# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## # ########################################################## # File modified by: Marius Stanciu # # ########################################################## from copy import deepcopy from io import StringIO from datetime import datetime from AppEditors.FlatCAMTextEditor import TextEditor from AppObjects.FlatCAMObj import * from camlib import CNCjob import os import sys import math import gettext import AppTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class CNCJobObject(FlatCAMObj, CNCjob): """ Represents G-Code. """ optionChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) ui_type = CNCObjectUI def __init__(self, name, units="in", kind="generic", z_move=0.1, feedrate=3.0, feedrate_rapid=3.0, z_cut=-0.002, tooldia=0.0, spindlespeed=None): log.debug("Creating CNCJob object...") self.decimals = self.app.decimals CNCjob.__init__(self, units=units, kind=kind, z_move=z_move, feedrate=feedrate, feedrate_rapid=feedrate_rapid, z_cut=z_cut, tooldia=tooldia, spindlespeed=spindlespeed, steps_per_circle=int(self.app.defaults["cncjob_steps_per_circle"])) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name) self.kind = "cncjob" self.options.update({ "plot": True, "tooldia": 0.03937, # 0.4mm in inches "append": "", "prepend": "", "dwell": False, "dwelltime": 1, "type": 'Geometry', "toolchange_macro": '', "toolchange_macro_enable": False }) ''' This is a dict of dictionaries. Each dict is associated with a tool present in the file. The key is the diameter of the tools and the value is another dict that will hold the data under the following form: {tooldia: { 'tooluid': 1, 'offset': 'Path', 'type_item': 'Rough', 'tool_type': 'C1', 'data': {} # a dict to hold the parameters 'gcode': "" # a string with the actual GCODE 'gcode_parsed': {} # dictionary holding the CNCJob geometry and type of geometry (cut or move) 'solid_geometry': [] }, ... } It is populated in the GeometryObject.mtool_gen_cncjob() BEWARE: I rely on the ordered nature of the Python 3.7 dictionary. Things might change ... ''' self.cnc_tools = {} ''' This is a dict of dictionaries. Each dict is associated with a tool present in the file. The key is the diameter of the tools and the value is another dict that will hold the data under the following form: {tooldia: { 'tool': int, 'nr_drills': int, 'nr_slots': int, 'offset': float, 'data': {} # a dict to hold the parameters 'gcode': "" # a string with the actual GCODE 'gcode_parsed': {} # dictionary holding the CNCJob geometry and type of geometry (cut or move) 'solid_geometry': [] }, ... } It is populated in the ExcellonObject.on_create_cncjob_click() but actually it's done in camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() BEWARE: I rely on the ordered nature of the Python 3.7 dictionary. Things might change ... ''' self.exc_cnc_tools = {} # flag to store if the CNCJob is part of a special group of CNCJob objects that can't be processed by the # default engine of FlatCAM. They generated by some of tools and are special cases of CNCJob objects. self.special_group = None # for now it show if the plot will be done for multi-tool CNCJob (True) or for single tool # (like the one in the TCL Command), False self.multitool = False # determine if the GCode was generated out of a Excellon object or a Geometry object self.origin_kind = None # used for parsing the GCode lines to adjust the GCode when the GCode is offseted or scaled gcodex_re_string = r'(?=.*(X[-\+]?\d*\.\d*))' self.g_x_re = re.compile(gcodex_re_string) gcodey_re_string = r'(?=.*(Y[-\+]?\d*\.\d*))' self.g_y_re = re.compile(gcodey_re_string) gcodez_re_string = r'(?=.*(Z[-\+]?\d*\.\d*))' self.g_z_re = re.compile(gcodez_re_string) gcodef_re_string = r'(?=.*(F[-\+]?\d*\.\d*))' self.g_f_re = re.compile(gcodef_re_string) gcodet_re_string = r'(?=.*(\=\s*[-\+]?\d*\.\d*))' self.g_t_re = re.compile(gcodet_re_string) gcodenr_re_string = r'([+-]?\d*\.\d+)' self.g_nr_re = re.compile(gcodenr_re_string) # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind', 'origin_kind', 'cnc_tools', 'exc_cnc_tools', 'multitool'] if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.text_col = self.app.plotcanvas.new_text_collection() self.text_col.enabled = True self.annotation = self.app.plotcanvas.new_text_group(collection=self.text_col) self.gcode_editor_tab = None self.units_found = self.app.defaults['units'] def build_ui(self): self.ui_disconnect() FlatCAMObj.build_ui(self) self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() # if the FlatCAM object is Excellon don't build the CNC Tools Table but hide it self.ui.cnc_tools_table.hide() if self.cnc_tools: self.ui.cnc_tools_table.show() self.build_cnc_tools_table() self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.hide() if self.exc_cnc_tools: self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.show() self.build_excellon_cnc_tools() # self.ui_connect() def build_cnc_tools_table(self): tool_idx = 0 n = len(self.cnc_tools) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setRowCount(n) for dia_key, dia_value in self.cnc_tools.items(): tool_idx += 1 row_no = tool_idx - 1 t_id = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(tool_idx)) # id.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 0, t_id) # Tool name/id # Make sure that the tool diameter when in MM is with no more than 2 decimals. # There are no tool bits in MM with more than 2 decimals diameter. # For INCH the decimals should be no more than 4. There are no tools under 10mils. dia_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(dia_value['tooldia']))) offset_txt = list(str(dia_value['offset'])) offset_txt[0] = offset_txt[0].upper() offset_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(''.join(offset_txt)) type_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(dia_value['type'])) tool_type_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(dia_value['tool_type'])) t_id.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) dia_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) offset_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) type_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) tool_type_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) # hack so the checkbox stay centered in the table cell # used this: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32458111/pyqt-allign-checkbox-and-put-it-in-every-row # plot_item = QtWidgets.QWidget() # checkbox = FCCheckBox() # checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) # qhboxlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(plot_item) # qhboxlayout.addWidget(checkbox) # qhboxlayout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) # qhboxlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) plot_item = FCCheckBox() plot_item.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) tool_uid_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(dia_key)) if self.ui.plot_cb.isChecked(): plot_item.setChecked(True) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 1, dia_item) # Diameter self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 2, offset_item) # Offset self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 3, type_item) # Toolpath Type self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 4, tool_type_item) # Tool Type # ## REMEMBER: THIS COLUMN IS HIDDEN IN OBJECTUI.PY # ## self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 5, tool_uid_item) # Tool unique ID) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setCellWidget(row_no, 6, plot_item) # make the diameter column editable # for row in range(tool_idx): # self.ui.cnc_tools_table.item(row, 1).setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | # QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) for row in range(tool_idx): self.ui.cnc_tools_table.item(row, 0).setFlags( self.ui.cnc_tools_table.item(row, 0).flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.ui.cnc_tools_table.resizeRowsToContents() vertical_header = self.ui.cnc_tools_table.verticalHeader() # vertical_header.setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) vertical_header.hide() self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header = self.ui.cnc_tools_table.horizontalHeader() horizontal_header.setMinimumSectionSize(10) horizontal_header.setDefaultSectionSize(70) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(0, 20) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(4, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(4, 40) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(6, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(4, 17) # horizontal_header.setStretchLastSection(True) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setColumnWidth(0, 20) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setColumnWidth(4, 40) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setColumnWidth(6, 17) # self.ui.geo_tools_table.setSortingEnabled(True) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setMinimumHeight(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.getHeight()) self.ui.cnc_tools_table.setMaximumHeight(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.getHeight()) def build_excellon_cnc_tools(self): tool_idx = 0 n = len(self.exc_cnc_tools) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setRowCount(n) for tooldia_key, dia_value in self.exc_cnc_tools.items(): tool_idx += 1 row_no = tool_idx - 1 t_id = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(tool_idx)) dia_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tooldia_key))) nr_drills_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(dia_value['nr_drills'])) nr_slots_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(dia_value['nr_slots'])) cutz_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(dia_value['offset_z']) + self.z_cut)) t_id.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) dia_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) nr_drills_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) nr_slots_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) cutz_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) # hack so the checkbox stay centered in the table cell # used this: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32458111/pyqt-allign-checkbox-and-put-it-in-every-row # plot_item = QtWidgets.QWidget() # checkbox = FCCheckBox() # checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) # qhboxlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(plot_item) # qhboxlayout.addWidget(checkbox) # qhboxlayout.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) # qhboxlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) plot_item = FCCheckBox() plot_item.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) tool_uid_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(dia_value['tool'])) if self.ui.plot_cb.isChecked(): plot_item.setChecked(True) # TODO until the feature of individual plot for an Excellon tool is implemented plot_item.setDisabled(True) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 0, t_id) # Tool name/id self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 1, dia_item) # Diameter self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 2, nr_drills_item) # Nr of drills self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 3, nr_slots_item) # Nr of slots # ## REMEMBER: THIS COLUMN IS HIDDEN IN OBJECTUI.PY # ## self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 4, tool_uid_item) # Tool unique ID) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setItem(row_no, 5, cutz_item) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setCellWidget(row_no, 6, plot_item) for row in range(tool_idx): self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.item(row, 0).setFlags( self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.item(row, 0).flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.resizeRowsToContents() vertical_header = self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.verticalHeader() vertical_header.hide() self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header = self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.horizontalHeader() horizontal_header.setMinimumSectionSize(10) horizontal_header.setDefaultSectionSize(70) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(0, 20) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(5, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(6, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) # horizontal_header.setStretchLastSection(True) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setColumnWidth(0, 20) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setColumnWidth(6, 17) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setMinimumHeight(self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.getHeight()) self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.setMaximumHeight(self.ui.exc_cnc_tools_table.getHeight()) def set_ui(self, ui): FlatCAMObj.set_ui(self, ui) log.debug("FlatCAMCNCJob.set_ui()") assert isinstance(self.ui, CNCObjectUI), \ "Expected a CNCObjectUI, got %s" % type(self.ui) self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() self.units_found = self.app.defaults['units'] # this signal has to be connected to it's slot before the defaults are populated # the decision done in the slot has to override the default value set below self.ui.toolchange_cb.toggled.connect(self.on_toolchange_custom_clicked) self.form_fields.update({ "plot": self.ui.plot_cb, "tooldia": self.ui.tooldia_entry, "append": self.ui.append_text, "prepend": self.ui.prepend_text, "toolchange_macro": self.ui.toolchange_text, "toolchange_macro_enable": self.ui.toolchange_cb }) # Fill form fields only on object create self.to_form() # this means that the object that created this CNCJob was an Excellon or Geometry try: if self.travel_distance: self.ui.t_distance_label.show() self.ui.t_distance_entry.setVisible(True) self.ui.t_distance_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.t_distance_entry.set_value('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.travel_distance))) self.ui.units_label.setText(str(self.units).lower()) self.ui.units_label.setDisabled(True) self.ui.t_time_label.show() self.ui.t_time_entry.setVisible(True) self.ui.t_time_entry.setDisabled(True) # if time is more than 1 then we have minutes, else we have seconds if self.routing_time > 1: self.ui.t_time_entry.set_value('%.*f' % (self.decimals, math.ceil(float(self.routing_time)))) self.ui.units_time_label.setText('min') else: time_r = self.routing_time * 60 self.ui.t_time_entry.set_value('%.*f' % (self.decimals, math.ceil(float(time_r)))) self.ui.units_time_label.setText('sec') self.ui.units_time_label.setDisabled(True) except AttributeError: pass if self.multitool is False: self.ui.tooldia_entry.show() self.ui.updateplot_button.show() else: self.ui.tooldia_entry.hide() self.ui.updateplot_button.hide() # set the kind of geometries are plotted by default with plot2() from camlib.CNCJob self.ui.cncplot_method_combo.set_value(self.app.defaults["cncjob_plot_kind"]) try: self.ui.annotation_cb.stateChanged.disconnect(self.on_annotation_change) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.ui.annotation_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_annotation_change) # set if to display text annotations self.ui.annotation_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["cncjob_annotation"]) # Show/Hide Advanced Options if self.app.defaults["global_app_level"] == 'b': self.ui.level.setText(_( 'Basic' )) self.ui.cnc_frame.hide() else: self.ui.level.setText(_( 'Advanced' )) self.ui.cnc_frame.show() self.ui.updateplot_button.clicked.connect(self.on_updateplot_button_click) self.ui.export_gcode_button.clicked.connect(self.on_exportgcode_button_click) self.ui.modify_gcode_button.clicked.connect(self.on_edit_code_click) self.ui.tc_variable_combo.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.on_cnc_custom_parameters) self.ui.cncplot_method_combo.activated_custom.connect(self.on_plot_kind_change) def on_cnc_custom_parameters(self, signal_text): if signal_text == 'Parameters': return else: self.ui.toolchange_text.insertPlainText('%%%s%%' % signal_text) def ui_connect(self): for row in range(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.rowCount()): self.ui.cnc_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6).clicked.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click_table) self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click) def ui_disconnect(self): for row in range(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.rowCount()): self.ui.cnc_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6).clicked.disconnect(self.on_plot_cb_click_table) try: self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.disconnect(self.on_plot_cb_click) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass def on_updateplot_button_click(self, *args): """ Callback for the "Updata Plot" button. Reads the form for updates and plots the object. """ self.read_form() self.on_plot_kind_change() def on_plot_kind_change(self): kind = self.ui.cncplot_method_combo.get_value() def worker_task(): with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Plotting...")): self.plot(kind=kind) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': worker_task, 'params': []}) def on_exportgcode_button_click(self, *args): """ Handler activated by a button clicked when exporting GCode. :param args: :return: """ self.app.defaults.report_usage("cncjob_on_exportgcode_button") self.read_form() name = self.app.collection.get_active().options['name'] save_gcode = False if 'Roland' in self.pp_excellon_name or 'Roland' in self.pp_geometry_name: _filter_ = "RML1 Files .rol (*.rol);;All Files (*.*)" elif 'hpgl' in self.pp_geometry_name: _filter_ = "HPGL Files .plt (*.plt);;All Files (*.*)" else: save_gcode = True _filter_ = self.app.defaults['cncjob_save_filters'] try: dir_file_to_save = self.app.get_last_save_folder() + '/' + str(name) filename, _f = FCFileSaveDialog.get_saved_filename( caption=_("Export Machine Code ..."), directory=dir_file_to_save, ext_filter=_filter_ ) except TypeError: filename, _f = FCFileSaveDialog.get_saved_filename(caption=_("Export Machine Code ..."), ext_filter=_filter_) filename = str(filename) if filename == '': self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Export Machine Code cancelled ...")) return else: if save_gcode is True: used_extension = filename.rpartition('.')[2] self.update_filters(last_ext=used_extension, filter_string='cncjob_save_filters') new_name = os.path.split(str(filename))[1].rpartition('.')[0] self.ui.name_entry.set_value(new_name) self.on_name_activate(silent=True) preamble = str(self.ui.prepend_text.get_value()) postamble = str(self.ui.append_text.get_value()) gc = self.export_gcode(filename, preamble=preamble, postamble=postamble) if gc == 'fail': return if self.app.defaults["global_open_style"] is False: self.app.file_opened.emit("gcode", filename) self.app.file_saved.emit("gcode", filename) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s' % (_("File saved to"), filename)) def on_edit_code_click(self, *args): """ Handler activated by a button clicked when editing GCode. :param args: :return: """ self.app.proc_container.view.set_busy(_("Loading...")) preamble = str(self.ui.prepend_text.get_value()) postamble = str(self.ui.append_text.get_value()) gco = self.export_gcode(preamble=preamble, postamble=postamble, to_file=True) if gco == 'fail': return else: self.app.gcode_edited = gco self.gcode_editor_tab = TextEditor(app=self.app, plain_text=True) # add the tab if it was closed self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.addTab(self.gcode_editor_tab, '%s' % _("Code Editor")) self.gcode_editor_tab.setObjectName('code_editor_tab') # delete the absolute and relative position and messages in the infobar self.app.ui.position_label.setText("") # self.app.ui.rel_position_label.setText("") # first clear previous text in text editor (if any) self.gcode_editor_tab.code_editor.clear() self.gcode_editor_tab.code_editor.setReadOnly(False) self.gcode_editor_tab.code_editor.completer_enable = False self.gcode_editor_tab.buttonRun.hide() # Switch plot_area to CNCJob tab self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.setCurrentWidget(self.gcode_editor_tab) self.gcode_editor_tab.t_frame.hide() # then append the text from GCode to the text editor try: self.gcode_editor_tab.code_editor.setPlainText(self.app.gcode_edited.getvalue()) # for line in self.app.gcode_edited: # QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() # # proc_line = str(line).strip('\n') # self.gcode_editor_tab.code_editor.append(proc_line) except Exception as e: log.debug('FlatCAMCNNJob.on_edit_code_click() -->%s' % str(e)) self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s %s' % ('FlatCAMCNNJob.on_edit_code_click() -->', str(e))) return self.gcode_editor_tab.code_editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Start) self.gcode_editor_tab.handleTextChanged() self.gcode_editor_tab.t_frame.show() self.app.proc_container.view.set_idle() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _('Loaded Machine Code into Code Editor')) def gcode_header(self, comment_start_symbol=None, comment_stop_symbol=None): """ Will create a header to be added to all GCode files generated by FlatCAM :param comment_start_symbol: A symbol to be used as the first symbol in a comment :param comment_stop_symbol: A symbol to be used as the last symbol in a comment :return: A string with a GCode header """ log.debug("FlatCAMCNCJob.gcode_header()") time_str = "{:%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M}".format(datetime.now()) marlin = False hpgl = False probe_pp = False start_comment = comment_start_symbol if comment_start_symbol is not None else '(' stop_comment = comment_stop_symbol if comment_stop_symbol is not None else ')' try: for key in self.cnc_tools: ppg = self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'] if 'marlin' in ppg.lower() or 'repetier' in ppg.lower(): marlin = True break if ppg == 'hpgl': hpgl = True break if "toolchange_probe" in ppg.lower(): probe_pp = True break except KeyError: # log.debug("FlatCAMCNCJob.gcode_header() error: --> %s" % str(e)) pass try: if 'marlin' in self.options['ppname_e'].lower() or 'repetier' in self.options['ppname_e'].lower(): marlin = True except KeyError: # log.debug("FlatCAMCNCJob.gcode_header(): --> There is no such self.option: %s" % str(e)) pass try: if "toolchange_probe" in self.options['ppname_e'].lower(): probe_pp = True except KeyError: # log.debug("FlatCAMCNCJob.gcode_header(): --> There is no such self.option: %s" % str(e)) pass if marlin is True: gcode = ';Marlin(Repetier) G-CODE GENERATED BY FLATCAM v%s - www.flatcam.org - Version Date: %s\n' % \ (str(self.app.version), str(self.app.version_date)) + '\n' gcode += ';Name: ' + str(self.options['name']) + '\n' gcode += ';Type: ' + "G-code from " + str(self.options['type']) + '\n' # if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry': # gcode += '(Tools in use: ' + str(p['options']['Tools_in_use']) + ')\n' gcode += ';Units: ' + self.units.upper() + '\n' + "\n" gcode += ';Created on ' + time_str + '\n' + '\n' elif hpgl is True: gcode = 'CO "HPGL CODE GENERATED BY FLATCAM v%s - www.flatcam.org - Version Date: %s' % \ (str(self.app.version), str(self.app.version_date)) + '";\n' gcode += 'CO "Name: ' + str(self.options['name']) + '";\n' gcode += 'CO "Type: ' + "HPGL code from " + str(self.options['type']) + '";\n' # if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry': # gcode += '(Tools in use: ' + str(p['options']['Tools_in_use']) + ')\n' gcode += 'CO "Units: ' + self.units.upper() + '";\n' gcode += 'CO "Created on ' + time_str + '";\n' elif probe_pp is True: gcode = '(G-CODE GENERATED BY FLATCAM v%s - www.flatcam.org - Version Date: %s)\n' % \ (str(self.app.version), str(self.app.version_date)) + '\n' gcode += '(This GCode tool change is done by using a Probe.)\n' \ '(Make sure that before you start the job you first do a rough zero for Z axis.)\n' \ '(This means that you need to zero the CNC axis and then jog to the toolchange X, Y location,)\n' \ '(mount the probe and adjust the Z so more or less the probe tip touch the plate. ' \ 'Then zero the Z axis.)\n' + '\n' gcode += '(Name: ' + str(self.options['name']) + ')\n' gcode += '(Type: ' + "G-code from " + str(self.options['type']) + ')\n' # if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry': # gcode += '(Tools in use: ' + str(p['options']['Tools_in_use']) + ')\n' gcode += '(Units: ' + self.units.upper() + ')\n' + "\n" gcode += '(Created on ' + time_str + ')\n' + '\n' else: gcode = '%sG-CODE GENERATED BY FLATCAM v%s - www.flatcam.org - Version Date: %s%s\n' % \ (start_comment, str(self.app.version), str(self.app.version_date), stop_comment) + '\n' gcode += '%sName: ' % start_comment + str(self.options['name']) + '%s\n' % stop_comment gcode += '%sType: ' % start_comment + "G-code from " + str(self.options['type']) + '%s\n' % stop_comment # if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry': # gcode += '(Tools in use: ' + str(p['options']['Tools_in_use']) + ')\n' gcode += '%sUnits: ' % start_comment + self.units.upper() + '%s\n' % stop_comment + "\n" gcode += '%sCreated on ' % start_comment + time_str + '%s\n' % stop_comment + '\n' return gcode @staticmethod def gcode_footer(end_command=None): """ Will add the M02 to the end of GCode, if requested. :param end_command: 'M02' or 'M30' - String :return: """ if end_command: return end_command else: return 'M02' def export_gcode(self, filename=None, preamble='', postamble='', to_file=False, from_tcl=False): """ This will save the GCode from the Gcode object to a file on the OS filesystem :param filename: filename for the GCode file :param preamble: a custom Gcode block to be added at the beginning of the Gcode file :param postamble: a custom Gcode block to be added at the end of the Gcode file :param to_file: if False then no actual file is saved but the app will know that a file was created :param from_tcl: True if run from Tcl Shell :return: None """ # gcode = '' # roland = False # hpgl = False # isel_icp = False include_header = True try: if self.special_group: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s %s %s.' % (_("This CNCJob object can't be processed because it is a"), str(self.special_group), _("CNCJob object"))) return 'fail' except AttributeError: pass # if this dict is not empty then the object is a Geometry object if self.cnc_tools: first_key = next(iter(self.cnc_tools)) include_header = self.app.preprocessors[self.cnc_tools[first_key]['data']['ppname_g']].include_header # if this dict is not empty then the object is an Excellon object if self.exc_cnc_tools: first_key = next(iter(self.exc_cnc_tools)) include_header = self.app.preprocessors[self.exc_cnc_tools[first_key]['data']['ppname_e']].include_header # # detect if using Roland preprocessor # try: # for key in self.cnc_tools: # if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'] == 'Roland_MDX_20': # roland = True # break # except Exception: # try: # for key in self.cnc_tools: # if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_e'] == 'Roland_MDX_20': # roland = True # break # except Exception: # pass # # # detect if using HPGL preprocessor # try: # for key in self.cnc_tools: # if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'] == 'hpgl': # hpgl = True # break # except Exception: # try: # for key in self.cnc_tools: # if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_e'] == 'hpgl': # hpgl = True # break # except Exception: # pass # # # detect if using ISEL_ICP_CNC preprocessor # try: # for key in self.cnc_tools: # if 'ISEL_ICP' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'].upper(): # isel_icp = True # break # except Exception: # try: # for key in self.cnc_tools: # if 'ISEL_ICP' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_e'].upper(): # isel_icp = True # break # except Exception: # pass # do not add gcode_header when using the Roland preprocessor, add it for every other preprocessor # if roland is False and hpgl is False and isel_icp is False: # gcode = self.gcode_header() # do not add gcode_header when using the Roland, HPGL or ISEP_ICP_CNC preprocessor (or any other preprocessor # that has the include_header attribute set as False, add it for every other preprocessor # if include_header: # gcode = self.gcode_header() # else: # gcode = '' # # detect if using multi-tool and make the Gcode summation correctly for each case # if self.multitool is True: # for tooluid_key in self.cnc_tools: # for key, value in self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key].items(): # if key == 'gcode': # gcode += value # break # else: # gcode += self.gcode # if roland is True: # g = preamble + gcode + postamble # elif hpgl is True: # g = self.gcode_header() + preamble + gcode + postamble # else: # # fix so the preamble gets inserted in between the comments header and the actual start of GCODE # g_idx = gcode.rfind('G20') # # # if it did not find 'G20' then search for 'G21' # if g_idx == -1: # g_idx = gcode.rfind('G21') # # # if it did not find 'G20' and it did not find 'G21' then there is an error and return # # but only when the preprocessor is not ISEL_ICP who is allowed not to have the G20/G21 command # if g_idx == -1 and isel_icp is False: # self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("G-code does not have a units code: either G20 or G21")) # return # # footer = self.app.defaults['cncjob_footer'] # end_gcode = self.gcode_footer() if footer is True else '' # g = gcode[:g_idx] + preamble + '\n' + gcode[g_idx:] + postamble + end_gcode gcode = '' if include_header is False: g = preamble # detect if using multi-tool and make the Gcode summation correctly for each case if self.multitool is True: for tooluid_key in self.cnc_tools: for key, value in self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key].items(): if key == 'gcode': gcode += value break else: gcode += self.gcode g = g + gcode + postamble else: # search for the GCode beginning which is usually a G20 or G21 # fix so the preamble gets inserted in between the comments header and the actual start of GCODE # g_idx = gcode.rfind('G20') # # # if it did not find 'G20' then search for 'G21' # if g_idx == -1: # g_idx = gcode.rfind('G21') # # # if it did not find 'G20' and it did not find 'G21' then there is an error and return # if g_idx == -1: # self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("G-code does not have a units code: either G20 or G21")) # return # detect if using multi-tool and make the Gcode summation correctly for each case if self.multitool is True: for tooluid_key in self.cnc_tools: for key, value in self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key].items(): if key == 'gcode': gcode += value break else: gcode += self.gcode end_gcode = self.gcode_footer() if self.app.defaults['cncjob_footer'] is True else '' # detect if using a HPGL preprocessor hpgl = False if self.cnc_tools: for key in self.cnc_tools: if 'ppname_g' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']: if 'hpgl' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g']: hpgl = True break elif self.exc_cnc_tools: for key in self.cnc_tools: if 'ppname_e' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']: if 'hpgl' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_e']: hpgl = True break if hpgl: processed_gcode = '' pa_re = re.compile(r"^PA\s*(-?\d+\.\d*),?\s*(-?\d+\.\d*)*;?$") for gline in gcode.splitlines(): match = pa_re.search(gline) if match: x_int = int(float(match.group(1))) y_int = int(float(match.group(2))) new_line = 'PA%d,%d;\n' % (x_int, y_int) processed_gcode += new_line else: processed_gcode += gline + '\n' gcode = processed_gcode g = self.gcode_header() + '\n' + preamble + '\n' + gcode + postamble + end_gcode else: try: g_idx = gcode.index('G94') g = self.gcode_header() + gcode[:g_idx + 3] + '\n\n' + preamble + '\n' + \ gcode[(g_idx + 3):] + postamble + end_gcode except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("G-code does not have a G94 code and we will not include the code in the " "'Prepend to GCode' text box")) g = self.gcode_header() + '\n' + gcode + postamble + end_gcode # if toolchange custom is used, replace M6 code with the code from the Toolchange Custom Text box if self.ui.toolchange_cb.get_value() is True: # match = self.re_toolchange.search(g) if 'M6' in g: m6_code = self.parse_custom_toolchange_code(self.ui.toolchange_text.get_value()) if m6_code is None or m6_code == '': self.app.inform.emit( '[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Cancelled. The Toolchange Custom code is enabled but it's empty.") ) return 'fail' g = g.replace('M6', m6_code) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Toolchange G-code was replaced by a custom code.")) lines = StringIO(g) # Write if filename is not None: try: force_windows_line_endings = self.app.defaults['cncjob_line_ending'] if force_windows_line_endings and sys.platform != 'win32': with open(filename, 'w', newline='\r\n') as f: for line in lines: f.write(line) else: with open(filename, 'w') as f: for line in lines: f.write(line) except FileNotFoundError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("No such file or directory")) return except PermissionError: self.app.inform.emit( '[WARNING] %s' % _("Permission denied, saving not possible.\n" "Most likely another app is holding the file open and not accessible.") ) return 'fail' elif to_file is False: # Just for adding it to the recent files list. if self.app.defaults["global_open_style"] is False: self.app.file_opened.emit("cncjob", filename) self.app.file_saved.emit("cncjob", filename) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s' % (_("Saved to"), filename)) else: return lines def on_toolchange_custom_clicked(self, signal): """ Handler for clicking toolchange custom. :param signal: :return: """ try: if 'toolchange_custom' not in str(self.options['ppname_e']).lower(): if self.ui.toolchange_cb.get_value(): self.ui.toolchange_cb.set_value(False) self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("The used preprocessor file has to have in it's name: 'toolchange_custom'")) except KeyError: try: for key in self.cnc_tools: ppg = self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'] if 'toolchange_custom' not in str(ppg).lower(): if self.ui.toolchange_cb.get_value(): self.ui.toolchange_cb.set_value(False) self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("The used preprocessor file has to have in it's name: " "'toolchange_custom'")) except KeyError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s' % _("There is no preprocessor file.")) def get_gcode(self, preamble='', postamble=''): """ We need this to be able to get_gcode separately for shell command export_gcode :param preamble: Extra GCode added to the beginning of the GCode :param postamble: Extra GCode added at the end of the GCode :return: The modified GCode """ return preamble + '\n' + self.gcode + "\n" + postamble def get_svg(self): # we need this to be able get_svg separately for shell command export_svg pass def on_plot_cb_click(self, *args): """ Handler for clicking on the Plot checkbox. :param args: :return: """ if self.muted_ui: return kind = self.ui.cncplot_method_combo.get_value() self.plot(kind=kind) self.read_form_item('plot') self.ui_disconnect() cb_flag = self.ui.plot_cb.isChecked() for row in range(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.rowCount()): table_cb = self.ui.cnc_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6) if cb_flag: table_cb.setChecked(True) else: table_cb.setChecked(False) self.ui_connect() def on_plot_cb_click_table(self): """ Handler for clicking the plot checkboxes added into a Table on each row. Purpose: toggle visibility for the tool/aperture found on that row. :return: """ # self.ui.cnc_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 2).widget().setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.ui_disconnect() # cw = self.sender() # cw_index = self.ui.cnc_tools_table.indexAt(cw.pos()) # cw_row = cw_index.row() kind = self.ui.cncplot_method_combo.get_value() self.shapes.clear(update=True) for tooluid_key in self.cnc_tools: tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key]['tooldia']))) gcode_parsed = self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key]['gcode_parsed'] # tool_uid = int(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.item(cw_row, 3).text()) for r in range(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.rowCount()): if int(self.ui.cnc_tools_table.item(r, 5).text()) == int(tooluid_key): if self.ui.cnc_tools_table.cellWidget(r, 6).isChecked(): self.plot2(tooldia=tooldia, obj=self, visible=True, gcode_parsed=gcode_parsed, kind=kind) self.shapes.redraw() # make sure that the general plot is disabled if one of the row plot's are disabled and # if all the row plot's are enabled also enable the general plot checkbox cb_cnt = 0 total_row = self.ui.cnc_tools_table.rowCount() for row in range(total_row): if self.ui.cnc_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6).isChecked(): cb_cnt += 1 else: cb_cnt -= 1 if cb_cnt < total_row: self.ui.plot_cb.setChecked(False) else: self.ui.plot_cb.setChecked(True) self.ui_connect() def plot(self, visible=None, kind='all'): """ # Does all the required setup and returns False # if the 'ptint' option is set to False. :param visible: Boolean to decide if the object will be plotted as visible or disabled on canvas :param kind: String. Can be "all" or "travel" or "cut". For CNCJob plotting :return: None """ if not FlatCAMObj.plot(self): return visible = visible if visible else self.options['plot'] if self.app.is_legacy is False: if self.ui.annotation_cb.get_value() and self.ui.plot_cb.get_value(): self.text_col.enabled = True else: self.text_col.enabled = False self.annotation.redraw() try: if self.multitool is False: # single tool usage try: dia_plot = float(self.options["tooldia"]) except ValueError: # we may have a tuple with only one element and a comma dia_plot = [float(el) for el in self.options["tooldia"].split(',') if el != ''][0] self.plot2(tooldia=dia_plot, obj=self, visible=visible, kind=kind) else: # multiple tools usage if self.cnc_tools: for tooluid_key in self.cnc_tools: tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key]['tooldia']))) gcode_parsed = self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key]['gcode_parsed'] self.plot2(tooldia=tooldia, obj=self, visible=visible, gcode_parsed=gcode_parsed, kind=kind) # TODO: until the gcode parsed will be stored on each Excellon tool this will not get executed # I do this so the travel lines thickness will reflect the tool diameter # may work only for objects created within the app and not Gcode imported from elsewhere for which we # don't know the origin if self.origin_kind == "excellon": if self.exc_cnc_tools: for tooldia_key in self.exc_cnc_tools: tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tooldia_key))) # gcode_parsed = self.exc_cnc_tools[tooldia_key]['gcode_parsed'] gcode_parsed = self.gcode_parsed self.plot2(tooldia=tooldia, obj=self, visible=visible, gcode_parsed=gcode_parsed, kind=kind) self.shapes.redraw() except (ObjectDeleted, AttributeError): self.shapes.clear(update=True) if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.annotation.clear(update=True) def on_annotation_change(self): """ Handler for toggling the annotation display by clicking a checkbox. :return: """ if self.app.is_legacy is False: if self.ui.annotation_cb.get_value(): self.text_col.enabled = True else: self.text_col.enabled = False # kind = self.ui.cncplot_method_combo.get_value() # self.plot(kind=kind) self.annotation.redraw() else: kind = self.ui.cncplot_method_combo.get_value() self.plot(kind=kind) def convert_units(self, units): """ Units conversion used by the CNCJob objects. :param units: Can be "MM" or "IN" :return: """ log.debug("FlatCAMObj.FlatCAMECNCjob.convert_units()") factor = CNCjob.convert_units(self, units) self.options["tooldia"] = float(self.options["tooldia"]) * factor param_list = ['cutz', 'depthperpass', 'travelz', 'feedrate', 'feedrate_z', 'feedrate_rapid', 'endz', 'toolchangez'] temp_tools_dict = {} tool_dia_copy = {} data_copy = {} for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.cnc_tools.items(): for dia_key, dia_value in tooluid_value.items(): if dia_key == 'tooldia': dia_value *= factor dia_value = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, dia_value)) tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'offset': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'offset_value': dia_value *= factor tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'type': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'tool_type': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'data': for data_key, data_value in dia_value.items(): # convert the form fields that are convertible for param in param_list: if data_key == param and data_value is not None: data_copy[data_key] = data_value * factor # copy the other dict entries that are not convertible if data_key not in param_list: data_copy[data_key] = data_value tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = deepcopy(data_copy) data_copy.clear() if dia_key == 'gcode': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'gcode_parsed': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'solid_geometry': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value # if dia_key == 'solid_geometry': # tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = affinity.scale(dia_value, xfact=factor, origin=(0, 0)) # if dia_key == 'gcode_parsed': # for g in dia_value: # g['geom'] = affinity.scale(g['geom'], factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) # # tool_dia_copy['gcode_parsed'] = deepcopy(dia_value) # tool_dia_copy['solid_geometry'] = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in dia_value]) temp_tools_dict.update({ tooluid_key: deepcopy(tool_dia_copy) }) tool_dia_copy.clear() self.cnc_tools.clear() self.cnc_tools = deepcopy(temp_tools_dict)