False 5 dialog FlatCAM Version Alpha 3 (2014/03) - UNSTABLE (c) 2014 Juan Pablo Caram 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing specialized in Printed Circuit Boards http://caram.cl/software/flatcam/ Caram.cl/software/flatcam The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Juan Pablo Caram Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. share/flatcam_icon128.png False vertical 2 False end False True end 0 True False gtk-open True False gtk-page-setup True False gtk-info True False share/clear_plot16.png True False share/clear_plot16.png True False share/replot16.png True False gtk-open True False gtk-open True False gtk-open True False gtk-save True False gtk-jump-to True False gtk-save True False gtk-save-as True False gtk-save-as True False gtk-open False True True never in True False True False 5 5 5 5 vertical True False True False share/cnc32.png False True 0 True False 3 CNC Job Object True True 1 False True 0 True False True False The Object's name. Only gets changed after hitting Enter in the text box. 3 Name: False True 0 True True True False True 1 False True 1 True False 5 0 3 Plot Options: False True 2 Plot True True False Plot this object in the main window. 0 True True False True 3 True False 3 3 3 True False Tool diameter used for plotting. 1 Tool diam: False True 0 True True True False True 1 False True 6 Update Plot True True True False True 7 True False <b>Export G-Code:</b> Save a G-Code file for this CNC job. 3 0 3 Export G-Code: False True 8 Export True True True Save a G-Code file for this CNC job. False True 9 True False <b>Scale:</b> Resizes the geometry of the object. All sizes and coordinates are multiplied by the given factor. 3 0 3 Scale: False True 10 True False 3 3 3 True False Factor by which to multiply all geometrical dimensions. 1 Factor: False True 0 True True 1.0 True False True 1 False True 11 Scale True True True Scales the geometry of this object. False True 12 True False <b>Offset:</b> Shift the geometry of this object by the specified (x, y) vector. 3 0 3 Offset: False True 13 True False 3 3 3 True False Vector by which to offset the geometry. Format is <b>(x, y)</b>, where <b>x</b> and <b>y</b> are decimal numbers representing the distance in the corresponding axis. 1 Offset Vector: False True 0 True True (0.0, 0.0) True False True 1 False True 14 Offset True True True Offset the geometry of this object. False True 15 False True True never in True False True False 5 5 5 5 vertical True False True False share/drill32.png False True 0 True False 3 Excellon Object True True 1 False True 0 True False True False 3 Name: False True 0 True True True False True 1 False True 1 True False 0 3 Plot Options: False True 2 Plot True True False 0 True True False True 3 Solid True True False 0 True False True 4 Update Plot True True True False True 6 True False 5 0 3 Create CNC Job: False True 7 True False 2 4 True True True 1 0 1 1 True True True 1 1 1 1 True True True 1 2 1 1 True False 1 Drill Z: 0 0 1 1 True False 1 Travel Z: 0 1 1 1 True False 1 Feed rate: 0 2 1 1 True False 1 Tools: 0 3 1 1 True False True True True False True 0 Choose True True True False True 1 1 3 1 1 False True 8 Generate True True True False True 9 True False 3 0 3 Scale: False True 10 True False 3 3 3 True False 1 Factor: False True 0 True True 1.0 True False True 1 False True 11 Scale True True True False True 12 True False 3 0 3 Offset: False True 13 True False 3 3 3 True False 1 Offset Vector: False True 0 True True (0.0, 0.0) True False True 1 False True 14 Offset True True True False True 15 False True True never in True False True False 5 5 5 5 vertical True False True False share/geometry32.png False True 0 True False 3 Geometry Object True True 1 False True 0 True False True False The Object's name. Only gets changed after hitting Enter in the text box. 3 Name: False True 0 True True True False True 1 False True 1 True False 0 3 Plot Options: False True 2 Plot True True False Plot this object on the main window. 0 True True False True 3 Solid True True False Show overlapping polygons as single. 0 True False True 4 Multi-colored True True False Draw polygons with different colors. 0 True False True 5 Update Plot True True True False True 6 True False <b>Create CNC Job:</b> CNC Jobs from Geometry Objects are cutting toolpaths along object contours. 5 0 3 Create CNC Job: False True 7 True False 2 4 True True True 1 0 1 1 True True True 1 1 1 1 True True True 1 2 1 1 True False The contours are cut at the given Z-axis position. Typically, the surface of the workpiece is at z=0.0, and <b>Cut Z</b> is specified as a negative number. 1 Cut Z: 0 0 1 1 True False This specifies the Z-axis position of the tool for XY-plane motions when not cutting. 1 Travel Z: 0 1 1 1 True False The feed rate is the speed in <b>units/minute</b> when cutting. When not cutting, movement is done at maximum speed. 1 Feed rate: 0 2 1 1 True False The tool diameter specified here is for visual purposes only and does not affect the resulting job. 1 Tool diam: 0 3 1 1 True True True 1 3 1 1 False True 8 Generate True True True Creates the CNC Job oobject from this Geometry object with the specified options. False True 9 True False <b>Paint Area:</b> Creates contour inside a polygon for a tool to cover its entire surface. Use for clearing large copper areas. 5 0 3 Paint Area: False True 10 True False 2 5 True False Tool diameter for painting inside a polygon. 1 Tool diam: 0 0 1 1 True True True 1 0 1 1 True False How much (fraction of tool diameter) to overlap each toolpath. 1 Overlap: 0 1 1 1 True True True 1 1 1 1 True False Margin from the edge of the polygon. Use this to stay away from edges cut or to be cut with a finer, more accurate tool. 1 Margin: 0 2 1 1 True True True 1 2 1 1 False True 11 Generate True True True Creates a Geometry Object with toolpaths to cover the inside of a polygon. <b>Note:</b> After clicking generate you have to click inside the desired polygon. False True 12 True False <b>Scale:</b> Resizes the geometry of the object. All sizes and coordinates are multiplied by the given factor. 3 0 3 Scale: False True 13 True False 3 3 3 True False Factor by which to multiply all geometrical dimensions. 1 Factor: False True 0 True True 1.0 True False True 1 False True 14 Scale True True True Scales the geometry of this object. False True 15 True False <b>Offset:</b> Shift the geometry of this object by the specified (x, y) vector. 3 0 3 Offset: False True 16 True False 3 3 3 True False Vector by which to offset the geometry. Format is <b>(x, y)</b>, where <b>x</b> and <b>y</b> are decimal numbers representing the distance in the corresponding axis. 1 Offset Vector: False True 0 True True (0.0, 0.0) True False True 1 False True 17 Offset True True True Offset the geometry of this object. False True 18 False True True never in True False True False 5 5 5 5 vertical True False True False share/flatcam_icon32.png False True 0 True False 3 Gerber Object True True 1 False True 0 True False True False The Object's name. Only gets changed after hitting Enter in the text box. 3 Name: False True 0 True True True False True 1 False True 1 True False 5 0 3 Plot Options: False True 2 Plot True True False 0 True True False True 3 Merge Polygons True True False 0 True True False True 4 Solid True True False 0 True False True 5 Multi-colored True True False 0 True False True 6 Update Plot True True True False True 7 True False <b>Isolation Routing:</b> Cutting copper around traces for electrical isolation. 5 0 3 Isolation Routing: False True 8 True False 3 2 True False Tool paths for isolation routing are drawn at 1/2 of the tool diameter away from polygons defined in Gerber. 1 3 Tool diam: 0 0 1 1 True True 2 2 16 True 1 0 1 1 True False True The number of toolwidths defining the total width of the isolation. 1 3 Width (# passes): 0 1 1 1 True False True How much (fraction of the tool diameter) to overlap each pass. 1 3 Pass overlap: 0 2 1 1 True True 2 2 16 0.15 True 1 2 1 1 True True 2 2 16 1 True 1 1 1 1 False True 9 Generate Geometry True True True Creates a geometry object with tool paths for isolation routing. If more than 1 pass, wil create one object for each. False True 10 True False <b>Board cutout:</b> Cut around the edge of the board. 5 0 3 Board cutout: False True 11 True False 3 True False Distance away from the rectangular edge enclosing the board to generate the cutting tool path. 1 Margin: 0 1 1 1 True True 12 True 1 1 1 1 True True 12 True 1 2 1 1 True False Length of the gaps along the toolpath. These gaps are needed to hold the board in place until the job is complete. 1 Gap size: 0 2 1 1 True False 1 Gaps: 0 3 1 1 True False 2 (T/B) True True False Gaps are placed on the top and bottom edges of the board cutout. 8 0 True rb_2lr False True 0 2 (L/R) True True False Gaps are placed on the left and right edges of the board cutout. 8 0 True True False True 1 4 True True False Gaps are placed on the four edges of the board cutout. 0 True rb_2lr False True 2 1 3 1 1 True False True Tool diameter to be used to cut out the baord. 1 Tool diam.: 0 0 1 1 True True 12 True 1 0 1 1 False True 12 Generate Geometry True True True Generates the Geometry object with toolpaths for board cutout. False True 13 True False <b>Non-copper regions</b>: Use to create geometry with polygons covering areas without copper on the board. This can be used, for example, to clear all copper from certain regions. 5 0 3 Non-copper regions: False True 14 True False 4 4 1 True False Defines how far from the rectangular box enclosing the contents of the board the edge of the board is. Copper-free areas will be located within this boundary. 1 Boundary margin: False True 0 True True 14 True False True 1 False True 15 Rounded corners True True False True Whether to draw rounded corners on the bounding box. The radius is the Boundary margin. Whether to draw rounded corners on the bounding box. The radius is the Boundary margin. 0 True False True 16 Generate Geometry True True True Creates a Geometry Object covering areas without copper. False True 17 True False <b>Bounding Box:</b> A simple rectangular boundary around the PCB contents. 5 0 3 Bounding box: False True 18 True False 4 4 1 True False Distance from the rectangular box enclosing the PCB contents at which to draw the bounding box. 1 Boundary margin: False True 0 True True 14 True False True 1 False True 19 Rounded corners True True False Whether to draw rounded corners on the bounding box. The radius is the Boundary margin. 0 True False True 20 Generate Bounding Box True True True Generates a Geometry object with the bounding box. False True 21 True False <b>Scale:</b> Resizes the geometry of the object. All sizes and coordinates are multiplied by the given factor. 3 0 3 Scale: False True 22 True False 3 3 3 True False Factor by which to multiply all geometrical dimensions. 1 Factor: False True 0 True True 1.0 True False True 1 False True 23 Scale True True True Scales the geometry of this object. False True 24 True False <b>Offset:</b> Shift the geometry of this object by the specified (x, y) vector. 3 0 3 Offset: False True 25 True False 3 3 3 True False Vector by which to offset the geometry. Format is <b>(x, y)</b>, where <b>x</b> and <b>y</b> are decimal numbers representing the distance in the corresponding axis. 1 Offset Vector: False True 0 True True (0.0, 0.0) True False True 1 False True 26 Offset True True True Offset the geometry of this object. False True 27 False True True never in True False True False 5 5 5 5 vertical True False 6 3 Double-Sided PCB Tool False True 0 True False 3 3 True False The object that you want to flip around, usually the Gerber object defining the bottom copper layer. You can also flip an Excellon object in case you want to drill from the bottom side. 1 3 Bottom Layer: 0 0 1 1 200 True False start 0 1 1 0 1 1 True False <b>X</b> flips from top to bottom, <b>Y</b> flips from left to right. 1 3 Mirror Axis: 0 1 1 1 True False 10 X True True False 0 True True False True 0 Y True True False 0 True rb_mirror_x False True 1 1 1 1 1 True False How the location of the axis is specified. 1 3 Axis location: 0 2 1 1 True False 10 Point True True False The axis must pass through the specified point. 0 True True False True 0 Box True True False The axis cuts a box (some Geometry object in the project) exactly in the middle. 0 True rb_mirror_point False True 1 1 2 1 1 True False <b>Point:</b> Click on the desired point on the plot. This copies the point to the clipboard. Then paste it in the box by right-clicking and choosing paste, or hitting Control-v. <b>Box:</b> Choose an object in the project that you want to use as a box for specifying the flipping axis. If the object is not a rectangle, a bounding box arounf the object is calculated. 1 3 Point/Box: 0 3 1 1 True False vertical 1 3 1 1 True False List of coordinates where to drill alignment holes, in the format <b>(x1, y1), (x2, y2)</b>, etc. You can click on the plot and paste each coordinate here. All <b>coordinates are duplicated</b> and mirrored automatically around the axis so drill pattens are identical when flipping your board around. 1 3 Algnmt holes: 0 4 1 1 True True 1 4 1 1 True False Diameter of the drill for the aligment holes. 1 3 Drill diam.: 0 5 1 1 True True True 1 5 1 1 False True 1 True False end 6 3 Create Alignment Drill 120 True True True Creates an Excellon object with the specified holes and their mirror pairs. end False False 4 0 Mirror Object 120 True True True Mirrors the object specified in <b>Bottom Layer</b> around the specified axis. end False False 4 1 False True 2 600 400 False True False vertical True False True False _File True True False gtk-new True False New project. Clears all objects and options. True True True False Open recent True False image20 False True False Open Gerber True False Load a Gerber file and create a Gerber Object in the current project. image2 False Open Excellon True False Load an Excellon file and create an Excellon Object in the current project. image1 False Open G-Code True False Load a G-Code file and create a CNCJob Object in the current project. image3 False True False Open Project ... True False image9 False True False Save Project True False image6 False Save Project As ... True False image7 False Save a Project copy ... True False image8 False True False Save defaults True False Saves the application's default options to file. image4 False True False gtk-quit True False True True True False _Edit True True False gtk-delete True False Deletes the selected object. True True True False View True True False Disable all plots True False image17 False Disable all plots but this one True False image18 False Enable all plots True False image19 False True False _Options True True False Transfer options True False image5 False True False True False Make the application's default options equal to the current project's default options. Project => App True True False Make the project's options equal to the application's default options. App => Project True True False Make the current object's options be project defaults. Object => Project True True False Make the current object's options be application defaults. Object => App True True False Set the current object's options to project defaults. Project => Object True True False Set the current object's options to application defaults. App => Object True True False _Tools True True False Double-Sided PCB Tool True False image10 False True False _Help True True False gtk-about True False True True Check for updates... True False image16 False False True 0 True False icons False True 1 True True 250 True True 3 3 3 3 True True False True True vertical True False Objects in the project. Project False True False True True vertical 1 True False Options and action for the current object. Selected 1 False 400 True False True True vertical True True True never in True False True False 5 5 5 True vertical True False True False share/gear32.png False True 0 True False True Application defaults get transfered to every new project. Project options get inherited by new project objects. <b>Save</b> application defaults by choosing <i>File + Save defaults</i>. Project obtions are saved with the project. Application defaults get transfered to every new project. Project options get inherited by new project objects. Save application defaults by choosing File + Save defaults. Project obtions are saved with the project. 10 10 5 10 0 1 PROJECT OPTIONS APPLICATION DEFAULTS False True 1 False True 0 True False 5 True False 1 Units: False True 0 True False 8 inch True True False 0 True True False True 0 mm True True False 0 True rb_inch False True 1 False True 1 False True 3 True False 8 0 True False 6 6 12 6 True False vertical True False 5 0 3 Plot Options: False True 0 Plot True True False 0 True True False True 1 Merge Polygons True True False 0 True True False True 2 Solid True True False 0 True False True 3 Multi-colored True True False 0 True False True 4 True False 5 0 3 Isolation Routing: False True 5 True False 3 2 True False True Tool paths for isolation routing are drawn at 1/2 of the tool diameter away from polygons defined in Gerber. Tool paths for isolation routing are drawn at 1/2 of the tool diameter away from polygons defined in Gerber. 1 3 Tool diam: 0 0 1 1 True True 2 2 16 True 1 0 1 1 True False True The number of toolwidths defining the total width of the isolation. The number of toolwidths defining the total width of the isolation. 1 3 Width (# passes): 0 1 1 1 True False True How much (fraction of the tool diameter) to overlap each pass. How much (fraction of the tool diameter) to overlap each pass. 1 3 Pass overlap: 0 2 1 1 True True 2 2 16 True 1 1 1 1 True True 2 2 16 True 1 2 1 1 False True 6 True False 5 0 3 Board cutout: False True 7 True False 3 True False 1 Margin: 0 1 1 1 True True 12 True 1 1 1 1 True True 12 True 1 2 1 1 True False 1 Gap size: 0 2 1 1 True False 1 Gaps: 0 3 1 1 True False 2 (T/B) True True False 8 0 True True False True 0 2 (L/R) True True False 8 0 True rb_app_2tb False True 1 4 True True False 0 True rb_app_2tb False True 2 1 3 1 1 True False 1 Tool diam.: 0 0 1 1 True True 12 True 1 0 1 1 False True 8 True False 5 0 3 Non-copper regions: False True 9 True False 4 4 1 True False 1 Boundary margin: False True 0 True True 14 True False True 1 False True 10 Rounded corners True True False 0 True False True 11 True False 5 0 3 Bounding box: False True 12 True False 4 4 1 True False 1 Boundary margin: False True 0 True True 14 True False True 1 False True 13 Rounded corners True True False 0 True False True 14 True False 5 <b>Gerber Objects</b> True False True 4 True False 8 0 True False 6 6 12 6 True False vertical True False 0 3 Plot Options: False True 0 Plot True True False 0 True True False True 1 Solid True True False 0 True False True 2 True False 5 0 3 Create CNC Job: False True 4 True False 2 4 True True True 1 0 1 1 True True True 1 1 1 1 True True True 1 2 1 1 True False 1 Drill Z: 0 0 1 1 True False 1 Travel Z: 0 1 1 1 True False 1 Feed rate: 0 2 1 1 False True 5 True False 5 <b>Excellon Objects</b> True False True 7 True False 8 0 True False 6 6 12 6 True False vertical True False 0 3 Plot Options: False True 0 Plot True True False 0 True True False True 1 Solid True True False 0 True False True 2 Multi-colored True True False 0 True False True 3 True False 5 0 3 Create CNC Job: False True 4 True False 2 4 True True True 1 0 1 1 True True True 1 1 1 1 True True True 1 2 1 1 True False 1 Cut Z: 0 0 1 1 True False 1 Travel Z: 0 1 1 1 True False 1 Feed rate: 0 2 1 1 True False 1 Tool diam: 0 3 1 1 True True True 1 3 1 1 False True 5 True False 5 0 3 Paint Area: False True 6 True False 2 5 True False 1 Tool diam: 0 0 1 1 True True True 1 0 1 1 True False 1 Overlap: 0 1 1 1 True True True 1 1 1 1 True False 1 Margin: 0 2 1 1 True True True 1 2 1 1 False True 7 True False 5 <b>Geometry Objects</b> True False True 8 True False 8 0 True False 6 6 12 6 True False vertical Plot True True False 0 True True False True 0 True False 3 3 3 True False 1 Tool diam: False True 0 True True True False True 1 False True 1 True False 5 <b>CNC Job Objects</b> True False True 9 False True 0 2 True False Project and application defaults. Options 2 False True False vertical 3 True False Active tool Tool 3 False False True True False vertical True False GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON2_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON3_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK | GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK | GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK | GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK | GDK_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_PROXIMITY_IN_MASK | GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT_MASK | GDK_SUBSTRUCTURE_MASK | GDK_SCROLL_MASK | GDK_TOUCH_MASK | GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK False True 0 True True False True 2 True False 3 3 3 3 True False True 0 out True False 12 True False True 0 False True 0 140 True False 5 5 X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 False True 1 True False 6 6 [in] False True 2 50 10 True False 2 2 2 2 Idle False True 3 False True 3