from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings from appGUI.GUIElements import FCDoubleSpinner, RadioSet, FCCheckBox, NumericalEvalTupleEntry, NumericalEvalEntry from appGUI.preferences.OptionsGroupUI import OptionsGroupUI import gettext import appTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("machinist"): machinist_setting = settings.value('machinist', type=int) else: machinist_setting = 0 class ExcellonAdvOptPrefGroupUI(OptionsGroupUI): def __init__(self, decimals=4, parent=None): # OptionsGroupUI.__init__(self, "Excellon Advanced Options", parent=parent) super(ExcellonAdvOptPrefGroupUI, self).__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setTitle(str(_("Excellon Adv. Options"))) self.decimals = decimals # ####################### # ## ADVANCED OPTIONS ### # ####################### self.exc_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Advanced Options')) self.exc_label.setToolTip( _("A list of Excellon advanced parameters.\n" "Those parameters are available only for\n" "Advanced App. Level.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.exc_label) grid0 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() grid0.setColumnStretch(0, 0) grid0.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.layout.addLayout(grid0) # Table Visibility CB self.table_visibility_cb = FCCheckBox(label=_('Table Show/Hide')) self.table_visibility_cb.setToolTip( _("Toggle the display of the Tools Table.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.table_visibility_cb, 0, 0, 1, 2) # Auto Load Tools from DB self.autoload_db_cb = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Auto load from DB")) self.autoload_db_cb.setToolTip( _("Automatic replacement of the tools from related application tools\n" "with tools from DB that have a close diameter value.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.autoload_db_cb, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layout.addStretch()