######################################################################### ### Borrowed code from 'https://github.com/gddc/ttfquery/blob/master/ ### ### and made it work with Python 3 ############# ######################################################################### import re, os, sys, glob import itertools from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon from shapely.affinity import translate, scale, rotate from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry import freetype as ft from fontTools import ttLib import logging log = logging.getLogger('base2') class ParseFont(): FONT_SPECIFIER_NAME_ID = 4 FONT_SPECIFIER_FAMILY_ID = 1 @staticmethod def get_win32_font_path(): """Get User-specific font directory on Win32""" try: import winreg except ImportError: return os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'], 'Fonts') else: k = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders") try: # should check that k is valid? How? return winreg.QueryValueEx(k, "Fonts")[0] finally: winreg.CloseKey(k) @staticmethod def get_linux_font_paths(): """Get system font directories on Linux/Unix Uses /usr/sbin/chkfontpath to get the list of system-font directories, note that many of these will *not* be truetype font directories. If /usr/sbin/chkfontpath isn't available, uses returns a set of common Linux/Unix paths """ executable = '/usr/sbin/chkfontpath' if os.path.isfile(executable): data = os.popen(executable).readlines() match = re.compile('\d+: (.+)') set = [] for line in data: result = match.match(line) if result: set.append(result.group(1)) return set else: directories = [ # what seems to be the standard installation point "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/", # common application, not really useful "/usr/lib/openoffice/share/fonts/truetype/", # documented as a good place to install new fonts... "/usr/share/fonts", "/usr/local/share/fonts", # seems to be where fonts are installed for an individual user? "~/.fonts", ] dir_set = [] for directory in directories: directory = directory = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(directory)) try: if os.path.isdir(directory): for path, children, files in os.walk(directory): dir_set.append(path) except (IOError, OSError, TypeError, ValueError): pass return dir_set @staticmethod def get_mac_font_paths(): """Get system font directories on MacOS """ directories = [ # okay, now the OS X variants... "~/Library/Fonts/", "/Library/Fonts/", "/Network/Library/Fonts/", "/System/Library/Fonts/", "System Folder:Fonts:", ] dir_set = [] for directory in directories: directory = directory = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(directory)) try: if os.path.isdir(directory): for path, children, files in os.walk(directory): dir_set.append(path) except (IOError, OSError, TypeError, ValueError): pass return dir_set @staticmethod def get_win32_fonts(font_directory=None): """Get list of explicitly *installed* font names""" import winreg if font_directory is None: font_directory = ParseFont.get_win32_font_path() k = None items = {} for keyName in ( r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts", r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts", ): try: k = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName ) except OSError as err: pass if not k: # couldn't open either WinNT or Win98 key??? return glob.glob(os.path.join(font_directory, '*.ttf')) try: # should check that k is valid? How? for index in range(winreg.QueryInfoKey(k)[1]): key, value, _ = winreg.EnumValue(k, index) if not os.path.dirname(value): value = os.path.join(font_directory, value) value = os.path.abspath(value).lower() if value[-4:] == '.ttf': items[value] = 1 return list(items.keys()) finally: winreg.CloseKey(k) @staticmethod def get_font_name(font_path): """ Get the short name from the font's names table From 'https://github.com/gddc/ttfquery/blob/master/ttfquery/describe.py' and http://www.starrhorne.com/2012/01/18/ how-to-extract-font-names-from-ttf-files-using-python-and-our-old-friend-the-command-line.html ported to Python 3 here: https://gist.github.com/pklaus/dce37521579513c574d0 """ name = "" family = "" font = ttLib.TTFont(font_path) for record in font['name'].names: if b'\x00' in record.string: name_str = record.string.decode('utf-16-be') else: # name_str = record.string.decode('utf-8') name_str = record.string.decode('latin-1') if record.nameID == ParseFont.FONT_SPECIFIER_NAME_ID and not name: name = name_str elif record.nameID == ParseFont.FONT_SPECIFIER_FAMILY_ID and not family: family = name_str if name and family: break return name, family def __init__(self, app, parent=None): super(ParseFont, self).__init__() self.app = app # regular fonts self.regular_f = {} # bold fonts self.bold_f = {} # italic fonts self.italic_f = {} # bold and italic fonts self.bold_italic_f = {} def get_fonts(self, paths=None): """ Find fonts in paths, or the system paths if not given """ files = {} if paths is None: if sys.platform == 'win32': font_directory = ParseFont.get_win32_font_path() paths = [font_directory,] # now get all installed fonts directly... for f in self.get_win32_fonts(font_directory): files[f] = 1 elif sys.platform == 'linux': paths = ParseFont.get_linux_font_paths() else: paths = ParseFont.get_mac_font_paths() elif isinstance(paths, str): paths = [paths] for path in paths: for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.ttf')): files[os.path.abspath(file)] = 1 return list(files.keys()) def get_fonts_by_types(self): system_fonts = self.get_fonts() # split the installed fonts by type: regular, bold, italic (oblique), bold-italic and # store them in separate dictionaries {name: file_path/filename.ttf} for font in system_fonts: name, family = ParseFont.get_font_name(font) if 'Bold' in name and 'Italic' in name: name = name.replace(" Bold Italic", '') self.bold_italic_f.update({name: font}) elif 'Bold' in name and 'Oblique' in name: name = name.replace(" Bold Oblique", '') self.bold_italic_f.update({name: font}) elif 'Bold' in name: name = name.replace(" Bold", '') self.bold_f.update({name: font}) elif 'SemiBold' in name: name = name.replace(" SemiBold", '') self.bold_f.update({name: font}) elif 'DemiBold' in name: name = name.replace(" DemiBold", '') self.bold_f.update({name: font}) elif 'Demi' in name: name = name.replace(" Demi", '') self.bold_f.update({name: font}) elif 'Italic' in name: name = name.replace(" Italic", '') self.italic_f.update({name: font}) elif 'Oblique' in name: name = name.replace(" Italic", '') self.italic_f.update({name: font}) else: try: name = name.replace(" Regular", '') except: pass self.regular_f.update({name: font}) log.debug("Font parsing is finished.") def font_to_geometry(self, char_string, font_name, font_type, font_size, units='MM', coordx=0, coordy=0): path = [] scaled_path = [] path_filename = "" regular_dict = self.regular_f bold_dict = self.bold_f italic_dict = self.italic_f bold_italic_dict = self.bold_italic_f try: if font_type == 'bi': path_filename = bold_italic_dict[font_name] elif font_type == 'bold': path_filename = bold_dict[font_name] elif font_type == 'italic': path_filename = italic_dict[font_name] elif font_type == 'regular': path_filename = regular_dict[font_name] except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit("[error_notcl] Font not supported, try another one.") log.debug("[error_notcl] Font Loading: %s" % str(e)) return "flatcam font parse failed" face = ft.Face(path_filename) face.set_char_size(int(font_size) * 64) pen_x = coordx previous = 0 # done as here: https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/tutorial/step2.html for char in char_string: glyph_index = face.get_char_index(char) try: if previous > 0 and glyph_index > 0: delta = face.get_kerning(previous, glyph_index) pen_x += delta.x except: pass face.load_glyph(glyph_index) # face.load_char(char, flags=8) slot = face.glyph outline = slot.outline start, end = 0, 0 for i in range(len(outline.contours)): end = outline.contours[i] points = outline.points[start:end + 1] points.append(points[0]) char_geo = Polygon(points) char_geo = translate(char_geo, xoff=pen_x, yoff=coordy) path.append(char_geo) start = end + 1 pen_x += slot.advance.x previous = glyph_index for item in path: if units == 'MM': scaled_path.append(scale(item, 0.0080187969924812, 0.0080187969924812, origin=(coordx, coordy))) else: scaled_path.append(scale(item, 0.00031570066, 0.00031570066, origin=(coordx, coordy))) return MultiPolygon(scaled_path)