# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # File by: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) # # Date: 6/15/2020 # # License: MIT Licence # # ########################################################## from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui from appTool import AppTool from appGUI.GUIElements import FCCheckBox, FCDoubleSpinner, RadioSet, FCTable, FCButton, \ FCComboBox, OptionalInputSection, FCSpinner, NumericalEvalEntry, OptionalHideInputSection, FCLabel from appParsers.ParseExcellon import Excellon from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np import math from shapely.ops import unary_union from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString from matplotlib.backend_bases import KeyEvent as mpl_key_event import logging import gettext import appTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins import platform import re import traceback from Common import GracefulException as grace fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2 log = logging.getLogger('base') settings = QtCore.QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("machinist"): machinist_setting = settings.value('machinist', type=int) else: machinist_setting = 0 class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.decimals = self.app.decimals AppTool.__init__(self, app) Excellon.__init__(self, geo_steps_per_circle=self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) # ############################################################################# # ######################### Tool GUI ########################################## # ############################################################################# self.t_ui = DrillingUI(layout=self.layout, app=self.app) self.toolName = self.t_ui.toolName # ############################################################################# # ########################## VARIABLES ######################################## # ############################################################################# self.units = '' self.excellon_tools = {} self.tooluid = 0 self.kind = "excellon" # dict that holds the object names and the option name # the key is the object name (defines in ObjectUI) for each UI element that is a parameter # particular for a tool and the value is the actual name of the option that the UI element is changing self.name2option = {} # store here the default data for Geometry Data self.default_data = {} self.obj_name = "" self.excellon_obj = None self.first_click = False self.cursor_pos = None self.mouse_is_dragging = False # store here the points for the "Polygon" area selection shape self.points = [] self.mm = None self.mr = None self.kp = None # variable to store the total amount of drills per job self.tot_drill_cnt = 0 self.tool_row = 0 # variable to store the total amount of slots per job self.tot_slot_cnt = 0 self.tool_row_slots = 0 # variable to store the distance travelled self.travel_distance = 0.0 self.grid_status_memory = self.app.ui.grid_snap_btn.isChecked() # store here the state of the exclusion checkbox state to be restored after building the UI # TODO add this in the sel.app.defaults dict and in Preferences self.exclusion_area_cb_is_checked = False # store here solid_geometry when there are tool with isolation job self.solid_geometry = [] self.circle_steps = int(self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) self.tooldia = None # multiprocessing self.pool = self.app.pool self.results = [] # disconnect flags self.area_sel_disconnect_flag = False self.poly_sel_disconnect_flag = False self.form_fields = { "cutz": self.t_ui.cutz_entry, "multidepth": self.t_ui.mpass_cb, "depthperpass": self.t_ui.maxdepth_entry, "travelz": self.t_ui.travelz_entry, "feedrate_z": self.t_ui.feedrate_z_entry, "feedrate_rapid": self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_entry, "spindlespeed": self.t_ui.spindlespeed_entry, "dwell": self.t_ui.dwell_cb, "dwelltime": self.t_ui.dwelltime_entry, "offset": self.t_ui.offset_entry } self.name2option = { "e_cutz": "cutz", "e_multidepth": "multidepth", "e_depthperpass": "depthperpass", "e_travelz": "travelz", "e_feedratez": "feedrate_z", "e_fr_rapid": "feedrate_rapid", "e_spindlespeed": "spindlespeed", "e_dwell": "dwell", "e_dwelltime": "dwelltime", "e_offset": "offset" } self.old_tool_dia = None self.poly_drawn = False self.connect_signals_at_init() def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): AppTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='Alt+D', **kwargs) def run(self, toggle=True): self.app.defaults.report_usage("ToolDrilling()") log.debug("ToolDrilling().run() was launched ...") if toggle: # if the splitter is hidden, display it, else hide it but only if the current widget is the same if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) else: try: if self.app.ui.tool_scroll_area.widget().objectName() == self.toolName: # if tab is populated with the tool but it does not have the focus, focus on it if not self.app.ui.notebook.currentWidget() is self.app.ui.tool_tab: # focus on Tool Tab self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.tool_tab) else: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) except AttributeError: pass else: if self.app.ui.splitter.sizes()[0] == 0: self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) AppTool.run(self) self.on_object_changed() self.set_tool_ui() self.build_ui() # all the tools are selected by default self.t_ui.tools_table.selectAll() self.app.ui.notebook.setTabText(2, _("Drilling Tool")) def connect_signals_at_init(self): # ############################################################################# # ############################ SIGNALS ######################################## # ############################################################################# self.t_ui.apply_param_to_all.clicked.connect(self.on_apply_param_to_all_clicked) self.t_ui.generate_cnc_button.clicked.connect(self.on_cnc_button_click) self.t_ui.tools_table.drag_drop_sig.connect(self.rebuild_ui) # Exclusion areas signals self.t_ui.exclusion_table.horizontalHeader().sectionClicked.connect(self.exclusion_table_toggle_all) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.lost_focus.connect(self.clear_selection) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.itemClicked.connect(self.draw_sel_shape) self.t_ui.add_area_button.clicked.connect(self.on_add_area_click) self.t_ui.delete_area_button.clicked.connect(self.on_clear_area_click) self.t_ui.delete_sel_area_button.clicked.connect(self.on_delete_sel_areas) self.t_ui.strategy_radio.activated_custom.connect(self.on_strategy) self.t_ui.pp_excellon_name_cb.activated.connect(self.on_pp_changed) self.t_ui.reset_button.clicked.connect(self.set_tool_ui) # Cleanup on Graceful exit (CTRL+ALT+X combo key) self.app.cleanup.connect(self.set_tool_ui) def set_tool_ui(self): self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() self.old_tool_dia = self.app.defaults["tools_iso_newdia"] # try to select in the Excellon combobox the active object try: selected_obj = self.app.collection.get_active() if selected_obj.kind == 'excellon': current_name = selected_obj.options['name'] self.t_ui.object_combo.set_value(current_name) except Exception: pass # populate Excellon preprocessor combobox list for name in list(self.app.preprocessors.keys()): # the HPGL preprocessor is only for Geometry not for Excellon job therefore don't add it if name == 'hpgl': continue self.t_ui.pp_excellon_name_cb.addItem(name) # update the changes in UI depending on the selected preprocessor in Preferences # after this moment all the changes in the Posprocessor combo will be handled by the activated signal of the # self.t_ui.pp_excellon_name_cb combobox self.on_pp_changed() app_mode = self.app.defaults["global_app_level"] # Show/Hide Advanced Options if app_mode == 'b': self.t_ui.level.setText('%s' % _('Basic')) self.t_ui.estartz_label.hide() self.t_ui.estartz_entry.hide() self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_label.hide() self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_entry.hide() self.t_ui.pdepth_label.hide() self.t_ui.pdepth_entry.hide() self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_label.hide() self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_entry.hide() else: self.t_ui.level.setText('%s' % _('Advanced')) self.t_ui.tools_frame.show() self.t_ui.order_radio.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_tool_order"]) loaded_obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(self.t_ui.object_combo.get_value()) if loaded_obj: outname = loaded_obj.options['name'] else: outname = '' # init the working variables self.default_data.clear() self.default_data = { "name": outname + '_drill', "plot": self.app.defaults["excellon_plot"], "solid": self.app.defaults["excellon_solid"], "multicolored": self.app.defaults["excellon_multicolored"], "merge_fuse_tools": self.app.defaults["excellon_merge_fuse_tools"], "format_upper_in": self.app.defaults["excellon_format_upper_in"], "format_lower_in": self.app.defaults["excellon_format_lower_in"], "format_upper_mm": self.app.defaults["excellon_format_upper_mm"], "lower_mm": self.app.defaults["excellon_format_lower_mm"], "zeros": self.app.defaults["excellon_zeros"], "excellon_units": self.app.defaults["excellon_units"], "excellon_update": self.app.defaults["excellon_update"], "excellon_optimization_type": self.app.defaults["excellon_optimization_type"], "excellon_search_time": self.app.defaults["excellon_search_time"], "excellon_plot_fill": self.app.defaults["excellon_plot_fill"], "excellon_plot_line": self.app.defaults["excellon_plot_line"], # Excellon Options "excellon_tool_order": self.app.defaults["excellon_tool_order"], "cutz": self.app.defaults["excellon_cutz"], "multidepth": self.app.defaults["excellon_multidepth"], "depthperpass": self.app.defaults["excellon_depthperpass"], "travelz": self.app.defaults["excellon_travelz"], "endz": self.app.defaults["excellon_endz"], "endxy": self.app.defaults["excellon_endxy"], "feedrate_z": self.app.defaults["excellon_feedrate_z"], "spindlespeed": self.app.defaults["excellon_spindlespeed"], "dwell": self.app.defaults["excellon_dwell"], "dwelltime": self.app.defaults["excellon_dwelltime"], "toolchange": self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchange"], "toolchangez": self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangez"], "ppname_e": self.app.defaults["excellon_ppname_e"], "tooldia": self.app.defaults["excellon_tooldia"], "slot_tooldia": self.app.defaults["excellon_slot_tooldia"], "gcode_type": self.app.defaults["excellon_gcode_type"], "excellon_area_exclusion": self.app.defaults["excellon_area_exclusion"], "excellon_area_shape": self.app.defaults["excellon_area_shape"], "excellon_area_strategy": self.app.defaults["excellon_area_strategy"], "excellon_area_overz": self.app.defaults["excellon_area_overz"], # Excellon Advanced Options "offset": self.app.defaults["excellon_offset"], "toolchangexy": self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangexy"], "startz": self.app.defaults["excellon_startz"], "feedrate_rapid": self.app.defaults["excellon_feedrate_rapid"], "z_pdepth": self.app.defaults["excellon_z_pdepth"], "feedrate_probe": self.app.defaults["excellon_feedrate_probe"], "spindledir": self.app.defaults["excellon_spindledir"], "f_plunge": self.app.defaults["excellon_f_plunge"], "f_retract": self.app.defaults["excellon_f_retract"], "gcode": '', "gcode_parsed": '', "geometry": [], } # fill in self.default_data values from self.options for opt_key, opt_val in self.app.options.items(): if opt_key.find('excellon_') == 0: self.default_data[opt_key] = deepcopy(opt_val) self.first_click = False self.cursor_pos = None self.mouse_is_dragging = False self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() # ######################################## # #######3 TEMP SETTINGS ################# # ######################################## self.t_ui.tools_table.setRowCount(2) self.t_ui.tools_table.setMinimumHeight(self.t_ui.tools_table.getHeight()) self.t_ui.tools_table.setMaximumHeight(self.t_ui.tools_table.getHeight()) if self.excellon_obj: # make sure to update the UI on init self.excellon_tools = self.excellon_obj.tools self.build_ui() # ######################################## # ######################################## # ####### Fill in the parameters ######### # ######################################## # ######################################## self.t_ui.cutz_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_cutz"]) self.t_ui.mpass_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_multidepth"]) self.t_ui.maxdepth_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_depthperpass"]) self.t_ui.travelz_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_travelz"]) self.t_ui.feedrate_z_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_feedrate_z"]) self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_feedrate_rapid"]) self.t_ui.spindlespeed_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_spindlespeed"]) self.t_ui.dwell_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_dwell"]) self.t_ui.dwelltime_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_dwelltime"]) self.t_ui.offset_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_offset"]) self.t_ui.toolchange_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchange"]) self.t_ui.toolchangez_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangez"]) self.t_ui.estartz_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_startz"]) self.t_ui.endz_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_endz"]) self.t_ui.endxy_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_endxy"]) self.t_ui.pdepth_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_z_pdepth"]) self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_feedrate_probe"]) self.t_ui.exclusion_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_area_exclusion"]) self.t_ui.strategy_radio.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_area_strategy"]) self.t_ui.over_z_entry.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_area_overz"]) self.t_ui.area_shape_radio.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_area_shape"]) try: self.t_ui.object_combo.currentTextChanged.disconnect() except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass self.t_ui.object_combo.currentTextChanged.connect(self.on_object_changed) def rebuild_ui(self): # read the table tools uid current_uid_list = [] for row in range(self.t_ui.tools_table.rowCount()): try: uid = int(self.t_ui.tools_table.item(row, 3).text()) current_uid_list.append(uid) except AttributeError: continue new_tools = {} new_uid = 1 for current_uid in current_uid_list: new_tools[new_uid] = deepcopy(self.excellon_tools[current_uid]) new_uid += 1 self.excellon_tools = new_tools # the tools table changed therefore we need to rebuild it QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(20, self.build_ui) def build_ui(self): log.debug("ToolDrilling.build_ui()") self.ui_disconnect() # order the tools by tool diameter if it's the case sorted_tools = [] for k, v in self.excellon_tools.items(): sorted_tools.append(float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(v['tooldia'])))) order = self.t_ui.order_radio.get_value() if order == 'fwd': sorted_tools.sort(reverse=False) elif order == 'rev': sorted_tools.sort(reverse=True) else: pass # remake the excellon_tools dict in the order above new_id = 1 new_tools = {} for tooldia in sorted_tools: for old_tool in self.excellon_tools: if float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.excellon_tools[old_tool]['tooldia']))) == tooldia: new_tools[new_id] = deepcopy(self.excellon_tools[old_tool]) new_id += 1 self.excellon_tools = new_tools if self.excellon_obj and self.excellon_tools: self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(False) tools = [k for k in self.excellon_tools] else: self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(True) self.t_ui.tools_table.setRowCount(2) tools = [] n = len(tools) # we have (n+2) rows because there are 'n' tools, each a row, plus the last 2 rows for totals. self.t_ui.tools_table.setRowCount(n + 2) self.tool_row = 0 tot_drill_cnt = 0 tot_slot_cnt = 0 for tool_no in tools: # Find no of drills for the current tool try: drill_cnt = len(self.excellon_tools[tool_no]["drills"]) # variable to store the nr of drills per tool except KeyError: drill_cnt = 0 tot_drill_cnt += drill_cnt # Find no of slots for the current tool try: slot_cnt = len(self.excellon_tools[tool_no]["slots"]) # variable to store the nr of slots per tool except KeyError: slot_cnt = 0 tot_slot_cnt += slot_cnt # Tool name/id exc_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(tool_no)) exc_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 0, exc_id_item) # Tool Diameter dia_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.*f' % (self.decimals, self.excellon_tools[tool_no]['tooldia'])) dia_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 1, dia_item) # Number of drills per tool drill_count_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % drill_cnt) drill_count_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 2, drill_count_item) # Tool unique ID tool_uid_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(int(tool_no))) # ## REMEMBER: THIS COLUMN IS HIDDEN in UI self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 3, tool_uid_item) # Number of slots per tool # if the slot number is zero is better to not clutter the GUI with zero's so we print a space slot_count_str = '%d' % slot_cnt if slot_cnt > 0 else '' slot_count_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(slot_count_str) slot_count_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 4, slot_count_item) self.tool_row += 1 # add a last row with the Total number of drills empty_1 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_1.setFlags(~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) empty_1_1 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_1_1.setFlags(~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) label_tot_drill_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(_('Total Drills')) label_tot_drill_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) tot_drill_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % tot_drill_cnt) tot_drill_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 0, empty_1) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 1, label_tot_drill_count) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 2, tot_drill_count) # Total number of drills self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 4, empty_1_1) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) for k in [1, 2]: self.t_ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, k).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(127, 0, 255)) self.t_ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, k).setFont(font) self.tool_row += 1 # add a last row with the Total number of slots empty_2 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_2.setFlags(~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) empty_2_1 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_2_1.setFlags(~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) label_tot_slot_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(_('Total Slots')) tot_slot_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % tot_slot_cnt) label_tot_slot_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) tot_slot_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 0, empty_2) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 1, label_tot_slot_count) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 2, empty_2_1) self.t_ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 4, tot_slot_count) # Total number of slots for kl in [1, 2, 4]: self.t_ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, kl).setFont(font) self.t_ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, kl).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(0, 70, 255)) # make the diameter column editable # for row in range(self.t_ui.tools_table.rowCount() - 2): # self.t_ui.tools_table.item(row, 1).setFlags( # QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.t_ui.tools_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.t_ui.tools_table.resizeRowsToContents() vertical_header = self.t_ui.tools_table.verticalHeader() vertical_header.hide() self.t_ui.tools_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header = self.t_ui.tools_table.horizontalHeader() self.t_ui.tools_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header.setMinimumSectionSize(10) horizontal_header.setDefaultSectionSize(70) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(0, 20) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(4, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.t_ui.tools_table.setSortingEnabled(False) self.t_ui.tools_table.setMinimumHeight(self.t_ui.tools_table.getHeight()) self.t_ui.tools_table.setMaximumHeight(self.t_ui.tools_table.getHeight()) # all the tools are selected by default # self.t_ui.tools_table.selectAll() # Build Exclusion Areas section e_len = len(self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setRowCount(e_len) area_id = 0 for area in range(e_len): area_id += 1 area_dict = self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage[area] area_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(area_id)) area_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 0, area_id_item) # Area id object_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%s' % area_dict["obj_type"]) object_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 1, object_item) # Origin Object strategy_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%s' % area_dict["strategy"]) strategy_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 2, strategy_item) # Strategy overz_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%s' % area_dict["overz"]) overz_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 3, overz_item) # Over Z self.t_ui.exclusion_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.t_ui.exclusion_table.resizeRowsToContents() area_vheader = self.t_ui.exclusion_table.verticalHeader() area_vheader.hide() self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) area_hheader = self.t_ui.exclusion_table.horizontalHeader() area_hheader.setMinimumSectionSize(10) area_hheader.setDefaultSectionSize(70) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) area_hheader.resizeSection(0, 20) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) # area_hheader.setStretchLastSection(True) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setColumnWidth(0, 20) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setMinimumHeight(self.t_ui.exclusion_table.getHeight()) self.t_ui.exclusion_table.setMaximumHeight(self.t_ui.exclusion_table.getHeight()) self.ui_connect() # set the text on tool_data_label after loading the object sel_rows = set() sel_items = self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedItems() for it in sel_items: sel_rows.add(it.row()) if len(sel_rows) > 1: self.t_ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Multiple Tools")) ) elif len(sel_rows) == 1: # update the QLabel that shows for which Tool we have the parameters in the UI form toolnr = int(self.t_ui.tools_table.item(list(sel_rows)[0], 0).text()) self.t_ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s %d" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Tool"), toolnr) ) def on_object_changed(self): log.debug("ToolDrilling.on_object_changed()") # updated units self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() # load the Excellon object self.obj_name = self.t_ui.object_combo.currentText() # Get source object. try: self.excellon_obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(self.obj_name) except Exception: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Could not retrieve object"), str(self.obj_name))) return self.excellon_tools = self.excellon_obj.tools if self.excellon_obj is None: self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(True) self.set_tool_ui() else: self.app.collection.set_active(self.obj_name) self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(False) self.excellon_tools = self.excellon_obj.tools self.build_ui() sel_rows = set() table_items = self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedItems() if table_items: for it in table_items: sel_rows.add(it.row()) if not sel_rows or len(sel_rows) == 0: self.t_ui.generate_cnc_button.setDisabled(True) self.t_ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s" % (_('Parameters for'), _("No Tool Selected")) ) else: self.t_ui.generate_cnc_button.setDisabled(False) def ui_connect(self): # Area Exception - exclusion shape added signal # first disconnect it from any other object try: self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass # then connect it to the current build_ui() method self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.connect(self.update_exclusion_table) # rows selected self.t_ui.tools_table.clicked.connect(self.on_row_selection_change) self.t_ui.tools_table.horizontalHeader().sectionClicked.connect(self.on_toggle_all_rows) # Tool Parameters for opt in self.form_fields: current_widget = self.form_fields[opt] if isinstance(current_widget, FCCheckBox): current_widget.stateChanged.connect(self.form_to_storage) if isinstance(current_widget, RadioSet): current_widget.activated_custom.connect(self.form_to_storage) elif isinstance(current_widget, FCDoubleSpinner) or isinstance(current_widget, FCSpinner): current_widget.returnPressed.connect(self.form_to_storage) elif isinstance(current_widget, FCComboBox): current_widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.form_to_storage) self.t_ui.order_radio.activated_custom[str].connect(self.on_order_changed) def ui_disconnect(self): # rows selected try: self.t_ui.tools_table.clicked.disconnect(self.on_row_selection_change) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.t_ui.tools_table.horizontalHeader().sectionClicked.disconnect(self.on_toggle_all_rows) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass # tool table widgets for row in range(self.t_ui.tools_table.rowCount()): try: self.t_ui.tools_table.cellWidget(row, 2).currentIndexChanged.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass # Tool Parameters for opt in self.form_fields: current_widget = self.form_fields[opt] if isinstance(current_widget, FCCheckBox): try: current_widget.stateChanged.disconnect(self.form_to_storage) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if isinstance(current_widget, RadioSet): try: current_widget.activated_custom.disconnect(self.form_to_storage) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass elif isinstance(current_widget, FCDoubleSpinner) or isinstance(current_widget, FCSpinner): try: current_widget.returnPressed.disconnect(self.form_to_storage) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass elif isinstance(current_widget, FCComboBox): try: current_widget.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self.form_to_storage) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass try: self.t_ui.order_radio.activated_custom[str].disconnect() except (TypeError, ValueError): pass def on_toggle_all_rows(self): """ will toggle the selection of all rows in Tools table :return: """ sel_model = self.t_ui.tools_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if len(sel_rows) == self.t_ui.tools_table.rowCount(): self.t_ui.tools_table.clearSelection() self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(True) else: self.t_ui.tools_table.selectAll() self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(False) self.update_ui() def on_row_selection_change(self): self.update_ui() def update_ui(self): self.blockSignals(True) sel_rows = set() table_items = self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedItems() if table_items: for it in table_items: sel_rows.add(it.row()) # sel_rows = sorted(set(index.row() for index in self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedIndexes())) if not sel_rows or len(sel_rows) == 0: self.t_ui.generate_cnc_button.setDisabled(True) self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(True) self.t_ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s" % (_('Parameters for'), _("No Tool Selected")) ) self.blockSignals(False) return else: self.t_ui.generate_cnc_button.setDisabled(False) self.t_ui.exc_param_frame.setDisabled(False) if len(sel_rows) == 1: # update the QLabel that shows for which Tool we have the parameters in the UI form tooluid = int(self.t_ui.tools_table.item(list(sel_rows)[0], 0).text()) self.t_ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s %d" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Tool"), tooluid) ) else: self.t_ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Multiple Tools")) ) for c_row in sel_rows: # populate the form with the data from the tool associated with the row parameter try: item = self.t_ui.tools_table.item(c_row, 3) if type(item) is not None: tooluid = int(item.text()) self.storage_to_form(self.excellon_tools[tooluid]['data']) else: self.blockSignals(False) return except Exception as e: log.debug("Tool missing. Add a tool in the Tool Table. %s" % str(e)) self.blockSignals(False) return self.blockSignals(False) def storage_to_form(self, dict_storage): """ Will update the GUI with data from the "storage" in this case the dict self.tools :param dict_storage: A dictionary holding the data relevant for gnerating Gcode from Excellon :type dict_storage: dict :return: None :rtype: """ for form_key in self.form_fields: for storage_key in dict_storage: if form_key == storage_key and form_key not in \ ["toolchange", "toolchangez", "startz", "endz", "ppname_e", "ppname_g"]: try: self.form_fields[form_key].set_value(dict_storage[form_key]) except Exception as e: log.debug("ToolDrilling.storage_to_form() --> %s" % str(e)) pass def form_to_storage(self): """ Will update the 'storage' attribute which is the dict self.tools with data collected from GUI :return: None :rtype: """ if self.t_ui.tools_table.rowCount() == 2: # there is no tool in tool table so we can't save the GUI elements values to storage # Excellon Tool Table has 2 rows by default return self.blockSignals(True) widget_changed = self.sender() wdg_objname = widget_changed.objectName() option_changed = self.name2option[wdg_objname] # row = self.t_ui.tools_table.currentRow() rows = sorted(list(set(index.row() for index in self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedIndexes()))) for row in rows: if row < 0: row = 0 tooluid_item = int(self.t_ui.tools_table.item(row, 3).text()) for tooluid_key, tooluid_val in self.excellon_tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == tooluid_item: new_option_value = self.form_fields[option_changed].get_value() if option_changed in tooluid_val: tooluid_val[option_changed] = new_option_value if option_changed in tooluid_val['data']: tooluid_val['data'][option_changed] = new_option_value self.blockSignals(False) def get_selected_tools_list(self): """ Returns the keys to the self.tools dictionary corresponding to the selections on the tool list in the appGUI. :return: List of tools. :rtype: list """ return [str(x.text()) for x in self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedItems()] def get_selected_tools_table_items(self): """ Returns a list of lists, each list in the list is made out of row elements :return: List of table_tools items. :rtype: list """ table_tools_items = [] for x in self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedItems(): # from the columnCount we subtract a value of 1 which represent the last column (plot column) # which does not have text txt = '' elem = [] for column in range(0, self.t_ui.tools_table.columnCount() - 1): try: txt = self.t_ui.tools_table.item(x.row(), column).text() except AttributeError: try: txt = self.t_ui.tools_table.cellWidget(x.row(), column).currentText() except AttributeError: pass elem.append(txt) table_tools_items.append(deepcopy(elem)) # table_tools_items.append([self.t_ui.tools_table.item(x.row(), column).text() # for column in range(0, self.t_ui.tools_table.columnCount() - 1)]) for item in table_tools_items: item[0] = str(item[0]) return table_tools_items def on_apply_param_to_all_clicked(self): if self.t_ui.tools_table.rowCount() == 0: # there is no tool in tool table so we can't save the GUI elements values to storage log.debug("ToolDrilling.on_apply_param_to_all_clicked() --> no tool in Tools Table, aborting.") return self.blockSignals(True) row = self.t_ui.tools_table.currentRow() if row < 0: row = 0 tooluid_item = int(self.t_ui.tools_table.item(row, 3).text()) temp_tool_data = {} for tooluid_key, tooluid_val in self.excellon_tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == tooluid_item: # this will hold the 'data' key of the self.tools[tool] dictionary that corresponds to # the current row in the tool table temp_tool_data = tooluid_val['data'] break for tooluid_key, tooluid_val in self.excellon_tools.items(): tooluid_val['data'] = deepcopy(temp_tool_data) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Current Tool parameters were applied to all tools.")) self.blockSignals(False) def on_order_changed(self, order): if order != 'no': self.build_ui() def on_tooltable_cellwidget_change(self): cw = self.sender() assert isinstance(cw, QtWidgets.QComboBox), \ "Expected a QtWidgets.QComboBox, got %s" % isinstance(cw, QtWidgets.QComboBox) cw_index = self.t_ui.tools_table.indexAt(cw.pos()) cw_row = cw_index.row() cw_col = cw_index.column() current_uid = int(self.t_ui.tools_table.item(cw_row, 3).text()) # if the sender is in the column with index 2 then we update the tool_type key if cw_col == 2: tt = cw.currentText() typ = 'Iso' if tt == 'V' else "Rough" self.excellon_tools[current_uid].update({ 'type': typ, 'tool_type': tt, }) def generate_milling_drills(self, tools=None, outname=None, tooldia=None, plot=False, use_thread=False): """ Will generate an Geometry Object allowing to cut a drill hole instead of drilling it. Note: This method is a good template for generic operations as it takes it's options from parameters or otherwise from the object's options and returns a (success, msg) tuple as feedback for shell operations. :param tools: A list of tools where the drills are to be milled or a string: "all" :type tools: :param outname: the name of the resulting Geometry object :type outname: str :param tooldia: the tool diameter to be used in creation of the milling path (Geometry Object) :type tooldia: float :param plot: if to plot the resulting object :type plot: bool :param use_thread: if to use threading for creation of the Geometry object :type use_thread: bool :return: Success/failure condition tuple (bool, str). :rtype: tuple """ # Get the tools from the list. These are keys # to self.tools if tools is None: tools = self.get_selected_tools_list() if outname is None: outname = self.options["name"] + "_mill" if tooldia is None: tooldia = float(self.options["tooldia"]) # Sort tools by diameter. items() -> [('name', diameter), ...] # sorted_tools = sorted(list(self.tools.items()), key=lambda tl: tl[1]) # no longer works in Python3 sort = [] for k, v in self.tools.items(): sort.append((k, v.get('tooldia'))) sorted_tools = sorted(sort, key=lambda t1: t1[1]) if tools == "all": tools = [i[0] for i in sorted_tools] # List if ordered tool names. log.debug("Tools 'all' and sorted are: %s" % str(tools)) if len(tools) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Please select one or more tools from the list and try again.")) return False, "Error: No tools." for tool in tools: if tooldia > self.tools[tool]["C"]: self.app.inform.emit( '[ERROR_NOTCL] %s %s: %s' % ( _("Milling tool for DRILLS is larger than hole size. Cancelled."), _("Tool"), str(tool) ) ) return False, "Error: Milling tool is larger than hole." def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): """ :param geo_obj: New object :type geo_obj: GeometryObject :param app_obj: App :type app_obj: FlatCAMApp.App :return: :rtype: """ assert geo_obj.kind == 'geometry', "Initializer expected a GeometryObject, got %s" % type(geo_obj) app_obj.inform.emit(_("Generating drills milling geometry...")) # ## Add properties to the object # get the tool_table items in a list of row items tool_table_items = self.get_selected_tools_table_items() # insert an information only element in the front tool_table_items.insert(0, [_("Tool_nr"), _("Diameter"), _("Drills_Nr"), _("Slots_Nr")]) geo_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tool_table_items geo_obj.options['type'] = 'Excellon Geometry' geo_obj.options["cnctooldia"] = str(tooldia) geo_obj.options["multidepth"] = self.options["multidepth"] geo_obj.solid_geometry = [] # in case that the tool used has the same diameter with the hole, and since the maximum resolution # for FlatCAM is 6 decimals, # we add a tenth of the minimum value, meaning 0.0000001, which from our point of view is "almost zero" for hole in self.drills: if hole['tool'] in tools: buffer_value = self.tools[hole['tool']]["C"] / 2 - tooldia / 2 if buffer_value == 0: geo_obj.solid_geometry.append( Point(hole['point']).buffer(0.0000001).exterior) else: geo_obj.solid_geometry.append( Point(hole['point']).buffer(buffer_value).exterior) if use_thread: def geo_thread(a_obj): a_obj.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname, geo_init, plot=plot) # Create a promise with the new name self.app.collection.promise(outname) # Send to worker self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': geo_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) else: self.app.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname, geo_init, plot=plot) return True, "" def generate_milling_slots(self, tools=None, outname=None, tooldia=None, plot=False, use_thread=False): """ Will generate an Geometry Object allowing to cut/mill a slot hole. Note: This method is a good template for generic operations as it takes it's options from parameters or otherwise from the object's options and returns a (success, msg) tuple as feedback for shell operations. :param tools: A list of tools where the drills are to be milled or a string: "all" :type tools: :param outname: the name of the resulting Geometry object :type outname: str :param tooldia: the tool diameter to be used in creation of the milling path (Geometry Object) :type tooldia: float :param plot: if to plot the resulting object :type plot: bool :param use_thread: if to use threading for creation of the Geometry object :type use_thread: bool :return: Success/failure condition tuple (bool, str). :rtype: tuple """ # Get the tools from the list. These are keys # to self.tools if tools is None: tools = self.get_selected_tools_list() if outname is None: outname = self.options["name"] + "_mill" if tooldia is None: tooldia = float(self.options["slot_tooldia"]) # Sort tools by diameter. items() -> [('name', diameter), ...] # sorted_tools = sorted(list(self.tools.items()), key=lambda tl: tl[1]) # no longer works in Python3 sort = [] for k, v in self.tools.items(): sort.append((k, v.get('tooldia'))) sorted_tools = sorted(sort, key=lambda t1: t1[1]) if tools == "all": tools = [i[0] for i in sorted_tools] # List if ordered tool names. log.debug("Tools 'all' and sorted are: %s" % str(tools)) if len(tools) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Please select one or more tools from the list and try again.")) return False, "Error: No tools." for tool in tools: # I add the 0.0001 value to account for the rounding error in converting from IN to MM and reverse adj_toolstable_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tooldia))) adj_file_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.tools[tool]["C"]))) if adj_toolstable_tooldia > adj_file_tooldia + 0.0001: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Milling tool for SLOTS is larger than hole size. Cancelled.")) return False, "Error: Milling tool is larger than hole." def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): assert geo_obj.kind == 'geometry', "Initializer expected a GeometryObject, got %s" % type(geo_obj) app_obj.inform.emit(_("Generating slot milling geometry...")) # ## Add properties to the object # get the tool_table items in a list of row items tool_table_items = self.get_selected_tools_table_items() # insert an information only element in the front tool_table_items.insert(0, [_("Tool_nr"), _("Diameter"), _("Drills_Nr"), _("Slots_Nr")]) geo_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tool_table_items geo_obj.options['type'] = 'Excellon Geometry' geo_obj.options["cnctooldia"] = str(tooldia) geo_obj.options["multidepth"] = self.options["multidepth"] geo_obj.solid_geometry = [] # in case that the tool used has the same diameter with the hole, and since the maximum resolution # for FlatCAM is 6 decimals, # we add a tenth of the minimum value, meaning 0.0000001, which from our point of view is "almost zero" for slot in self.slots: if slot['tool'] in tools: toolstable_tool = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tooldia))) file_tool = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.tools[tool]["C"]))) # I add the 0.0001 value to account for the rounding error in converting from IN to MM and reverse # for the file_tool (tooldia actually) buffer_value = float(file_tool / 2) - float(toolstable_tool / 2) + 0.0001 if buffer_value == 0: start = slot['start'] stop = slot['stop'] lines_string = LineString([start, stop]) poly = lines_string.buffer(0.0000001, int(self.geo_steps_per_circle)).exterior geo_obj.solid_geometry.append(poly) else: start = slot['start'] stop = slot['stop'] lines_string = LineString([start, stop]) poly = lines_string.buffer(buffer_value, int(self.geo_steps_per_circle)).exterior geo_obj.solid_geometry.append(poly) if use_thread: def geo_thread(a_obj): a_obj.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname + '_slot', geo_init, plot=plot) # Create a promise with the new name self.app.collection.promise(outname) # Send to worker self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': geo_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) else: self.app.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname + '_slot', geo_init, plot=plot) return True, "" def on_pp_changed(self): current_pp = self.t_ui.pp_excellon_name_cb.get_value() if "toolchange_probe" in current_pp.lower(): self.t_ui.pdepth_entry.setVisible(True) self.t_ui.pdepth_label.show() self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_entry.setVisible(True) self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_label.show() else: self.t_ui.pdepth_entry.setVisible(False) self.t_ui.pdepth_label.hide() self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_entry.setVisible(False) self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_label.hide() if 'marlin' in current_pp.lower() or 'custom' in current_pp.lower(): self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_label.show() self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_entry.show() else: self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_label.hide() self.t_ui.feedrate_rapid_entry.hide() if 'laser' in current_pp.lower(): self.t_ui.cutzlabel.hide() self.t_ui.cutz_entry.hide() try: self.t_ui.mpass_cb.hide() self.t_ui.maxdepth_entry.hide() except AttributeError: pass if 'marlin' in current_pp.lower(): self.t_ui.travelzlabel.setText('%s:' % _("Focus Z")) self.t_ui.endz_label.show() self.t_ui.endz_entry.show() else: self.t_ui.travelzlabel.hide() self.t_ui.travelz_entry.hide() self.t_ui.endz_label.hide() self.t_ui.endz_entry.hide() try: self.t_ui.frzlabel.hide() self.t_ui.feedrate_z_entry.hide() except AttributeError: pass self.t_ui.dwell_cb.hide() self.t_ui.dwelltime_entry.hide() self.t_ui.spindle_label.setText('%s:' % _("Laser Power")) try: self.t_ui.tool_offset_label.hide() self.t_ui.offset_entry.hide() except AttributeError: pass else: self.t_ui.cutzlabel.show() self.t_ui.cutz_entry.show() try: self.t_ui.mpass_cb.show() self.t_ui.maxdepth_entry.show() except AttributeError: pass self.t_ui.travelzlabel.setText('%s:' % _('Travel Z')) self.t_ui.travelzlabel.show() self.t_ui.travelz_entry.show() self.t_ui.endz_label.show() self.t_ui.endz_entry.show() try: self.t_ui.frzlabel.show() self.t_ui.feedrate_z_entry.show() except AttributeError: pass self.t_ui.dwell_cb.show() self.t_ui.dwelltime_entry.show() self.t_ui.spindle_label.setText('%s:' % _('Spindle speed')) try: # self.t_ui.tool_offset_lbl.show() self.t_ui.offset_entry.show() except AttributeError: pass def on_key_press(self, event): # modifiers = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() # matplotlib_key_flag = False # events out of the self.app.collection view (it's about Project Tab) are of type int if type(event) is int: key = event # events from the GUI are of type QKeyEvent elif type(event) == QtGui.QKeyEvent: key = event.key() elif isinstance(event, mpl_key_event): # MatPlotLib key events are trickier to interpret than the rest # matplotlib_key_flag = True key = event.key key = QtGui.QKeySequence(key) # check for modifiers key_string = key.toString().lower() if '+' in key_string: mod, __, key_text = key_string.rpartition('+') if mod.lower() == 'ctrl': # modifiers = QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier pass elif mod.lower() == 'alt': # modifiers = QtCore.Qt.AltModifier pass elif mod.lower() == 'shift': # modifiers = QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier pass else: # modifiers = QtCore.Qt.NoModifier pass key = QtGui.QKeySequence(key_text) # events from Vispy are of type KeyEvent else: key = event.key if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape or key == 'Escape': self.points = [] self.poly_drawn = False self.delete_moving_selection_shape() self.delete_tool_selection_shape() def on_add_area_click(self): shape_button = self.t_ui.area_shape_radio overz_button = self.t_ui.over_z_entry strategy_radio = self.t_ui.strategy_radio cnc_button = self.t_ui.generate_cnc_button solid_geo = self.excellon_obj.solid_geometry obj_type = self.excellon_obj.kind self.app.exc_areas.on_add_area_click( shape_button=shape_button, overz_button=overz_button, cnc_button=cnc_button, strategy_radio=strategy_radio, solid_geo=solid_geo, obj_type=obj_type) def on_clear_area_click(self): if not self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage: self.app.inform.emit("[WARNING_NOTCL] %s" % _("Delete failed. There are no exclusion areas to delete.")) return self.app.exc_areas.on_clear_area_click() self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.emit() def on_delete_sel_areas(self): sel_model = self.t_ui.exclusion_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows # so the duplicate rows will not be added sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if not sel_rows: self.app.inform.emit("[WARNING_NOTCL] %s" % _("Delete failed. Nothing is selected.")) return self.app.exc_areas.delete_sel_shapes(idxs=list(sel_rows)) self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.emit() def draw_sel_shape(self): sel_model = self.t_ui.exclusion_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) self.delete_sel_shape() if self.app.is_legacy is False: face = self.app.defaults['global_sel_fill'][:-2] + str(hex(int(0.2 * 255)))[2:] outline = self.app.defaults['global_sel_line'][:-2] + str(hex(int(0.8 * 255)))[2:] else: face = self.app.defaults['global_sel_fill'][:-2] + str(hex(int(0.4 * 255)))[2:] outline = self.app.defaults['global_sel_line'][:-2] + str(hex(int(1.0 * 255)))[2:] for row in sel_rows: sel_rect = self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage[row]['shape'] self.app.move_tool.sel_shapes.add(sel_rect, color=outline, face_color=face, update=True, layer=0, tolerance=None) if self.app.is_legacy is True: self.app.move_tool.sel_shapes.redraw() def clear_selection(self): self.app.delete_selection_shape() # self.t_ui.exclusion_table.clearSelection() def delete_sel_shape(self): self.app.delete_selection_shape() def update_exclusion_table(self): self.exclusion_area_cb_is_checked = True if self.t_ui.exclusion_cb.isChecked() else False self.build_ui() self.t_ui.exclusion_cb.set_value(self.exclusion_area_cb_is_checked) def on_strategy(self, val): if val == 'around': self.t_ui.over_z_label.setDisabled(True) self.t_ui.over_z_entry.setDisabled(True) else: self.t_ui.over_z_label.setDisabled(False) self.t_ui.over_z_entry.setDisabled(False) def exclusion_table_toggle_all(self): """ will toggle the selection of all rows in Exclusion Areas table :return: """ sel_model = self.t_ui.exclusion_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if sel_rows: self.t_ui.exclusion_table.clearSelection() self.delete_sel_shape() else: self.t_ui.exclusion_table.selectAll() self.draw_sel_shape() def on_cnc_button_click(self): obj_name = self.t_ui.object_combo.currentText() # Get source object. try: self.excellon_obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(obj_name) except Exception: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Could not retrieve object"), str(obj_name))) return if self.excellon_obj is None: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s.' % _("Object not found")) return # Get the tools from the Tool Table selected_uid = set() for it in self.t_ui.tools_table.selectedItems(): uid = self.t_ui.tools_table.item(it.row(), 3).text() selected_uid.add(uid) tools = list(selected_uid) if len(tools) == 0: # if there is a single tool in the table (remember that the last 2 rows are for totals and do not count in # tool number) it means that there are 3 rows (1 tool and 2 totals). # in this case regardless of the selection status of that tool, use it. if self.t_ui.tools_table.rowCount() == 3: tools.append(self.t_ui.tools_table.item(0, 0).text()) else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Please select one or more tools from the list and try again.")) return xmin = self.excellon_obj.options['xmin'] ymin = self.excellon_obj.options['ymin'] xmax = self.excellon_obj.options['xmax'] ymax = self.excellon_obj.options['ymax'] job_name = self.excellon_obj.options["name"] + "_cnc" pp_excellon_name = self.t_ui.pp_excellon_name_cb.get_value() # z_pdepth = self.t_ui.pdepth_entry.get_value() # feedrate_probe = self.t_ui.feedrate_probe_entry.get_value() # toolchange = self.t_ui.toolchange_cb.get_value() # z_toolchange = self.t_ui.toolchangez_entry.get_value() # startz = self.t_ui.estartz_entry.get_value() # endz = self.t_ui.endz_entry.get_value() # xy_end = self.t_ui.endxy_entry.get_value() # Object initialization function for app.app_obj.new_object() def job_init(job_obj, app_obj): assert job_obj.kind == 'cncjob', "Initializer expected a CNCJobObject, got %s" % type(job_obj) app_obj.inform.emit(_("Generating Excellon CNCJob...")) # get the tool_table items in a list of row items tool_table_items = self.get_selected_tools_table_items() # insert an information only element in the front tool_table_items.insert(0, [_("Tool_nr"), _("Diameter"), _("Drills_Nr"), _("Slots_Nr")]) # ## Add properties to the object job_obj.origin_kind = 'excellon' job_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tool_table_items job_obj.options['type'] = 'Excellon' job_obj.options['ppname_e'] = pp_excellon_name job_obj.pp_excellon_name = pp_excellon_name job_obj.toolchange_xy_type = "excellon" job_obj.coords_decimals = int(self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"]) job_obj.fr_decimals = int(self.app.defaults["cncjob_fr_decimals"]) job_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin job_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin job_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax job_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax # job_obj.z_pdepth = z_pdepth # job_obj.feedrate_probe = feedrate_probe # # job_obj.toolchange = toolchange # job_obj.xy_toolchange = self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangexy"] # job_obj.z_toolchange = z_toolchange # job_obj.startz = startz # job_obj.endz = endz # job_obj.xy_end = xy_end # job_obj.excellon_optimization_type = self.app.defaults["excellon_optimization_type"] tools_csv = ','.join(tools) job_obj.gcode = self.generate_from_excellon_by_tool(tools_csv, self.tools) print(job_obj.gcode) if job_obj.gcode == 'fail': return 'fail' job_obj.gcode_parse() job_obj.create_geometry() # To be run in separate thread def job_thread(a_obj): with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Generating CNC Code")): a_obj.app_obj.new_object("cncjob", job_name, job_init) # Create promise for the new name. self.app.collection.promise(job_name) # Send to worker # self.app.worker.add_task(job_thread, [self.app]) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) def drilling_handler(self, obj): pass # Distance callback class CreateDistanceCallback(object): """Create callback to calculate distances between points.""" def __init__(self, locs, manager): self.manager = manager self.matrix = {} if locs: size = len(locs) for from_node in range(size): self.matrix[from_node] = {} for to_node in range(size): if from_node == to_node: self.matrix[from_node][to_node] = 0 else: x1 = locs[from_node][0] y1 = locs[from_node][1] x2 = locs[to_node][0] y2 = locs[to_node][1] self.matrix[from_node][to_node] = distance_euclidian(x1, y1, x2, y2) # def Distance(self, from_node, to_node): # return int(self.matrix[from_node][to_node]) def Distance(self, from_index, to_index): # Convert from routing variable Index to distance matrix NodeIndex. from_node = self.manager.IndexToNode(from_index) to_node = self.manager.IndexToNode(to_index) return self.matrix[from_node][to_node] @staticmethod def create_tool_data_array(points): # Create the data. loc_list = [] for pt in points: loc_list.append((pt.coords.xy[0][0], pt.coords.xy[1][0])) return loc_list def optimized_ortools_meta(self, locations, start=None): optimized_path = [] tsp_size = len(locations) num_routes = 1 # The number of routes, which is 1 in the TSP. # Nodes are indexed from 0 to tsp_size - 1. The depot is the starting node of the route. depot = 0 if start is None else start # Create routing model. if tsp_size > 0: manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(tsp_size, num_routes, depot) routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager) search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters() search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = ( routing_enums_pb2.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.GUIDED_LOCAL_SEARCH) # Set search time limit in milliseconds. if float(self.app.defaults["excellon_search_time"]) != 0: search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = int( float(self.app.defaults["excellon_search_time"])) else: search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = 3 # Callback to the distance function. The callback takes two # arguments (the from and to node indices) and returns the distance between them. dist_between_locations = self.CreateDistanceCallback(locs=locations, manager=manager) # if there are no distances then go to the next tool if not dist_between_locations: return dist_callback = dist_between_locations.Distance transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(dist_callback) routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(transit_callback_index) # Solve, returns a solution if any. assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters) if assignment: # Solution cost. log.info("OR-tools metaheuristics - Total distance: " + str(assignment.ObjectiveValue())) # Inspect solution. # Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1. route_number = 0 node = routing.Start(route_number) start_node = node while not routing.IsEnd(node): if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace optimized_path.append(node) node = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) else: log.warning('OR-tools metaheuristics - No solution found.') else: log.warning('OR-tools metaheuristics - Specify an instance greater than 0.') return optimized_path # ############################################# ## def optimized_ortools_basic(self, locations, start=None): optimized_path = [] tsp_size = len(locations) num_routes = 1 # The number of routes, which is 1 in the TSP. # Nodes are indexed from 0 to tsp_size - 1. The depot is the starting node of the route. depot = 0 if start is None else start # Create routing model. if tsp_size > 0: manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(tsp_size, num_routes, depot) routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager) search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters() # Callback to the distance function. The callback takes two # arguments (the from and to node indices) and returns the distance between them. dist_between_locations = self.CreateDistanceCallback(locs=locations, manager=manager) # if there are no distances then go to the next tool if not dist_between_locations: return dist_callback = dist_between_locations.Distance transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(dist_callback) routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(transit_callback_index) # Solve, returns a solution if any. assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters) if assignment: # Solution cost. log.info("Total distance: " + str(assignment.ObjectiveValue())) # Inspect solution. # Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1. route_number = 0 node = routing.Start(route_number) start_node = node while not routing.IsEnd(node): optimized_path.append(node) node = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) else: log.warning('No solution found.') else: log.warning('Specify an instance greater than 0.') return optimized_path # ############################################# ## @staticmethod def optimized_travelling_salesman(points, start=None): """ As solving the problem in the brute force way is too slow, this function implements a simple heuristic: always go to the nearest city. Even if this algorithm is extremely simple, it works pretty well giving a solution only about 25%% longer than the optimal one (cit. Wikipedia), and runs very fast in O(N^2) time complexity. >>> optimized_travelling_salesman([[i,j] for i in range(5) for j in range(5)]) [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [1, 4], [1, 3], [1, 2], [1, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [3, 3], [3, 2], [3, 1], [3, 0], [4, 0], [4, 1], [4, 2], [4, 3], [4, 4]] >>> optimized_travelling_salesman([[0,0],[10,0],[6,0]]) [[0, 0], [6, 0], [10, 0]] :param points: List of tuples with x, y coordinates :type points: list :param start: a tuple with a x,y coordinates of the start point :type start: tuple :return: List of points ordered in a optimized way :rtype: list """ if start is None: start = points[0] must_visit = points path = [start] # must_visit.remove(start) while must_visit: nearest = min(must_visit, key=lambda x: distance(path[-1], x)) path.append(nearest) must_visit.remove(nearest) return path def check_zcut(self, zcut): if zcut > 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' % _("The Cut Z parameter has positive value. " "It is the depth value to drill into material.\n" "The Cut Z parameter needs to have a negative value, assuming it is a typo " "therefore the app will convert the value to negative. " "Check the resulting CNC code (Gcode etc).")) return -zcut elif zcut == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s.' % _("The Cut Z parameter is zero. There will be no cut, aborting")) return 'fail' def generate_from_excellon_by_tool(self, sel_tools, tools, order='fwd'): """ Creates Gcode for this object from an Excellon object for the specified tools. :return: Tool GCode :rtype: str """ log.debug("Creating CNC Job from Excellon...") settings = QtCore.QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("machinist"): machinist_setting = settings.value('machinist', type=int) else: machinist_setting = 0 # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # TOOLS # sort the tools list by the second item in tuple (here we have a dict with diameter of the tool) # so we actually are sorting the tools by diameter # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# all_tools = [] for tool_as_key, v in list(tools.items()): all_tools.append((int(tool_as_key), float(v['tooldia']))) if order == 'fwd': sorted_tools = sorted(all_tools, key=lambda t1: t1[1]) elif order == 'rev': sorted_tools = sorted(all_tools, key=lambda t1: t1[1], reverse=True) else: sorted_tools = all_tools if sel_tools == "all": selected_tools = [i[0] for i in all_tools] # we get a array of ordered sel_tools else: selected_tools = eval(sel_tools) # Create a sorted list of selected sel_tools from the sorted_tools list sel_tools = [i for i, j in sorted_tools for k in selected_tools if i == k] log.debug("Tools sorted are: %s" % str(sel_tools)) # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # build a self.options['Tools_in_use'] list from scratch if we don't have one like in the case of # running this method from a Tcl Command # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# build_tools_in_use_list = False if 'Tools_in_use' not in self.excellon_obj.options: self.excellon_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = [] # if the list is empty (either we just added the key or it was already there but empty) signal to build it if not self.excellon_obj.options['Tools_in_use']: build_tools_in_use_list = True # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # fill the data into the self.exc_cnc_tools dictionary # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# for it in all_tools: for to_ol in sel_tools: if to_ol == it[0]: sol_geo = [] drill_no = 0 if 'drills' in tools[to_ol]: drill_no = len(tools[to_ol]['drills']) for drill in tools[to_ol]['drills']: sol_geo.append(drill.buffer((it[1] / 2.0), resolution=self.geo_steps_per_circle)) slot_no = 0 if 'slots' in tools[to_ol]: slot_no = len(tools[to_ol]['slots']) for slot in tools[to_ol]['slots']: start = (slot[0].x, slot[0].y) stop = (slot[1].x, slot[1].y) sol_geo.append( LineString([start, stop]).buffer((it[1] / 2.0), resolution=self.geo_steps_per_circle) ) if self.use_ui: try: z_off = float(tools[it[0]]['data']['offset']) * (-1) except KeyError: z_off = 0 else: z_off = 0 default_data = {} for k, v in list(self.options.items()): default_data[k] = deepcopy(v) self.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]] = {} self.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['tool'] = it[0] self.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['nr_drills'] = drill_no self.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['nr_slots'] = slot_no self.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['offset_z'] = z_off self.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['data'] = default_data self.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['solid_geometry'] = deepcopy(sol_geo) # build a self.options['Tools_in_use'] list from scratch if we don't have one like in the case of # running this method from a Tcl Command if build_tools_in_use_list is True: self.options['Tools_in_use'].append( [it[0], it[1], drill_no, slot_no] ) # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # Points (Group by tool): a dictionary of shapely Point geo elements grouped by tool number # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# self.app.inform.emit(_("Creating a list of points to drill...")) points = {} for tool, tl_dict in tools.items(): if tool in sel_tools: if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace if 'drills' in tl_dict and tl_dict['drills']: for drill_pt in tl_dict['drills']: try: points[tool].append(drill_pt) except KeyError: points[tool] = [drill_pt] log.debug("Found %d TOOLS with drills." % len(points)) # check if there are drill points in the exclusion areas. # If we find any within the exclusion areas return 'fail' for tool in points: for pt in points[tool]: for area in self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage: pt_buf = pt.buffer(self.exc_tools[tool]['tooldia'] / 2.0) if pt_buf.within(area['shape']) or pt_buf.intersects(area['shape']): self.app.inform.emit("[ERROR_NOTCL] %s" % _("Failed. Drill points inside the exclusion zones.")) return 'fail' # ############################################################################################################# # General Parameters # ############################################################################################################# used_excellon_optimization_type = self.app.defaults["excellon_optimization_type"] self.f_plunge = self.app.defaults["excellon_f_plunge"] self.f_retract = self.app.defaults["excellon_f_retract"] # Prepprocessor self.pp_excellon_name = self.default_data["excellon_ppname_e"] self.pp_excellon = self.app.preprocessors[self.pp_excellon_name] p = self.pp_excellon # this holds the resulting GCode gcode = '' # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # Initialization # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# gcode += self.doformat(p.start_code) if self.toolchange is False: if self.xy_toolchange is not None: gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1]) gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1]) else: gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=0.0, y=0.0) gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=0.0, y=0.0) if self.xy_toolchange is not None: self.oldx = self.xy_toolchange[0] self.oldy = self.xy_toolchange[1] else: self.oldx = 0.0 self.oldy = 0.0 measured_distance = 0.0 measured_down_distance = 0.0 measured_up_to_zero_distance = 0.0 measured_lift_distance = 0.0 # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # GCODE creation # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# self.app.inform.emit('%s...' % _("Starting G-Code")) has_drills = None for tool, tool_dict in self.exc_tools.items(): if 'drills' in tool_dict and tool_dict['drills']: has_drills = True break if not has_drills: log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() --> " "The loaded Excellon file has no drills ...") self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' % _('The loaded Excellon file has no drills')) return 'fail' current_platform = platform.architecture()[0] if current_platform != '64bit': used_excellon_optimization_type = 'T' # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# # ################################## DRILLING !!! ######################################################### # ############################################################################################################# # ############################################################################################################# if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'M': log.debug("Using OR-Tools Metaheuristic Guided Local Search drill path optimization.") elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'B': log.debug("Using OR-Tools Basic drill path optimization.") elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'T': log.debug("Using Travelling Salesman drill path optimization.") else: log.debug("Using no path optimization.") if self.toolchange is True: for tool in sel_tools: tool_dict = tools[tool]['data'] # check if it has drills if not tools[tool]['drills']: continue if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace self.tool = tool self.tooldia = tools[tool]["tooldia"] self.postdata['toolC'] = self.tooldia self.z_feedrate = tool_dict['feedrate_z'] self.feedrate = tool_dict['feedrate'] self.z_cut = tool_dict['cutz'] gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code) # Z_cut parameter if machinist_setting == 0: self.z_cut = self.check_zcut(zcut=tool_dict["excellon_cutz"]) if self.z_cut == 'fail': return 'fail' # multidepth use this old_zcut = tool_dict["excellon_cutz"] self.z_move = tool_dict['travelz'] self.spindlespeed = tool_dict['spindlespeed'] self.dwell = tool_dict['dwell'] self.dwelltime = tool_dict['dwelltime'] self.multidepth = tool_dict['multidepth'] self.z_depthpercut = tool_dict['depthperpass'] # XY_toolchange parameter self.xy_toolchange = tool_dict["excellon_toolchangexy"] try: if self.xy_toolchange == '': self.xy_toolchange = None else: self.xy_toolchange = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', str(self.xy_toolchange)) if self.xy_toolchange else None if self.xy_toolchange: self.xy_toolchange = [float(eval(a)) for a in self.xy_toolchange.split(",")] if self.xy_toolchange and len(self.xy_toolchange) != 2: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR]%s' % _("The Toolchange X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be " "in the format (x, y) \nbut now there is only one value, not two. ")) return 'fail' except Exception as e: log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() --> %s" % str(e)) pass # XY_end parameter self.xy_end = tool_dict["excellon_endxy"] self.xy_end = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', str(self.xy_end)) if self.xy_end else None if self.xy_end and self.xy_end != '': self.xy_end = [float(eval(a)) for a in self.xy_end.split(",")] if self.xy_end and len(self.xy_end) < 2: self.app.inform.emit( '[ERROR] %s' % _("The End Move X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be " "in the format (x, y) but now there is only one value, not two.")) return 'fail' # ######################################################################################################### # ############ Create the data. ################# # ######################################################################################################### locations = [] altPoints = [] optimized_path = [] if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'M': if tool in points: locations = self.create_tool_data_array(points=points[tool]) # if there are no locations then go to the next tool if not locations: continue optimized_path = self.optimized_ortools_meta(locations=locations) elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'B': if tool in points: locations = self.create_tool_data_array(points=points[tool]) # if there are no locations then go to the next tool if not locations: continue optimized_path = self.optimized_ortools_basic(locations=locations) elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'T': for point in points[tool]: altPoints.append((point.coords.xy[0][0], point.coords.xy[1][0])) optimized_path = self.optimized_travelling_salesman(altPoints) else: # it's actually not optimized path but here we build a list of (x,y) coordinates # out of the tool's drills for drill in self.exc_tools[tool]['drills']: unoptimized_coords = ( drill.x, drill.y ) optimized_path.append(unoptimized_coords) # ######################################################################################################### # ######################################################################################################### # Only if there are locations to drill if not optimized_path: continue if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace # Tool change sequence (optional) if self.toolchange: gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code, toolchangexy=(self.oldx, self.oldy)) # Spindle start gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Dwell time if self.dwell is True: gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) current_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.exc_tools[tool]["tooldia"]))) self.app.inform.emit( '%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"), str(current_tooldia), str(self.units)) ) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # APPLY Offset only when using the appGUI, for TclCommand this will create an error # because the values for Z offset are created in build_ui() # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try: z_offset = float(tool_dict['offset']) * (-1) except KeyError: z_offset = 0 self.z_cut = z_offset + old_zcut self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"] if self.coordinates_type == "G90": # Drillling! for Absolute coordinates type G90 # variables to display the percentage of work done geo_len = len(optimized_path) old_disp_number = 0 log.warning("Number of drills for which to generate GCode: %s" % str(geo_len)) loc_nr = 0 for point in optimized_path: if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'T': locx = point[0] locy = point[1] else: locx = locations[point][0] locy = locations[point][1] travels = self.app.exc_areas.travel_coordinates(start_point=(self.oldx, self.oldy), end_point=(locx, locy), tooldia=current_tooldia) prev_z = None for travel in travels: locx = travel[1][0] locy = travel[1][1] if travel[0] is not None: # move to next point gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) # raise to safe Z (travel[0]) each time because safe Z may be different self.z_move = travel[0] gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) # restore z_move self.z_move = tool_dict['travelz'] else: if prev_z is not None: # move to next point gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) # we assume that previously the z_move was altered therefore raise to # the travel_z (z_move) self.z_move = tool_dict['travelz'] gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) else: # move to next point gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) # store prev_z prev_z = travel[0] # gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) if self.multidepth and abs(self.z_cut) > abs(self.z_depthpercut): doc = deepcopy(self.z_cut) self.z_cut = 0.0 while abs(self.z_cut) < abs(doc): self.z_cut -= self.z_depthpercut if abs(doc) < abs(self.z_cut) < (abs(doc) + self.z_depthpercut): self.z_cut = doc gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) if self.f_retract is False: gcode += self.doformat(p.up_to_zero_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_up_to_zero_distance += abs(self.z_cut) measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_move) else: measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) else: gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) if self.f_retract is False: gcode += self.doformat(p.up_to_zero_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_up_to_zero_distance += abs(self.z_cut) measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_move) else: measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_distance += abs(distance_euclidian(locx, locy, self.oldx, self.oldy)) self.oldx = locx self.oldy = locy loc_nr += 1 disp_number = int(np.interp(loc_nr, [0, geo_len], [0, 100])) if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100: self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number) old_disp_number = disp_number else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' % _('G91 coordinates not implemented')) return 'fail' self.z_cut = deepcopy(old_zcut) else: # We are not using Toolchange therefore we need to decide which tool properties to use one_tool = 1 all_points = [] for tool in points: # check if it has drills if not points[tool]: continue all_points += points[tool] if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace self.tool = one_tool self.tooldia = self.exc_tools[one_tool]["tooldia"] self.postdata['toolC'] = self.tooldia if self.use_ui: self.z_feedrate = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['feedrate_z'] self.feedrate = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['feedrate'] self.z_cut = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['cutz'] gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code) if self.machinist_setting == 0: if self.z_cut > 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' % _("The Cut Z parameter has positive value. " "It is the depth value to drill into material.\n" "The Cut Z parameter needs to have a negative value, " "assuming it is a typo " "therefore the app will convert the value to negative. " "Check the resulting CNC code (Gcode etc).")) self.z_cut = -self.z_cut elif self.z_cut == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s.' % _("The Cut Z parameter is zero. There will be no cut, skipping file")) return 'fail' old_zcut = deepcopy(self.z_cut) self.z_move = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['travelz'] self.spindlespeed = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['spindlespeed'] self.dwell = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['dwell'] self.dwelltime = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['dwelltime'] self.multidepth = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['multidepth'] self.z_depthpercut = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['depthperpass'] else: old_zcut = deepcopy(self.z_cut) # ######################################################################################################### # ############ Create the data. ################# # ######################################################################################################### locations = [] altPoints = [] optimized_path = [] if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'M': if all_points: locations = self.create_tool_data_array(points=all_points) # if there are no locations then go to the next tool if not locations: return 'fail' optimized_path = self.optimized_ortools_meta(locations=locations) elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'B': if all_points: locations = self.create_tool_data_array(points=all_points) # if there are no locations then go to the next tool if not locations: return 'fail' optimized_path = self.optimized_ortools_basic(locations=locations) elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'T': for point in all_points: altPoints.append((point.coords.xy[0][0], point.coords.xy[1][0])) optimized_path = self.optimized_travelling_salesman(altPoints) else: # it's actually not optimized path but here we build a list of (x,y) coordinates # out of the tool's drills for pt in all_points: unoptimized_coords = ( pt.x, pt.y ) optimized_path.append(unoptimized_coords) # ######################################################################################################### # ######################################################################################################### # Only if there are locations to drill if not optimized_path: return 'fail' if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace # Spindle start gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Dwell time if self.dwell is True: gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) current_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.exc_tools[one_tool]["tooldia"]))) self.app.inform.emit( '%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"), str(current_tooldia), str(self.units)) ) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # APPLY Offset only when using the appGUI, for TclCommand this will create an error # because the values for Z offset are created in build_ui() # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try: z_offset = float(self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['offset']) * (-1) except KeyError: z_offset = 0 self.z_cut = z_offset + old_zcut self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"] if self.coordinates_type == "G90": # Drillling! for Absolute coordinates type G90 # variables to display the percentage of work done geo_len = len(optimized_path) old_disp_number = 0 log.warning("Number of drills for which to generate GCode: %s" % str(geo_len)) loc_nr = 0 for point in optimized_path: if self.app.abort_flag: # graceful abort requested by the user raise grace if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'T': locx = point[0] locy = point[1] else: locx = locations[point][0] locy = locations[point][1] travels = self.app.exc_areas.travel_coordinates(start_point=(self.oldx, self.oldy), end_point=(locx, locy), tooldia=current_tooldia) prev_z = None for travel in travels: locx = travel[1][0] locy = travel[1][1] if travel[0] is not None: # move to next point gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) # raise to safe Z (travel[0]) each time because safe Z may be different self.z_move = travel[0] gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) # restore z_move self.z_move = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['travelz'] else: if prev_z is not None: # move to next point gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) # we assume that previously the z_move was altered therefore raise to # the travel_z (z_move) self.z_move = self.exc_tools[one_tool]['data']['travelz'] gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) else: # move to next point gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) # store prev_z prev_z = travel[0] # gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy) if self.multidepth and abs(self.z_cut) > abs(self.z_depthpercut): doc = deepcopy(self.z_cut) self.z_cut = 0.0 while abs(self.z_cut) < abs(doc): self.z_cut -= self.z_depthpercut if abs(doc) < abs(self.z_cut) < (abs(doc) + self.z_depthpercut): self.z_cut = doc gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) if self.f_retract is False: gcode += self.doformat(p.up_to_zero_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_up_to_zero_distance += abs(self.z_cut) measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_move) else: measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) else: gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) if self.f_retract is False: gcode += self.doformat(p.up_to_zero_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_up_to_zero_distance += abs(self.z_cut) measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_move) else: measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move) gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy) measured_distance += abs(distance_euclidian(locx, locy, self.oldx, self.oldy)) self.oldx = locx self.oldy = locy loc_nr += 1 disp_number = int(np.interp(loc_nr, [0, geo_len], [0, 100])) if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100: self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number) old_disp_number = disp_number else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' % _('G91 coordinates not implemented')) return 'fail' self.z_cut = deepcopy(old_zcut) if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'M': log.debug("The total travel distance with OR-TOOLS Metaheuristics is: %s" % str(measured_distance)) elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'B': log.debug("The total travel distance with OR-TOOLS Basic Algorithm is: %s" % str(measured_distance)) elif used_excellon_optimization_type == 'T': log.debug("The total travel distance with Travelling Salesman Algorithm is: %s" % str(measured_distance)) else: log.debug("The total travel distance with with no optimization is: %s" % str(measured_distance)) gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_stop_code) # Move to End position gcode += self.doformat(p.end_code, x=0, y=0) # ############################################################################################################# # ############################# Calculate DISTANCE and ESTIMATED TIME ######################################### # ############################################################################################################# measured_distance += abs(distance_euclidian(self.oldx, self.oldy, 0, 0)) log.debug("The total travel distance including travel to end position is: %s" % str(measured_distance) + '\n') self.travel_distance = measured_distance # I use the value of self.feedrate_rapid for the feadrate in case of the measure_lift_distance and for # traveled_time because it is not always possible to determine the feedrate that the CNC machine uses # for G0 move (the fastest speed available to the CNC router). Although self.feedrate_rapids is used only with # Marlin preprocessor and derivatives. self.routing_time = (measured_down_distance + measured_up_to_zero_distance) / self.feedrate lift_time = measured_lift_distance / self.feedrate_rapid traveled_time = measured_distance / self.feedrate_rapid self.routing_time += lift_time + traveled_time self.app.inform.emit(_("Finished G-Code generation...")) return gcode def reset_fields(self): self.object_combo.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) def doformat(self, fun, **kwargs): return self.doformat2(fun, **kwargs) + "\n" def doformat2(self, fun, **kwargs): """ This method will call one of the current preprocessor methods having as parameters all the attributes of current class to which will add the kwargs parameters :param fun: One of the methods inside the preprocessor classes which get loaded here in the 'p' object :type fun: class 'function' :param kwargs: keyword args which will update attributes of the current class :type kwargs: dict :return: Gcode line :rtype: str """ attributes = AttrDict() attributes.update(self.postdata) attributes.update(kwargs) try: returnvalue = fun(attributes) return returnvalue except Exception: self.app.log.error('Exception occurred within a preprocessor: ' + traceback.format_exc()) return '' @property def postdata(self): """ This will return all the attributes of the class in the form of a dictionary :return: Class attributes :rtype: dict """ return self.__dict__ class DrillingUI: toolName = _("Drilling Tool") def __init__(self, layout, app): self.app = app self.decimals = self.app.decimals self.layout = layout self.tools_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.tools_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout.addWidget(self.tools_frame) self.tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.tools_frame.setLayout(self.tools_box) self.title_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.tools_box.addLayout(self.title_box) # ## Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.toolName) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) title_label.setToolTip( _("Create CNCJob with toolpaths for drilling or milling holes.") ) self.title_box.addWidget(title_label) # App Level label self.level = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.level.setToolTip( _( "BASIC is suitable for a beginner. Many parameters\n" "are hidden from the user in this mode.\n" "ADVANCED mode will make available all parameters.\n\n" "To change the application LEVEL, go to:\n" "Edit -> Preferences -> General and check:\n" "'APP. LEVEL' radio button." ) ) self.level.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.title_box.addWidget(self.level) # Grid Layout grid0 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() grid0.setColumnStretch(0, 0) grid0.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.tools_box.addLayout(grid0) self.obj_combo_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("EXCELLON")) self.obj_combo_label.setToolTip( _("Excellon object for drilling/milling operation.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.obj_combo_label, 0, 0, 1, 2) # ################################################ # ##### The object to be drilled ################# # ################################################ self.object_combo = FCComboBox() self.object_combo.setModel(self.app.collection) self.object_combo.setRootModelIndex(self.app.collection.index(1, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex())) # self.object_combo.setCurrentIndex(1) self.object_combo.is_last = True grid0.addWidget(self.object_combo, 1, 0, 1, 2) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 2, 0, 1, 2) # ################################################ # ########## Excellon Tool Table ################# # ################################################ self.tools_table = FCTable(drag_drop=True) grid0.addWidget(self.tools_table, 3, 0, 1, 2) self.tools_table.setColumnCount(5) self.tools_table.setColumnHidden(3, True) self.tools_table.setSortingEnabled(False) self.tools_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['#', _('Diameter'), _('Drills'), '', _('Slots')]) self.tools_table.horizontalHeaderItem(0).setToolTip( _("This is the Tool Number.\n" "When ToolChange is checked, on toolchange event this value\n" "will be showed as a T1, T2 ... Tn in the Machine Code.\n\n" "Here the tools are selected for G-code generation.")) self.tools_table.horizontalHeaderItem(1).setToolTip( _("Tool Diameter. It's value (in current FlatCAM units) \n" "is the cut width into the material.")) self.tools_table.horizontalHeaderItem(2).setToolTip( _("The number of Drill holes. Holes that are drilled with\n" "a drill bit.")) self.tools_table.horizontalHeaderItem(4).setToolTip( _("The number of Slot holes. Holes that are created by\n" "milling them with an endmill bit.")) # Tool order self.order_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tool order')) self.order_label.setToolTip(_("This set the way that the tools in the tools table are used.\n" "'No' --> means that the used order is the one in the tool table\n" "'Forward' --> means that the tools will be ordered from small to big\n" "'Reverse' --> means that the tools will ordered from big to small\n\n" "WARNING: using rest machining will automatically set the order\n" "in reverse and disable this control.")) self.order_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('No'), 'value': 'no'}, {'label': _('Forward'), 'value': 'fwd'}, {'label': _('Reverse'), 'value': 'rev'}]) grid0.addWidget(self.order_label, 4, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.order_radio, 4, 1) separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) grid0.addWidget(separator_line, 5, 0, 1, 2) # ########################################################### # ############# Create CNC Job ############################## # ########################################################### self.tool_data_label = QtWidgets.QLabel( "%s: %s %d" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Tool"), int(1))) self.tool_data_label.setToolTip( _( "The data used for creating GCode.\n" "Each tool store it's own set of such data." ) ) grid0.addWidget(self.tool_data_label, 6, 0, 1, 2) self.exc_param_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.exc_param_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.exc_param_frame, 7, 0, 1, 2) self.exc_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.exc_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.exc_param_frame.setLayout(self.exc_tools_box) # ################################################################# # ################# GRID LAYOUT 3 ############################### # ################################################################# self.grid1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.grid1.setColumnStretch(0, 0) self.grid1.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.exc_tools_box.addLayout(self.grid1) # Cut Z self.cutzlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Cut Z')) self.cutzlabel.setToolTip( _("Drill depth (negative)\n" "below the copper surface.") ) self.cutz_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.cutz_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) if machinist_setting == 0: self.cutz_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 0.0000) else: self.cutz_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.cutz_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.cutz_entry.setObjectName("e_cutz") self.grid1.addWidget(self.cutzlabel, 4, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.cutz_entry, 4, 1) # Multi-Depth self.mpass_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Multi-Depth")) self.mpass_cb.setToolTip( _( "Use multiple passes to limit\n" "the cut depth in each pass. Will\n" "cut multiple times until Cut Z is\n" "reached." ) ) self.mpass_cb.setObjectName("e_multidepth") self.maxdepth_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.maxdepth_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.maxdepth_entry.set_range(0, 9999.9999) self.maxdepth_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.maxdepth_entry.setToolTip(_("Depth of each pass (positive).")) self.maxdepth_entry.setObjectName("e_depthperpass") self.mis_mpass_geo = OptionalInputSection(self.mpass_cb, [self.maxdepth_entry]) self.grid1.addWidget(self.mpass_cb, 5, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.maxdepth_entry, 5, 1) # Travel Z (z_move) self.travelzlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Travel Z')) self.travelzlabel.setToolTip( _("Tool height when travelling\n" "across the XY plane.") ) self.travelz_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.travelz_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) if machinist_setting == 0: self.travelz_entry.set_range(0.00001, 9999.9999) else: self.travelz_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.travelz_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.travelz_entry.setObjectName("e_travelz") self.grid1.addWidget(self.travelzlabel, 6, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.travelz_entry, 6, 1) # Excellon Feedrate Z self.frzlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Feedrate Z')) self.frzlabel.setToolTip( _("Tool speed while drilling\n" "(in units per minute).\n" "So called 'Plunge' feedrate.\n" "This is for linear move G01.") ) self.feedrate_z_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.feedrate_z_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.feedrate_z_entry.set_range(0.0, 99999.9999) self.feedrate_z_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.feedrate_z_entry.setObjectName("e_feedratez") self.grid1.addWidget(self.frzlabel, 14, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.feedrate_z_entry, 14, 1) # Excellon Rapid Feedrate self.feedrate_rapid_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Feedrate Rapids')) self.feedrate_rapid_label.setToolTip( _("Tool speed while drilling\n" "(in units per minute).\n" "This is for the rapid move G00.\n" "It is useful only for Marlin,\n" "ignore for any other cases.") ) self.feedrate_rapid_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.feedrate_rapid_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.feedrate_rapid_entry.set_range(0.0, 99999.9999) self.feedrate_rapid_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.feedrate_rapid_entry.setObjectName("e_fr_rapid") self.grid1.addWidget(self.feedrate_rapid_label, 16, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.feedrate_rapid_entry, 16, 1) # default values is to hide self.feedrate_rapid_label.hide() self.feedrate_rapid_entry.hide() # Spindlespeed self.spindle_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Spindle speed')) self.spindle_label.setToolTip( _("Speed of the spindle\n" "in RPM (optional)") ) self.spindlespeed_entry = FCSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message_int) self.spindlespeed_entry.set_range(0, 1000000) self.spindlespeed_entry.set_step(100) self.spindlespeed_entry.setObjectName("e_spindlespeed") self.grid1.addWidget(self.spindle_label, 19, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.spindlespeed_entry, 19, 1) # Dwell self.dwell_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _('Dwell')) self.dwell_cb.setToolTip( _("Pause to allow the spindle to reach its\n" "speed before cutting.") ) self.dwell_cb.setObjectName("e_dwell") # Dwelltime self.dwelltime_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.dwelltime_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.dwelltime_entry.set_range(0.0, 9999.9999) self.dwelltime_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.dwelltime_entry.setToolTip( _("Number of time units for spindle to dwell.") ) self.dwelltime_entry.setObjectName("e_dwelltime") self.grid1.addWidget(self.dwell_cb, 20, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.dwelltime_entry, 20, 1) self.ois_dwell = OptionalInputSection(self.dwell_cb, [self.dwelltime_entry]) # Tool Offset self.tool_offset_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Offset Z')) self.tool_offset_label.setToolTip( _("Some drill bits (the larger ones) need to drill deeper\n" "to create the desired exit hole diameter due of the tip shape.\n" "The value here can compensate the Cut Z parameter.") ) self.offset_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.offset_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.offset_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.offset_entry.setObjectName("e_offset") self.grid1.addWidget(self.tool_offset_label, 25, 0) self.grid1.addWidget(self.offset_entry, 25, 1) # ################################################################# # ################# GRID LAYOUT 5 ############################### # ################################################################# # ################# COMMON PARAMETERS ############################# self.grid3 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.grid3.setColumnStretch(0, 0) self.grid3.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.exc_tools_box.addLayout(self.grid3) separator_line2 = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line2.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line2.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.grid3.addWidget(separator_line2, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.apply_param_to_all = FCButton(_("Apply parameters to all tools")) self.apply_param_to_all.setToolTip( _("The parameters in the current form will be applied\n" "on all the tools from the Tool Table.") ) self.grid3.addWidget(self.apply_param_to_all, 1, 0, 1, 2) separator_line2 = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line2.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line2.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.grid3.addWidget(separator_line2, 2, 0, 1, 2) # General Parameters self.gen_param_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _("Common Parameters")) self.gen_param_label.setToolTip( _("Parameters that are common for all tools.") ) self.grid3.addWidget(self.gen_param_label, 3, 0, 1, 2) # Tool change Z: self.toolchange_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Tool change Z")) self.toolchange_cb.setToolTip( _("Include tool-change sequence\n" "in G-Code (Pause for tool change).") ) self.toolchangez_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.toolchangez_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.toolchangez_entry.setToolTip( _("Z-axis position (height) for\n" "tool change.") ) if machinist_setting == 0: self.toolchangez_entry.set_range(0.0, 9999.9999) else: self.toolchangez_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.toolchangez_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.ois_tcz_e = OptionalInputSection(self.toolchange_cb, [self.toolchangez_entry]) self.grid3.addWidget(self.toolchange_cb, 8, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.toolchangez_entry, 8, 1) # Start move Z: self.estartz_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Start Z")) self.estartz_label.setToolTip( _("Height of the tool just after start.\n" "Delete the value if you don't need this feature.") ) self.estartz_entry = NumericalEvalEntry(border_color='#0069A9') self.grid3.addWidget(self.estartz_label, 9, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.estartz_entry, 9, 1) # End move Z: self.endz_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("End move Z")) self.endz_label.setToolTip( _("Height of the tool after\n" "the last move at the end of the job.") ) self.endz_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.endz_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) if machinist_setting == 0: self.endz_entry.set_range(0.0, 9999.9999) else: self.endz_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.endz_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.grid3.addWidget(self.endz_label, 11, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.endz_entry, 11, 1) # End Move X,Y endmove_xy_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('End move X,Y')) endmove_xy_label.setToolTip( _("End move X,Y position. In format (x,y).\n" "If no value is entered then there is no move\n" "on X,Y plane at the end of the job.") ) self.endxy_entry = NumericalEvalEntry(border_color='#0069A9') self.endxy_entry.setPlaceholderText(_("X,Y coordinates")) self.grid3.addWidget(endmove_xy_label, 12, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.endxy_entry, 12, 1) # Probe depth self.pdepth_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Probe Z depth")) self.pdepth_label.setToolTip( _("The maximum depth that the probe is allowed\n" "to probe. Negative value, in current units.") ) self.pdepth_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.pdepth_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.pdepth_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.pdepth_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.pdepth_entry.setObjectName("e_depth_probe") self.grid3.addWidget(self.pdepth_label, 13, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.pdepth_entry, 13, 1) self.pdepth_label.hide() self.pdepth_entry.setVisible(False) # Probe feedrate self.feedrate_probe_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Feedrate Probe")) self.feedrate_probe_label.setToolTip( _("The feedrate used while the probe is probing.") ) self.feedrate_probe_entry = FCDoubleSpinner(callback=self.confirmation_message) self.feedrate_probe_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.feedrate_probe_entry.set_range(0.0, 9999.9999) self.feedrate_probe_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.feedrate_probe_entry.setObjectName("e_fr_probe") self.grid3.addWidget(self.feedrate_probe_label, 14, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.feedrate_probe_entry, 14, 1) self.feedrate_probe_label.hide() self.feedrate_probe_entry.setVisible(False) # Preprocessor Excellon selection pp_excellon_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _("Preprocessor")) pp_excellon_label.setToolTip( _("The preprocessor JSON file that dictates\n" "Gcode output for Excellon Objects.") ) self.pp_excellon_name_cb = FCComboBox() self.pp_excellon_name_cb.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) self.grid3.addWidget(pp_excellon_label, 15, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.pp_excellon_name_cb, 15, 1) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------- EXCLUSION AREAS ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Exclusion Areas self.exclusion_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Add exclusion areas")) self.exclusion_cb.setToolTip( _( "Include exclusion areas.\n" "In those areas the travel of the tools\n" "is forbidden." ) ) self.grid3.addWidget(self.exclusion_cb, 20, 0, 1, 2) self.exclusion_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.exclusion_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.grid3.addWidget(self.exclusion_frame, 22, 0, 1, 2) self.exclusion_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.exclusion_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.exclusion_frame.setLayout(self.exclusion_box) self.exclusion_table = FCTable() self.exclusion_box.addWidget(self.exclusion_table) self.exclusion_table.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QtWidgets.QAbstractScrollArea.AdjustToContents) self.exclusion_table.setColumnCount(4) self.exclusion_table.setColumnWidth(0, 20) self.exclusion_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['#', _('Object'), _('Strategy'), _('Over Z')]) self.exclusion_table.horizontalHeaderItem(0).setToolTip(_("This is the Area ID.")) self.exclusion_table.horizontalHeaderItem(1).setToolTip( _("Type of the object where the exclusion area was added.")) self.exclusion_table.horizontalHeaderItem(2).setToolTip( _("The strategy used for exclusion area. Go around the exclusion areas or over it.")) self.exclusion_table.horizontalHeaderItem(3).setToolTip( _("If the strategy is to go over the area then this is the height at which the tool will go to avoid the " "exclusion area.")) self.exclusion_table.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) grid_a1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() grid_a1.setColumnStretch(0, 0) grid_a1.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.exclusion_box.addLayout(grid_a1) # Chose Strategy self.strategy_label = FCLabel('%s:' % _("Strategy")) self.strategy_label.setToolTip(_("The strategy followed when encountering an exclusion area.\n" "Can be:\n" "- Over -> when encountering the area, the tool will go to a set height\n" "- Around -> will avoid the exclusion area by going around the area")) self.strategy_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _('Over'), 'value': 'over'}, {'label': _('Around'), 'value': 'around'}]) grid_a1.addWidget(self.strategy_label, 1, 0) grid_a1.addWidget(self.strategy_radio, 1, 1) # Over Z self.over_z_label = FCLabel('%s:' % _("Over Z")) self.over_z_label.setToolTip(_("The height Z to which the tool will rise in order to avoid\n" "an interdiction area.")) self.over_z_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.over_z_entry.set_range(0.000, 9999.9999) self.over_z_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) grid_a1.addWidget(self.over_z_label, 2, 0) grid_a1.addWidget(self.over_z_entry, 2, 1) # Button Add Area self.add_area_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Add area:')) self.add_area_button.setToolTip(_("Add an Exclusion Area.")) # Area Selection shape self.area_shape_radio = RadioSet([{'label': _("Square"), 'value': 'square'}, {'label': _("Polygon"), 'value': 'polygon'}]) self.area_shape_radio.setToolTip( _("The kind of selection shape used for area selection.") ) grid_a1.addWidget(self.add_area_button, 4, 0) grid_a1.addWidget(self.area_shape_radio, 4, 1) h_lay_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.exclusion_box.addLayout(h_lay_1) # Button Delete All Areas self.delete_area_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Delete All')) self.delete_area_button.setToolTip(_("Delete all exclusion areas.")) # Button Delete Selected Areas self.delete_sel_area_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Delete Selected')) self.delete_sel_area_button.setToolTip(_("Delete all exclusion areas that are selected in the table.")) h_lay_1.addWidget(self.delete_area_button) h_lay_1.addWidget(self.delete_sel_area_button) self.ois_exclusion_exc = OptionalHideInputSection(self.exclusion_cb, [self.exclusion_frame]) # -------------------------- EXCLUSION AREAS END ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ separator_line = QtWidgets.QFrame() separator_line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) separator_line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.grid3.addWidget(separator_line, 25, 0, 1, 2) # ################################################################# # ################# GRID LAYOUT 6 ############################### # ################################################################# self.grid4 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.grid4.setColumnStretch(0, 0) self.grid4.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.tools_box.addLayout(self.grid4) self.generate_cnc_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Generate CNCJob object')) self.generate_cnc_button.setToolTip( _("Generate the CNC Job.\n" "If milling then an additional Geometry object will be created.\n" "Add / Select at least one tool in the tool-table.\n" "Click the # header to select all, or Ctrl + LMB\n" "for custom selection of tools.") ) self.generate_cnc_button.setStyleSheet(""" QPushButton { font-weight: bold; } """) self.grid4.addWidget(self.generate_cnc_button, 3, 0, 1, 3) self.tools_box.addStretch() # ## Reset Tool self.reset_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Reset Tool")) self.reset_button.setToolTip( _("Will reset the tool parameters.") ) self.reset_button.setStyleSheet(""" QPushButton { font-weight: bold; } """) self.tools_box.addWidget(self.reset_button) # ############################ FINSIHED GUI ################################### # ############################################################################# def confirmation_message(self, accepted, minval, maxval): if accepted is False: self.app.inform[str, bool].emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s: [%.*f, %.*f]' % (_("Edited value is out of range"), self.decimals, minval, self.decimals, maxval), False) else: self.app.inform[str, bool].emit('[success] %s' % _("Edited value is within limits."), False) def confirmation_message_int(self, accepted, minval, maxval): if accepted is False: self.app.inform[str, bool].emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s: [%d, %d]' % (_("Edited value is out of range"), minval, maxval), False) else: self.app.inform[str, bool].emit('[success] %s' % _("Edited value is within limits."), False) def distance(pt1, pt2): return np.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2) def distance_euclidian(x1, y1, x2, y2): return np.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) class AttrDict(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self