from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, Qt import FlatCAMApp from camlib import * from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point, LinearRing from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, MultiPolygon from shapely.geometry import box as shply_box from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union import shapely.affinity as affinity from shapely.wkt import loads as sloads from shapely.wkt import dumps as sdumps from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry from numpy import arctan2, Inf, array, sqrt, pi, ceil, sin, cos, sign, dot from numpy.linalg import solve #from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.anchored_artists import AnchoredDrawingArea from rtree import index as rtindex class DrawToolShape(object): """ Encapsulates "shapes" under a common class. """ @staticmethod def get_pts(o): """ Returns a list of all points in the object, where the object can be a Polygon, Not a polygon, or a list of such. Search is done recursively. :param: geometric object :return: List of points :rtype: list """ pts = [] ## Iterable: descend into each item. try: for subo in o: pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(subo) ## Non-iterable except TypeError: ## DrawToolShape: descend into .geo. if isinstance(o, DrawToolShape): pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(o.geo) ## Descend into .exerior and .interiors elif type(o) == Polygon: pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(o.exterior) for i in o.interiors: pts += DrawToolShape.get_pts(i) ## Has .coords: list them. else: pts += list(o.coords) return pts def __init__(self, geo=[]): # Shapely type or list of such self.geo = geo self.utility = False def get_all_points(self): return DrawToolShape.get_pts(self) class DrawToolUtilityShape(DrawToolShape): """ Utility shapes are temporary geometry in the editor to assist in the creation of shapes. For example it will show the outline of a rectangle from the first point to the current mouse pointer before the second point is clicked and the final geometry is created. """ def __init__(self, geo=[]): super(DrawToolUtilityShape, self).__init__(geo=geo) self.utility = True class DrawTool(object): """ Abstract Class representing a tool in the drawing program. Can generate geometry, including temporary utility geometry that is updated on user clicks and mouse motion. """ def __init__(self, draw_app): self.draw_app = draw_app self.complete = False self.start_msg = "Click on 1st point..." self.points = [] self.geometry = None # DrawToolShape or None def click(self, point): """ :param point: [x, y] Coordinate pair. """ return "" def on_key(self, key): return None def utility_geometry(self, data=None): return None class FCShapeTool(DrawTool): """ Abstarct class for tools that create a shape. """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) def make(self): pass class FCCircle(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.start_msg = "Click on CENTER ..." def click(self, point): self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) == 1: return "Click on perimeter to complete ..." if len(self.points) == 2: self.make() return "Done." return "" def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: p1 = self.points[0] p2 = data radius = sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) return DrawToolUtilityShape(Point(p1).buffer(radius)) return None def make(self): p1 = self.points[0] p2 = self.points[1] radius = distance(p1, p2) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(Point(p1).buffer(radius)) self.complete = True class FCArc(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.start_msg = "Click on CENTER ..." # Direction of rotation between point 1 and 2. # 'cw' or 'ccw'. Switch direction by hitting the # 'o' key. self.direction = "cw" # Mode # C12 = Center, p1, p2 # 12C = p1, p2, Center # 132 = p1, p3, p2 self.mode = "c12" # Center, p1, p2 self.steps_per_circ = 55 def click(self, point): self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) == 1: return "Click on 1st point ..." if len(self.points) == 2: return "Click on 2nd point to complete ..." if len(self.points) == 3: self.make() return "Done." return "" def on_key(self, key): if key == 'o': self.direction = 'cw' if self.direction == 'ccw' else 'ccw' return 'Direction: ' + self.direction.upper() if key == 'p': if self.mode == 'c12': self.mode = '12c' elif self.mode == '12c': self.mode = '132' else: self.mode = 'c12' return 'Mode: ' + self.mode def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: # Show the radius center = self.points[0] p1 = data return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString([center, p1])) if len(self.points) == 2: # Show the arc if self.mode == 'c12': center = self.points[0] p1 = self.points[1] p2 = data radius = sqrt((center[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (center[1] - p1[1]) ** 2) startangle = arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) return DrawToolUtilityShape([LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ)), Point(center)]) elif self.mode == '132': p1 = array(self.points[0]) p3 = array(self.points[1]) p2 = array(data) center, radius, t = three_point_circle(p1, p2, p3) direction = 'cw' if sign(t) > 0 else 'ccw' startangle = arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = arctan2(p3[1] - center[1], p3[0] - center[0]) return DrawToolUtilityShape([LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, direction, self.steps_per_circ)), Point(center), Point(p1), Point(p3)]) else: # '12c' p1 = array(self.points[0]) p2 = array(self.points[1]) # Midpoint a = (p1 + p2) / 2.0 # Parallel vector c = p2 - p1 # Perpendicular vector b = dot(c, array([[0, -1], [1, 0]], dtype=float32)) b /= norm(b) # Distance t = distance(data, a) # Which side? Cross product with c. # cross(M-A, B-A), where line is AB and M is test point. side = (data[0] - p1[0]) * c[1] - (data[1] - p1[1]) * c[0] t *= sign(side) # Center = a + bt center = a + b * t radius = norm(center - p1) startangle = arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) return DrawToolUtilityShape([LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ)), Point(center)]) return None def make(self): if self.mode == 'c12': center = self.points[0] p1 = self.points[1] p2 = self.points[2] radius = distance(center, p1) startangle = arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ))) elif self.mode == '132': p1 = array(self.points[0]) p3 = array(self.points[1]) p2 = array(self.points[2]) center, radius, t = three_point_circle(p1, p2, p3) direction = 'cw' if sign(t) > 0 else 'ccw' startangle = arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = arctan2(p3[1] - center[1], p3[0] - center[0]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, direction, self.steps_per_circ))) else: # self.mode == '12c' p1 = array(self.points[0]) p2 = array(self.points[1]) pc = array(self.points[2]) # Midpoint a = (p1 + p2) / 2.0 # Parallel vector c = p2 - p1 # Perpendicular vector b = dot(c, array([[0, -1], [1, 0]], dtype=float32)) b /= norm(b) # Distance t = distance(pc, a) # Which side? Cross product with c. # cross(M-A, B-A), where line is AB and M is test point. side = (pc[0] - p1[0]) * c[1] - (pc[1] - p1[1]) * c[0] t *= sign(side) # Center = a + bt center = a + b * t radius = norm(center - p1) startangle = arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) stopangle = arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(arc(center, radius, startangle, stopangle, self.direction, self.steps_per_circ))) self.complete = True class FCRectangle(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.start_msg = "Click on 1st corner ..." def click(self, point): self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) == 1: return "Click on opposite corner to complete ..." if len(self.points) == 2: self.make() return "Done." return "" def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: p1 = self.points[0] p2 = data return DrawToolUtilityShape(LinearRing([p1, (p2[0], p1[1]), p2, (p1[0], p2[1])])) return None def make(self): p1 = self.points[0] p2 = self.points[1] #self.geometry = LinearRing([p1, (p2[0], p1[1]), p2, (p1[0], p2[1])]) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(Polygon([p1, (p2[0], p1[1]), p2, (p1[0], p2[1])])) self.complete = True class FCPolygon(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) self.start_msg = "Click on 1st point ..." def click(self, point): self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) > 0: return "Click on next point or hit SPACE to complete ..." return "" def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString(temp_points)) if len(self.points) > 1: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LinearRing(temp_points)) return None def make(self): # self.geometry = LinearRing(self.points) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(Polygon(self.points)) self.complete = True class FCPath(FCPolygon): """ Resulting type: LineString """ def make(self): self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(self.points)) self.complete = True def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) > 1: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString(temp_points)) return None class FCSelect(DrawTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = #self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.selected = self.draw_app.selected self.start_msg = "Click on geometry to select" def click(self, point): _, closest_shape = if self.draw_app.key != 'control': self.draw_app.selected = [] self.draw_app.set_selected(closest_shape)"Selected shape containing: " + str(closest_shape.geo)) return "" class FCMove(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) #self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.origin = None self.destination = None self.start_msg = "Click on reference point." def set_origin(self, origin): self.origin = origin def click(self, point): if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return "Nothing to move." if self.origin is None: self.set_origin(point) return "Click on final location." else: self.destination = point self.make() return "Done." def make(self): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] self.geometry = [DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected()] # Delete old self.draw_app.delete_selected() # # Select the new # for g in self.geometry: # # Note that g is not in the app's buffer yet! # self.draw_app.set_selected(g) self.complete = True def utility_geometry(self, data=None): """ Temporary geometry on screen while using this tool. :param data: :return: """ if self.origin is None: return None if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return None dx = data[0] - self.origin[0] dy = data[1] - self.origin[1] return DrawToolUtilityShape([affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy) for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected()]) class FCCopy(FCMove): def make(self): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] self.geometry = [DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected()] self.complete = True ######################## ### Main Application ### ######################## class FlatCAMDraw(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, app, disabled=False): assert isinstance(app, FlatCAMApp.App) super(FlatCAMDraw, self).__init__() = app self.canvas = app.plotcanvas self.axes = self.canvas.new_axes("draw") ### Drawing Toolbar ### self.drawing_toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar() self.drawing_toolbar.setDisabled(disabled) self.select_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/pointer32.png'), "Select 'Esc'") self.add_circle_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/circle32.png'), 'Add Circle') self.add_arc_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/arc32.png'), 'Add Arc') self.add_rectangle_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/rectangle32.png'), 'Add Rectangle') self.add_polygon_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/polygon32.png'), 'Add Polygon') self.add_path_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/path32.png'), 'Add Path') self.union_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/union32.png'), 'Polygon Union') self.intersection_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/intersection32.png'), 'Polygon Intersection') self.subtract_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/subtract32.png'), 'Polygon Subtraction') self.cutpath_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/cutpath32.png'), 'Cut Path') self.move_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/move32.png'), "Move Objects 'm'") self.copy_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/copy32.png'), "Copy Objects 'c'") self.delete_btn = self.drawing_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/deleteshape32.png'), "Delete Shape '-'") ### Snap Toolbar ### self.snap_toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar() self.grid_snap_btn = self.snap_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/grid32.png'), 'Snap to grid') self.grid_gap_x_entry = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.grid_gap_x_entry.setMaximumWidth(70) self.grid_gap_x_entry.setToolTip("Grid X distance") self.snap_toolbar.addWidget(self.grid_gap_x_entry) self.grid_gap_y_entry = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.grid_gap_y_entry.setMaximumWidth(70) self.grid_gap_y_entry.setToolTip("Grid Y distante") self.snap_toolbar.addWidget(self.grid_gap_y_entry) self.corner_snap_btn = self.snap_toolbar.addAction(QtGui.QIcon('share/corner32.png'), 'Snap to corner') self.snap_max_dist_entry = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.snap_max_dist_entry.setMaximumWidth(70) self.snap_max_dist_entry.setToolTip("Max. magnet distance") self.snap_toolbar.addWidget(self.snap_max_dist_entry) self.snap_toolbar.setDisabled(disabled) ### Event handlers ### ## Canvas events self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_canvas_click) self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_canvas_move) self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_canvas_key) self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self.on_canvas_key_release) self.union_btn.triggered.connect(self.union) self.intersection_btn.triggered.connect(self.intersection) self.subtract_btn.triggered.connect(self.subtract) self.cutpath_btn.triggered.connect(self.cutpath) self.delete_btn.triggered.connect(self.on_delete_btn) ## Toolbar events and properties = { "select": {"button": self.select_btn, "constructor": FCSelect}, "circle": {"button": self.add_circle_btn, "constructor": FCCircle}, "arc": {"button": self.add_arc_btn, "constructor": FCArc}, "rectangle": {"button": self.add_rectangle_btn, "constructor": FCRectangle}, "polygon": {"button": self.add_polygon_btn, "constructor": FCPolygon}, "path": {"button": self.add_path_btn, "constructor": FCPath}, "move": {"button": self.move_btn, "constructor": FCMove}, "copy": {"button": self.copy_btn, "constructor": FCCopy} } ### Data self.active_tool = None = FlatCAMDraw.make_storage() self.utility = [] ## List of selected shapes. self.selected = [] self.move_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.move_timer.setSingleShot(True) self.key = None # Currently pressed key def make_callback(thetool): def f(): self.on_tool_select(thetool) return f for tool in[tool]["button"].triggered.connect(make_callback(tool)) # Events[tool]["button"].setCheckable(True) # Checkable # for snap_tool in [self.grid_snap_btn, self.corner_snap_btn]: # snap_tool.triggered.connect(lambda: self.toolbar_tool_toggle("grid_snap")) # snap_tool.setCheckable(True) self.grid_snap_btn.setCheckable(True) self.grid_snap_btn.triggered.connect(lambda: self.toolbar_tool_toggle("grid_snap")) self.corner_snap_btn.setCheckable(True) self.corner_snap_btn.triggered.connect(lambda: self.toolbar_tool_toggle("corner_snap")) self.options = { "snap-x": 0.1, "snap-y": 0.1, "snap_max": 0.05, "grid_snap": False, "corner_snap": False, } self.grid_gap_x_entry.setText(str(self.options["snap-x"])) self.grid_gap_y_entry.setText(str(self.options["snap-y"])) self.snap_max_dist_entry.setText(str(self.options["snap_max"])) self.rtree_index = rtindex.Index() def entry2option(option, entry): self.options[option] = float(entry.text()) self.grid_gap_x_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.grid_gap_x_entry.editingFinished.connect(lambda: entry2option("snap-x", self.grid_gap_x_entry)) self.grid_gap_y_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.grid_gap_y_entry.editingFinished.connect(lambda: entry2option("snap-y", self.grid_gap_y_entry)) self.snap_max_dist_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.snap_max_dist_entry.editingFinished.connect(lambda: entry2option("snap_max", self.snap_max_dist_entry)) def activate(self): pass def add_shape(self, shape): """ Adds a shape to the shape storage. :param shape: Shape to be added. :type shape: DrawToolShape :return: None """ # List of DrawToolShape? if isinstance(shape, list): for subshape in shape: self.add_shape(subshape) return assert isinstance(shape, DrawToolShape) assert shape.geo is not None assert (isinstance(shape.geo, list) and len(shape.geo) > 0) or not isinstance(shape.geo, list) if isinstance(shape, DrawToolUtilityShape): self.utility.append(shape) else: def deactivate(self): self.clear() self.drawing_toolbar.setDisabled(True) self.snap_toolbar.setDisabled(True) # TODO: Combine and move into tool def delete_utility_geometry(self): #for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape.utility] #for_deletion = [shape for shape in if shape.utility] for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.utility] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) def cutpath(self): selected = self.get_selected() tools = selected[1:] toolgeo = cascaded_union([shp.geo for shp in tools]) target = selected[0] if type(target.geo) == Polygon: for ring in poly2rings(target.geo): self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(ring.difference(toolgeo))) self.delete_shape(target) elif type(target.geo) == LineString or type(target.geo) == LinearRing: self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(target.geo.difference(toolgeo))) self.delete_shape(target) else:"Not implemented.") self.replot() def toolbar_tool_toggle(self, key): self.options[key] = self.sender().isChecked() def clear(self): self.active_tool = None #self.shape_buffer = [] self.selected = [] = FlatCAMDraw.make_storage() self.replot() def edit_fcgeometry(self, fcgeometry): """ Imports the geometry from the given FlatCAM Geometry object into the editor. :param fcgeometry: FlatCAMGeometry :return: None """ assert isinstance(fcgeometry, Geometry) self.clear() self.select_tool("select") # Link shapes into editor. for shape in fcgeometry.flatten(): if shape is not None: # TODO: Make flatten never create a None self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(shape)) self.replot() self.drawing_toolbar.setDisabled(False) self.snap_toolbar.setDisabled(False) def on_tool_select(self, tool): """ Behavior of the toolbar. Tool initialization. :rtype : None """"on_tool_select('%s')" % tool) # This is to make the group behave as radio group if tool in if[tool]["button"].isChecked():"%s is checked." % tool) for t in if t != tool:[t]["button"].setChecked(False) self.active_tool =[tool]["constructor"](self) else:"%s is NOT checked." % tool) for t in[t]["button"].setChecked(False) self.active_tool = None def on_canvas_click(self, event): """ event.x and .y have canvas coordinates event.xdaya and .ydata have plot coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by Matplotlib :return: None """ if self.active_tool is not None: # Dispatch event to active_tool msg =, event.ydata)) # If it is a shape generating tool if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCShapeTool) and self.active_tool.complete: self.on_shape_complete() return if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCSelect):"Replotting after click.") self.replot() else:"No active tool to respond to click!") def on_canvas_move(self, event): """ event.x and .y have canvas coordinates event.xdaya and .ydata have plot coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by Matplotlib :return: """ self.on_canvas_move_effective(event) return None # self.move_timer.stop() # # if self.active_tool is None: # return # # # Make a function to avoid late evaluation # def make_callback(): # def f(): # self.on_canvas_move_effective(event) # return f # callback = make_callback() # # self.move_timer.timeout.connect(callback) # self.move_timer.start(500) # Stops if aready running def on_canvas_move_effective(self, event): """ Is called after timeout on timer set in on_canvas_move. For details on animating on MPL see: event.x and .y have canvas coordinates event.xdaya and .ydata have plot coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by Matplotlib :return: None """ try: x = float(event.xdata) y = float(event.ydata) except TypeError: return if self.active_tool is None: return ### Snap coordinates x, y = self.snap(x, y) ### Utility geometry (animated) self.canvas.canvas.restore_region(self.canvas.background) geo = self.active_tool.utility_geometry(data=(x, y)) if isinstance(geo, DrawToolShape) and geo.geo is not None: # Remove any previous utility shape self.delete_utility_geometry() # Add the new utility shape self.add_shape(geo) # Efficient plotting for fast animation #self.canvas.canvas.restore_region(self.canvas.background) elements = self.plot_shape(geometry=geo.geo, linespec="b--", linewidth=1, animated=True) for el in elements: self.axes.draw_artist(el) #self.canvas.canvas.blit(self.axes.bbox) # Pointer (snapped) elements = self.axes.plot(x, y, 'bo', animated=True) for el in elements: self.axes.draw_artist(el) self.canvas.canvas.blit(self.axes.bbox) def on_canvas_key(self, event): """ event.key has the key. :param event: :return: """ self.key = event.key ### Finish the current action. Use with tools that do not ### complete automatically, like a polygon or path. if event.key == ' ': if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCShapeTool):, event.ydata)) self.active_tool.make() if self.active_tool.complete: self.on_shape_complete() return ### Abort the current action if event.key == 'escape': # TODO: ...? #self.on_tool_select("select")"Cancelled.") self.delete_utility_geometry() self.replot() # self.select_btn.setChecked(True) # self.on_tool_select('select') self.select_tool('select') return ### Delete selected object if event.key == '-': self.delete_selected() self.replot() ### Move if event.key == 'm': self.move_btn.setChecked(True) self.on_tool_select('move') self.active_tool.set_origin(self.snap(event.xdata, event.ydata)) ### Copy if event.key == 'c': self.copy_btn.setChecked(True) self.on_tool_select('copy') self.active_tool.set_origin(self.snap(event.xdata, event.ydata)) ### Snap if event.key == 'g': self.grid_snap_btn.trigger() if event.key == 'k': self.corner_snap_btn.trigger() ### Propagate to tool response = None if self.active_tool is not None: response = self.active_tool.on_key(event.key) if response is not None: def on_canvas_key_release(self, event): self.key = None def on_delete_btn(self): self.delete_selected() self.replot() def get_selected(self): """ Returns list of shapes that are selected in the editor. :return: List of shapes. """ #return [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape["selected"]] return self.selected def delete_selected(self): tempref = [s for s in self.selected] for shape in tempref: self.delete_shape(shape) self.selected = [] def plot_shape(self, geometry=None, linespec='b-', linewidth=1, animated=False): """ Plots a geometric object or list of objects without rendering. Plotted objects are returned as a list. This allows for efficient/animated rendering. :param geometry: Geometry to be plotted (Any Shapely.geom kind or list of such) :param linespec: Matplotlib linespec string. :param linewidth: Width of lines in # of pixels. :param animated: If geometry is to be animated. (See MPL plot()) :return: List of plotted elements. """ plot_elements = [] if geometry is None: geometry = self.active_tool.geometry try: for geo in geometry: plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geo, linespec=linespec, linewidth=linewidth, animated=animated) ## Non-iterable except TypeError: ## DrawToolShape if isinstance(geometry, DrawToolShape): plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geometry.geo, linespec=linespec, linewidth=linewidth, animated=animated) ## Polygon: Dscend into exterior and each interior. if type(geometry) == Polygon: plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geometry.exterior, linespec=linespec, linewidth=linewidth, animated=animated) plot_elements += self.plot_shape(geometry=geometry.interiors, linespec=linespec, linewidth=linewidth, animated=animated) if type(geometry) == LineString or type(geometry) == LinearRing: x, y = geometry.coords.xy element, = self.axes.plot(x, y, linespec, linewidth=linewidth, animated=animated) plot_elements.append(element) if type(geometry) == Point: x, y = geometry.coords.xy element, = self.axes.plot(x, y, 'bo', linewidth=linewidth, animated=animated) plot_elements.append(element) return plot_elements def plot_all(self): """ Plots all shapes in the editor. Clears the axes, plots, and call self.canvas.auto_adjust_axes. :return: None :rtype: None """"plot_all()") self.axes.cla() for shape in if shape.geo is None: # TODO: This shouldn't have happened continue if shape in self.selected: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo, linespec='k-', linewidth=2) continue self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo) for shape in self.utility: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo, linespec='k--', linewidth=1) continue self.canvas.auto_adjust_axes() def on_shape_complete(self):"on_shape_complete()") # Add shape self.add_shape(self.active_tool.geometry) # Remove any utility shapes self.delete_utility_geometry() # Replot and reset tool. self.replot() self.active_tool = type(self.active_tool)(self) def delete_shape(self, shape): if shape in self.utility: self.utility.remove(shape) return if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) def replot(self): self.axes = self.canvas.new_axes("draw") self.plot_all() @staticmethod def make_storage(): ## Shape storage. storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage() storage.get_points = DrawToolShape.get_pts return storage def select_tool(self, toolname): """ Selects a drawing tool. Impacts the object and GUI. :param toolname: Name of the tool. :return: None """[toolname]["button"].setChecked(True) self.on_tool_select(toolname) def set_selected(self, shape): # Remove and add to the end. if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) self.selected.append(shape) def set_unselected(self, shape): if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) def snap(self, x, y): """ Adjusts coordinates to snap settings. :param x: Input coordinate X :param y: Input coordinate Y :return: Snapped (x, y) """ snap_x, snap_y = (x, y) snap_distance = Inf ### Object (corner?) snap ### No need for the objects, just the coordinates ### in the index. if self.options["corner_snap"]: try: nearest_pt, shape =, y)) nearest_pt_distance = distance((x, y), nearest_pt) if nearest_pt_distance <= self.options["snap_max"]: snap_distance = nearest_pt_distance snap_x, snap_y = nearest_pt except (StopIteration, AssertionError): pass ### Grid snap if self.options["grid_snap"]: if self.options["snap-x"] != 0: snap_x_ = round(x / self.options["snap-x"]) * self.options['snap-x'] else: snap_x_ = x if self.options["snap-y"] != 0: snap_y_ = round(y / self.options["snap-y"]) * self.options['snap-y'] else: snap_y_ = y nearest_grid_distance = distance((x, y), (snap_x_, snap_y_)) if nearest_grid_distance < snap_distance: snap_x, snap_y = (snap_x_, snap_y_) return snap_x, snap_y def update_fcgeometry(self, fcgeometry): """ Transfers the drawing tool shape buffer to the selected geometry object. The geometry already in the object are removed. :param fcgeometry: FlatCAMGeometry :return: None """ fcgeometry.solid_geometry = [] #for shape in self.shape_buffer: for shape in fcgeometry.solid_geometry.append(shape.geo) def union(self): """ Makes union of selected polygons. Original polygons are deleted. :return: None. """ results = cascaded_union([t.geo for t in self.get_selected()]) # Delete originals. for_deletion = [s for s in self.get_selected()] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) # Selected geometry is now gone! self.selected = [] self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(results)) self.replot() def intersection(self): """ Makes intersectino of selected polygons. Original polygons are deleted. :return: None """ shapes = self.get_selected() results = shapes[0].geo for shape in shapes[1:]: results = results.intersection(shape.geo) # Delete originals. for_deletion = [s for s in self.get_selected()] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) # Selected geometry is now gone! self.selected = [] self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(results)) self.replot() def subtract(self): selected = self.get_selected() tools = selected[1:] toolgeo = cascaded_union([shp.geo for shp in tools]) result = selected[0].geo.difference(toolgeo) self.delete_shape(selected[0]) self.add_shape(DrawToolShape(result)) self.replot() def distance(pt1, pt2): return sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2) def mag(vec): return sqrt(vec[0] ** 2 + vec[1] ** 2) def poly2rings(poly): return [poly.exterior] + [interior for interior in poly.interiors]