# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## # ########################################################## # File modified by: Marius Stanciu # # ########################################################## from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString from copy import deepcopy from appParsers.ParseExcellon import Excellon from appObjects.FlatCAMObj import * import itertools import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict import gettext import appTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class ExcellonObject(FlatCAMObj, Excellon): """ Represents Excellon/Drill code. An object stored in the FlatCAM objects collection (a dict) """ ui_type = ExcellonObjectUI optionChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) multicolored_build_sig = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, name): self.decimals = self.app.decimals self.circle_steps = int(self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) Excellon.__init__(self, geo_steps_per_circle=self.circle_steps) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name) self.kind = "excellon" self.options.update({ "plot": True, "solid": False, "multicolored": False, "merge_fuse_tools": True, "tooldia": 0.1, "milling_dia": 0.04, "slot_tooldia": 0.1, "format_upper_in": 2, "format_lower_in": 4, "format_upper_mm": 3, "lower_mm": 3, "zeros": "T", "units": "INCH", "update": True, "optimization_type": "B", "search_time": 3 }) # TODO: Document this. self.tool_cbs = {} # dict that holds the object names and the option name # the key is the object name (defines in ObjectUI) for each UI element that is a parameter # particular for a tool and the value is the actual name of the option that the UI element is changing self.name2option = {} # default set of data to be added to each tool in self.tools as self.tools[tool]['data'] = self.default_data self.default_data = {} # variable to store the total amount of drills per job self.tot_drill_cnt = 0 self.tool_row = 0 # variable to store the total amount of slots per job self.tot_slot_cnt = 0 self.tool_row_slots = 0 # variable to store the distance travelled self.travel_distance = 0.0 # store the source file here self.source_file = "" self.multigeo = False self.units_found = self.app.defaults['units'] self.fill_color = self.app.defaults['excellon_plot_fill'] self.outline_color = self.app.defaults['excellon_plot_line'] self.alpha_level = 'bf' # the key is the tool id and the value is a list of shapes keys (indexes) self.shape_indexes_dict = {} # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind', 'fill_color', 'outline_color', 'alpha_level'] def set_ui(self, ui): """ Configures the user interface for this object. Connects options to form fields. :param ui: User interface object. :type ui: ExcellonObjectUI :return: None """ FlatCAMObj.set_ui(self, ui) log.debug("ExcellonObject.set_ui()") self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() # fill in self.options values for the Drilling Tool from self.app.options for opt_key, opt_val in self.app.options.items(): if opt_key.find('tools_drill_') == 0: self.options[opt_key] = deepcopy(opt_val) # fill in self.default_data values from self.options for opt_key, opt_val in self.app.options.items(): if opt_key.find('excellon_') == 0 or opt_key.find('tools_drill_') == 0: self.default_data[opt_key] = deepcopy(opt_val) self.form_fields.update({ "plot": self.ui.plot_cb, "solid": self.ui.solid_cb, "multicolored": self.ui.multicolored_cb, "autoload_db": self.ui.autoload_db_cb, "tooldia": self.ui.tooldia_entry, "slot_tooldia": self.ui.slot_tooldia_entry, }) self.to_form() # Show/Hide Advanced Options if self.app.defaults["global_app_level"] == 'b': self.ui.level.setText('%s' % _('Basic')) self.ui.tools_table.setColumnHidden(4, True) self.ui.tools_table.setColumnHidden(5, True) self.ui.table_visibility_cb.set_value(True) self.ui.table_visibility_cb.hide() self.ui.autoload_db_cb.set_value(False) self.ui.autoload_db_cb.hide() else: self.ui.level.setText('%s' % _('Advanced')) self.ui.table_visibility_cb.show() self.ui.table_visibility_cb.set_value(self.app.defaults["excellon_tools_table_display"]) self.on_table_visibility_toggle(state=self.app.defaults["excellon_tools_table_display"]) self.ui.autoload_db_cb.show() assert isinstance(self.ui, ExcellonObjectUI), \ "Expected a ExcellonObjectUI, got %s" % type(self.ui) self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.solid_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_solid_cb_click) self.ui.multicolored_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_multicolored_cb_click) self.ui.autoload_db_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_autoload_db_toggled) # Editor self.ui.editor_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.app.object2editor()) # Properties self.ui.properties_button.toggled.connect(self.on_properties) self.calculations_finished.connect(self.update_area_chull) self.ui.drill_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.app.drilling_tool.run(toggle=True)) # self.ui.milling_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.app.milling_tool.run(toggle=True)) # UTILITIES self.ui.util_button.clicked.connect(lambda st: self.ui.util_frame.show() if st else self.ui.util_frame.hide()) self.ui.generate_milling_button.clicked.connect(self.on_generate_milling_button_click) self.ui.generate_milling_slots_button.clicked.connect(self.on_generate_milling_slots_button_click) self.ui.tools_table.horizontalHeader().sectionClicked.connect(self.on_toggle_rows) self.ui.table_visibility_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_table_visibility_toggle) self.multicolored_build_sig.connect(self.on_multicolored_build) self.units_found = self.app.defaults['units'] def build_ui(self): """ Will (re)build the Excellon UI updating it (the tool table) :return: None :rtype: """ FlatCAMObj.build_ui(self) self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() for row in range(self.ui.tools_table.rowCount()): try: # if connected, disconnect the signal from the slot on item_changed as it creates issues offset_spin_widget = self.ui.tools_table.cellWidget(row, 4) offset_spin_widget.valueChanged.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass n = len(self.tools) # we have (n+2) rows because there are 'n' tools, each a row, plus the last 2 rows for totals. self.ui.tools_table.setRowCount(n + 2) self.tot_drill_cnt = 0 self.tot_slot_cnt = 0 self.tool_row = 0 sort = [] for k, v in list(self.tools.items()): try: sort.append((k, v['tooldia'])) except KeyError: # for old projects to be opened sort.append((k, v['C'])) sorted_tools = sorted(sort, key=lambda t1: t1[1]) tools = [i[0] for i in sorted_tools] new_options = {} for opt in self.options: new_options[opt] = self.options[opt] for tool_no in tools: try: dia_val = self.tools[tool_no]['tooldia'] except KeyError: # for old projects to be opened dia_val = self.tools[tool_no]['C'] # add the data dictionary for each tool with the default values self.tools[tool_no]['data'] = deepcopy(new_options) drill_cnt = 0 # variable to store the nr of drills per tool slot_cnt = 0 # variable to store the nr of slots per tool # Find no of drills for the current tool try: drill_cnt = len(self.tools[tool_no]['drills']) except KeyError: drill_cnt = 0 self.tot_drill_cnt += drill_cnt # Find no of slots for the current tool try: slot_cnt = len(self.tools[tool_no]['slots']) except KeyError: slot_cnt = 0 self.tot_slot_cnt += slot_cnt # Tool ID exc_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(tool_no)) exc_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 0, exc_id_item) # Tool name/id # Diameter dia_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.*f' % (self.decimals, dia_val)) dia_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 1, dia_item) # Diameter # Drill count drill_count_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % drill_cnt) drill_count_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 2, drill_count_item) # Number of drills per tool # Slot Count # if the slot number is zero is better to not clutter the GUI with zero's so we print a space slot_count_str = '%d' % slot_cnt if slot_cnt > 0 else '' slot_count_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(slot_count_str) slot_count_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 3, slot_count_item) # Number of drills per tool # Empty Plot Item empty_plot_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_plot_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 4, empty_plot_item) if 'multicolor' in self.tools[tool_no] and self.tools[tool_no]['multicolor'] is not None: red = self.tools[tool_no]['multicolor'][0] * 255 green = self.tools[tool_no]['multicolor'][1] * 255 blue = self.tools[tool_no]['multicolor'][2] * 255 alpha = self.tools[tool_no]['multicolor'][3] * 255 h_color = QtGui.QColor(red, green, blue, alpha) self.ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, 4).setBackground(h_color) else: h1 = self.app.defaults["excellon_plot_fill"][1:7] h2 = self.app.defaults["excellon_plot_fill"][7:9] h_color = QtGui.QColor('#' + h2 + h1) self.ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, 4).setBackground(h_color) # Plot Item plot_item = FCCheckBox() plot_item.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) if self.ui.plot_cb.isChecked(): plot_item.setChecked(True) self.ui.tools_table.setCellWidget(self.tool_row, 5, plot_item) self.tool_row += 1 # add a last row with the Total number of drills empty_1 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_1.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_1_1 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_1_1.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_1_2 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_1_2.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_1_3 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_1_3.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_1_4 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_1_4.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) label_tot_drill_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(_('Total Drills')) tot_drill_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % self.tot_drill_cnt) label_tot_drill_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) tot_drill_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 0, empty_1) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 1, label_tot_drill_count) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 2, tot_drill_count) # Total number of drills self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 3, empty_1_1) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 4, empty_1_2) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 5, empty_1_3) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setBold(True) font.setWeight(75) for k in [1, 2]: self.ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, k).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(127, 0, 255)) self.ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, k).setFont(font) self.tool_row += 1 # add a last row with the Total number of slots empty_2 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_2.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_2_1 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_2_1.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_2_2 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_2_2.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_2_3 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_2_3.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) empty_2_4 = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') empty_2_4.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) label_tot_slot_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(_('Total Slots')) tot_slot_count = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % self.tot_slot_cnt) label_tot_slot_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) tot_slot_count.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 0, empty_2) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 1, label_tot_slot_count) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 2, empty_2_1) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 3, tot_slot_count) # Total number of slots self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 4, empty_2_3) self.ui.tools_table.setItem(self.tool_row, 5, empty_2_4) for kl in [1, 2, 3]: self.ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, kl).setFont(font) self.ui.tools_table.item(self.tool_row, kl).setForeground(QtGui.QColor(0, 70, 255)) # sort the tool diameter column # self.ui.tools_table.sortItems(1) # all the tools are selected by default self.ui.tools_table.selectColumn(0) self.ui.tools_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.ui.tools_table.resizeRowsToContents() vertical_header = self.ui.tools_table.verticalHeader() # vertical_header.setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) vertical_header.hide() self.ui.tools_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header = self.ui.tools_table.horizontalHeader() horizontal_header.setMinimumSectionSize(10) horizontal_header.setDefaultSectionSize(70) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(0, 20) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(4, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(4, 17) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(5, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(5, 17) self.ui.tools_table.setColumnWidth(5, 17) # horizontal_header.setStretchLastSection(True) # horizontal_header.setColumnWidth(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) # horizontal_header.setStretchLastSection(True) self.ui.tools_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.ui.tools_table.setSortingEnabled(False) self.ui.tools_table.setMinimumHeight(self.ui.tools_table.getHeight()) self.ui.tools_table.setMaximumHeight(self.ui.tools_table.getHeight()) # find if we have drills: has_drills = None for tt in self.tools: if 'drills' in self.tools[tt] and self.tools[tt]['drills']: has_drills = True break if has_drills is None: self.ui.tooldia_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.generate_milling_button.setDisabled(True) else: self.ui.tooldia_entry.setDisabled(False) self.ui.generate_milling_button.setDisabled(False) # find if we have slots has_slots = None for tt in self.tools: if 'slots' in self.tools[tt] and self.tools[tt]['slots']: has_slots = True break if has_slots is None: self.ui.slot_tooldia_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.generate_milling_slots_button.setDisabled(True) else: self.ui.slot_tooldia_entry.setDisabled(False) self.ui.generate_milling_slots_button.setDisabled(False) # update the milling section self.on_row_selection_change() self.ui_connect() def ui_connect(self): """ Will connect all signals in the Excellon UI that needs to be connected :return: None :rtype: """ # selective plotting for row in range(self.ui.tools_table.rowCount() - 2): self.ui.tools_table.cellWidget(row, 5).clicked.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click_table) self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click) # rows selected self.ui.tools_table.clicked.connect(self.on_row_selection_change) def ui_disconnect(self): """ Will disconnect all signals in the Excellon UI that needs to be disconnected :return: None :rtype: """ # selective plotting for row in range(self.ui.tools_table.rowCount()): try: self.ui.tools_table.cellWidget(row, 5).clicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass # rows selected try: self.ui.tools_table.clicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass def on_row_selection_change(self): """ Called when the user clicks on a row in Tools Table :return: None :rtype: """ self.ui_disconnect() sel_model = self.ui.tools_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if not sel_rows: self.ui.tooldia_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.generate_milling_button.setDisabled(True) self.ui.slot_tooldia_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.generate_milling_slots_button.setDisabled(True) self.ui_connect() return else: self.ui.tooldia_entry.setDisabled(False) self.ui.generate_milling_button.setDisabled(False) self.ui.slot_tooldia_entry.setDisabled(False) self.ui.generate_milling_slots_button.setDisabled(False) has_drills = True has_slots = True for row in sel_rows: row_dia = self.app.dec_format(float(self.ui.tools_table.item(row, 1).text()), self.decimals) for tt in self.tools: tool_dia = self.app.dec_format(float(self.tools[tt]['tooldia']), self.decimals) if tool_dia == row_dia: # find if we have drills: if 'drills' not in self.tools[tt] or not self.tools[tt]['drills']: has_drills = None # find if we have slots if 'slots' not in self.tools[tt] or not self.tools[tt]['slots']: has_slots = None if has_drills is None: self.ui.tooldia_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.generate_milling_button.setDisabled(True) else: self.ui.tooldia_entry.setDisabled(False) self.ui.generate_milling_button.setDisabled(False) if has_slots is None: self.ui.slot_tooldia_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.generate_milling_slots_button.setDisabled(True) else: self.ui.slot_tooldia_entry.setDisabled(False) self.ui.generate_milling_slots_button.setDisabled(False) self.ui_connect() def on_toggle_rows(self): sel_model = self.ui.tools_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if len(sel_rows) == self.ui.tools_table.rowCount(): self.ui.tools_table.clearSelection() else: self.ui.tools_table.selectAll() def get_selected_tools_list(self): """ Returns the keys to the self.tools dictionary corresponding to the selections on the tool list in the appGUI. :return: List of tools. :rtype: list """ rows = set() for item in self.ui.tools_table.selectedItems(): rows.add(item.row()) tool_ids = [] for row in rows: tool_ids.append(int(self.ui.tools_table.item(row, 0).text())) return tool_ids # return [x.text() for x in self.ui.tools_table.selectedItems()] def get_selected_tools_table_items(self): """ Returns a list of lists, each list in the list is made out of row elements :return: List of table_tools items. :rtype: list """ table_tools_items = [] for x in self.ui.tools_table.selectedItems(): # from the columnCount we subtract a value of 1 which represent the last column (plot column) # which does not have text txt = '' elem = [] for column in range(0, self.ui.tools_table.columnCount() - 1): try: txt = self.ui.tools_table.item(x.row(), column).text() except AttributeError: try: txt = self.ui.tools_table.cellWidget(x.row(), column).currentText() except AttributeError: pass elem.append(txt) table_tools_items.append(deepcopy(elem)) # table_tools_items.append([self.ui.tools_table.item(x.row(), column).text() # for column in range(0, self.ui.tools_table.columnCount() - 1)]) for item in table_tools_items: item[0] = str(item[0]) return table_tools_items def on_table_visibility_toggle(self, state): self.ui.tools_table.show() if state else self.ui.tools_table.hide() def on_properties(self, state): if state: self.ui.properties_frame.show() else: self.ui.properties_frame.hide() return self.ui.treeWidget.clear() self.add_properties_items(obj=self, treeWidget=self.ui.treeWidget) # make sure that the FCTree widget columns are resized to content self.ui.treeWidget.resize_sig.emit() def export_excellon(self, whole, fract, e_zeros=None, form='dec', factor=1, slot_type='routing'): """ Returns two values, first is a boolean , if 1 then the file has slots and second contain the Excellon code :param whole: Integer part digits :type whole: int :param fract: Fractional part digits :type fract: int :param e_zeros: Excellon zeros suppression: LZ or TZ :type e_zeros: str :param form: Excellon format: 'dec', :type form: str :param factor: Conversion factor :type factor: float :param slot_type: How to treat slots: "routing" or "drilling" :type slot_type: str :return: A tuple: (has_slots, Excellon_code) -> (bool, str) :rtype: tuple """ excellon_code = '' # store here if the file has slots, return 1 if any slots, 0 if only drills slots_in_file = 0 # find if we have drills: has_drills = None for tt in self.tools: if 'drills' in self.tools[tt] and self.tools[tt]['drills']: has_drills = True break # find if we have slots: has_slots = None for tt in self.tools: if 'slots' in self.tools[tt] and self.tools[tt]['slots']: has_slots = True slots_in_file = 1 break # drills processing try: if has_drills: length = whole + fract for tool in self.tools: excellon_code += 'T0%s\n' % str(tool) if int(tool) < 10 else 'T%s\n' % str(tool) for drill in self.tools[tool]['drills']: if form == 'dec': drill_x = drill.x * factor drill_y = drill.y * factor excellon_code += "X{:.{dec}f}Y{:.{dec}f}\n".format(drill_x, drill_y, dec=fract) elif e_zeros == 'LZ': drill_x = drill.x * factor drill_y = drill.y * factor exc_x_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(drill_x, dec=fract) exc_y_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(drill_y, dec=fract) # extract whole part and decimal part exc_x_formatted = exc_x_formatted.partition('.') exc_y_formatted = exc_y_formatted.partition('.') # left padd the 'whole' part with zeros x_whole = exc_x_formatted[0].rjust(whole, '0') y_whole = exc_y_formatted[0].rjust(whole, '0') # restore the coordinate padded in the left with 0 and added the decimal part # without the decinal dot exc_x_formatted = x_whole + exc_x_formatted[2] exc_y_formatted = y_whole + exc_y_formatted[2] excellon_code += "X{xform}Y{yform}\n".format(xform=exc_x_formatted, yform=exc_y_formatted) else: drill_x = drill.x * factor drill_y = drill.y * factor exc_x_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(drill_x, dec=fract).replace('.', '') exc_y_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(drill_y, dec=fract).replace('.', '') # pad with rear zeros exc_x_formatted.ljust(length, '0') exc_y_formatted.ljust(length, '0') excellon_code += "X{xform}Y{yform}\n".format(xform=exc_x_formatted, yform=exc_y_formatted) except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) # slots processing try: if has_slots: for tool in self.tools: excellon_code += 'G05\n' if int(tool) < 10: excellon_code += 'T0' + str(tool) + '\n' else: excellon_code += 'T' + str(tool) + '\n' for slot in self.tools[tool]['slots']: if form == 'dec': start_slot_x = slot.x * factor start_slot_y = slot.y * factor stop_slot_x = slot.x * factor stop_slot_y = slot.y * factor if slot_type == 'routing': excellon_code += "G00X{:.{dec}f}Y{:.{dec}f}\nM15\n".format(start_slot_x, start_slot_y, dec=fract) excellon_code += "G01X{:.{dec}f}Y{:.{dec}f}\nM16\n".format(stop_slot_x, stop_slot_y, dec=fract) elif slot_type == 'drilling': excellon_code += "X{:.{dec}f}Y{:.{dec}f}G85X{:.{dec}f}Y{:.{dec}f}\nG05\n".format( start_slot_x, start_slot_y, stop_slot_x, stop_slot_y, dec=fract ) elif e_zeros == 'LZ': start_slot_x = slot.x * factor start_slot_y = slot.y * factor stop_slot_x = slot.x * factor stop_slot_y = slot.y * factor start_slot_x_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(start_slot_x, dec=fract).replace('.', '') start_slot_y_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(start_slot_y, dec=fract).replace('.', '') stop_slot_x_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(stop_slot_x, dec=fract).replace('.', '') stop_slot_y_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(stop_slot_y, dec=fract).replace('.', '') # extract whole part and decimal part start_slot_x_formatted = start_slot_x_formatted.partition('.') start_slot_y_formatted = start_slot_y_formatted.partition('.') stop_slot_x_formatted = stop_slot_x_formatted.partition('.') stop_slot_y_formatted = stop_slot_y_formatted.partition('.') # left padd the 'whole' part with zeros start_x_whole = start_slot_x_formatted[0].rjust(whole, '0') start_y_whole = start_slot_y_formatted[0].rjust(whole, '0') stop_x_whole = stop_slot_x_formatted[0].rjust(whole, '0') stop_y_whole = stop_slot_y_formatted[0].rjust(whole, '0') # restore the coordinate padded in the left with 0 and added the decimal part # without the decinal dot start_slot_x_formatted = start_x_whole + start_slot_x_formatted[2] start_slot_y_formatted = start_y_whole + start_slot_y_formatted[2] stop_slot_x_formatted = stop_x_whole + stop_slot_x_formatted[2] stop_slot_y_formatted = stop_y_whole + stop_slot_y_formatted[2] if slot_type == 'routing': excellon_code += "G00X{xstart}Y{ystart}\nM15\n".format(xstart=start_slot_x_formatted, ystart=start_slot_y_formatted) excellon_code += "G01X{xstop}Y{ystop}\nM16\n".format(xstop=stop_slot_x_formatted, ystop=stop_slot_y_formatted) elif slot_type == 'drilling': excellon_code += "{xstart}Y{ystart}G85X{xstop}Y{ystop}\nG05\n".format( xstart=start_slot_x_formatted, ystart=start_slot_y_formatted, xstop=stop_slot_x_formatted, ystop=stop_slot_y_formatted ) else: start_slot_x = slot.x * factor start_slot_y = slot.y * factor stop_slot_x = slot.x * factor stop_slot_y = slot.y * factor length = whole + fract start_slot_x_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(start_slot_x, dec=fract).replace('.', '') start_slot_y_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(start_slot_y, dec=fract).replace('.', '') stop_slot_x_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(stop_slot_x, dec=fract).replace('.', '') stop_slot_y_formatted = "{:.{dec}f}".format(stop_slot_y, dec=fract).replace('.', '') # pad with rear zeros start_slot_x_formatted.ljust(length, '0') start_slot_y_formatted.ljust(length, '0') stop_slot_x_formatted.ljust(length, '0') stop_slot_y_formatted.ljust(length, '0') if slot_type == 'routing': excellon_code += "G00X{xstart}Y{ystart}\nM15\n".format(xstart=start_slot_x_formatted, ystart=start_slot_y_formatted) excellon_code += "G01X{xstop}Y{ystop}\nM16\n".format(xstop=stop_slot_x_formatted, ystop=stop_slot_y_formatted) elif slot_type == 'drilling': excellon_code += "{xstart}Y{ystart}G85X{xstop}Y{ystop}\nG05\n".format( xstart=start_slot_x_formatted, ystart=start_slot_y_formatted, xstop=stop_slot_x_formatted, ystop=stop_slot_y_formatted ) except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) if not has_drills and not has_slots: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.ExcellonObject.export_excellon() --> Excellon Object is empty: no drills, no slots.") return 'fail' return slots_in_file, excellon_code def generate_milling_drills(self, tools=None, outname=None, tooldia=None, plot=False, use_thread=False): """ Will generate an Geometry Object allowing to cut a drill hole instead of drilling it. Note: This method is a good template for generic operations as it takes it's options from parameters or otherwise from the object's options and returns a (success, msg) tuple as feedback for shell operations. :param tools: A list of tools where the drills are to be milled or a string: "all" :type tools: :param outname: the name of the resulting Geometry object :type outname: str :param tooldia: the tool diameter to be used in creation of the milling path (Geometry Object) :type tooldia: float :param plot: if to plot the resulting object :type plot: bool :param use_thread: if to use threading for creation of the Geometry object :type use_thread: bool :return: Success/failure condition tuple (bool, str). :rtype: tuple """ # Get the tools from the list. These are keys # to self.tools if tools is None: tools = self.get_selected_tools_list() if outname is None: outname = self.options["name"] + "_mill" if tooldia is None: tooldia = self.ui.tooldia_entry.get_value() # Sort tools by diameter. items() -> [('name', diameter), ...] # sorted_tools = sorted(list(self.tools.items()), key=lambda tl: tl[1]) # no longer works in Python3 sort = [] for k, v in self.tools.items(): sort.append((k, v['tooldia'])) sorted_tools = sorted(sort, key=lambda t1: t1[1]) if tools == "all": tools = [i[0] for i in sorted_tools] # List if ordered tool names. log.debug("Tools 'all' and sorted are: %s" % str(tools)) if len(tools) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Please select one or more tools from the list and try again.")) return False, "Error: No tools." for tool in tools: if tooldia > self.tools[tool]["tooldia"]: mseg = '[ERROR_NOTCL] %s %s: %s' % (_("Milling tool for DRILLS is larger than hole size. Cancelled."), _("Tool"), str(tool)) self.app.inform.emit(mseg) return False, "Error: Milling tool is larger than hole." def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): """ :param geo_obj: New object :type geo_obj: GeometryObject :param app_obj: App :type app_obj: FlatCAMApp.App :return: :rtype: """ assert geo_obj.kind == 'geometry', "Initializer expected a GeometryObject, got %s" % type(geo_obj) # ## Add properties to the object # get the tool_table items in a list of row items tool_table_items = self.get_selected_tools_table_items() # insert an information only element in the front tool_table_items.insert(0, [_("Tool_nr"), _("Diameter"), _("Drills_Nr"), _("Slots_Nr")]) geo_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tool_table_items geo_obj.options['type'] = 'Excellon Geometry' geo_obj.options["cnctooldia"] = str(tooldia) geo_obj.options["multidepth"] = self.app.defaults["geometry_multidepth"] geo_obj.solid_geometry = [] # in case that the tool used has the same diameter with the hole, and since the maximum resolution # for FlatCAM is 6 decimals, # we add a tenth of the minimum value, meaning 0.0000001, which from our point of view is "almost zero" for etool in tools: for drill in self.tools[etool]['drills']: buffer_value = self.tools[etool]['tooldia'] / 2 - tooldia / 2 if buffer_value == 0: geo_obj.solid_geometry.append(drill.buffer(0.0000001).exterior) else: geo_obj.solid_geometry.append(drill.buffer(buffer_value).exterior) if use_thread: def geo_thread(a_obj): a_obj.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname, geo_init, plot=plot) # Create a promise with the new name self.app.collection.promise(outname) # Send to worker self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': geo_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) else: self.app.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname, geo_init, plot=plot) return True, "" def generate_milling_slots(self, tools=None, outname=None, tooldia=None, plot=False, use_thread=False): """ Will generate an Geometry Object allowing to cut/mill a slot hole. Note: This method is a good template for generic operations as it takes it's options from parameters or otherwise from the object's options and returns a (success, msg) tuple as feedback for shell operations. :param tools: A list of tools where the drills are to be milled or a string: "all" :type tools: :param outname: the name of the resulting Geometry object :type outname: str :param tooldia: the tool diameter to be used in creation of the milling path (Geometry Object) :type tooldia: float :param plot: if to plot the resulting object :type plot: bool :param use_thread: if to use threading for creation of the Geometry object :type use_thread: bool :return: Success/failure condition tuple (bool, str). :rtype: tuple """ # Get the tools from the list. These are keys # to self.tools if tools is None: tools = self.get_selected_tools_list() if outname is None: outname = self.options["name"] + "_mill" if tooldia is None: tooldia = float(self.options["slot_tooldia"]) # Sort tools by diameter. items() -> [('name', diameter), ...] # sorted_tools = sorted(list(self.tools.items()), key=lambda tl: tl[1]) # no longer works in Python3 sort = [] for k, v in self.tools.items(): sort.append((k, v['tooldia'])) sorted_tools = sorted(sort, key=lambda t1: t1[1]) if tools == "all": tools = [i[0] for i in sorted_tools] # List if ordered tool names. log.debug("Tools 'all' and sorted are: %s" % str(tools)) if len(tools) == 0: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Please select one or more tools from the list and try again.")) return False, "Error: No tools." for tool in tools: # I add the 0.0001 value to account for the rounding error in converting from IN to MM and reverse adj_toolstable_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tooldia))) adj_file_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.tools[tool]["tooldia"]))) if adj_toolstable_tooldia > adj_file_tooldia + 0.0001: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Milling tool for SLOTS is larger than hole size. Cancelled.")) return False, "Error: Milling tool is larger than hole." def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): assert geo_obj.kind == 'geometry', "Initializer expected a GeometryObject, got %s" % type(geo_obj) # ## Add properties to the object # get the tool_table items in a list of row items tool_table_items = self.get_selected_tools_table_items() # insert an information only element in the front tool_table_items.insert(0, [_("Tool_nr"), _("Diameter"), _("Drills_Nr"), _("Slots_Nr")]) geo_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tool_table_items geo_obj.options['type'] = 'Excellon Geometry' geo_obj.options["cnctooldia"] = str(tooldia) geo_obj.options["multidepth"] = self.app.defaults["geometry_multidepth"] geo_obj.solid_geometry = [] # in case that the tool used has the same diameter with the hole, and since the maximum resolution # for FlatCAM is 6 decimals, # we add a tenth of the minimum value, meaning 0.0000001, which from our point of view is "almost zero" for tool in tools: for slot in self.tools[tool]['slots']: toolstable_tool = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tooldia))) file_tool = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(self.tools[tool]["tooldia"]))) # I add the 0.0001 value to account for the rounding error in converting from IN to MM and reverse # for the file_tool (tooldia actually) buffer_value = float(file_tool / 2) - float(toolstable_tool / 2) + 0.0001 if buffer_value == 0: start = slot[0] stop = slot[1] lines_string = LineString([start, stop]) poly = lines_string.buffer(0.0000001, int(self.geo_steps_per_circle)).exterior geo_obj.solid_geometry.append(poly) else: start = slot[0] stop = slot[1] lines_string = LineString([start, stop]) poly = lines_string.buffer(buffer_value, int(self.geo_steps_per_circle)).exterior geo_obj.solid_geometry.append(poly) if use_thread: def geo_thread(a_obj): a_obj.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname + '_slot', geo_init, plot=plot) # Create a promise with the new name self.app.collection.promise(outname) # Send to worker self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': geo_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) else: self.app.app_obj.new_object("geometry", outname + '_slot', geo_init, plot=plot) return True, "" def on_generate_milling_button_click(self, *args): self.app.defaults.report_usage("excellon_on_create_milling_drills button") self.read_form() self.generate_milling_drills(use_thread=False, plot=True) def on_generate_milling_slots_button_click(self, *args): self.app.defaults.report_usage("excellon_on_create_milling_slots_button") self.read_form() self.generate_milling_slots(use_thread=False, plot=True) def convert_units(self, units): log.debug("FlatCAMObj.ExcellonObject.convert_units()") Excellon.convert_units(self, units) # factor = Excellon.convert_units(self, units) # self.options['drillz'] = float(self.options['drillz']) * factor # self.options['travelz'] = float(self.options['travelz']) * factor # self.options['feedrate'] = float(self.options['feedrate']) * factor # self.options['feedrate_rapid'] = float(self.options['feedrate_rapid']) * factor # self.options['toolchangez'] = float(self.options['toolchangez']) * factor # # if self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangexy"] == '': # self.options['toolchangexy'] = "0.0, 0.0" # else: # coords_xy = [float(eval(coord)) for coord in self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangexy"].split(",")] # if len(coords_xy) < 2: # self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s' % _("The Toolchange X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be " # "in the format (x, y) \n" # "but now there is only one value, not two. ")) # return 'fail' # coords_xy[0] *= factor # coords_xy[1] *= factor # self.options['toolchangexy'] = "%f, %f" % (coords_xy[0], coords_xy[1]) # # if self.options['startz'] is not None: # self.options['startz'] = float(self.options['startz']) * factor # self.options['endz'] = float(self.options['endz']) * factor def on_solid_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('solid') self.plot() def on_multicolored_cb_click(self, val): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('multicolored') self.plot() if not val: self.build_ui() def on_autoload_db_toggled(self, state): self.app.defaults["excellon_autoload_db"] = True if state else False def on_plot_cb_click(self, val): if self.muted_ui: return # self.plot() self.read_form_item('plot') self.ui_disconnect() cb_flag = self.ui.plot_cb.isChecked() for row in range(self.ui.tools_table.rowCount() - 2): table_cb = self.ui.tools_table.cellWidget(row, 5) if cb_flag: table_cb.setChecked(True) else: table_cb.setChecked(False) self.ui_connect() def on_plot_cb_click_table(self): self.ui_disconnect() check_row = 0 for tool_key in self.tools: # find the geo_tool_table row associated with the tool_key for row in range(self.ui.tools_table.rowCount()): tool_item = int(self.ui.tools_table.item(row, 0).text()) if tool_item == int(tool_key): check_row = row break state = self.ui.tools_table.cellWidget(check_row, 5).isChecked() self.shapes.update_visibility(state, indexes=self.shape_indexes_dict[tool_key]) self.shapes.redraw() self.ui_connect() def plot(self, visible=None, kind=None): multicolored = self.ui.multicolored_cb.get_value() # Does all the required setup and returns False # if the 'ptint' option is set to False. if not FlatCAMObj.plot(self): return if self.app.is_legacy is False: def random_color(): r_color = np.random.rand(4) r_color[3] = 1 return r_color else: def random_color(): while True: r_color = np.random.rand(4) r_color[3] = 1 new_color = '#' for idx in range(len(r_color)): new_color += '%x' % int(r_color[idx] * 255) # do it until a valid color is generated # a valid color has the # symbol, another 6 chars for the color and the last 2 chars for alpha # for a total of 9 chars if len(new_color) == 9: break return new_color # this stays for compatibility reasons, in case we try to open old projects try: __ = iter(self.solid_geometry) except TypeError: self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry] visible = visible if visible else self.ui.plot_cb.get_value() try: # Plot Excellon (All polygons?) if self.ui.solid_cb.get_value(): # plot polygons for each tool separately for tool in self.tools: # set the color here so we have one color for each tool geo_color = random_color() if multicolored: self.tools[tool]['multicolor'] = geo_color else: self.tools[tool]['multicolor'] = None # tool is a dict also for geo in self.tools[tool]["solid_geometry"]: idx = self.add_shape(shape=geo, color=geo_color if multicolored else self.outline_color, face_color=geo_color if multicolored else self.fill_color, visible=visible, layer=2) try: self.shape_indexes_dict[tool].append(idx) except KeyError: self.shape_indexes_dict[tool] = [idx] else: for tool in self.tools: for geo in self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']: idx = self.add_shape(shape=geo.exterior, color='red', visible=visible) try: self.shape_indexes_dict[tool].append(idx) except KeyError: self.shape_indexes_dict[tool] = [idx] for ints in geo.interiors: idx = self.add_shape(shape=ints, color='orange', visible=visible) try: self.shape_indexes_dict[tool].append(idx) except KeyError: self.shape_indexes_dict[tool] = [idx] # for geo in self.solid_geometry: # self.add_shape(shape=geo.exterior, color='red', visible=visible) # for ints in geo.interiors: # self.add_shape(shape=ints, color='orange', visible=visible) self.shapes.redraw() except (ObjectDeleted, AttributeError) as e: log.debug("ExcellonObject.plot() -> %s" % str(e)) self.shapes.clear(update=True) if multicolored: self.multicolored_build_sig.emit() def on_multicolored_build(self): self.build_ui() @staticmethod def merge(exc_list, exc_final, decimals=None, fuse_tools=True): """ Merge Excellon objects found in exc_list parameter into exc_final object. Options are always copied from source . Tools are disregarded, what is taken in consideration is the unique drill diameters found as values in the exc_list tools dict's. In the reconstruction section for each unique tool diameter it will be created a tool_name to be used in the final Excellon object, exc_final. If only one object is in exc_list parameter then this function will copy that object in the exc_final :param exc_list: List or one object of ExcellonObject Objects to join. :type exc_list: list :param exc_final: Destination ExcellonObject object. :type exc_final: class :param decimals: The number of decimals to be used for diameters :type decimals: int :param fuse_tools: If True will try to fuse tools of the same diameter for the Excellon objects :type fuse_tools: bool :return: None """ if exc_final.tools is None: exc_final.tools = {} if decimals is None: decimals = 4 decimals_exc = decimals try: flattened_list = list(itertools.chain(*exc_list)) except TypeError: flattened_list = exc_list new_tools = {} total_geo = [] toolid = 0 for exc in flattened_list: # copy options of the current excellon obj to the final excellon obj # only the last object options will survive for option in exc.options: if option != 'name': try: exc_final.options[option] = exc.options[option] except Exception: exc.app.log.warning("Failed to copy option.", option) for tool in exc.tools: toolid += 1 new_tools[toolid] = exc.tools[tool] exc_final.tools = deepcopy(new_tools) # add the zeros and units to the exc_final object exc_final.zeros = exc.zeros exc_final.units = exc.units total_geo += exc.solid_geometry exc_final.solid_geometry = total_geo fused_tools_dict = {} if exc_final.tools and fuse_tools: toolid = 0 for tool, tool_dict in exc_final.tools.items(): current_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (decimals_exc, tool_dict['tooldia'])) toolid += 1 # calculate all diameters in fused_tools_dict all_dia = [] if fused_tools_dict: for f_tool in fused_tools_dict: all_dia.append(float('%.*f' % (decimals_exc, fused_tools_dict[f_tool]['tooldia']))) if current_tooldia in all_dia: # find tool for current_tooldia in fuse_tools t = None for f_tool in fused_tools_dict: if fused_tools_dict[f_tool]['tooldia'] == current_tooldia: t = f_tool break if t: fused_tools_dict[t]['drills'] += tool_dict['drills'] fused_tools_dict[t]['slots'] += tool_dict['slots'] fused_tools_dict[t]['solid_geometry'] += tool_dict['solid_geometry'] else: fused_tools_dict[toolid] = tool_dict fused_tools_dict[toolid]['tooldia'] = current_tooldia exc_final.tools = fused_tools_dict # create the geometry for the exc_final object exc_final.create_geometry()