############################################################ # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 12/18/2015 # # MIT Licence # # # # SVG Features supported: # # * Groups # # * Rectangles (w/ rounded corners) # # * Circles # # * Ellipses # # * Polygons # # * Polylines # # * Lines # # * Paths # # * All transformations # # # # Reference: www.w3.org/TR/SVG/Overview.html # ############################################################ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import re import itertools from svg.path import Path, Line, Arc, CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, parse_path from shapely.geometry import LinearRing, LineString, Point, Polygon from shapely.affinity import translate, rotate, scale, skew, affine_transform import numpy as np import logging log = logging.getLogger('base2') def svgparselength(lengthstr): """ Parse an SVG length string into a float and a units string, if any. :param lengthstr: SVG length string. :return: Number and units pair. :rtype: tuple(float, str|None) """ integer_re_str = r'[+-]?[0-9]+' number_re_str = r'(?:[+-]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(?:[Ee]' + integer_re_str + ')?' + r')|' + \ r'(?:' + integer_re_str + r'(?:[Ee]' + integer_re_str + r')?)' length_re_str = r'(' + number_re_str + r')(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)?' match = re.search(length_re_str, lengthstr) if match: return float(match.group(1)), match.group(2) raise Exception('Cannot parse SVG length: %s' % lengthstr) def path2shapely(path, res=1.0): """ Converts an svg.path.Path into a Shapely LinearRing or LinearString. :rtype : LinearRing :rtype : LineString :param path: svg.path.Path instance :param res: Resolution (minimum step along path) :return: Shapely geometry object """ points = [] for component in path: # Line if isinstance(component, Line): start = component.start x, y = start.real, start.imag if len(points) == 0 or points[-1] != (x, y): points.append((x, y)) end = component.end points.append((end.real, end.imag)) continue # Arc, CubicBezier or QuadraticBezier if isinstance(component, Arc) or \ isinstance(component, CubicBezier) or \ isinstance(component, QuadraticBezier): # How many points to use in the dicrete representation. length = component.length(res / 10.0) steps = int(length / res + 0.5) # solve error when step is below 1, # it may cause other problems, but LineString needs at least two points if steps == 0: steps = 1 frac = 1.0 / steps # print length, steps, frac for i in range(steps): point = component.point(i * frac) x, y = point.real, point.imag if len(points) == 0 or points[-1] != (x, y): points.append((x, y)) end = component.point(1.0) points.append((end.real, end.imag)) continue log.warning("I don't know what this is:", component) continue if path.closed: return Polygon(points).buffer(0) # return LinearRing(points) else: return LineString(points) def svgrect2shapely(rect, n_points=32): """ Converts an SVG rect into Shapely geometry. :param rect: Rect Element :type rect: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :return: shapely.geometry.polygon.LinearRing """ w = svgparselength(rect.get('width'))[0] h = svgparselength(rect.get('height'))[0] x_obj = rect.get('x') if x_obj is not None: x = svgparselength(x_obj)[0] else: x = 0 y_obj = rect.get('y') if y_obj is not None: y = svgparselength(y_obj)[0] else: y = 0 rxstr = rect.get('rx') rystr = rect.get('ry') if rxstr is None and rystr is None: # Sharp corners pts = [ (x, y), (x + w, y), (x + w, y + h), (x, y + h), (x, y) ] else: # Rounded corners rx = 0.0 if rxstr is None else svgparselength(rxstr)[0] ry = 0.0 if rystr is None else svgparselength(rystr)[0] n_points = int(n_points / 4 + 0.5) t = np.arange(n_points, dtype=float) / n_points / 4 x_ = (x + w - rx) + rx * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t + 0.75)) y_ = (y + ry) + ry * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (t + 0.75)) lower_right = [(x_[i], y_[i]) for i in range(n_points)] x_ = (x + w - rx) + rx * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t) y_ = (y + h - ry) + ry * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t) upper_right = [(x_[i], y_[i]) for i in range(n_points)] x_ = (x + rx) + rx * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t + 0.25)) y_ = (y + h - ry) + ry * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (t + 0.25)) upper_left = [(x_[i], y_[i]) for i in range(n_points)] x_ = (x + rx) + rx * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t + 0.5)) y_ = (y + ry) + ry * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (t + 0.5)) lower_left = [(x_[i], y_[i]) for i in range(n_points)] pts = [(x + rx, y), (x - rx + w, y)] + \ lower_right + \ [(x + w, y + ry), (x + w, y + h - ry)] + \ upper_right + \ [(x + w - rx, y + h), (x + rx, y + h)] + \ upper_left + \ [(x, y + h - ry), (x, y + ry)] + \ lower_left return Polygon(pts).buffer(0) # return LinearRing(pts) def svgcircle2shapely(circle): """ Converts an SVG circle into Shapely geometry. :param circle: Circle Element :type circle: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :return: Shapely representation of the circle. :rtype: shapely.geometry.polygon.LinearRing """ # cx = float(circle.get('cx')) # cy = float(circle.get('cy')) # r = float(circle.get('r')) cx = svgparselength(circle.get('cx'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet cy = svgparselength(circle.get('cy'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet r = svgparselength(circle.get('r'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet # TODO: No resolution specified. return Point(cx, cy).buffer(r) def svgellipse2shapely(ellipse, n_points=64): """ Converts an SVG ellipse into Shapely geometry :param ellipse: Ellipse Element :type ellipse: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :param n_points: Number of discrete points in output. :return: Shapely representation of the ellipse. :rtype: shapely.geometry.polygon.LinearRing """ cx = svgparselength(ellipse.get('cx'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet cy = svgparselength(ellipse.get('cy'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet rx = svgparselength(ellipse.get('rx'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet ry = svgparselength(ellipse.get('ry'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet t = np.arange(n_points, dtype=float) / n_points x = cx + rx * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t) y = cy + ry * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t) pts = [(x[i], y[i]) for i in range(n_points)] return Polygon(pts).buffer(0) # return LinearRing(pts) def svgline2shapely(line): """ :param line: Line element :type line: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :return: Shapely representation on the line. :rtype: shapely.geometry.polygon.LinearRing """ x1 = svgparselength(line.get('x1'))[0] y1 = svgparselength(line.get('y1'))[0] x2 = svgparselength(line.get('x2'))[0] y2 = svgparselength(line.get('y2'))[0] return LineString([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]) def svgpolyline2shapely(polyline): ptliststr = polyline.get('points') points = parse_svg_point_list(ptliststr) return LineString(points) def svgpolygon2shapely(polygon): ptliststr = polygon.get('points') points = parse_svg_point_list(ptliststr) return Polygon(points).buffer(0) # return LinearRing(points) def getsvggeo(node): """ Extracts and flattens all geometry from an SVG node into a list of Shapely geometry. :param node: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :return: List of Shapely geometry :rtype: list """ kind = re.search('(?:\{.*\})?(.*)$', node.tag).group(1) geo = [] # Recurse if len(node) > 0: for child in node: subgeo = getsvggeo(child) if subgeo is not None: geo += subgeo # Parse elif kind == 'path': log.debug("***PATH***") P = parse_path(node.get('d')) P = path2shapely(P) geo = [P] elif kind == 'rect': log.debug("***RECT***") R = svgrect2shapely(node) geo = [R] elif kind == 'circle': log.debug("***CIRCLE***") C = svgcircle2shapely(node) geo = [C] elif kind == 'ellipse': log.debug("***ELLIPSE***") E = svgellipse2shapely(node) geo = [E] elif kind == 'polygon': log.debug("***POLYGON***") poly = svgpolygon2shapely(node) geo = [poly] elif kind == 'line': log.debug("***LINE***") line = svgline2shapely(node) geo = [line] elif kind == 'polyline': log.debug("***POLYLINE***") pline = svgpolyline2shapely(node) geo = [pline] else: log.warning("Unknown kind: " + kind) geo = None # ignore transformation for unknown kind if geo is not None: # Transformations if 'transform' in node.attrib: trstr = node.get('transform') trlist = parse_svg_transform(trstr) #log.debug(trlist) # Transformations are applied in reverse order for tr in trlist[::-1]: if tr[0] == 'translate': geo = [translate(geoi, tr[1], tr[2]) for geoi in geo] elif tr[0] == 'scale': geo = [scale(geoi, tr[0], tr[1], origin=(0, 0)) for geoi in geo] elif tr[0] == 'rotate': geo = [rotate(geoi, tr[1], origin=(tr[2], tr[3])) for geoi in geo] elif tr[0] == 'skew': geo = [skew(geoi, tr[1], tr[2], origin=(0, 0)) for geoi in geo] elif tr[0] == 'matrix': geo = [affine_transform(geoi, tr[1:]) for geoi in geo] else: raise Exception('Unknown transformation: %s', tr) return geo def parse_svg_point_list(ptliststr): """ Returns a list of coordinate pairs extracted from the "points" attribute in SVG polygons and polylines. :param ptliststr: "points" attribute string in polygon or polyline. :return: List of tuples with coordinates. """ pairs = [] last = None pos = 0 i = 0 for match in re.finditer(r'(\s*,\s*)|(\s+)', ptliststr.strip(' ')): val = float(ptliststr[pos:match.start()]) if i % 2 == 1: pairs.append((last, val)) else: last = val pos = match.end() i += 1 # Check for last element val = float(ptliststr[pos:]) if i % 2 == 1: pairs.append((last, val)) else: log.warning("Incomplete coordinates.") return pairs def parse_svg_transform(trstr): """ Parses an SVG transform string into a list of transform names and their parameters. Possible transformations are: * Translate: translate( []), which specifies a translation by tx and ty. If is not provided, it is assumed to be zero. Result is ['translate', tx, ty] * Scale: scale( []), which specifies a scale operation by sx and sy. If is not provided, it is assumed to be equal to . Result is: ['scale', sx, sy] * Rotate: rotate( [ ]), which specifies a rotation by degrees about a given point. If optional parameters and are not supplied, the rotate is about the origin of the current user coordinate system. Result is: ['rotate', rotate-angle, cx, cy] * Skew: skewX(), which specifies a skew transformation along the x-axis. skewY(), which specifies a skew transformation along the y-axis. Result is ['skew', angle-x, angle-y] * Matrix: matrix( ), which specifies a transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f]. Result is ['matrix', a, b, c, d, e, f] Note: All parameters to the transformations are "numbers", i.e. no units present. :param trstr: SVG transform string. :type trstr: str :return: List of transforms. :rtype: list """ trlist = [] assert isinstance(trstr, str) trstr = trstr.strip(' ') integer_re_str = r'[+-]?[0-9]+' number_re_str = r'(?:[+-]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(?:[Ee]' + integer_re_str + ')?' + r')|' + \ r'(?:' + integer_re_str + r'(?:[Ee]' + integer_re_str + r')?)' # num_re_str = r'[\+\-]?[0-9\.e]+' # TODO: Negative exponents missing comma_or_space_re_str = r'(?:(?:\s+)|(?:\s*,\s*))' translate_re_str = r'translate\s*\(\s*(' + \ number_re_str + r')(?:' + \ comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r'))?\s*\)' scale_re_str = r'scale\s*\(\s*(' + \ number_re_str + r')' + \ r'(?:' + comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r'))?\s*\)' skew_re_str = r'skew([XY])\s*\(\s*(' + \ number_re_str + r')\s*\)' rotate_re_str = r'rotate\s*\(\s*(' + \ number_re_str + r')' + \ r'(?:' + comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r')' + \ comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r'))?\s*\)' matrix_re_str = r'matrix\s*\(\s*' + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r')' + comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r')' + comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r')' + comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r')' + comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r')' + comma_or_space_re_str + \ r'(' + number_re_str + r')\s*\)' while len(trstr) > 0: match = re.search(r'^' + translate_re_str, trstr) if match: trlist.append([ 'translate', float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2)) if match.group else 0.0 ]) trstr = trstr[len(match.group(0)):].strip(' ') continue match = re.search(r'^' + scale_re_str, trstr) if match: trlist.append([ 'translate', float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2)) if match.group else float(match.group(1)) ]) trstr = trstr[len(match.group(0)):].strip(' ') continue match = re.search(r'^' + skew_re_str, trstr) if match: trlist.append([ 'skew', float(match.group(2)) if match.group(1) == 'X' else 0.0, float(match.group(2)) if match.group(1) == 'Y' else 0.0 ]) trstr = trstr[len(match.group(0)):].strip(' ') continue match = re.search(r'^' + rotate_re_str, trstr) if match: trlist.append([ 'rotate', float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2)) if match.group(2) else 0.0, float(match.group(3)) if match.group(3) else 0.0 ]) trstr = trstr[len(match.group(0)):].strip(' ') continue match = re.search(r'^' + matrix_re_str, trstr) if match: trlist.append(['matrix'] + [float(x) for x in match.groups()]) trstr = trstr[len(match.group(0)):].strip(' ') continue raise Exception("Don't know how to parse: %s" % trstr) return trlist if __name__ == "__main__": tree = ET.parse('tests/svg/drawing.svg') root = tree.getroot() ns = re.search(r'\{(.*)\}', root.tag).group(1) print(ns) for geo in getsvggeo(root): print(geo)