import sys import re import FlatCAMApp import abc import collections from PyQt4 import QtCore from contextlib import contextmanager from FlatCAMObj import FlatCAMGerber, FlatCAMExcellon, FlatCAMGeometry, FlatCAMCNCjob, FlatCAMObj class TclCommand(object): # FlatCAMApp app = None # Logger log = None # List of all command aliases, to be able use old names # for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon) aliases = [] # Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered # OrderedDict should be like collections.OrderedDict([(key,value),(key2,value2)]) arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([ ('name', str) ]) # dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered. # This is for options like -optionname value. # OrderedDict should be like collections.OrderedDict([(key,value),(key2,value2)]) option_types = collections.OrderedDict() # List of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'} required = ['name'] # Structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered # OrderedDict should be like collections.OrderedDict([(key,value),(key2,value2)]) help = { 'main': "undefined help.", 'args': collections.OrderedDict([ ('argumentname', 'undefined help.'), ('optionname', 'undefined help.') ]), 'examples': [] } # Original incoming arguments into command original_args = None def __init__(self, app): = app if is None: raise TypeError('Expected app to be FlatCAMApp instance.') if not isinstance(, FlatCAMApp.App): raise TypeError('Expected FlatCAMApp, got %s.' % type(app)) self.log = def raise_tcl_error(self, text): """ This method pass exception from python into TCL as error so we get stacktrace and reason. This is only redirect to :param text: text of error :return: none """ def get_current_command(self): """ Get current command, we are not able to get it from TCL we have to reconstruct it. :return: current command """ command_string = [self.aliases[0]] if self.original_args is not None: for arg in self.original_args: command_string.append(arg) return " ".join(command_string) def get_decorated_help(self): """ Decorate help for TCL console output. :return: decorated help from structure """ def get_decorated_command(alias_name): command_string = [] for arg_key, arg_type in list(['args'].items()): command_string.append(get_decorated_argument(arg_key, arg_type, True)) return "> " + alias_name + " " + " ".join(command_string) def get_decorated_argument(help_key, help_text, in_command=False): """ :param help_key: Name of the argument. :param help_text: :param in_command: :return: """ option_symbol = '' if help_key in self.arg_names: arg_type = self.arg_names[help_key] type_name = str(arg_type.__name__) #in_command_name = help_key + "<" + type_name + ">" in_command_name = help_key elif help_key in self.option_types: option_symbol = '-' arg_type = self.option_types[help_key] type_name = str(arg_type.__name__) in_command_name = option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">" else: option_symbol = '' type_name = '?' in_command_name = option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">" if in_command: if help_key in self.required: return in_command_name else: return '[' + in_command_name + "]" else: if help_key in self.required: return "\t" + option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">: " + help_text else: return "\t[" + option_symbol + help_key + " <" + type_name + ">: " + help_text + "]" def get_decorated_example(example_item): return "> " + example_item help_string = [['main']] for alias in self.aliases: help_string.append(get_decorated_command(alias)) for key, value in list(['args'].items()): help_string.append(get_decorated_argument(key, value)) # timeout is unique for signaled commands (this is not best oop practice, but much easier for now) if isinstance(self, TclCommandSignaled): help_string.append("\t[-timeout : Max wait for job timeout before error.]") for example in['examples']: help_string.append(get_decorated_example(example)) return "\n".join(help_string) @staticmethod def parse_arguments(args): """ Pre-processes arguments to detect '-keyword value' pairs into dictionary and standalone parameters into list. This is copy from FlatCAMApp.setup_shell().h() just for accessibility, original should be removed after all commands will be converted :param args: arguments from tcl to parse :return: arguments, options """ options = {} arguments = [] n = len(args) name = None for i in range(n): match ='^-([a-zA-Z].*)', args[i]) if match: assert name is None name = continue if name is None: arguments.append(args[i]) else: options[name] = args[i] name = None return arguments, options def check_args(self, args): """ Check arguments and options for right types :param args: arguments from tcl to check :return: named_args, unnamed_args """ arguments, options = self.parse_arguments(args) named_args = {} unnamed_args = [] # check arguments idx = 0 arg_names_items = list(self.arg_names.items()) for argument in arguments: if len(self.arg_names) > idx: key, arg_type = arg_names_items[idx] try: named_args[key] = arg_type(argument) except Exception as e: self.raise_tcl_error("Cannot cast named argument '%s' to type %s with exception '%s'." % (key, arg_type, str(e))) else: unnamed_args.append(argument) idx += 1 # check options for key in options: if key not in self.option_types and key != 'timeout': self.raise_tcl_error('Unknown parameter: %s' % key) try: if key != 'timeout': named_args[key] = self.option_types[key](options[key]) else: named_args[key] = int(options[key]) except Exception as e: self.raise_tcl_error("Cannot cast argument '-%s' to type '%s' with exception '%s'." % (key, self.option_types[key], str(e))) # check required arguments for key in self.required: if key not in named_args: self.raise_tcl_error("Missing required argument '%s'." % key) return named_args, unnamed_args def raise_tcl_unknown_error(self, unknown_exception): """ raise Exception if is different type than TclErrorException this is here mainly to show unknown errors inside TCL shell console :param unknown_exception: :return: """ raise unknown_exception def execute_wrapper(self, *args): """ Command which is called by tcl console when current commands aliases are hit. Main catch(except) is implemented here. This method should be reimplemented only when initial checking sequence differs :param args: arguments passed from tcl command console :return: None, output text or exception """ #self.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.exec_command_test, 'params': [text, False]}) try: self.log.debug("TCL command '%s' executed." % str(self.__class__)) self.original_args = args args, unnamed_args = self.check_args(args) return self.execute(args, unnamed_args) except Exception as unknown: error_info = sys.exc_info() self.log.error("TCL command '%s' failed." % str(self)), error_info) self.raise_tcl_unknown_error(unknown) @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, args, unnamed_args): """ Direct execute of command, this method should be implemented in each descendant. No main catch should be implemented here. :param args: array of known named arguments and options :param unnamed_args: array of other values which were passed into command without -somename and we do not have them in known arg_names :return: None, output text or exception """ raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method") class TclCommandSignaled(TclCommand): """ !!! I left it here only for demonstration !!! Go to TclCommandCncjob and into class definition put class TclCommandCncjob(TclCommandSignaled): also change obj.generatecncjob(use_thread = False, **args) to obj.generatecncjob(use_thread = True, **args) This class is child of TclCommand and is used for commands which create new objects it handles all neccessary stuff about blocking and passing exeptions """ @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, args, unnamed_args): raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method") output = None def execute_call(self, args, unnamed_args): try: self.output = None self.error = None self.error_info = None self.output = self.execute(args, unnamed_args) except Exception as unknown: self.error_info = sys.exc_info() self.error = unknown finally: def execute_wrapper(self, *args): """ Command which is called by tcl console when current commands aliases are hit. Main catch(except) is implemented here. This method should be reimplemented only when initial checking sequence differs :param args: arguments passed from tcl command console :return: None, output text or exception """ @contextmanager def wait_signal(signal, timeout=300000): """Block loop until signal emitted, or timeout (ms) elapses.""" loop = QtCore.QEventLoop() # Normal termination signal.connect(loop.quit) # Termination by exception in thread status = {'timed_out': False} def report_quit(): status['timed_out'] = True loop.quit() yield # Temporarily change how exceptions are managed. oeh = sys.excepthook ex = [] def except_hook(type_, value, traceback_): ex.append(value) oeh(type_, value, traceback_) sys.excepthook = except_hook # Terminate on timeout if timeout is not None: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(timeout, report_quit) # Block loop.exec_() # Restore exception management sys.excepthook = oeh if ex: raise ex[0] if status['timed_out']:"Operation timed outed! Consider increasing option " "'-timeout ' for command or " "'set_sys background_timeout '.") try: self.log.debug("TCL command '%s' executed." % str(self.__class__)) self.original_args = args args, unnamed_args = self.check_args(args) if 'timeout' in args: passed_timeout = args['timeout'] del args['timeout'] else: passed_timeout =['background_timeout'] # set detail for processing, it will be there until next open or close def handle_finished(obj): if self.error is not None: self.raise_tcl_unknown_error(self.error) with wait_signal(, passed_timeout): # every TclCommandNewObject ancestor support timeout as parameter, # but it does not mean anything for child itself # when operation will be really long is good to set it higher then defqault 30s{'fcn': self.execute_call, 'params': [args, unnamed_args]}) return self.output except Exception as unknown: # if error happens inside thread execution, then pass correct error_info to display if self.error_info is not None: error_info = self.error_info else: error_info = sys.exc_info() self.log.error("TCL command '%s' failed." % str(self)), error_info) self.raise_tcl_unknown_error(unknown)