# This file contains python only requirements to be installed with pip # Python packages that cannot be installed with pip (e.g. PyQt5, GDAL) are not included. # For Windows GDAL wheel can be found here: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#gdal # Usage: pip3 install -r requirements.txt pyqt5>=5.12.1 numpy>=1.16 matplotlib>=3.1 cycler>=0.10 python-dateutil>=2.1 kiwisolver>=1.1 six setuptools dill rtree pyopengl vispy ortools>=7.0 svg.path simplejson shapely>=1.3 freetype-py fontTools rasterio lxml ezdxf qrcode>=6.1 reportlab>=3.5 svglib gdal