from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from copy import copy #import FlatCAMApp import re import logging log = logging.getLogger('base') class RadioSet(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, choices, orientation='horizontal', parent=None): """ The choices are specified as a list of dictionaries containing: * 'label': Shown in the UI * 'value': The value returned is selected :param choices: List of choices. See description. :type choices: list """ super(RadioSet, self).__init__(parent) self.choices = copy(choices) if orientation == 'horizontal': layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() else: layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() group = QtGui.QButtonGroup(self) for choice in self.choices: choice['radio'] = QtGui.QRadioButton(choice['label']) group.addButton(choice['radio']) layout.addWidget(choice['radio'], stretch=0) choice['radio'].toggled.connect(self.on_toggle) layout.addStretch() self.setLayout(layout) self.group_toggle_fn = lambda: None def on_toggle(self): log.debug("Radio toggled") radio = self.sender() if radio.isChecked(): self.group_toggle_fn() return def get_value(self): for choice in self.choices: if choice['radio'].isChecked(): return choice['value'] log.error("No button was toggled in RadioSet.") return None def set_value(self, val): for choice in self.choices: if choice['value'] == val: choice['radio'].setChecked(True) return log.error("Value given is not part of this RadioSet: %s" % str(val)) class LengthEntry(QtGui.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, output_units='IN', parent=None): super(LengthEntry, self).__init__(parent) self.output_units = output_units self.format_re = re.compile(r"^([^\s]+)(?:\s([a-zA-Z]+))?$") # Unit conversion table OUTPUT-INPUT self.scales = { 'IN': {'IN': 1.0, 'MM': 1/25.4}, 'MM': {'IN': 25.4, 'MM': 1.0} } def returnPressed(self, *args, **kwargs): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.set_text(QtCore.QString(str(val))) else: log.warning("Could not interpret entry: %s" % self.get_text()) def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') # match = try: units = raw[-2:] units = self.scales[self.output_units][units.upper()] value = raw[:-2] return float(eval(value))*units except IndexError: value = raw return float(eval(value)) except KeyError: value = raw return float(eval(value)) except: log.warning("Could not parse value in entry: %s" % str(raw)) return None def set_value(self, val): self.setText(QtCore.QString(str(val))) class FloatEntry(QtGui.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FloatEntry, self).__init__(parent) def returnPressed(self, *args, **kwargs): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.set_text(QtCore.QString(str(val))) else: log.warning("Could not interpret entry: %s" % self.text()) def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') try: evaled = eval(raw) except: log.error("Could not evaluate: %s" % str(raw)) return None return float(evaled) def set_value(self, val): self.setText("%.6f" % val) class IntEntry(QtGui.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None, allow_empty=False, empty_val=None): super(IntEntry, self).__init__(parent) self.allow_empty = allow_empty self.empty_val = empty_val def get_value(self): if self.allow_empty: if str(self.text()) == "": return self.empty_val return int(self.text()) def set_value(self, val): if val == self.empty_val and self.allow_empty: self.setText(QtCore.QString("")) return self.setText(QtCore.QString(str(val))) class FCEntry(QtGui.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCEntry, self).__init__(parent) def get_value(self): return str(self.text()) def set_value(self, val): self.setText(QtCore.QString(str(val))) class EvalEntry(QtGui.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(EvalEntry, self).__init__(parent) def returnPressed(self, *args, **kwargs): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.setText(QtCore.QString(str(val))) else: log.warning("Could not interpret entry: %s" % self.get_text()) def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') try: return eval(raw) except: log.error("Could not evaluate: %s" % str(raw)) return None def set_value(self, val): self.setText(QtCore.QString(str(val))) class FCCheckBox(QtGui.QCheckBox): def __init__(self, label='', parent=None): super(FCCheckBox, self).__init__(QtCore.QString(label), parent) def get_value(self): return self.isChecked() def set_value(self, val): self.setChecked(val) def toggle(self): self.set_value(not self.get_value()) class FCTextArea(QtGui.QPlainTextEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCTextArea, self).__init__(parent) def set_value(self, val): self.setPlainText(val) def get_value(self): return str(self.toPlainText()) class VerticalScrollArea(QtGui.QScrollArea): """ This widget extends QtGui.QScrollArea to make a vertical-only scroll area that also expands horizontally to accomodate its contents. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QScrollArea.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setWidgetResizable(True) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) def eventFilter(self, source, event): """ The event filter gets automatically installed when setWidget() is called. :param source: :param event: :return: """ if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Resize and source == self.widget(): # log.debug("VerticalScrollArea: Widget resized:") # log.debug(" minimumSizeHint().width() = %d" % self.widget().minimumSizeHint().width()) # log.debug(" verticalScrollBar().width() = %d" % self.verticalScrollBar().width()) self.setMinimumWidth(self.widget().sizeHint().width() + self.verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width()) # if self.verticalScrollBar().isVisible(): # log.debug(" Scroll bar visible") # self.setMinimumWidth(self.widget().minimumSizeHint().width() + # self.verticalScrollBar().width()) # else: # log.debug(" Scroll bar hidden") # self.setMinimumWidth(self.widget().minimumSizeHint().width()) return QtGui.QWidget.eventFilter(self, source, event) class OptionalInputSection: def __init__(self, cb, optinputs): """ Associates the a checkbox with a set of inputs. :param cb: Checkbox that enables the optional inputs. :param optinputs: List of widgets that are optional. :return: """ assert isinstance(cb, FCCheckBox), \ "Expected an FCCheckBox, got %s" % type(cb) self.cb = cb self.optinputs = optinputs self.on_cb_change() self.cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_cb_change) def on_cb_change(self): if self.cb.checkState(): for widget in self.optinputs: widget.setEnabled(True) else: for widget in self.optinputs: widget.setEnabled(False)