import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore #from GUIElements import * from GUIElements import FCEntry, FloatEntry, EvalEntry, FCCheckBox, \ LengthEntry, FCTextArea, IntEntry, RadioSet, OptionalInputSection class ObjectUI(QtGui.QWidget): """ Base class for the UI of FlatCAM objects. Deriving classes should put UI elements in ObjectUI.custom_box (QtGui.QLayout). """ def __init__(self, icon_file='share/flatcam_icon32.png', title='FlatCAM Object', parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) ## Page Title box (spacing between children) self.title_box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.title_box) ## Page Title icon pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(icon_file) self.icon = QtGui.QLabel() self.icon.setPixmap(pixmap) self.title_box.addWidget(self.icon, stretch=0) ## Title label self.title_label = QtGui.QLabel("" + title + "") self.title_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.title_box.addWidget(self.title_label, stretch=1) ## Object name self.name_box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.name_box) name_label = QtGui.QLabel("Name:") self.name_box.addWidget(name_label) self.name_entry = FCEntry() self.name_box.addWidget(self.name_entry) ## Box box for custom widgets # This gets populated in offspring implementations. self.custom_box = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.custom_box) ########################### ## Common to all objects ## ########################### #### Scale #### self.scale_label = QtGui.QLabel('Scale:') self.scale_label.setToolTip( "Change the size of the object." ) layout.addWidget(self.scale_label) self.scale_grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() layout.addLayout(self.scale_grid) # Factor faclabel = QtGui.QLabel('Factor:') faclabel.setToolTip( "Factor by which to multiply\n" "geometric features of this object." ) self.scale_grid.addWidget(faclabel, 0, 0) self.scale_entry = FloatEntry() self.scale_entry.set_value(1.0) self.scale_grid.addWidget(self.scale_entry, 0, 1) # GO Button self.scale_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Scale') self.scale_button.setToolTip( "Perform scaling operation." ) layout.addWidget(self.scale_button) #### Offset #### self.offset_label = QtGui.QLabel('Offset:') self.offset_label.setToolTip( "Change the position of this object." ) layout.addWidget(self.offset_label) self.offset_grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() layout.addLayout(self.offset_grid) self.offset_vectorlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Vector:') self.offset_vectorlabel.setToolTip( "Amount by which to move the object\n" "in the x and y axes in (x, y) format." ) self.offset_grid.addWidget(self.offset_vectorlabel, 0, 0) self.offsetvector_entry = EvalEntry() self.offsetvector_entry.setText("(0.0, 0.0)") self.offset_grid.addWidget(self.offsetvector_entry, 0, 1) self.offset_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Offset') self.offset_button.setToolTip( "Perform the offset operation." ) layout.addWidget(self.offset_button) layout.addStretch() class CNCObjectUI(ObjectUI): """ User interface for CNCJob objects. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Creates the user interface for CNCJob objects. GUI elements should be placed in ``self.custom_box`` to preserve the layout. """ ObjectUI.__init__(self, title='CNC Job Object', icon_file='share/cnc32.png', parent=parent) # Scale and offset are not available for CNCJob objects. # Hiding from the GUI. for i in range(0, self.scale_grid.count()): self.scale_grid.itemAt(i).widget().hide() self.scale_label.hide() self.scale_button.hide() for i in range(0, self.offset_grid.count()): self.offset_grid.itemAt(i).widget().hide() self.offset_label.hide() self.offset_button.hide() ## Plot options self.plot_options_label = QtGui.QLabel("Plot Options:") self.custom_box.addWidget(self.plot_options_label) grid0 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid0) # Plot CB # self.plot_cb = QtGui.QCheckBox('Plot') self.plot_cb = FCCheckBox('Plot') self.plot_cb.setToolTip( "Plot (show) this object." ) grid0.addWidget(self.plot_cb, 0, 0) # Tool dia for plot tdlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Tool dia:') tdlabel.setToolTip( "Diameter of the tool to be\n" "rendered in the plot." ) grid0.addWidget(tdlabel, 1, 0) self.tooldia_entry = LengthEntry() grid0.addWidget(self.tooldia_entry, 1, 1) # Update plot button self.updateplot_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Update Plot') self.updateplot_button.setToolTip( "Update the plot." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.updateplot_button) ################## ## Export G-Code ################## self.export_gcode_label = QtGui.QLabel("Export G-Code:") self.export_gcode_label.setToolTip( "Export and save G-Code to\n" "make this object to a file." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.export_gcode_label) # Prepend text to Gerber prependlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Prepend to G-Code:') prependlabel.setToolTip( "Type here any G-Code commands you would\n" "like to add to the beginning of the generated file." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(prependlabel) self.prepend_text = FCTextArea() self.custom_box.addWidget(self.prepend_text) # Append text to Gerber appendlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Append to G-Code:') appendlabel.setToolTip( "Type here any G-Code commands you would\n" "like to append to the generated file.\n" "I.e.: M2 (End of program)" ) self.custom_box.addWidget(appendlabel) self.append_text = FCTextArea() self.custom_box.addWidget(self.append_text) # Dwell grid1 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid1) dwelllabel = QtGui.QLabel('Dwell:') dwelllabel.setToolTip( "Pause to allow the spindle to reach its\n" "speed before cutting." ) dwelltime = QtGui.QLabel('Duration [sec.]:') dwelltime.setToolTip( "Number of second to dwell." ) self.dwell_cb = FCCheckBox() self.dwelltime_entry = FCEntry() grid1.addWidget(dwelllabel, 0, 0) grid1.addWidget(self.dwell_cb, 0, 1) grid1.addWidget(dwelltime, 1, 0) grid1.addWidget(self.dwelltime_entry, 1, 1) # GO Button self.export_gcode_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Export G-Code') self.export_gcode_button.setToolTip( "Opens dialog to save G-Code\n" "file." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.export_gcode_button) class GeometryObjectUI(ObjectUI): """ User interface for Geometry objects. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GeometryObjectUI, self).__init__(title='Geometry Object', icon_file='share/geometry32.png', parent=parent) ## Plot options self.plot_options_label = QtGui.QLabel("Plot Options:") self.custom_box.addWidget(self.plot_options_label) # Plot CB self.plot_cb = FCCheckBox(label='Plot') self.plot_cb.setToolTip( "Plot (show) this object." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.plot_cb) #----------------------------------- # Create CNC Job #----------------------------------- self.cncjob_label = QtGui.QLabel('Create CNC Job:') self.cncjob_label.setToolTip( "Create a CNC Job object\n" "tracing the contours of this\n" "Geometry object." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.cncjob_label) grid1 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid1) cutzlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Cut Z:') cutzlabel.setToolTip( "Cutting depth (negative)\n" "below the copper surface." ) grid1.addWidget(cutzlabel, 0, 0) self.cutz_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.cutz_entry, 0, 1) # Travel Z travelzlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Travel Z:') travelzlabel.setToolTip( "Height of the tool when\n" "moving without cutting." ) grid1.addWidget(travelzlabel, 1, 0) self.travelz_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.travelz_entry, 1, 1) # Feedrate frlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Feed Rate:') frlabel.setToolTip( "Cutting speed in the XY\n" "plane in units per minute" ) grid1.addWidget(frlabel, 2, 0) self.cncfeedrate_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.cncfeedrate_entry, 2, 1) # Tooldia tdlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Tool dia:') tdlabel.setToolTip( "The diameter of the cutting\n" "tool (just for display)." ) grid1.addWidget(tdlabel, 3, 0) self.cnctooldia_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.cnctooldia_entry, 3, 1) # Spindlespeed spdlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Spindle speed:') spdlabel.setToolTip( "Speed of the spindle\n" "in RPM (optional)" ) grid1.addWidget(spdlabel, 4, 0) self.cncspindlespeed_entry = IntEntry(allow_empty=True) grid1.addWidget(self.cncspindlespeed_entry, 4, 1) # Multi-pass mpasslabel = QtGui.QLabel('Multi-Depth:') mpasslabel.setToolTip( "Use multiple passes to limit\n" "the cut depth in each pass. Will\n" "cut multiple times until Cut Z is\n" "reached." ) grid1.addWidget(mpasslabel, 5, 0) self.mpass_cb = FCCheckBox() grid1.addWidget(self.mpass_cb, 5, 1) maxdepthlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Depth/pass:') maxdepthlabel.setToolTip( "Depth of each pass (positive)." ) grid1.addWidget(maxdepthlabel, 6, 0) self.maxdepth_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.maxdepth_entry, 6, 1) self.ois_mpass = OptionalInputSection(self.mpass_cb, [self.maxdepth_entry]) # Button self.generate_cnc_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate') self.generate_cnc_button.setToolTip( "Generate the CNC Job object." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_cnc_button) #------------------------------ # Paint area #------------------------------ self.paint_label = QtGui.QLabel('Paint Area:') self.paint_label.setToolTip( "Creates tool paths to cover the\n" "whole area of a polygon (remove\n" "all copper). You will be asked\n" "to click on the desired polygon." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.paint_label) grid2 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid2) # Tool dia ptdlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Tool dia:') ptdlabel.setToolTip( "Diameter of the tool to\n" "be used in the operation." ) grid2.addWidget(ptdlabel, 0, 0) self.painttooldia_entry = LengthEntry() grid2.addWidget(self.painttooldia_entry, 0, 1) # Overlap ovlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Overlap:') ovlabel.setToolTip( "How much (fraction) of the tool\n" "width to overlap each tool pass." ) grid2.addWidget(ovlabel, 1, 0) self.paintoverlap_entry = LengthEntry() grid2.addWidget(self.paintoverlap_entry, 1, 1) # Margin marginlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Margin:') marginlabel.setToolTip( "Distance by which to avoid\n" "the edges of the polygon to\n" "be painted." ) grid2.addWidget(marginlabel, 2, 0) self.paintmargin_entry = LengthEntry() grid2.addWidget(self.paintmargin_entry, 2, 1) # Method methodlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Method:') methodlabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) methodlabel.setToolTip( "Algorithm to paint the polygon:
" "Standard: Fixed step inwards.
" "Seed-based: Outwards from seed." ) grid2.addWidget(methodlabel, 3, 0) self.paintmethod_combo = RadioSet([ {"label": "Standard", "value": "standard"}, {"label": "Seed-based", "value": "seed"}, {"label": "Straight lines", "value": "lines"} ], orientation='vertical') grid2.addWidget(self.paintmethod_combo, 3, 1) # Connect lines pathconnectlabel = QtGui.QLabel("Connect:") pathconnectlabel.setToolTip( "Draw lines between resulting\n" "segments to minimize tool lifts." ) grid2.addWidget(pathconnectlabel, 4, 0) self.pathconnect_cb = FCCheckBox() grid2.addWidget(self.pathconnect_cb, 4, 1) contourlabel = QtGui.QLabel("Contour:") contourlabel.setToolTip( "Cut around the perimeter of the polygon\n" "to trim rough edges." ) grid2.addWidget(contourlabel, 5, 0) self.paintcontour_cb = FCCheckBox() grid2.addWidget(self.paintcontour_cb, 5, 1) # Polygon selection selectlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Selection:') selectlabel.setToolTip( "How to select the polygons to paint." ) grid2.addWidget(selectlabel, 6, 0) #grid3 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.selectmethod_combo = RadioSet([ {"label": "Single", "value": "single"}, {"label": "All", "value": "all"}, #{"label": "Rectangle", "value": "rectangle"} ]) grid2.addWidget(self.selectmethod_combo, 6, 1) # GO Button self.generate_paint_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate') self.generate_paint_button.setToolTip( "After clicking here, click inside\n" "the polygon you wish to be painted.\n" "A new Geometry object with the tool\n" "paths will be created." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_paint_button) class ExcellonObjectUI(ObjectUI): """ User interface for Excellon objects. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): ObjectUI.__init__(self, title='Excellon Object', icon_file='share/drill32.png', parent=parent) #### Plot options #### self.plot_options_label = QtGui.QLabel("Plot Options:") self.custom_box.addWidget(self.plot_options_label) grid0 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid0) self.plot_cb = FCCheckBox(label='Plot') self.plot_cb.setToolTip( "Plot (show) this object." ) grid0.addWidget(self.plot_cb, 0, 0) self.solid_cb = FCCheckBox(label='Solid') self.solid_cb.setToolTip( "Solid circles." ) grid0.addWidget(self.solid_cb, 0, 1) #### Tools #### self.tools_table_label = QtGui.QLabel('Tools') self.tools_table_label.setToolTip( "Tools in this Excellon object." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.tools_table_label) self.tools_table = QtGui.QTableWidget() self.tools_table.setFixedHeight(100) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.tools_table) #### Create CNC Job #### self.cncjob_label = QtGui.QLabel('Create CNC Job') self.cncjob_label.setToolTip( "Create a CNC Job object\n" "for this drill object." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.cncjob_label) grid1 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid1) cutzlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Cut Z:') cutzlabel.setToolTip( "Drill depth (negative)\n" "below the copper surface." ) grid1.addWidget(cutzlabel, 0, 0) self.cutz_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.cutz_entry, 0, 1) travelzlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Travel Z:') travelzlabel.setToolTip( "Tool height when travelling\n" "across the XY plane." ) grid1.addWidget(travelzlabel, 1, 0) self.travelz_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.travelz_entry, 1, 1) frlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Feed rate:') frlabel.setToolTip( "Tool speed while drilling\n" "(in units per minute)." ) grid1.addWidget(frlabel, 2, 0) self.feedrate_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.feedrate_entry, 2, 1) # Tool change: toolchlabel = QtGui.QLabel("Tool change:") toolchlabel.setToolTip( "Include tool-change sequence\n" "in G-Code (Pause for tool change)." ) self.toolchange_cb = FCCheckBox() grid1.addWidget(toolchlabel, 3, 0) grid1.addWidget(self.toolchange_cb, 3, 1) # Tool change Z: toolchzlabel = QtGui.QLabel("Tool change Z:") toolchzlabel.setToolTip( "Z-axis position (height) for\n" "tool change." ) grid1.addWidget(toolchzlabel, 4, 0) self.toolchangez_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.toolchangez_entry, 4, 1) self.ois_tcz = OptionalInputSection(self.toolchange_cb, [self.toolchangez_entry]) # Spindlespeed spdlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Spindle speed:') spdlabel.setToolTip( "Speed of the spindle\n" "in RPM (optional)" ) grid1.addWidget(spdlabel, 5, 0) self.spindlespeed_entry = IntEntry(allow_empty=True) grid1.addWidget(self.spindlespeed_entry, 5, 1) choose_tools_label = QtGui.QLabel( "Select from the tools section above\n" "the tools you want to include." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(choose_tools_label) self.generate_cnc_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate') self.generate_cnc_button.setToolTip( "Generate the CNC Job." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_cnc_button) #### Milling Holes #### self.mill_hole_label = QtGui.QLabel('Mill Holes') self.mill_hole_label.setToolTip( "Create Geometry for milling holes." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.mill_hole_label) grid1 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid1) tdlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Tool dia:') tdlabel.setToolTip( "Diameter of the cutting tool." ) grid1.addWidget(tdlabel, 0, 0) self.tooldia_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.tooldia_entry, 0, 1) choose_tools_label2 = QtGui.QLabel( "Select from the tools section above\n" "the tools you want to include." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(choose_tools_label2) self.generate_milling_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate Geometry') self.generate_milling_button.setToolTip( "Create the Geometry Object\n" "for milling toolpaths." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_milling_button) class GerberObjectUI(ObjectUI): """ User interface for Gerber objects. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): ObjectUI.__init__(self, title='Gerber Object', parent=parent) ## Plot options self.plot_options_label = QtGui.QLabel("Plot Options:") self.custom_box.addWidget(self.plot_options_label) grid0 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid0) # Plot CB self.plot_cb = FCCheckBox(label='Plot') self.plot_options_label.setToolTip( "Plot (show) this object." ) grid0.addWidget(self.plot_cb, 0, 0) # Solid CB self.solid_cb = FCCheckBox(label='Solid') self.solid_cb.setToolTip( "Solid color polygons." ) grid0.addWidget(self.solid_cb, 0, 1) # Multicolored CB self.multicolored_cb = FCCheckBox(label='Multicolored') self.multicolored_cb.setToolTip( "Draw polygons in different colors." ) grid0.addWidget(self.multicolored_cb, 0, 2) ## Isolation Routing self.isolation_routing_label = QtGui.QLabel("Isolation Routing:") self.isolation_routing_label.setToolTip( "Create a Geometry object with\n" "toolpaths to cut outside polygons." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.isolation_routing_label) grid1 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid1) tdlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Tool dia:') tdlabel.setToolTip( "Diameter of the cutting tool." ) grid1.addWidget(tdlabel, 0, 0) self.iso_tool_dia_entry = LengthEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.iso_tool_dia_entry, 0, 1) passlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Width (# passes):') passlabel.setToolTip( "Width of the isolation gap in\n" "number (integer) of tool widths." ) grid1.addWidget(passlabel, 1, 0) self.iso_width_entry = IntEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.iso_width_entry, 1, 1) overlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Pass overlap:') overlabel.setToolTip( "How much (fraction of tool width)\n" "to overlap each pass." ) grid1.addWidget(overlabel, 2, 0) self.iso_overlap_entry = FloatEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.iso_overlap_entry, 2, 1) # combine all passes CB self.combine_passes_cb = FCCheckBox(label='Combine Passes') self.combine_passes_cb.setToolTip( "Combine all passes into one object" ) grid1.addWidget(self.combine_passes_cb, 3, 0) self.generate_iso_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate Geometry') self.generate_iso_button.setToolTip( "Create the Geometry Object\n" "for isolation routing." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_iso_button) ## Board cuttout self.board_cutout_label = QtGui.QLabel("Board cutout:") self.board_cutout_label.setToolTip( "Create toolpaths to cut around\n" "the PCB and separate it from\n" "the original board." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.board_cutout_label) grid2 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid2) tdclabel = QtGui.QLabel('Tool dia:') tdclabel.setToolTip( "Diameter of the cutting tool." ) grid2.addWidget(tdclabel, 0, 0) self.cutout_tooldia_entry = LengthEntry() grid2.addWidget(self.cutout_tooldia_entry, 0, 1) marginlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Margin:') marginlabel.setToolTip( "Distance from objects at which\n" "to draw the cutout." ) grid2.addWidget(marginlabel, 1, 0) self.cutout_margin_entry = LengthEntry() grid2.addWidget(self.cutout_margin_entry, 1, 1) gaplabel = QtGui.QLabel('Gap size:') gaplabel.setToolTip( "Size of the gaps in the toolpath\n" "that will remain to hold the\n" "board in place." ) grid2.addWidget(gaplabel, 2, 0) self.cutout_gap_entry = LengthEntry() grid2.addWidget(self.cutout_gap_entry, 2, 1) gapslabel = QtGui.QLabel('Gaps:') gapslabel.setToolTip( "Where to place the gaps, Top/Bottom\n" "Left/Rigt, or on all 4 sides." ) grid2.addWidget(gapslabel, 3, 0) self.gaps_radio = RadioSet([{'label': '2 (T/B)', 'value': 'tb'}, {'label': '2 (L/R)', 'value': 'lr'}, {'label': '4', 'value': '4'}]) grid2.addWidget(self.gaps_radio, 3, 1) self.generate_cutout_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate Geometry') self.generate_cutout_button.setToolTip( "Generate the geometry for\n" "the board cutout." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_cutout_button) ## Non-copper regions self.noncopper_label = QtGui.QLabel("Non-copper regions:") self.noncopper_label.setToolTip( "Create polygons covering the\n" "areas without copper on the PCB.\n" "Equivalent to the inverse of this\n" "object. Can be used to remove all\n" "copper from a specified region." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.noncopper_label) grid3 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid3) # Margin bmlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Boundary Margin:') bmlabel.setToolTip( "Specify the edge of the PCB\n" "by drawing a box around all\n" "objects with this minimum\n" "distance." ) grid3.addWidget(bmlabel, 0, 0) self.noncopper_margin_entry = LengthEntry() grid3.addWidget(self.noncopper_margin_entry, 0, 1) # Rounded corners self.noncopper_rounded_cb = FCCheckBox(label="Rounded corners") self.noncopper_rounded_cb.setToolTip( "Creates a Geometry objects with polygons\n" "covering the copper-free areas of the PCB." ) grid3.addWidget(self.noncopper_rounded_cb, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.generate_noncopper_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate Geometry') self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_noncopper_button) ## Bounding box self.boundingbox_label = QtGui.QLabel('Bounding Box:') self.custom_box.addWidget(self.boundingbox_label) grid4 = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.custom_box.addLayout(grid4) bbmargin = QtGui.QLabel('Boundary Margin:') bbmargin.setToolTip( "Distance of the edges of the box\n" "to the nearest polygon." ) grid4.addWidget(bbmargin, 0, 0) self.bbmargin_entry = LengthEntry() grid4.addWidget(self.bbmargin_entry, 0, 1) self.bbrounded_cb = FCCheckBox(label="Rounded corners") self.bbrounded_cb.setToolTip( "If the bounding box is \n" "to have rounded corners\n" "their radius is equal to\n" "the margin." ) grid4.addWidget(self.bbrounded_cb, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.generate_bb_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Generate Geometry') self.generate_bb_button.setToolTip( "Genrate the Geometry object." ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.generate_bb_button) # def main(): # # app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) # fc = GerberObjectUI() # sys.exit(app.exec_()) # # # if __name__ == '__main__': # main()