import os import stat import sys from copy import deepcopy from Common import LoudDict from camlib import to_dict, CNCjob, Geometry import simplejson import logging import gettext import AppTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins from AppParsers.ParseExcellon import Excellon from AppParsers.ParseGerber import Gerber fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext log = logging.getLogger('FlatCAMDefaults') class FlatCAMDefaults: factory_defaults = { # Global APP Preferences "decimals_inch": 4, "decimals_metric": 4, "version": 8.992, # defaults format version, not necessarily equal to app version "first_run": True, "units": "MM", "root_folder_path": '', "global_serial": 0, "global_stats": dict(), "global_tabs_detachable": True, "global_jump_ref": 'abs', "global_locate_pt": 'bl', "global_tpdf_tmargin": 15.0, "global_tpdf_bmargin": 10.0, "global_tpdf_lmargin": 20.0, "global_tpdf_rmargin": 20.0, "global_autosave": False, "global_autosave_timeout": 300000, # General "global_graphic_engine": '3D', "global_hud": True, "global_app_level": 'b', "global_portable": False, "global_language": 'English', "global_version_check": True, "global_send_stats": True, "global_pan_button": '2', "global_mselect_key": 'Control', "global_project_at_startup": False, "global_systray_icon": True, "global_project_autohide": True, "global_toggle_tooltips": True, "global_worker_number": 2, "global_tolerance": 0.005, "global_open_style": True, "global_delete_confirmation": True, "global_compression_level": 3, "global_save_compressed": True, "global_machinist_setting": False, # Global GUI Preferences "global_gridx": 1.0, "global_gridy": 1.0, "global_snap_max": 0.05, "global_workspace": False, "global_workspaceT": "A4", "global_workspace_orientation": 'p', "global_grid_context_menu": { 'in': [0.01, 0.02, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1], 'mm': [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2.54] }, "global_sel_fill": '#a5a5ffbf', "global_sel_line": '#0000ffbf', "global_alt_sel_fill": '#BBF268BF', "global_alt_sel_line": '#006E20BF', "global_draw_color": '#FF0000', "global_sel_draw_color": '#0000FF', "global_proj_item_color": '#000000', "global_proj_item_dis_color": '#b7b7cb', "global_activity_icon": 'Ball green', "global_toolbar_view": 511, "global_background_timeout": 300000, # Default value is 5 minutes "global_verbose_error_level": 0, # Shell verbosity 0 = default # (python trace only for unknown errors), # 1 = show trace(show trace always), # 2 = (For the future). # Persistence "global_last_folder": None, "global_last_save_folder": None, # Default window geometry "global_def_win_x": 100, "global_def_win_y": 100, "global_def_win_w": 1024, "global_def_win_h": 650, "global_def_notebook_width": 1, # Constants... "global_defaults_save_period_ms": 20000, # Time between default saves. "global_shell_shape": [500, 300], # Shape of the shell in pixels. "global_shell_at_startup": False, # Show the shell at startup. "global_recent_limit": 10, # Max. items in recent list. "global_bookmarks": dict(), "global_bookmarks_limit": 10, "fit_key": 'V', "zoom_out_key": '-', "zoom_in_key": '=', "grid_toggle_key": 'G', "global_zoom_ratio": 1.5, "global_point_clipboard_format": "(%.*f, %.*f)", "global_zdownrate": None, "global_tcl_path": '', # General GUI Settings "global_theme": 'white', "global_gray_icons": False, "global_hover": False, "global_selection_shape": True, "global_layout": "compact", "global_cursor_type": "small", "global_cursor_size": 20, "global_cursor_width": 2, "global_cursor_color": '#FF0000', "global_cursor_color_enabled": True, # Gerber General "gerber_plot": True, "gerber_solid": True, "gerber_multicolored": False, "gerber_circle_steps": 64, "gerber_use_buffer_for_union": True, "gerber_clean_apertures": True, "gerber_extra_buffering": True, "gerber_plot_fill": '#BBF268BF', "gerber_plot_line": '#006E20BF', "gerber_def_units": 'IN', "gerber_def_zeros": 'L', "gerber_save_filters": "Gerber File .gbr (*.gbr);;Gerber File .bot (*.bot);;Gerber File .bsm (*.bsm);;" "Gerber File .cmp (*.cmp);;Gerber File .crc (*.crc);;Gerber File .crs (*.crs);;" "Gerber File .gb0 (*.gb0);;Gerber File .gb1 (*.gb1);;Gerber File .gb2 (*.gb2);;" "Gerber File .gb3 (*.gb3);;Gerber File .gb4 (*.gb4);;Gerber File .gb5 (*.gb5);;" "Gerber File .gb6 (*.gb6);;Gerber File .gb7 (*.gb7);;Gerber File .gb8 (*.gb8);;" "Gerber File .gb9 (*.gb9);;Gerber File .gbd (*.gbd);;Gerber File .gbl (*.gbl);;" "Gerber File .gbo (*.gbo);;Gerber File .gbp (*.gbp);;Gerber File .gbs (*.gbs);;" "Gerber File .gdo (*.gdo);;Gerber File .ger (*.ger);;Gerber File .gko (*.gko);;" "Gerber File .gm1 (*.gm1);;Gerber File .gm2 (*.gm2);;Gerber File .gm3 (*.gm3);;" "Gerber File .grb (*.grb);;Gerber File .gtl (*.gtl);;Gerber File .gto (*.gto);;" "Gerber File .gtp (*.gtp);;Gerber File .gts (*.gts);;Gerber File .ly15 (*.ly15);;" "Gerber File .ly2 (*.ly2);;Gerber File .mil (*.mil);;" "Gerber File .outline (*.outline);;Gerber File .pho (*.pho);;" "Gerber File .plc (*.plc);;Gerber File .pls (*.pls);;Gerber File .smb (*.smb);;" "Gerber File .smt (*.smt);;Gerber File .sol (*.sol);;Gerber File .spb (*.spb);;" "Gerber File .spt (*.spt);;Gerber File .ssb (*.ssb);;Gerber File .sst (*.sst);;" "Gerber File .stc (*.stc);;Gerber File .sts (*.sts);;Gerber File .top (*.top);;" "Gerber File .tsm (*.tsm);;Gerber File .art (*.art)" "All Files (*.*)", # Gerber Options "gerber_noncoppermargin": 0.1, "gerber_noncopperrounded": False, "gerber_bboxmargin": 0.1, "gerber_bboxrounded": False, # Gerber Advanced Options "gerber_aperture_display": False, "gerber_aperture_scale_factor": 1.0, "gerber_aperture_buffer_factor": 0.0, "gerber_follow": False, "gerber_buffering": "full", "gerber_simplification": False, "gerber_simp_tolerance": 0.0005, # Gerber Export "gerber_exp_units": 'IN', "gerber_exp_integer": 2, "gerber_exp_decimals": 4, "gerber_exp_zeros": 'L', # Gerber Editor "gerber_editor_sel_limit": 30, "gerber_editor_newcode": 10, "gerber_editor_newsize": 0.8, "gerber_editor_newtype": 'C', "gerber_editor_newdim": "0.5, 0.5", "gerber_editor_array_size": 5, "gerber_editor_lin_axis": 'X', "gerber_editor_lin_pitch": 0.1, "gerber_editor_lin_angle": 0.0, "gerber_editor_circ_dir": 'CW', "gerber_editor_circ_angle": 0.0, "gerber_editor_scale_f": 1.0, "gerber_editor_buff_f": 0.1, "gerber_editor_ma_low": 0.0, "gerber_editor_ma_high": 1.0, # Excellon General "excellon_plot": True, "excellon_solid": True, "excellon_format_upper_in": 2, "excellon_format_lower_in": 4, "excellon_format_upper_mm": 3, "excellon_format_lower_mm": 3, "excellon_zeros": "L", "excellon_units": "INCH", "excellon_update": True, "excellon_optimization_type": 'B', "excellon_search_time": 3, "excellon_save_filters": "Excellon File .txt (*.txt);;Excellon File .drd (*.drd);;" "Excellon File .drill (*.drill);;" "Excellon File .drl (*.drl);;Excellon File .exc (*.exc);;" "Excellon File .ncd (*.ncd);;Excellon File .tap (*.tap);;" "Excellon File .xln (*.xln);;All Files (*.*)", "excellon_plot_fill": '#C40000BF', "excellon_plot_line": '#750000BF', # Excellon Options "excellon_operation": "drill", "excellon_milling_type": "drills", "excellon_milling_dia": 0.8, "excellon_cutz": -1.7, "excellon_multidepth": False, "excellon_depthperpass": 0.7, "excellon_travelz": 2, "excellon_endz": 0.5, "excellon_endxy": None, "excellon_feedrate_z": 300, "excellon_spindlespeed": 0, "excellon_dwell": False, "excellon_dwelltime": 1, "excellon_toolchange": False, "excellon_toolchangez": 15, "excellon_ppname_e": 'default', "excellon_tooldia": 0.8, "excellon_slot_tooldia": 1.8, "excellon_gcode_type": "drills", "excellon_area_exclusion": False, "excellon_area_shape": "polygon", "excellon_area_strategy": "over", "excellon_area_overz": 1.0, # Excellon Advanced Options "excellon_offset": 0.0, "excellon_toolchangexy": "0.0, 0.0", "excellon_startz": None, "excellon_feedrate_rapid": 1500, "excellon_z_pdepth": -0.02, "excellon_feedrate_probe": 75, "excellon_spindledir": 'CW', "excellon_f_plunge": False, "excellon_f_retract": False, # Excellon Export "excellon_exp_units": 'INCH', "excellon_exp_format": 'ndec', "excellon_exp_integer": 2, "excellon_exp_decimals": 4, "excellon_exp_zeros": 'LZ', "excellon_exp_slot_type": 'routing', # Excellon Editor "excellon_editor_sel_limit": 30, "excellon_editor_newdia": 1.0, "excellon_editor_array_size": 5, "excellon_editor_lin_dir": 'X', "excellon_editor_lin_pitch": 2.54, "excellon_editor_lin_angle": 0.0, "excellon_editor_circ_dir": 'CW', "excellon_editor_circ_angle": 12, # Excellon Slots "excellon_editor_slot_direction": 'X', "excellon_editor_slot_angle": 0.0, "excellon_editor_slot_length": 5.0, # Excellon Slot Array "excellon_editor_slot_array_size": 5, "excellon_editor_slot_lin_dir": 'X', "excellon_editor_slot_lin_pitch": 2.54, "excellon_editor_slot_lin_angle": 0.0, "excellon_editor_slot_circ_dir": 'CW', "excellon_editor_slot_circ_angle": 0.0, # Geometry General "geometry_plot": True, "geometry_circle_steps": 64, "geometry_cnctooldia": "2.4", "geometry_plot_line": "#FF0000", # Geometry Options "geometry_cutz": -2.4, "geometry_vtipdia": 0.1, "geometry_vtipangle": 30, "geometry_multidepth": False, "geometry_depthperpass": 0.8, "geometry_travelz": 2, "geometry_toolchange": False, "geometry_toolchangez": 15.0, "geometry_endz": 15.0, "geometry_endxy": None, "geometry_feedrate": 120, "geometry_feedrate_z": 60, "geometry_spindlespeed": 0, "geometry_dwell": False, "geometry_dwelltime": 1, "geometry_ppname_g": 'default', # Geometry Advanced Options "geometry_toolchangexy": "0.0, 0.0", "geometry_startz": None, "geometry_feedrate_rapid": 1500, "geometry_extracut": False, "geometry_extracut_length": 0.1, "geometry_z_pdepth": -0.02, "geometry_f_plunge": False, "geometry_spindledir": 'CW', "geometry_feedrate_probe": 75, "geometry_segx": 0.0, "geometry_segy": 0.0, "geometry_area_exclusion": False, "geometry_area_shape": "polygon", "geometry_area_strategy": "over", "geometry_area_overz": 1.0, # Geometry Editor "geometry_editor_sel_limit": 30, "geometry_editor_milling_type": "cl", # CNC Job General "cncjob_plot": True, "cncjob_plot_kind": 'all', "cncjob_annotation": True, "cncjob_tooldia": 1.0, "cncjob_coords_type": "G90", "cncjob_coords_decimals": 4, "cncjob_fr_decimals": 2, "cncjob_steps_per_circle": 64, "cncjob_footer": False, "cncjob_line_ending": False, "cncjob_save_filters": "G-Code Files .nc (*.nc);;G-Code Files .din (*.din);;G-Code Files .dnc (*.dnc);;" "G-Code Files .ecs (*.ecs);;G-Code Files .eia (*.eia);;G-Code Files .fan (*.fan);;" "G-Code Files .fgc (*.fgc);;G-Code Files .fnc (*.fnc);;G-Code Files . gc (*.gc);;" "G-Code Files .gcd (*.gcd);;G-Code Files .gcode (*.gcode);;G-Code Files .h (*.h);;" "G-Code Files .hnc (*.hnc);;G-Code Files .i (*.i);;G-Code Files .min (*.min);;" "G-Code Files .mpf (*.mpf);;G-Code Files .mpr (*.mpr);;G-Code Files .cnc (*.cnc);;" "G-Code Files .ncc (*.ncc);;G-Code Files .ncg (*.ncg);;G-Code Files .ncp (*.ncp);;" "G-Code Files .ngc (*.ngc);;G-Code Files .out (*.out);;G-Code Files .ply (*.ply);;" "G-Code Files .sbp (*.sbp);;G-Code Files .tap (*.tap);;G-Code Files .xpi (*.xpi);;" "All Files (*.*)", "cncjob_plot_line": '#4650BDFF', "cncjob_plot_fill": '#5E6CFFFF', "cncjob_travel_line": '#B5AB3A4C', "cncjob_travel_fill": '#F0E24D4C', # CNC Job Options "cncjob_prepend": "", "cncjob_append": "", # CNC Job Advanced Options "cncjob_toolchange_macro": "", "cncjob_toolchange_macro_enable": False, "cncjob_annotation_fontsize": 9, "cncjob_annotation_fontcolor": '#990000', # Isolation Routing Tool "tools_iso_tooldia": "0.1", "tools_iso_order": 'rev', "tools_iso_tool_type": 'C1', "tools_iso_tool_vtipdia": 0.1, "tools_iso_tool_vtipangle": 30, "tools_iso_tool_cutz": -0.05, "tools_iso_newdia": 0.1, "tools_iso_passes": 1, "tools_iso_overlap": 10, "tools_iso_milling_type": "cl", "tools_iso_follow": False, "tools_iso_isotype": "full", "tools_iso_rest": False, "tools_iso_combine_passes": False, "tools_iso_isoexcept": False, "tools_iso_selection": _("All"), "tools_iso_area_shape": "square", "tools_iso_plotting": 'normal', # NCC Tool "tools_ncctools": "1.0, 0.5", "tools_nccorder": 'rev', "tools_nccoperation": 'clear', "tools_nccoverlap": 40, "tools_nccmargin": 1.0, "tools_nccmethod": _("Seed"), "tools_nccconnect": True, "tools_ncccontour": True, "tools_nccrest": False, "tools_ncc_offset_choice": False, "tools_ncc_offset_value": 0.0000, "tools_nccref": _('Itself'), "tools_ncc_area_shape": "square", "tools_nccmilling_type": 'cl', "tools_ncctool_type": 'C1', "tools_ncccutz": -0.05, "tools_ncctipdia": 0.1, "tools_ncctipangle": 30, "tools_nccnewdia": 0.1, "tools_ncc_plotting": 'normal', # Cutout Tool "tools_cutouttooldia": 2.4, "tools_cutoutkind": "single", "tools_cutoutmargin": 0.1, "tools_cutout_z": -1.8, "tools_cutout_depthperpass": 0.6, "tools_cutout_mdepth": True, "tools_cutoutgapsize": 4, "tools_gaps_ff": "4", "tools_cutout_convexshape": False, # Paint Tool "tools_painttooldia": 0.3, "tools_paintorder": 'rev', "tools_paintoverlap": 20, "tools_paintmargin": 0.0, "tools_paintmethod": _("Seed"), "tools_selectmethod": _("All"), "tools_paint_area_shape": "square", "tools_pathconnect": True, "tools_paintcontour": True, "tools_paint_plotting": 'normal', "tools_paintrest": False, "tools_painttool_type": 'C1', "tools_paintcutz": -0.05, "tools_painttipdia": 0.1, "tools_painttipangle": 30, "tools_paintnewdia": 0.1, # 2-Sided Tool "tools_2sided_mirror_axis": "X", "tools_2sided_axis_loc": "point", "tools_2sided_drilldia": 3.125, "tools_2sided_allign_axis": "X", # Film Tool "tools_film_type": 'neg', "tools_film_boundary": 1.0, "tools_film_scale_stroke": 0, "tools_film_color": '#000000', "tools_film_scale_cb": False, "tools_film_scale_x_entry": 1.0, "tools_film_scale_y_entry": 1.0, "tools_film_skew_cb": False, "tools_film_skew_x_entry": 0.0, "tools_film_skew_y_entry": 0.0, "tools_film_skew_ref_radio": 'bottomleft', "tools_film_mirror_cb": False, "tools_film_mirror_axis_radio": 'none', "tools_film_file_type_radio": 'svg', "tools_film_orientation": 'p', "tools_film_pagesize": 'A4', # Panel Tool "tools_panelize_spacing_columns": 0.0, "tools_panelize_spacing_rows": 0.0, "tools_panelize_columns": 1, "tools_panelize_rows": 1, "tools_panelize_constrain": False, "tools_panelize_constrainx": 200.0, "tools_panelize_constrainy": 290.0, "tools_panelize_panel_type": 'gerber', # Calculators Tool "tools_calc_vshape_tip_dia": 0.2, "tools_calc_vshape_tip_angle": 30, "tools_calc_vshape_cut_z": 0.05, "tools_calc_electro_length": 10.0, "tools_calc_electro_width": 10.0, "tools_calc_electro_cdensity": 13.0, "tools_calc_electro_growth": 10.0, # Transform Tool "tools_transform_rotate": 90, "tools_transform_skew_x": 0.0, "tools_transform_skew_y": 0.0, "tools_transform_scale_x": 1.0, "tools_transform_scale_y": 1.0, "tools_transform_scale_link": True, "tools_transform_scale_reference": True, "tools_transform_offset_x": 0.0, "tools_transform_offset_y": 0.0, "tools_transform_mirror_reference": False, "tools_transform_mirror_point": "0.0, 0.0", "tools_transform_buffer_dis": 0.0, "tools_transform_buffer_factor": 100.0, "tools_transform_buffer_corner": True, # SolderPaste Tool "tools_solderpaste_tools": "1.0, 0.3", "tools_solderpaste_new": 0.3, "tools_solderpaste_z_start": 0.05, "tools_solderpaste_z_dispense": 0.1, "tools_solderpaste_z_stop": 0.05, "tools_solderpaste_z_travel": 0.1, "tools_solderpaste_z_toolchange": 1.0, "tools_solderpaste_xy_toolchange": "0.0, 0.0", "tools_solderpaste_frxy": 150, "tools_solderpaste_frz": 150, "tools_solderpaste_frz_dispense": 1.0, "tools_solderpaste_speedfwd": 300, "tools_solderpaste_dwellfwd": 1, "tools_solderpaste_speedrev": 200, "tools_solderpaste_dwellrev": 1, "tools_solderpaste_pp": 'Paste_1', # Subtract Tool "tools_sub_close_paths": True, # Distance Tool "tools_dist_snap_center": False, # Corner Markers Tool "tools_corners_thickness": 0.1, "tools_corners_length": 3.0, "tools_corners_margin": 0.0, # ######################################################################################################## # ################################ TOOLS 2 ############################################################### # ######################################################################################################## # Optimal Tool "tools_opt_precision": 4, # Check Rules Tool "tools_cr_trace_size": True, "tools_cr_trace_size_val": 0.25, "tools_cr_c2c": True, "tools_cr_c2c_val": 0.25, "tools_cr_c2o": True, "tools_cr_c2o_val": 1.0, "tools_cr_s2s": True, "tools_cr_s2s_val": 0.25, "tools_cr_s2sm": True, "tools_cr_s2sm_val": 0.25, "tools_cr_s2o": True, "tools_cr_s2o_val": 1.0, "tools_cr_sm2sm": True, "tools_cr_sm2sm_val": 0.25, "tools_cr_ri": True, "tools_cr_ri_val": 0.3, "tools_cr_h2h": True, "tools_cr_h2h_val": 0.3, "tools_cr_dh": True, "tools_cr_dh_val": 0.3, # QRCode Tool "tools_qrcode_version": 1, "tools_qrcode_error": 'L', "tools_qrcode_box_size": 3, "tools_qrcode_border_size": 4, "tools_qrcode_qrdata": '', "tools_qrcode_polarity": 'pos', "tools_qrcode_rounded": 's', "tools_qrcode_fill_color": '#000000', "tools_qrcode_back_color": '#FFFFFF', "tools_qrcode_sel_limit": 330, # Copper Thieving Tool "tools_copper_thieving_clearance": 0.25, "tools_copper_thieving_margin": 1.0, "tools_copper_thieving_reference": 'itself', "tools_copper_thieving_box_type": 'rect', "tools_copper_thieving_circle_steps": 64, "tools_copper_thieving_fill_type": 'solid', "tools_copper_thieving_dots_dia": 1.0, "tools_copper_thieving_dots_spacing": 2.0, "tools_copper_thieving_squares_size": 1.0, "tools_copper_thieving_squares_spacing": 2.0, "tools_copper_thieving_lines_size": 0.25, "tools_copper_thieving_lines_spacing": 2.0, "tools_copper_thieving_rb_margin": 1.0, "tools_copper_thieving_rb_thickness": 1.0, "tools_copper_thieving_mask_clearance": 0.0, # Fiducials Tool "tools_fiducials_dia": 1.0, "tools_fiducials_margin": 1.0, "tools_fiducials_mode": 'auto', "tools_fiducials_second_pos": 'up', "tools_fiducials_type": 'circular', "tools_fiducials_line_thickness": 0.25, # Calibration Tool "tools_cal_calsource": 'object', "tools_cal_travelz": 2.0, "tools_cal_verz": 0.1, "tools_cal_zeroz": False, "tools_cal_toolchangez": 15, "tools_cal_toolchange_xy": '', "tools_cal_sec_point": 'tl', # Drills Extraction Tool "tools_edrills_hole_type": 'fixed', "tools_edrills_hole_fixed_dia": 0.5, "tools_edrills_hole_prop_factor": 80.0, "tools_edrills_circular_ring": 0.2, "tools_edrills_oblong_ring": 0.2, "tools_edrills_square_ring": 0.2, "tools_edrills_rectangular_ring": 0.2, "tools_edrills_others_ring": 0.2, "tools_edrills_circular": True, "tools_edrills_oblong": False, "tools_edrills_square": False, "tools_edrills_rectangular": False, "tools_edrills_others": False, # Punch Gerber Tool "tools_punch_hole_type": 'exc', "tools_punch_hole_fixed_dia": 0.5, "tools_punch_hole_prop_factor": 80.0, "tools_punch_circular_ring": 0.2, "tools_punch_oblong_ring": 0.2, "tools_punch_square_ring": 0.2, "tools_punch_rectangular_ring": 0.2, "tools_punch_others_ring": 0.2, "tools_punch_circular": True, "tools_punch_oblong": False, "tools_punch_square": True, "tools_punch_rectangular": False, "tools_punch_others": False, # Align Objects Tool "tools_align_objects_align_type": 'sp', # Invert Gerber Tool "tools_invert_margin": 0.1, "tools_invert_join_style": 's', # Utilities # file associations "fa_excellon": 'drd, drill, drl, exc, ncd, tap, xln', "fa_gcode": 'cnc, din, dnc, ecs, eia, fan, fgc, fnc, gc, gcd, gcode, h, hnc, i, min, mpf, mpr, nc, ncc, ' 'ncg, ncp, ngc, out, ply, rol, sbp, tap, xpi', "fa_gerber": 'art, bot, bsm, cmp, crc, crs, dim, gb0, gb1, gb2, gb3, gb4, gb5, gb6, gb7, gb8, gb9, gbd, ' 'gbl, gbo, gbp, gbr, gbs, gdo, ger, gko, gm1, gm2, gm3, grb, gtl, gto, gtp, gts, ly15, ly2, ' 'mil, outline, pho, plc, pls, smb, smt, sol, spb, spt, ssb, sst, stc, sts, top, tsm', # Keyword list "util_autocomplete_keywords": 'Desktop, Documents, FlatConfig, FlatPrj, False, ' 'Marius, My Documents, Paste_1, ' 'Repetier, Roland_MDX_20, True, Users, Toolchange_Custom, ' 'Toolchange_Probe_MACH3, ' 'Toolchange_manual, Users, all, axis, auto, axisoffset, ' 'box, center_x, center_y, columns, combine, connect, contour, default, ' 'depthperpass, dia, diatol, dist, drilled_dias, drillz, dpp, dwelltime, ' 'endxy, endz, extracut_length, f, feedrate, ' 'feedrate_z, grbl_11, GRBL_laser, gridoffsety, gridx, gridy, has_offset, ' 'holes, hpgl, iso_type, line_xyz, margin, marlin, method, milled_dias, ' 'minoffset, name, offset, opt_type, order, outname, overlap, ' 'passes, postamble, pp, ppname_e, ppname_g, preamble, radius, ref, rest, ' 'rows, shellvar_, scale_factor, spacing_columns, spacing_rows, spindlespeed, ' 'startz, startxy, toolchange_xy, toolchangez, ' 'tooldia, travelz, use_threads, value, x, x0, x1, y, y0, y1, z_cut, ' 'z_move', "script_autocompleter": True, "script_text": "", "script_plot": True, "script_source_file": "", "document_autocompleter": False, "document_text": "", "document_plot": True, "document_source_file": "", "document_font_color": '#000000', "document_sel_color": '#0055ff', "document_font_size": 6, "document_tab_size": 80, } @classmethod def save_factory_defaults(cls, file_path: str): """Writes the factory defaults to a file at the given path, overwriting any existing file.""" # Delete any existing factory defaults file if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_IRWXO | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IWGRP) os.remove(file_path) try: # recreate a new factory defaults file and save the factory defaults data into it f_f_def_s = open(file_path, "w") simplejson.dump(cls.factory_defaults, f_f_def_s, default=to_dict, indent=2, sort_keys=True) f_f_def_s.close() # and then make the factory_defaults.FlatConfig file read_only # so it can't be modified after creation. os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) log.debug("FlatCAM factory defaults written to: %s" % file_path) except Exception as e: log.error("save_factory_defaults() -> %s" % str(e)) def __init__(self, callback=lambda x: None): """ :param callback: A method called each time that one of the values are changed in the self.defaults LouDict """ self.defaults = LoudDict() self.defaults.update(self.factory_defaults) self.current_defaults = {} # copy used for restoring after cancelled prefs changes self.current_defaults.update(self.factory_defaults) self.old_defaults_found = False self.defaults.set_change_callback(callback) # #### Pass-through to the defaults LoudDict ##### def __len__(self): return self.defaults.__len__() def __getitem__(self, item): return self.defaults.__getitem__(item) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self.defaults.__setitem__(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): return self.defaults.__delitem__(key) def __iter__(self): return self.defaults.__iter__() def __getattr__(self, item): # Unfortunately this method alone is not enough to pass through the other magic methods above. return self.defaults.__getattribute__(item) # #### Additional Methods ##### def write(self, filename: str): """Saves the defaults to a file on disk""" with open(filename, "w") as file: simplejson.dump(self.defaults, file, default=to_dict, indent=2, sort_keys=True) def load(self, filename: str): """Loads the defaults from a file on disk, performing migration if required.""" # Read in the file try: f = open(filename) options = f.close() except IOError: log.error("Could not load defaults file.") self.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s' % _("Could not load defaults file.")) # in case the defaults file can't be loaded, show all toolbars self.defaults["global_toolbar_view"] = 511 return # Parse the JSON try: defaults = simplejson.loads(options) except Exception: # in case the defaults file can't be loaded, show all toolbars self.defaults["global_toolbar_view"] = 511 e = sys.exc_info()[0] log.error(str(e)) self.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s' % _("Failed to parse defaults file.")) return if defaults is None: return # Perform migration if necessary if self.__is_old_defaults(defaults): self.old_defaults_found = True defaults = self.__migrate_old_defaults(defaults=defaults) else: self.old_defaults_found = False # Save the resulting defaults self.defaults.update(defaults) self.current_defaults.update(self.defaults) log.debug("FlatCAM defaults loaded from: %s" % filename) def __is_old_defaults(self, defaults: dict) -> bool: """Takes a defaults dict and determines whether or not migration is necessary.""" return 'version' not in defaults or defaults['version'] != self.factory_defaults['version'] def __migrate_old_defaults(self, defaults: dict) -> dict: """Performs migration on the passed-in defaults dictionary, and returns the migrated dict""" migrated = {} for k, v in defaults.items(): if k in self.factory_defaults and k != 'version': # check if the types are the same. Because some types (tuple, float, int etc) # may be stored as strings we check their types. try: target = eval(self.defaults[k]) except (NameError, TypeError, SyntaxError): # it's an unknown string leave it as it is target = deepcopy(self.factory_defaults[k]) try: source = eval(v) except (NameError, TypeError, SyntaxError): # it's an unknown string leave it as it is source = deepcopy(v) if type(target) == type(source): migrated[k] = v return migrated def reset_to_factory_defaults(self): self.defaults.update(self.factory_defaults) self.current_defaults.update(self.factory_defaults) self.old_defaults_found = False def propagate_defaults(self): """ This method is used to set default values in classes. It's an alternative to project options but allows the use of values invisible to the user. """ log.debug("propagate_defaults()") # Which objects to update the given parameters. routes = { "global_zdownrate": CNCjob, "excellon_zeros": Excellon, "excellon_format_upper_in": Excellon, "excellon_format_lower_in": Excellon, "excellon_format_upper_mm": Excellon, "excellon_format_lower_mm": Excellon, "excellon_units": Excellon, "gerber_use_buffer_for_union": Gerber, "geometry_multidepth": Geometry } for param in routes: if param in routes[param].defaults: try: routes[param].defaults[param] = self.defaults[param] except KeyError: log.error("FlatCAMApp.propagate_defaults() --> ERROR: " + param + " not in defaults.") else: # Try extracting the name: # classname_param here is param in the object if param.find(routes[param].__name__.lower() + "_") == 0: p = param[len(routes[param].__name__) + 1:] if p in routes[param].defaults: routes[param].defaults[p] = self.defaults[param] def report_usage(self, resource): """ Increments usage counter for the given resource in self.defaults['global_stats']. :param resource: Name of the resource. :return: None """ if resource in self.defaults['global_stats']: self.defaults['global_stats'][resource] += 1 else: self.defaults['global_stats'][resource] = 1