from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot from copy import copy import re import logging log = logging.getLogger('base') EDIT_SIZE_HINT = 70 class RadioSet(QtWidgets.QWidget): activated_custom = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, choices, orientation='horizontal', parent=None, stretch=None): """ The choices are specified as a list of dictionaries containing: * 'label': Shown in the UI * 'value': The value returned is selected :param choices: List of choices. See description. :param orientation: 'horizontal' (default) of 'vertical'. :param parent: Qt parent widget. :type choices: list """ super(RadioSet, self).__init__(parent) self.choices = copy(choices) if orientation == 'horizontal': layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() else: layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() group = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup(self) for choice in self.choices: choice['radio'] = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(choice['label']) group.addButton(choice['radio']) layout.addWidget(choice['radio'], stretch=0) choice['radio'].toggled.connect(self.on_toggle) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) if stretch is False: pass else: layout.addStretch() self.setLayout(layout) self.group_toggle_fn = lambda: None def on_toggle(self): # log.debug("Radio toggled") radio = self.sender() if radio.isChecked(): self.group_toggle_fn() self.activated_custom.emit() return def get_value(self): for choice in self.choices: if choice['radio'].isChecked(): return choice['value'] log.error("No button was toggled in RadioSet.") return None def set_value(self, val): for choice in self.choices: if choice['value'] == val: choice['radio'].setChecked(True) return log.error("Value given is not part of this RadioSet: %s" % str(val)) # class RadioGroupChoice(QtWidgets.QWidget): # def __init__(self, label_1, label_2, to_check, hide_list, show_list, parent=None): # """ # The choices are specified as a list of dictionaries containing: # # * 'label': Shown in the UI # * 'value': The value returned is selected # # :param choices: List of choices. See description. # :param orientation: 'horizontal' (default) of 'vertical'. # :param parent: Qt parent widget. # :type choices: list # """ # super().__init__(parent) # # group = QtGui.QButtonGroup(self) # # self.lbl1 = label_1 # self.lbl2 = label_2 # self.hide_list = hide_list # self.show_list = show_list # # self.btn1 = QtGui.QRadioButton(str(label_1)) # self.btn2 = QtGui.QRadioButton(str(label_2)) # group.addButton(self.btn1) # group.addButton(self.btn2) # # if to_check == 1: # self.btn1.setChecked(True) # else: # self.btn2.setChecked(True) # # self.btn1.toggled.connect(lambda: self.btn_state(self.btn1)) # self.btn2.toggled.connect(lambda: self.btn_state(self.btn2)) # # def btn_state(self, btn): # if btn.text() == self.lbl1: # if btn.isChecked() is True: # self.show_widgets(self.show_list) # self.hide_widgets(self.hide_list) # else: # self.show_widgets(self.hide_list) # self.hide_widgets(self.show_list) # # def hide_widgets(self, lst): # for wgt in lst: # wgt.hide() # # def show_widgets(self, lst): # for wgt in lst: # class LengthEntry(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, output_units='IN', parent=None): super(LengthEntry, self).__init__(parent) self.output_units = output_units self.format_re = re.compile(r"^([^\s]+)(?:\s([a-zA-Z]+))?$") # Unit conversion table OUTPUT-INPUT self.scales = { 'IN': {'IN': 1.0, 'MM': 1/25.4}, 'MM': {'IN': 25.4, 'MM': 1.0} } self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, Parent=None): super(LengthEntry, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(LengthEntry, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def returnPressed(self, *args, **kwargs): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.set_text(str(val)) else: log.warning("Could not interpret entry: %s" % self.get_text()) def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') # match = try: units = raw[-2:] units = self.scales[self.output_units][units.upper()] value = raw[:-2] return float(eval(value))*units except IndexError: value = raw return float(eval(value)) except KeyError: value = raw return float(eval(value)) except: log.warning("Could not parse value in entry: %s" % str(raw)) return None def set_value(self, val): self.setText(str('%.4f' % val)) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(LengthEntry, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FloatEntry(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FloatEntry, self).__init__(parent) self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, Parent=None): super(FloatEntry, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(FloatEntry, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def returnPressed(self, *args, **kwargs): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.set_text(str(val)) else: log.warning("Could not interpret entry: %s" % self.text()) def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') evaled = 0.0 try: evaled = eval(raw) except: if evaled is not None: log.error("Could not evaluate: %s" % str(raw)) return None return float(evaled) def set_value(self, val): if val is not None: self.setText("%.6f" % val) else: self.setText("") def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(FloatEntry, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FloatEntry2(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FloatEntry2, self).__init__(parent) self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, Parent=None): super(FloatEntry2, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(FloatEntry2, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') evaled = 0.0 try: evaled = eval(raw) except: if evaled is not None: log.error("Could not evaluate: %s" % str(raw)) return None return float(evaled) def set_value(self, val): self.setText("%.6f" % val) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(FloatEntry2, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class IntEntry(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None, allow_empty=False, empty_val=None): super(IntEntry, self).__init__(parent) self.allow_empty = allow_empty self.empty_val = empty_val self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, Parent=None): super(IntEntry, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(IntEntry, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def get_value(self): if self.allow_empty: if str(self.text()) == "": return self.empty_val # make the text() first a float and then int because if text is a float type, # the int() can't convert directly a "text float" into a int type. ret_val = float(self.text()) ret_val = int(ret_val) return ret_val def set_value(self, val): if val == self.empty_val and self.allow_empty: self.setText("") return self.setText(str(val)) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(IntEntry, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FCEntry(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCEntry, self).__init__(parent) self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, Parent=None): super(FCEntry, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(FCEntry, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def get_value(self): return str(self.text()) def set_value(self, val): self.setText(str(val)) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(FCEntry, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FCEntry2(FCEntry): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCEntry2, self).__init__(parent) self.readyToEdit = True def set_value(self, val): self.setText('%.5f' % float(val)) class EvalEntry(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(EvalEntry, self).__init__(parent) self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, Parent=None): super(EvalEntry, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(EvalEntry, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def returnPressed(self, *args, **kwargs): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.setText(str(val)) else: log.warning("Could not interpret entry: %s" % self.get_text()) def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') evaled = 0.0 try: evaled = eval(raw) except: if evaled is not None: log.error("Could not evaluate: %s" % str(raw)) return None return evaled def set_value(self, val): self.setText(str(val)) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(EvalEntry, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class EvalEntry2(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(EvalEntry2, self).__init__(parent) self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, Parent=None): super(EvalEntry2, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(EvalEntry2, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def get_value(self): raw = str(self.text()).strip(' ') evaled = 0.0 try: evaled = eval(raw) except: if evaled is not None: log.error("Could not evaluate: %s" % str(raw)) return None return evaled def set_value(self, val): self.setText(str(val)) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(EvalEntry2, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FCCheckBox(QtWidgets.QCheckBox): def __init__(self, label='', parent=None): super(FCCheckBox, self).__init__(str(label), parent) def get_value(self): return self.isChecked() def set_value(self, val): self.setChecked(val) def toggle(self): self.set_value(not self.get_value()) class FCTextArea(QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCTextArea, self).__init__(parent) def set_value(self, val): self.setPlainText(val) def get_value(self): return str(self.toPlainText()) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(FCTextArea, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FCTextAreaRich(QtWidgets.QTextEdit): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCTextAreaRich, self).__init__(parent) def set_value(self, val): self.setText(val) def get_value(self): return str(self.toPlainText()) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(FCTextAreaRich, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FCComboBox(QtWidgets.QComboBox): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCComboBox, self).__init__(parent) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) def wheelEvent(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def get_value(self): return str(self.currentText()) def set_value(self, val): self.setCurrentIndex(self.findText(str(val))) class FCInputDialog(QtWidgets.QInputDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None, ok=False, val=None, title=None, text=None, min=None, max=None, decimals=None): super(FCInputDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.allow_empty = ok self.empty_val = val if title is None: self.title = 'title' else: self.title = title if text is None: self.text = 'text' else: self.text = text if min is None: self.min = 0 else: self.min = min if max is None: self.max = 0 else: self.max = max if decimals is None: self.decimals = 6 else: self.decimals = decimals def get_value(self): self.val,self.ok = self.getDouble(self, self.title, self.text, min=self.min, max=self.max, decimals=self.decimals) return [self.val, self.ok] # "Transform", "Enter the Angle value:" def set_value(self, val): pass class FCButton(QtWidgets.QPushButton): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCButton, self).__init__(parent) def get_value(self): return self.isChecked() def set_value(self, val): self.setText(str(val)) class FCTab(QtWidgets.QTabWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCTab, self).__init__(parent) self.setTabsClosable(True) self.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.closeTab) def deleteTab(self, currentIndex): widget = self.widget(currentIndex) if widget is not None: widget.deleteLater() self.removeTab(currentIndex) def closeTab(self, currentIndex): self.removeTab(currentIndex) def protectTab(self, currentIndex): self.tabBar().setTabButton(currentIndex, QtWidgets.QTabBar.RightSide, None) class FCDetachableTab(QtWidgets.QTabWidget): # From here: def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__() self.tabBar = self.FCTabBar(self) self.tabBar.onDetachTabSignal.connect(self.detachTab) self.tabBar.onMoveTabSignal.connect(self.moveTab) self.tabBar.detachedTabDropSignal.connect(self.detachedTabDrop) self.setTabBar(self.tabBar) # Used to keep a reference to detached tabs since their QMainWindow # does not have a parent self.detachedTabs = {} # Close all detached tabs if the application is closed explicitly QtWidgets.qApp.aboutToQuit.connect(self.closeDetachedTabs) # @UndefinedVariable self.setTabsClosable(True) self.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.closeTab) def deleteTab(self, currentIndex): widget = self.widget(currentIndex) if widget is not None: widget.deleteLater() self.removeTab(currentIndex) def closeTab(self, currentIndex): self.removeTab(currentIndex) def protectTab(self, currentIndex): # self.FCTabBar().setTabButton(currentIndex, QtWidgets.QTabBar.RightSide, None) self.tabBar.setTabButton(currentIndex, QtWidgets.QTabBar.RightSide, None) ## # The default movable functionality of QTabWidget must remain disabled # so as not to conflict with the added features def setMovable(self, movable): pass ## # Move a tab from one position (index) to another # # @param fromIndex the original index location of the tab # @param toIndex the new index location of the tab @pyqtSlot(int, int) def moveTab(self, fromIndex, toIndex): widget = self.widget(fromIndex) icon = self.tabIcon(fromIndex) text = self.tabText(fromIndex) self.removeTab(fromIndex) self.insertTab(toIndex, widget, icon, text) self.setCurrentIndex(toIndex) ## # Detach the tab by removing it's contents and placing them in # a DetachedTab window # # @param index the index location of the tab to be detached # @param point the screen position for creating the new DetachedTab window @pyqtSlot(int, QtCore.QPoint) def detachTab(self, index, point): # Get the tab content name = self.tabText(index) icon = self.tabIcon(index) if icon.isNull(): icon = self.window().windowIcon() contentWidget = self.widget(index) try: contentWidgetRect = contentWidget.frameGeometry() except AttributeError: return # Create a new detached tab window detachedTab = self.FCDetachedTab(name, contentWidget) detachedTab.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.NonModal) detachedTab.setWindowIcon(icon) detachedTab.setGeometry(contentWidgetRect) detachedTab.onCloseSignal.connect(self.attachTab) detachedTab.onDropSignal.connect(self.tabBar.detachedTabDrop) detachedTab.move(point) # Create a reference to maintain access to the detached tab self.detachedTabs[name] = detachedTab ## # Re-attach the tab by removing the content from the DetachedTab window, # closing it, and placing the content back into the DetachableTabWidget # # @param contentWidget the content widget from the DetachedTab window # @param name the name of the detached tab # @param icon the window icon for the detached tab # @param insertAt insert the re-attached tab at the given index def attachTab(self, contentWidget, name, icon, insertAt=None): # Make the content widget a child of this widget contentWidget.setParent(self) # Remove the reference del self.detachedTabs[name] # Create an image from the given icon (for comparison) if not icon.isNull(): try: tabIconPixmap = icon.pixmap(icon.availableSizes()[0]) tabIconImage = tabIconPixmap.toImage() except IndexError: tabIconImage = None else: tabIconImage = None # Create an image of the main window icon (for comparison) if not icon.isNull(): try: windowIconPixmap = self.window().windowIcon().pixmap(icon.availableSizes()[0]) windowIconImage = windowIconPixmap.toImage() except IndexError: windowIconImage = None else: windowIconImage = None # Determine if the given image and the main window icon are the same. # If they are, then do not add the icon to the tab if tabIconImage == windowIconImage: if insertAt == None: index = self.addTab(contentWidget, name) else: index = self.insertTab(insertAt, contentWidget, name) else: if insertAt == None: index = self.addTab(contentWidget, icon, name) else: index = self.insertTab(insertAt, contentWidget, icon, name) # Make this tab the current tab if index > -1: self.setCurrentIndex(index) ## # Remove the tab with the given name, even if it is detached # # @param name the name of the tab to be removed def removeTabByName(self, name): # Remove the tab if it is attached attached = False for index in range(self.count()): if str(name) == str(self.tabText(index)): self.removeTab(index) attached = True break # If the tab is not attached, close it's window and # remove the reference to it if not attached: for key in self.detachedTabs: if str(name) == str(key): self.detachedTabs[key].onCloseSignal.disconnect() self.detachedTabs[key].close() del self.detachedTabs[key] break ## # Handle dropping of a detached tab inside the DetachableTabWidget # # @param name the name of the detached tab # @param index the index of an existing tab (if the tab bar # determined that the drop occurred on an # existing tab) # @param dropPos the mouse cursor position when the drop occurred @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, int, QtCore.QPoint) def detachedTabDrop(self, name, index, dropPos): # If the drop occurred on an existing tab, insert the detached # tab at the existing tab's location if index > -1: # Create references to the detached tab's content and icon contentWidget = self.detachedTabs[name].contentWidget icon = self.detachedTabs[name].windowIcon() # Disconnect the detached tab's onCloseSignal so that it # does not try to re-attach automatically self.detachedTabs[name].onCloseSignal.disconnect() # Close the detached self.detachedTabs[name].close() # Re-attach the tab at the given index self.attachTab(contentWidget, name, icon, index) # If the drop did not occur on an existing tab, determine if the drop # occurred in the tab bar area (the area to the side of the QTabBar) else: # Find the drop position relative to the DetachableTabWidget tabDropPos = self.mapFromGlobal(dropPos) # If the drop position is inside the DetachableTabWidget... if self.rect().contains(tabDropPos): # If the drop position is inside the tab bar area (the # area to the side of the QTabBar) or there are not tabs # currently attached... if tabDropPos.y() < self.tabBar.height() or self.count() == 0: # Close the detached tab and allow it to re-attach # automatically self.detachedTabs[name].close() ## # Close all tabs that are currently detached. def closeDetachedTabs(self): listOfDetachedTabs = [] for key in self.detachedTabs: listOfDetachedTabs.append(self.detachedTabs[key]) for detachedTab in listOfDetachedTabs: detachedTab.close() ## # When a tab is detached, the contents are placed into this QMainWindow. The tab # can be re-attached by closing the dialog or by dragging the window into the tab bar class FCDetachedTab(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): onCloseSignal = pyqtSignal(QtWidgets.QWidget, str, QtGui.QIcon) onDropSignal = pyqtSignal(str, QtCore.QPoint) def __init__(self, name, contentWidget): QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, None) self.setObjectName(name) self.setWindowTitle(name) self.contentWidget = contentWidget self.setCentralWidget(self.contentWidget) self.windowDropFilter = self.WindowDropFilter() self.installEventFilter(self.windowDropFilter) self.windowDropFilter.onDropSignal.connect(self.windowDropSlot) ## # Handle a window drop event # # @param dropPos the mouse cursor position of the drop @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtCore.QPoint) def windowDropSlot(self, dropPos): self.onDropSignal.emit(self.objectName(), dropPos) ## # If the window is closed, emit the onCloseSignal and give the # content widget back to the DetachableTabWidget # # @param event a close event def closeEvent(self, event): self.onCloseSignal.emit(self.contentWidget, self.objectName(), self.windowIcon()) ## # An event filter class to detect a QMainWindow drop event class WindowDropFilter(QtCore.QObject): onDropSignal = pyqtSignal(QtCore.QPoint) def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.lastEvent = None ## # Detect a QMainWindow drop event by looking for a NonClientAreaMouseMove (173) # event that immediately follows a Move event # # @param obj the object that generated the event # @param event the current event def eventFilter(self, obj, event): # If a NonClientAreaMouseMove (173) event immediately follows a Move event... if self.lastEvent == QtCore.QEvent.Move and event.type() == 173: # Determine the position of the mouse cursor and emit it with the # onDropSignal mouseCursor = QtGui.QCursor() dropPos = mouseCursor.pos() self.onDropSignal.emit(dropPos) self.lastEvent = event.type() return True else: self.lastEvent = event.type() return False class FCTabBar(QtWidgets.QTabBar): onDetachTabSignal = pyqtSignal(int, QtCore.QPoint) onMoveTabSignal = pyqtSignal(int, int) detachedTabDropSignal = pyqtSignal(str, int, QtCore.QPoint) def __init__(self, parent=None): QtWidgets.QTabBar.__init__(self, parent) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setElideMode(QtCore.Qt.ElideRight) self.setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(QtWidgets.QTabBar.SelectLeftTab) self.dragStartPos = QtCore.QPoint() self.dragDropedPos = QtCore.QPoint() self.mouseCursor = QtGui.QCursor() self.dragInitiated = False # Send the onDetachTabSignal when a tab is double clicked # # @param event a mouse double click event def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): event.accept() self.onDetachTabSignal.emit(self.tabAt(event.pos()), self.mouseCursor.pos()) # Set the starting position for a drag event when the mouse button is pressed # # @param event a mouse press event def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.dragStartPos = event.pos() self.dragDropedPos.setX(0) self.dragDropedPos.setY(0) self.dragInitiated = False QtWidgets.QTabBar.mousePressEvent(self, event) # Determine if the current movement is a drag. If it is, convert it into a QDrag. If the # drag ends inside the tab bar, emit an onMoveTabSignal. If the drag ends outside the tab # bar, emit an onDetachTabSignal. # # @param event a mouse move event def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # Determine if the current movement is detected as a drag if not self.dragStartPos.isNull() and ((event.pos() - self.dragStartPos).manhattanLength() < QtWidgets.QApplication.startDragDistance()): self.dragInitiated = True # If the current movement is a drag initiated by the left button if (((event.buttons() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton)) and self.dragInitiated): # Stop the move event finishMoveEvent = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove, event.pos(), QtCore.Qt.NoButton, QtCore.Qt.NoButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) QtWidgets.QTabBar.mouseMoveEvent(self, finishMoveEvent) # Convert the move event into a drag drag = QtGui.QDrag(self) mimeData = QtCore.QMimeData() # mimeData.setData('action', 'application/tab-detach') drag.setMimeData(mimeData) # screen = QScreen(self.parentWidget().currentWidget().winId()) # Create the appearance of dragging the tab content pixmap = self.parent().widget(self.tabAt(self.dragStartPos)).grab() targetPixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(pixmap.size()) targetPixmap.fill(QtCore.Qt.transparent) painter = QtGui.QPainter(targetPixmap) painter.setOpacity(0.85) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap) painter.end() drag.setPixmap(targetPixmap) # Initiate the drag dropAction = drag.exec_(QtCore.Qt.MoveAction | QtCore.Qt.CopyAction) # For Linux: Here, drag.exec_() will not return MoveAction on Linux. So it # must be set manually if self.dragDropedPos.x() != 0 and self.dragDropedPos.y() != 0: dropAction = QtCore.Qt.MoveAction # If the drag completed outside of the tab bar, detach the tab and move # the content to the current cursor position if dropAction == QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction: event.accept() self.onDetachTabSignal.emit(self.tabAt(self.dragStartPos), self.mouseCursor.pos()) # Else if the drag completed inside the tab bar, move the selected tab to the new position elif dropAction == QtCore.Qt.MoveAction: if not self.dragDropedPos.isNull(): event.accept() self.onMoveTabSignal.emit(self.tabAt(self.dragStartPos), self.tabAt(self.dragDropedPos)) else: QtWidgets.QTabBar.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) # Determine if the drag has entered a tab position from another tab position # # @param event a drag enter event def dragEnterEvent(self, event): mimeData = event.mimeData() # formats = mcd imeData.formats() # if formats.contains('action') and'action') == 'application/tab-detach': # event.acceptProposedAction() QtWidgets.QTabBar.dragMoveEvent(self, event) # Get the position of the end of the drag # # @param event a drop event def dropEvent(self, event): self.dragDropedPos = event.pos() QtWidgets.QTabBar.dropEvent(self, event) # Determine if the detached tab drop event occurred on an existing tab, # then send the event to the DetachableTabWidget def detachedTabDrop(self, name, dropPos): tabDropPos = self.mapFromGlobal(dropPos) index = self.tabAt(tabDropPos) self.detachedTabDropSignal.emit(name, index, dropPos) class VerticalScrollArea(QtWidgets.QScrollArea): """ This widget extends QtGui.QScrollArea to make a vertical-only scroll area that also expands horizontally to accomodate its contents. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): QtWidgets.QScrollArea.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setWidgetResizable(True) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) def eventFilter(self, source, event): """ The event filter gets automatically installed when setWidget() is called. :param source: :param event: :return: """ if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Resize and source == self.widget(): # log.debug("VerticalScrollArea: Widget resized:") # log.debug(" minimumSizeHint().width() = %d" % self.widget().minimumSizeHint().width()) # log.debug(" verticalScrollBar().width() = %d" % self.verticalScrollBar().width()) self.setMinimumWidth(self.widget().sizeHint().width() + self.verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width()) # if self.verticalScrollBar().isVisible(): # log.debug(" Scroll bar visible") # self.setMinimumWidth(self.widget().minimumSizeHint().width() + # self.verticalScrollBar().width()) # else: # log.debug(" Scroll bar hidden") # self.setMinimumWidth(self.widget().minimumSizeHint().width()) return QtWidgets.QWidget.eventFilter(self, source, event) class OptionalInputSection: def __init__(self, cb, optinputs, logic=True): """ Associates the a checkbox with a set of inputs. :param cb: Checkbox that enables the optional inputs. :param optinputs: List of widgets that are optional. :param logic: When True the logic is normal, when False the logic is in reverse It means that for logic=True, when the checkbox is checked the widgets are Enabled, and for logic=False, when the checkbox is checked the widgets are Disabled :return: """ assert isinstance(cb, FCCheckBox), \ "Expected an FCCheckBox, got %s" % type(cb) self.cb = cb self.optinputs = optinputs self.logic = logic self.on_cb_change() self.cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_cb_change) def on_cb_change(self): if self.cb.checkState(): for widget in self.optinputs: if self.logic is True: widget.setEnabled(True) else: widget.setEnabled(False) else: for widget in self.optinputs: if self.logic is True: widget.setEnabled(False) else: widget.setEnabled(True) class FCTable(QtWidgets.QTableWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCTable, self).__init__(parent) def sizeHint(self): default_hint_size = super(FCTable, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) def getHeight(self): height = self.horizontalHeader().height() for i in range(self.rowCount()): height += self.rowHeight(i) return height def getWidth(self): width = self.verticalHeader().width() for i in range(self.columnCount()): width += self.columnWidth(i) return width # color is in format QtGui.Qcolor(r, g, b, alfa) with or without alfa def setColortoRow(self, rowIndex, color): for j in range(self.columnCount()): self.item(rowIndex, j).setBackground(color) # if user is clicking an blank area inside the QTableWidget it will deselect currently selected rows def mousePressEvent(self, event): if self.itemAt(event.pos()) is None: self.clearSelection() else: QtWidgets.QTableWidget.mousePressEvent(self, event) def setupContextMenu(self): self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) def addContextMenu(self, entry, call_function, icon=None): action_name = str(entry) action = QtWidgets.QAction(self) action.setText(action_name) if icon: assert isinstance(icon, QtGui.QIcon), \ "Expected the argument to be QtGui.QIcon. Instead it is %s" % type(icon) action.setIcon(icon) self.addAction(action) action.triggered.connect(call_function) class FCSpinner(QtWidgets.QSpinBox): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCSpinner, self).__init__(parent) def get_value(self): return str(self.value()) def set_value(self, val): try: k = int(val) except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) return self.setValue(k) # def sizeHint(self): # default_hint_size = super(FCSpinner, self).sizeHint() # return QtCore.QSize(EDIT_SIZE_HINT, default_hint_size.height()) class FCDoubleSpinner(QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(FCDoubleSpinner, self).__init__(parent) self.readyToEdit = True def mousePressEvent(self, e, parent=None): super(FCDoubleSpinner, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click if self.readyToEdit: self.lineEdit().selectAll() self.readyToEdit = False def focusOutEvent(self, e): super(FCDoubleSpinner, self).focusOutEvent(e) # required to remove cursor on focusOut self.lineEdit().deselect() self.readyToEdit = True def get_value(self): return str(self.value()) def set_value(self, val): try: k = int(val) except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) return self.setValue(k) def set_precision(self, val): self.setDecimals(val) def set_range(self, min_val, max_val): self.setRange(self, min_val, max_val) class Dialog_box(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, title=None, label=None): """ :param title: string with the window title :param label: string with the message inside the dialog box """ super(Dialog_box, self).__init__() self.location = (0, 0) self.ok = False dialog_box = QtWidgets.QInputDialog() dialog_box.setFixedWidth(270) self.location, self.ok = dialog_box.getText(self, title, label)