"""Paths and patches""" from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch from matplotlib.path import Path from numpy import asarray, concatenate, ones class Polygon(object): # Adapt Shapely or GeoJSON/geo_interface polygons to a common interface def __init__(self, context): if hasattr(context, 'interiors'): self.context = context else: self.context = getattr(context, '__geo_interface__', context) @property def geom_type(self): return (getattr(self.context, 'geom_type', None) or self.context['type']) @property def exterior(self): return (getattr(self.context, 'exterior', None) or self.context['coordinates'][0]) @property def interiors(self): value = getattr(self.context, 'interiors', None) if value is None: value = self.context['coordinates'][1:] return value def PolygonPath(polygon): """Constructs a compound matplotlib path from a Shapely or GeoJSON-like geometric object""" this = Polygon(polygon) assert this.geom_type == 'Polygon' def coding(ob): # The codes will be all "LINETO" commands, except for "MOVETO"s at the # beginning of each subpath n = len(getattr(ob, 'coords', None) or ob) vals = ones(n, dtype=Path.code_type) * Path.LINETO vals[0] = Path.MOVETO return vals vertices = concatenate( [asarray(this.exterior)] + [asarray(r) for r in this.interiors]) codes = concatenate( [coding(this.exterior)] + [coding(r) for r in this.interiors]) return Path(vertices, codes) def PolygonPatch(polygon, **kwargs): """Constructs a matplotlib patch from a geometric object The `polygon` may be a Shapely or GeoJSON-like object with or without holes. The `kwargs` are those supported by the matplotlib.patches.Polygon class constructor. Returns an instance of matplotlib.patches.PathPatch. Example (using Shapely Point and a matplotlib axes): >>> b = Point(0, 0).buffer(1.0) >>> patch = PolygonPatch(b, fc='blue', ec='blue', alpha=0.5) >>> axis.add_patch(patch) """ return PathPatch(PolygonPath(polygon), **kwargs)