# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## # ########################################################## # File modified by: Dennis Hayrullin # # File modified by: Marius Stanciu # # ########################################################## from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSettings from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor # from PyQt5.QtCore import QModelIndex from appObjects.FlatCAMObj import FlatCAMObj from appObjects.FlatCAMCNCJob import CNCJobObject from appObjects.FlatCAMDocument import DocumentObject from appObjects.FlatCAMExcellon import ExcellonObject from appObjects.FlatCAMGeometry import GeometryObject from appObjects.FlatCAMGerber import GerberObject from appObjects.FlatCAMScript import ScriptObject import inspect # TODO: Remove import re import logging from copy import deepcopy from numpy import Inf import gettext import appTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext log = logging.getLogger('base') class KeySensitiveListView(QtWidgets.QTreeView): """ QtGui.QListView extended to emit a signal on key press. """ def __init__(self, app, parent=None): super(KeySensitiveListView, self).__init__(parent) self.setHeaderHidden(True) # self.setRootIsDecorated(False) # self.setExpandsOnDoubleClick(False) self.setEditTriggers(QtWidgets.QTreeView.NoEditTriggers) # No edit in the Project Tab Tree # Enable dragging and dropping onto the appGUI self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.filename = "" self.app = app # Enabling Drag and Drop for the items in the Project Tab # Example: https://github.com/d1vanov/PyQt5-reorderable-list-model/blob/master/reorderable_list_model.py # https://github.com/jimmykuu/PyQt-PySide-Cookbook/blob/master/tree/drop_indicator.md # self.setDragEnabled(True) # self.viewport().setAcceptDrops(True) # self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) # self.DragDropMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) # self.current_idx = None # self.current_group = None # self.dropped_obj = None keyPressed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) def keyPressEvent(self, event): # super(KeySensitiveListView, self).keyPressEvent(event) self.keyPressed.emit(event.key()) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): # if event.source(): # self.current_idx = self.currentIndex() # self.current_group = self.model().group_items[self.current_idx.internalPointer().obj.kind] # self.dropped_obj = self.current_idx.internalPointer().obj if event.mimeData().hasUrls: event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dragMoveEvent(self, event): self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) if event.mimeData().hasUrls: event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dropEvent(self, event): drop_indicator = self.dropIndicatorPosition() # if event.source(): # new_index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) # new_group = self.model().group_items[new_index.internalPointer().obj.kind] # if self.current_group == new_group: # # # delete it from the model # deleted_obj_name = self.dropped_obj.options['name'] # self.model().delete_by_name(deleted_obj_name) # # # add the object to the new index # self.model().append(self.dropped_obj, to_index=new_index) # # return m = event.mimeData() if m.hasUrls: event.accept() for url in m.urls(): self.filename = str(url.toLocalFile()) # file drop from outside application if drop_indicator == QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.OnItem: if self.filename == "": self.app.inform.emit(_("Cancelled.")) else: if self.filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in self.app.grb_list: self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.app.open_gerber, 'params': [self.filename]}) else: event.ignore() if self.filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in self.app.exc_list: self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.app.open_excellon, 'params': [self.filename]}) else: event.ignore() if self.filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in self.app.gcode_list: self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.app.open_gcode, 'params': [self.filename]}) else: event.ignore() if self.filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in self.app.svg_list: object_type = 'geometry' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.app.import_svg, 'params': [self.filename, object_type, None]}) if self.filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in self.app.dxf_list: object_type = 'geometry' self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.app.import_dxf, 'params': [self.filename, object_type, None]}) if self.filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in self.app.prj_list: # self.app.open_project() is not Thread Safe self.app.open_project(self.filename) else: event.ignore() else: pass else: event.ignore() class TreeItem(KeySensitiveListView): """ Item of a tree model """ def __init__(self, data, icon=None, obj=None, parent_item=None): super(TreeItem, self).__init__(parent_item) self.parent_item = parent_item self.item_data = data # Columns string data self.icon = icon # Decoration self.obj = obj # FlatCAMObj self.child_items = [] if parent_item: parent_item.append_child(self) def append_child(self, item): self.child_items.append(item) item.set_parent_item(self) def remove_child(self, item): child = self.child_items.pop(self.child_items.index(item)) child.obj.clear(True) child.obj.delete() del child.obj del child def remove_children(self): for child in self.child_items: child.obj.clear() child.obj.delete() del child.obj del child self.child_items = [] def child(self, row): return self.child_items[row] def child_count(self): return len(self.child_items) def column_count(self): return len(self.item_data) def data(self, column): return self.item_data[column] def row(self): return self.parent_item.child_items.index(self) def set_parent_item(self, parent_item): self.parent_item = parent_item def __del__(self): del self.icon class ObjectCollection(QtCore.QAbstractItemModel): """ Object storage and management. """ groups = [ ("gerber", "Gerber"), ("excellon", "Excellon"), ("geometry", "Geometry"), ("cncjob", "CNC Job"), ("script", "Scripts"), ("document", "Document"), ] classdict = { "gerber": GerberObject, "excellon": ExcellonObject, "cncjob": CNCJobObject, "geometry": GeometryObject, "script": ScriptObject, "document": DocumentObject } icon_files = { "gerber": "assets/resources/flatcam_icon16.png", "excellon": "assets/resources/drill16.png", "cncjob": "assets/resources/cnc16.png", "geometry": "assets/resources/geometry16.png", "script": "assets/resources/script_new16.png", "document": "assets/resources/notes16_1.png" } # will emit the name of the object that was just selected item_selected = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) update_list_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() root_item = None # app = None def __init__(self, app, parent=None): QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self) self.app = app # ## Icons for the list view self.icons = {} for kind in ObjectCollection.icon_files: self.icons[kind] = QtGui.QPixmap( ObjectCollection.icon_files[kind].replace('assets/resources', self.app.resource_location)) # Create root tree view item self.root_item = TreeItem(["root"]) # Create group items self.group_items = {} for kind, title in ObjectCollection.groups: item = TreeItem([title], self.icons[kind]) self.group_items[kind] = item self.root_item.append_child(item) # Create test sub-items # for i in self.root_item.m_child_items: # print i.data(0) # i.append_child(TreeItem(["empty"])) # ## Data # ## self.checked_indexes = [] # Names of objects that are expected to become available. # For example, when the creation of a new object will run # in the background and will complete some time in the # future. This is a way to reserve the name and to let other # tasks know that they have to wait until available. self.promises = set() # same as above only for objects that are plotted self.plot_promises = set() # ## View self.view = KeySensitiveListView(self.app) self.view.setModel(self) self.view.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.view.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) if self.app.defaults["global_allow_edit_in_project_tab"] is True: self.view.setEditTriggers(QtWidgets.QTreeView.SelectedClicked) # allow Edit on Tree else: self.view.setEditTriggers(QtWidgets.QTreeView.NoEditTriggers) # self.view.setDragDropMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) # self.view.setDragEnabled(True) # self.view.setAcceptDrops(True) # self.view.setDropIndicatorShown(True) settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("notebook_font_size"): fsize = settings.value('notebook_font_size', type=int) else: fsize = 12 font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPixelSize(fsize) font.setFamily("Seagoe UI") self.view.setFont(font) # ## GUI Events self.view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.on_list_selection_change) # self.view.activated.connect(self.on_item_activated) self.view.keyPressed.connect(self.app.ui.keyPressEvent) # self.view.clicked.connect(self.on_mouse_down) self.view.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.on_menu_request) self.click_modifier = None self.update_list_signal.connect(self.on_update_list_signal) self.view.activated.connect(self.on_row_activated) self.item_selected.connect(self.on_row_selected) def promise(self, obj_name): log.debug("Object %s has been promised." % obj_name) self.promises.add(obj_name) def has_promises(self): return len(self.promises) > 0 def plot_promise(self, plot_obj_name): self.plot_promises.add(plot_obj_name) def plot_remove_promise(self, plot_obj_name): if plot_obj_name in self.plot_promises: self.plot_promises.remove(plot_obj_name) def has_plot_promises(self): return len(self.plot_promises) > 0 def on_mouse_down(self, event): log.debug("Mouse button pressed on list") def on_menu_request(self, pos): sel = len(self.view.selectedIndexes()) > 0 self.app.ui.menuprojectenable.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectdisable.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectcolor.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectviewsource.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectcopy.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectedit.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectdelete.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectsave.setEnabled(sel) self.app.ui.menuprojectproperties.setEnabled(sel) if sel: self.app.ui.menuprojectgeneratecnc.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.menuprojectedit.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.menuprojectsave.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.menuprojectviewsource.setVisible(True) self.app.ui.menuprojectcolor.setEnabled(False) for obj in self.get_selected(): if type(obj) == GerberObject or type(obj) == ExcellonObject: self.app.ui.menuprojectcolor.setEnabled(True) if type(obj) != GeometryObject: self.app.ui.menuprojectgeneratecnc.setVisible(False) # if type(obj) != GeometryObject and type(obj) != ExcellonObject and type(obj) != GerberObject or \ # type(obj) != CNCJobObject: # self.app.ui.menuprojectedit.setVisible(False) if type(obj) != GerberObject and type(obj) != ExcellonObject and type(obj) != CNCJobObject: self.app.ui.menuprojectviewsource.setVisible(False) if type(obj) != GerberObject and type(obj) != GeometryObject and type(obj) != ExcellonObject and \ type(obj) != CNCJobObject: # meaning for Scripts and for Document type of FlatCAM object self.app.ui.menuprojectenable.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.menuprojectdisable.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.menuprojectedit.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.menuprojectproperties.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.menuprojectgeneratecnc.setVisible(False) else: self.app.ui.menuprojectgeneratecnc.setVisible(False) self.app.ui.menuproject.popup(self.view.mapToGlobal(pos)) def index(self, row, column=0, parent=None, *args, **kwargs): if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent): return QtCore.QModelIndex() # if not parent.isValid(): # parent_item = self.root_item # else: # parent_item = parent.internalPointer() parent_item = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() else self.root_item child_item = parent_item.child(row) if child_item: return self.createIndex(row, column, child_item) else: return QtCore.QModelIndex() def parent(self, index=None): if not index.isValid(): return QtCore.QModelIndex() parent_item = index.internalPointer().parent_item if parent_item == self.root_item: return QtCore.QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(parent_item.row(), 0, parent_item) def rowCount(self, index=None, *args, **kwargs): if index.column() > 0: return 0 if not index.isValid(): parent_item = self.root_item else: parent_item = index.internalPointer() return parent_item.child_count() def columnCount(self, index=None, *args, **kwargs): if index.isValid(): return index.internalPointer().column_count() else: return self.root_item.column_count() def data(self, index, role=None): if not index.isValid(): return None if role in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole]: obj = index.internalPointer().obj if obj: return obj.options["name"] else: return index.internalPointer().data(index.column()) if role == Qt.ForegroundRole: color = QColor(self.app.defaults['global_proj_item_color']) color_disabled = QColor(self.app.defaults['global_proj_item_dis_color']) obj = index.internalPointer().obj if obj: return QtGui.QBrush(color) if obj.options["plot"] else QtGui.QBrush(color_disabled) else: return index.internalPointer().data(index.column()) elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: icon = index.internalPointer().icon if icon: return icon else: return QtGui.QPixmap() elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole: try: obj = index.internalPointer().obj except AttributeError: return None if obj: text = obj.options['name'] return text else: QtWidgets.QToolTip.hideText() return None else: return None def setData(self, index, data, role=None): if index.isValid(): obj = index.internalPointer().obj if obj: old_name = deepcopy(obj.options['name']) new_name = str(data) if old_name != new_name and new_name != '': # rename the object obj.options["name"] = deepcopy(data) self.app.object_status_changed.emit(obj, 'rename', old_name) # update the SHELL auto-completer model data try: self.app.myKeywords.remove(old_name) self.app.myKeywords.append(new_name) self.app.shell._edit.set_model_data(self.app.myKeywords) except Exception as e: log.debug( "setData() --> Could not remove the old object name from auto-completer model list. %s" % str(e)) # obj.build_ui() self.app.inform.emit(_("Object renamed from {old} to {new}").format(old=old_name, new=new_name)) self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True else: return False def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.MoveAction def flags(self, index): default_flags = QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) if not index.isValid(): return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | default_flags # Prevent groups from selection try: if not index.internalPointer().obj: return Qt.ItemIsEnabled else: return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | \ Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled except AttributeError: return Qt.ItemIsEnabled # return QtWidgets.QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) def append(self, obj, active=False, to_index=None): log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + " --> OC.append()") name = obj.options["name"] # Check promises and clear if exists if name in self.promises: self.promises.remove(name) # log.debug("Promised object %s became available." % name) # log.debug("%d promised objects remaining." % len(self.promises)) # Prevent same name while name in self.get_names(): # ## Create a new name # Ends with number? log.debug("app_obj.new_object(): Object name (%s) exists, changing." % name) match = re.search(r'(.*[^\d])?(\d+)$', name) if match: # Yes: Increment the number! base = match.group(1) or '' num = int(match.group(2)) name = base + str(num + 1) else: # No: add a number! name += "_1" obj.options["name"] = name obj.set_ui(obj.ui_type(app=self.app)) # Required before appending (Qt MVC) group = self.group_items[obj.kind] group_index = self.index(group.row(), 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) if to_index is None: self.beginInsertRows(group_index, group.child_count(), group.child_count()) # Append new item obj.item = TreeItem(None, self.icons[obj.kind], obj, group) # Required after appending (Qt MVC) self.endInsertRows() else: self.beginInsertRows(group_index, to_index.row()-1, to_index.row()-1) # Append new item obj.item = TreeItem(None, self.icons[obj.kind], obj, group) # Required after appending (Qt MVC) self.endInsertRows() # Expand group if group.child_count() == 1: self.view.setExpanded(group_index, True) self.app.should_we_save = True self.app.object_status_changed.emit(obj, 'append', name) # decide if to show or hide the Notebook side of the screen if self.app.defaults["global_project_autohide"] is True: # always open the notebook on object added to collection self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([1, 1]) def get_names(self): """ Gets a list of the names of all objects in the collection. :return: List of names. :rtype: list """ # log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + " --> OC.get_names()") return [x.options['name'] for x in self.get_list()] def get_bounds(self): """ Finds coordinates bounding all objects in the collection. :return: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] :rtype: list """ log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.get_bounds()") # TODO: Move the operation out of here. xmin = Inf ymin = Inf xmax = -Inf ymax = -Inf # for obj in self.object_list: for obj in self.get_list(): try: gxmin, gymin, gxmax, gymax = obj.bounds() xmin = min([xmin, gxmin]) ymin = min([ymin, gymin]) xmax = max([xmax, gxmax]) ymax = max([ymax, gymax]) except Exception as e: log.warning("DEV WARNING: Tried to get bounds of empty geometry. %s" % str(e)) return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] def get_by_name(self, name, isCaseSensitive=None): """ Fetches the FlatCAMObj with the given `name`. :param name: The name of the object. :type name: str :param isCaseSensitive: whether searching of the object is done by name where the name is case sensitive :return: The requested object or None if no such object. :rtype: FlatCAMObj or None """ # log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.get_by_name()") if isCaseSensitive is None or isCaseSensitive is True: for obj in self.get_list(): if obj.options['name'] == name: return obj else: for obj in self.get_list(): if obj.options['name'].lower() == name.lower(): return obj return None def delete_active(self, select_project=True): selections = self.view.selectedIndexes() if len(selections) == 0: return active = selections[0].internalPointer() group = active.parent_item # send signal with the object that is deleted # self.app.object_status_changed.emit(active.obj, 'delete') # some objects add a Tab on creation, close it here for idx in range(self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.count()): if self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.widget(idx).objectName() == active.obj.options['name']: self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.removeTab(idx) break # update the SHELL auto-completer model data name = active.obj.options['name'] try: self.app.myKeywords.remove(name) self.app.shell._edit.set_model_data(self.app.myKeywords) # this is not needed any more because now the code editor is created on demand # self.app.ui.code_editor.set_model_data(self.app.myKeywords) except Exception as e: log.debug( "delete_active() --> Could not remove the old object name from auto-completer model list. %s" % str(e)) self.app.object_status_changed.emit(active.obj, 'delete', name) # ############ OBJECT DELETION FROM MODEL STARTS HERE #################### self.beginRemoveRows(self.index(group.row(), 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()), active.row(), active.row()) group.remove_child(active) # after deletion of object store the current list of objects into the self.app.all_objects_list self.app.all_objects_list = self.get_list() self.endRemoveRows() # ############ OBJECT DELETION FROM MODEL STOPS HERE #################### if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.app.plotcanvas.redraw() if select_project: # always go to the Project Tab after object deletion as it may be done with a shortcut key self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.project_tab) self.app.should_we_save = True # decide if to show or hide the Notebook side of the screen if self.app.defaults["global_project_autohide"] is True: # hide the notebook if there are no objects in the collection if not self.get_list(): self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) def delete_by_name(self, name, select_project=True): obj = self.get_by_name(name=name) item = obj.item group = self.group_items[obj.kind] group_index = self.index(group.row(), 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) item_index = self.index(item.row(), 0, group_index) deleted = item_index.internalPointer() group = deleted.parent_item # some objects add a Tab on creation, close it here for idx in range(self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.count()): if self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.widget(idx).objectName() == deleted.obj.options['name']: self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.removeTab(idx) break # update the SHELL auto-completer model data name = deleted.obj.options['name'] try: self.app.myKeywords.remove(name) self.app.shell._edit.set_model_data(self.app.myKeywords) # this is not needed any more because now the code editor is created on demand # self.app.ui.code_editor.set_model_data(self.app.myKeywords) except Exception as e: log.debug( "delete_by_name() --> Could not remove the old object name from auto-completer model list. %s" % str(e)) self.app.object_status_changed.emit(deleted.obj, 'delete', name) # ############ OBJECT DELETION FROM MODEL STARTS HERE #################### self.beginRemoveRows(self.index(group.row(), 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()), deleted.row(), deleted.row()) group.remove_child(deleted) # after deletion of object store the current list of objects into the self.app.all_objects_list self.update_list_signal.emit() self.endRemoveRows() # ############ OBJECT DELETION FROM MODEL STOPS HERE #################### if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.app.plotcanvas.redraw() if select_project: # always go to the Project Tab after object deletion as it may be done with a shortcut key self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.project_tab) self.app.should_we_save = True # decide if to show or hide the Notebook side of the screen if self.app.defaults["global_project_autohide"] is True: # hide the notebook if there are no objects in the collection if not self.get_list(): self.app.ui.splitter.setSizes([0, 1]) def on_update_list_signal(self): self.app.all_objects_list = self.get_list() def delete_all(self): log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> OC.delete_all()") self.app.object_status_changed.emit(None, 'delete_all', '') try: self.app.all_objects_list.clear() self.app.geo_editor.clear() self.app.exc_editor.clear() self.app.dblsidedtool.reset_fields() self.app.panelize_tool.reset_fields() self.app.cutout_tool.reset_fields() self.app.film_tool.reset_fields() self.beginResetModel() self.checked_indexes = [] for group in self.root_item.child_items: group.remove_children() self.endResetModel() self.app.plotcanvas.redraw() except Exception as e: log.debug("ObjectCollection.delete_all() --> %s" % str(e)) def get_active(self): """ Returns the active object or None :return: FlatCAMObj or None """ selections = self.view.selectedIndexes() if len(selections) == 0: return None return selections[0].internalPointer().obj def get_selected(self): """ Returns list of objects selected in the view. :return: List of objects """ return [sel.internalPointer().obj for sel in self.view.selectedIndexes()] def get_non_selected(self): """ Returns list of objects non-selected in the view. :return: List of objects """ obj_list = self.get_list() for sel in self.get_selected(): obj_list.remove(sel) return obj_list def set_active(self, name): """ Selects object by name from the project list. This triggers the list_selection_changed event and call on_list_selection_changed. :param name: Name of the FlatCAM Object :return: None """ try: obj = self.get_by_name(name) item = obj.item group = self.group_items[obj.kind] group_index = self.index(group.row(), 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) item_index = self.index(item.row(), 0, group_index) self.view.selectionModel().select(item_index, QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Select) except Exception as e: log.error("[ERROR] Cause: %s" % str(e)) raise def set_all_active(self): """ Select all objects from the project list. This triggers the list_selection_changed event and call on_list_selection_changed. :return: None """ for name in self.get_names(): self.set_active(name) def set_exclusive_active(self, name): """ Make the object with the name in parameters the only selected object :param name: name of object to be selected and made the only active object :return: None """ self.set_all_inactive() self.set_active(name) def set_inactive(self, name): """ Unselect object by name from the project list. This triggers the list_selection_changed event and call on_list_selection_changed. :param name: Name of the FlatCAM Object :return: None """ # log.debug("ObjectCollection.set_inactive()") obj = self.get_by_name(name) item = obj.item group = self.group_items[obj.kind] group_index = self.index(group.row(), 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) item_index = self.index(item.row(), 0, group_index) self.view.selectionModel().select(item_index, QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Deselect) def set_all_inactive(self): """ Unselect all objects from the project list. This triggers the list_selection_changed event and call on_list_selection_changed. :return: None """ for name in self.get_names(): self.set_inactive(name) def on_list_selection_change(self, current, previous): """ :param current: Current selected item :param previous: Previously selected item :return: """ # log.debug("on_list_selection_change()") # log.debug("Current: %s, Previous %s" % (str(current), str(previous))) try: obj = current.indexes()[0].internalPointer().obj self.item_selected.emit(obj.options['name']) if obj.kind == 'gerber': self.app.inform.emit('[selected]{name} {tx}'.format( color='green', name=str(obj.options['name']), tx=_("selected")) ) elif obj.kind == 'excellon': self.app.inform.emit('[selected]{name} {tx}'.format( color='brown', name=str(obj.options['name']), tx=_("selected")) ) elif obj.kind == 'cncjob': self.app.inform.emit('[selected]{name} {tx}'.format( color='blue', name=str(obj.options['name']), tx=_("selected")) ) elif obj.kind == 'geometry': self.app.inform.emit('[selected]{name} {tx}'.format( color='red', name=str(obj.options['name']), tx=_("selected")) ) elif obj.kind == 'script': self.app.inform.emit('[selected]{name} {tx}'.format( color='orange', name=str(obj.options['name']), tx=_("selected")) ) elif obj.kind == 'document': self.app.inform.emit('[selected]{name} {tx}'.format( color='darkCyan', name=str(obj.options['name']), tx=_("selected")) ) except IndexError: self.item_selected.emit('none') # log.debug("on_list_selection_change(): Index Error (Nothing selected?)") self.app.inform.emit('') try: self.app.ui.selected_scroll_area.takeWidget() except Exception as e: log.debug("Nothing to remove. %s" % str(e)) self.app.setup_component_editor() return if obj: obj.build_ui() def on_item_activated(self, index): """ Double-click or Enter on item. :param index: Index of the item in the list. :return: None """ a_idx = index.internalPointer().obj if a_idx is None: return else: try: a_idx.build_ui() except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s: %s' % (_("Cause of error"), str(e))) raise def get_list(self): """ Will return a list of all objects currently opened. Except FlatCAMScript and FlatCAMDocuments :return: """ obj_list = [] for group in self.root_item.child_items: for item in group.child_items: obj_list.append(item.obj) return obj_list def update_view(self): self.dataChanged.emit(QtCore.QModelIndex(), QtCore.QModelIndex()) def on_row_activated(self, index): if index.isValid(): if index.internalPointer().parent_item != self.root_item: self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.selected_tab) self.on_item_activated(index) def on_row_selected(self, obj_name): """ This is a special string; when received it will make all Menu -> Objects entries unchecked It mean we clicked outside of the items and deselected all :param obj_name: :return: """ if obj_name == 'none': for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): act.setChecked(False) return # get the name of the selected objects and add them to a list name_list = [] for obj in self.get_selected(): name_list.append(obj.options['name']) # set all actions as unchecked but the ones selected make them checked for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): act.setChecked(False) if act.text() in name_list: act.setChecked(True) def on_collection_updated(self, obj, state, old_name): """ Create a menu from the object loaded in the collection. :param obj: object that was changed (added, deleted, renamed) :param state: what was done with the object. Can be: added, deleted, delete_all, renamed :param old_name: the old name of the object before the action that triggered this slot happened :return: None """ icon_files = { "gerber": self.app.resource_location + "/flatcam_icon16.png", "excellon": self.app.resource_location + "/drill16.png", "cncjob": self.app.resource_location + "/cnc16.png", "geometry": self.app.resource_location + "/geometry16.png", "script": self.app.resource_location + "/script_new16.png", "document": self.app.resource_location + "/notes16_1.png" } if state == 'append': for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): try: act.triggered.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.app.ui.menuobjects.clear() gerber_list = [] exc_list = [] cncjob_list = [] geo_list = [] script_list = [] doc_list = [] for name in self.get_names(): obj_named = self.get_by_name(name) if obj_named.kind == 'gerber': gerber_list.append(name) elif obj_named.kind == 'excellon': exc_list.append(name) elif obj_named.kind == 'cncjob': cncjob_list.append(name) elif obj_named.kind == 'geometry': geo_list.append(name) elif obj_named.kind == 'script': script_list.append(name) elif obj_named.kind == 'document': doc_list.append(name) def add_act(o_name): obj_for_icon = self.get_by_name(o_name) add_action = QtWidgets.QAction(parent=self.app.ui.menuobjects) add_action.setCheckable(True) add_action.setText(o_name) add_action.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(icon_files[obj_for_icon.kind])) add_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self.set_active(o_name) if add_action.isChecked() is True else self.set_inactive(o_name)) self.app.ui.menuobjects.addAction(add_action) for name in gerber_list: add_act(name) self.app.ui.menuobjects.addSeparator() for name in exc_list: add_act(name) self.app.ui.menuobjects.addSeparator() for name in cncjob_list: add_act(name) self.app.ui.menuobjects.addSeparator() for name in geo_list: add_act(name) self.app.ui.menuobjects.addSeparator() for name in script_list: add_act(name) self.app.ui.menuobjects.addSeparator() for name in doc_list: add_act(name) self.app.ui.menuobjects.addSeparator() self.app.ui.menuobjects_selall = self.app.ui.menuobjects.addAction( QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/select_all.png'), _('Select All') ) self.app.ui.menuobjects_unselall = self.app.ui.menuobjects.addAction( QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/deselect_all32.png'), _('Deselect All') ) self.app.ui.menuobjects_selall.triggered.connect(lambda: self.on_objects_selection(True)) self.app.ui.menuobjects_unselall.triggered.connect(lambda: self.on_objects_selection(False)) elif state == 'delete': for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): if act.text() == obj.options['name']: try: act.triggered.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.app.ui.menuobjects.removeAction(act) break elif state == 'rename': for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): if act.text() == old_name: add_action = QtWidgets.QAction(parent=self.app.ui.menuobjects) add_action.setText(obj.options['name']) add_action.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(icon_files[obj.kind])) add_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self.set_active(obj.options['name']) if add_action.isChecked() is True else self.set_inactive(obj.options['name'])) self.app.ui.menuobjects.insertAction(act, add_action) try: act.triggered.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.app.ui.menuobjects.removeAction(act) break elif state == 'delete_all': for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): try: act.triggered.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.app.ui.menuobjects.clear() self.app.ui.menuobjects.addSeparator() self.app.ui.menuobjects_selall = self.app.ui.menuobjects.addAction( QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/select_all.png'), _('Select All') ) self.app.ui.menuobjects_unselall = self.app.ui.menuobjects.addAction( QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/deselect_all32.png'), _('Deselect All') ) self.app.ui.menuobjects_selall.triggered.connect(lambda: self.on_objects_selection(True)) self.app.ui.menuobjects_unselall.triggered.connect(lambda: self.on_objects_selection(False)) def on_objects_selection(self, on_off): obj_list = self.get_names() if on_off is True: self.set_all_active() for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): try: act.setChecked(True) except Exception: pass if obj_list: self.app.inform[str, bool].emit('[selected] %s' % _("All objects are selected."), False) else: self.set_all_inactive() for act in self.app.ui.menuobjects.actions(): try: act.setChecked(False) except Exception: pass if obj_list: self.app.inform[str, bool].emit('%s' % _("Objects selection is cleared."), False) else: self.app.inform[str, bool].emit('', False)