") def __init__(self, app, draw_app): AppTool.__init__(self, app) self.app = app self.draw_app = draw_app self.decimals = self.app.decimals self.transform_lay = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.transform_lay) # ## Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s %s" % (_('Editor'), str(self.toolName))) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.transform_lay.addWidget(title_label) self.empty_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label.setMinimumWidth(50) self.empty_label1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label1.setMinimumWidth(70) self.empty_label2 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label2.setMinimumWidth(70) self.empty_label3 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label3.setMinimumWidth(70) self.empty_label4 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label4.setMinimumWidth(70) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label) # Rotate Title rotate_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.rotateName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(rotate_title_label) # Layout form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form_layout) form_child = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.rotate_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Angle:")) self.rotate_label.setToolTip( _("Angle for Rotation action, in degrees.\n" "Float number between -360 and 359.\n" "Positive numbers for CW motion.\n" "Negative numbers for CCW motion.") ) self.rotate_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.rotate_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.rotate_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.rotate_entry.set_range(-360.0000, 360.0000) self.rotate_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.rotate_entry.setWrapping(True) self.rotate_button = FCButton() self.rotate_button.set_value(_("Rotate")) self.rotate_button.setToolTip( _("Rotate the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.") ) self.rotate_button.setFixedWidth(60) form_child.addWidget(self.rotate_entry) form_child.addWidget(self.rotate_button) form_layout.addRow(self.rotate_label, form_child) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label1) # Skew Title skew_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.skewName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(skew_title_label) # Form Layout form1_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form1_layout) form1_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() form1_child_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.skewx_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Angle X:")) self.skewx_label.setToolTip( _("Angle for Skew action, in degrees.\n" "Float number between -360 and 359.") ) self.skewx_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.skewx_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.skewx_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.skewx_entry.set_range(-360.0000, 360.0000) self.skewx_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.skewx_entry.setWrapping(True) self.skewx_button = FCButton() self.skewx_button.set_value(_("Skew X")) self.skewx_button.setToolTip( _("Skew/shear the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.")) self.skewx_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.skewy_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Angle Y:")) self.skewy_label.setToolTip( _("Angle for Skew action, in degrees.\n" "Float number between -360 and 359.") ) self.skewy_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.skewy_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.skewy_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.skewy_entry.set_range(-360.0000, 360.0000) self.skewy_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.skewy_entry.setWrapping(True) self.skewy_button = FCButton() self.skewy_button.set_value(_("Skew Y")) self.skewy_button.setToolTip( _("Skew/shear the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.")) self.skewy_button.setFixedWidth(60) form1_child_1.addWidget(self.skewx_entry) form1_child_1.addWidget(self.skewx_button) form1_child_2.addWidget(self.skewy_entry) form1_child_2.addWidget(self.skewy_button) form1_layout.addRow(self.skewx_label, form1_child_1) form1_layout.addRow(self.skewy_label, form1_child_2) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label2) # Scale Title scale_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.scaleName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(scale_title_label) # Form Layout form2_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form2_layout) form2_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() form2_child_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.scalex_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Factor X:")) self.scalex_label.setToolTip( _("Factor for Scale action over X axis.") ) self.scalex_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.scalex_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.scalex_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.scalex_entry.set_range(0.0000, 9999.9999) self.scalex_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.scalex_entry.setWrapping(True) self.scalex_button = FCButton() self.scalex_button.set_value(_("Scale X")) self.scalex_button.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference depends on \n" "the Scale reference checkbox state.")) self.scalex_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.scaley_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Factor Y:")) self.scaley_label.setToolTip( _("Factor for Scale action over Y axis.") ) self.scaley_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.scaley_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.scaley_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.scaley_entry.set_range(0.0000, 9999.9999) self.scaley_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.scaley_entry.setWrapping(True) self.scaley_button = FCButton() self.scaley_button.set_value(_("Scale Y")) self.scaley_button.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference depends on \n" "the Scale reference checkbox state.")) self.scaley_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.scale_link_cb = FCCheckBox() self.scale_link_cb.set_value(True) self.scale_link_cb.setText(_("Link")) self.scale_link_cb.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s)\n" "using the Scale Factor X for both axis.")) self.scale_link_cb.setFixedWidth(50) self.scale_zero_ref_cb = FCCheckBox() self.scale_zero_ref_cb.set_value(True) self.scale_zero_ref_cb.setText(_("Scale Reference")) self.scale_zero_ref_cb.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s)\n" "using the origin reference when checked,\n" "and the center of the biggest bounding box\n" "of the selected shapes when unchecked.")) form2_child_1.addWidget(self.scalex_entry) form2_child_1.addWidget(self.scalex_button) form2_child_2.addWidget(self.scaley_entry) form2_child_2.addWidget(self.scaley_button) form2_layout.addRow(self.scalex_label, form2_child_1) form2_layout.addRow(self.scaley_label, form2_child_2) form2_layout.addRow(self.scale_link_cb, self.scale_zero_ref_cb) self.ois_scale = OptionalInputSection(self.scale_link_cb, [self.scaley_entry, self.scaley_button], logic=False) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label3) # Offset Title offset_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.offsetName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(offset_title_label) # Form Layout form3_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form3_layout) form3_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() form3_child_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.offx_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Value X:")) self.offx_label.setToolTip( _("Value for Offset action on X axis.") ) self.offx_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.offx_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.offx_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.offx_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.offx_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.offx_entry.setWrapping(True) self.offx_button = FCButton() self.offx_button.set_value(_("Offset X")) self.offx_button.setToolTip( _("Offset the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.\n") ) self.offx_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.offy_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Value Y:")) self.offy_label.setToolTip( _("Value for Offset action on Y axis.") ) self.offy_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.offy_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.offy_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.offy_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.offy_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.offy_entry.setWrapping(True) self.offy_button = FCButton() self.offy_button.set_value(_("Offset Y")) self.offy_button.setToolTip( _("Offset the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.\n") ) self.offy_button.setFixedWidth(60) form3_child_1.addWidget(self.offx_entry) form3_child_1.addWidget(self.offx_button) form3_child_2.addWidget(self.offy_entry) form3_child_2.addWidget(self.offy_button) form3_layout.addRow(self.offx_label, form3_child_1) form3_layout.addRow(self.offy_label, form3_child_2) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label4) # Flip Title flip_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.flipName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(flip_title_label) # Form Layout form4_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() form4_child_hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form4_child_hlay) self.transform_lay.addLayout(form4_layout) form4_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.flipx_button = FCButton() self.flipx_button.set_value(_("Flip on X")) self.flipx_button.setToolTip( _("Flip the selected shape(s) over the X axis.\n" "Does not create a new shape.") ) self.flipy_button = FCButton() self.flipy_button.set_value(_("Flip on Y")) self.flipy_button.setToolTip( _("Flip the selected shape(s) over the X axis.\n" "Does not create a new shape.") ) self.flip_ref_cb = FCCheckBox() self.flip_ref_cb.set_value(True) self.flip_ref_cb.setText(_("Ref Pt")) self.flip_ref_cb.setToolTip( _("Flip the selected shape(s)\n" "around the point in Point Entry Field.\n" "\n" "The point coordinates can be captured by\n" "left click on canvas together with pressing\n" "SHIFT key. \n" "Then click Add button to insert coordinates.\n" "Or enter the coords in format (x, y) in the\n" "Point Entry field and click Flip on X(Y)") ) self.flip_ref_cb.setFixedWidth(50) self.flip_ref_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Point:")) self.flip_ref_label.setToolTip( _("Coordinates in format (x, y) used as reference for mirroring.\n" "The 'x' in (x, y) will be used when using Flip on X and\n" "the 'y' in (x, y) will be used when using Flip on Y.") ) self.flip_ref_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.flip_ref_entry = FCEntry("0, 0") self.flip_ref_button = FCButton() self.flip_ref_button.set_value(_("Add")) self.flip_ref_button.setToolTip( _("The point coordinates can be captured by\n" "left click on canvas together with pressing\n" "SHIFT key. Then click Add button to insert.") ) self.flip_ref_button.setFixedWidth(60) form4_child_hlay.addWidget(self.flipx_button) form4_child_hlay.addWidget(self.flipy_button) form4_child_1.addWidget(self.flip_ref_entry) form4_child_1.addWidget(self.flip_ref_button) form4_layout.addRow(self.flip_ref_cb) form4_layout.addRow(self.flip_ref_label, form4_child_1) self.ois_flip = OptionalInputSection(self.flip_ref_cb, [self.flip_ref_entry, self.flip_ref_button], logic=True) self.transform_lay.addStretch() # Signals self.rotate_button.clicked.connect(self.on_rotate) self.skewx_button.clicked.connect(self.on_skewx) self.skewy_button.clicked.connect(self.on_skewy) self.scalex_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scalex) self.scaley_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scaley) self.offx_button.clicked.connect(self.on_offx) self.offy_button.clicked.connect(self.on_offy) self.flipx_button.clicked.connect(self.on_flipx) self.flipy_button.clicked.connect(self.on_flipy) self.flip_ref_button.clicked.connect(self.on_flip_add_coords) self.rotate_entry.editingFinished.connect(self.on_rotate) self.skewx_entry.editingFinished.connect(self.on_skewx) self.skewy_entry.editingFinished.connect(self.on_skewy) self.scalex_entry.editingFinished.connect(self.on_scalex) self.scaley_entry.editingFinished.connect(self.on_scaley) self.offx_entry.editingFinished.connect(self.on_offx) self.offy_entry.editingFinished.connect(self.on_offy) self.set_tool_ui() def run(self): self.app.defaults.report_usage("Geo Editor Transform Tool()") AppTool.run(self) self.set_tool_ui() # if the splitter us hidden, display it if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Transform Tool")) def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): AppTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='Alt+T', **kwargs) def set_tool_ui(self): # Initialize form if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_rotate"]: self.rotate_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_rotate"]) else: self.rotate_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_skew_x"]: self.skewx_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_skew_x"]) else: self.skewx_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_skew_y"]: self.skewy_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_skew_y"]) else: self.skewy_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_x"]: self.scalex_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_x"]) else: self.scalex_entry.set_value(1.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_y"]: self.scaley_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_y"]) else: self.scaley_entry.set_value(1.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_link"]: self.scale_link_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_link"]) else: self.scale_link_cb.set_value(True) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_reference"]: self.scale_zero_ref_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_scale_reference"]) else: self.scale_zero_ref_cb.set_value(True) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_offset_x"]: self.offx_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_offset_x"]) else: self.offx_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_offset_y"]: self.offy_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_offset_y"]) else: self.offy_entry.set_value(0.0) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_mirror_reference"]: self.flip_ref_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_mirror_reference"]) else: self.flip_ref_cb.set_value(False) if self.app.defaults["tools_transform_mirror_point"]: self.flip_ref_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_transform_mirror_point"]) else: self.flip_ref_entry.set_value("0, 0") def template(self): if not self.draw_app.selected: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Cancelled. No shape selected.")) return self.draw_app.select_tool("select") self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, "Tools") self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.project_tab) self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) def on_rotate(self, sig=None, val=None): if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.rotate_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.rotate_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_rotate_action, 'params': [value]}) def on_flipx(self): # self.on_flip("Y") axis = 'Y' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_flip, 'params': [axis]}) return def on_flipy(self): # self.on_flip("X") axis = 'X' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_flip, 'params': [axis]}) return def on_flip_add_coords(self): val = self.app.clipboard.text() self.flip_ref_entry.set_value(val) def on_skewx(self, sig=None, val=None): """ Skew on X axis :param sig: Signal value sent by the signal that is connected to this slot :param val: Skew with a known value, val :return: """ if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.skewx_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.skewx_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return # self.on_skew("X", value) axis = 'X' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_skew, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_skewy(self, sig=None, val=None): """ Skew on Y axis :param sig: Signal value sent by the signal that is connected to this slot :param val: Skew with a known value, val :return: """ if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.skewy_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.skewy_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return # self.on_skew("Y", value) axis = 'Y' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_skew, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_scalex(self, sig=None, val=None): """ Scale on X axis :param sig: Signal value sent by the signal that is connected to this slot :param val: Scale with a known value, val :return: """ if val: xvalue = val else: try: xvalue = float(self.scalex_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: xvalue = float(self.scalex_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return # scaling to zero has no sense so we remove it, because scaling with 1 does nothing if xvalue == 0: xvalue = 1 if self.scale_link_cb.get_value(): yvalue = xvalue else: yvalue = 1 axis = 'X' point = (0, 0) if self.scale_zero_ref_cb.get_value(): self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue, point]}) # self.on_scale("X", xvalue, yvalue, point=(0,0)) else: # self.on_scale("X", xvalue, yvalue) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue]}) return def on_scaley(self, sig=None, val=None): """ Scale on Y axis :param sig: Signal value sent by the signal that is connected to this slot :param val: Scale with a known value, val :return: """ xvalue = 1 if val: yvalue = val else: try: yvalue = float(self.scaley_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: yvalue = float(self.scaley_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return # scaling to zero has no sense so we remove it, because scaling with 1 does nothing if yvalue == 0: yvalue = 1 axis = 'Y' point = (0, 0) if self.scale_zero_ref_cb.get_value(): self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue, point]}) else: self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue]}) return def on_offx(self, sig=None, val=None): """ Offset on X axis :param sig: Signal value sent by the signal that is connected to this slot :param val: Offset with a known value, val :return: """ if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.offx_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.offx_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return # self.on_offset("X", value) axis = 'X' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_offset, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_offy(self, sig=None, val=None): """ Offset on Y axis :param sig: Signal value sent by the signal that is connected to this slot :param val: Offset with a known value, val :return: """ if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.offy_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.offy_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return # self.on_offset("Y", value) axis = 'Y' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.on_offset, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_rotate_action(self, num): """ Rotate geometry :param num: Rotate with a known angle value, num :return: """ shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] xmaxlist = [] ymaxlist = [] if not shape_list: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("No shape selected. Please Select a shape to rotate!")) return else: with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Appying Rotate")): try: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) xmaxlist.append(xmax) ymaxlist.append(ymax) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) xmaximal = max(xmaxlist) ymaximal = max(ymaxlist) for sel_sha in shape_list: px = 0.5 * (xminimal + xmaximal) py = 0.5 * (yminimal + ymaximal) sel_sha.rotate(-num, point=(px, py)) self.draw_app.replot() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sel_sha.geo)) # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Rotate completed.")) except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Rotation action was not executed"), str(e))) return def on_flip(self, axis): """ Mirror (flip) geometry :param axis: Miror on a known axis given by the axis parameter :return: """ shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] xmaxlist = [] ymaxlist = [] if not shape_list: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("No shape selected. Please Select a shape to flip!")) return else: with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Applying Flip")): try: # get mirroring coords from the point entry if self.flip_ref_cb.isChecked(): px, py = eval('{}'.format(self.flip_ref_entry.text())) # get mirroring coords from the center of an all-enclosing bounding box else: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) xmaxlist.append(xmax) ymaxlist.append(ymax) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) xmaximal = max(xmaxlist) ymaximal = max(ymaxlist) px = 0.5 * (xminimal + xmaximal) py = 0.5 * (yminimal + ymaximal) # execute mirroring for sha in shape_list: if axis == 'X': sha.mirror('X', (px, py)) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Flip on the Y axis done')) elif axis == 'Y': sha.mirror('Y', (px, py)) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _('Flip on the X axis done')) self.draw_app.replot() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha.geo)) # # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit() except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Flip action was not executed"), str(e))) return def on_skew(self, axis, num): """ Skew geometry :param num: Rotate with a known angle value, num :param axis: Axis on which to deform, skew :return: """ shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] if not shape_list: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("No shape selected. Please Select a shape to shear/skew!")) return else: with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Applying Skew")): try: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) for sha in shape_list: if axis == 'X': sha.skew(num, 0, point=(xminimal, yminimal)) elif axis == 'Y': sha.skew(0, num, point=(xminimal, yminimal)) self.draw_app.replot() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha.geo)) # # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit() if axis == 'X': self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Skew on the X axis done')) else: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Skew on the Y axis done')) except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Skew action was not executed"), str(e))) return def on_scale(self, axis, xfactor, yfactor, point=None): """ Scale geometry :param axis: Axis on which to scale :param xfactor: Factor for scaling on X axis :param yfactor: Factor for scaling on Y axis :param point: Point of origin for scaling :return: """ shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] xmaxlist = [] ymaxlist = [] if not shape_list: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("No shape selected. Please Select a shape to scale!")) return else: with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Applying Scale")): try: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) xmaxlist.append(xmax) ymaxlist.append(ymax) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) xmaximal = max(xmaxlist) ymaximal = max(ymaxlist) if point is None: px = 0.5 * (xminimal + xmaximal) py = 0.5 * (yminimal + ymaximal) else: px = 0 py = 0 for sha in shape_list: sha.scale(xfactor, yfactor, point=(px, py)) self.draw_app.replot() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha.geo)) # # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit() if str(axis) == 'X': self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Scale on the X axis done')) else: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Scale on the Y axis done')) except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Scale action was not executed"), str(e))) return def on_offset(self, axis, num): """ Offset geometry :param axis: Axis on which to apply offset :param num: The translation factor :return: """ shape_list = self.draw_app.selected if not shape_list: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("No shape selected. Please Select a shape to offset!")) return else: with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Applying Offset")): try: for sha in shape_list: if axis == 'X': sha.offset((num, 0)) elif axis == 'Y': sha.offset((0, num)) self.draw_app.replot() if axis == 'X': self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Offset on the X axis done')) else: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Offset on the Y axis done')) except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Offset action was not executed"), str(e))) return def on_rotate_key(self): val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Rotate ..."), text='%s:' % _('Enter an Angle Value (degrees)'), min=-359.9999, max=360.0000, decimals=self.decimals, init_val=float(self.app.defaults['tools_transform_rotate'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/rotate.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_rotate(val=val) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Geometry shape rotate done")) return else: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Geometry shape rotate cancelled")) def on_offx_key(self): units = self.app.defaults['units'].lower() val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Offset on X axis ..."), text='%s: (%s)' % (_('Enter a distance Value'), str(units)), min=-9999.9999, max=10000.0000, decimals=self.decimals, init_val=float(self.app.defaults['tools_transform_offset_x'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/offsetx32.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_offx(val=val) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Geometry shape offset on X axis done")) return else: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Geometry shape offset X cancelled")) def on_offy_key(self): units = self.app.defaults['units'].lower() val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Offset on Y axis ..."), text='%s: (%s)' % (_('Enter a distance Value'), str(units)), min=-9999.9999, max=10000.0000, decimals=self.decimals, init_val=float(self.app.defaults['tools_transform_offset_y'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/offsety32.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_offx(val=val) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Geometry shape offset on Y axis done")) return else: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Geometry shape offset on Y axis canceled")) def on_skewx_key(self): val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Skew on X axis ..."), text='%s:' % _('Enter an Angle Value (degrees)'), min=-359.9999, max=360.0000, decimals=self.decimals, init_val=float(self.app.defaults['tools_transform_skew_x'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/skewX.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_skewx(val=val) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Geometry shape skew on X axis done")) return else: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Geometry shape skew on X axis canceled")) def on_skewy_key(self): val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Skew on Y axis ..."), text='%s:' % _('Enter an Angle Value (degrees)'), min=-359.9999, max=360.0000, decimals=self.decimals, init_val=float(self.app.defaults['tools_transform_skew_y'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/skewY.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_skewx(val=val) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Geometry shape skew on Y axis done")) return else: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Geometry shape skew on Y axis canceled")) class DrawToolShape(object): """ Encapsulates "shapes" under a common class. """ tolerance = None @staticmethod def get_pts(o): """ Returns a list of all points in the object, where the object can be a Polygon, Not a polygon, or a list of such. Search is done recursively. :param: geometric object :return: List of points :rtype: list """ pts = [] # Iterable: descend into each item. try: for subo in o: pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(subo) # Non-iterable except TypeError: if o is not None: # DrawToolShape: descend into .geo. if isinstance(o, DrawToolShape): pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(o.geo) # Descend into .exerior and .interiors elif type(o) == Polygon: pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(o.exterior) for i in o.interiors: pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(i) elif type(o) == MultiLineString: for line in o: pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(line) # Has .coords: list them. else: if DrawToolShape.tolerance is not None: pts += list(o.simplify(DrawToolShape.tolerance).coords) else: pts += list(o.coords) else: return return pts def __init__(self, geo=[]): # Shapely type or list of such self.geo = geo self.utility = False def get_all_points(self): return DrawToolShape.get_pts(self) def bounds(self): """ Returns coordinates of rectangular bounds of geometry: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ # fixed issue of getting bounds only for one level lists of objects # now it can get bounds for nested lists of objects def bounds_rec(shape_el): if type(shape_el) is list: minx = np.Inf miny = np.Inf maxx = -np.Inf maxy = -np.Inf for k in shape_el: minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k) minx = min(minx, minx_) miny = min(miny, miny_) maxx = max(maxx, maxx_) maxy = max(maxy, maxy_) return minx, miny, maxx, maxy else: # it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds return shape_el.bounds bounds_coords = bounds_rec(self.geo) return bounds_coords def mirror(self, axis, point): """ Mirrors the shape around a specified axis passing through the given point. :param axis: "X" or "Y" indicates around which axis to mirror. :type axis: str :param point: [x, y] point belonging to the mirror axis. :type point: list :return: None """ px, py = point xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis] def mirror_geom(shape_el): if type(shape_el) is list: new_obj = [] for g in shape_el: new_obj.append(mirror_geom(g)) return new_obj else: return affinity.scale(shape_el, xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py)) try: self.geo = mirror_geom(self.geo) except AttributeError: log.debug("DrawToolShape.mirror() --> Failed to mirror. No shape selected") def rotate(self, angle, point): """ Rotate a shape by an angle (in degrees) around the provided coordinates. The angle of rotation are specified in degrees (default). Positive angles are counter-clockwise and negative are clockwise rotations. The point of origin can be a keyword 'center' for the bounding box center (default), 'centroid' for the geometry's centroid, a Point object or a coordinate tuple (x0, y0). See shapely manual for more information: http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#affine-transformations :param angle: The angle of rotation :param point: The point of origin :return: None """ px, py = point def rotate_geom(shape_el): if type(shape_el) is list: new_obj = [] for g in shape_el: new_obj.append(rotate_geom(g)) return new_obj else: return affinity.rotate(shape_el, angle, origin=(px, py)) try: self.geo = rotate_geom(self.geo) except AttributeError: log.debug("DrawToolShape.rotate() --> Failed to rotate. No shape selected") def skew(self, angle_x, angle_y, point): """ Shear/Skew a shape by angles along x and y dimensions. angle_x, angle_y : float, float The shear angle(s) for the x and y axes respectively. These can be specified in either degrees (default) or radians by setting use_radians=True. See shapely manual for more information: http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#affine-transformations :param angle_x: :param angle_y: :param point: tuple of coordinates (x,y) :return: """ px, py = point def skew_geom(shape_el): if type(shape_el) is list: new_obj = [] for g in shape_el: new_obj.append(skew_geom(g)) return new_obj else: return affinity.skew(shape_el, angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py)) try: self.geo = skew_geom(self.geo) except AttributeError: log.debug("DrawToolShape.skew() --> Failed to skew. No shape selected") def offset(self, vect): """ Offsets all shapes by a given vector :param vect: (x, y) vector by which to offset the shape geometry :type vect: tuple :return: None :rtype: None """ try: dx, dy = vect except TypeError: log.debug("DrawToolShape.offset() --> An (x,y) pair of values are needed. " "Probable you entered only one value in the Offset field.") return def translate_recursion(geom): if type(geom) == list: geoms = [] for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(translate_recursion(local_geom)) return geoms else: return affinity.translate(geom, xoff=dx, yoff=dy) try: self.geo = translate_recursion(self.geo) except AttributeError: log.debug("DrawToolShape.offset() --> Failed to offset. No shape selected") def scale(self, xfactor, yfactor=None, point=None): """ Scales all shape geometry by a given factor. :param xfactor: Factor by which to scale the shape's geometry/ :type xfactor: float :param yfactor: Factor by which to scale the shape's geometry/ :type yfactor: float :param point: Point of origin; tuple :return: None :rtype: None """ try: xfactor = float(xfactor) except Exception: log.debug("DrawToolShape.offset() --> Scale factor has to be a number: integer or float.") return if yfactor is None: yfactor = xfactor else: try: yfactor = float(yfactor) except Exception: log.debug("DrawToolShape.offset() --> Scale factor has to be a number: integer or float.") return if point is None: px = 0 py = 0 else: px, py = point def scale_recursion(geom): if type(geom) == list: geoms = [] for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(scale_recursion(local_geom)) return geoms else: return affinity.scale(geom, xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py)) try: self.geo = scale_recursion(self.geo) except AttributeError: log.debug("DrawToolShape.scale() --> Failed to scale. No shape selected") class DrawToolUtilityShape(DrawToolShape): """ Utility shapes are temporary geometry in the editor to assist in the creation of shapes. For example it will show the outline of a rectangle from the first point to the current mouse pointer before the second point is clicked and the final geometry is created. """ def __init__(self, geo=[]): super(DrawToolUtilityShape, self).__init__(geo=geo) self.utility = True class DrawTool(object): """ Abstract Class representing a tool in the drawing program. Can generate geometry, including temporary utility geometry that is updated on user clicks and mouse motion. """ def __init__(self, draw_app): self.draw_app = draw_app self.complete = False self.points = [] self.geometry = None # DrawToolShape or None def click(self, point): """ :param point: [x, y] Coordinate pair. """ return "" def click_release(self, point): """ :param point: [x, y] Coordinate pair. """ return "" def on_key(self, key): # Jump to coords if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_J or key == 'J': self.draw_app.app.on_jump_to() return def utility_geometry(self, data=None): return None def bounds(self, obj): def bounds_rec(o): if type(o) is list: minx = np.Inf miny = np.Inf maxx = -np.Inf maxy = -np.Inf for k in o: try: minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k) except Exception as e: log.debug("camlib.Gerber.bounds() --> %s" % str(e)) return minx = min(minx, minx_) miny = min(miny, miny_) maxx = max(maxx, maxx_) maxy = max(maxy, maxy_) return minx, miny, maxx, maxy else: # it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds return o.geo.bounds bounds_coords = bounds_rec(obj) return bounds_coords class FCShapeTool(DrawTool): """ Abstract class for tools that create a shape. """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = None def make(self): pass class FCCircle(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'circle' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor(QtGui.QPixmap(self.draw_app.app.resource_location + '/aero_circle_geo.png')) QtGui.QGuiApplication.setOverrideCursor(self.cursor) self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Center point ...")) self.steps_per_circ = self.draw_app.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"] def click(self, point): try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) == 1: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Perimeter point to complete ...")) return "Click on perimeter to complete ..." if len(self.points) == 2: self.make() return "Done." return "" def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: p1 = self.points[0] p2 = data radius = np.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) return DrawToolUtilityShape(Point(p1).buffer(radius, int(self.steps_per_circ / 4))) return None def make(self): try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass p1 = self.points[0] p2 = self.points[1] radius = distance(p1, p2) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(Point(p1).buffer(radius, int(self.steps_per_circ / 4))) self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Adding Circle completed.")) def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCArc(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'arc' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor(QtGui.QPixmap(self.draw_app.app.resource_location + '/aero_arc.png')) QtGui.QGuiApplication.setOverrideCursor(self.cursor) self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Center point ...")) # Direction of rotation between point 1 and 2. # 'cw' or 'ccw'. Switch direction by hitting the # 'o' key. self.direction = "cw" # Mode # C12 = Center, p1, p2 # 12C = p1, p2, Center # 132 = p1, p3, p2 self.mode = "c12" # Center, p1, p2 self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.steps_per_circ = self.draw_app.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"] def click(self, point): try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) == 1: if self.mode == 'c12': self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Start point ...")) elif self.mode == '132': self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Point3 ...")) else: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Stop point ...")) return "Click on 1st point ..." if len(self.points) == 2: if self.mode == 'c12': self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Stop point to complete ...")) elif self.mode == '132': self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Point2 to complete ...")) else: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on Center point to complete ...")) return "Click on 2nd point to complete ..." if len(self.points) == 3: self.make() return "Done." return "" def on_key(self, key): if key == 'D' or key == QtCore.Qt.Key_D: self.direction = 'cw' if self.direction == 'ccw' else 'ccw' return _('Direction: %s') % self.direction.upper() # Jump to coords if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_J or key == 'J': self.draw_app.app.on_jump_to() if key == 'M' or key == QtCore.Qt.Key_M: # delete the possible points made before this action; we want to start anew self.points[:] = [] # and delete the utility geometry made up until this point self.draw_app.delete_utility_geometry() if self.mode == 'c12': self.mode = '12c' return _('Mode: Start -> Stop -> Center. Click on Start point ...') elif self.mode == '12c': self.mode = '132' return _('Mode: Point1 -> Point3 -> Point2. Click on Point1 ...') else: self.mode = 'c12' return _('Mode: Center -> Start -> Stop. Click on Center point ...') def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: # Show the radius center = self.points[0] p1 = data return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString([center, p1])) if len(self.points) == 2: # Show the arc if self.mode == 'c12': center = self.points[0] p1 = self.points[1] p2 = data radius = np.sqrt((center[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (center[1] - p1[1]) ** 2) startangle = np.arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = np.arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) return DrawToolUtilityShape([LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ)), Point(center)]) elif self.mode == '132': p1 = np.array(self.points[0]) p3 = np.array(self.points[1]) p2 = np.array(data) try: center, radius, t = three_point_circle(p1, p2, p3) except TypeError: return direction = 'cw' if np.sign(t) > 0 else 'ccw' startangle = np.arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = np.arctan2(p3[1] - center[1], p3[0] - center[0]) return DrawToolUtilityShape([LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, direction, self.steps_per_circ)), Point(center), Point(p1), Point(p3)]) else: # '12c' p1 = np.array(self.points[0]) p2 = np.array(self.points[1]) # Midpoint a = (p1 + p2) / 2.0 # Parallel vector c = p2 - p1 # Perpendicular vector b = np.dot(c, np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.float32)) b /= numpy_norm(b) # Distance t = distance(data, a) # Which side? Cross product with c. # cross(M-A, B-A), where line is AB and M is test point. side = (data[0] - p1[0]) * c[1] - (data[1] - p1[1]) * c[0] t *= np.sign(side) # Center = a + bt center = a + b * t radius = numpy_norm(center - p1) startangle = np.arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = np.arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) return DrawToolUtilityShape([LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ)), Point(center)]) return None def make(self): if self.mode == 'c12': center = self.points[0] p1 = self.points[1] p2 = self.points[2] radius = distance(center, p1) startangle = np.arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = np.arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ))) elif self.mode == '132': p1 = np.array(self.points[0]) p3 = np.array(self.points[1]) p2 = np.array(self.points[2]) center, radius, t = three_point_circle(p1, p2, p3) direction = 'cw' if np.sign(t) > 0 else 'ccw' startangle = np.arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = np.arctan2(p3[1] - center[1], p3[0] - center[0]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, direction, self.steps_per_circ))) else: # self.mode == '12c' p1 = np.array(self.points[0]) p2 = np.array(self.points[1]) pc = np.array(self.points[2]) # Midpoint a = (p1 + p2) / 2.0 # Parallel vector c = p2 - p1 # Perpendicular vector b = np.dot(c, np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.float32)) b /= numpy_norm(b) # Distance t = distance(pc, a) # Which side? Cross product with c. # cross(M-A, B-A), where line is AB and M is test point. side = (pc[0] - p1[0]) * c[1] - (pc[1] - p1[1]) * c[0] t *= np.sign(side) # Center = a + bt center = a + b * t radius = numpy_norm(center - p1) startangle = np.arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = np.arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ))) self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Arc completed.")) def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCRectangle(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'rectangle' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor(QtGui.QPixmap(self.draw_app.app.resource_location + '/aero.png')) QtGui.QGuiApplication.setOverrideCursor(self.cursor) self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on 1st corner ...")) def click(self, point): try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) == 1: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on opposite corner to complete ...")) return "Click on opposite corner to complete ..." if len(self.points) == 2: self.make() return "Done." return "" def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: p1 = self.points[0] p2 = data return DrawToolUtilityShape(LinearRing([p1, (p2[0], p1[1]), p2, (p1[0], p2[1])])) return None def make(self): try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass p1 = self.points[0] p2 = self.points[1] # self.geometry = LinearRing([p1, (p2[0], p1[1]), p2, (p1[0], p2[1])]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(Polygon([p1, (p2[0], p1[1]), p2, (p1[0], p2[1])])) self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Rectangle completed.")) def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCPolygon(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'polygon' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor(QtGui.QPixmap(self.draw_app.app.resource_location + '/aero.png')) QtGui.QGuiApplication.setOverrideCursor(self.cursor) self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on 1st corner ...")) def click(self, point): try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) self.draw_app.in_action = True self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) > 0: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on next Point or click right mouse button to complete ...")) return "Click on next point or hit ENTER to complete ..." return "" def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString(temp_points)) if len(self.points) > 1: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LinearRing(temp_points)) return None def make(self): try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass # self.geometry = LinearRing(self.points) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(Polygon(self.points)) self.draw_app.in_action = False self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Polygon completed.")) def on_key(self, key): # Jump to coords if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_J or key == 'J': self.draw_app.app.on_jump_to() if key == 'Backspace' or key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace: if len(self.points) > 0: self.points = self.points[0:-1] # Remove any previous utility shape self.draw_app.tool_shape.clear(update=False) geo = self.utility_geometry(data=(self.draw_app.snap_x, self.draw_app.snap_y)) self.draw_app.draw_utility_geometry(geo=geo) return _("Backtracked one point ...") def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCPath(FCPolygon): """ Resulting type: LineString """ def __init__(self, draw_app): FCPolygon.__init__(self, draw_app) self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor(QtGui.QPixmap(self.draw_app.app.resource_location + '/aero_path5.png')) QtGui.QGuiApplication.setOverrideCursor(self.cursor) self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) def make(self): self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(self.points)) self.name = 'path' try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception as e: pass self.draw_app.in_action = False self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Path completed.")) def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) > 0: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString(temp_points)) return None def on_key(self, key): # Jump to coords if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_J or key == 'J': self.draw_app.app.on_jump_to() if key == 'Backspace' or key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace: if len(self.points) > 0: self.points = self.points[0:-1] # Remove any previous utility shape self.draw_app.tool_shape.clear(update=False) geo = self.utility_geometry(data=(self.draw_app.snap_x, self.draw_app.snap_y)) self.draw_app.draw_utility_geometry(geo=geo) return _("Backtracked one point ...") def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCSelect(DrawTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'select' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.storage = self.draw_app.storage # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer # self.selected = self.draw_app.selected def click_release(self, point): """ :param point: The point for which to find the neasrest shape :return: """ # list where we store the overlapped shapes under our mouse left click position over_shape_list = [] # pos[0] and pos[1] are the mouse click coordinates (x, y) for ____ in self.storage.get_objects(): # first method of click selection -> inconvenient # minx, miny, maxx, maxy = obj_shape.geo.bounds # if (minx <= pos[0] <= maxx) and (miny <= pos[1] <= maxy): # over_shape_list.append(obj_shape) # second method of click selection -> slow # outside = obj_shape.geo.buffer(0.1) # inside = obj_shape.geo.buffer(-0.1) # shape_band = outside.difference(inside) # if Point(pos).within(shape_band): # over_shape_list.append(obj_shape) # 3rd method of click selection -> inconvenient try: __, closest_shape = self.storage.nearest(point) except StopIteration: return "" over_shape_list.append(closest_shape) try: # if there is no shape under our click then deselect all shapes # it will not work for 3rd method of click selection if not over_shape_list: self.draw_app.selected = [] FlatCAMGeoEditor.draw_shape_idx = -1 else: # if there are shapes under our click then advance through the list of them, one at the time in a # circular way FlatCAMGeoEditor.draw_shape_idx = (FlatCAMGeoEditor.draw_shape_idx + 1) % len(over_shape_list) obj_to_add = over_shape_list[int(FlatCAMGeoEditor.draw_shape_idx)] key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if key_modifier == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier: mod_key = 'Shift' elif key_modifier == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: mod_key = 'Control' else: mod_key = None if mod_key == self.draw_app.app.defaults["global_mselect_key"]: # if modifier key is pressed then we add to the selected list the current shape but if it's already # in the selected list, we removed it. Therefore first click selects, second deselects. if obj_to_add in self.draw_app.selected: self.draw_app.selected.remove(obj_to_add) else: self.draw_app.selected.append(obj_to_add) else: self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.selected.append(obj_to_add) except Exception as e: log.error("[ERROR] FlatCAMGeoEditor.FCSelect.click_release() -> Something went bad. %s" % str(e)) # if selection is done on canvas update the Tree in Selected Tab with the selection try: self.draw_app.tw.itemSelectionChanged.disconnect(self.draw_app.on_tree_selection_change) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass self.draw_app.tw.selectionModel().clearSelection() for sel_shape in self.draw_app.selected: iterator = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self.draw_app.tw) while iterator.value(): item = iterator.value() try: if int(item.text(1)) == id(sel_shape): item.setSelected(True) except ValueError: pass iterator += 1 self.draw_app.tw.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.draw_app.on_tree_selection_change) return "" def clean_up(self): pass class FCExplode(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'explode' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.storage = self.draw_app.storage self.origin = (0, 0) self.destination = None self.draw_app.active_tool = self if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s...' % _("No shape selected. Select a shape to explode")) else: self.make() def make(self): to_be_deleted_list = [] lines = [] for shape in self.draw_app.get_selected(): to_be_deleted_list.append(shape) geo = shape.geo ext_coords = list(geo.exterior.coords) for c in range(len(ext_coords)): if c < len(ext_coords) - 1: lines.append(LineString([ext_coords[c], ext_coords[c + 1]])) for int_geo in geo.interiors: int_coords = list(int_geo.coords) for c in range(len(int_coords)): if c < len(int_coords): lines.append(LineString([int_coords[c], int_coords[c + 1]])) for shape in to_be_deleted_list: self.draw_app.storage.remove(shape) if shape in self.draw_app.selected: self.draw_app.selected.remove(shape) geo_list = [] for line in lines: geo_list.append(DrawToolShape(line)) self.geometry = geo_list self.draw_app.on_shape_complete() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Done. Polygons exploded into lines.")) def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCMove(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'move' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.storage = self.draw_app.storage self.origin = None self.destination = None self.sel_limit = self.draw_app.app.defaults["geometry_editor_sel_limit"] self.selection_shape = self.selection_bbox() if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s...' % _("MOVE: No shape selected. Select a shape to move")) return else: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_(" MOVE: Click on reference point ...")) self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) def set_origin(self, origin): self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_(" Click on destination point ...")) self.origin = origin def click(self, point): try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: # self.complete = True # self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("[WARNING_NOTCL] Move cancelled. No shape selected.")) self.select_shapes(point) self.draw_app.replot() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_(" MOVE: Click on reference point ...")) return if self.origin is None: self.set_origin(point) self.selection_shape = self.selection_bbox() return "Click on final location." else: self.destination = point self.make() # self.draw_app.app.worker_task.emit(({'fcn': self.make, # 'params': []})) return "Done." def make(self): with self.draw_app.app.proc_container.new("Moving Geometry ..."): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] self.geometry = [DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected()] # Delete old self.draw_app.delete_selected() self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Geometry(s) Move completed.")) try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except TypeError: pass def selection_bbox(self): geo_list = [] for select_shape in self.draw_app.get_selected(): geometric_data = select_shape.geo try: for g in geometric_data: geo_list.append(g) except TypeError: geo_list.append(geometric_data) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = get_shapely_list_bounds(geo_list) pt1 = (xmin, ymin) pt2 = (xmax, ymin) pt3 = (xmax, ymax) pt4 = (xmin, ymax) return Polygon([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4]) def utility_geometry(self, data=None): """ Temporary geometry on screen while using this tool. :param data: :return: """ geo_list = [] if self.origin is None: return None if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return None dx = data[0] - self.origin[0] dy = data[1] - self.origin[1] if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) <= self.sel_limit: try: for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected(): geo_list.append(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) except AttributeError: self.draw_app.select_tool('select') self.draw_app.selected = [] return return DrawToolUtilityShape(geo_list) else: try: ss_el = affinity.translate(self.selection_shape, xoff=dx, yoff=dy) except ValueError: ss_el = None return DrawToolUtilityShape(ss_el) def select_shapes(self, pos): # list where we store the overlapped shapes under our mouse left click position over_shape_list = [] try: _, closest_shape = self.storage.nearest(pos) except StopIteration: return "" over_shape_list.append(closest_shape) try: # if there is no shape under our click then deselect all shapes # it will not work for 3rd method of click selection if not over_shape_list: self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.draw_shape_idx = -1 else: # if there are shapes under our click then advance through the list of them, one at the time in a # circular way self.draw_app.draw_shape_idx = (FlatCAMGeoEditor.draw_shape_idx + 1) % len(over_shape_list) try: obj_to_add = over_shape_list[int(FlatCAMGeoEditor.draw_shape_idx)] except IndexError: return key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if self.draw_app.app.defaults["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control': # if CONTROL key is pressed then we add to the selected list the current shape but if it's # already in the selected list, we removed it. Therefore first click selects, second deselects. if key_modifier == Qt.ControlModifier: if obj_to_add in self.draw_app.selected: self.draw_app.selected.remove(obj_to_add) else: self.draw_app.selected.append(obj_to_add) else: self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.selected.append(obj_to_add) else: if key_modifier == Qt.ShiftModifier: if obj_to_add in self.draw_app.selected: self.draw_app.selected.remove(obj_to_add) else: self.draw_app.selected.append(obj_to_add) else: self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.selected.append(obj_to_add) except Exception as e: log.error("[ERROR] Something went bad. %s" % str(e)) raise def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCCopy(FCMove): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCMove.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'copy' def make(self): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] self.geometry = [DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected()] self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Geometry(s) Copy completed.")) try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCText(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'text' self.draw_app = draw_app try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor(QtGui.QPixmap(self.draw_app.app.resource_location + '/aero_text.png')) QtGui.QGuiApplication.setOverrideCursor(self.cursor) self.app = draw_app.app self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click on 1st point ...")) self.origin = (0, 0) self.text_gui = TextInputTool(app=self.app) self.text_gui.run() self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) def click(self, point): try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) # Create new geometry dx = point[0] dy = point[1] if self.text_gui.text_path: try: self.geometry = DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(self.text_gui.text_path, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) except Exception as e: log.debug("Font geometry is empty or incorrect: %s" % str(e)) self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s: %s' % (_("Font not supported. Only Regular, Bold, Italic and BoldItalic are " "supported. Error"), str(e))) self.text_gui.text_path = [] self.text_gui.hide_tool() self.draw_app.select_tool('select') self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() return else: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("No text to add.")) try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass return self.text_gui.text_path = [] self.text_gui.hide_tool() self.complete = True self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success]%s' % _(" Done. Adding Text completed.")) def utility_geometry(self, data=None): """ Temporary geometry on screen while using this tool. :param data: mouse position coords :return: """ dx = data[0] - self.origin[0] dy = data[1] - self.origin[1] try: return DrawToolUtilityShape(affinity.translate(self.text_gui.text_path, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) except Exception: return def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCBuffer(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'buffer' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.draw_app = draw_app self.app = draw_app.app self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Create buffer geometry ...")) self.origin = (0, 0) self.buff_tool = BufferSelectionTool(self.app, self.draw_app) self.buff_tool.run() self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Buffer Tool")) if self.draw_app.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.draw_app.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) self.activate() def on_buffer(self): if not self.draw_app.selected: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Cancelled. No shape selected.")) return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buffer_distance) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (whcih is really an INT) join_style = self.buff_tool.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 ret_val = self.draw_app.buffer(buffer_distance, join_style) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Tools")) self.draw_app.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) self.disactivate() if ret_val == 'fail': return self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Buffer Tool completed.")) def on_buffer_int(self): if not self.draw_app.selected: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Cancelled. No shape selected.")) return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buffer_distance) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (whcih is really an INT) join_style = self.buff_tool.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 ret_val = self.draw_app.buffer_int(buffer_distance, join_style) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Tools")) self.draw_app.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) self.disactivate() if ret_val == 'fail': return self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Buffer Int Tool completed.")) def on_buffer_ext(self): if not self.draw_app.selected: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Cancelled. No shape selected.")) return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buffer_distance) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (whcih is really an INT) join_style = self.buff_tool.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 ret_val = self.draw_app.buffer_ext(buffer_distance, join_style) self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Tools")) self.draw_app.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) self.disactivate() if ret_val == 'fail': return self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Buffer Ext Tool completed.")) def activate(self): self.buff_tool.buffer_button.clicked.disconnect() self.buff_tool.buffer_int_button.clicked.disconnect() self.buff_tool.buffer_ext_button.clicked.disconnect() self.buff_tool.buffer_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer) self.buff_tool.buffer_int_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer_int) self.buff_tool.buffer_ext_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer_ext) def disactivate(self): self.buff_tool.buffer_button.clicked.disconnect() self.buff_tool.buffer_int_button.clicked.disconnect() self.buff_tool.buffer_ext_button.clicked.disconnect() self.buff_tool.buffer_button.clicked.connect(self.buff_tool.on_buffer) self.buff_tool.buffer_int_button.clicked.connect(self.buff_tool.on_buffer_int) self.buff_tool.buffer_ext_button.clicked.connect(self.buff_tool.on_buffer_ext) self.complete = True self.draw_app.select_tool("select") self.buff_tool.hide_tool() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCEraser(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'eraser' self.draw_app = draw_app self.origin = None self.destination = None if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: if self.draw_app.launched_from_shortcuts is True: self.draw_app.launched_from_shortcuts = False self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Select a shape to act as deletion area ...")) else: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click to pick-up the erase shape...")) self.geometry = [] self.storage = self.draw_app.storage # Switch notebook to Selected page self.draw_app.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.draw_app.app.ui.selected_tab) self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) def set_origin(self, origin): self.origin = origin def click(self, point): try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.connect(lambda x: self.draw_app.update_utility_geometry(data=x)) if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: for ____ in self.storage.get_objects(): try: __, closest_shape = self.storage.nearest(point) self.draw_app.selected.append(closest_shape) except StopIteration: if len(self.draw_app.selected) > 0: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click to pick-up the erase shape...")) return "" if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return "Nothing to ersase." else: self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click to pick-up the erase shape...")) if self.origin is None: self.set_origin(point) self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Click to erase ...")) return else: self.destination = point self.make() # self.draw_app.select_tool("select") return def make(self): eraser_sel_shapes = [] # create the eraser shape from selection for eraser_shape in self.utility_geometry(data=self.destination).geo: temp_shape = eraser_shape.buffer(0.0000001) temp_shape = Polygon(temp_shape.exterior) eraser_sel_shapes.append(temp_shape) eraser_sel_shapes = cascaded_union(eraser_sel_shapes) for obj_shape in self.storage.get_objects(): try: geometric_data = obj_shape.geo if eraser_sel_shapes.intersects(geometric_data): obj_shape.geo = geometric_data.difference(eraser_sel_shapes) except KeyError: pass self.draw_app.delete_utility_geometry() self.draw_app.plot_all() self.draw_app.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done. Eraser tool action completed.")) try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass def utility_geometry(self, data=None): """ Temporary geometry on screen while using this tool. :param data: :return: """ geo_list = [] if self.origin is None: return None if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return None dx = data[0] - self.origin[0] dy = data[1] - self.origin[1] try: for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected(): geo_list.append(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) except AttributeError: self.draw_app.select_tool('select') self.draw_app.selected = [] return return DrawToolUtilityShape(geo_list) def clean_up(self): self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.plot_all() try: self.draw_app.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass class FCPaint(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'paint' self.draw_app = draw_app self.app = draw_app.app self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Create Paint geometry ...")) self.origin = (0, 0) self.draw_app.paint_tool.run() class FCTransform(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.name = 'transformation' self.draw_app = draw_app self.app = draw_app.app self.draw_app.app.inform.emit(_("Shape transformations ...")) self.origin = (0, 0) self.draw_app.transform_tool.run() # ############################################### # ################ Main Application ############# # ############################################### class FlatCAMGeoEditor(QtCore.QObject): # will emit the name of the object that was just selected item_selected = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) transform_complete = QtCore.pyqtSignal() draw_shape_idx = -1 def __init__(self, app, disabled=False): # assert isinstance(app, FlatCAMApp.App), \ # "Expected the app to be a FlatCAMApp.App, got %s" % type(app) super(FlatCAMGeoEditor, self).__init__() self.app = app self.canvas = app.plotcanvas self.decimals = app.decimals self.geo_edit_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() # ## Box for custom widgets # This gets populated in offspring implementations. layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.geo_edit_widget.setLayout(layout) # add a frame and inside add a vertical box layout. Inside this vbox layout I add all the Drills widgets # this way I can hide/show the frame self.geo_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.geo_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.geo_frame) self.tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.geo_frame.setLayout(self.tools_box) if disabled: self.geo_frame.setDisabled(True) # ## Page Title box (spacing between children) self.title_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.tools_box.addLayout(self.title_box) # ## Page Title icon pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.app.resource_location + '/flatcam_icon32.png') self.icon = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.icon.setPixmap(pixmap) self.title_box.addWidget(self.icon, stretch=0) # ## Title label self.title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('Geometry Editor')) self.title_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.title_box.addWidget(self.title_label, stretch=1) self.title_box.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('')) self.tw = FCTree(columns=3, header_hidden=False, protected_column=[0, 1], extended_sel=True) self.tw.setHeaderLabels(["ID", _("Type"), _("Name")]) self.tw.setIndentation(0) self.tw.header().setStretchLastSection(True) self.tw.header().setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.tools_box.addWidget(self.tw) self.geo_font = QtGui.QFont() self.geo_font.setBold(True) self.geo_parent = self.tw.invisibleRootItem() # ## Toolbar events and properties self.tools = { "select": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_select_btn, "constructor": FCSelect}, "arc": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_arc_btn, "constructor": FCArc}, "circle": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_circle_btn, "constructor": FCCircle}, "path": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_path_btn, "constructor": FCPath}, "rectangle": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_rectangle_btn, "constructor": FCRectangle}, "polygon": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_polygon_btn, "constructor": FCPolygon}, "text": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_text_btn, "constructor": FCText}, "buffer": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_buffer_btn, "constructor": FCBuffer}, "paint": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_add_paint_btn, "constructor": FCPaint}, "eraser": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_eraser_btn, "constructor": FCEraser}, "move": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_move_btn, "constructor": FCMove}, "transform": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_transform_btn, "constructor": FCTransform}, "copy": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_copy_btn, "constructor": FCCopy}, "explode": {"button": self.app.ui.geo_explode_btn, "constructor": FCExplode} } # # ## Data self.active_tool = None self.storage = FlatCAMGeoEditor.make_storage() self.utility = [] # VisPy visuals self.fcgeometry = None if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.shapes = self.app.plotcanvas.new_shape_collection(layers=1) self.tool_shape = self.app.plotcanvas.new_shape_collection(layers=1) else: from AppGUI.PlotCanvasLegacy import ShapeCollectionLegacy self.shapes = ShapeCollectionLegacy(obj=self, app=self.app, name='shapes_geo_editor') self.tool_shape = ShapeCollectionLegacy(obj=self, app=self.app, name='tool_shapes_geo_editor') self.app.pool_recreated.connect(self.pool_recreated) # Remove from scene self.shapes.enabled = False self.tool_shape.enabled = False # List of selected shapes. self.selected = [] self.flat_geo = [] self.move_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.move_timer.setSingleShot(True) # this var will store the state of the toolbar before starting the editor self.toolbar_old_state = False self.key = None # Currently pressed key self.geo_key_modifiers = None self.x = None # Current mouse cursor pos self.y = None # if we edit a multigeo geometry store here the tool number self.multigeo_tool = None # Current snapped mouse pos self.snap_x = None self.snap_y = None self.pos = None # signal that there is an action active like polygon or path self.in_action = False self.units = None # this will flag if the Editor "tools" are launched from key shortcuts (True) or from menu toolbar (False) self.launched_from_shortcuts = False def make_callback(thetool): def f(): self.on_tool_select(thetool) return f for tool in self.tools: self.tools[tool]["button"].triggered.connect(make_callback(tool)) # Events self.tools[tool]["button"].setCheckable(True) # Checkable self.app.ui.grid_snap_btn.triggered.connect(self.on_grid_toggled) self.app.ui.corner_snap_btn.setCheckable(True) self.app.ui.corner_snap_btn.triggered.connect(lambda: self.toolbar_tool_toggle("corner_snap")) self.options = { "global_gridx": 0.1, "global_gridy": 0.1, "global_snap_max": 0.05, "grid_snap": True, "corner_snap": False, "grid_gap_link": True } self.options.update(self.app.options) for option in self.options: if option in self.app.options: self.options[option] = self.app.options[option] self.app.ui.grid_gap_x_entry.setText(str(self.options["global_gridx"])) self.app.ui.grid_gap_y_entry.setText(str(self.options["global_gridy"])) self.app.ui.snap_max_dist_entry.setText(str(self.options["global_snap_max"])) self.app.ui.grid_gap_link_cb.setChecked(True) self.rtree_index = rtindex.Index() def entry2option(opt, entry): """ :param opt: A option from the self.options dictionary :param entry: A GUI element which text value is used :return: """ try: text_value = entry.text() if ',' in text_value: text_value = text_value.replace(',', '.') self.options[opt] = float(text_value) except Exception as e: entry.set_value(self.app.defaults[opt]) log.debug("FlatCAMGeoEditor.__init__().entry2option() --> %s" % str(e)) return def grid_changed(goption, gentry): """ :param goption: String. Can be either 'global_gridx' or 'global_gridy' :param gentry: A GUI element which text value is read and used :return: """ if goption not in ['global_gridx', 'global_gridy']: return entry2option(opt=goption, entry=gentry) # if the grid link is checked copy the value in the GridX field to GridY try: text_value = gentry.text() if ',' in text_value: text_value = text_value.replace(',', '.') val = float(text_value) except ValueError: return if self.app.ui.grid_gap_link_cb.isChecked(): self.app.ui.grid_gap_y_entry.set_value(val, decimals=self.decimals) self.app.ui.grid_gap_x_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.app.ui.grid_gap_x_entry.textChanged.connect( lambda: grid_changed("global_gridx", self.app.ui.grid_gap_x_entry)) self.app.ui.grid_gap_y_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.app.ui.grid_gap_y_entry.textChanged.connect( lambda: entry2option("global_gridy", self.app.ui.grid_gap_y_entry)) self.app.ui.snap_max_dist_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.app.ui.snap_max_dist_entry.textChanged.connect( lambda: entry2option("snap_max", self.app.ui.snap_max_dist_entry)) # if using Paint store here the tool diameter used self.paint_tooldia = None self.paint_tool = PaintOptionsTool(self.app, self) self.transform_tool = TransformEditorTool(self.app, self) self.app.ui.geo_add_circle_menuitem.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('circle')) self.app.ui.geo_add_arc_menuitem.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('arc')) self.app.ui.geo_add_rectangle_menuitem.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('rectangle')) self.app.ui.geo_add_polygon_menuitem.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('polygon')) self.app.ui.geo_add_path_menuitem.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('path')) self.app.ui.geo_add_text_menuitem.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('text')) self.app.ui.geo_paint_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.on_paint_tool) self.app.ui.geo_buffer_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.on_buffer_tool) self.app.ui.geo_transform_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.transform_tool.run) self.app.ui.geo_delete_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.on_delete_btn) self.app.ui.geo_union_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.union) self.app.ui.geo_intersection_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.intersection) self.app.ui.geo_subtract_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.subtract) self.app.ui.geo_cutpath_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.cutpath) self.app.ui.geo_copy_menuitem.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('copy')) self.app.ui.geo_union_btn.triggered.connect(self.union) self.app.ui.geo_intersection_btn.triggered.connect(self.intersection) self.app.ui.geo_subtract_btn.triggered.connect(self.subtract) self.app.ui.geo_cutpath_btn.triggered.connect(self.cutpath) self.app.ui.geo_delete_btn.triggered.connect(self.on_delete_btn) self.app.ui.geo_move_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.on_move) self.app.ui.geo_cornersnap_menuitem.triggered.connect(self.on_corner_snap) self.transform_complete.connect(self.on_transform_complete) # Event signals disconnect id holders self.mp = None self.mm = None self.mr = None # store the status of the editor so the Delete at object level will not work until the edit is finished self.editor_active = False log.debug("Initialization of the Geometry Editor is finished ...") def pool_recreated(self, pool): self.shapes.pool = pool self.tool_shape.pool = pool def on_transform_complete(self): self.delete_selected() self.replot() def set_ui(self): # updated units self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() self.decimals = self.app.decimals # Remove anything else in the GUI Selected Tab self.app.ui.selected_scroll_area.takeWidget() # Put ourselves in the AppGUI Selected Tab self.app.ui.selected_scroll_area.setWidget(self.geo_edit_widget) # Switch notebook to Selected page self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.selected_tab) def build_ui(self): """ Build the AppGUI in the Selected Tab for this editor :return: """ iterator = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self.geo_parent) to_delete = [] while iterator.value(): item = iterator.value() to_delete.append(item) iterator += 1 for it in to_delete: self.geo_parent.removeChild(it) for elem in self.storage.get_objects(): geo_type = type(elem.geo) el_type = None if geo_type is LinearRing: el_type = _('Ring') elif geo_type is LineString: el_type = _('Line') elif geo_type is Polygon: el_type = _('Polygon') elif geo_type is MultiLineString: el_type = _('Multi-Line') elif geo_type is MultiPolygon: el_type = _('Multi-Polygon') self.tw.addParentEditable( self.geo_parent, [ str(id(elem)), '%s' % el_type, _("Geo Elem") ], font=self.geo_font, font_items=2, # color=QtGui.QColor("#FF0000"), editable=True ) self.tw.resize_sig.emit() def on_geo_elem_selected(self): pass def on_tree_selection_change(self): self.selected = [] selected_tree_items = self.tw.selectedItems() for sel in selected_tree_items: for obj_shape in self.storage.get_objects(): try: if id(obj_shape) == int(sel.text(0)): self.selected.append(obj_shape) except ValueError: pass self.replot() def activate(self): # adjust the status of the menu entries related to the editor self.app.ui.menueditedit.setDisabled(True) self.app.ui.menueditok.setDisabled(False) # adjust the visibility of some of the canvas context menu self.app.ui.popmenu_edit.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.popmenu_save.setVisible(True) self.connect_canvas_event_handlers() # initialize working objects self.storage = FlatCAMGeoEditor.make_storage() self.utility = [] self.selected = [] self.shapes.enabled = True self.tool_shape.enabled = True self.app.app_cursor.enabled = True self.app.ui.corner_snap_btn.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.snap_magnet.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.geo_editor_menu.setDisabled(False) self.app.ui.geo_editor_menu.menuAction().setVisible(True) self.app.ui.update_obj_btn.setEnabled(True) self.app.ui.g_editor_cmenu.setEnabled(True) self.app.ui.geo_edit_toolbar.setDisabled(False) self.app.ui.geo_edit_toolbar.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.snap_toolbar.setDisabled(False) self.app.ui.popmenu_disable.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.cmenu_newmenu.menuAction().setVisible(False) self.app.ui.popmenu_properties.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.g_editor_cmenu.menuAction().setVisible(True) # prevent the user to change anything in the Selected Tab while the Geo Editor is active # sel_tab_widget_list = self.app.ui.selected_tab.findChildren(QtWidgets.QWidget) # for w in sel_tab_widget_list: # w.setEnabled(False) # Tell the App that the editor is active self.editor_active = True self.item_selected.connect(self.on_geo_elem_selected) # ## AppGUI Events self.tw.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.on_tree_selection_change) # self.tw.keyPressed.connect(self.app.ui.keyPressEvent) # self.tw.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.on_menu_request) self.geo_frame.show() log.debug("Finished activating the Geometry Editor...") def deactivate(self): try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass # adjust the status of the menu entries related to the editor self.app.ui.menueditedit.setDisabled(False) self.app.ui.menueditok.setDisabled(True) # adjust the visibility of some of the canvas context menu self.app.ui.popmenu_edit.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.popmenu_save.setVisible(False) self.disconnect_canvas_event_handlers() self.clear() self.app.ui.geo_edit_toolbar.setDisabled(True) settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") self.app.ui.corner_snap_btn.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.snap_magnet.setVisible(False) # set the Editor Toolbar visibility to what was before entering in the Editor self.app.ui.geo_edit_toolbar.setVisible(False) if self.toolbar_old_state is False \ else self.app.ui.geo_edit_toolbar.setVisible(True) # Disable visuals self.shapes.enabled = False self.tool_shape.enabled = False self.app.ui.geo_editor_menu.setDisabled(True) self.app.ui.geo_editor_menu.menuAction().setVisible(False) self.app.ui.update_obj_btn.setEnabled(False) self.app.ui.g_editor_cmenu.setEnabled(False) self.app.ui.e_editor_cmenu.setEnabled(False) # Tell the app that the editor is no longer active self.editor_active = False self.app.ui.popmenu_disable.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.cmenu_newmenu.menuAction().setVisible(True) self.app.ui.popmenu_properties.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.grb_editor_cmenu.menuAction().setVisible(False) self.app.ui.e_editor_cmenu.menuAction().setVisible(False) self.app.ui.g_editor_cmenu.menuAction().setVisible(False) try: self.item_selected.disconnect() except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass try: # ## AppGUI Events self.tw.itemSelectionChanged.disconnect(self.on_tree_selection_change) # self.tw.keyPressed.connect(self.app.ui.keyPressEvent) # self.tw.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.on_menu_request) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass # try: # # re-enable all the widgets in the Selected Tab that were disabled after entering in Edit Geometry Mode # sel_tab_widget_list = self.app.ui.selected_tab.findChildren(QtWidgets.QWidget) # for w in sel_tab_widget_list: # w.setEnabled(True) # except Exception as e: # log.debug("FlatCAMGeoEditor.deactivate() --> %s" % str(e)) # Show original geometry if self.fcgeometry: self.fcgeometry.visible = True # clear the Tree self.tw.clear() self.geo_parent = self.tw.invisibleRootItem() # hide the UI self.geo_frame.hide() log.debug("Finished deactivating the Geometry Editor...") def connect_canvas_event_handlers(self): # Canvas events # first connect to new, then disconnect the old handlers # don't ask why but if there is nothing connected I've seen issues self.mp = self.canvas.graph_event_connect('mouse_press', self.on_canvas_click) self.mm = self.canvas.graph_event_connect('mouse_move', self.on_canvas_move) self.mr = self.canvas.graph_event_connect('mouse_release', self.on_geo_click_release) if self.app.is_legacy is False: # make sure that the shortcuts key and mouse events will no longer be linked to the methods from FlatCAMApp # but those from FlatCAMGeoEditor self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect('mouse_press', self.app.on_mouse_click_over_plot) self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect('mouse_move', self.app.on_mouse_move_over_plot) self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect('mouse_release', self.app.on_mouse_click_release_over_plot) self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect('mouse_double_click', self.app.on_mouse_double_click_over_plot) else: self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect(self.app.mp) self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect(self.app.mm) self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect(self.app.mr) self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_disconnect(self.app.mdc) # self.app.collection.view.clicked.disconnect() self.app.ui.popmenu_copy.triggered.disconnect() self.app.ui.popmenu_delete.triggered.disconnect() self.app.ui.popmenu_move.triggered.disconnect() self.app.ui.popmenu_copy.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('copy')) self.app.ui.popmenu_delete.triggered.connect(self.on_delete_btn) self.app.ui.popmenu_move.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('move')) # Geometry Editor self.app.ui.draw_line.triggered.connect(self.draw_tool_path) self.app.ui.draw_rect.triggered.connect(self.draw_tool_rectangle) self.app.ui.draw_circle.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('circle')) self.app.ui.draw_poly.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('polygon')) self.app.ui.draw_arc.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('arc')) self.app.ui.draw_text.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('text')) self.app.ui.draw_buffer.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('buffer')) self.app.ui.draw_paint.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('paint')) self.app.ui.draw_eraser.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('eraser')) self.app.ui.draw_union.triggered.connect(self.union) self.app.ui.draw_intersect.triggered.connect(self.intersection) self.app.ui.draw_substract.triggered.connect(self.subtract) self.app.ui.draw_cut.triggered.connect(self.cutpath) self.app.ui.draw_transform.triggered.connect(lambda: self.select_tool('transform')) self.app.ui.draw_move.triggered.connect(self.on_move) def disconnect_canvas_event_handlers(self): # we restore the key and mouse control to FlatCAMApp method # first connect to new, then disconnect the old handlers # don't ask why but if there is nothing connected I've seen issues self.app.mp = self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_connect('mouse_press', self.app.on_mouse_click_over_plot) self.app.mm = self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_connect('mouse_move', self.app.on_mouse_move_over_plot) self.app.mr = self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_connect('mouse_release', self.app.on_mouse_click_release_over_plot) self.app.mdc = self.app.plotcanvas.graph_event_connect('mouse_double_click', self.app.on_mouse_double_click_over_plot) # self.app.collection.view.clicked.connect(self.app.collection.on_mouse_down) if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.canvas.graph_event_disconnect('mouse_press', self.on_canvas_click) self.canvas.graph_event_disconnect('mouse_move', self.on_canvas_move) self.canvas.graph_event_disconnect('mouse_release', self.on_geo_click_release) else: self.canvas.graph_event_disconnect(self.mp) self.canvas.graph_event_disconnect(self.mm) self.canvas.graph_event_disconnect(self.mr) try: self.app.ui.popmenu_copy.triggered.disconnect(lambda: self.select_tool('copy')) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.popmenu_delete.triggered.disconnect(self.on_delete_btn) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.popmenu_move.triggered.disconnect(lambda: self.select_tool('move')) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.app.ui.popmenu_copy.triggered.connect(self.app.on_copy_command) self.app.ui.popmenu_delete.triggered.connect(self.app.on_delete) self.app.ui.popmenu_move.triggered.connect(self.app.obj_move) # Geometry Editor try: self.app.ui.draw_line.triggered.disconnect(self.draw_tool_path) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_rect.triggered.disconnect(self.draw_tool_rectangle) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_cut.triggered.disconnect(self.cutpath) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_move.triggered.disconnect(self.on_move) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_circle.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_poly.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_arc.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_text.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_buffer.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_paint.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_eraser.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_union.triggered.disconnect(self.union) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_intersect.triggered.disconnect(self.intersection) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_substract.triggered.disconnect(self.subtract) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.ui.draw_transform.triggered.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.app.jump_signal.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass def add_shape(self, shape): """ Adds a shape to the shape storage. :param shape: Shape to be added. :type shape: DrawToolShape :return: None """ if shape is None: return # List of DrawToolShape? if isinstance(shape, list): for subshape in shape: self.add_shape(subshape) return assert isinstance(shape, DrawToolShape), "Expected a DrawToolShape, got %s" % type(shape) assert shape.geo is not None, "Shape object has empty geometry (None)" assert (isinstance(shape.geo, list) and len(shape.geo) > 0) or not isinstance(shape.geo, list), \ "Shape objects has empty geometry ([])" if isinstance(shape, DrawToolUtilityShape): self.utility.append(shape) else: self.storage.insert(shape) # TODO: Check performance self.build_ui() def delete_utility_geometry(self): """ Will delete the shapes in the utility shapes storage. :return: None """ # for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape.utility] # for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.storage.get_objects() if shape.utility] for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.utility] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) self.tool_shape.redraw() def toolbar_tool_toggle(self, key): """ It is used as a slot by the Snap buttons. :param key: Key in the self.options dictionary that is to be updated :return: Boolean. Status of the checkbox that toggled the Editor Tool """ cb_widget = self.sender() assert isinstance(cb_widget, QtWidgets.QAction), "Expected a QAction got %s" % type(cb_widget) self.options[key] = cb_widget.isChecked() return 1 if self.options[key] is True else 0 def clear(self): """ Will clear the storage for the Editor shapes, the selected shapes storage and replot. Clean up method. :return: None """ self.active_tool = None # self.shape_buffer = [] self.selected = [] self.shapes.clear(update=True) self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) # self.storage = FlatCAMGeoEditor.make_storage() self.replot() def edit_fcgeometry(self, fcgeometry, multigeo_tool=None): """ Imports the geometry from the given FlatCAM Geometry object into the editor. :param fcgeometry: GeometryObject :param multigeo_tool: A tool for the case of the edited geometry being of type 'multigeo' :return: None """ assert isinstance(fcgeometry, Geometry), "Expected a Geometry, got %s" % type(fcgeometry) self.deactivate() self.activate() self.set_ui() # Hide original geometry self.fcgeometry = fcgeometry fcgeometry.visible = False # Set selection tolerance DrawToolShape.tolerance = fcgeometry.drawing_tolerance * 10 self.select_tool("select") if self.app.defaults['geometry_spindledir'] == 'CW': if self.app.defaults['geometry_editor_milling_type'] == 'cl': milling_type = 1 # CCW motion = climb milling (spindle is rotating CW) else: milling_type = -1 # CW motion = conventional milling (spindle is rotating CW) else: if self.app.defaults['geometry_editor_milling_type'] == 'cl': milling_type = -1 # CCW motion = climb milling (spindle is rotating CCW) else: milling_type = 1 # CW motion = conventional milling (spindle is rotating CCW) # Link shapes into editor. if multigeo_tool: self.multigeo_tool = multigeo_tool geo_to_edit = self.flatten(geometry=fcgeometry.tools[self.multigeo_tool]['solid_geometry'], orient_val=milling_type) self.app.inform.emit( '[WARNING_NOTCL] %s: %s %s: %s' % ( _("Editing MultiGeo Geometry, tool"), str(self.multigeo_tool), _("with diameter"), str(fcgeometry.tools[self.multigeo_tool]['tooldia']) ) ) else: geo_to_edit = self.flatten(geometry=fcgeometry.solid_geometry, orient_val=milling_type) for shape in geo_to_edit: if shape is not None: if type(shape) == Polygon: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(shape.exterior)) for inter in shape.interiors: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(inter)) else: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(shape)) self.replot() # updated units self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() self.decimals = self.app.decimals # start with GRID toolbar activated if self.app.ui.grid_snap_btn.isChecked() is False: self.app.ui.grid_snap_btn.trigger() def on_buffer_tool(self): buff_tool = BufferSelectionTool(self.app, self) buff_tool.run() def on_paint_tool(self): paint_tool = PaintOptionsTool(self.app, self) paint_tool.run() def on_tool_select(self, tool): """ Behavior of the toolbar. Tool initialization. :rtype : None """ self.app.log.debug("on_tool_select('%s')" % tool) # This is to make the group behave as radio group if tool in self.tools: if self.tools[tool]["button"].isChecked(): self.app.log.debug("%s is checked." % tool) for t in self.tools: if t != tool: self.tools[t]["button"].setChecked(False) self.active_tool = self.tools[tool]["constructor"](self) else: self.app.log.debug("%s is NOT checked." % tool) for t in self.tools: self.tools[t]["button"].setChecked(False) self.select_tool('select') self.active_tool = FCSelect(self) def draw_tool_path(self): self.select_tool('path') return def draw_tool_rectangle(self): self.select_tool('rectangle') return def on_grid_toggled(self): self.toolbar_tool_toggle("grid_snap") # make sure that the cursor shape is enabled/disabled, too if self.options['grid_snap'] is True: self.app.inform.emit(_("Grid snap enabled.")) self.app.app_cursor.enabled = True else: self.app.app_cursor.enabled = False self.app.inform.emit(_("Grid snap disabled.")) def on_canvas_click(self, event): """ event.x and .y have canvas coordinates event.xdaya and .ydata have plot coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by Matplotlib :return: None """ if self.app.is_legacy is False: event_pos = event.pos else: event_pos = (event.xdata, event.ydata) self.pos = self.canvas.translate_coords(event_pos) if self.app.grid_status(): self.pos = self.app.geo_editor.snap(self.pos[0], self.pos[1]) else: self.pos = (self.pos[0], self.pos[1]) if event.button == 1: # self.app.ui.rel_position_label.setText("Dx: %.4f   Dy: " # "%.4f    " % (0, 0)) modifiers = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() # If the SHIFT key is pressed when LMB is clicked then the coordinates are copied to clipboard if modifiers == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier: self.app.clipboard.setText( self.app.defaults["global_point_clipboard_format"] % (self.decimals, self.pos[0], self.decimals, self.pos[1]) ) return # Selection with left mouse button if self.active_tool is not None and event.button == 1: # Dispatch event to active_tool self.active_tool.click(self.snap(self.pos[0], self.pos[1])) # If it is a shape generating tool if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCShapeTool) and self.active_tool.complete: self.on_shape_complete() if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCText): self.select_tool("select") else: self.select_tool(self.active_tool.name) if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCSelect): # self.app.log.debug("Replotting after click.") self.replot() else: self.app.log.debug("No active tool to respond to click!") def on_canvas_move(self, event): """ Called on 'mouse_move' event event.pos have canvas screen coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by VisPy SceneCavas :return: None """ if self.app.is_legacy is False: event_pos = event.pos event_is_dragging = event.is_dragging right_button = 2 else: event_pos = (event.xdata, event.ydata) event_is_dragging = self.app.plotcanvas.is_dragging right_button = 3 pos = self.canvas.translate_coords(event_pos) event.xdata, event.ydata = pos[0], pos[1] self.x = event.xdata self.y = event.ydata self.app.ui.popMenu.mouse_is_panning = False # if the RMB is clicked and mouse is moving over plot then 'panning_action' is True if event.button == right_button: if event_is_dragging: self.app.ui.popMenu.mouse_is_panning = True # return else: self.app.ui.popMenu.mouse_is_panning = False if self.active_tool is None: return try: x = float(event.xdata) y = float(event.ydata) except TypeError: return # ### Snap coordinates ### if self.app.grid_status(): x, y = self.snap(x, y) # Update cursor self.app.app_cursor.set_data(np.asarray([(x, y)]), symbol='++', edge_color=self.app.cursor_color_3D, edge_width=self.app.defaults["global_cursor_width"], size=self.app.defaults["global_cursor_size"]) self.snap_x = x self.snap_y = y self.app.mouse = [x, y] if self.pos is None: self.pos = (0, 0) self.app.dx = x - self.pos[0] self.app.dy = y - self.pos[1] # # update the position label in the infobar since the APP mouse event handlers are disconnected self.app.ui.position_label.setText(" X: %.4f   " "Y: %.4f " % (x, y)) # # # update the reference position label in the infobar since the APP mouse event handlers are disconnected # self.app.ui.rel_position_label.setText("Dx: %.4f   Dy: " # "%.4f    " % (self.app.dx, self.app.dy)) units = self.app.defaults["units"].lower() self.app.plotcanvas.text_hud.text = \ 'Dx:\t{:<.4f} [{:s}]\nDy:\t{:<.4f} [{:s}]\n\nX: \t{:<.4f} [{:s}]\nY: \t{:<.4f} [{:s}]'.format( self.app.dx, units, self.app.dy, units, x, units, y, units) if event.button == 1 and event_is_dragging and isinstance(self.active_tool, FCEraser): pass else: self.update_utility_geometry(data=(x, y)) # ### Selection area on canvas section ### dx = pos[0] - self.pos[0] if event_is_dragging and event.button == 1: self.app.delete_selection_shape() if dx < 0: self.app.draw_moving_selection_shape((self.pos[0], self.pos[1]), (x, y), color=self.app.defaults["global_alt_sel_line"], face_color=self.app.defaults['global_alt_sel_fill']) self.app.selection_type = False else: self.app.draw_moving_selection_shape((self.pos[0], self.pos[1]), (x, y)) self.app.selection_type = True else: self.app.selection_type = None def update_utility_geometry(self, data): # ### Utility geometry (animated) ### geo = self.active_tool.utility_geometry(data=data) if isinstance(geo, DrawToolShape) and geo.geo is not None: # Remove any previous utility shape self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) self.draw_utility_geometry(geo=geo) def on_geo_click_release(self, event): if self.app.is_legacy is False: event_pos = event.pos # event_is_dragging = event.is_dragging right_button = 2 else: event_pos = (event.xdata, event.ydata) # event_is_dragging = self.app.plotcanvas.is_dragging right_button = 3 pos_canvas = self.canvas.translate_coords(event_pos) if self.app.grid_status(): pos = self.snap(pos_canvas[0], pos_canvas[1]) else: pos = (pos_canvas[0], pos_canvas[1]) # if the released mouse button was RMB then test if it was a panning motion or not, if not it was a context # canvas menu try: # if the released mouse button was LMB then test if we had a right-to-left selection or a left-to-right # selection and then select a type of selection ("enclosing" or "touching") if event.button == 1: # left click if self.app.selection_type is not None: self.draw_selection_area_handler(self.pos, pos, self.app.selection_type) self.app.selection_type = None elif isinstance(self.active_tool, FCSelect): # Dispatch event to active_tool # msg = self.active_tool.click(self.snap(event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.active_tool.click_release((self.pos[0], self.pos[1])) # self.app.inform.emit(msg) self.replot() elif event.button == right_button: # right click if self.app.ui.popMenu.mouse_is_panning is False: if self.in_action is False: try: QtGui.QGuiApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: pass if self.active_tool.complete is False and not isinstance(self.active_tool, FCSelect): self.active_tool.complete = True self.in_action = False self.delete_utility_geometry() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done.")) self.select_tool('select') else: self.app.cursor = QtGui.QCursor() self.app.populate_cmenu_grids() self.app.ui.popMenu.popup(self.app.cursor.pos()) else: # if right click on canvas and the active tool need to be finished (like Path or Polygon) # right mouse click will finish the action if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCShapeTool): self.active_tool.click(self.snap(self.x, self.y)) self.active_tool.make() if self.active_tool.complete: self.on_shape_complete() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Done.")) self.select_tool(self.active_tool.name) except Exception as e: log.warning("FLatCAMGeoEditor.on_geo_click_release() --> Error: %s" % str(e)) return def draw_selection_area_handler(self, start_pos, end_pos, sel_type): """ :param start_pos: mouse position when the selection LMB click was done :param end_pos: mouse position when the left mouse button is released :param sel_type: if True it's a left to right selection (enclosure), if False it's a 'touch' selection :return: """ poly_selection = Polygon([start_pos, (end_pos[0], start_pos[1]), end_pos, (start_pos[0], end_pos[1])]) key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if key_modifier == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier: mod_key = 'Shift' elif key_modifier == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: mod_key = 'Control' else: mod_key = None self.app.delete_selection_shape() sel_objects_list = [] for obj in self.storage.get_objects(): if (sel_type is True and poly_selection.contains(obj.geo)) or (sel_type is False and poly_selection.intersects(obj.geo)): sel_objects_list.append(obj) if mod_key == self.app.defaults["global_mselect_key"]: for obj in sel_objects_list: if obj in self.selected: self.selected.remove(obj) else: # add the object to the selected shapes self.selected.append(obj) else: self.selected = [] self.selected = sel_objects_list # if selection is done on canvas update the Tree in Selected Tab with the selection try: self.tw.itemSelectionChanged.disconnect(self.on_tree_selection_change) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass self.tw.selectionModel().clearSelection() for sel_shape in self.selected: iterator = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self.tw) while iterator.value(): item = iterator.value() try: if int(item.text(1)) == id(sel_shape): item.setSelected(True) except ValueError: pass iterator += 1 self.tw.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.on_tree_selection_change) self.replot() def draw_utility_geometry(self, geo): # Add the new utility shape try: # this case is for the Font Parse for el in list(geo.geo): if type(el) == MultiPolygon: for poly in el: self.tool_shape.add( shape=poly, color=(self.app.defaults["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None ) elif type(el) == MultiLineString: for linestring in el: self.tool_shape.add( shape=linestring, color=(self.app.defaults["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None ) else: self.tool_shape.add( shape=el, color=(self.app.defaults["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None ) except TypeError: self.tool_shape.add( shape=geo.geo, color=(self.app.defaults["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None) self.tool_shape.redraw() def on_delete_btn(self): self.delete_selected() self.replot() def delete_selected(self): tempref = [s for s in self.selected] for shape in tempref: self.delete_shape(shape) self.selected = [] self.build_ui() def delete_shape(self, shape): if shape in self.utility: self.utility.remove(shape) return self.storage.remove(shape) if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) # TODO: Check performance def on_move(self): # if not self.selected: # self.app.inform.emit(_("[WARNING_NOTCL] Move cancelled. No shape selected.")) # return self.app.ui.geo_move_btn.setChecked(True) self.on_tool_select('move') def on_move_click(self): self.on_move() self.active_tool.set_origin(self.snap(self.x, self.y)) def on_copy_click(self): if not self.selected: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Cancelled. No shape selected.")) return self.app.ui.geo_copy_btn.setChecked(True) self.app.geo_editor.on_tool_select('copy') self.app.geo_editor.active_tool.set_origin(self.app.geo_editor.snap( self.app.geo_editor.x, self.app.geo_editor.y)) self.app.inform.emit(_("Click on target point.")) def on_corner_snap(self): self.app.ui.corner_snap_btn.trigger() def get_selected(self): """ Returns list of shapes that are selected in the editor. :return: List of shapes. """ # return [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape["selected"]] return self.selected def plot_shape(self, geometry=None, color='#000000FF', linewidth=1): """ Plots a geometric object or list of objects without rendering. Plotted objects are returned as a list. This allows for efficient/animated rendering. :param geometry: Geometry to be plotted (Any Shapely.geom kind or list of such) :param color: Shape color :param linewidth: Width of lines in # of pixels. :return: List of plotted elements. """ plot_elements = [] if geometry is None: geometry = self.active_tool.geometry try: for geo in geometry: plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geo, color=color, linewidth=linewidth) # Non-iterable except TypeError: # DrawToolShape if isinstance(geometry, DrawToolShape): plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geometry.geo, color=color, linewidth=linewidth) # Polygon: Descend into exterior and each interior. if type(geometry) == Polygon: plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geometry.exterior, color=color, linewidth=linewidth) plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geometry.interiors, color=color, linewidth=linewidth) if type(geometry) == LineString or type(geometry) == LinearRing: plot_elements.append(self.shapes.add(shape=geometry, color=color, layer=0, tolerance=self.fcgeometry.drawing_tolerance, linewidth=linewidth)) if type(geometry) == Point: pass return plot_elements def plot_all(self): """ Plots all shapes in the editor. :return: None :rtype: None """ # self.app.log.debug("plot_all()") self.shapes.clear(update=True) for shape in self.storage.get_objects(): if shape.geo is None: # TODO: This shouldn't have happened continue if shape in self.selected: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo, color=self.app.defaults['global_sel_draw_color'] + 'FF', linewidth=2) continue self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo, color=self.app.defaults['global_draw_color'] + "FF") for shape in self.utility: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo, linewidth=1) continue self.shapes.redraw() def replot(self): self.plot_all() def on_shape_complete(self): self.app.log.debug("on_shape_complete()") geom = [] try: for shape in self.active_tool.geometry: geom.append(shape.geo) except TypeError: geom = self.active_tool.geometry.geo if self.app.defaults['geometry_editor_milling_type'] == 'cl': # reverse the geometry coordinates direction to allow creation of Gcode for climb milling try: pl = [] for p in geom: if p is not None: if isinstance(p, Polygon): pl.append(Polygon(p.exterior.coords[::-1], p.interiors)) elif isinstance(p, LinearRing): pl.append(Polygon(p.coords[::-1])) elif isinstance(p, LineString): pl.append(LineString(p.coords[::-1])) try: geom = MultiPolygon(pl) except TypeError: # this may happen if the geom elements are made out of LineStrings because you can't create a # MultiPolygon out of LineStrings pass except TypeError: if isinstance(geom, Polygon) and geom is not None: geom = Polygon(geom.exterior.coords[::-1], geom.interiors) elif isinstance(geom, LinearRing) and geom is not None: geom = Polygon(geom.coords[::-1]) elif isinstance(geom, LineString) and geom is not None: geom = LineString(geom.coords[::-1]) else: log.debug("FlatCAMGeoEditor.on_shape_complete() Error --> Unexpected Geometry %s" % type(geom)) except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGeoEditor.on_shape_complete() Error --> %s" % str(e)) return 'fail' shape_list = [] try: for geo in geom: shape_list.append(DrawToolShape(geo)) except TypeError: shape_list.append(DrawToolShape(geom)) # Add shape self.add_shape(shape_list) # Remove any utility shapes self.delete_utility_geometry() self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) # Replot and reset tool. self.replot() # self.active_tool = type(self.active_tool)(self) @staticmethod def make_storage(): # Shape storage. storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage() storage.get_points = DrawToolShape.get_pts return storage def select_tool(self, toolname): """ Selects a drawing tool. Impacts the object and AppGUI. :param toolname: Name of the tool. :return: None """ self.tools[toolname]["button"].setChecked(True) self.on_tool_select(toolname) def set_selected(self, shape): # Remove and add to the end. if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) self.selected.append(shape) def set_unselected(self, shape): if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) def snap(self, x, y): """ Adjusts coordinates to snap settings. :param x: Input coordinate X :param y: Input coordinate Y :return: Snapped (x, y) """ snap_x, snap_y = (x, y) snap_distance = np.Inf # # ## Object (corner?) snap # # ## No need for the objects, just the coordinates # # ## in the index. if self.options["corner_snap"]: try: nearest_pt, shape = self.storage.nearest((x, y)) nearest_pt_distance = distance((x, y), nearest_pt) if nearest_pt_distance <= float(self.options["global_snap_max"]): snap_distance = nearest_pt_distance snap_x, snap_y = nearest_pt except (StopIteration, AssertionError): pass # # ## Grid snap if self.options["grid_snap"]: if self.options["global_gridx"] != 0: try: snap_x_ = round(x / float(self.options["global_gridx"])) * float(self.options['global_gridx']) except TypeError: snap_x_ = x else: snap_x_ = x # If the Grid_gap_linked on Grid Toolbar is checked then the snap distance on GridY entry will be ignored # and it will use the snap distance from GridX entry if self.app.ui.grid_gap_link_cb.isChecked(): if self.options["global_gridx"] != 0: try: snap_y_ = round(y / float(self.options["global_gridx"])) * float(self.options['global_gridx']) except TypeError: snap_y_ = y else: snap_y_ = y else: if self.options["global_gridy"] != 0: try: snap_y_ = round(y / float(self.options["global_gridy"])) * float(self.options['global_gridy']) except TypeError: snap_y_ = y else: snap_y_ = y nearest_grid_distance = distance((x, y), (snap_x_, snap_y_)) if nearest_grid_distance < snap_distance: snap_x, snap_y = (snap_x_, snap_y_) return snap_x, snap_y def update_fcgeometry(self, fcgeometry): """ Transfers the geometry tool shape buffer to the selected geometry object. The geometry already in the object are removed. :param fcgeometry: GeometryObject :return: None """ if self.multigeo_tool: fcgeometry.tools[self.multigeo_tool]['solid_geometry'] = [] # for shape in self.shape_buffer: for shape in self.storage.get_objects(): new_geo = shape.geo # simplify the MultiLineString if isinstance(new_geo, MultiLineString): new_geo = linemerge(new_geo) fcgeometry.tools[self.multigeo_tool]['solid_geometry'].append(new_geo) self.multigeo_tool = None fcgeometry.solid_geometry = [] # for shape in self.shape_buffer: for shape in self.storage.get_objects(): new_geo = shape.geo # simplify the MultiLineString if isinstance(new_geo, MultiLineString): new_geo = linemerge(new_geo) fcgeometry.solid_geometry.append(new_geo) self.deactivate() def update_options(self, obj): if self.paint_tooldia: obj.options['cnctooldia'] = deepcopy(str(self.paint_tooldia)) self.paint_tooldia = None return True else: return False def union(self): """ Makes union of selected polygons. Original polygons are deleted. :return: None. """ results = unary_union([t.geo for t in self.get_selected()]) # Delete originals. for_deletion = [s for s in self.get_selected()] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) # Selected geometry is now gone! self.selected = [] self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(results)) self.replot() def intersection_2(self): """ Makes intersection of selected polygons. Original polygons are deleted. :return: None """ geo_shapes = self.get_selected() try: results = geo_shapes[0].geo except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGeoEditor.intersection() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("A selection of at least 2 geo items is required to do Intersection.")) self.select_tool('select') return for shape_el in geo_shapes[1:]: results = results.intersection(shape_el.geo) # Delete originals. for_deletion = [s for s in self.get_selected()] for shape_el in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape_el) # Selected geometry is now gone! self.selected = [] self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(results)) self.replot() def intersection(self): """ Makes intersection of selected polygons. Original polygons are deleted. :return: None """ geo_shapes = self.get_selected() results = [] intact = [] try: intersector = geo_shapes[0].geo except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGeoEditor.intersection() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("A selection of at least 2 geo items is required to do Intersection.")) self.select_tool('select') return for shape_el in geo_shapes[1:]: if intersector.intersects(shape_el.geo): results.append(intersector.intersection(shape_el.geo)) else: intact.append(shape_el) if len(results) != 0: # Delete originals. for_deletion = [s for s in self.get_selected()] for shape_el in for_deletion: if shape_el not in intact: self.delete_shape(shape_el) for geo in results: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(geo)) # Selected geometry is now gone! self.selected = [] self.replot() def subtract(self): selected = self.get_selected() try: tools = selected[1:] toolgeo = unary_union([shp.geo for shp in tools]).buffer(0.0000001) target = selected[0].geo target = target.buffer(0.0000001) result = target.difference(toolgeo) for_deletion = [s for s in self.get_selected()] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(result)) self.replot() except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) def subtract_2(self): selected = self.get_selected() try: tools = selected[1:] toolgeo = unary_union([shp.geo for shp in tools]) result = selected[0].geo.difference(toolgeo) self.delete_shape(selected[0]) self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(result)) self.replot() except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) def cutpath(self): selected = self.get_selected() tools = selected[1:] toolgeo = unary_union([shp.geo for shp in tools]) target = selected[0] if type(target.geo) == Polygon: for ring in poly2rings(target.geo): self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(ring.difference(toolgeo))) elif type(target.geo) == LineString or type(target.geo) == LinearRing: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(target.geo.difference(toolgeo))) elif type(target.geo) == MultiLineString: try: for linestring in target.geo: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(linestring.difference(toolgeo))) except Exception as e: self.app.log.warning("Current LinearString does not intersect the target. %s" % str(e)) else: self.app.log.warning("Not implemented. Object type: %s" % str(type(target.geo))) return self.delete_shape(target) self.replot() def buffer(self, buf_distance, join_style): selected = self.get_selected() if buf_distance < 0: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Negative buffer value is not accepted. Use Buffer interior to generate an " "'inside' shape")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return 'fail' if len(selected) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Nothing selected for buffering.")) return 'fail' if not isinstance(buf_distance, float): self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Invalid distance for buffering.")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return 'fail' results = [] for t in selected: if isinstance(t.geo, Polygon) and not t.geo.is_empty: results.append(t.geo.exterior.buffer( buf_distance - 1e-10, resolution=int(int(self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) / 4), join_style=join_style) ) else: results.append(t.geo.buffer( buf_distance - 1e-10, resolution=int(int(self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) / 4), join_style=join_style) ) if not results: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed, the result is empty. Choose a different buffer value.")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return 'fail' for sha in results: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha)) self.replot() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Full buffer geometry created.")) def buffer_int(self, buf_distance, join_style): selected = self.get_selected() if buf_distance < 0: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Negative buffer value is not accepted.")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return 'fail' if len(selected) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Nothing selected for buffering.")) return 'fail' if not isinstance(buf_distance, float): self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Invalid distance for buffering.")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return 'fail' results = [] for t in selected: if isinstance(t.geo, LinearRing): t.geo = Polygon(t.geo) if isinstance(t.geo, Polygon) and not t.geo.is_empty: results.append(t.geo.buffer( -buf_distance + 1e-10, resolution=int(int(self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) / 4), join_style=join_style) ) if not results: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed, the result is empty. Choose a smaller buffer value.")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return 'fail' for sha in results: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha)) self.replot() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Interior buffer geometry created.")) def buffer_ext(self, buf_distance, join_style): selected = self.get_selected() if buf_distance < 0: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Negative buffer value is not accepted. Use Buffer interior to generate an " "'inside' shape")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return if len(selected) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Nothing selected for buffering.")) return if not isinstance(buf_distance, float): self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Invalid distance for buffering.")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return results = [] for t in selected: if isinstance(t.geo, LinearRing): t.geo = Polygon(t.geo) if isinstance(t.geo, Polygon) and not t.geo.is_empty: results.append(t.geo.buffer( buf_distance, resolution=int(int(self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) / 4), join_style=join_style) ) if not results: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed, the result is empty. Choose a different buffer value.")) # deselect everything self.selected = [] self.replot() return for sha in results: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha)) self.replot() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Exterior buffer geometry created.")) def paint(self, tooldia, overlap, margin, connect, contour, method): if overlap >= 100: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Could not do Paint. Overlap value has to be less than 100%%.")) return self.paint_tooldia = tooldia selected = self.get_selected() if len(selected) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Nothing selected for painting.")) return for param in [tooldia, overlap, margin]: if not isinstance(param, float): param_name = [k for k, v in locals().items() if v is param][0] self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' % (_("Invalid value for"), str(param))) results = [] def recurse(geometry, reset=True): """ Creates a list of non-iterable linear geometry objects. Results are placed in self.flat_geometry :param geometry: Shapely type or list or list of list of such. :param reset: Clears the contents of self.flat_geometry. """ if geometry is None: return if reset: self.flat_geo = [] # If iterable, expand recursively. try: for geo_el in geometry: if geo_el is not None: recurse(geometry=geo_el, reset=False) # Not iterable, do the actual indexing and add. except TypeError: self.flat_geo.append(geometry) return self.flat_geo for geo in selected: local_results = [] for geo_obj in recurse(geo.geo): try: if type(geo_obj) == Polygon: poly_buf = geo_obj.buffer(-margin) else: poly_buf = Polygon(geo_obj).buffer(-margin) if method == _("Seed"): cp = Geometry.clear_polygon2(self, polygon_to_clear=poly_buf, tooldia=tooldia, steps_per_circle=self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"], overlap=overlap, contour=contour, connect=connect) elif method == _("Lines"): cp = Geometry.clear_polygon3(self, polygon=poly_buf, tooldia=tooldia, steps_per_circle=self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"], overlap=overlap, contour=contour, connect=connect) else: cp = Geometry.clear_polygon(self, polygon=poly_buf, tooldia=tooldia, steps_per_circle=self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"], overlap=overlap, contour=contour, connect=connect) if cp is not None: local_results += list(cp.get_objects()) except Exception as e: log.debug("Could not Paint the polygons. %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit( '[ERROR] %s\n%s' % (_("Could not do Paint. Try a different combination of parameters. " "Or a different method of Paint"), str(e)) ) return # add the result to the results list results.append(cascaded_union(local_results)) # This is a dirty patch: for r in results: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(r)) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Paint done.")) self.replot() def flatten(self, geometry, orient_val=1, reset=True, pathonly=False): """ Creates a list of non-iterable linear geometry objects. Polygons are expanded into its exterior and interiors if specified. Results are placed in self.flat_geometry :param geometry: Shapely type or list or list of list of such. :param orient_val: will orient the exterior coordinates CW if 1 and CCW for else (whatever else means ...) https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#polygons :param reset: Clears the contents of self.flat_geometry. :param pathonly: Expands polygons into linear elements. """ if reset: self.flat_geo = [] # ## If iterable, expand recursively. try: for geo in geometry: if geo is not None: self.flatten(geometry=geo, orient_val=orient_val, reset=False, pathonly=pathonly) # ## Not iterable, do the actual indexing and add. except TypeError: if type(geometry) == Polygon: geometry = orient(geometry, orient_val) if pathonly and type(geometry) == Polygon: self.flat_geo.append(geometry.exterior) self.flatten(geometry=geometry.interiors, reset=False, pathonly=True) else: self.flat_geo.append(geometry) return self.flat_geo def distance(pt1, pt2): return np.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2) def mag(vec): return np.sqrt(vec[0] ** 2 + vec[1] ** 2) def poly2rings(poly): return [poly.exterior] + [interior for interior in poly.interiors] def get_shapely_list_bounds(geometry_list): xmin = np.Inf ymin = np.Inf xmax = -np.Inf ymax = -np.Inf for gs in geometry_list: try: gxmin, gymin, gxmax, gymax = gs.bounds xmin = min([xmin, gxmin]) ymin = min([ymin, gymin]) xmax = max([xmax, gxmax]) ymax = max([ymax, gymax]) except Exception as e: log.warning("DEVELOPMENT: Tried to get bounds of empty geometry. --> %s" % str(e)) return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]