from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSettings from shapely.geometry import LineString, LinearRing, MultiLineString from shapely.ops import cascaded_union import shapely.affinity as affinity from numpy import arctan2, Inf, array, sqrt, sign, dot from rtree import index as rtindex import threading, time import copy from camlib import * from flatcamGUI.GUIElements import FCEntry, FCComboBox, FCTable, FCDoubleSpinner, LengthEntry, RadioSet, \ SpinBoxDelegate, EvalEntry from flatcamEditors.FlatCAMGeoEditor import FCShapeTool, DrawTool, DrawToolShape, DrawToolUtilityShape, FlatCAMGeoEditor from FlatCAMObj import FlatCAMGerber from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') import builtins if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext # class ScaleGrbTool(FlatCAMTool): # """ # Simple input for buffer distance. # """ # # toolName = _("Scale") # # def __init__(self, app, draw_app): # FlatCAMTool.__init__(self, app) # # self.draw_app = draw_app # # # Title # title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("{name} {tooln} ".format(name=_("Editor"), tooln=self.toolName)) # title_label.setStyleSheet(""" # QLabel # { # font-size: 16px; # font-weight: bold; # } # """) # self.layout.addWidget(title_label) # # # this way I can hide/show the frame # self.scale_tool_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() # self.scale_tool_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # self.layout.addWidget(self.scale_tool_frame) # self.scale_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # self.scale_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # self.scale_tool_frame.setLayout(self.scale_tools_box) # # # Form Layout # form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() # self.scale_tools_box.addLayout(form_layout) # # # Buffer distance # self.scale_factor_entry = FCEntry() # form_layout.addRow(_("Scale Factor:"), self.scale_factor_entry) # # # Buttons # hlay1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # self.scale_tools_box.addLayout(hlay1) # # self.scale_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Scale")) # hlay1.addWidget(self.scale_button) # # self.layout.addStretch() # # # Signals # self.scale_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scale) # # # Init GUI # self.scale_factor_entry.set_value(1) # # def run(self): #"Gerber Editor ToolScale()") # # # # if the splitter us hidden, display it # if[0] == 0: #[1, 1]) # #, _("Scale Tool")) # # def on_scale(self): # if not self.draw_app.selected: #"[WARNING_NOTCL] Scale cancelled. No aperture selected.")) # return # # try: # buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) # except ValueError: # # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return # try: # buffer_distance = float(self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) # self.buff_tool.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buffer_distance) # except ValueError: #"[WARNING_NOTCL] Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. " # "Add it and retry.")) # return # # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (whcih is really an INT) # join_style = self.buff_tool.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 # self.draw_app.buffer(buffer_distance, join_style) #, _("Tools")) #[0, 1]) # # self.deactivate() #"[success] Done. Scale Tool completed.")) class FCScale(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'scale' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.draw_app = draw_app = self.start_msg = _("Scale the selected Gerber apertures ...") self.origin = (0, 0) if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) self.activate() def activate(self): self.draw_app.hide_tool('all') try: self.draw_app.scale_button.clicked.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.draw_app.scale_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scale_click) def deactivate(self): self.draw_app.scale_button.clicked.disconnect() self.complete = True self.draw_app.select_tool("select") self.draw_app.hide_tool( def on_scale_click(self): self.draw_app.on_scale() self.deactivate() class FCBuffer(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'buffer' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.draw_app = draw_app = self.start_msg = _("Buffer the selected apertures ...") self.origin = (0, 0) if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) self.activate() def activate(self): self.draw_app.hide_tool('all') try: self.draw_app.buffer_button.clicked.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.draw_app.buffer_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer_click) def deactivate(self): self.draw_app.buffer_button.clicked.disconnect() self.complete = True self.draw_app.select_tool("select") self.draw_app.hide_tool( def on_buffer_click(self): self.draw_app.on_buffer() self.deactivate() class FCApertureMove(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'aperture_move' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.origin = None self.destination = None self.selected_apertures = [] if self.draw_app.launched_from_shortcuts is True: self.draw_app.launched_from_shortcuts = False"Click on target location ...")) else:"Click on reference location ...")) self.current_storage = None self.geometry = [] for index in self.draw_app.apertures_table.selectedIndexes(): row = index.row() # on column 1 in tool tables we hold the diameters, and we retrieve them as strings # therefore below we convert to float aperture_on_row = self.draw_app.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text() self.selected_apertures.append(aperture_on_row) # Switch notebook to Selected page def set_origin(self, origin): self.origin = origin def click(self, point): if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return "Nothing to move." if self.origin is None: self.set_origin(point)"Click on target location ...")) return else: self.destination = point self.make() # MS: always return to the Select Tool self.draw_app.select_tool("select") return def make(self): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] for sel_dia in self.selected_apertures: self.current_storage = self.draw_app.storage_dict[sel_dia]['solid_geometry'] for select_shape in self.draw_app.get_selected(): if select_shape in self.current_storage: self.geometry.append(DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(select_shape.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy))) self.current_storage.remove(select_shape) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted.append(select_shape) self.draw_app.on_grb_shape_complete(self.current_storage) self.geometry = [] for shp in sel_shapes_to_be_deleted: self.draw_app.selected.remove(shp) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] self.draw_app.build_ui()"[success] Done. Apertures Move completed.")) def utility_geometry(self, data=None): """ Temporary geometry on screen while using this tool. :param data: :return: """ geo_list = [] if self.origin is None: return None if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return None dx = data[0] - self.origin[0] dy = data[1] - self.origin[1] for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected(): geo_list.append(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) return DrawToolUtilityShape(geo_list) class FCApertureCopy(FCApertureMove): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCApertureMove.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'aperture_copy' def make(self): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] for sel_dia in self.selected_apertures: self.current_storage = self.draw_app.storage_dict[sel_dia]['solid_geometry'] for select_shape in self.draw_app.get_selected(): if select_shape in self.current_storage: self.geometry.append(DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(select_shape.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy))) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted.append(select_shape) self.draw_app.on_grb_shape_complete(self.current_storage) self.geometry = [] for shp in sel_shapes_to_be_deleted: self.draw_app.selected.remove(shp) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] self.draw_app.build_ui()"[success] Done. Apertures copied.")) class FCApertureSelect(DrawTool): def __init__(self, grb_editor_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, grb_editor_app) = 'select' self.grb_editor_app = grb_editor_app = self.grb_editor_app.storage_dict # self.selected = self.grb_editor_app.selected # here we store all shapes that were selected self.sel_storage = [] self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.clearSelection() self.grb_editor_app.hide_tool('all') self.grb_editor_app.hide_tool('select') def click(self, point): key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control': if key_modifier == Qt.ControlModifier: pass else: self.grb_editor_app.selected = [] else: if key_modifier == Qt.ShiftModifier: pass else: self.grb_editor_app.selected = [] def click_release(self, point): self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.clearSelection() sel_aperture = set() for storage in self.grb_editor_app.storage_dict: for shape in self.grb_editor_app.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: if Point(point).within(shape.geo): if self.draw_app.key ==["global_mselect_key"]: if shape in self.draw_app.selected: self.draw_app.selected.remove(shape) else: # add the object to the selected shapes self.draw_app.selected.append(shape) sel_aperture.add(storage) else: self.draw_app.selected.append(shape) sel_aperture.add(storage) try: self.draw_app.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() except: pass self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) for aper in sel_aperture: for row in range(self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.rowCount()): if str(aper) == self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text(): self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.selectRow(row) self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected = aper self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.draw_app.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.draw_app.on_row_selected) return "" class FlatCAMGrbEditor(QtCore.QObject): draw_shape_idx = -1 def __init__(self, app): assert isinstance(app, FlatCAMApp.App), \ "Expected the app to be a FlatCAMApp.App, got %s" % type(app) super(FlatCAMGrbEditor, self).__init__() = app self.canvas = ## Current application units in Upper Case self.units = self.grb_edit_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.grb_edit_widget.setLayout(layout) ## Page Title box (spacing between children) self.title_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.title_box) ## Page Title icon pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap('share/flatcam_icon32.png') self.icon = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.icon.setPixmap(pixmap) self.title_box.addWidget(self.icon, stretch=0) ## Title label self.title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('Gerber Editor')) self.title_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.title_box.addWidget(self.title_label, stretch=1) ## Object name self.name_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.name_box) name_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Name:")) self.name_box.addWidget(name_label) self.name_entry = FCEntry() self.name_box.addWidget(self.name_entry) ## Box for custom widgets # This gets populated in offspring implementations. self.custom_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.custom_box) #### Gerber Apertures #### self.apertures_table_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Apertures:')) self.apertures_table_label.setToolTip( _("Apertures Table for the Gerber Object.") ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.apertures_table_label) self.apertures_table = FCTable() # delegate = SpinBoxDelegate(units=self.units) # self.apertures_table.setItemDelegateForColumn(1, delegate) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.apertures_table) self.apertures_table.setColumnCount(5) self.apertures_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['#', _('Code'), _('Type'), _('Size'), _('Dim')]) self.apertures_table.setSortingEnabled(False) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(0).setToolTip( _("Index")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(1).setToolTip( _("Aperture Code")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(2).setToolTip( _("Type of aperture: circular, rectangle, macros etc")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(4).setToolTip( _("Aperture Size:")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(4).setToolTip( _("Aperture Dimensions:\n" " - (width, height) for R, O type.\n" " - (dia, nVertices) for P type")) self.empty_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('') self.custom_box.addWidget(self.empty_label) # add a frame and inside add a vertical box layout. Inside this vbox layout I add all the Apertures widgets # this way I can hide/show the frame self.apertures_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.apertures_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.apertures_frame) self.apertures_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.apertures_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.apertures_frame.setLayout(self.apertures_box) #### Add/Delete an new Aperture #### grid1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.apertures_box.addLayout(grid1) apcode_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Code:')) apcode_lbl.setToolTip( _("Code for the new aperture") ) grid1.addWidget(apcode_lbl, 1, 0) self.apcode_entry = FCEntry() self.apcode_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(0, 999)) grid1.addWidget(self.apcode_entry, 1, 1) apsize_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Size:')) apsize_lbl.setToolTip( _("Size for the new aperture") ) grid1.addWidget(apsize_lbl, 2, 0) self.apsize_entry = FCEntry() self.apsize_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0.0001, 99.9999, 4)) grid1.addWidget(self.apsize_entry, 2, 1) aptype_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Type:')) aptype_lbl.setToolTip( _("Select the type of new aperture. Can be:\n" "C = circular\n" "R = rectangular") ) grid1.addWidget(aptype_lbl, 3, 0) self.aptype_cb = FCComboBox() self.aptype_cb.addItems(['C', 'R']) grid1.addWidget(self.aptype_cb, 3, 1) self.apdim_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Dim:')) self.apdim_lbl.setToolTip( _("Dimensions for the new aperture.\n" "Active only for rectangular apertures (type R).\n" "The format is (width, height)") ) grid1.addWidget(self.apdim_lbl, 4, 0) self.apdim_entry = EvalEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.apdim_entry, 4, 1) apadd_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Add Aperture:')) apadd_lbl.setToolTip( _("Add an aperture to the aperture list") ) grid1.addWidget(apadd_lbl, 5, 0) self.addaperture_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Go')) self.addaperture_btn.setToolTip( _( "Add a new aperture to the aperture list") ) grid1.addWidget(self.addaperture_btn, 5, 1) apdelete_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Del Aperture:')) apdelete_lbl.setToolTip( _( "Delete a aperture in the aperture list") ) grid1.addWidget(apdelete_lbl, 6, 0) self.delaperture_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Go')) self.delaperture_btn.setToolTip( _( "Delete a aperture in the aperture list") ) grid1.addWidget(self.delaperture_btn, 6, 1) ### BUFFER TOOL ### self.buffer_tool_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.buffer_tool_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.buffer_tool_frame) self.buffer_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.buffer_tool_frame.setLayout(self.buffer_tools_box) self.buffer_tool_frame.hide() # Title buf_title_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Buffer Aperture:')) buf_title_lbl.setToolTip( _("Buffer a aperture in the aperture list") ) self.buffer_tools_box.addWidget(buf_title_lbl) # Form Layout buf_form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.addLayout(buf_form_layout) # Buffer distance self.buffer_distance_entry = FCEntry() buf_form_layout.addRow(_("Buffer distance:"), self.buffer_distance_entry) self.buffer_corner_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Buffer corner:")) self.buffer_corner_lbl.setToolTip( _("There are 3 types of corners:\n" " - 'Round': the corner is rounded.\n" " - 'Square:' the corner is met in a sharp angle.\n" " - 'Beveled:' the corner is a line that directly connects the features meeting in the corner") ) self.buffer_corner_cb = FCComboBox() self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Round")) self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Square")) self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Beveled")) buf_form_layout.addRow(self.buffer_corner_lbl, self.buffer_corner_cb) # Buttons hlay_buf = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.addLayout(hlay_buf) self.buffer_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Buffer")) hlay_buf.addWidget(self.buffer_button) ### SCALE TOOL ### self.scale_tool_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.scale_tool_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.scale_tool_frame) self.scale_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.scale_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.scale_tool_frame.setLayout(self.scale_tools_box) self.scale_tool_frame.hide() # Title scale_title_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Scale Aperture:')) scale_title_lbl.setToolTip( _("Scale a aperture in the aperture list") ) self.scale_tools_box.addWidget(scale_title_lbl) # Form Layout scale_form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.scale_tools_box.addLayout(scale_form_layout) self.scale_factor_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Scale factor:")) self.scale_factor_lbl.setToolTip( _("The factor by which to scale the selected aperture.\n" "Values can be between 0.0000 and 999.9999") ) self.scale_factor_entry = FCEntry() self.scale_factor_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0.0000, 999.9999, 4)) scale_form_layout.addRow(self.scale_factor_lbl, self.scale_factor_entry) # Buttons hlay_scale = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.scale_tools_box.addLayout(hlay_scale) self.scale_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Scale")) hlay_scale.addWidget(self.scale_button) self.custom_box.addStretch() ## Toolbar events and properties self.tools_gerber = { "select": {"button":, "constructor": FCApertureSelect}, "aperture_buffer": {"button":, "constructor": FCBuffer}, "aperture_scale": {"button":, "constructor": FCScale}, "aperture_copy": {"button":, "constructor": FCApertureCopy}, "aperture_move": {"button":, "constructor": FCApertureMove}, } ### Data self.active_tool = None self.storage_dict = {} self.current_storage = [] self.sorted_apid =[] self.new_apertures = {} self.new_aperture_macros = {} # store here the plot promises, if empty the delayed plot will be activated self.grb_plot_promises = [] # dictionary to store the tool_row and diameters in Tool_table # it will be updated everytime self.build_ui() is called self.olddia_newdia = {} self.tool2tooldia = {} # this will store the value for the last selected tool, for use after clicking on canvas when the selection # is cleared but as a side effect also the selected tool is cleared self.last_aperture_selected = None self.utility = [] # this will flag if the Editor "tools" are launched from key shortcuts (True) or from menu toolbar (False) self.launched_from_shortcuts = False # this var will store the state of the toolbar before starting the editor self.toolbar_old_state = False # Signals self.buffer_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer) self.scale_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scale) self.name_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_name_activate) self.aptype_cb.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.on_aptype_changed) self.addaperture_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_aperture_add) self.delaperture_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_aperture_delete) self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) # Init GUI self.apdim_lbl.hide() self.apdim_entry.hide() self.gerber_obj = None self.gerber_obj_options = {} self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(0.01) self.scale_factor_entry.set_value(1.0) # VisPy Visuals self.shapes = self.tool_shape = # Remove from scene self.shapes.enabled = False self.tool_shape.enabled = False ## List of selected shapes. self.selected = [] self.move_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.move_timer.setSingleShot(True) self.key = None # Currently pressed key self.modifiers = None self.x = None # Current mouse cursor pos self.y = None # Current snapped mouse pos self.snap_x = None self.snap_y = None self.pos = None def make_callback(thetool): def f(): self.on_tool_select(thetool) return f for tool in self.tools_gerber: self.tools_gerber[tool]["button"].triggered.connect(make_callback(tool)) # Events self.tools_gerber[tool]["button"].setCheckable(True) # Checkable self.options = { "global_gridx": 0.1, "global_gridy": 0.1, "snap_max": 0.05, "grid_snap": True, "corner_snap": False, "grid_gap_link": True } for option in self.options: if option in self.options[option] =[option] # flag to show if the object was modified self.is_modified = False self.edited_obj_name = "" self.tool_row = 0 # store the status of the editor so the Delete at object level will not work until the edit is finished self.editor_active = False def entry2option(option, entry): self.options[option] = float(entry.text()) # store the status of the editor so the Delete at object level will not work until the edit is finished self.editor_active = False def pool_recreated(self, pool): self.shapes.pool = pool self.tool_shape.pool = pool def set_ui(self): # updated units self.units = self.olddia_newdia.clear() self.tool2tooldia.clear() # update the olddia_newdia dict to make sure we have an updated state of the tool_table for key in self.storage_dict: self.olddia_newdia[key] = key sort_temp = [] for aperture in self.olddia_newdia: sort_temp.append(int(aperture)) self.sorted_apid = sorted(sort_temp) # populate self.intial_table_rows dict with the tool number as keys and tool diameters as values for i in range(len(self.sorted_apid)): tt_aperture = self.sorted_apid[i] self.tool2tooldia[i + 1] = tt_aperture def build_ui(self): try: # if connected, disconnect the signal from the slot on item_changed as it creates issues self.apertures_table.itemChanged.disconnect() except: pass try: self.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() except: pass # updated units self.units = # make a new name for the new Excellon object (the one with edited content) self.edited_obj_name = self.gerber_obj.options['name'] self.name_entry.set_value(self.edited_obj_name) if self.units == "IN": self.apsize_entry.set_value(0.039) else: self.apsize_entry.set_value(1.00) self.apertures_row = 0 aper_no = self.apertures_row + 1 sort = [] for k, v in list(self.storage_dict.items()): sort.append(int(k)) sorted_apertures = sorted(sort) sort = [] for k, v in list(self.gerber_obj.aperture_macros.items()): sort.append(k) sorted_macros = sorted(sort) n = len(sorted_apertures) + len(sorted_macros) self.apertures_table.setRowCount(n) for ap_code in sorted_apertures: ap_code = str(ap_code) ap_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(self.apertures_row + 1)) ap_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 0, ap_id_item) # Tool name/id ap_code_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(ap_code) ap_code_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) ap_type_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type'])) ap_type_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type']) == 'R' or str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type']) == 'O': ap_dim_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( '%.4f, %.4f' % (self.storage_dict[ap_code]['width'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor, self.storage_dict[ap_code]['height'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor ) ) ap_dim_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) elif str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type']) == 'P': ap_dim_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( '%.4f, %.4f' % (self.storage_dict[ap_code]['diam'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor, self.storage_dict[ap_code]['nVertices'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor) ) ap_dim_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) else: ap_dim_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') ap_dim_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) try: if self.storage_dict[ap_code]['size'] is not None: ap_size_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.4f' % float(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['size'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor)) else: ap_size_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') except KeyError: ap_size_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') ap_size_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 1, ap_code_item) # Aperture Code self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 2, ap_type_item) # Aperture Type self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 3, ap_size_item) # Aperture Dimensions self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 4, ap_dim_item) # Aperture Dimensions self.apertures_row += 1 for ap_code in sorted_macros: ap_code = str(ap_code) ap_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(self.apertures_row + 1)) ap_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 0, ap_id_item) # Tool name/id ap_code_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(ap_code) ap_type_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('AM') ap_type_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 1, ap_code_item) # Aperture Code self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 2, ap_type_item) # Aperture Type self.apertures_row += 1 self.apertures_table.selectColumn(0) self.apertures_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.apertures_table.resizeRowsToContents() vertical_header = self.apertures_table.verticalHeader() # vertical_header.setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) vertical_header.hide() self.apertures_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header = self.apertures_table.horizontalHeader() horizontal_header.setMinimumSectionSize(10) horizontal_header.setDefaultSectionSize(70) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(0, 20) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(4, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.apertures_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.apertures_table.setSortingEnabled(False) self.apertures_table.setMinimumHeight(self.apertures_table.getHeight()) self.apertures_table.setMaximumHeight(self.apertures_table.getHeight()) # make sure no rows are selected so the user have to click the correct row, meaning selecting the correct tool self.apertures_table.clearSelection() # Remove anything else in the GUI Selected Tab # Put ourself in the GUI Selected Tab # Switch notebook to Selected page # we reactivate the signals after the after the tool adding as we don't need to see the tool been populated self.apertures_table.itemChanged.connect(self.on_tool_edit) self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) def on_aperture_add(self, apid=None): self.is_modified = True if apid: ap_id = apid else: try: ap_id = str(self.apcode_entry.get_value()) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture code value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if ap_id not in self.olddia_newdia: self.storage_dict[ap_id] = {} type_val = self.aptype_cb.currentText() self.storage_dict[ap_id]['type'] = type_val try: size_val = float(self.apsize_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: size_val = float(self.apsize_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.apsize_entry.set_value(size_val) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture size value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return self.storage_dict[ap_id]['size'] = size_val if type_val == 'R': try: dims = self.apdim_entry.get_value() self.storage_dict[ap_id]['width'] = dims[0] self.storage_dict[ap_id]['height'] = dims[1] except Exception as e: log.error("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_aperture_add() --> the R aperture dims has to be in a " "tuple format (x,y)\nError: %s" % str(e))"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture dimensions value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it in format (width, height) and retry.")) return self.storage_dict[ap_id]['solid_geometry'] = [] self.storage_dict[ap_id]['follow_geometry'] = [] # self.olddia_newdia dict keeps the evidence on current tools diameters as keys and gets updated on values # each time a tool diameter is edited or added self.olddia_newdia[ap_id] = ap_id else:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture already in the aperture table.")) return # since we add a new tool, we update also the initial state of the tool_table through it's dictionary # we add a new entry in the tool2tooldia dict self.tool2tooldia[len(self.olddia_newdia)] = ap_id"[success] Added new aperture with dia: {apid}").format(apid=str(ap_id))) self.build_ui() # make a quick sort through the tool2tooldia dict so we find which row to select row_to_be_selected = None for key in sorted(self.tool2tooldia): if self.tool2tooldia[key] == ap_id: row_to_be_selected = int(key) - 1 break self.apertures_table.selectRow(row_to_be_selected) def on_aperture_delete(self, apid=None): self.is_modified = True deleted_tool_dia_list = [] deleted_tool_offset_list = [] try: if apid is None or apid is False: # deleted_tool_dia = float(self.apertures_table.item(self.apertures_table.currentRow(), 1).text()) for index in self.apertures_table.selectionModel().selectedRows(): row = index.row() deleted_tool_dia_list.append(self.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text()) else: if isinstance(apid, list): for dd in apid: deleted_tool_dia_list.append(dd) else: deleted_tool_dia_list.append(apid) except:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Select a tool in Tool Table")) return for deleted_tool_dia in deleted_tool_dia_list: # delete the storage used for that tool self.storage_dict.pop(deleted_tool_dia, None) # I've added this flag_del variable because dictionary don't like # having keys deleted while iterating through them flag_del = [] for deleted_tool in self.tool2tooldia: if self.tool2tooldia[deleted_tool] == deleted_tool_dia: flag_del.append(deleted_tool) if flag_del: for tool_to_be_deleted in flag_del: # delete the tool self.tool2tooldia.pop(tool_to_be_deleted, None) flag_del = [] self.olddia_newdia.pop(deleted_tool_dia, None)"[success] Deleted aperture with code: {del_dia}").format(del_dia=str(deleted_tool_dia))) self.plot_all() self.build_ui() def on_tool_edit(self, item_changed): # if connected, disconnect the signal from the slot on item_changed as it creates issues self.apertures_table.itemChanged.disconnect() # self.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() self.is_modified = True geometry = [] current_table_dia_edited = None if self.apertures_table.currentItem() is not None: try: current_table_dia_edited = float(self.apertures_table.currentItem().text()) except ValueError as e: log.debug("FlatCAMExcEditor.on_tool_edit() --> %s" % str(e)) self.apertures_table.setCurrentItem(None) return row_of_item_changed = self.apertures_table.currentRow() # rows start with 0, tools start with 1 so we adjust the value by 1 key_in_tool2tooldia = row_of_item_changed + 1 dia_changed = self.tool2tooldia[key_in_tool2tooldia] # tool diameter is not used so we create a new tool with the desired diameter if current_table_dia_edited not in self.olddia_newdia.values(): # update the dict that holds as keys our initial diameters and as values the edited diameters self.olddia_newdia[dia_changed] = current_table_dia_edited # update the dict that holds tool_no as key and tool_dia as value self.tool2tooldia[key_in_tool2tooldia] = current_table_dia_edited # update the tool offset modified_offset = self.gerber_obj.tool_offset.pop(dia_changed) self.gerber_obj.tool_offset[current_table_dia_edited] = modified_offset self.plot_all() else: # tool diameter is already in use so we move the drills from the prior tool to the new tool factor = current_table_dia_edited / dia_changed for shape in self.storage_dict[dia_changed].get_objects(): geometry.append(DrawToolShape( MultiLineString([affinity.scale(subgeo, xfact=factor, yfact=factor) for subgeo in shape.geo]))) self.points_edit[current_table_dia_edited].append((0, 0)) self.add_gerber_shape(geometry, self.storage_dict[current_table_dia_edited]) self.on_aperture_delete(apid=dia_changed) # delete the tool offset self.gerber_obj.tool_offset.pop(dia_changed, None) # we reactivate the signals after the after the tool editing self.apertures_table.itemChanged.connect(self.on_tool_edit) # self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) def on_name_activate(self): self.edited_obj_name = self.name_entry.get_value() def on_aptype_changed(self, current_text): if current_text == 'R': else: self.apdim_lbl.hide() self.apdim_entry.hide() def activate(self): self.connect_canvas_event_handlers() # self.shapes.enabled = True self.tool_shape.enabled = True # = True # # start with GRID toolbar activated if is False: # Tell the App that the editor is active self.editor_active = True def deactivate(self): self.disconnect_canvas_event_handlers() self.clear() settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("layout"): layout = settings.value('layout', type=str) if layout == 'standard': # elif layout == 'compact': # else: # # set the Editor Toolbar visibility to what was before entering in the Editor if self.toolbar_old_state is False \ else # Disable visuals self.shapes.enabled = False self.tool_shape.enabled = False # = False # Tell the app that the editor is no longer active self.editor_active = False # Show original geometry if self.gerber_obj: self.gerber_obj.visible = True def connect_canvas_event_handlers(self): ## Canvas events # make sure that the shortcuts key and mouse events will no longer be linked to the methods from FlatCAMApp # but those from FlatCAMGeoEditor'mouse_press','mouse_move','mouse_release','mouse_double_click', self.canvas.vis_connect('mouse_press', self.on_canvas_click) self.canvas.vis_connect('mouse_move', self.on_canvas_move) self.canvas.vis_connect('mouse_release', self.on_canvas_click_release) def disconnect_canvas_event_handlers(self): self.canvas.vis_disconnect('mouse_press', self.on_canvas_click) self.canvas.vis_disconnect('mouse_move', self.on_canvas_move) self.canvas.vis_disconnect('mouse_release', self.on_canvas_click_release) # we restore the key and mouse control to FlatCAMApp method'mouse_press','mouse_move','mouse_release','mouse_double_click', def clear(self): self.active_tool = None # self.shape_buffer = [] self.selected = [] self.shapes.clear(update=True) self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) def edit_fcgerber(self, orig_grb_obj): """ Imports the geometry found in self.apertures from the given FlatCAM Gerber object into the editor. :param fcgeometry: FlatCAMExcellon :return: None """ self.deactivate() self.activate() # create a reference to the source object self.gerber_obj = orig_grb_obj self.gerber_obj_options = orig_grb_obj.options # Hide original geometry orig_grb_obj.visible = False # Set selection tolerance # DrawToolShape.tolerance = fc_excellon.drawing_tolerance * 10 self.select_tool("select") # we activate this after the initial build as we don't need to see the tool been populated self.apertures_table.itemChanged.connect(self.on_tool_edit) # build the geometry for each tool-diameter, each drill will be represented by a '+' symbol # and then add it to the storage elements (each storage elements is a member of a list def job_thread(self, apid): with"Adding aperture: %s geo ...") % str(apid)): solid_storage_elem = [] follow_storage_elem = [] self.storage_dict[apid] = {} for k, v in self.gerber_obj.apertures[apid].items(): if k == 'solid_geometry': for geo in v: if geo is not None: self.add_gerber_shape(DrawToolShape(geo), solid_storage_elem) self.storage_dict[apid][k] = solid_storage_elem elif k == 'follow_geometry': for geo in v: if geo is not None: self.add_gerber_shape(DrawToolShape(geo), follow_storage_elem) self.storage_dict[apid][k] = follow_storage_elem else: self.storage_dict[apid][k] = v # Check promises and clear if exists while True: try: self.grb_plot_promises.remove(apid) time.sleep(0.5) except ValueError: break for apid in self.gerber_obj.apertures: self.grb_plot_promises.append(apid){'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [self, apid]}) self.start_delayed_plot(check_period=1000) def update_fcgerber(self, grb_obj): """ Create a new Gerber object that contain the edited content of the source Gerber object :param grb_obj: FlatCAMGerber :return: None """ new_grb_name = self.edited_obj_name # if the 'delayed plot' malfunctioned stop the QTimer try: self.plot_thread.stop() except: pass if "_edit" in self.edited_obj_name: try: id = int(self.edited_obj_name[-1]) + 1 new_grb_name= self.edited_obj_name[:-1] + str(id) except ValueError: new_grb_name += "_1" else: new_grb_name = self.edited_obj_name + "_edit"{'fcn': self.new_edited_gerber, 'params': [new_grb_name]}) # reset the tool table self.apertures_table.clear() self.apertures_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['#', _('Code'), _('Type'), _('Size'), _('Dim')]) self.last_aperture_selected = None # restore GUI to the Selected TAB # Remove anything else in the GUI # Switch notebook to Selected page def update_options(self, obj): try: if not obj.options: obj.options = {} obj.options['xmin'] = 0 obj.options['ymin'] = 0 obj.options['xmax'] = 0 obj.options['ymax'] = 0 return True else: return False except AttributeError: obj.options = {} return True def new_edited_gerber(self, outname): """ Creates a new Gerber object for the edited Gerber. Thread-safe. :param outname: Name of the resulting object. None causes the name to be that of the file. :type outname: str :return: None """"Update the Gerber object with edited content. Source is: %s" % self.gerber_obj.options['name'].upper()) out_name = outname local_storage_dict = deepcopy(self.storage_dict) # How the object should be initialized def obj_init(grb_obj, app_obj): poly_buffer = [] follow_buffer = [] for storage_apid, storage_val in local_storage_dict.items(): grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid] = {} for k, v in storage_val.items(): if k == 'solid_geometry': grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k] = [] for geo in v: new_geo = deepcopy(geo.geo) grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k].append(new_geo) poly_buffer.append(new_geo) elif k == 'follow_geometry': grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k] = [] for geo in v: new_geo = deepcopy(geo.geo) grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k].append(new_geo) follow_buffer.append(new_geo) else: grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k] = deepcopy(v) grb_obj.aperture_macros = deepcopy(self.gerber_obj.aperture_macros) new_poly = MultiPolygon(poly_buffer) new_poly = new_poly.buffer(0.00000001) new_poly = new_poly.buffer(-0.00000001) grb_obj.solid_geometry = new_poly grb_obj.follow_geometry = deepcopy(follow_buffer) for k, v in self.gerber_obj_options.items(): if k == 'name': grb_obj.options[k] = out_name else: grb_obj.options[k] = deepcopy(v) grb_obj.source_file = [] grb_obj.multigeo = False grb_obj.follow = False try: grb_obj.create_geometry() except KeyError: _( "[ERROR_NOTCL] There are no Aperture definitions in the file. Aborting Gerber creation.") ) except: msg = _("[ERROR] An internal error has ocurred. See shell.\n") msg += traceback.format_exc() app_obj.inform.emit(msg) raise # raise with"Creating Gerber.")): try:"gerber", outname, obj_init) except Exception as e: log.error("Error on object creation: %s" % str(e)) return"[success] Gerber editing finished.")) # self.progress.emit(100) def on_tool_select(self, tool): """ Behavior of the toolbar. Tool initialization. :rtype : None """ current_tool = tool"on_tool_select('%s')" % tool) if self.last_aperture_selected is None and current_tool is not 'select': # self.draw_app.select_tool('select') self.complete = True current_tool = 'select'"[WARNING_NOTCL] Cancelled. No aperture is selected")) # This is to make the group behave as radio group if current_tool in self.tools_gerber: if self.tools_gerber[current_tool]["button"].isChecked():"%s is checked." % current_tool) for t in self.tools_gerber: if t != current_tool: self.tools_gerber[t]["button"].setChecked(False) # this is where the Editor toolbar classes (button's) are instantiated self.active_tool = self.tools_gerber[current_tool]["constructor"](self) # else:"%s is NOT checked." % current_tool) for t in self.tools_gerber: self.tools_gerber[t]["button"].setChecked(False) self.active_tool = None def on_row_selected(self, row, col): if col == 0: key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control': modifier_to_use = Qt.ControlModifier else: modifier_to_use = Qt.ShiftModifier if key_modifier == modifier_to_use: pass else: self.selected = [] try: selected_apid = str(self.tool2tooldia[row + 1]) self.last_aperture_selected = row + 1 for obj in self.storage_dict[selected_apid]['solid_geometry']: self.selected.append(obj) except Exception as e: self.plot_all() def toolbar_tool_toggle(self, key): self.options[key] = self.sender().isChecked() return self.options[key] def on_grb_shape_complete(self, storage):"on_shape_complete()") # Add shape self.add_gerber_shape(self.active_tool.geometry, storage) # Remove any utility shapes self.delete_utility_geometry() self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) # Replot and reset tool. self.plot_all() def add_gerber_shape(self, shape, storage): """ Adds a shape to the shape storage. :param shape: Shape to be added. :type shape: DrawToolShape :return: None """ # List of DrawToolShape? if isinstance(shape, list): for subshape in shape: self.add_gerber_shape(subshape, storage) return assert isinstance(shape, DrawToolShape), \ "Expected a DrawToolShape, got %s" % str(type(shape)) assert shape.geo is not None, \ "Shape object has empty geometry (None)" assert (isinstance(shape.geo, list) and len(shape.geo) > 0) or \ not isinstance(shape.geo, list), \ "Shape objects has empty geometry ([])" if isinstance(shape, DrawToolUtilityShape): self.utility.append(shape) else: storage.append(shape) # TODO: Check performance def on_canvas_click(self, event): """ event.x and .y have canvas coordinates event.xdaya and .ydata have plot coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by Matplotlib :return: None """ if event.button is 1:"Dx: %.4f   Dy: " "%.4f    " % (0, 0)) self.pos = self.canvas.vispy_canvas.translate_coords(event.pos) ### Snap coordinates x, y =[0], self.pos[1]) self.pos = (x, y) # Selection with left mouse button if self.active_tool is not None and event.button is 1: # Dispatch event to active_tool # msg =, event.ydata)) msg =[0], self.pos[1])) # If it is a shape generating tool if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCShapeTool) and self.active_tool.complete: if self.current_storage is not None: self.on_grb_shape_complete(self.current_storage) self.build_ui() # MS: always return to the Select Tool if modifier key is not pressed # else return to the current tool key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control': modifier_to_use = Qt.ControlModifier else: modifier_to_use = Qt.ShiftModifier # if modifier key is pressed then we add to the selected list the current shape but if it's already # in the selected list, we removed it. Therefore first click selects, second deselects. if key_modifier == modifier_to_use: self.select_tool( else: self.select_tool("select") return if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCApertureSelect): #"Replotting after click.") self.plot_all() else:"No active tool to respond to click!") def on_canvas_click_release(self, event): pos_canvas = self.canvas.vispy_canvas.translate_coords(event.pos) self.modifiers = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if pos =[0], pos_canvas[1]) else: pos = (pos_canvas[0], pos_canvas[1]) # if the released mouse button was RMB then test if it was a panning motion or not, if not it was a context # canvas menu try: if event.button == 2: # right click if is True: = False else: = QtGui.QCursor() except Exception as e: log.warning("Error: %s" % str(e)) raise # if the released mouse button was LMB then test if we had a right-to-left selection or a left-to-right # selection and then select a type of selection ("enclosing" or "touching") try: if event.button == 1: # left click if is not None: self.draw_selection_area_handler(self.pos, pos, = None elif isinstance(self.active_tool, FCApertureSelect): # Dispatch event to active_tool # msg =, event.ydata)) # msg = self.active_tool.click_release((self.pos[0], self.pos[1])) # self.active_tool.click_release((self.pos[0], self.pos[1])) # if there are selected objects then plot them if self.selected: self.plot_all() except Exception as e: log.warning("Error: %s" % str(e)) raise def draw_selection_area_handler(self, start_pos, end_pos, sel_type): """ :param start_pos: mouse position when the selection LMB click was done :param end_pos: mouse position when the left mouse button is released :param sel_type: if True it's a left to right selection (enclosure), if False it's a 'touch' selection :type Bool :return: """ poly_selection = Polygon([start_pos, (end_pos[0], start_pos[1]), end_pos, (start_pos[0], end_pos[1])]) sel_aperture = set() self.apertures_table.clearSelection() for storage in self.storage_dict: for obj in self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: if (sel_type is True and poly_selection.contains(obj.geo)) or \ (sel_type is False and poly_selection.intersects(obj.geo)): if self.key ==["global_mselect_key"]: if obj in self.selected: self.selected.remove(obj) else: # add the object to the selected shapes self.selected.append(obj) sel_aperture.add(storage) else: self.selected.append(obj) sel_aperture.add(storage) try: self.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() except: pass self.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) for aper in sel_aperture: for row in range(self.apertures_table.rowCount()): if str(aper) == self.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text(): self.apertures_table.selectRow(row) self.last_aperture_selected = aper self.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) self.plot_all() def on_canvas_move(self, event): """ Called on 'mouse_move' event event.pos have canvas screen coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by VisPy SceneCavas :return: None """ pos = self.canvas.vispy_canvas.translate_coords(event.pos) event.xdata, event.ydata = pos[0], pos[1] self.x = event.xdata self.y = event.ydata # Prevent updates on pan # if len(event.buttons) > 0: # return # if the RMB is clicked and mouse is moving over plot then 'panning_action' is True if event.button == 2: = True return else: = False try: x = float(event.xdata) y = float(event.ydata) except TypeError: return if self.active_tool is None: return ### Snap coordinates x, y =, y) self.snap_x = x self.snap_y = y # update the position label in the infobar since the APP mouse event handlers are disconnected"    X: %.4f   " "Y: %.4f" % (x, y)) if self.pos is None: self.pos = (0, 0) dx = x - self.pos[0] dy = y - self.pos[1] # update the reference position label in the infobar since the APP mouse event handlers are disconnected"Dx: %.4f   Dy: " "%.4f    " % (dx, dy)) ### Utility geometry (animated) geo = self.active_tool.utility_geometry(data=(x, y)) if isinstance(geo, DrawToolShape) and geo.geo is not None: # Remove any previous utility shape self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) self.draw_utility_geometry(geo=geo) ### Selection area on canvas section ### dx = pos[0] - self.pos[0] if event.is_dragging == 1 and event.button == 1: if dx < 0:[0], self.pos[1]), (x,y),["global_alt_sel_line"],['global_alt_sel_fill']) = False else:[0], self.pos[1]), (x,y)) = True else: = None # Update cursor[(x, y)]), symbol='++', edge_color='black', size=20) def on_canvas_key_release(self, event): self.key = None def draw_utility_geometry(self, geo): if type(geo.geo) == list: for el in geo.geo: # Add the new utility shape self.tool_shape.add( shape=el, color=(["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None) else: # Add the new utility shape self.tool_shape.add( shape=geo.geo, color=(["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None) self.tool_shape.redraw() def plot_all(self): """ Plots all shapes in the editor. :return: None :rtype: None """ with"Plotting"): #"plot_all()") self.shapes.clear(update=True) for storage in self.storage_dict: for shape in self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: if shape.geo is None: continue if shape in self.selected: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo,['global_sel_draw_color'], linewidth=2) continue self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo,['global_draw_color']) for shape in self.utility: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo, linewidth=1) continue self.shapes.redraw() def plot_shape(self, geometry=None, color='black', linewidth=1): """ Plots a geometric object or list of objects without rendering. Plotted objects are returned as a list. This allows for efficient/animated rendering. :param geometry: Geometry to be plotted (Any Shapely.geom kind or list of such) :param color: Shape color :param linewidth: Width of lines in # of pixels. :return: List of plotted elements. """ # plot_elements = [] if geometry is None: geometry = self.active_tool.geometry try: self.shapes.add(shape=geometry.geo, color=color, face_color=color, layer=0) except AttributeError: if type(geometry) == Point: return self.shapes.add(shape=geometry, color=color, face_color=color+'AF', layer=0) def start_delayed_plot(self, check_period): # self.plot_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: self.check_plot_finished(check_period)) # self.plot_thread.start() log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor --> Delayed Plot started.") self.plot_thread = QtCore.QTimer() self.plot_thread.setInterval(check_period) self.plot_thread.timeout.connect(self.check_plot_finished) self.plot_thread.start() def check_plot_finished(self): # print(self.grb_plot_promises) try: if not self.grb_plot_promises: self.plot_thread.stop() self.set_ui() # now that we hava data, create the GUI interface and add it to the Tool Tab self.build_ui() self.plot_all() log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor --> delayed_plot finished") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def on_shape_complete(self):"on_shape_complete()") # Add shape self.add_shape(self.active_tool.geometry) # Remove any utility shapes self.delete_utility_geometry() self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) # Replot and reset tool. self.plot_all() # self.active_tool = type(self.active_tool)(self) def get_selected(self): """ Returns list of shapes that are selected in the editor. :return: List of shapes. """ # return [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape["selected"]] return self.selected def delete_selected(self): temp_ref = [s for s in self.selected] for shape_sel in temp_ref: self.delete_shape(shape_sel) self.selected = [] self.build_ui()"[success] Done. Apertures deleted.")) def delete_shape(self, shape): self.is_modified = True if shape in self.utility: self.utility.remove(shape) return for storage in self.storage_dict: # try: # self.storage_dict[storage].remove(shape) # except: # pass if shape in self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry'].remove(shape) if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) # TODO: Check performance def delete_utility_geometry(self): # for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape.utility] # for_deletion = [shape for shape in if shape.utility] for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.utility] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) self.tool_shape.redraw() def on_delete_btn(self): self.delete_selected() self.plot_all() def select_tool(self, toolname): """ Selects a drawing tool. Impacts the object and GUI. :param toolname: Name of the tool. :return: None """ self.tools_gerber[toolname]["button"].setChecked(True) self.on_tool_select(toolname) def set_selected(self, shape): # Remove and add to the end. if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) self.selected.append(shape) def set_unselected(self, shape): if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) def on_copy_button(self): self.select_tool('copy') return def on_move_button(self): self.select_tool('move') return def on_buffer(self): buff_value = 0.01 log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_buffer()") try: buff_value = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buff_value = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buff_value) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (whcih is really an INT) join_style = self.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 def buffer_recursion(geom, selection): if type(geom) == list or type(geom) is MultiPolygon: geoms = list() for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(buffer_recursion(local_geom, selection=selection)) return geoms else: if geom in selection: return DrawToolShape(geom.geo.buffer(buff_value, join_style=join_style)) else: return geom if not self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): "[WARNING_NOTCL] No aperture to buffer. Select at least one aperture and try again." )) return for x in self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): try: apid = self.apertures_table.item(x.row(), 1).text() temp_storage = deepcopy(buffer_recursion(self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'], self.selected)) self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = [] self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = temp_storage except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.buffer() --> %s" % str(e)) self.plot_all()"[success] Done. Buffer Tool completed.")) def on_scale(self): scale_factor = 1.0 log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_scale()") try: scale_factor = float(self.scale_factor_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: scale_factor = float(self.scale_factor_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.scale_factor_entry.set_value(scale_factor) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Scale factor value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return def scale_recursion(geom, selection): if type(geom) == list or type(geom) is MultiPolygon: geoms = list() for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(scale_recursion(local_geom, selection=selection)) return geoms else: if geom in selection: return DrawToolShape(affinity.scale(geom.geo, scale_factor, scale_factor, origin='center')) else: return geom if not self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): "[WARNING_NOTCL] No aperture to scale. Select at least one aperture and try again." )) return for x in self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): try: apid = self.apertures_table.item(x.row(), 1).text() temp_storage = deepcopy(scale_recursion(self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'], self.selected)) self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = [] self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = temp_storage except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_scale() --> %s" % str(e)) self.plot_all()"[success] Done. Scale Tool completed.")) def hide_tool(self, tool_name): #, _("Tools")) if tool_name == 'all': self.apertures_frame.hide() if tool_name == 'select': if tool_name == 'buffer' or tool_name == 'all': self.buffer_tool_frame.hide() if tool_name == 'scale' or tool_name == 'all': self.scale_tool_frame.hide()