# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # File Author: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) # # Date: 5/17/2020 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore from AppTools.AppTool import AppTool from AppGUI.GUIElements import FCDoubleSpinner, FCCheckBox, FCComboBox, FCButton from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, LineString from copy import deepcopy import logging import gettext import AppTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext log = logging.getLogger('base') class ToolCorners(AppTool): toolName = _("Corner Markers Tool") def __init__(self, app): AppTool.__init__(self, app) self.app = app self.canvas = self.app.plotcanvas self.decimals = self.app.decimals self.units = '' # ## Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.toolName) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(title_label) self.layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('')) # Gerber object # self.object_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Gerber Object")) self.object_label.setToolTip( _("The Gerber object that to which will be added corner markers.") ) self.object_combo = FCComboBox() self.object_combo.setModel(self.app.collection) self.object_combo.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) self.object_combo.is_last = True self.object_combo.obj_type = "Gerber" self.layout.addWidget(self.object_label) self.layout.addWidget(self.object_combo) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.layout.addWidget(separator_line) self.points_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Locations')) self.points_label.setToolTip( _("Locations where to place corner markers.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.points_label) # BOTTOM LEFT self.bl_cb = FCCheckBox(_("Bottom Left")) self.layout.addWidget(self.bl_cb) # BOTTOM RIGHT self.br_cb = FCCheckBox(_("Bottom Right")) self.layout.addWidget(self.br_cb) # TOP LEFT self.tl_cb = FCCheckBox(_("Top Left")) self.layout.addWidget(self.tl_cb) # TOP RIGHT self.tr_cb = FCCheckBox(_("Top Right")) self.layout.addWidget(self.tr_cb) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.layout.addWidget(separator_line) # ## Grid Layout grid_lay = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid_lay) grid_lay.setColumnStretch(0, 0) grid_lay.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.param_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Parameters')) self.param_label.setToolTip( _("Parameters used for this tool.") ) grid_lay.addWidget(self.param_label, 0, 0, 1, 2) # Thickness # self.thick_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Thickness")) self.thick_label.setToolTip( _("The thickness of the line that makes the corner marker.") ) self.thick_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.thick_entry.set_range(0.0000, 9.9999) self.thick_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.thick_entry.setWrapping(True) self.thick_entry.setSingleStep(10 ** -self.decimals) grid_lay.addWidget(self.thick_label, 1, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.thick_entry, 1, 1) # Length # self.l_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Length")) self.l_label.setToolTip( _("The length of the line that makes the corner marker.") ) self.l_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.l_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.l_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.l_entry.setSingleStep(10 ** -self.decimals) grid_lay.addWidget(self.l_label, 2, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.l_entry, 2, 1) # Margin # self.margin_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Margin")) self.margin_label.setToolTip( _("Bounding box margin.") ) self.margin_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.margin_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.margin_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.margin_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid_lay.addWidget(self.margin_label, 3, 0) grid_lay.addWidget(self.margin_entry, 3, 1) separator_line_2 = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line_2.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line_2.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid_lay.addWidget(separator_line_2, 4, 0, 1, 2) # ## Insert Corner Marker self.add_marker_button = FCButton(_("Add Marker")) self.add_marker_button.setToolTip( _("Will add corner markers to the selected Gerber file.") ) self.add_marker_button.setStyleSheet(""" QPushButton { font-weight: bold; } """) grid_lay.addWidget(self.add_marker_button, 11, 0, 1, 2) self.layout.addStretch() # ## Reset Tool self.reset_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Reset Tool")) self.reset_button.setToolTip( _("Will reset the tool parameters.") ) self.reset_button.setStyleSheet(""" QPushButton { font-weight: bold; } """) self.layout.addWidget(self.reset_button) # Objects involved in Copper thieving self.grb_object = None # store the flattened geometry here: self.flat_geometry = [] # Tool properties self.fid_dia = None self.grb_steps_per_circle = self.app.defaults["gerber_circle_steps"] # SIGNALS self.add_marker_button.clicked.connect(self.add_markers) def run(self, toggle=True): self.app.defaults.report_usage("ToolCorners()") if toggle: # if the splitter is hidden, display it, else hide it but only if the current widget is the same if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) else: try: if self.app.ui.tool_scroll_area.widget().objectName() == self.toolName: # if tab is populated with the tool but it does not have the focus, focus on it if not self.app.ui.notebook.currentWidget() is self.app.ui.tool_tab: # focus on Tool Tab self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.tool_tab) else: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) except AttributeError: pass else: if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) AppTool.run(self) self.set_tool_ui() self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Corners Tool")) def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): AppTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='Alt+M', **kwargs) def set_tool_ui(self): self.units = self.app.defaults['units'] self.thick_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["tools_corners_thickness"]) self.l_entry.set_value(float(self.app.defaults["tools_corners_length"])) self.margin_entry.set_value(float(self.app.defaults["tools_corners_margin"])) def add_markers(self): self.app.call_source = "corners_tool" tl_state = self.tl_cb.get_value() tr_state = self.tr_cb.get_value() bl_state = self.bl_cb.get_value() br_state = self.br_cb.get_value() # get the Gerber object on which the corner marker will be inserted selection_index = self.object_combo.currentIndex() model_index = self.app.collection.index(selection_index, 0, self.object_combo.rootModelIndex()) try: self.grb_object = model_index.internalPointer().obj except Exception as e: log.debug("ToolCorners.add_markers() --> %s" % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("There is no Gerber object loaded ...")) return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.grb_object.bounds() points = {} if tl_state: points['tl'] = (xmin, ymax) if tr_state: points['tr'] = (xmax, ymax) if bl_state: points['bl'] = (xmin, ymin) if br_state: points['br'] = (xmax, ymin) self.add_corners_geo(points, g_obj=self.grb_object) self.grb_object.source_file = self.app.export_gerber(obj_name=self.grb_object.options['name'], filename=None, local_use=self.grb_object, use_thread=False) self.on_exit() def add_corners_geo(self, points_storage, g_obj): """ Add geometry to the solid_geometry of the copper Gerber object :param points_storage: a dictionary holding the points where to add corners :param g_obj: the Gerber object where to add the geometry :return: None """ line_thickness = self.thick_entry.get_value() line_length = self.l_entry.get_value() margin = self.margin_entry.get_value() geo_list = [] if not points_storage: self.app.inform.emit("[ERROR_NOTCL] %s." % _("Please select at least a location")) return for key in points_storage: if key == 'tl': pt = points_storage[key] x = pt[0] - margin - line_thickness / 2.0 y = pt[1] + margin + line_thickness / 2.0 line_geo_hor = LineString([ (x, y), (x + line_length, y) ]) line_geo_vert = LineString([ (x, y), (x, y - line_length) ]) geo_list.append(line_geo_hor) geo_list.append(line_geo_vert) if key == 'tr': pt = points_storage[key] x = pt[0] + margin + line_thickness / 2.0 y = pt[1] + margin + line_thickness / 2.0 line_geo_hor = LineString([ (x, y), (x - line_length, y) ]) line_geo_vert = LineString([ (x, y), (x, y - line_length) ]) geo_list.append(line_geo_hor) geo_list.append(line_geo_vert) if key == 'bl': pt = points_storage[key] x = pt[0] - margin - line_thickness / 2.0 y = pt[1] - margin - line_thickness / 2.0 line_geo_hor = LineString([ (x, y), (x + line_length, y) ]) line_geo_vert = LineString([ (x, y), (x, y + line_length) ]) geo_list.append(line_geo_hor) geo_list.append(line_geo_vert) if key == 'br': pt = points_storage[key] x = pt[0] + margin + line_thickness / 2.0 y = pt[1] - margin - line_thickness / 2.0 line_geo_hor = LineString([ (x, y), (x - line_length, y) ]) line_geo_vert = LineString([ (x, y), (x, y + line_length) ]) geo_list.append(line_geo_hor) geo_list.append(line_geo_vert) aperture_found = None for ap_id, ap_val in g_obj.apertures.items(): if ap_val['type'] == 'C' and ap_val['size'] == line_thickness: aperture_found = ap_id break geo_buff_list = [] if aperture_found: for geo in geo_list: geo_buff = geo.buffer(line_thickness / 2.0, resolution=self.grb_steps_per_circle, join_style=2) geo_buff_list.append(geo_buff) dict_el = {} dict_el['follow'] = geo dict_el['solid'] = geo_buff g_obj.apertures[aperture_found]['geometry'].append(deepcopy(dict_el)) else: ap_keys = list(g_obj.apertures.keys()) if ap_keys: new_apid = str(int(max(ap_keys)) + 1) else: new_apid = '10' g_obj.apertures[new_apid] = {} g_obj.apertures[new_apid]['type'] = 'C' g_obj.apertures[new_apid]['size'] = line_thickness g_obj.apertures[new_apid]['geometry'] = [] for geo in geo_list: geo_buff = geo.buffer(line_thickness / 2.0, resolution=self.grb_steps_per_circle, join_style=2) geo_buff_list.append(geo_buff) dict_el = {} dict_el['follow'] = geo dict_el['solid'] = geo_buff g_obj.apertures[new_apid]['geometry'].append(deepcopy(dict_el)) s_list = [] if g_obj.solid_geometry: try: for poly in g_obj.solid_geometry: s_list.append(poly) except TypeError: s_list.append(g_obj.solid_geometry) geo_buff_list = MultiPolygon(geo_buff_list) geo_buff_list = geo_buff_list.buffer(0) for poly in geo_buff_list: s_list.append(poly) g_obj.solid_geometry = MultiPolygon(s_list) def replot(self, obj, run_thread=True): def worker_task(): with self.app.proc_container.new('%s...' % _("Plotting")): obj.plot() if run_thread: self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': worker_task, 'params': []}) else: worker_task() def on_exit(self): # plot the object try: self.replot(obj=self.grb_object) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return # update the bounding box values try: a, b, c, d = self.grb_object.bounds() self.grb_object.options['xmin'] = a self.grb_object.options['ymin'] = b self.grb_object.options['xmax'] = c self.grb_object.options['ymax'] = d except Exception as e: log.debug("ToolCorners.on_exit() copper_obj bounds error --> %s" % str(e)) # reset the variables self.grb_object = None self.app.call_source = "app" self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Corners Tool exit."))