from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings from AppGUI.GUIElements import FCDoubleSpinner, FCCheckBox, RadioSet, FCComboBox from AppGUI.preferences import machinist_setting from AppGUI.preferences.OptionsGroupUI import OptionsGroupUI import gettext import AppTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("machinist"): machinist_setting = settings.value('machinist', type=int) else: machinist_setting = 0 class ToolsCutoutPrefGroupUI(OptionsGroupUI): def __init__(self, decimals=4, parent=None): # OptionsGroupUI.__init__(self, "Cutout Tool Options", parent=parent) super(ToolsCutoutPrefGroupUI, self).__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setTitle(str(_("Cutout Tool Options"))) self.decimals = decimals # ## Board cutout self.board_cutout_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s:" % _("Parameters")) self.board_cutout_label.setToolTip( _("Create toolpaths to cut around\n" "the PCB and separate it from\n" "the original board.") ) self.layout.addWidget(self.board_cutout_label) grid0 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.addLayout(grid0) tdclabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Tool Diameter')) tdclabel.setToolTip( _("Diameter of the tool used to cutout\n" "the PCB shape out of the surrounding material.") ) self.cutout_tooldia_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.cutout_tooldia_entry.set_range(0.000001, 9999.9999) self.cutout_tooldia_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.cutout_tooldia_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(tdclabel, 0, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.cutout_tooldia_entry, 0, 1) # Cut Z cutzlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Cut Z')) cutzlabel.setToolTip( _( "Cutting depth (negative)\n" "below the copper surface." ) ) self.cutz_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.cutz_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) if machinist_setting == 0: self.cutz_entry.setRange(-9999.9999, 0.0000) else: self.cutz_entry.setRange(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.cutz_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(cutzlabel, 1, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.cutz_entry, 1, 1) # Multi-pass self.mpass_cb = FCCheckBox('%s:' % _("Multi-Depth")) self.mpass_cb.setToolTip( _( "Use multiple passes to limit\n" "the cut depth in each pass. Will\n" "cut multiple times until Cut Z is\n" "reached." ) ) self.maxdepth_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.maxdepth_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.maxdepth_entry.setRange(0, 9999.9999) self.maxdepth_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) self.maxdepth_entry.setToolTip(_("Depth of each pass (positive).")) grid0.addWidget(self.mpass_cb, 2, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.maxdepth_entry, 2, 1) # Object kind kindlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Object kind')) kindlabel.setToolTip( _("Choice of what kind the object we want to cutout is.
" "- Single: contain a single PCB Gerber outline object.
" "- Panel: a panel PCB Gerber object, which is made\n" "out of many individual PCB outlines.") ) self.obj_kind_combo = RadioSet([ {"label": _("Single"), "value": "single"}, {"label": _("Panel"), "value": "panel"}, ]) grid0.addWidget(kindlabel, 3, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.obj_kind_combo, 3, 1) marginlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Margin')) marginlabel.setToolTip( _("Margin over bounds. A positive value here\n" "will make the cutout of the PCB further from\n" "the actual PCB border") ) self.cutout_margin_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.cutout_margin_entry.set_range(-9999.9999, 9999.9999) self.cutout_margin_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.cutout_margin_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(marginlabel, 4, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.cutout_margin_entry, 4, 1) gaplabel = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Gap size')) gaplabel.setToolTip( _("The size of the bridge gaps in the cutout\n" "used to keep the board connected to\n" "the surrounding material (the one \n" "from which the PCB is cutout).") ) self.cutout_gap_entry = FCDoubleSpinner() self.cutout_gap_entry.set_range(0.000001, 9999.9999) self.cutout_gap_entry.set_precision(self.decimals) self.cutout_gap_entry.setSingleStep(0.1) grid0.addWidget(gaplabel, 5, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.cutout_gap_entry, 5, 1) gaps_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s:' % _('Gaps')) gaps_label.setToolTip( _("Number of gaps used for the cutout.\n" "There can be maximum 8 bridges/gaps.\n" "The choices are:\n" "- None - no gaps\n" "- lr - left + right\n" "- tb - top + bottom\n" "- 4 - left + right +top + bottom\n" "- 2lr - 2*left + 2*right\n" "- 2tb - 2*top + 2*bottom\n" "- 8 - 2*left + 2*right +2*top + 2*bottom") ) self.gaps_combo = FCComboBox() grid0.addWidget(gaps_label, 6, 0) grid0.addWidget(self.gaps_combo, 6, 1) gaps_items = ['None', 'LR', 'TB', '4', '2LR', '2TB', '8'] for it in gaps_items: self.gaps_combo.addItem(it) self.gaps_combo.setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255,255,255)') # Surrounding convex box shape self.convex_box = FCCheckBox('%s' % _("Convex Shape")) self.convex_box.setToolTip( _("Create a convex shape surrounding the entire PCB.\n" "Used only if the source object type is Gerber.") ) grid0.addWidget(self.convex_box, 7, 0, 1, 2) self.layout.addStretch()