# ########################################################## ## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # File Author: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) # # Date: 3/10/2019 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## ## from FlatCAMPostProc import * class Toolchange_Probe_MACH3(FlatCAMPostProc): coordinate_format = "%.*f" feedrate_format = '%.*f' def start_code(self, p): units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower() coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange'] gcode = '' xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin']) xmax = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmax']) ymin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['ymin']) ymax = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['ymax']) if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Geometry': gcode += '(TOOL DIAMETER: ' + str(p['options']['tool_dia']) + units + ')\n' gcode += '(Feedrate: ' + str(p['feedrate']) + units + '/min' + ')\n' if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Geometry': gcode += '(Feedrate_Z: ' + str(p['z_feedrate']) + units + '/min' + ')\n' gcode += '(Feedrate rapids ' + str(p['feedrate_rapid']) + units + '/min' + ')\n' + '\n' gcode += '(Feedrate Probe ' + str(p['feedrate_probe']) + units + '/min' + ')\n' + '\n' gcode += '(Z_Cut: ' + str(p['z_cut']) + units + ')\n' if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Geometry': if p['multidepth'] is True: gcode += '(DepthPerCut: ' + str(p['z_depthpercut']) + units + ' <=>' + \ str(math.ceil(abs(p['z_cut']) / p['z_depthpercut'])) + ' passes' + ')\n' gcode += '(Z_Move: ' + str(p['z_move']) + units + ')\n' gcode += '(Z Toolchange: ' + str(p['z_toolchange']) + units + ')\n' if coords_xy is not None: gcode += '(X,Y Toolchange: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, coords_xy[0], p.decimals, coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n' else: gcode += '(X,Y Toolchange: ' + "None" + units + ')\n' gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n' gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n' gcode += '(Z Probe Depth: ' + str(p['z_pdepth']) + units + ')\n' gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n' if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry': gcode += '(Postprocessor Excellon: ' + str(p['pp_excellon_name']) + ')\n' else: gcode += '(Postprocessor Geometry: ' + str(p['pp_geometry_name']) + ')\n' + '\n' gcode += '(X range: ' + '{: >9s}'.format(xmin) + ' ... ' + '{: >9s}'.format(xmax) + ' ' + units + ')\n' gcode += '(Y range: ' + '{: >9s}'.format(ymin) + ' ... ' + '{: >9s}'.format(ymax) + ' ' + units + ')\n\n' gcode += '(Spindle Speed: %s RPM)\n' % str(p['spindlespeed']) gcode += ('G20\n' if p.units.upper() == 'IN' else 'G21\n') gcode += 'G90\n' gcode += 'G17\n' gcode += 'G94\n' gcode += '(MSG, WARNING: Make sure you do zero on all axis. ' \ 'For Z axis, since it will be probed, make a rough estimate and do a zero.)\n' gcode += 'M0' return gcode def startz_code(self, p): return '' def lift_code(self, p): return 'G00 Z' + self.coordinate_format%(p.coords_decimals, p.z_move) def down_code(self, p): return 'G01 Z' + self.coordinate_format%(p.coords_decimals, p.z_cut) def toolchange_code(self, p): z_toolchange = p.z_toolchange toolchangexy = p.xy_toolchange f_plunge = p.f_plunge gcode = '' if toolchangexy is not None: x_toolchange = toolchangexy[0] y_toolchange = toolchangexy[1] no_drills = 1 if int(p.tool) == 1 and p.startz is not None: z_toolchange = p.startz toolC_formatted = '%.*f' % (p.decimals, p.toolC) if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon': for i in p['options']['Tools_in_use']: if i[0] == p.tool: no_drills = i[2] if toolchangexy is not None: gcode = """ M5 T{tool} M6 G00 Z{z_toolchange} G00 X{x_toolchange} Y{y_toolchange} (MSG, Change to Tool Dia = {toolC} ||| CONNECT THE PROBE ||| Drills for this tool = {t_drills}) M0 F{feedrate_probe} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_in_between} F{feedrate_probe_slow} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_move} (MSG, Remove any clips or other devices used for probing. CNC work is resuming ...) M0 """.format(x_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, x_toolchange), y_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, y_toolchange), z_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, z_toolchange), z_move=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move), z_in_between=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move / 2), feedrate_probe=str(self.feedrate_format %(p.fr_decimals, p.feedrate_probe)), feedrate_probe_slow=str(self.feedrate_format % (p.fr_decimals, (p.feedrate_probe / 2))), z_pdepth=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_pdepth), tool=int(p.tool), t_drills=no_drills, toolC=toolC_formatted) else: gcode = """ M5 T{tool} M6 G00 Z{z_toolchange} (MSG, Change to Tool Dia = {toolC} ||| CONNECT THE PROBE ||| Drills for this tool = {t_drills}) M0 F{feedrate_probe} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_in_between} F{feedrate_probe_slow} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_move} (MSG, Remove any clips or other devices used for probing. CNC work is resuming ...) M0 """.format(z_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, z_toolchange), z_move=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move), z_in_between=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move / 2), feedrate_probe=str(self.feedrate_format %(p.fr_decimals, p.feedrate_probe)), feedrate_probe_slow=str(self.feedrate_format % (p.fr_decimals, (p.feedrate_probe / 2))), z_pdepth=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_pdepth), tool=int(p.tool), t_drills=no_drills, toolC=toolC_formatted) # if f_plunge is True: # gcode += '\nG00 Z%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move) return gcode else: if toolchangexy is not None: gcode = """ M5 T{tool} M6 G00 Z{z_toolchange} G00 X{x_toolchange} Y{y_toolchange} (MSG, Change to Tool Dia = {toolC} ||| CONNECT THE PROBE) M0 F{feedrate_probe} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_in_between} F{feedrate_probe_slow} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_move} (MSG, Remove any clips or other devices used for probing. CNC work is resuming ...) M0 """.format(x_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, x_toolchange), y_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, y_toolchange), z_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, z_toolchange), z_move=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move), z_in_between=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move / 2), feedrate_probe=str(self.feedrate_format %(p.fr_decimals, p.feedrate_probe)), feedrate_probe_slow=str(self.feedrate_format % (p.fr_decimals, (p.feedrate_probe / 2))), z_pdepth=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_pdepth), tool=int(p.tool), toolC=toolC_formatted) else: gcode = """ M5 T{tool} M6 G00 Z{z_toolchange} (MSG, Change to Tool Dia = {toolC} ||| CONNECT THE PROBE) M0 F{feedrate_probe} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_in_between} F{feedrate_probe_slow} G31 Z{z_pdepth} G92 Z0 G00 Z{z_move} (MSG, Remove any clips or other devices used for probing. CNC work is resuming ...) M0 """.format(z_toolchange=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, z_toolchange), z_move=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move), z_in_between=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move / 2), feedrate_probe=str(self.feedrate_format %(p.fr_decimals, p.feedrate_probe)), feedrate_probe_slow=str(self.feedrate_format % (p.fr_decimals, (p.feedrate_probe / 2))), z_pdepth=self.coordinate_format % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_pdepth), tool=int(p.tool), toolC=toolC_formatted) # if f_plunge is True: # gcode += '\nG00 Z%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p.z_move) return gcode def up_to_zero_code(self, p): return 'G01 Z0' def position_code(self, p): return ('X' + self.coordinate_format + ' Y' + self.coordinate_format) % \ (p.coords_decimals, p.x, p.coords_decimals, p.y) def rapid_code(self, p): return ('G00 ' + self.position_code(p)).format(**p) def linear_code(self, p): return ('G01 ' + self.position_code(p)).format(**p) def end_code(self, p): coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange'] gcode = ('G00 Z' + self.feedrate_format %(p.fr_decimals, p.z_end) + "\n") if coords_xy is not None: gcode += 'G00 X{x} Y{y}'.format(x=coords_xy[0], y=coords_xy[1]) + "\n" return gcode def feedrate_code(self, p): return 'G01 F' + str(self.feedrate_format %(p.fr_decimals, p.feedrate)) def z_feedrate_code(self, p): return 'G01 F' + str(self.feedrate_format %(p.fr_decimals, p.z_feedrate)) def spindle_code(self, p): sdir = {'CW': 'M03', 'CCW': 'M04'}[p.spindledir] if p.spindlespeed: return '%s S%s' % (sdir, str(p.spindlespeed)) else: return sdir def dwell_code(self, p): if p.dwelltime: return 'G4 P' + str(p.dwelltime) def spindle_stop_code(self,p): return 'M05'