############################################################ # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://caram.cl/software/flatcam # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # ############################################################ from numpy import arctan2, Inf, array, sqrt, pi, ceil, sin, cos from matplotlib.figure import Figure import re # See: http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point, LinearRing from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, MultiPolygon from shapely.geometry import box as shply_box from shapely.ops import cascaded_union import shapely.affinity as affinity from shapely.wkt import loads as sloads from shapely.wkt import dumps as sdumps from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry # Used for solid polygons in Matplotlib from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch import simplejson as json # TODO: Commented for FlatCAM packaging with cx_freeze #from matplotlib.pyplot import plot class Geometry: def __init__(self): # Units (in or mm) self.units = 'in' # Final geometry: MultiPolygon self.solid_geometry = None # Attributes to be included in serialization self.ser_attrs = ['units', 'solid_geometry'] def isolation_geometry(self, offset): """ Creates contours around geometry at a given offset distance. :param offset: Offset distance. :type offset: float :return: The buffered geometry. :rtype: Shapely.MultiPolygon or Shapely.Polygon """ return self.solid_geometry.buffer(offset) def bounds(self): """ Returns coordinates of rectangular bounds of geometry: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). """ if self.solid_geometry is None: print "Warning: solid_geometry not computed yet." return (0, 0, 0, 0) if type(self.solid_geometry) == list: # TODO: This can be done faster. See comment from Shapely mailing lists. return cascaded_union(self.solid_geometry).bounds else: return self.solid_geometry.bounds def size(self): """ Returns (width, height) of rectangular bounds of geometry. """ if self.solid_geometry is None: print "Warning: solid_geometry not computed yet." return 0 bounds = self.bounds() return (bounds[2]-bounds[0], bounds[3]-bounds[1]) def get_empty_area(self, boundary=None): """ Returns the complement of self.solid_geometry within the given boundary polygon. If not specified, it defaults to the rectangular bounding box of self.solid_geometry. """ if boundary is None: boundary = self.solid_geometry.envelope return boundary.difference(self.solid_geometry) def clear_polygon(self, polygon, tooldia, overlap=0.15): """ Creates geometry inside a polygon for a tool to cover the whole area. """ poly_cuts = [polygon.buffer(-tooldia/2.0)] while True: polygon = poly_cuts[-1].buffer(-tooldia*(1-overlap)) if polygon.area > 0: poly_cuts.append(polygon) else: break return poly_cuts def scale(self, factor): """ Scales all of the object's geometry by a given factor. Override this method. :param factor: Number by which to scale. :type factor: float :return: None :rtype: None """ return def offset(self, vect): """ Offset the geometry by the given vector. Override this method. :param vect: (x, y) vector by which to offset the object. :type vect: tuple :return: None """ return def convert_units(self, units): """ Converts the units of the object to ``units`` by scaling all the geometry appropriately. This call ``scale()``. Don't call it again in descendents. :param units: "IN" or "MM" :type units: str :return: Scaling factor resulting from unit change. :rtype: float """ print "Geometry.convert_units()" if units.upper() == self.units.upper(): return 1.0 if units.upper() == "MM": factor = 25.4 elif units.upper() == "IN": factor = 1/25.4 else: print "Unsupported units:", units return 1.0 self.units = units self.scale(factor) return factor def to_dict(self): """ Returns a respresentation of the object as a dictionary. Attributes to include are listed in ``self.ser_attrs``. :return: A dictionary-encoded copy of the object. :rtype: dict """ d = {} for attr in self.ser_attrs: d[attr] = getattr(self, attr) return d def from_dict(self, d): """ Sets object's attributes from a dictionary. Attributes to include are listed in ``self.ser_attrs``. """ for attr in self.ser_attrs: setattr(self, attr, d[attr]) class Gerber (Geometry): """ **ATTRIBUTES** * ``apertures`` (dict): The keys are names/identifiers of each aperture. The values are dictionaries key/value pairs which describe the aperture. The type key is always present and the rest depend on the key: +-----------+-----------------------------------+ | Key | Value | +===========+===================================+ | type | (str) "C", "R", or "O" | +-----------+-----------------------------------+ | others | Depend on ``type`` | +-----------+-----------------------------------+ * ``paths`` (list): A path is described by a line an aperture that follows that line. Each paths[i] is a dictionary: +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Value | +============+================================================+ | linestring | (Shapely.LineString) The actual path. | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | aperture | (str) The key for an aperture in apertures. | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ * ``flashes`` (list): Flashes are single-point strokes of an aperture. Each is a dictionary: +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Value | +============+================================================+ | loc | (list) [x (float), y (float)] coordinates. | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | aperture | (str) The key for an aperture in apertures. | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ * ``regions`` (list): Are surfaces defined by a polygon (Shapely.Polygon), which have an exterior and zero or more interiors. An aperture is also associated with a region. Each is a dictionary: +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Value | +============+=====================================================+ | polygon | (Shapely.Polygon) The polygon defining the region. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | aperture | (str) The key for an aperture in apertures. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ * ``flash_geometry`` (list): List of (Shapely) geometric object resulting from ``flashes``. These are generated from ``flashes`` in ``do_flashes()``. * ``buffered_paths`` (list): List of (Shapely) polygons resulting from *buffering* (or thickening) the ``paths`` with the aperture. These are generated from ``paths`` in ``buffer_paths()``. **USAGE**:: g = Gerber() g.parse_file(filename) g.create_geometry() do_something(s.solid_geometry) """ def __init__(self): """ The constructor takes no parameters. Use ``gerber.parse_files()`` or ``gerber.parse_lines()`` to populate the object from Gerber source. :return: Gerber object :rtype: Gerber """ # Initialize parent Geometry.__init__(self) # Number format self.int_digits = 3 """Number of integer digits in Gerber numbers. Used during parsing.""" self.frac_digits = 4 """Number of fraction digits in Gerber numbers. Used during parsing.""" ## Gerber elements ## # Apertures {'id':{'type':chr, # ['size':float], ['width':float], # ['height':float]}, ...} self.apertures = {} # Paths [{'linestring':LineString, 'aperture':str}] self.paths = [] # Buffered Paths [Polygon] # Paths transformed into Polygons by # offsetting the aperture size/2 self.buffered_paths = [] # Polygon regions [{'polygon':Polygon, 'aperture':str}] self.regions = [] # Flashes [{'loc':[float,float], 'aperture':str}] self.flashes = [] # Geometry from flashes self.flash_geometry = [] # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from Geometry. self.ser_attrs += ['int_digits', 'frac_digits', 'apertures', 'paths', 'buffered_paths', 'regions', 'flashes', 'flash_geometry'] #### Parser patterns #### # FS - Format Specification # The format of X and Y must be the same! # L-omit leading zeros, T-omit trailing zeros # A-absolute notation, I-incremental notation self.fmt_re = re.compile(r'%FS([LT])([AI])X(\d)(\d)Y\d\d\*%$') # Mode (IN/MM) self.mode_re = re.compile(r'^%MO(IN|MM)\*%$') # Comment G04|G4 self.comm_re = re.compile(r'^G0?4(.*)$') # AD - Aperture definition self.ad_re = re.compile(r'^%ADD(\d\d+)([a-zA-Z0-9]*),(.*)\*%$') # AM - Aperture Macro # Beginning of macro (Ends with *%): self.am_re = re.compile(r'^%AM([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\*') # Tool change # May begin with G54 but that is deprecated self.tool_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G54)?D(\d\d+)\*$') # G01 - Linear interpolation plus flashes # Operation code (D0x) missing is deprecated... oh well I will support it. self.lin_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G0?(1))?(?:X(-?\d+))?(?:Y(-?\d+))?(?:D0([123]))?\*$') self.setlin_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G0?1)\*') # G02/3 - Circular interpolation # 2-clockwise, 3-counterclockwise self.circ_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G0?([23]))?(?:X(-?\d+))?(?:Y(-?\d+))' + '?(?:I(-?\d+))?(?:J(-?\d+))?D0([12])\*$') # G01/2/3 Occurring without coordinates self.interp_re = re.compile(r'^(?:G0?([123]))\*') # Single D74 or multi D75 quadrant for circular interpolation self.quad_re = re.compile(r'^G7([45])\*$') # Region mode on # In region mode, D01 starts a region # and D02 ends it. A new region can be started again # with D01. All contours must be closed before # D02 or G37. self.regionon_re = re.compile(r'^G36\*$') # Region mode off # Will end a region and come off region mode. # All contours must be closed before D02 or G37. self.regionoff_re = re.compile(r'^G37\*$') # End of file self.eof_re = re.compile(r'^M02\*') # IP - Image polarity self.pol_re = re.compile(r'^%IP(POS|NEG)\*%$') # LP - Level polarity self.lpol_re = re.compile(r'^%LP([DC])\*%$') # TODO: This is bad. self.steps_per_circ = 40 def scale(self, factor): """ Scales the objects' geometry on the XY plane by a given factor. These are: * ``apertures`` * ``paths`` * ``regions`` * ``flashes`` Then ``buffered_paths``, ``flash_geometry`` and ``solid_geometry`` are re-created with ``self.create_geometry()``. :param factor: Number by which to scale. :type factor: float :rtype : None """ # Apertures print "Scaling apertures..." for apid in self.apertures: for param in self.apertures[apid]: if param != "type": # All others are dimensions. print "Tool:", apid, "Parameter:", param self.apertures[apid][param] *= factor # Paths print "Scaling paths..." for path in self.paths: path['linestring'] = affinity.scale(path['linestring'], factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) # Flashes print "Scaling flashes..." for fl in self.flashes: # TODO: Shouldn't 'loc' be a numpy.array()? fl['loc'][0] *= factor fl['loc'][1] *= factor # Regions print "Scaling regions..." for reg in self.regions: reg['polygon'] = affinity.scale(reg['polygon'], factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) # Now buffered_paths, flash_geometry and solid_geometry self.create_geometry() def offset(self, vect): """ Offsets the objects' geometry on the XY plane by a given vector. These are: * ``paths`` * ``regions`` * ``flashes`` Then ``buffered_paths``, ``flash_geometry`` and ``solid_geometry`` are re-created with ``self.create_geometry()``. :param vect: (x, y) offset vector. :type vect: tuple :return: None """ dx, dy = vect # Paths print "Shifting paths..." for path in self.paths: path['linestring'] = affinity.translate(path['linestring'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy) # Flashes print "Shifting flashes..." for fl in self.flashes: # TODO: Shouldn't 'loc' be a numpy.array()? fl['loc'][0] += dx fl['loc'][1] += dy # Regions print "Shifting regions..." for reg in self.regions: reg['polygon'] = affinity.translate(reg['polygon'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy) # Now buffered_paths, flash_geometry and solid_geometry self.create_geometry() def fix_regions(self): """ Overwrites the region polygons with fixed versions if found to be invalid (according to Shapely). """ for region in self.regions: if not region['polygon'].is_valid: region['polygon'] = region['polygon'].buffer(0) def buffer_paths(self): """ This is part of the parsing process. "Thickens" the paths by their appertures. This will only work for circular appertures. :return: None """ self.buffered_paths = [] for path in self.paths: try: width = self.apertures[path["aperture"]]["size"] self.buffered_paths.append(path["linestring"].buffer(width/2)) except KeyError: print "ERROR: Failed to buffer path: ", path print "Apertures: ", self.apertures def aperture_parse(self, gline): """ Parse gerber aperture definition into dictionary of apertures. The following kinds and their attributes are supported: * *Circular (C)*: size (float) * *Rectangle (R)*: width (float), height (float) * *Obround (O)*: width (float), height (float). :param gline: Line of Gerber code known to have an aperture definition. :type gline: str :return: Identifier of the aperture. :rtype: str """ indexstar = gline.find("*") indexc = gline.find("C,") if indexc != -1: # Circle, example: %ADD11C,0.1*% # Found some Gerber with a leading zero in the aperture id and the # referenced it without the zero, so this is a hack to handle that. apid = str(int(gline[4:indexc])) self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "C", "size": float(gline[indexc+2:indexstar])} return apid indexr = gline.find("R,") if indexr != -1: # Rectangle, example: %ADD15R,0.05X0.12*% # Hack explained above apid = str(int(gline[4:indexr])) indexx = gline.find("X") self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "R", "width": float(gline[indexr+2:indexx]), "height": float(gline[indexx+1:indexstar])} return apid indexo = gline.find("O,") if indexo != -1: # Obround # Hack explained above apid = str(int(gline[4:indexo])) indexx = gline.find("X") self.apertures[apid] = {"type": "O", "width": float(gline[indexo+2:indexx]), "height": float(gline[indexx+1:indexstar])} return apid print "WARNING: Aperture not implemented:", gline return None def parse_file(self, filename): """ Calls Gerber.parse_lines() with array of lines read from the given file. """ gfile = open(filename, 'r') gstr = gfile.readlines() gfile.close() self.parse_lines(gstr) def parse_lines(self, glines): """ Main Gerber parser. Reads Gerber and populates ``self.paths``, ``self.apertures``, ``self.flashes``, ``self.regions`` and ``self.units``. :param glines: Gerber code as list of strings, each element being one line of the source file. :type glines: list :return: None :rtype: None """ path = [] # Coordinates of the current path, each is [x, y] last_path_aperture = None current_aperture = None # 1,2 or 3 from "G01", "G02" or "G03" current_interpolation_mode = None # 1 or 2 from "D01" or "D02" # Note this is to support deprecated Gerber not putting # an operation code at the end of every coordinate line. current_operation_code = None # Current coordinates current_x = None current_y = None # How to interprest circular interpolation: SINGLE or MULTI quadrant_mode = None line_num = 0 for gline in glines: line_num += 1 ## G01 - Linear interpolation plus flashes # Operation code (D0x) missing is deprecated... oh well I will support it. match = self.lin_re.search(gline) if match: # Dxx alone? Will ignore for now. if match.group(1) is None and match.group(2) is None and match.group(3) is None: try: current_operation_code = int(match.group(4)) except: pass # A line with just * will match too. continue # Parse coordinates if match.group(2) is not None: current_x = parse_gerber_number(match.group(2), self.frac_digits) if match.group(3) is not None: current_y = parse_gerber_number(match.group(3), self.frac_digits) # Parse operation code if match.group(4) is not None: current_operation_code = int(match.group(4)) # Pen down: add segment if current_operation_code == 1: path.append([current_x, current_y]) last_path_aperture = current_aperture # Pen up: finish path elif current_operation_code == 2: if len(path) > 1: if last_path_aperture is None: print "Warning: No aperture defined for curent path. (%d)" % line_num self.paths.append({"linestring": LineString(path), "aperture": last_path_aperture}) path = [[current_x, current_y]] # Start new path # Flash elif current_operation_code == 3: self.flashes.append({"loc": [current_x, current_y], "aperture": current_aperture}) continue ## G02/3 - Circular interpolation # 2-clockwise, 3-counterclockwise match = self.circ_re.search(gline) if match: mode, x, y, i, j, d = match.groups() try: x = parse_gerber_number(x, self.frac_digits) except: x = current_x try: y = parse_gerber_number(y, self.frac_digits) except: y = current_y try: i = parse_gerber_number(i, self.frac_digits) except: i = 0 try: j = parse_gerber_number(j, self.frac_digits) except: j = 0 if quadrant_mode is None: print "ERROR: Found arc without preceding quadrant specification G74 or G75. (%d)" % line_num print gline continue if mode is None and current_interpolation_mode not in [2, 3]: print "ERROR: Found arc without circular interpolation mode defined. (%d)" % line_num print gline continue elif mode is not None: current_interpolation_mode = int(mode) # Set operation code if provided if d is not None: current_operation_code = int(d) # Nothing created! Pen Up. if current_operation_code == 2: print "Warning: Arc with D2. (%d)" % line_num if len(path) > 1: if last_path_aperture is None: print "Warning: No aperture defined for curent path. (%d)" % line_num self.paths.append({"linestring": LineString(path), "aperture": last_path_aperture}) current_x = x current_y = y path = [[current_x, current_y]] # Start new path continue # Flash should not happen here if current_operation_code == 3: print "ERROR: Trying to flash within arc. (%d)" % line_num continue if quadrant_mode == 'MULTI': center = [i + current_x, j + current_y] radius = sqrt(i**2 + j**2) start = arctan2(-j, -i) stop = arctan2(-center[1] + y, -center[0] + x) arcdir = [None, None, "cw", "ccw"] this_arc = arc(center, radius, start, stop, arcdir[current_interpolation_mode], self.steps_per_circ) # Last point in path is current point current_x = this_arc[-1][0] current_y = this_arc[-1][1] # Append path += this_arc last_path_aperture = current_aperture continue if quadrant_mode == 'SINGLE': print "Warning: Single quadrant arc are not implemented yet. (%d)" % line_num ## G74/75* - Single or multiple quadrant arcs match = self.quad_re.search(gline) if match: if match.group(1) == '4': quadrant_mode = 'SINGLE' else: quadrant_mode = 'MULTI' continue ## G37* - End region if self.regionoff_re.search(gline): # Only one path defines region? if len(path) < 3: print "ERROR: Path contains less than 3 points:" print path print "Line (%d): " % line_num, gline path = [] continue # For regions we may ignore an aperture that is None self.regions.append({"polygon": Polygon(path), "aperture": last_path_aperture}) #path = [] path = [[current_x, current_y]] # Start new path continue if gline.find("%ADD") != -1: # aperture definition self.aperture_parse(gline) # adds element to apertures continue ## G01/2/3* - Interpolation mode change # Can occur along with coordinates and operation code but # sometimes by itself (handled here). # Example: G01* match = self.interp_re.search(gline) if match: current_interpolation_mode = int(match.group(1)) continue ## Tool/aperture change # Example: D12* match = self.tool_re.search(gline) if match: current_aperture = match.group(1) continue ## Number format # Example: %FSLAX24Y24*% # TODO: This is ignoring most of the format. Implement the rest. match = self.fmt_re.search(gline) if match: self.int_digits = int(match.group(3)) self.frac_digits = int(match.group(4)) continue ## Mode (IN/MM) # Example: %MOIN*% match = self.mode_re.search(gline) if match: self.units = match.group(1) continue print "WARNING: Line ignored (%d):" % line_num, gline if len(path) > 1: # EOF, create shapely LineString if something still in path self.paths.append({"linestring": LineString(path), "aperture": last_path_aperture}) def do_flashes(self): """ Creates geometry for Gerber flashes (aperture on a single point). """ self.flash_geometry = [] for flash in self.flashes: aperture = self.apertures[flash['aperture']] if aperture['type'] == 'C': # Circles circle = Point(flash['loc']).buffer(aperture['size']/2) self.flash_geometry.append(circle) continue if aperture['type'] == 'R': # Rectangles loc = flash['loc'] width = aperture['width'] height = aperture['height'] minx = loc[0] - width/2 maxx = loc[0] + width/2 miny = loc[1] - height/2 maxy = loc[1] + height/2 rectangle = shply_box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) self.flash_geometry.append(rectangle) continue if aperture['type'] == 'O': # Obround loc = flash['loc'] width = aperture['width'] height = aperture['height'] if width > height: p1 = Point(loc[0] + 0.5*(width-height), loc[1]) p2 = Point(loc[0] - 0.5*(width-height), loc[1]) c1 = p1.buffer(height*0.5) c2 = p2.buffer(height*0.5) else: p1 = Point(loc[0], loc[1] + 0.5*(height-width)) p2 = Point(loc[0], loc[1] - 0.5*(height-width)) c1 = p1.buffer(width*0.5) c2 = p2.buffer(width*0.5) obround = cascaded_union([c1, c2]).convex_hull self.flash_geometry.append(obround) continue print "WARNING: Aperture type %s not implemented" % (aperture['type']) def create_geometry(self): """ Geometry from a Gerber file is made up entirely of polygons. Every stroke (linear or circular) has an aperture which gives it thickness. Additionally, aperture strokes have non-zero area, and regions naturally do as well. :rtype : None :return: None """ # if len(self.buffered_paths) == 0: # self.buffer_paths() print "... buffer_paths()" self.buffer_paths() print "... fix_regions()" self.fix_regions() print "... do_flashes()" self.do_flashes() print "... cascaded_union()" self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union(self.buffered_paths + [poly['polygon'] for poly in self.regions] + self.flash_geometry) def get_bounding_box(self, margin=0.0, rounded=False): """ Creates and returns a rectangular polygon bounding at a distance of margin from the object's ``solid_geometry``. If margin > 0, the polygon can optionally have rounded corners of radius equal to margin. :param margin: Distance to enlarge the rectangular bounding box in both positive and negative, x and y axes. :type margin: float :param rounded: Wether or not to have rounded corners. :type rounded: bool :return: The bounding box. :rtype: Shapely.Polygon """ bbox = self.solid_geometry.envelope.buffer(margin) if not rounded: bbox = bbox.envelope return bbox class Excellon(Geometry): """ *ATTRIBUTES* * ``tools`` (dict): The key is the tool name and the value is the size (diameter). * ``drills`` (list): Each is a dictionary: ================ ==================================== Key Value ================ ==================================== point (Shapely.Point) Where to drill tool (str) A key in ``tools`` ================ ==================================== """ def __init__(self): """ The constructor takes no parameters. :return: Excellon object. :rtype: Excellon """ Geometry.__init__(self) self.tools = {} self.drills = [] # Trailing "T" or leading "L" self.zeros = "" # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from Geometry. self.ser_attrs += ['tools', 'drills', 'zeros'] #### Patterns #### # Regex basics: # ^ - beginning # $ - end # *: 0 or more, +: 1 or more, ?: 0 or 1 # M48 - Beggining of Part Program Header self.hbegin_re = re.compile(r'^M48$') # M95 or % - End of Part Program Header # NOTE: % has different meaning in the body self.hend_re = re.compile(r'^(?:M95|%)$') # FMAT Excellon format self.fmat_re = re.compile(r'^FMAT,([12])$') # Number format and units # INCH uses 6 digits # METRIC uses 5/6 self.units_re = re.compile(r'^(INCH|METRIC)(?:,([TL])Z)?$') # Tool definition/parameters (?= is look-ahead # NOTE: This might be an overkill! self.toolset_re = re.compile(r'^T(0?\d|\d\d)(?=.*C(\d*\.?\d*))?' + r'(?=.*F(\d*\.?\d*))?(?=.*S(\d*\.?\d*))?' + r'(?=.*B(\d*\.?\d*))?(?=.*H(\d*\.?\d*))?' + r'(?=.*Z(-?\d*\.?\d*))?[CFSBHT]') # Tool select # Can have additional data after tool number but # is ignored if present in the header. # Warning: This will match toolset_re too. self.toolsel_re = re.compile(r'^T((?:\d\d)|(?:\d))') # Comment self.comm_re = re.compile(r'^;(.*)$') # Absolute/Incremental G90/G91 self.absinc_re = re.compile(r'^G9([01])$') # Modes of operation # 1-linear, 2-circCW, 3-cirCCW, 4-vardwell, 5-Drill self.modes_re = re.compile(r'^G0([012345])') # Measuring mode # 1-metric, 2-inch self.meas_re = re.compile(r'^M7([12])$') # Coordinates self.xcoord_re = re.compile(r'^X(\d*\.?\d*)(?:Y\d*\.?\d*)?$') self.ycoord_re = re.compile(r'^(?:X\d*\.?\d*)?Y(\d*\.?\d*)$') # R - Repeat hole (# times, X offset, Y offset) self.rep_re = re.compile(r'^R(\d+)(?=.*[XY])+(?:X(\d*\.?\d*))?(?:Y(\d*\.?\d*))?$') # Various stop/pause commands self.stop_re = re.compile(r'^((G04)|(M09)|(M06)|(M00)|(M30))') def parse_file(self, filename): """ Reads the specified file as array of lines as passes it to ``parse_lines()``. :param filename: The file to be read and parsed. :type filename: str :return: None """ efile = open(filename, 'r') estr = efile.readlines() efile.close() self.parse_lines(estr) def parse_lines(self, elines): """ Main Excellon parser. :param elines: List of strings, each being a line of Excellon code. :type elines: list :return: None """ current_tool = "" in_header = False for eline in elines: ## Header Begin/End ## if self.hbegin_re.search(eline): in_header = True continue if self.hend_re.search(eline): in_header = False continue #### Body #### if not in_header: ## Tool change ## match = self.toolsel_re.search(eline) if match: current_tool = str(int(match.group(1))) continue ## Drill ## indexx = eline.find("X") indexy = eline.find("Y") if indexx != -1 and indexy != -1: x = float(int(eline[indexx+1:indexy])/10000.0) y = float(int(eline[indexy+1:-1])/10000.0) self.drills.append({'point': Point((x, y)), 'tool': current_tool}) continue #### Header #### if in_header: ## Tool definitions ## match = self.toolset_re.search(eline) if match: name = str(int(match.group(1))) spec = { "C": float(match.group(2)), # "F": float(match.group(3)), # "S": float(match.group(4)), # "B": float(match.group(5)), # "H": float(match.group(6)), # "Z": float(match.group(7)) } self.tools[name] = spec continue ## Units and number format ## match = self.units_re.match(eline) if match: self.zeros = match.group(2) # "T" or "L" self.units = {"INCH": "IN", "METRIC": "MM"}[match.group(1)] continue print "WARNING: Line ignored:", eline def create_geometry(self): self.solid_geometry = [] for drill in self.drills: poly = Point(drill['point']).buffer(self.tools[drill['tool']]["C"]/2.0) self.solid_geometry.append(poly) #self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union(self.solid_geometry) def scale(self, factor): """ Scales geometry on the XY plane in the object by a given factor. Tool sizes, feedrates an Z-plane dimensions are untouched. :param factor: Number by which to scale the object. :type factor: float :return: None :rtype: NOne """ # Drills for drill in self.drills: drill['point'] = affinity.scale(drill['point'], factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) self.create_geometry() def offset(self, vect): """ Offsets geometry on the XY plane in the object by a given vector. :param vect: (x, y) offset vector. :type vect: tuple :return: None """ dx, dy = vect # Drills for drill in self.drills: drill['point'] = affinity.translate(drill['point'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy) self.create_geometry() def convert_units(self, units): factor = Geometry.convert_units(self, units) # Tools for tname in self.tools: self.tools[tname]["C"] *= factor self.create_geometry() return factor class CNCjob(Geometry): """ Represents work to be done by a CNC machine. *ATTRIBUTES* * ``gcode_parsed`` (list): Each is a dictionary: ===================== ========================================= Key Value ===================== ========================================= geom (Shapely.LineString) Tool path (XY plane) kind (string) "AB", A is "T" (travel) or "C" (cut). B is "F" (fast) or "S" (slow). ===================== ========================================= """ def __init__(self, units="in", kind="generic", z_move=0.1, feedrate=3.0, z_cut=-0.002, tooldia=0.0): Geometry.__init__(self) self.kind = kind self.units = units self.z_cut = z_cut self.z_move = z_move self.feedrate = feedrate self.tooldia = tooldia self.unitcode = {"IN": "G20", "MM": "G21"} self.pausecode = "G04 P1" self.feedminutecode = "G94" self.absolutecode = "G90" self.gcode = "" self.input_geometry_bounds = None self.gcode_parsed = None self.steps_per_circ = 20 # Used when parsing G-code arcs # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from Geometry. self.ser_attrs += ['kind', 'z_cut', 'z_move', 'feedrate', 'tooldia', 'gcode', 'input_geometry_bounds', 'gcode_parsed', 'steps_per_circ'] def convert_units(self, units): factor = Geometry.convert_units(self, units) print "CNCjob.convert_units()" self.z_cut *= factor self.z_move *= factor self.feedrate *= factor self.tooldia *= factor return factor def generate_from_excellon(self, exobj): """ Generates G-code for drilling from Excellon object. self.gcode becomes a list, each element is a different job for each tool in the excellon code. """ self.kind = "drill" self.gcode = [] t = "G00 X%.4fY%.4f\n" down = "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_cut up = "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move for tool in exobj.tools: points = [] for drill in exobj.drill: if drill['tool'] == tool: points.append(drill['point']) gcode = self.unitcode[self.units.upper()] + "\n" gcode += self.absolutecode + "\n" gcode += self.feedminutecode + "\n" gcode += "F%.2f\n" % self.feedrate gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Move to travel height gcode += "M03\n" # Spindle start gcode += self.pausecode + "\n" for point in points: gcode += t % point gcode += down + up gcode += t % (0, 0) gcode += "M05\n" # Spindle stop self.gcode.append(gcode) def generate_from_excellon_by_tool(self, exobj, tools="all"): """ Creates gcode for this object from an Excellon object for the specified tools. :param exobj: Excellon object to process :type exobj: Excellon :param tools: Comma separated tool names :type: tools: str :return: None :rtype: None """ print "Creating CNC Job from Excellon..." if tools == "all": tools = [tool for tool in exobj.tools] else: tools = [x.strip() for x in tools.split(",")] tools = filter(lambda y: y in exobj.tools, tools) print "Tools are:", tools points = [] for drill in exobj.drills: if drill['tool'] in tools: points.append(drill['point']) print "Found %d drills." % len(points) #self.kind = "drill" self.gcode = [] t = "G00 X%.4fY%.4f\n" down = "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_cut up = "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move gcode = self.unitcode[self.units.upper()] + "\n" gcode += self.absolutecode + "\n" gcode += self.feedminutecode + "\n" gcode += "F%.2f\n" % self.feedrate gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Move to travel height gcode += "M03\n" # Spindle start gcode += self.pausecode + "\n" for point in points: x, y = point.coords.xy gcode += t % (x[0], y[0]) gcode += down + up gcode += t % (0, 0) gcode += "M05\n" # Spindle stop self.gcode = gcode def generate_from_geometry(self, geometry, append=True, tooldia=None, tolerance=0): """ Generates G-Code from a Geometry object. Stores in ``self.gcode``. :param geometry: Geometry defining the toolpath :type geometry: Geometry :param append: Wether to append to self.gcode or re-write it. :type append: bool :param tooldia: If given, sets the tooldia property but does not affect the process in any other way. :type tooldia: bool :param tolerance: All points in the simplified object will be within the tolerance distance of the original geometry. :return: None :rtype: None """ if tooldia is not None: self.tooldia = tooldia self.input_geometry_bounds = geometry.bounds() if not append: self.gcode = "" self.gcode = self.unitcode[self.units.upper()] + "\n" self.gcode += self.absolutecode + "\n" self.gcode += self.feedminutecode + "\n" self.gcode += "F%.2f\n" % self.feedrate self.gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Move to travel height self.gcode += "M03\n" # Spindle start self.gcode += self.pausecode + "\n" for geo in geometry.solid_geometry: if type(geo) == Polygon: self.gcode += self.polygon2gcode(geo, tolerance=tolerance) continue if type(geo) == LineString or type(geo) == LinearRing: self.gcode += self.linear2gcode(geo, tolerance=tolerance) continue if type(geo) == Point: self.gcode += self.point2gcode(geo) continue if type(geo) == MultiPolygon: for poly in geo: self.gcode += self.polygon2gcode(poly, tolerance=tolerance) continue print "WARNING: G-code generation not implemented for %s" % (str(type(geo))) self.gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Stop cutting self.gcode += "G00 X0Y0\n" self.gcode += "M05\n" # Spindle stop def pre_parse(self, gtext): """ Separates parts of the G-Code text into a list of dictionaries. Used by ``self.gcode_parse()``. :param gtext: A single string with g-code """ # Units: G20-inches, G21-mm units_re = re.compile(r'^G2([01])') # TODO: This has to be re-done gcmds = [] lines = gtext.split("\n") # TODO: This is probably a lot of work! for line in lines: # Clean up line = line.strip() # Remove comments # NOTE: Limited to 1 bracket pair op = line.find("(") cl = line.find(")") if op > -1 and cl > op: #comment = line[op+1:cl] line = line[:op] + line[(cl+1):] # Units match = units_re.match(line) if match: self.units = {'0': "IN", '1': "MM"}[match.group(1)] # Parse GCode # 0 4 12 # G01 X-0.007 Y-0.057 # --> codes_idx = [0, 4, 12] codes = "NMGXYZIJFP" codes_idx = [] i = 0 for ch in line: if ch in codes: codes_idx.append(i) i += 1 n_codes = len(codes_idx) if n_codes == 0: continue # Separate codes in line parts = [] for p in range(n_codes-1): parts.append(line[codes_idx[p]:codes_idx[p+1]].strip()) parts.append(line[codes_idx[-1]:].strip()) # Separate codes from values cmds = {} for part in parts: cmds[part[0]] = float(part[1:]) gcmds.append(cmds) return gcmds def gcode_parse(self): """ G-Code parser (from self.gcode). Generates dictionary with single-segment LineString's and "kind" indicating cut or travel, fast or feedrate speed. """ kind = ["C", "F"] # T=travel, C=cut, F=fast, S=slow # Results go here geometry = [] # TODO: Merge into single parser? gobjs = self.pre_parse(self.gcode) # Last known instruction current = {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0, 'G': 0} # Current path: temporary storage until tool is # lifted or lowered. path = [] # Process every instruction for gobj in gobjs: # Changing height: if 'Z' in gobj: if ('X' in gobj or 'Y' in gobj) and gobj['Z'] != current['Z']: print "WARNING: Non-orthogonal motion: From", current print " To:", gobj current['Z'] = gobj['Z'] # Store the path into geometry and reset path if len(path) > 1: geometry.append({"geom": LineString(path), "kind": kind}) path = [path[-1]] # Start with the last point of last path. if 'G' in gobj: current['G'] = int(gobj['G']) if 'X' in gobj or 'Y' in gobj: if 'X' in gobj: x = gobj['X'] else: x = current['X'] if 'Y' in gobj: y = gobj['Y'] else: y = current['Y'] kind = ["C", "F"] # T=travel, C=cut, F=fast, S=slow if current['Z'] > 0: kind[0] = 'T' if current['G'] > 0: kind[1] = 'S' arcdir = [None, None, "cw", "ccw"] if current['G'] in [0, 1]: # line path.append((x, y)) if current['G'] in [2, 3]: # arc center = [gobj['I'] + current['X'], gobj['J'] + current['Y']] radius = sqrt(gobj['I']**2 + gobj['J']**2) start = arctan2(-gobj['J'], -gobj['I']) stop = arctan2(-center[1]+y, -center[0]+x) path += arc(center, radius, start, stop, arcdir[current['G']], self.steps_per_circ) # Update current instruction for code in gobj: current[code] = gobj[code] self.gcode_parsed = geometry return geometry # def plot(self, tooldia=None, dpi=75, margin=0.1, # color={"T": ["#F0E24D", "#B5AB3A"], "C": ["#5E6CFF", "#4650BD"]}, # alpha={"T": 0.3, "C": 1.0}): # """ # Creates a Matplotlib figure with a plot of the # G-code job. # """ # if tooldia is None: # tooldia = self.tooldia # # fig = Figure(dpi=dpi) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax.set_aspect(1) # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.input_geometry_bounds # ax.set_xlim(xmin-margin, xmax+margin) # ax.set_ylim(ymin-margin, ymax+margin) # # if tooldia == 0: # for geo in self.gcode_parsed: # linespec = '--' # linecolor = color[geo['kind'][0]][1] # if geo['kind'][0] == 'C': # linespec = 'k-' # x, y = geo['geom'].coords.xy # ax.plot(x, y, linespec, color=linecolor) # else: # for geo in self.gcode_parsed: # poly = geo['geom'].buffer(tooldia/2.0) # patch = PolygonPatch(poly, facecolor=color[geo['kind'][0]][0], # edgecolor=color[geo['kind'][0]][1], # alpha=alpha[geo['kind'][0]], zorder=2) # ax.add_patch(patch) # # return fig def plot2(self, axes, tooldia=None, dpi=75, margin=0.1, color={"T": ["#F0E24D", "#B5AB3A"], "C": ["#5E6CFF", "#4650BD"]}, alpha={"T": 0.3, "C": 1.0}, tool_tolerance=0.0005): """ Plots the G-code job onto the given axes. :param axes: Matplotlib axes on which to plot. :param tooldia: Tool diameter. :param dpi: Not used! :param margin: Not used! :param color: Color specification. :param alpha: Transparency specification. :param tool_tolerance: Tolerance when drawing the toolshape. :return: None """ if tooldia is None: tooldia = self.tooldia if tooldia == 0: for geo in self.gcode_parsed: linespec = '--' linecolor = color[geo['kind'][0]][1] if geo['kind'][0] == 'C': linespec = 'k-' x, y = geo['geom'].coords.xy axes.plot(x, y, linespec, color=linecolor) else: for geo in self.gcode_parsed: poly = geo['geom'].buffer(tooldia/2.0).simplify(tool_tolerance) patch = PolygonPatch(poly, facecolor=color[geo['kind'][0]][0], edgecolor=color[geo['kind'][0]][1], alpha=alpha[geo['kind'][0]], zorder=2) axes.add_patch(patch) def create_geometry(self): # TODO: This takes forever. Too much data? self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in self.gcode_parsed]) def polygon2gcode(self, polygon, tolerance=0): """ Creates G-Code for the exterior and all interior paths of a polygon. :param polygon: A Shapely.Polygon :type polygon: Shapely.Polygon :param tolerance: All points in the simplified object will be within the tolerance distance of the original geometry. :type tolerance: float :return: G-code to cut along polygon. :rtype: str """ if tolerance > 0: target_polygon = polygon.simplify(tolerance) else: target_polygon = polygon gcode = "" t = "G0%d X%.4fY%.4f\n" path = list(target_polygon.exterior.coords) # Polygon exterior gcode += t % (0, path[0][0], path[0][1]) # Move to first point gcode += "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_cut # Start cutting for pt in path[1:]: gcode += t % (1, pt[0], pt[1]) # Linear motion to point gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Stop cutting for ints in target_polygon.interiors: # Polygon interiors path = list(ints.coords) gcode += t % (0, path[0][0], path[0][1]) # Move to first point gcode += "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_cut # Start cutting for pt in path[1:]: gcode += t % (1, pt[0], pt[1]) # Linear motion to point gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Stop cutting return gcode def linear2gcode(self, linear, tolerance=0): """ Generates G-code to cut along the linear feature. :param linear: The path to cut along. :type: Shapely.LinearRing or Shapely.Linear String :param tolerance: All points in the simplified object will be within the tolerance distance of the original geometry. :type tolerance: float :return: G-code to cut alon the linear feature. :rtype: str """ if tolerance > 0: target_linear = linear.simplify(tolerance) else: target_linear = linear gcode = "" t = "G0%d X%.4fY%.4f\n" path = list(target_linear.coords) gcode += t % (0, path[0][0], path[0][1]) # Move to first point gcode += "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_cut # Start cutting for pt in path[1:]: gcode += t % (1, pt[0], pt[1]) # Linear motion to point gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Stop cutting return gcode def point2gcode(self, point): # TODO: This is not doing anything. gcode = "" t = "G0%d X%.4fY%.4f\n" path = list(point.coords) gcode += t % (0, path[0][0], path[0][1]) # Move to first point gcode += "G01 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_cut # Start cutting gcode += "G00 Z%.4f\n" % self.z_move # Stop cutting def scale(self, factor): """ Scales all the geometry on the XY plane in the object by the given factor. Tool sizes, feedrates, or Z-axis dimensions are not altered. :param factor: Number by which to scale the object. :type factor: float :return: None :rtype: None """ for g in self.gcode_parsed: g['geom'] = affinity.scale(g['geom'], factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) self.create_geometry() def offset(self, vect): """ Offsets all the geometry on the XY plane in the object by the given vector. :param vect: (x, y) offset vector. :type vect: tuple :return: None """ dx, dy = vect for g in self.gcode_parsed: g['geom'] = affinity.translate(g['geom'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy) self.create_geometry() def get_bounds(geometry_set): xmin = Inf ymin = Inf xmax = -Inf ymax = -Inf print "Getting bounds of:", str(geometry_set) for gs in geometry_set: try: gxmin, gymin, gxmax, gymax = geometry_set[gs].bounds() xmin = min([xmin, gxmin]) ymin = min([ymin, gymin]) xmax = max([xmax, gxmax]) ymax = max([ymax, gymax]) except: print "DEV WARNING: Tried to get bounds of empty geometry." return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] def arc(center, radius, start, stop, direction, steps_per_circ): """ Creates a list of point along the specified arc. :param center: Coordinates of the center [x, y] :type center: list :param radius: Radius of the arc. :type radius: float :param start: Starting angle in radians :type start: float :param stop: End angle in radians :type stop: float :param direction: Orientation of the arc, "CW" or "CCW" :type direction: string :param steps_per_circ: Number of straight line segments to represent a circle. :type steps_per_circ: int :return: The desired arc, as list of tuples :rtype: list """ # TODO: Resolution should be established by fraction of total length, not angle. da_sign = {"cw": -1.0, "ccw": 1.0} points = [] if direction == "ccw" and stop <= start: stop += 2*pi if direction == "cw" and stop >= start: stop -= 2*pi angle = abs(stop - start) #angle = stop-start steps = max([int(ceil(angle/(2*pi)*steps_per_circ)), 2]) delta_angle = da_sign[direction]*angle*1.0/steps for i in range(steps+1): theta = start + delta_angle*i points.append((center[0]+radius*cos(theta), center[1]+radius*sin(theta))) return points def clear_poly(poly, tooldia, overlap=0.1): """ Creates a list of Shapely geometry objects covering the inside of a Shapely.Polygon. Use for removing all the copper in a region or bed flattening. :param poly: Target polygon :type poly: Shapely.Polygon :param tooldia: Diameter of the tool :type tooldia: float :param overlap: Fraction of the tool diameter to overlap in each pass. :type overlap: float :return: list of Shapely.Polygon :rtype: list """ poly_cuts = [poly.buffer(-tooldia/2.0)] while True: poly = poly_cuts[-1].buffer(-tooldia*(1-overlap)) if poly.area > 0: poly_cuts.append(poly) else: break return poly_cuts def find_polygon(poly_set, point): """ Return the first polygon in the list of polygons poly_set that contains the given point. """ p = Point(point) for poly in poly_set: if poly.contains(p): return poly return None def to_dict(geo): output = '' if isinstance(geo, BaseGeometry): return { "__class__": "Shply", "__inst__": sdumps(geo) } return geo def dict2obj(d): if '__class__' in d and '__inst__' in d: # For now assume all classes are Shapely geometry. return sloads(d['__inst__']) else: return d def plotg(geo): try: _ = iter(geo) except: geo = [geo] for g in geo: if type(g) == Polygon: x, y = g.exterior.coords.xy plot(x, y) for ints in g.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy plot(x, y) continue if type(g) == LineString or type(g) == LinearRing: x, y = g.coords.xy plot(x, y) continue if type(g) == Point: x, y = g.coords.xy plot(x, y, 'o') continue try: _ = iter(g) plotg(g) except: print "Cannot plot:", str(type(g)) continue def parse_gerber_number(strnumber, frac_digits): """ Parse a single number of Gerber coordinates. :param strnumber: String containing a number in decimal digits from a coordinate data block, possibly with a leading sign. :type strnumber: str :param frac_digits: Number of digits used for the fractional part of the number :type frac_digits: int :return: The number in floating point. :rtype: float """ return int(strnumber)*(10**(-frac_digits)) def parse_gerber_coords(gstr, int_digits, frac_digits): """ Parse Gerber coordinates :param gstr: Line of G-Code containing coordinates. :type gstr: str :param int_digits: Number of digits in integer part of a number. :type int_digits: int :param frac_digits: Number of digits in frac_digits part of a number. :type frac_digits: int :return: [x, y] coordinates. :rtype: list """ global gerbx, gerby xindex = gstr.find("X") yindex = gstr.find("Y") index = gstr.find("D") if xindex == -1: x = gerbx y = int(gstr[(yindex+1):index])*(10**(-frac_digits)) elif yindex == -1: y = gerby x = int(gstr[(xindex+1):index])*(10**(-frac_digits)) else: x = int(gstr[(xindex+1):yindex])*(10**(-frac_digits)) y = int(gstr[(yindex+1):index])*(10**(-frac_digits)) gerbx = x gerby = y return [x, y]